Minimise Cogging

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You are on page 1of 4 ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA, ISSN 1392-1215, VOL. 19, NO.

1, 2013

Methods to Reduce the Cogging Torque in

Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines
N. Levin1, S. Orlova1, V. Pugachov1, B. Ose-Zala1, E. Jakobsons2
Institute of Physical Energetics,
Aizkraukles St. 21, LV-1006, Riga, Latvia, phone: +371 67558631
Riga Technical University,
Kalku St. 1, LV-1658, Riga, Latvia
[email protected]

Abstract—The phenomenon of cogging torque in permanent of high-energy magnets Nd-Fe-B. Basic sizes of the
magnet synchronous generators with concentrated windings is generator in cross section are presented in Fig. 1. As you can
considered in this work. Dependence of fluctuation amplitude see in Fig. 1, permanent magnets alternate with teeth.
of the torque on width of stator slot opening is researched. The Magnets form poles of one polarity, and teeth form poles of
method to reduce the cogging torque by skewing of stator slot
and opening of stator slot width equal distance between magnet
opposite polarity, but with the same nominal flux (Fig. 2).
and tooth on the rotor is described. The construction of this This construction of generator allows to reduce costs of
generator is obtained on the basis of numerical simulation production and to simplify connection of magnets on the
results rotor.
The finite element method is used to determine torque of
Index Terms—Torque, finite element method, permanent the generator. Basic geometric data presented in Table I.
magnet machines.
The advantage of this method: it allows solving problems
in complicated geometry of tooth zone, taking into account
non-linearity of environments.
Permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) are
used in low power wind turbines because of advantages of
generators, such as high efficiency, simplicity and reliability
of construction. Synchronous generators of modern wind
turbines are directly connected to wind turbines. One of
main disadvantages of PMSG is the cogging torque.
Cogging torque is expressed in change of the torque on rotor
in interaction of magnet flux and stator teeth. Additional
vibrations, acoustic noise and more complicated starting
conditions appeared in this case, exploitation become more
difficult. a) b)
Fig. 1. Cross section of the PMSG.
Nowadays there are many actions how to reduce
pulsations of the cogging torque [1]–[4]:
1) To use fractional number of slot per pole and phase; Opposite rotor tooth
2) To optimize sizes of magnet;
3) To use skewing of stator slots or magnets;
4) To change width of opening stator slot. Opposite magnet
It should be noted that the cogging torque is depend on
geometrical parameters of machine. Therefore, reduction of
torque is the main task in design of machine.


The object of this research is the generator with impulse

Fig. 2. Change of flux in stator tooth vs. rotor position.

Manuscript received March 8, 2012; accepted May 31, 2012.
This research is financially supported by the European Regional Distribution of magnetic flux in the cross section of
Development Fund’s project: ”Wind and Hydrogen Based Autonomous machine is shown in Fig. 3. Fluctuation curve of cogging
Energy Supply System”(N.:2010/0188/2DP/
torque is shown as function of turning angle of the rotor in
Fig. 4. Cogging torque is calculated by simulating the
machine at no-load (no current in the armature winding).


enough at start-up moment and aerodynamic power of wind

turbine will be able to overcome it. Otherwise, at large
values of cogging torque, the turbine will be able to start
work only in conditions of strong wind. Therefore, the main
purpose of this research is to find opportunities for
alignment of pulsations and to decrease the cogging torque
to minimum.


Diameter of stator bore D 190 mm

Outside diameter D2 260 mm

Inner diameter D0 140 mm

Core length l 50.8 mm

Magnet width bm 25.4 mm

Stator tooth width bz1 22 mm

Stator slot opening width bs 3.6 mm

Fig. 3. The distribution of magnetic flux in machine cross-section
Rotor slot width bz2 25.5 mm
The presence of uneven rippling of the cogging torque
Interpolar distance bw 5 mm
should be noted, maximal value of cogging torque is M =
1.4 Nm. This generator is designed for wind power plant, Air gap δ 0.6 mm
that is why the cogging torque of generator has to be low .

Fig. 4. Dependence of cogging torque vs. rotor angle.

