New IB Math Courses Coming For The IB Class of 2021: Mathematics Curriculum Review, April 2017

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New IB Math courses coming for the IB Class of 2021

Please see the program documentation for a discussion of the math curriculum changes effective
September 2019 for the IB Class of 2021.

The following chart summarizes the new courses and provides guidance in course selection:

New math course Course description Approximate current Recommended prior

starting in September from IB equivalent math background
2019 for IB Class of
Mathematics: This course is designed STANDARD LEVEL STANDARD LEVEL
Applications and for students who enjoy (SL): (SL):
interpretation describing the real
world and solving This class is most Strong Algebra 1 skills
practical problems similar to the current
using mathematics, Mathematical Studies HIGHER LEVEL
those who are SL course. (HL):
interested in harnessing
the power of HIGHER LEVEL Strong Algebra 2 skills
technology alongside (HL):
exploring mathematical
models and enjoy the This course will include
more practical side of new content, including
mathematics. statistics. It is intended
to meet the needs of
students whose interest
in mathematics is more
practical than
theoretical but seek
more challenging

Mathematics: Analysis This course is intended STANDARD LEVEL STANDARD LEVEL

and approaches for students who wish (SL): (SL):
to pursue studies in
mathematics at This class is most Strong Algebra 2H
university or subjects similar to the current skills
that have a large Mathematics SL
mathematical content; course. HIGHER LEVEL
it is for students who (HL):
enjoy developing HIGHER LEVEL
mathematical (HL): Very strong Algebra
arguments, problem 2H skills
solving and exploring This class is most
real and abstract similar to the current
applications, with and Mathematics HL
without technology. course.

The following pages summarize the projected content of the new courses, extracted from DP
Mathematics Curriculum Review, April 2017.
The Content
The· ,:ont('n: is still 1.mdcr dc,-,l clopmc,nt 3nd items bf.'lo•N ma),· bC' subject to r.h5n,:ic whc·n
lief:' 9 uirJ;,,s ;.u e p ulili~h.,:<l:

M,·t llwmat i,~;: /\IMl,ro.;i~; a nd i1p p ro.1, 11P~

TI1..- nu m bl!'r a nd a lgebrai SL k>L)ks <1l: ~.:.: t'ulifo: 11r.1lclli,.111, ;u illuueLi,_i'lnd 9;,,(..)me l1i1.
s,:,qucncc$ ,m d s..:·riC$ and their applic,;:ior,$ indud·ng fin.and al applications, krN$ of
l119 ;uit !11ns ~md .;11p11111-mlidh:, , o h•irHJ t-.>:Jmt1?t1li;1I Hq1w lio 11<.; . simph; p1uol. ,111,:im:im,1liorn,
,:nd t.:m.)r~, a nd th ~· bino mid th,: or1.•m. Th,: n u mber <1nd a lgcbr.i Hl loo k:., al'.
p!'!mu1t., tk,r1r. ;md r.omhin.lti.)1"1", p,l rti,'tl fr,;i-t i,;nr.,. n -inl pl!'!'t nw nh,-.r-:,. ph-irli hy inrlu,·t io n,
, rn1hd<fo lio n ;uul , ow 1l+!1 ?:<m up!t". ;uul sd u t io u o l s·rst Hm \ o l limM1 i,;qn.1li1ms.

I h"" func t ions SL k1, >k:'i. .-i t: ~,111,1ti<Jll'- of ·=;t r,,ight lin~,;.,. \·,-in,~pt·; ,11, d p m; ,-if
luur. li;.ms ~n ;J l11;,,ir ~)l<SJ)hs, ind u <li111-J <.,; mpo~i!f:.', im1f:.'1s;,,, l11f:.' id f:.'n tily, n-1li<.H1d , l:')(f.>r..1111:n ti~I.
fogarichmic an,j qu-3dratic function:;, Sd ving eQuatiOn$ both an.l lyt:calli' and grJphicall;-.
;;nd tr,,ndnrrn,; t k i-n ,nf 9 r,1p h,. lh ~ fun ction s HL k ,\; k" ,1:: t hl"' fo d \; r ,m d r~ro;;inrJ~r
llt':'O''='HIS. w rm ;u 1<l p 1•.H.iu,.lsol rt.101..s vi p•.1ly11<.)111ia ls ra lior1~l lu11,: li1Jns. ud d <llld 'o''Jt'll
functions, ~ f-inversc function$. sol•: ir.g func:ion incqualitiC·$ and the· mcd'u u:; function.

