Fire Test Protocol For Water Mist Systems
Fire Test Protocol For Water Mist Systems
Fire Test Protocol For Water Mist Systems
1 General ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Validity .................................................................................................................. 5
2 Normative references ............................................................................................. 5
3 Terms and definitions............................................................................................. 5
4 General requirements ............................................................................................. 6
5 Fuel packages ......................................................................................................... 7
5.1 General ................................................................................................................. 7
5.2 Office fuel package ............................................................................................... 8
5.2.1 General ................................................................................................................. 8
5.2.2 Padded chair ....................................................................................................... 10
5.2.3 Wooden drawer................................................................................................... 10
5.2.4 Items on the table ............................................................................................... 10
5.2.5 Walls ................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.6 Ignition source..................................................................................................... 11
5.3 Accommodation areas fuel package................................................................... 12
5.3.1 General ............................................................................................................... 12
5.3.2 Metal frames ....................................................................................................... 13
5.3.3 Mattresses .......................................................................................................... 14
5.3.4 Ignition source..................................................................................................... 14
6 Test arrangement .................................................................................................. 15
6.1 Reference sprinkler requirements....................................................................... 15
6.1.1 General ............................................................................................................... 15
6.1.2 Reference sprinkler tests .................................................................................... 16
6.2 Water mist system requirements ........................................................................ 16
6.3 Sprinkler grid for office fuel package .................................................................. 16
6.4 Sprinkler grid for accommodation areas fuel package ....................................... 17
7 Test equipment requirements.............................................................................. 19
Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01)
VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01) Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas
1 General
1.1 Scope
This fire test protocol specifies the evaluation of the fire performance of water mist systems
for office spaces and accommodation areas. This fire test protocol is applicable for hori-
zontal, solid, flat ceilings with heights of 2 m and above.
1.2 Validity
These guidelines are valid from 1st July 2020.
Note: This is a translation of the German guidelines. If there are any discrepancies, the
German version shall be binding.
2 Normative references
These guidelines contain dated and undated references to other regulations (in alphabeti-
cal order). The normative references are cited in the respective clauses, the titles are listed
below. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these re-
gulations apply to these guidelines only when published by revision or amendment of these
guidelines. For undated references the latest edition of the regulation referred to applies.
The following guidelines contain additional conditions and requirements which shall be ful-
filled n the frame of an approval.
Any preconditions and requirements specified in the respective procedure guidelines shall
be fulfilled prior to testing.
ISO 5660-1 Reaction to fire tests – Heat release, smoke production and mass loss
VdS CEA 4001 Guidelines for sprinkler systems – planning and installation
VdS 2344 Procedure for the testing, approval, certification and conformity asses-
sment of products and systems for fire protection and security techno-
VdS 3188 Guidelines for water mist systems – planning and installation
Office spaces: The following areas are considered to be covered by the office and school
fuel package in accordance with clause 5.2:
Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01)
Mechanical floors (e.g. operating rooms) of low fire load can be protected by means of
water mist sprinkler systems for office space. In this case, the area of operation shall be
increased to 144 m2.
storage rooms
libraries, filing rooms, archives
mechanical floors
as well further comparable risks
Accommodation areas:
The following areas are considered to be covered by the accommodation areas fuel pack-
age in accordance with clause 5.3:
hotel rooms
rooms in hospitals, nursing homes, senior citizens residences
recreation areas
4 General requirements
Up to a maximum of 5 water mist sprinklers used in the fire tests shall be kept for later
The water mist system, operating without manual intervention, shall successfully complete
all described performance fire tests for their specific applications. For the applications
“Office and School Spaces” as defined in clause 3 the fuel package in accordance with
clause 5.2 shall be applied and for the applications “Accommodation areas Spaces” as
defined in clause 3 fuel packages in accordance with clause 5.3 shall be applied.
The fire load shall be taken from the conditioning area and arranged into the test area just
before conducting the test.
For the “Office fuel package” in accordance with clause 5.2 the water flow shall be shut-off
30 min after the activation of the first sprinkler/automatic water mist sprinkler in the fire test.
