The Satisfaction of Ruqyah On Cancer Patients

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International Journal of Research Studies in Medical and Health Sciences

Volume 3, Issue 8, 2018, PP 01-05

ISSN : 2456-6373

The Satisfaction of Ruqyah on Cancer Patients

Sami Ayed Alshammary, MD1,2, Balaji Duraisamy MD1, Fawzi al-Odeh1 , Muhammad Salman
Bashir 3, Wedad Salah Alharbi, MSN, RN 1, Abdullah Altamemi1.
Palliative Care Unit, Comprehensive Cancer Centre, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh
Centre for Postgraduate Studies in Family Medicine, Ministry of Health, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Department of Biostatistics, Research Services Administration, Research Center, King Fahad
Medical City, Riyadh.
*Corresponding Author: Sami Ayed Alshammary, Palliative Care Unit, Comprehensive Cancer
Centre, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh

Ruqyah defined in Islam as the recitation of the Quran seeking the refuge in Allah, remembrance, and
supplications that are used as a means of treating sicknesses and other problems as the Quran is a source of
healing (1,2). Cancer is a life-threatening disease that often has a tremendous impact on patient’s quality of
life, also is associated with the experience of uncertainty, vulnerability, hopelessness, isolation, fear, shock,
depression, anger, and expectation of healing versus death. Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality
Worldwide. It places considerable mental, physical, and emotional stress on patients and requires them to
make significant adjustments in many key areas of their lives4.
The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of Ruqyah on cancer patients among patients admitted
to the comprehensive cancer center (CCC) in KFMC, Riyadh.
To explore the significance of Ruqyah on cancer patients
Significant of the study
Ruqyah satisfaction as part of the religious and cultural influences on general heath wellbeing of Muslims,
and provides a better understanding of Ruqyah practice, and its implications for counseling and spiritual
interventions. The data to validate this satisfaction is lacking; Few study has been done in Muslim
countries.Dling this study will provide an understanding the significant Ruqyah.
Keywords: Patient satisfaction, Ruqyah, cancer patients.

INTRODUCTION Praying for healing is a fundamental of Islamic

Spirituality is subjective, and it has a different custom. Also, it is an important tradition of the
perception. The uncertainty in its meaning can Prophet Muhamed, peace be upon him (
generate obstacles to incorporate with patient Sunnah), and it became a vital part of Muslim
care in the hospital environment (10). culture. (8). Religion and spirituality are known
Furthermore, the complementary and alternative to play important roles in coping with illness.
medicine is becoming increasingly popular It is believed that spirituality or religion promotes
worldwide, nd equally important the advanced adjustment through its ability to give meaning
technology has contributed to phenomenal and hope by providing an explanation for the
advances in medicine and has augmented the experience of illness and suffering (6). Some
capability of the treating physician to prolong literature tried to evaluate the non-
patient’s life (13). Medical ethicists have pharmacological effects of Holy Quran recitation
reminded healthcare providers that religion and to reduce the usage of pharmacological sedative
spirituality form the foundation of meaning and drugs which has many side effects to the
determination for many people (13). Therefore, patients (3).
disease such as cancer requires spiritual and
compassionate care that is associated with Dedication on spirituality has observed to have
inherented spiritual activity. Therefore, the the desired impact on patients' health outcomes,
treating physician should attempte to balance as well as the quality of life. Contrasting with
their care (1,13). negative spiritual and religious beliefs that

International Journal of Research Studies in Medical and Health Sciences V3 ● I8 ● 2018 1

