New IB Math Courses Coming For The IB Class of 2021: Mathematics Curriculum Review, April 2017
New IB Math Courses Coming For The IB Class of 2021: Mathematics Curriculum Review, April 2017
New IB Math Courses Coming For The IB Class of 2021: Mathematics Curriculum Review, April 2017
Please see the program documentation for a discussion of the math curriculum changes effective
September 2019 for the IB Class of 2021.
The following chart summarizes the new courses and provides guidance in course selection:
The following pages summarize the projected content of the new courses, extracted from DP
Mathematics Curriculum Review, April 2017.
The Content
The· ,:ont('n: is still 1.mdcr dc,-,l clopmc,nt 3nd items bf.'lo•N ma),· bC' subject to r.h5n,:ic whc·n
lief:' 9 uirJ;,,s ;.u e p ulili~h.,:<l:
I h"" func t ions SL k1, >k:'i. .-i t: ~,111,1ti<Jll'- of ·=;t r,,ight lin~,;.,. \·,-in,~pt·; ,11, d p m; ,-if
luur. li;.ms ~n ;J l11;,,ir ~)l<SJ)hs, ind u <li111-J <.,; mpo~i!f:.', im1f:.'1s;,,, l11f:.' id f:.'n tily, n-1li<.H1d , l:')(f.>r..1111:n ti~I.
fogarichmic an,j qu-3dratic function:;, Sd ving eQuatiOn$ both an.l lyt:calli' and grJphicall;-.
;;nd tr,,ndnrrn,; t k i-n ,nf 9 r,1p h,. lh ~ fun ction s HL k ,\; k" ,1:: t hl"' fo d \; r ,m d r~ro;;inrJ~r
llt':'O''='HIS. w rm ;u 1<l p 1•.H.iu,.lsol rt.101..s vi p•.1ly11<.)111ia ls ra lior1~l lu11,: li1Jns. ud d <llld 'o''Jt'll
functions, ~ f-inversc function$. sol•: ir.g func:ion incqualitiC·$ and the· mcd'u u:; function.
I h~ g e ometry and t rigonomet l)' SL ln11k, .-it: ,•,-ihin· .,. ;ind ,urfo1·.t=, M <'!,"l o f :·M ~\-ilid-.. rig ht
e nq lr.-cl a n d , a-.10-li9h l ·a riq l'o'd l<i$iv 1to m ':"l1y ir,d ud iug b'='a 1i11!-JS a m.t <ll~t ~ •.11 l'l'='~·..:lir.111 <1nd
dcprc;;-s icn. radkm mca;;tirc·, the unit d rclc and Pythago-rc~n idc·ntity, double ,mg~c,
irl;~ntit:,?;;. for , in~ ,-in~ t",1:-inl"', f.n mrl\-i~itt=- ; ri9f'J1"l\; 1n * h'ir. inn~. :-nr•,i11r1t rignn(';rn~t rk
r.-q ua lious. Th'=' geom<lrtry and tr igonometry HL k)•.11:s & : rf:.'<.i r.nv r..a l l1i91; 11•.1we l, ic.: r<:1"Li•.1s.
invcr$C trigonometric function.$, compound angle idc·ntitics. double angle id<:·ntiW for
l;111y .-11L i,.) ·111111..;1, ;• p ..:;p.,d Ci,:.-.: o l 1ri9 0 110 111Hh i: un,plt-.. ·: ~: Im 1h.-111y, a ppli: ;J1io11-., .-,i,h
fi111.'!; ;;md µ li.m1.•:,, ,_, rid ·;<.·d •.11 ,.- 1!-Jc b rn.
n,.- sta t ist ics and probability SL lo ok<, a l: 1:011.-, 1i11~1 dald ;-111,I u...ill!J s.1mpli1tH t Hd u,iq ui-;s,
prcsc-1n in9 dat:: in graphical form, mca:;urc·s of cf.'ntral tc·ndcnc-1 and $pr.:-.:-d. corrd ation,
r~r1r~ >·;ion, <.,; lr:u lr.iting p r\-ibt1biliti~ ~.. p r.1b,1bi it; di,19 r-;un~, t h* 1, omMI d i, : rib ,t k i-n ', "·it h
s!a11<l..:1d iu ,lir.111 o l ,•ari~·IJl'='sc, .:ind l.11~ b i;i1Jm~1I,ltiLu liou . n,,. stati.s tics and p ro bability
HL look~ at S:;ycs tOc..,rcrn, prc babi i t)' di!.tribution:;, probabilit•/ dc-n.;;"1y function$.
n p~d ."ltion ,;!9 ~hr,1.
Th .- calculus SL loo ks al: iufw mal icl;.M, o l lim il<, ,md c:i111vt"11J HtH:+!, d ilhH<'lll~11 C
n 11
in, l11d i11lj ~maly':ing !Jlilfl liirnl h+!hm1im11 of fu rn IC n m , find ill':} +!l jllilliuu-.,; ,ii norm" I" ;md
l<111~Jl:'11h: ,.)(Jlimix1liori, k·11r.-m.:iti1.~ i11vo'1till!-I ;,f o pl.:1r.f:'llll:'lll, ve k)r.ily .:1r;,.r.-ll:'1<1ti,.111 c111d lr.11.<11
d isl<1iu:..- laa1tellr.-cl, l h o:> d 1<1iu, f.>UJclui.'l .:irirJ q uo ti,..J1l 1•Jlr.-::., d l:'liuile a nd i11<l..-li11il':'
ilitcgra;:icn. The· a,lculus HL !ooh ,:,,c: imrodur.cion to <Olitinuit•/ arr.d difforcmk1bility.