Any remaining fire shall be manually extinguished and the fire damage shall be recorded.
VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01) Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas
For the “Accommodation areas fuel package” in accordance with clause 5.3 the water flow
shall be shut-off 10 min after the activation of the first sprinkler/automatic water mist sprink-
ler in the fire test. Any remaining fire shall be manually extinguished and the fire damage
shall be recorded.
Prior to the testing, a layout of the water mist system to be tested shall be submitted for
test preparation purposes. This layout shall include any components required for the testing
as well as the full dimensioning (e. g. length of pipes, distances of automatic water mist
sprinklers/sprinklers, etc.).
System components, component locations, operating conditions and test enclosure details
shall remain unaltered throughout all of the fire tests for a given application.
All fire tests shall be conducted using the manufacturer instructions with regard to automa-
tic water mist sprinkler placement, spray flux, and operating pressure. Sprays shall not be
The test protocol is only applicable to ceiling mounted automatic water mist sprinklers.
The water supply shall be capable of supplying a flow rate and pressure at the minimum
operating pressure and flow rate of the automatic water mist sprinkler as specified by the
manufacturer. These parameters shall be based on the actual layout of the pipework in-
stallation as used in the test scenario.
The tests with the water mist system shall be conducted at maximum ceiling height, maxi-
mum spacing and minimum discharge conditions regarding water flow and pressure as
specified by the manufacturer for this application. The system shall be installed to achieve
the maximum allowed time delay of water pressure build-up of the system.
The tests shall be performed in a test laboratory accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC
17025. Otherwise, VdS reserves the right to carry out the complete documentation of the
fire tests (including measurements) as well as issuing the test report.
The acceptance of the fire tests is always carried out by two VdS employees. Even if the
tests are carried out in a test laboratory with an accreditation as a test laboratory according
to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, VdS reserves the right to carry out verification measurements
and other checks before, during and after the fire tests.
5 Fuel packages
5.1 General
The test assembly for all fire tests shall comply with the following specifications and cor-
responding figures.
The reference testing with a prescribed sprinkler system according to VdS CEA 4001 ser-
ves to indicate the baseline performance at each different test facility and set-up. Within
one test series, all fuel packages shall be identical.
The fire loads provided for the tests shall have humidity content as obtained by storage
indoors at 20 °C (±5 °C) for two weeks.
In case of storing fire loads in conditioned environment at a temperature of (23 ±2) °C and
a relative humidity of (50 ±5) % conditioning time may be reduced to minimum of 48 h.
Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01)
The wood crib shall be conditioned before the test, such that the moisture content is
(10 ± 2) %, 3 mm below the wood stick surface.
The storing conditions shall be the same for all fire loads used during all tests.
5.2.1 General
The typical masses of the individual components shall be as listed in Table 5-1.
Typical mass
Combustible material Item
Table plates 56
Wall panel 30
Drawer 15
Chair (frame) 6
Filed paper 90
paper Books 5
Newspaper 1
Chair (padding) 1
Polyether foam
Simulated files 1
A photograph of a typical fuel package is shown in Figure 5-1. Below, each element is
described in more detail.
VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01) Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas
The tables shall be constructed out of two plain uncoated 22 mm thick chipboard plates,
one with the measurements 304 cm × 76 cm × 76 cm and the other 152 cm × 108 cm × 76
cm, as given in Figure 5-2. Also shown in Figure 5-2 are the stands to which the table tops
shall be attached by screws, and the position of the wooden drawer, which also serves to
support the table tops.
wooden supports
metal frames
Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01)
The padded wooden chair shall be constructed of a plain wooden chair by attaching a
40 cm × 100 cm piece of cotton-covered polyether foam mattress with screws and washers
to it. The front edge of the chair shall be positioned flush with the edge of table 1, and there
shall be a 20 cm gap between the chair and table 2.
The mattresses shall be made of non-fire retardant polyether and they shall have a density
of approximately 33 kg/m3. When tested in accordance with ISO 5660-1, the polyether foam
shall give results as given in Table 5-2.