The Satisfaction of Ruqyah on Cancer Patients

observed to associate with distress and increase Inclusion Criteria

the burdens of illness(11). Patients with advanced  patients who have been diagnosis with
illness were observed to contribute a positive cancer,
difference in the lives of others; hence the
patients were able to share their deepest thoughts,  18 years and above
and they had a sense of meaning in their lives.  A patient who willing to participate in the
Furthermore, that peacefulness was strongly study.
linked to emotional and spiritual well-being(9) Exclusion Criteria
Spirituality and its relation to health is a  Patients under age 18 years,
fundamental issue, equally important one of the  Unable to understand written or verbal
Muslim religious influences on health or instructions to complete the questionnaire
sickness behaviors is Ruqyah(5). Ruqyah and not willing to participate.
defined in Islam as the recitation of the Quran
Data to be collected
seeking the refuge in Allah, remembrance, and
supplications that are used as a means of Data were collected during the period from
treating sicknesses and other problems with the between June 2017 and November 2017 by a
Quran as a source of healing (1,2). Another skilled individual Islamic healer.
definition is "Ruqyah means reciting Qur’an and Section A
saying supplications reported from the Prophet Socio- demographic characteristics including
(peace be upon him) over the sick seeking to be age, gender, marital status, education level,
cured; in addition to other good and lawful occupation, income, and place of residence.
Section B
It is a usual practice for most of Muslim to Patient's cancer profile.
recite prayer daily and listen to prayer recitation.
Section C
Listening to Holy Quran recitation has a
significant effect on to alleviate stress and The motives of the respondents seeking Ruqyah
recover from sickness even the physiological for their cancer treatment.
stress response(1,2,7). Binti Abu Bakar study Section D
reported that mechanically ventilated patient Overall feeling before and after Ruqyah.
who listened AlFatehah and Yassin recitation Pilot study
the stress level were significant reduced (7).
Pilot study was done to refine the questionnaire.
In the healthcare environments, usually not all Patient who had participated in the pilot study
healthcare providers tend to approve patients’ were not be included in this study.
spiritual needs. Although the patient’s spiritual Ethics
beliefs and practices are believed to encourage Permission to perform this study were sought
adjustment and acceptance of the illness {6}. from KFMC IRB Committee.
Thus, patient satisfaction has been recognized as
one of the key indicators of health care quality Informed Consent
(3). Muslim religious beliefs have an impact on The participant was informed about the purpose
the mental health of individuals, families, and of the study. Then the participant was asked to
communities (1). The lack of understanding of sign an informed consent before participating in
the relationship between religious influences on the study. They were assured that participation
health or sickness behaviors can have an impact in this study is voluntary. They have a right not
on healthcare professionals’ daily care delivery. to sign the informed consent or not to participate
On the positive side, healthcare expert should in the study, and their treatment regime were not
recognize the significance and effect of the being affected.
spiritual dimension, and come to the consensus
Statistical Analysis Procedure
that spiritual needs must be cantered for the
patients who need this service to satisfy their Categorical variables gender, age group and
spiritual needs. marital status etc. were presented in frequencies
and percentages. Whereas Continuous variables
METHODS pre and post of Ruqyah scores were expressed
We randomly selected 200 consecutive adult as Mean ± S.D. Chi-square / Fisher’s exact test
cancer inpatients who requested and consented was used according to whether the cell expected
for Ruqyah. frequency is smaller than 5 and it was applied to

2 International Journal of Research Studies in Medical and Health Sciences V3 ● I8 ● 2018

The Satisfaction of Ruqyah on Cancer Patients

determine the significant association among unemployed patients. 13.5% were in

categorical variables. Paired sample t-test was government jobs and a few were students.
applied to determine the mean significant The number of patients with low income of less
difference between pre and post scores of than SR 3,000 was 14%. Patients with income
Ruqyah. P – value < 0.05 two-tailed was of between 3000 saudi riyals and ten thousand
considered as statistically significant. All data were 21.5%. In addition, patients with no
was entered and analyzed through statistical income were the highest in the group, with
package SPSS version 22. 50.5%. It is clear that the reason for limited
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION income for most patients is because they are
residents of remote areas (83.5%).
Patients Characteristics
When we asked patients for medical diagnosis
Age group, gender, marital status and and type of cancer, 76 (38%) of them responded
educational level were reported in this study. that they were suffering from diseases other than
Total patients who answered the questions was cancer. Patients with breast cancer and
200. Patients aged 51-60 years were the most
leukaemia made up 13%. cancers of ovary and
frequent (25.5%), while patients aged more than
stomach were the least frequent ranging from
71 years made up 12% of all patients. The 2% to 2.5%.
current study showed that most patients were
men (55.5%) compared to women (44.5%). In There were only two patients in stage II of cancer,
addition, 153 patients were married, 33 were compared to 14% in stage IV cancer.Majority of
unmarried, 10 were widows and 4 were the patients did not know their stage of cancer.
divorced. As for the educational levels, it was 16.5% had recurrent cancers and 1.5% of them
found after the study that 40 patients had were cancer survivors.
primary education, 27 patients had secondary 103 patients (51.5%) responded that they did not
level education, 43 patients had higher undergo surgical treatment. 88 patients (44.0%)
education such as Masters and PhD. A large received radiation therapy. Most patients
proportion (53 patients) did not have any formal received chemotherapy (84.5%) In addition,
education. Our results show that the majority of only 5 patients (2.5%) received hormone
patients did not have jobs, with 37% therapy. One patient received stem cell therapy.
Table1. General Characteristics of patients (n = 200)
Characteristics Descriptions n(n%)
Age Group < =30 29 (14.5%)
31 - 40 28 (14.0%)
41 - 50 26 (13.0%)
51 - 60 51 (25.5%)
61 - 70 42 (21.0%)
> = 71 24 (12.0%)
Gender Male 111 (55.5%)
Female 89 (44.5%)
Marital status Single 33 (16.5%)
Married 153 (76.5%)
Divorced 4 (2.0%)
Widow 10 (5.0%)
Educational level Primary 40 (20.0%)
Secondary 27 (13.5%)
Diploma/cert/stpm 37 (18.5%)
Degree/ Master/ PhD 43 (21.5%)
No formal education 53 (26.5%)
Occupation Government 27 (13.5%)
Housewife 19 (9.5%)
Not working 74 (37.0%)
Pensioner 47 (23.5%)
Private 18 (9.0%)
Student 15 (7.5%)
Income (SR) < 3000 SR 28 (14.0%)
3,001 - 10,000 SR 43 (21.5%)
> 10,000 28 (14.0%)
No Income 101 (50.5%)
Place of residence Urban 33 (16.5%)
Rural 167 (83.5%)