I h~ g e ometry and t rigonomet l)' SL ln11k, .-it: ,•,-ihin· .,. ;ind ,urfo1·.t=, M <'!,"l o f :·M ~\-ilid-.. rig ht
e nq lr.-cl a n d , a-.10-li9h l ·a riq l'o'd l<i$iv 1to m ':"l1y ir,d ud iug b'='a 1i11!-JS a m.t <ll~t ~ •.11 l'l'='~·..:lir.111 <1nd
dcprc;;-s icn. radkm mca;;tirc·, the unit d rclc and Pythago-rc~n idc·ntity, double ,mg~c,
irl;~ntit:,?;;. for , in~ ,-in~ t",1:-inl"', f.n mrl\-i~itt=- ; ri9f'J1"l\; 1n * h'ir. inn~. :-nr•,i11r1t rignn(';rn~t rk
r.-q ua lious. Th'=' geom<lrtry and tr igonometry HL k)•.11:s & : rf:.'<.i r.nv r..a l l1i91; 11•.1we l, ic.: r<:1"Li•.1s.
invcr$C trigonometric function.$, compound angle idc·ntitics. double angle id<:·ntiW for
l;111y .-11L i,.) ·111111..;1, ;• p ..:;p.,d Ci,:.-.: o l 1ri9 0 110 111Hh i: un,plt-.. ·: ~: Im 1h.-111y, a ppli: ;J1io11-., .-,i,h
fi111.'!; ;;md µ li.m1.•:,, ,_, rid ·;<.·d •.11 ,.- 1!-Jc b rn.

n,.- sta t ist ics and probability SL lo ok<, a l: 1:011.-, 1i11~1 dald ;-111,I u...ill!J s.1mpli1tH t Hd u,iq ui-;s,
prcsc-1n in9 dat:: in graphical form, mca:;urc·s of cf.'ntral tc·ndcnc-1 and $pr.:-.:-d. corrd ation,
r~r1r~ >·;ion, <.,; lr:u lr.iting p r\-ibt1biliti~ ~.. p r.1b,1bi it; di,19 r-;un~, t h* 1, omMI d i, : rib ,t k i-n ', "·it h
s!a11<l..:1d iu ,lir.111 o l ,•ari~·IJl'='sc, .:ind l.11~ b i;i1Jm~1I,ltiLu liou . n,,. stati.s tics and p ro bability
HL look~ at S:;ycs tOc..,rcrn, prc babi i t)' di!.tribution:;, probabilit•/ dc-n.;;"1y function$.
n p~d ."ltion ,;!9 ~hr,1.
Th .- calculus SL loo ks al: iufw mal icl;.M, o l lim il<, ,md c:i111vt"11J HtH:+!, d ilhH<'lll~11 C
n 11
in, l11d i11lj ~maly':ing !Jlilfl liirnl h+!hm1im11 of fu rn IC n m , find ill':} +!l jllilliuu-.,; ,ii norm" I" ;md
l<111~Jl:'11h: ,.)(Jlimix1liori, k·11r.-m.:iti1.~ i11vo'1till!-I ;,f o pl.:1r.f:'llll:'lll, ve k)r.ily .:1r;,.r.-ll:'1<1ti,.111 c111d lr.11.<11
d isl<1iu:..- laa1tellr.-cl, l h o:> d 1<1iu, f.>UJclui.'l .:irirJ q uo ti,..J1l 1•Jlr.-::., d l:'liuile a nd i11<l..-li11il':'
ilitcgra;:icn. The· a,lculus HL !ooh ,:,,c: imrodur.cion to <Olitinuit•/ arr.d difforcmk1bility.
COli'/ N~~1cc- ,:;nd divcrgc:ice, different iation frcm first principles. limit$ ,:;nd l 'l lopital's
rule. il'nplid c diffc-r¢ntiation. der;,.,.;itive:; of io•:ct::...c .ind rc,;:iprocal trigonomc·: ri<. funct ·oil$,
intcgr,;;:icn by subs:itution and pJrcs, vc-lum..:·s oi rc\·ol1Jtion, ·:;olution of fir:;t ordc-r
d ifft'!r,.::-n ti,; I P.qunrk,n, u;;ing t-ul~ ;; °'*thncl. hy ~1-pnmtir~g v,-ufo b!~:( ;md 1..:(n g th1-
i1;t*r,r,:;in9 fod or, M,;d ,·u irin ·;~ri:'! , .

Mathemat ics: Applicat ions and int erpretat ion

Ih"" nu m be r a n d a lgebl'a SL k>ol:·; ~;t: ~..-i:'!li r ifk n<",t.-1tion, ,-,,rith m~t k ,·rnd 9 ,.::-nm*tr·,
SH-fJ llHIH .;, ;uu l S<'Ii.;s a111l IhHir " Pl 1lii:;1liu w.,; in li11a,mn~ in, lud iu!J Im m 1 ?pd)'lfl+-!n ls, ':-irnp!t"
h f'il lr111-m l o l f,19 ;11 ilt1111<, ;in d .;11pu n+-!11li<1h . .,_in q ,1., p, oo l, i1pp io:<imt1\ iu 111., <111<! t"UOI <,. Tl~
numbtor and alg • b ra Hl 1<.)rJk.::. .:1l: l.:i•, ,~ of ft;y-1.1ilh rm:, ,.r.1111p lt:.'x 11u 111b ;.,1s .-:nd l111:"i1
µ 1;,1<:li1.·c1l .-:1,1p li,.-1.tir.>11~. u a.1lli'l·~ .-:nd l111:"i1 ;,1pr.1,i1..-:lir.1m lvJ ~1.)l\-i11q ~y~l 'o'm~,; I r.-q u<1li1.111~. fv1
,:ioomctric tr.:lnsformations, and their applications to probab.litf.

