Globalization: An Inescapable Worldwide Phenomenon
Globalization: An Inescapable Worldwide Phenomenon
Globalization: An Inescapable Worldwide Phenomenon
According to Erika Mann a Member of the European Parliament (Socialist Group) Globalization as a
world-wide phenomenon. Globalization is an intermittent process. Its impact may differ from time to time,
but it always brings the economic, political, social and cultural aspects of society to the global level.
Simultaneously, it continues to demonstrate new traits on an almost-daily basis and is constantly exposed to
new events. Globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world
views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. Advances in transportation and telecommunications
infrastructure, including the rise of the telegraph and its posterity the Internet, are major factors in
globalization, generating further interdependence of economic and cultural activities. But what would be the
benefits does this globalization will give us?
The implications of globalization are perceivable to all. The global opening of markets promotes a free
circulation of goods and money, as well as other world-wide services. Many individuals, enterprises and
states stand to gain from this process. They will enjoy global offers of goods, services, capital and manpower,
and ultimately, a higher standard of living. Globalization would help the developing world progress faster.
Most of the world today is not developed. By reducing border restrictions, creating common payment
formats, and opening product access by reducing export barriers, more people could improve their way of
life. Higher incomes often lead to lower maternal and infant mortality rates too, which means we’d be saving
lives with this effort. Globalization could create more employment opportunities. With fewer barriers to the
import/export market, the cost of producing goods or offering services would decline without affecting the
profit margins of companies. Consumers would benefit from the lower prices, consume more, and create
additional job opportunities around the world. By creating an environment where free trade encouragement
readily exists, more innovation, creativity, and engagement would occur at every level of society. Borders
create restrictions to the free flow of goods and services. So through globalization free trade will be practice.
Globalization would also reduce labor exploitation issues. When borders become less restrictive around the
world, people tend to move to locations where their best opportunities exist.
However, we should not only consider the benefits of globalization that have given to us . In everething
there is always these disadvantages, Globalization benefits the wealthy more than the poor.Why? Because
The people who have the power to dictate policy would reap the most significant rewards. Those with money
to invest would see their bank accounts continue to rise. At the same time, households living in not so stable
lifestyle would struggle to access what they require, suppressing their ability to pursue a better job.
Globalization would encourage disease transfer. Globalization could reduce social safety net programs.
Globalization would create a new system of politics. Globalization would not prevent resource consumption.
The goal of globalization is to equalize patterns of consumption for populations around the world. Even
though there would be movement toward doing so, there is no getting around the fact that the wealthiest
nations will still consume the most resources. Globalization also changes how humans would identify
themselves. Humans are global citizens in some ways already. We all share the same planet, after all, so we
are united with that common ground. If we lose borders, however, we also lose a piece of our culture,
ethnicity, or family heritage.
The process of globalization therefore implies opportunities and risks. The question is not how to stop or
avoid it. Rather, it should be how to take full advantage of the benefits of globalization, while working to
minimise its negative effects. Ensuring that global markets benefit ordinary people will accomplish this. We
should not forget that everything that is beyond limitation is bad. Definitely yes, globalization has a very good
impact in the world but we should control it now, we should know what are the limitations before it will be
too late to control. Instead of the fact that we are the one to control this phenomenon maybe worst will
happen this so called phenomenon will the one to control us. Though Globalization is inescapable worldwide
How global governance can help nations to deal with global problems by Erika Mann. Member of the
European Parliament (Socialist Group).