Session Guide Belcp

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Document Code: RO1-LQF- HRDD-008

Revision: 00
Quality Form Effectivity date: 07-13-2018

Session Guide Name of Office:



Duration: 40 mins
Target Participants: 50 No. ___________
Learning Objectives: TERMINAL: At the end of the session, the participants should be able to link the Basic
Education Learning Continuity Plan (BELCP) to the roles of school leaders, parents, and
1. Identify the basic principles of Learning Continuity Plan;
2. Analyze the implementation scheme of the SDO Learning Continuity Plan; and
3. Enumerate the learning modalities under the BELCP.

Key Understanding/ The Learning Continuity Plan contextualized by the SDO serves as the blueprint of all
Learning Points educational activities and programs to be implemented during the national emergency.

Facilitators Notes: The discussion is best delivered using Microsoft Teams. Make sure to share the slide
with the participants.

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Document Code: RO1-LQF- HRDD-008
Revision: 00
Quality Form Effectivity date: 07-13-2018

Session Guide Name of Office:


Session Plan

Objectives Key Learning Methodology/Activity/Procedure Materials Duration

Identify the Embracing the New INTRODUCTION Slide 10 minutes
basic principles Normal means Presentation
Opening Statement
of Learning understanding the
current challenges, SAY: The COVID 19 situation poses a big
Continuity Plan
thinking of new challenge in the education sector. One main
solutions, and question is ringing all the walls of schools across
anticipating new the nation: How will learning happen this school
results. year? The Department of Education, to address
this challenge, has released a package of
interventions that will respond to the situation.
This is called the Basic Education Learning
Continuity Plan.

DO: Discuss the statement of President Rodrigo

Duterte on the opening of classes and how the
BELCP is able to address the challenge.

SAY: The BE-LCP covers the essential

requirements of education in the time of COVID

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Revision: 00
Quality Form Effectivity date: 07-13-2018

Session Guide Name of Office:


19. In fact, the BEL-LCP streamlines the K to 12

Curriculum into the Most Essential Learning
Competencies or MELCs.

DO: Discuss the essential requirements (Slide 5)

SAY: The BELCP is anchored on the principles of

safety, equity, and continuity. While the health of
the learners is of primary concern, learning must
still continue despite all the odds. For the
Department of Education (DepEd), this meant the
cancellation of classes and other school activities
for the remaining weeks of School Year (SY)
2019-2020, and that for SY 2020-2021, schools
must find ways for learning to continue amidst
the threat and uncertainties brought about by
COVID-19, while ensuring the health, safety, and
well-being of all learners, teachers, and
personnel of the Department.

Do: Expound on the principles of BELCP.

SAY: The BELCP is fluid in the sense that it has

to match the context of the school. The key

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Document Code: RO1-LQF- HRDD-008
Revision: 00
Quality Form Effectivity date: 07-13-2018

Session Guide Name of Office:


elements of the learning strategies that shall

operationalize the BE-LCP are the streamlining of
the K to 12 Curriculum into the Most Essential
Learning Competencies (MELCs), and allowing of
multiple learning delivery modalities such as
distance learning and blended learning, either on
top or in place of face-to-face learning.

DO: Draw the attention of participants to the LC

Contextualization Diagram (Slide 9).

SAY: The diagram clearly gives each governance

level its role in implementing LCP. We have to
emphasize that the LCP must be appropriate to
the situation in the school. The school head must
decide based on existing data.

DO: Discuss Region I Scenario (Slide 10).

SAY: The scenario is based on the survey

conducted by the Region and on the series of
Kumustahan activities.

Note: This time, please discuss the scenario in

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Document Code: RO1-LQF- HRDD-008
Revision: 00
Quality Form Effectivity date: 07-13-2018

Session Guide Name of Office:


your Schools Division. The slides that present

the activities or steps of the Regional Office may
be replaced by the slides on the steps
undertaken by the SDO.

