Comandos SMS - GPS PDF

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No. Function Command Reply Explanation

Project Version:
1 Verifique la versión del firmware 2015 09:59:55
PARAM# Number:;Sensorset:10,1,5,1;Sends
:5 Minute(s);Defense
2 Verificar parámetros time:10;TimeZone:E,8,0;
GPRSSET# 6),8841,0;
3 Consultar configuración de red del dispositivo com/maps?q=
Battery:4.18V; GPRS:Online; GSM
STATUS# positioning,SVS Used in fix:9(12),
GPS Signal
4 Comprobar estado ,0,0,Defense:OFF
Current position!
5 Comprobar estado de posición 2015-12-28 09:15:12
URL# 17:36
6 Comprobar URL
GPS located: 01-08
OR ps?q=N22.577156,E113.916748
123 GPS not located: Currently,GPS is
not positioning,please try again
7 Comprobar posición
Fence Alarm,Circle,ON,In and
8 Check geo fence status MS:ON
MOVING# Moving Alarm
9 Verificar estado de mudanza dius:300 M,0.00000,0.00000
APN, apnname#
OR Close automatic APN and set by yourself.
APN, apnname,user,pwd#
1 Establecer APN APN# Check the current APN parameters.
eg: SERVER,1,,8011,0#
SERVER,mode,domainName/IP,p mode = 1 means set with domain name
ort,protocol# mode = 0 means set with ip address
protocol = 0 means connect server with TCP protocol
protocol = 1 means connect server with UDP protocol
2 Establecer parámetros del servidor SERVER# Check the current sever parameters

A:E or W;"E" means eastern time zone, "W" means western time
B:0~12;time zone default:8
C:0/15/30/45;half time zone;default:0

GMT# Check the current time zone parameters

3 Establecer parámetro GMT
4 Restaurar a fábrica FACTORY# Restore to factory setting
RESET# The device would reboot in 20S after receiving the command.
5 Reiniciar
SOS,A,phone number 1,phone
Add SOS phone number.
number 2,phone number 3#
SOS,D,sequence number 1,
Delete the phone number according to the sequence number.
sequence number 2,sequence
SOS,D,phone number# Delete the matching SOS phone number.
6 Ajuste SOS SOS# Check the SOS phone number.
CENTER, A,phone number# Add center phone number.
CENTER, D# Delete center phone number.

CENTER# Check the center phone number.
7 Configuración del número de teléfono central
T1 ranges 5~18000 or 0(seconds), upload interval when ACC ON, 0
means no upload, default is 10;
T2 ranges 5~18000 (seconds), upload interval when ACC OFF,
default is 10;

TIMER# Check the current parameters of T1 and T2.

8 Establecer el intervalo de envío de datos GPS
DISTANCE,D# D ranges 50~10000 or 0(meters), distance interval, default is 300;
9 Establecer el intervalo de envío de datos GPS DISTANCE# Check the current distance interval.
RELAY,A# A=0/1;0 means connection, 1 means cut off;default: 0.
10 Configurar el control de gasolina / electricidad RELAY# Check the status of the control.
circle area;
B=ON/OFF, open or close fence alarm, default:close;
D=the latitude of the circle center;
E=the longitude of the circle center;
FENCE,B,0,D,E,F,X,M# F=1~9999, the fence radius, unit:100 meters;
X=IN/OUT;IN: alarming when get in the fence, OUT: alarming
when get out the fence, blank means both alarming when get in or
get out the fence, default: blank.
M=0/1;way of alarming, 0:GPRS only, 1:SMS+GPRS, default:1

rectangle area
B=ON/OFF, open or close fence alarm, default:close;
D=the latitude of the position 1;range:-90 ~90(degree);
E=the longitude of the position 1;range:-180 ~180(degree);
F=the latitude of the position 2;range:-90 ~90(degree);
G=the longitude of the position 2;range:-180 ~180(degree);
the latitude supports "N/S" or "+/- " coming before it's value;
the longitude supports "E/W" or "+/- " coming before it's value;;

