Micro Project Report ON TITLE: "4 Way Traffic Light Controller" Submitted by - Roll No. Name of The Student Class
Micro Project Report ON TITLE: "4 Way Traffic Light Controller" Submitted by - Roll No. Name of The Student Class
Micro Project Report ON TITLE: "4 Way Traffic Light Controller" Submitted by - Roll No. Name of The Student Class
NPK (0047) : Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication (EJ) : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 1
This is to certify that the following students of Diploma in Electronics &
Telecommunication (EJ) - Semester 5 have satisfactorily completed their Micro-
project work title “4 Way Traffic Light Controller” of the Course-Abbreviation-
Code:22531 towards the partial fulfillment of the Th/Pr Progressive Assessment
(PA) part prescribed in their curriculum during academic year 2019- 20.
Date: -
Place: - Kolhapur
NPK (0047) : Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication (EJ) : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 2
to our Micro-Project guide Mrs. R.S. Pande for her valuable guidance,
Mr. Shinde V. B. and Head of the Department Mr. Sharma D. R. for their
Project for their valuable contribution. We are thankful to all those persons
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Ref: Guidelines & Assessment Manual for Micro Projects & Industrial Training: Annexure-I
3. Proposed Methodology:
First, we discussed about the various ideas given to us by our teacher guardian and
collected a rough idea about the topics. Then we chose the topic which we are interested in i.e.
4 Way Traffic Light Controller . After the finalization of the topic we took a step ahead by
collecting some more information about this topic.
After the submission of the proposal we studied in more detail about this topic. We
collected the resources required such as websites and related books for the completion of this
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project. We gained more information about this topic through these various resources and after
gathering and studying this topic we properly aligned the information and prepared the chart
and report. After that we submitted the report.
4. Action Plan:
Names of the
Sr. Details of Planned Planned
No. activity (Start date) (Finish date)
team members
Raees Y.Jamadar
Finalization of microproject
1 29/6/2019 4/7/19 Abhijeet M.Patil
Tahir J.Pirjade
Raees Y.Jamadar
Preparing and submitting
2 6/7/2019 10/8/19 Abhijeet M.Patil
the proposal
Tahir J.Pirjade
Raees Y.Jamadar
Finding the resources
3 20/8/2019 15/9/19 Abhijeet M.Patil
Tahir J.Pirjade
Raees Y.Jamadar
Discussing the concept of
4 21/9/2019 2/10/19 Abhijeet M.Patil
traffic light controller
Tahir J.Pirjade
Raees Y.Jamadar
Preparing and submitting
5 4/10/2019 10/10/19 Abhijeet M.Patil
the report
Tahir J.Pirjade
5. Resources required:
Sr. Name of
Specifications Qty Remarks
No. Resource /Material
2 Author Jadhav.VR. 1
Logic Controllers
NPK (0047) : Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication (EJ) : Micro-Project Report-Ann.I/II Page 5
2. Abhijeet Mansing Patil (Roll no.22)
3. Tahir Jabbar Pirjade (Roll no.26)
Ref: Guidelines & Assessment Manual for Micro Projects & Industrial Training: Annexure-II
Title of the Micro Project: Allen Bradley SLC 500
3.Literature Review:
1.Laddar logic introduction:-
For creating and representation a program a Ladder logic programming language is used via
ladder diagrams that relies on circuit diagrams.
It is mainly used for creating programs or software for Programmable Logic Controllers
(PLCs), used for industrial applications. Initially the language evolved with being a technique for
documenting the construction and design of relay racks in producing and processing control
with each relay rack given with a symbol on the ladder diagram that is device connected under
them with vertical rails. You will find a rung in a ladder look a like called as relay symbols.
2.Timer instruction
Timer is an instruction which add delay of predefined value in the timer operation.
Mainly there are three types of timer
a) TON Timer b)TOFF Timer c) Retentive timer
In Our ladder diagram we use only TON timer, here we understand working of TON Timer.
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In the above ladder programming, the timer block represents the format of Ton timer. In this
format T4 : 0 indicates timer file 4, timer 0. This is the location in the PLC memory that will store
the timer information. The time base is 1.0 indicating that processor increments accumulated
value in 1 second intervals. Other time bases are also available in fractions and multiples of
seconds. In this example, the preset value is 5 it indicates the delay for timer which is equal to
the multiplication of2.time base and preset value. In this case delay for timer = 5 *1.0 = 5.0S
The accumulator value gives the current value of the timer as 0 which increases until it reaches
to the preset value. The timing diagram in illustrates the operation of the above example. In the
diagram, 1: 010/5 is the input and when input is true the EN bit that is enable bit of timer is
true. When timer is running TT bit will set and the accumulator value will begin increasing. As
TT bit sets, it turns ON the output O: 012/01.
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10 O:0/6 North Green Output
11 O:0/7 East Red Output
12 O:0/8 West Yellow Output
13 O:0/9 West Green Output
14 O:0/10 South Yellow Output
15 O:0/11 South Green Output
4. Sequence of Operation
Below tabular column gives the Steps or sequence of outputs to turn ON the traffic system
5.Laddar digram :-
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6. Working of ladder logic :
Latching rung to operate the system through Master Start and Stop PB.
Starting the timer to turn on output East Green ,North-South-West are in red. Parallel circuits
are added to turn ON/OFF the output in up next sequence.
RUNG 0002
Turning on North Yellow and East Yellow. Parallel circuits are added to turn ON/OFF the output
in up next sequence.
Rung 0003
Turn on East Red and North Green.
Rung 0004-0005-0006-0007
Same procedures followed to turn on further outputs.( Refer Above Tabular column for
sequence of operation)
RUNG 0008
Timer (T4:7) done bit is used to restart the cycle from beginning
Names of the
Sr. Details of Actual Actual
no. activity (Start date) (Finish date)
team members
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Raees Y.Jamadar
Finalization of microproject
1 29/6/2019 4/7/19 Abhijeet M.Patil
Tahir J.Pirjade
Raees Y.Jamadar
Preparing and submitting
2 6/7/2019 10/8/19 Abhijeet M.Patil
the proposal
Tahir J.Pirjade
Raees Y.Jamadar
Finding the resources
3 20/8/2019 15/9/19 Abhijeet M.Patil
Tahir J.Pirjade
Raees Y.Jamadar
Discussing the concept of
4 21/9/2019 2/10/19 Abhijeet M.Patil
Traffic light controoler
Tahir J.Pirjade
Raees Y.Jamadar
Preparing and submitting
5 4/10/2019 10/10/19 Abhijeet M.Patil
the report
Tahir J.Pirjade
Name of
Resource Specifications Qty Remarks
1 Rslogix 500/Delta Rslogix micro English/wpl soft 1
2 Author Jadhav.VR. 1
Logic Controllers
Above diagram shows the ladder diagram of the 4 way traffic light control system. The
output is obtained as per the ladder logic used in the ladder diagram. The simulated ladder logic
is shown above.
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7. Skill Developed / Learning Outcomes (LO’s) of the Micro-Project:
I. Develop and execute the ladder diagrams for the given applications using timers,
II. Use the PLC to control the following devices-: lamps, etc
III. Develop and test the ladder diagram for sequential control of the lamps
IV. Develop and test the ladder diagram for Traffic Light control system
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