Unit Plan B.Ed.-I Year - Teaching of Phy. SC

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Unit Lesson Plan

Subject : Pedagogy of Physical Science Days : 28 days(17 Aug-16 to 28 Sept-16)

Unit Name: Unit -2 Aims and Objectives of Teaching Physical Science
Standard: B.Ed. -1st year (2016-18)
Summary of Unit: Meaning, definition and difference between aims and objectives,
Aims of teaching Physical science at different stages of school education, General
objectives of teaching physical science and their specification, Meaning of instructional
objectives and their relationalship with general aims and objectives, Taxonomy of
educational and instructional objectives, Different approaches of writing objectives in
behavioural terms.
- To enable pupil teacher to understand the meaning of Aims and objectives.
- To enable pupil teacher to identify the need of aims and objectives in the process of
teaching and learning.
- To enable pupil teacher to recognize aims of teaching physical science at different
levels of school education.
- To enable pupil teacher to differentiate between aims and objectives.
- To enable pupil teacher to formulate instructional objectives at different levels of
- To enable pupil teacher to be effective teachers in order to perform the required role
as a science teacher under Indian school conditions.
Materials: PPT Presentation, Notes.
Resources: Teaching of Physical Science by S.K. Mangal, Pedagogy of Physical Science by
Lesson 1 Title: Introduction, meaning ,definition and
importance of aims in the process of teaching and learning. Time: 4 Lectures
Date: (17,19,22,23 Aug)
Lesson 2 Title: Aims of teaching Physical science at different
stages of school. Time: 4 Lectures
Date: (24,26,29,30 Aug)
Lesson 3 Title: General objectives of teaching physical
science and their specification. Time: 4 Lectures

Date: (31 Aug & 1,2,5 Sept)

Lesson 4 Title: Meaning of instructional objectives and
their relationship with general aims and objectives. Time: 5 Lectures
Date: (6,7,8,9,13 Sept)
Lesson 5 Title: Taxonomy of Educational and instructional
Objectives . Time: 5 Lectures
Date: (14,15,16,19,20 Sept)
Lesson 6 Title: Approaches of Writing objectives in
Behavioural Terms. Time: 6 Lectures
Date: (21,22,23,26,27,28 Sept)
Assignment and Activities :
1. Discuss on the differences between aims and objectives taking few more examples.
Do you think there are some more examples.
2. Develop learning objectives of each category and share your ideas about suitability of
particular learning actions for achieving these learning objectives.
Evaluation: Class Test , Practice for framing objectives.
Notes: According to the recommendations of Kothari Commission (1966) Teaching of
science should be an integral part of general education till the end of the school stage.
Name of Teacher :

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