Ampara I Road (AM-02) SJT Engineering PVT - LTD Pag - 1 NEM Construction PVT LTD 08.06.2020 31st March 2020

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Project :- Ampara I Road (AM-02)

Sub Contractor :-SJT Engineering Pvt.Ltd pag -1

Supplier:- NEM Construction Pvt Ltd
Date :- 08.06.2020
Period 31st March 2020
Item :- Asphalt Transport Dump truck 6 wheels (Minimum charge Rs: 7,500.00 Per Trip)

Transport Minimum
DATE Description Vehicle No Rate Loaded Km Quantity (Ton) Km x Ton Transport Trip
charge Rs.
charge Rs.
Transport of As.:We: LK-9167 11.00 100 17.89 1,789.00 19,679.00 -
Transport of As.:We: LI-1698 11.00 101 16.35 1,651.35 18,164.85 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-9626 11.00 100.5 17.82 1,790.91 19,700.01 -
Transport of As.:We: LK-9155 11.00 102 17.83 1,818.66 20,005.26 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-8422 11.00 101.5 17.77 1,803.66 19,840.21 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-8424 11.00 100 17.78 1,778.00 19,558.00 -
Sub Total 605 105.44
Transport of As.:We: LI-1698 11.00 103 17.73 1,826.19 20,088.09 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-9626 11.00 103.5 17.79 1,841.27 20,253.92 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-8422 11.00 102.5 16.32 1,672.80 18,400.80 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-8424 11.00 101.5 17.79 1,805.69 19,862.54 -
Transport of As.:We: LK-9155 11.00 102.5 17.78 1,822.45 20,046.95 -
Transport of As.:We: LK-9167 11.00 102.5 17.77 1,821.43 20,035.68 -
Sub Total 615.5 105.18
Transport of As.:We: LH-8422 11.00 118.5 17.75 2,103.38 23,137.13 -
Transport of As.:We: LK-9155 11.00 119 17.76 2,113.44 23,247.84 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-8424 11.00 117 17.78 2,080.26 22,882.86 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-9626 11.00 119 17.81 2,119.39 23,313.29 -
Transport of As.:We: LK-9167 11.00 117.5 17.72 2,082.10 22,903.10 -
Transport of As.:We: LI-1698 11.00 119 15.11 1,798.09 19,778.99 -
Sub Total 710 103.93
Transport of As.:We: LK-9167 11.00 105 17.78 1,866.90 20,535.90 -

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Project :- Ampara I Road (AM-02)
Sub Contractor :-SJT Engineering Pvt.Ltd pag -1
Supplier:- NEM Construction Pvt Ltd
Date :- 08.06.2020
Period 31st March 2020
Item :- Asphalt Transport Dump truck 6 wheels (Minimum charge Rs: 7,500.00 Per Trip)

Transport Minimum
DATE Description Vehicle No Rate Loaded Km Quantity (Ton) Km x Ton Transport Trip
charge Rs.
charge Rs.
Transport of As.:We: LH-8422 11.00 105.5 17.73 1,870.52 20,575.67 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-9626 11.00 106.5 17.78 1,893.57 20,829.27 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-8424 11.00 105 17.72 1,860.60 20,466.60 -
Transport of As.:We: LK-9155 11.00 105.5 17.73 1,870.52 20,575.67 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-7615 11.00 97 17.75 1,721.75 18,939.25 -
Sub Total 624.50 106.49
Transport of As.:We: LH-9626 11.00 108.5 18.96 2,057.16 22,628.76 -
Transport of As.:We: LK-9167 11.00 107.5 17.74 1,907.05 20,977.55 -
13-Jun-2020 Transport of As.:We: LH-8422 11.00 108.5 17.65 1,915.03 21,065.28 -
Transport of As.:We: LK-9155 11.00 107.5 17.73 1,905.98 20,965.73 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-8424 11.00 107 17.76 1,900.32 20,903.52 -
Sub Total 539 89.84
Transport of As.:We: LH-9626 11.00 117.5 17.63 2,071.53 22,786.78 -
Transport of As.:We: LI-1698 11.00 117 17.55 2,053.35 22,586.85 -
Transport of As.:We: LK-9155 11.00 117 17.73 2,074.41 22,818.51 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-8424 11.00 116 17.63 2,045.08 22,495.88 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-8422 11.00 118 17.67 2,085.06 22,935.66 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-7615 11.00 110.5 16.44 1,816.62 19,982.82 -
Sub Total 696 104.65
Transport of As.:We: LI-1698 11.00 110 17.73 1,950.30 21,453.30 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-8422 11.00 106.5 17.75 1,890.38 20,794.13 -
20-Jun-2020 Transport of As.:We: LH-8424 11.00 106 17.83 1,889.98 20,789.78 -

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Project :- Ampara I Road (AM-02)
Sub Contractor :-SJT Engineering Pvt.Ltd pag -1
Supplier:- NEM Construction Pvt Ltd
Date :- 08.06.2020
Period 31st March 2020
Item :- Asphalt Transport Dump truck 6 wheels (Minimum charge Rs: 7,500.00 Per Trip)

Transport Minimum
DATE Description Vehicle No Rate Loaded Km Quantity (Ton) Km x Ton Transport Trip
charge Rs.
20-Jun-2020 charge Rs.
Transport of As.:We: LK-9155 11.00 107 17.71 1,894.97 20,844.67 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-7615 11.00 97.5 17.76 1,731.60 19,047.60 -
Sub Total 527 88.78
Transport of As.:We: LH-8422 11.00 110.5 17.74 1,960.27 21,562.97 -
Transport of As.:We: LK-9155 11.00 110 17.75 1,952.50 21,477.50 -
Transport of As.:We: LI-1698 11.00 113.5 17.75 2,014.63 22,160.88 -
21-Jun-2020 Transport of As.:We: LH-8424 11.00 109.5 17.86 1,955.67 21,512.37 -
Transport of As.:We: LI-0704 11.00 106 17.67 1,873.02 20,603.22 -
Transport of As.:We: LH-9626 11.00 107.5 17.95 1,929.63 21,225.88 -
Transport of As.:We: LI-1653 11.00 110.5 17.67 1,952.54 21,477.89 -
Sub Total 767.5 124.39
Total Quantity 5,084.50 828.70 89,628.94 985,918.34 -

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