COli'/ N~~1cc- ,:;nd divcrgc:ice, different iation frcm first principles. limit$ ,:;nd l 'l lopital's
rule. il'nplid c diffc-r¢ntiation. der;,.,.;itive:; of io•:ct::...c .ind rc,;:iprocal trigonomc·: ri<. funct ·oil$,
intcgr,;;:icn by subs:itution and pJrcs, vc-lum..:·s oi rc\·ol1Jtion, ·:;olution of fir:;t ordc-r
d ifft'!r,.::-n ti,; I P.qunrk,n, u;;ing t-ul~ ;; °'*thncl. hy ~1-pnmtir~g v,-ufo b!~:( ;md 1..:(n g th1-
i1;t*r,r,:;in9 fod or, M,;d ,·u irin ·;~ri:'! , .
I he funrt io ns SL loo~s Jt: acat ing. fittini;i end usin9 model~ with linear, cxponcncia~
n.3tur,;l logarithm, ..:ubic and simple trigonornctric f•Jnc:ions. I h..:· fun,tions HL looks at
U":'! ,,f ln~J 109 9 r,1plH, 9 r,1ph t;,;nd nm-~,1t'n n",· <.rP,"'lting, titting m1rl- 11:-in~J m o rli=,h with
fu riht-r tri~J,">n11m,.::-rrk~ kigr.rith ntk., rnr:,~h"'l1, k1,gi"tir. ,;nrJ p i..,.,·,:'!·Nl""" tun, ttnn;;.
Th .- geomet ry a n d trigonometry SL lnuh 011: vo~1Jtt1H ,md :-.-iu l,JC:~ <11.-!il o l ~d 1.,olid, . , iyh l
-1.nq lr.-d .:irid mm-1i!-Jh l· <1119tt:."d lai~1.t11r.1mt:l.ii~' iud udin!-1 b-.,c11i1l!,J'>,' ~-\11Ian: .:ir-=<1 e nd ',;'o l,1mt:.' v i
composite· 3d -;ol'd-;. estab!ishing- optimum positions ai\d paths using Voronoi d iaqrams.
The· geomet ry .:'I nd trigonometry Hl locks at: •1c-ctor concc-p!s and their a.pplico1ions in
kinematic$, appli..:ations of adj acen,.y inatri..:<!s, and -:re,,:, and cycle algorithms.
I h"" statist ics and prob.ab ility SL ln,-ih M : r.n ll~d in 9 tfa r,; ,1r111 1,.:c;i119 !-nm plin9 tH h niq u*~.
p r1-:-,.::-m i11r, d o"'ltn in r1r,: p hk ,;I fo rm,. m,.::-,1-.,ir*.:c; <,f <,:'!!1;rr.l ;,.::-nd,.::-r.r>' r.nd .:c;p r1-,1d . , ~; rr..,.l,1th1n
u ,_iri9 P,.;;u..,un', p sm fui I m om<'n l ;md ~p .;;um,111'1., lilllk c:1111 ;-l;1lim1H)f-!fl id t"n ls, 1H-:Jl<'\..'iim1,
c3!cuhning probabilities, probabi ir:-1 diaqrams. the· norma.l di!,tribution, Chi-$quarcd tcsc
for independence Jnd goodn..:·ss of fit. I he stoltistics and probilbility HL look$ at the
l,i11,.m1i<1! a nd Pi..-::;s,.111,L1iiJuLi,.11w d ~ i9 aiw-, dal.:1 ,:~ 1'=1,: tiu a m-.,1.ff1,.1d~. l1=sls (,;.1 1 'o'li<1b i ily
and validity. hypoth~sis test inq a1'd confidence int ~rvals.
Ihe ,alculu$ SL looks ,;it difforc-nticcion induding analysing graplf <al behavior oi
1i.m1·.rku,-. .-1rv.t riptiini._,, tkm , !1;;in9 ;;impl.,. hltf!~Jr:"1tion ,ind t h* h ,, p ,,.,·1Jrn/t r,, p ~;.iicl,1I nil~ to
i :,1l<l1tn1.- m "'" " u l i11<'~111l<!t s!mp+.!:;;. Th., calculus Hl looks al: kiri.-11k1li: " ;1111 I I,w : Iic<!I
I,rd ,~.,ms i11'!0J,..-, 1u w1.,.., of , h;111!Jf>!, volutf't'.S of , _.._., i1111i1,11, ....;1lin!J up nnd -..: ,h:iu!J m m i..-1"
i11,; ,.1h, i11$;- d illo:>1'=1111i<1I ;.oq ualious •.1i>t11q nu m-.,1i1.d a n d a11alyliL· m 'o'lh,.-...ts. s!~ p .,o li,..!d s,
coupled and $C-C01'd-ordcr difff.'rcntial cquatic M in rontc<<t
All the a b ove s hou ld be consid e red as a work in p rogress a nd may o r may n ot reflect
t he mat eria l which \·.rill fi n ally a ppear· in t h e g uides.