11 Establecer la alarma de la cerca FENCE# Check the parameters of the fence.

A=ON/OFF, default: OFF;
SENALM,A,M# M=0/1/2, way of alarming, 0 :GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, 2 :
GPRS+SMS+phone call, default:2
SENALM,OFF# Close vibration alarm
12 Configurar la alarma de vibración SENALM# Check the parameters of the alarm
A=ON/OFF, default:ON;
M=0/1/2, way of alarming, 0: GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, 2 :
POWERALM, A,M,T1,T2# GPRS+SMS+phone call, default:2;
T1=2~60 (second), default:5;
T2=1~3600 (second), default:300;
POWERALM, OFF# Close the power alarm.
13 Configurar la alarma de corte de energía POWERALM# Check the parameters of the alarm.
A=ON/OFF, default:ON;
M=0/1, way of alarming, 0: GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, default:1;
BATALM,OFF# Close the low battery alarm.
14 Configurar la alarma de batería baja BATALM# Check the parameters of the alarm.
A=ON/OFF, default:ON;
SOSALM,A,M# M=0/1/2, way of alarming, 0 :GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, 2 :
GPRS+SMS+phone call, default:2;
SOSALM,OFF# Close the SOS alarm.
15 Configure la alarma SOS SOSALM# Check the parameters of the alarm.
CALL,N# N=1~3, default:3, times to dial all numbers;
16 Establecer los tiempos de marcación CALL# Check the parameters of the dialing.
A=ON/OFF, default:OFF; R=100~1000, moving radius, unit:
meter, default: 300;
M=0~2, Way of alarm; 0: GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, 2:
GPRS+SMS+phone call, default:1;
MOVING,OFF# Close the moving alarm.
17 Configurar la alarma en movimiento MOVING# Check the status and the parameters of the moving alarm.
A=ON/OFF, open or close over speed alarm, default:OFF
B=5~600 (second), time interval, default:20 (second)
C=1~255(km/h), speed limit, default:100(km/h);
M=0/1, way of alarm, 0 : GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, default:1.
18 Configurar la alarma de exceso de velocidad SPEED# Check the parameters of over speed.
PWDSW,A# A= ON, enable the instruction password.
Numbers and letters mix inputs supported for instruction password,
PWDSW,password,B# at least 1 character, no more than 19 characters, default:000000;
B=OFF, disable the instruction password.
19 Establecer la contraseña de la instrucción
A=old password, numbers and letters mix inputs supported, at
least 1 character, no more than 19 characters, default:000000;
B=new password, numbers and letters mix inputs supported, at
least 1 character, no more than 19 characters.
20 Revise la contraseña de instrucciones
A=ON/OFF, On/Off mileage calculation, default: Off
B=0~999999,Mileage initial value , unit:km ; default: 0, mileage
21 Estadísticas de kilometraje return to zero
Query current mileage

Configuración de detección de activación negativa /

22 X=0,negative triggering;X=1,positive triggering
positiva de la puerta del automóvil
A=ON/OFF,On/Off alarm, default: Off
23 Ajuste de alarma de puerta de coche B=0~2,0: GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, 2: GPRS+SMS+phone call,
DOORALM,A,B# default:1

Dispare la luz y la bocina para encontrar el auto FIND#

A=ON/OFF, On/Off ADT data upload,default: Off

Configuración de carga de cantidad analógica B=5~3600,Upload time interval,unit: seconds,default: 60s
(configuración de carga de voltaje externo) ADT,A,B#
M=ON/OFF, On/Off ACC status change alarm ,default: Off
26 Alarma de cambio de estado del ACC ACCALM,M,A,B# A= 0/1, way of alarm;0 :GPRS only ,1:SMS+GPRS, deafult :1
B=5~60,Acc status detect time ,unit: seconds,default: 10

Advertencia de giro brusco (Definición: en el rango de 1. M: alarm reporting method, 0-only GPRS, 1-GPRS+SMS, 2-
tiempo de ajuste (T), el dispositivo enviará una GPRS+SMS+CALL
alarma si gira más de la velocidad establecida (S) más 2. A: trigger alarm Angle threshold, range 10-180 degrees, default 30
allá del ángulo establecido (A). 3. S: trigger alarm Speed threshold, range 10-200KM/H, default 60
Los datos de velocidad y ángulo son proporcionados 4. T: detection duration, range 1-30s, default 3s
por el módulo GPS).

Alarma de aceleración brusca / desaceleración repentina

del freno (Definición: Dentro del rango de tiempo de 1. M: alarm reporting method, 0-only GPRS, 1-GPRS+SMS, 2-
ajuste (T), la diferencia entre la velocidad al final de la
prueba y la velocidad al comienzo de la detección es
2. T: detection duration, range 1-30s, default 4s
mayor que el umbral establecido (A / D) , y el equipo
28 SPEEDCHECK, ON, M, T, A, D# 3. A: Threshold of Harsh acceleration speed difference, range 10-
envía una alarma.
300KM/H, default 30
Las versiones anteriores usaban G-SENSOR para
proporcionar datos de aceleración, y la última versión
4. D: difference threshold for sudden brake deceleration speed,
proporcionaba datos de velocidad del módulo GPS para range 10-300KM/H, default 50
calcular la aceleración promedio).

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