Bip & Bop Scenario Cards

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Bip & Bop Scenario Cards

Teachers: Use these scenarios cards to play the Bip and Bop Healthy Relationships Game
with your class. (Get complete instructions on the Choices Ideabook!)

Bop is sad because the family

dog died last night. Bip Bop is comforting Bip because
doesn’t care and only wants of a really bad grade on a test.
to talk about the soccer game.
Being supportive is an important part
Being supportive is part of of a relationship:
relationships: Take off 2 rocks.
Poke 3 holes in the paper with the
pencil and add one rock

Bip calls because practice Bop says the family is getting

went a little long and is going together this weekend and
to be late. Bop gets mad and plans have to change. Bip is
says “I’m not going to wait. hurt, but understands.
I wait all the time!”
Being honest and understanding (even
Aggressive behavior and accusations: when feelings are hurt) is important:
Add 5 drops of water and a rock. Take off one rock.

Bip and Bop have decided Bip is honest when Bop asks:
not to have sex because they “What do you think of my
aren’t ready and haven’t friend Bo?” by saying: “I can
known each other very long. see why you like Bo, but I like
Bevis more.”
Mutual decision to postpone
or abstain from sex: Honesty without hurtfulness:
Take off 2 rocks. Do Nothing


Scholastic Inc. grants teacher-subscribers to Choices permission to reproduce this page for use in their classrooms. Copyright ©2017 by Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved.
Bip & Bop Scenario Cards
Teachers: Use these scenarios cards to play the Bip and Bop Healthy Relationships Game
with your class. (Get complete instructions on the Choices Ideabook!)

Bop admits to over-reacting Bip introduces Bop to every

about Bip not being able to friend at the game to help
come over this weekend. them feel more comfortable
with each other.
Admitting mistakes is good
for relationships: Helping friends meet is
Take off one rock. a healthy action:
Take off one rock.

Bip and Bop have an Bip checks Bop’s text

argument with name messages and sees texts
calling, yelling, and hurtful about meeting someone
accusations. else in secret.

Aggressive behavior is a bad thing:

Poke 5 holes in the paper Violation of privacy and dishonesty:
with the pencil. Add 10 drops of water and
poke 4 holes.

Bip lies and says they are Jealousy is a real problem,

out with friends, when so much so that Bop doesn’t
they are really out trust Bip when they
with someone else. aren’t together.

Telling lies and being secretive: Jealousy is NOT a sign of love. It is

Add a rock and 5 drops of water. manipulative and shows insecurity:
Add 5 drops of water and a rock.


Scholastic Inc. grants teacher-subscribers to Choices permission to reproduce this page for use in their classrooms. Copyright ©2017 by Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved.
Bip & Bop Scenario Cards
Teachers: Use these scenarios cards to play the Bip and Bop Healthy Relationships Game
with your class. (Get complete instructions on the Choices Ideabook!)

At school, there is an Bop says: “I don’t want

argument and Bip pushes you wearing that to school
Bop against the lockers and anymore. It makes
walks away angry. others stare at you.”

Physical abuse: Telling someone what to wear or do is

Add 3 rocks, 6 drops of water, controlling and negative:
and 2 holes. Add 5 drops of water and a rock.

Bop and Bip are at a party.

Bip is making fun of Bop in Bip goes out on the porch for
front of their friends. It seems some fresh air and sees Bop
more mean than funny. kissing someone else.
This is hurtful, not supportive:
Add a rock and poke 3 holes. Dishonesty and cheating:
Add 2 rocks and 5 drops of water.


Scholastic Inc. grants teacher-subscribers to Choices permission to reproduce this page for use in their classrooms. Copyright ©2017 by Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved.

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