Irradiance: 35 kW/m2
Test Horizontal Position
conditions Sample thickness: 50 mm
No frame retainer shall be used
Time to ignition: 2 s to 6 s
3 min average Heat release rate HRR, q180:(270 ± 50) kW/m2
Test results
Effective heat of combustion: (28 ± 3) MJ/kg
Total heat release: (50 ± 12) MJ/m2
Table 5-2: Cone calorimeter test for foam in accordance with ISO 5660-1
The drawer shall be made of 20 mm thick veneered chipboard, and have the approximate
measures of 40 cm × 42 cm × 58 cm and an approximate weight of 14.6 kg. Steel supports
shall be mounted to the bottom of the drawer to give the required height. The drawers shall
be attached centrally and 20 cm away from the end of the large table with four screws going
through the top of the tabletop.
The bottommost drawer shall be opened to provide a gap of 4 cm between the front of this
tray and the front of the drawer.
The combustible material on the table shall consist of paper packed in cardboard files,
books and simulated plastic files. The items shall be arranged on the table as shown in
Figure 5-3. The simulated plastic files shall have a size of 30 cm × 30 cm × 10 cm, made
out of the same polyether foam as specified for the mattress of the chair. A newspaper with
an approximate weight of 900 g shall be placed on the table above the ignition source.
VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01) Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas
Figure 5-3: Layout of the combustible items on the table (Dimensions in centimetres)
5.2.5 Walls
The plywood walls shall stand on the floor and be made of 4 mm thick uncoated plywood
panels measuring 125 cm × 180 cm. Each wall shall extend 250 cm from the corner, and
a 10 cm air gap shall be left between the table plate and the wall. The plywood panels shall
be attached to solid non-combustible plates, measuring 125 cm × 180 cm.
The ignition shall be accomplished by a gas burner and a wood crib. The heat release rate
of the burner shall be 30 kW. The gas burner shall be placed in the centre under the drawer
in accordance with Figure 5-4. The wood crib shall be made of 16 wood (spruce or fir) sticks
measuring 30 cm × 30 cm × 25 cm and arranged in four layers of alternating orientation
inside a square steel pan of 30 cm × 30 cm × 10 cm. 250 ml of heptane shall be poured
into the pan to ensure the ignition of the crib. The pan and crib shall be placed on the floor
between the drawer and the wall, with the pan edge flush to the drawer edge. Figure 5-4
shows exemplarily the ignition arrangement.
The fire shall be ignited by applying a flame over the gas burner and switching on the gas
flow. The burner shall be operated for 300 s, independent of a sprinkler or automatic water
mist sprinkler activation.
Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01)
Figure 5-4: Positioning of the gas burner and the wood crib with respect to the drawer
5.3.1 General
The test assembly shall comply with the following specifications and figures.
metal frames
Figure 5-5 shows an example of the test assembly in accordance with the requirements
specified in clauses 5.3.2 to 5.3.4.
VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01) Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas
Figure 5-5: Assembly of fire loads and position of ignition source (Dimensions in millimetres)
Four metal frames in accordance with Figure 5-6 and Figure 5-7 shall be provided.
The fire source shall consist of four sofas made of mattresses as specified in clause 5.3.3
installed in steel frame sofas.
The steel frames for the sofas shall consist of rectangular bottom and backrest frames
constructed of (25 ± 2) mm square iron of normally 2 mm thickness. The dimensions of the
bottom frame shall be 2 000 mm × 700 mm and the dimensions of the backrest frame shall
be 2 000 mm × 725 mm. The seat and backrest mattresses shall be supported on each
frame by three vertical and one horizontal steel bars, constructed from similar steel stock.
The vertical steel bars shall be spaced every 500 mm and welded to the inner long sides
of the frame. The horizontal steel bar shall be welded to the inner short sides of the frame.