International Journal of Research Studies in Medical and Health Sciences V3 ● I8 ● 2018 3

The Satisfaction of Ruqyah on Cancer Patients

Cancer type Breast 26 (13.0%)

Colorect 7 (3.5%)
Colorectal/rectum 3 (1.5%)
Leukemia 27 (13.5%)
Liver 6 (3.0%)
Lung 21 (10.5%)
Lymphoma 24 (12.0%)
Nasophar 1 (0.5%)
Others 76 (38.0%)
Ovary 4 (2.0%)
Stomach 5 (2.5%)
Cancer stage Stage I 6 (3.0%)
Stage II 2 (1.0%)
Stage III 16 (8.0%)
Stage IV 28 (14.0%)
Not Sure 148 (74.0%)
Cancer status Cancer patient 164 (82.0%)
Cancer recurrence 33 (16.5%)
Survivor 3 (1.5%)
Type of conventional therapy given Surgery No 103 (51.5%)
Yes 97 (48.5%)
Type of conventional therapy given Radiotherapy No 112 (56.0%)
Yes 88 (44.0%)
Type of conventional therapy given Chemotherapy No 31 (15.5%)
Yes 169 (84.5%)
Type of conventional therapy given Hormonal therapy No 195 (97.5%)
Yes 5 (2.5%)
Type of conventional therapy given Stem cell therapy No 199 (99.5%)
Yes 1 (0.5%)
Current physical health status A 59 (29.5%)
B 30 (15.0%)
C 3 (1.5%)
Capable of normal activities 68 (34.0%)
Capable of normal activities but limited 40 (20.0%)

Table 2 shows that the most common reason for attitude and belief in the benefits of Ruqyah.
seeking Ruqyah is a person’s personal sense of Very few sought Ruqyah due to dissatisfaction
spirituality and religiosity along with positive with medical management.
Table2. Most common reason for requesting Ruqyah
Religiosity and spirituality 154 (77%)
Belief about Ruqyah 145 (72.5%)
Attitude towards Ruqyah 144 (72%)
Perception about Ruqyah 97 (48.5%)
Understanding about Ruqyah 95 (47.5%)
Recommendation from family and friends 54 (27%)
Family sanction 25 (12.5%)
Credibility of healer 4 (2%)
Cultural 4 (2%)
Dissatisfaction with conventional treatment 3 (1.5%)

Patients seeking Ruqyah generally had a significant improvement in their general

positive feeling even before seeking Ruqyah subjective feeling (Median 8/10 p <0.001).
(Median score 7/10). After Ruqyah, there was a
Table3. Pre and Post Score Analysis of Ruqyah
Minimum Maximum Median Mean ± S.D Correlation P – value
Overall feeling pre Ruqyah 1 10 7 6.77 ± 2.44 0.901 *<0.001
Overall feeling post Ruqyah 2 10 8 7.69 ± 1.94

CONCLUSION towards Ruqyah and believe that spiritual care

Religion and spirituality are very important and management is important in addition to
aspects of care and wellbeing for patients in physical care with medications. They
Saudi Arabia. They have a positive attitude significantly feel better after receiving Ruqyah

4 International Journal of Research Studies in Medical and Health Sciences V3 ● I8 ● 2018

The Satisfaction of Ruqyah on Cancer Patients

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Citation: Sami Ayed Alshammary, “The Satisfaction of Ruqyah on Cancer Patients”. International
Journal of Research Studies in Medical and Health Sciences. 2018; 3(8):01-05.
Copyright: © 2018 Sami Ayed Alshammary, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

International Journal of Research Studies in Medical and Health Sciences V3 ● I8 ● 2018 5

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