I he funrt io ns SL loo~s Jt: acat ing. fittini;i end usin9 model~ with linear, cxponcncia~
n.3tur,;l logarithm, ..:ubic and simple trigonornctric f•Jnc:ions. I h..:· fun,tions HL looks at
U":'! ,,f ln~J 109 9 r,1plH, 9 r,1ph t;,;nd nm-~,1t'n n",· <.rP,"'lting, titting m1rl- 11:-in~J m o rli=,h with
fu riht-r tri~J,">n11m,.::-rrk~ kigr.rith ntk., rnr:,~h"'l1, k1,gi"tir. ,;nrJ p i..,.,·,:'!·Nl""" tun, ttnn;;.

Th .- geomet ry a n d trigonometry SL lnuh 011: vo~1Jtt1H ,md :-.-iu l,JC:~ <11.-!il o l ~d 1.,olid, . , iyh l
-1.nq lr.-d .:irid mm-1i!-Jh l· <1119tt:."d lai~1.t11r.1mt:l.ii~' iud udin!-1 b-.,c11i1l!,J'>,' ~-\11Ian: .:ir-=<1 e nd ',;'o l,1mt:.' v i
composite· 3d -;ol'd-;. estab!ishing- optimum positions ai\d paths using Voronoi d iaqrams.
The· geomet ry .:'I nd trigonometry Hl locks at: •1c-ctor concc-p!s and their a.pplico1ions in
kinematic$, appli..:ations of adj acen,.y inatri..:<!s, and -:re,,:, and cycle algorithms.

I h"" statist ics and prob.ab ility SL ln,-ih M : r.n ll~d in 9 tfa r,; ,1r111 1,.:c;i119 !-nm plin9 tH h niq u*~.
p r1-:-,.::-m i11r, d o"'ltn in r1r,: p hk ,;I fo rm,. m,.::-,1-.,ir*.:c; <,f <,:'!!1;rr.l ;,.::-nd,.::-r.r>' r.nd .:c;p r1-,1d . , ~; rr..,.l,1th1n
u ,_iri9 P,.;;u..,un', p sm fui I m om<'n l ;md ~p .;;um,111'1., lilllk c:1111 ;-l;1lim1H)f-!fl id t"n ls, 1H-:Jl<'\..'iim1,
c3!cuhning probabilities, probabi ir:-1 diaqrams. the· norma.l di!,tribution, Chi-$quarcd tcsc
for independence Jnd goodn..:·ss of fit. I he stoltistics and probilbility HL look$ at the
l,i11,.m1i<1! a nd Pi..-::;s,.111,L1iiJuLi,.11w d ~ i9 aiw-, dal.:1 ,:~ 1'=1,: tiu a m-.,1.ff1,.1d~. l1=sls (,;.1 1 'o'li<1b i ily
and validity. hypoth~sis test inq a1'd confidence int ~rvals.

Ihe ,alculu$ SL looks ,;it difforc-nticcion induding analysing graplf <al behavior oi
1i.m1·.rku,-. .-1rv.t riptiini._,, tkm , !1;;in9 ;;impl.,. hltf!~Jr:"1tion ,ind t h* h ,, p ,,.,·1Jrn/t r,, p ~;.iicl,1I nil~ to
i :,1l<l1tn1.- m "'" " u l i11<'~111l<!t s!mp+.!:;;. Th., calculus Hl looks al: kiri.-11k1li: " ;1111 I I,w : Iic<!I
I,rd ,~.,ms i11'!0J,..-, 1u w1.,.., of , h;111!Jf>!, volutf't'.S of , _.._., i1111i1,11, ....;1lin!J up nnd -..: ,h:iu!J m m i..-1"
i11,; ,.1h, i11$;- d illo:>1'=1111i<1I ;.oq ualious •.1i>t11q nu m-.,1i1.d a n d a11alyliL· m 'o'lh,.-...ts. s!~ p .,o li,..!d s,
coupled and $C-C01'd-ordcr difff.'rcntial cquatic M in rontc<<t

All the a b ove s hou ld be consid e red as a work in p rogress a nd may o r may n ot reflect
t he mat eria l which \·.rill fi n ally a ppear· in t h e g uides.

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