Solutions of Exercise Sheet 5
Solutions of Exercise Sheet 5
Solutions of Exercise Sheet 5
The content of the marked exercises (*) should be known for the exam.
1. First, notice that the association (g, f ) 7→ g · f defines a map G × C(G) → C(G).
Moreover, we can easily check compatibility with the group structure:
l : G/H × X H → X H
(gH, x) 7→ g · x,
where the dot (·) is the given action of G on X. First, we have to prove that l is a map,
that is, the image of any gH lies in X H and does not depend on the representative g:
3. Let G act transitively on a finite set X, with |X| ≥ 2. Show that there exists at least
one element of g ∈ G such that g has no fixed point.
We have that g ∈ G has a fixed point if and only if g ∈ y∈X StabG (y). Applying
our solution of Exercise 4 (independent from other exercises) and using the fact that
S action is transitive gives that the set of elements in G fixing some point in X is
y∈X StabG (y) = g∈G gStabG (x)g , where x ∈ X is fixed. This set cannot be equal
to the whole group G, as seen in class, being StabG (x) a subgroup of G of finite index
|X| by the orbit-stabiliser theorem.
4. Let G be a group acting on X. Show that the stabilizers of two elements in the same
orbit are conjugate. What happens if for x ∈ X one has StabG (x) E G?
Let x, y ∈ X lie in the same orbit, that is, y = g · x for some g ∈ G. Then
so that StabG (x) and StabG (y) are conjugate in G (precisely by g), as desired.
If StabG (x) E G, then by definition it coincides with its conjugates, so that all the
elements in the orbit of x have the same stabilizer.
5. Consider the group G = GLn ( ), where n is a positive integer, and let H be the
subgroup consisting of diagonal matrices.
× 0 a a 0
NG (H) = s ∈ G|∃a, b ∈ :s= or s = .
b 0 0 b
Now we want to check that NG (NG (H)) = NG (H). The inclusion “⊇” is trivial
since NG (H) is a subgroup of G. For the other inclusion, let a ∈ NG (NG(H)).
1 0
Then we can choose h ∈ H with distinct eigenvalues, e.g. h = and
0 −1
the condition a ∈ NG (H ∪ eH) implies aha−1 ∈ H ∪ eH. If aha−1 ∈ H, by the
previous argument we obtain a ∈ NG (H). Else aha−1 ∈ eH, meaning that this
matrix has zero values in the principal diagonal, but same eigenvalues as h, so
that the only two possibilities are aha−1 = eh and aha−1 = he. But those give
both a contradiction, by considering the determinants, as det(aha−1 ) = det(h) 6=
− det(h) = det(eh) = det(he). In conclusion, we have NG (NG (H)) = NG (H) as
6. Let G be a finite group. Prove that any subgroup of index equal to the smallest prime
dividing |G| is normal. [Hint: Consider an action of G on the coset space with respect
to the subgroup, and find its kernel.]
Let G be a finite group, p the minimal prime dividing |G| and H ≤ G subgroup of
index [G : H] = p. It is easily seen that G acts on G/H by left multiplication, so that
% : G → Sym(G/H).
so that the action is not trivial. By the First Isomorphism Theorem, we have |G|/|ker(%)| =
| Im(%)|, so that the image of the action has order dividing |G|. By Lagrange’s Theo-
rem, the image’s order also divides the order of its supergroup Sym(G/H), which is p!.
Hence | Im(%)| divides both |G| (whose factorization contains only primes ≥ q) and p!
(whose factorization contains only primes < p and the prime p once), so that the image
can only contain 1 or p elements. The only possibility is that | Im(%)| = p, being the
action non-trivial. Then [G : ker(%)] = p, and the containment ker(%) ⊆ H (together
with the multiplicativity of the index) gives H = ker(%). In particular, H is a normal
subgroup of G.
7. (*) We want to give a proof of Sylow theorems. Given a prime number p and a finite
group G, we call p-subgroup of G any subgroup of order equal to a power of p. We
call p-Sylow subgroup of a finite group G any subgroup of order equal to the maximal
power of p dividing |G|. (For instance, if G = S4 , then a 2-Sylow subgroup of G is a
subgroup of order 8, and the only 5-Sylow subgroup is {1G }).
∀g ∈ G, ∀I ∈ P, g · I := gI = {gi|i ∈ I};
b) Prove that p does not divide |P|, and deduce that there exists an orbit O ⊆ P
of the action above whose cardinality is not divisible by p. Deduce that |O|
divides h;
c) Prove that S∈O S = G, and deduce from this that |O| ≥ h. Find the cardi-
nality of H = StabG (S0 ), for S0 ∈ O.
Conclude: any finite group G has a p-Sylow subgroup (First Sylow Theorem).
2. Second Sylow Theorem. Let P be a p-Sylow subgroup of G and Q a p-subgroup
of G.
d) Prove that the following defines an action of Q on G/P :
∀q ∈ Q, ∀g ∈ G, q · gP := (qg)P ;
Solution (sketch):