The Satisfaction of Ruqyah On Cancer Patients
The Satisfaction of Ruqyah On Cancer Patients
The Satisfaction of Ruqyah On Cancer Patients
Ruqyah defined in Islam as the recitation of the Quran seeking the refuge in Allah, remembrance, and
supplications that are used as a means of treating sicknesses and other problems as the Quran is a source of
healing (1,2). Cancer is a life-threatening disease that often has a tremendous impact on patient’s quality of
life, also is associated with the experience of uncertainty, vulnerability, hopelessness, isolation, fear, shock,
depression, anger, and expectation of healing versus death. Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality
Worldwide. It places considerable mental, physical, and emotional stress on patients and requires them to
make significant adjustments in many key areas of their lives4.
The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of Ruqyah on cancer patients among patients admitted
to the comprehensive cancer center (CCC) in KFMC, Riyadh.
To explore the significance of Ruqyah on cancer patients
Significant of the study
Ruqyah satisfaction as part of the religious and cultural influences on general heath wellbeing of Muslims,
and provides a better understanding of Ruqyah practice, and its implications for counseling and spiritual
interventions. The data to validate this satisfaction is lacking; Few study has been done in Muslim
countries.Dling this study will provide an understanding the significant Ruqyah.
Keywords: Patient satisfaction, Ruqyah, cancer patients.
Table 2 shows that the most common reason for attitude and belief in the benefits of Ruqyah.
seeking Ruqyah is a person’s personal sense of Very few sought Ruqyah due to dissatisfaction
spirituality and religiosity along with positive with medical management.
Table2. Most common reason for requesting Ruqyah
Religiosity and spirituality 154 (77%)
Belief about Ruqyah 145 (72.5%)
Attitude towards Ruqyah 144 (72%)
Perception about Ruqyah 97 (48.5%)
Understanding about Ruqyah 95 (47.5%)
Recommendation from family and friends 54 (27%)
Family sanction 25 (12.5%)
Credibility of healer 4 (2%)
Cultural 4 (2%)
Dissatisfaction with conventional treatment 3 (1.5%)
and none of the participants had a negative STRESS RESPONSE AMONG MUSLIM
response or attitude towards Ruqyah. PATIENTS IN INTENSIVE CARE UNIT
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Citation: Sami Ayed Alshammary, “The Satisfaction of Ruqyah on Cancer Patients”. International
Journal of Research Studies in Medical and Health Sciences. 2018; 3(8):01-05.
Copyright: © 2018 Sami Ayed Alshammary, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.