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The passage discusses a sample English proficiency test that covers topics like verb tenses, comparatives, conditionals, and listening comprehension.

The conversation is between a student and a university librarian. They discuss borrowing a book called 'George' by an unknown writer, which has a shelf number and borrowing policies for short loan books.

The test includes exercises on verb tenses, comparatives, future forms, conditionals, and listening comprehension with pictures matching short recordings.


Class: PRE-INTERMEDIATE Date: May 2nd 2018


Fill in the gaps with the correct tense (Past simple or Present perfect
1 A: (you / taste / ever) _____________________________ sushi?
2 B: Yes, I (eat) ___________________ sushi five times so far.
3 A: When (you / eat) ______________________sushi for the last time?
B: I (eat) ____________________ sushi two days ago.
4 A: (you / like) ___________________ it?
5 B: Absolutely! In fact, it (be) ____________ so good that we are going to the restaurant now.
___/5 marks
Write the correct comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives to
complete the sentences.

1. The blue car is ______________________ than the red car (expensive)

2. Mount Everest is ___________________ than Mount Fuji (high)
3. This is the __________________ T-shirt in the store.
4. The Mona Lisa is one of the ________________________ paintings in this museum (beautiful)
5. The Lut desert in Iran is the _________________ place in the world (hot)
6. Antartica is the ___________________ place on earth (cold)
7. Bob is than __________________ Mike (intelligent)
8. Michael Jordan was the ________________ basketball player for many years (good)
9. A cat is _________________ a cat (strong)
10. This is the ______________ book in the store (bad)

___/10 marks

3 Fill in the gaps with the correct Future form (will or be going to)
1. “Where are you going on holiday?” I don’t know, maybe ___________ go to India.
2. Are you watching the game? It’s 5-2, they _______ win the match!
3. I think you ____________ like this movie.
4. We ______________ get married next year.
5. I can’t join you at the party, I _______________ be away for two weeks.
6. You _______________ see Mr. Thomas at 10.00.
7. Have you heard? Jean is pregnant, she _____________ have a baby.
8. This exercise looks really hard. – I _____________ help you.
9. Don’t forget that we ______________ go out with Sue and Peter tonight!
10. Look at that beautiful sky! It most certainly _____________ rain today.
___/10 marks
4 Fill in the blanks with the correct Zero or First conditional form of the verbs.

face2face Second Edition Pre-intermediate Testmaker © Cambridge University Press 2012 (PHOTOCOPIABLE)
Page 1
1. If my husband __________ (eat) too much French fries, he __________  (get) fat.
2. When I __________ (sell) my motorbike, I __________ (buy) a boat.
3. Unless ice __________ (warm) up, it __________ (not melt).
4. If I __________ (learn) this lesson, I __________ (pass) my exam.
5. Jacob _________ (pick) you up, if it _________(rains).
6. If John _________ (fail) his English exam, he _________ (not go) to the party.
7. When it _________(rain), shops _________ (sell) more umbrellas.
___/7 marks
Fill in the blanks with the correct First or Second conditional form of the

1. He's coming to our offices tomorrow. If I (see) ___________ him, I'll give him the message. 
2. We (move) __________ if we had the money. Unfortunately new houses are very expensive in this
3. If I (be) __________ a millionaire, I'd still work so that I didn't get bored. 
4. If I (tell) __________ you a secret, will you promise not to tell anyone? 
5. Do you think it would be better if I (wait) __________ another week, or shall I sell my shares in the
company now? 
6. If he causes any more problems, I (fire) __________ him. 
7. Would you mind if I (open) __________ the window? It's really hot in here. 
8. If I (lose) __________ my job, I'd apply to join the police. 
9. Where would you go if you (can) __________ go anywhere in the world? 
10. If you (see) __________ her, say hello.

___/10 marks

Listening: There are three questions in this part. For each question, there are three pictures
6 and a short recording. Match (X) on the correct picture.

1. What time will the train arrive?

face2face Second Edition Pre-intermediate Testmaker © Cambridge University Press 2012 (PHOTOCOPIABLE)
Page 2
____ ____ ____

2. How long will the man stay at the hotel in total?

____ ____ ____

3. What will they buy?

____ ____ ____

2.Listen to a conversation between a student and a university librarian. Complete the table.

Name of the book

Writer George
Shelf number
Students can borrow short loan books for: hours
Must return book by
Library closing time 11:30 pm
____/13 marks

Total: _________ / 55 marks


face2face Second Edition Pre-intermediate Testmaker © Cambridge University Press 2012 (PHOTOCOPIABLE)
Page 3

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