Both steel frames shall be fitted with a 150 mm by 150 mm steel plate, 2 mm thick. The
steel plate shall be positioned directly under and behind the intended position of the igniter,
in order to prevent it from falling to the floor during a test. Each sofa should have a rectan-
gular armrest on each end. The armrest shall be constructed of similar steel stock and shall
have a length of 600 mm in length and height of 300 mm. The front section of the armrest
shall be attached to the bottom frame 70 mm away from the backrest frame. The assembled
frames shall be supported by four legs constructed of similar steel stock. The two rear legs
shall be 205 mm in height and the front legs shall be 270 mm in height. When installed, the
mattress forming the seat shall be installed first, with its long side edge close up against
the backrest frame. The mattress forming the backrest shall be installed thereafter. This
mattress shall be kept in upright position by four hooks, two on the short sides and two on
the long sides of the backrest frame (see Figure 5-7).
The hooks shall be constructed from nominally 50 mm flat iron bars, of nominally 2 mm
thickness. The sofas shall be positioned as shown in Figure 5-6, with the top of the back-
rests spaced 25 mm apart.
Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01)
Figure 5-6: Assembly of fire loads and metal frames – side view (Dimensions in milli-
5.3.3 Mattresses
The mattresses used in the tests shall fulfil the following requirements:
Irradiance: 35 kW/m2
Test Horizontal Position
conditions Sample thickness: 50 mm
No frame retainer shall be used
Time to ignition: 2 s to 6 s
3 min average Heat release rate HRR, q180: (270 ± 50) kW/m2
Test results
Effective heat of combustion: (28 ± 3) MJ/kg
Total heat release: (50 ± 12) MJ/m2
Table 5-3: Cone calorimeter test for foam in accordance with ISO 5660-1
Mattress cover:
The test assembly (metal frames and mattresses) is shown exemplarily in Figure 5-6.
The ignition source is a unit made of fibreboard soaked in heptane in a closed plastic bag.
The ignition source is exemplarily shown in Figure 5-7.
material: fibreboard
dimensions of the fibreboard: 60 mm × 60 mm × 75 mm
quantity of heptane: 120 ml
plastic bag in appropriate size
VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01) Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas
After filling in the heptane, the plastic bag shall be closed immediately. The ignition source
shall be manufactured under supervision of VdS prior to the respective test.
Figure 5-8 shows an example of the test assembly. The position of the ignition source is
marked by a dashed lined circle in Figure 5-8.
Figure 5-8: Assembly of the ignition source with respect to the fire load
6 Test arrangement
6.1 Reference sprinkler requirements
6.1.1 General
The sprinkler system used in the reference tests shall be characterized as follows:
This value includes a safety factor of 15 %.
Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01)
1) type: pendent or upright spray sprinkler in accordance with VdS CEA 4001,
surface mounted on the ceiling with a flat escutcheon in case of pendent orienta-
It shall be noted, if the orientation of the automatic water mist sprinklers of the water
mist system is upright also upright sprinklers shall be used. In case of pendent ori-
entation of the automatic water mist sprinklers, the sprinkler orientation shall be also
2) installation of the sprinkler according to VdS CEA 4001
3) thermal sensitivity: at least special response as specified in VdS CEA 4001
4) nominal K factor: 80
5) temperature rating: 68 °C
Figure 6-1 and Figure 6-2 show the layout of the sprinkler grid and the required ther-
mocouples for the respective test set-up.
The sprinkler system shall be pressurized to be capable of the minimum required pressure
immediately after operation of the first sprinkler. Upon activation of the first sprinkler, the
flowing water pressure shall be maintained at a system operating pressure of at least 0.77
bar (depending on actual demand).
The orientation relative to the weakest/strongest discharge density of the automatic water
mist sprinklers shall be identical for each fire test. A designated orientation of the automatic
water mist sprinklers will be fixed prior to the test series by VdS taking into account the
leading discharge characteristics (e. g. the number and distribution of the individual water
spray trajectories in the overall spray pattern) of the water mist sprinklers.
For fire tests with ignition under one automatic water mist sprinkler, automatic water mist
sprinklers shall be installed in locations Sp1 to Sp9. For fire tests with ignition between four
automatic water mist sprinklers, automatic water mist sprinklers shall be installed in loca-
tions Sp10 to SP21.
VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01) Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas
The automatic water mist sprinklers in position SP2, SP4, SP5, SP6 and SP8 are manda-
tory to be connected to the water supply. The distance between these sprinklers/automatic
water mist sprinklers and the other sprinklers/automatic water mist sprinklers shall be at
the maximum spacing as specified by the manufacturer but not less than 1.5 m.
The sprinklers shall be installed with their yoke arms parallel to the chair backrest.
Figure 6-1 shows the layout of the sprinkler and automatic water mist sprinkler grid and the
required thermocouples.
Figure 6-1: Arrangement of the sprinkler grid, the fire load and the ceiling thermocouples
Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01)
For fire tests with ignition under one automatic water mist sprinkler, automatic water mist
sprinklers shall be installed in locations Sp1 to Sp9. For fire tests with ignition between four
automatic water mist sprinklers, automatic water mist sprinklers shall be installed in loca-
tions Sp10 to SP21.
The automatic water mist sprinklers in position SP2, SP4, SP5, SP6 and SP8 are manda-
tory to be connected to the water supply. The distance between these sprinklers/automatic
water mist sprinklers and the other sprinklers/automatic water mist sprinklers shall be at
the maximum spacing as specified by the manufacturer but not less than 1.5 m.
The sprinklers shall be installed with their yoke arms parallel to sofa no 1 and sofa no 2.
Figure 6-2 shows the layout of the sprinkler grid and the required thermocouples.
VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01) Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas
The fire tests shall be conducted in a large open test hall of sufficient area, and with a
minimum ceiling height of 5.0 m, to avoid affecting the results of the tests.
The size of the test hall shall not influence firefighting capabilities of any test fires (i. e.
depletion of oxygen due to an inadequately sized test laboratory).
There shall be a minimum gap of 1 m from ceiling rim to the wall of the fire test hall, sufficient
ventilation or space, to guarantee sufficient O2 concentration over the entire test period.
Oxygen concentration shall not decrease below 20 % as an average value inside the test
hall. If these conditions are not met, the water mist system shall only be installed in rooms
with a maximum size equal to the limits of the facility they are tested in.
For all fire tests, the ceiling, floor, and walls shall be as dry as possible, with only the per-
missibly moisture content of the environment. The relative humidity in the test enclosure
shall not significantly differ from that of the ambient relative humidity of the environment.
Maximum room relative humidity shall not be more than 70% prior to the test.
The minimum operating water mist sprinkler pressure (as specified by the manufacturer)
shall be used for all tests, unless otherwise noted. System operating pressures shall be
repeatable with a tolerance of ± 5 %.
The maximum ceiling height and spacing as specified by the manufacturer shall be used
for all tests. This includes using the maximum ceiling distance of the automatic water mist
sprinklers to the walls.
Maximum allowed time delay of water pressure build-up of the system shall be specified
by the manufacturer and shall be used for all tests.
8 Instrumentation requirements
8.1 General
The following measurements shall be recorded with a tolerance of a ± 5 % at intervals not
exceeding 1 s by using a computerized data acquisition system. Measurements shall begin
and end at least 1 min prior to ignition and after termination of the tests.
All measured values shall be recorded over the entire test period. The tests shall also be
recorded per video. Any damage of the test assembly shall be photographed and specified
in the test report after each test.
8.2 Temperature
T [°C]: For measuring the temperature, exposed 0.5 mm thermocouples of type K shall be
positioned 75 mm underneath the ceiling surface.
Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01)
The positions of the thermocouples shall be in accordance to Figure 6-1 and Figure 6-2.
The thermocouples shall be located circular with a radius of 1.80 m from the thermocouple
in the middle.
The temperature values measured during the test shall be averaged over 30 s (maximum
time between measurements 1 s), and the peak temperatures shall be determined from the
averaged curves.
8.3 Pressure
P [bar]: The pressure shall be measured at ceiling height at the hydraulically most remote
position of the pipe network.