Analyze the The schools, as Say: The SDO is embracing the changes by Slide 15 mins
implementation frontline making strategies in relation to the BELCP. The Presentation
scheme of the implementors of the SDO has contextualized the BELCP and has
SDO Learning Learning Continuity made various models of implementation in an
Continuity Plan Plan, are vital attempt to address the needs of the schools. It is
factors in making emphasized, however, that schools may also
learning happen contextualize the LCP.
amid the global
health crisis.
Do: Discuss the SDO Strategy Implementation
Framework (Slide 14).

Note: This slide may be contextualized based on

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Document Code: RO1-LQF- HRDD-008
Revision: 00
Quality Form Effectivity date: 07-13-2018

Session Guide Name of Office:


the LCP of the SDO.

SAY: The school may adopt and implement its

LCP based on the principles set by DepEd Order
No. 12-2020 and on the contextualized LCPs of
the Regional Office and Schools Division Office.
Since there are thousands of schools, the fluidity
of the SDO LCP is indispensable. Major
adjustments are being made at the central and
field levels to enable DepEd to deliver distance
learning at a magnitude never done before. While
the task is daunting, it also compels the
Department to implement innovations already
being done by DepEd and by its education
partners, just on a larger scale. Thus, we are not
really starting from scratch.

SAY: Schools are now gearing up for the opening

of classes. The push back in the formal school
opening by nearly three months from the
traditional first Monday of June is intended to

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Revision: 00
Quality Form Effectivity date: 07-13-2018

Session Guide Name of Office:


afford DepEd enough time to undertake the

necessary preparations in what will be an
extraordinarily challenging school year.

DO: Cite statistics on enrollment. Enumerate,

also, the trainings the teachers have been
attending and the work arrangement of

SAY: The schools are exhausting all means to

male learning happen amid the pandemic. In
fact, teachers have been making supplementary
learning materials like activity sheets and
modules. Various online resources are now also
being prepared by teachers and instructional
leaders. Also, teachers have been attending
orientation and training activities on the use of
the multiple learning delivery modalities,
preparing instructional materials, and planning
the organization of classes in consideration of the
learning delivery modalities to be employed.

DO: Discuss the implementation of Service

Continuity Plan. Emphasize the adherence of
DepEd to minimum health standards.

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Revision: 00
Quality Form Effectivity date: 07-13-2018

Session Guide Name of Office:


Enumerate the Learning models Slide 15 mins

learning offer school leaders SAY: The Department is presenting various Presentation
modalities solutions to address modalities may be adopted or adapted by
adopted or challenges in schools to make learning happen despite the
adapted by the curriculum delivery. order to disallow face-to-face interaction.
SDO. Needless to say, DepEd leaves no stone
unturned in its quest for accessible quality

DO: Enumerate the different learning models.

SAY: The learning delivery modalities that

schools can adopt may be one or a combination
of the those presented, depending on the
COVID-19 restrictions and the particular
context of the learners in the school or
locality.DepEd respects the rights of parents to
decide for their children. However, DepEd
makes one promise: The leaners’ education
and health shall be the priority of all.

Note: You may discuss the actual LCP of your


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Document Code: RO1-LQF- HRDD-008
Revision: 00
Quality Form Effectivity date: 07-13-2018

Session Guide Name of Office:


Concluding Statement:

DepEd is one with the President in his non-

negotiable commitment for health and safety of
learners, teachers, and staff. It is the first and
most important principle of BELCP. However,
BELCP also emphasizes that learning
opportunities may be provided through various

DepEd has historically demonstrated resilience in

responding to adversities and in delivering its
commitments and responsibilities. Nonetheless,
the implementation of the BE-LCP will not be
easy. It is also not a perfect plan, and operational
complications can be expected along the way.
Thus, we seek the understanding, support, and
solidarity of our DepEd family and all our
stakeholders, in the true spirit of unity, and
bayanihan or mutual help.

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