III. INFLUENCE OF SLOT OPENING WIDTH ON COGGING The conclusion is - the wider opening of slot, the greater
TORQUE VALUE value of cogging torque. However, it should be noted that
The influence of opening slot width on pulsations of value of slot opening width is determined by technological
cogging torque is investigated in this work. Changes of requirements and it depends on cross section of armature
width varied from 3.5 to 5.5 mm. Curve in Fig. 5 shows conductors. Therefore, designer has to calculate the minimal
how maximal cogging torque depends on slot opening possible value of slot opening width according to generator
width. power.
Based on these results, it should be noted that irregularity
of pulsations due to changes of magnetic field is mainly
concentrated in air gap by rotating the rotor. To align torque
pulsations is possible by ensuring the equality of angular
sizes of slot opening and interpolar distance

. (1)

Curves of the cogging torque for two cases are presented

in Fig. 6: case of equality and case of different
values of slot opening width and interpolar distance
. If the interpolar distance is equal to angular size of the
Fig. 5. Dependence of maximal cogging torque vs. slot opening width. slot opening, pulsations of torque become aligned; it is done


because of constancy of mutual covering areas of stator teeth and rotor poles.

Cogging torque, Nm

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36


Rotor position, degrees

Fig. 6. Dependence of cogging torque on rotor angle.


The most effective way to reduce cogging torque is
skewing of stator slots or rotor poles. It means skewing of
one side of stator (rotor) core by few degrees in according
to the other side of core (Fig. 7). The skewing allows to
eliminate the cogging torque or to reduce it to minimum.
However, the skewing complicates process of production,
it increases final price of product.
Skewing of slots may also complicate set of armature
winding, reduce effective area of slot and increase the
length of conductor. To skew poles of rotor we need
complicated form magnets, so it will increase price of
construction significantly. Further we will consider Fig. 7. Slots skewing.
possibilities to reduce pulsations of cogging torque by
skewing of stator slots, if slot opening width is equal to Slots skewing angle and equal values: slot opening and
interpolar distance ( ). interpolar width – have to be equal to the period (∆α) of
To skew stator slots effectively the following equalities irregular moment changes between near positions of rotor
should be done: stable balance

+ , (2) ∆ | − | − . (5)

+ , (3)
If Z1=24; 2p=20 then
± . (4)
∆ − − 3 ; 3 . (6)

Cogging torque, Nm

-1 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
Rotor position, degrees
with slot skewing without slot skewing

Fig. 8. Curves of change of the cogging torque at rotational rotor with stator slot skewing and without.


Effective skewing angle for this construction of generator

is αsk=30. In this case, it should be noted that the stator slot
skewing makes easier transition of stator teeth in zone of
near pole by value of stator slot opening.
Torque fluctuation curves of rotor turning are shown in
Fig. 8 in case if slots have been skew or not.
Implementation of optimal skewing reduced the
amplitude of torque pulsations to 0,3 ÷ 0,4 Nm.
It should be noted that width of magnet has to be equal to
width of rotor teeth. If equality bm = bz2 does not exist, the
flux through the stator tooth increases, value of maximal
cogging torque increases also, so you should choose magnet
width equal to rotor teeth width.

The possibilities to reduce cogging torque are considered
in this work. It will be done if to change width of stator slot
opening and to skew stator slots. Decreasing of slot opening
width leads to reduction of the cogging torque pulsations.
Reduction of width opening is limited by normal set of
winding in stator slots. Using the stator slots skewing, if slot
opening is equal to interpolar distance, is the most effective
way to deal with cogging torque and it allows to reduce
pulsations by 80%.

[1] L. Dosiek, P. Pillay, “Cogging torque reduction permanent magnet
machine”, IEEE Transactions on industry applications, vol. 43, no. 6.
pp. 1656–1571, 2007. [Online]. Available:
[2] E. Muljadi, J. Green, “Cogging torque reduction in a permanent
magnet wind turbine generator”, in Proc. of the 21 st American
Society of Mechanical Engineers Wind Energy Symposium, 2002,
[3] P. M. Garcia, J. A. Guëmes, V. Moreno, A. M. Iraolagoitia Influence
of Constructive Parameters on the cogging torque in PMSMs. – P.1-5.
[4] Guëmes J.A., P. M. Garcia, A. M. Iraolagoitia, J. J. Ugartemendia,
“Influence of slot opening width and rotor pole radius on the torque of
PMSM”, in Proc. of the International Conference on Renewable
Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’09), 2009, pp. 1–5.


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