8.4 Time
t [mm:ss]: Time measurement over the entire test period, with the following times being
9 Test criteria
9.1 General
The performance of the tested water mist system shall be evaluated in relation to the per-
formance of the reference sprinkler system. The evaluation shall reflect the overall perfor-
mance of both systems.
A total damage of the sprinkler test series shall be determined by calculating the average
damage (see clause 9.3) of the sprinkler tests. A total damage of the water mist tests shall
be determined by calculating the average of the damage (see clause 9.3) of the water mist
The average ceiling gas temperature shall be determined as the average of the three peak
temperatures after activation of the system. The averaged ceiling gas temperature of the
sprinkler test series shall be compared with the averaged ceiling gas temperature of the
water mist test series.
Critical judgement shall be exercised when evaluating the damage and the ceiling gas tem-
peratures. The evaluation shall be carried out using the same procedure in each test.
In case of a negative result with the water mist system, the water mist test series may be
repeated only with modified parameters of the system to be tested (e. g. higher design
density, lower ceiling height, smaller water mist sprinkler spacing).
VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01) Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas
The ignition source is located below one sprinkler / automatic water mist sprinkler. (U1)
The ignition source is located between four sprinklers / automatic water mist sprinklers. (B4)
The tests shall be designated as specified in Table 9-1 for traceability reasons.
Due to the complexity of the fuel package, the damage to the office fuel package shall be
evaluated quantitatively. The evaluation shall consider at least the following items:
The percentages given in the brackets describe the extent to which the criterion goes
into the pass/fail evaluation.
Paper files, simulated files, newspapers and books will be evaluated in terms of da-
mage caused by temperature effects:
0 % damage: no temperature-induced discolouration of the material, no thermal
deformation, no burnt or melted parts;
50 % damage: only slight and partial change of the material structure on the surface
(e. g. sooting, carbonisation, blistering, deformation);
100 % damage: material shows sooting, carbonisation, deformation, or any other
change of the material, or if it catches fire during the test.
b) Determination of peak temperatures:
This evaluation refers to the temperatures reached after operation of the first
sprinkler/first automatic water mist sprinkler.
Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01)
The temperature curves measured during the test are averaged over a period of 30 s (ma-
ximum interval between measurements 1 s), and from the averaged curves the peak tem-
peratures shall be determined.
The average gas temperature at the ceiling is the average of the three peak temperatures.
the total averaged damage of the water mist test series is less than or equal to the total
averaged damage of the sprinkler test series
the total averaged ceiling gas temperature of the water mist test series is less than or
equal to the total averaged ceiling gas temperature of the sprinkler test series
no more than four automatic water mist sprinklers activate in any of the tests, while
only one automatic water mist sprinkler from the outer ring is allowed to be activated
Due to the complexity of the fuel package, the damage to the hotel fuel package shall be
evaluated quantitatively. The evaluation shall consider at least the following items.
VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01) Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas
The temperature curves measured during the test are averaged over a period of 30 s (ma-
ximum interval between measurements 1 s), and from the averaged curves the peak tem-
peratures shall be determined.
The average gas temperature at the ceiling is the average of the three peak temperatures.
The total averaged damage in the water mist test series is less than or equal to the
total averaged damage of the sprinkler test series.
The total averaged ceiling gas temperature of the water mist test series is less than or
equal to the total averaged ceiling gas temperature of the sprinkler test series.
No more than four automatic water mist sprinklers activate in any of the tests, while only
one automatic water mist sprinkler from the outer ring is allowed to be activated.
10 Test Report
The results of the tests shall be documented in a test report.
The test report shall be submitted to VdS as electronic document (pdf) and on paper duly
and legally binding signed by the originator. The test report acc. to EN ISO/IEC 17025 shall
include at least the following:
Part 1: Protection of office spaces and accommodation areas VdS 3883-1en : 2020-06 (01)
Moreover, the data acquired by measurement with unique identification of the measuring
points shall be delivered to VdS in an appropriate form (e. g. ASCII or MS Excel) as soon
as the tests are complete.