Script Summary
Script Summary
Script Summary
important ideas. Summarizing helps improve both your reading and writing skills.
What is summarizing?
A summary is a short retelling of a longer written passage, containing the author’s most
important ideas. Summarizing helps improve both your reading and writing skills.
A summary contains only the main idea and the supporting ideas of a passage.
Summarizing reduces a text to its main idea and necessary information. Summarizing differs
from paraphrasing in that summary leaves out details and terms.
Summarizing is to take larger selections of text and reduce them to their basic essentials: the
gist, the key ideas, the main points that are worth noting and remembering.
As with directly quoting and paraphrasing, summarizing requires you to cite your sources
properly to avoid "accidental" plagiarism.
Summarizing helps you understand and learn important information by reducing information to
its key ideas. Summaries can be used for annotation and study notes as well as to expand the depth of
your writing.
4. Annotate key
How to Summarize
1. Preview and read. Preview and read the paragraph closely. You probably will find that you need to
read the paragraph more than one time.
2. Make a list or outline. Determine the main idea and the supporting details of the paragraph. Make a
list or outline of these ideas. Be sure to use your own words.
3. Write a summary. Using your list, write a summary of the paragraph. State the main ideas, followed
by important ideas. Limit your summary to just one or two sentences.
4. Read aloud and correct. Read the summary aloud, correcting any mistakes.
To summarize, you must read a passage closely, finding the main ideas and supporting ideas.
Then you must briefly write down those ideas in a few sentences or a paragraph.
With the tips above, you will no longer worry whenever you need to summarize because it is
your one stop solution to having a fantastic summary that offer nice details to readers. Follow the tips
and you will not make mistakes.
Another 5 Easy Techniques in Summarizing Various Academic Texts
“Somebody Wanted But So Then” is an excellent summarizing strategy for stories. Each word represents
a key question related to the story's essential elements:
Then: A woodsman heard her and saved her from the wolf.38
Little Red Riding Hood wanted to take cookies to her sick grandmother, but she encountered a
wolf. He got to her grandmother’s house first and pretended to be the old woman. He was going to eat
Little Red Riding Hood, but she realized what he was doing and ran away, crying for help. A woodsman
heard the girl’s cries a
The SAAC method is another useful technique for summarizing any kind of text (story, article,
speech, etc). SAAC is an acronym for "State, Assign, Action, Complete." Each word in the acronym refers
to a specific element that should be included in the summary.
Complete: complete the sentence or summary with keywords and important details
This method is particularly helpful for students who are learning the format of a summary and
need reminders to include the title and author's name. However, SAAC does not include clear guidance
about which details to include, which some students might find tricky. If you use SAAC with your
students, remind them of the types of details that belong in a summary before instructing them to work
Action: tells
Complete: what happens when a shepherd boy repeatedly lies to the villagers about seeing a wolf
Use the four SAAC cues to write out a summary of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" n complete
The Boy Who Cried Wolf, by Aesop (a Greek storyteller), tells what happens when a shepherd
boy repeatedly lies to the villagers about seeing a wolf. After a while, they ignore his false cries. Then,
when a wolf really does attack, they don’t come to help him.
Technique 3: 5 W's, 1 H
The 5 W's, 1 H strategy relies on six crucial questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how. These
questions make it easy to identify the main character, the important details, and the main idea.39
Try this technique with a familiar fable such as "The Tortoise and the Hare."
When? When isn’t specified in this story, so it’s not important in this case.
Why? The tortoise was tired of hearing the hare boast about his speed.
Tortoise got tired of listening to Hare boast about how fast he was, so he
challenged Hare to a race. Even though he was slower than Hare, Tortoise won by
keeping up his slow and steady pace when Hare stopped to take a nap.
chronological order. The three words represent the beginning, main action, and
First. What happened first? Include the main character and mainevent/action.
First, Goldilocks entered the bears' home while they were gone. Then, she ate their
food, sat in their chairs, and slept in their beds. Finally, she woke up to find the bears
When someone asks for "the gist" of a story, they want to know what the story
introduce the gist method, explain that summarizing is just like giving a friend the gist
of a story, and have your students tell each other about their favorite books or movies
in 15 seconds or less. You can use the gist method as a fun, quick way to practice