The Great Canon: On Thursday of The First Week of Lent

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On Thursday of the First Week of Lent


Of St Andrew of Crete
On Thursday of the First Week of Lent

On Thursday of the First Week of Lent, during Great Compline, after Psalm 69, the
Canon is sung.

Song 1. Tone 6.
He is my Helper and Protector, and has become my
salvation. This is my God and I will glorify Him. My father's
God and I will exalt Him. For gloriously has He been glorified.
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.
O Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of all, take from
me the heavy yoke of sin, and in Thy compassion grant me
tears of compunction.
I fall prostrate before Thee, O Jesus. I have sinned against
Thee, be merciful to me. Take from me the heavy yoke of sin,
and in Thy compassion grant me tears of compunction.
Enter not into judgment with me, by recording my deeds,
demanding an account of my words, and examining my
motives and desires. But in Thy compassion disregard my
terrible past and save me, O God All-Powerful.
It is time for repentance. I draw near to Thee, my Creator.
Take from me the heavy yoke of sin, and in Thy compassion
grant me tears of compunction.
I have squandered in profligacy the substance of my soul,
and I am barren of virtues and piety; but famished I cry: O
Father of mercies, forestall and have compassion on me.
Holy mother Mary, pray to God for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt: By submitting to Christ's divine laws
Thou didst draw near to Him, having left the unbridled craving
THE GREAT CANON OF St Andrew of Crete

for pleasure, and with all discretion thou didst achieve every
virtue as one.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
To The Trinity: Superessential Trinity, adored in Unity, take
from me the heavy yoke of sin, and in Thy compassion grant
me tears of compunction.
Now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: Mother of God, hope and intercessor of those
who sing of thee, take from me the heavy yoke of sin, and as
thou art our pure Lady, accept me who repent.
Song 2.
See, see that I am God, Who rained manna and made water
spout from the rock of old for my people in the wilderness, by My
right hand, and by My strength alone.
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.
"I have killed a man to the wounding of myself," said
Lamech, "and a young man to my own hurt," he cried out
wailing. But you, my soul, do not tremble, while polluting the
flesh and defiling the mind.
You would have contrived to build a tower, my soul, and
erect a stronghold for your lusts, had not the Creator
confounded your plans and brought your schemes crashing to
O how I have emulated that old murderer Lamech! By my
pleasure-loving cravings I have killed my soul as the man, my
On Thursday of the First Week of Lent

mind as the young man, and my body as my brother, like Cain

the murderer.
The Lord rained fire from the Lord of old, and burnt up
the wanton wickedness of Sodom. But you, my soul, have
kindled the fire of hell in which you are about to be bitterly
I am struck and wounded! See the arrows of the enemy
with which my soul and body are pierced all over! See the
wounds, the sores and the mutilations that cry out and betray
the blows of my self-chosen passions!
Holy mother Mary, pray to God for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt: Thou didst stretch out thy hands to the
merciful God, O Mary, when sunk in the lowest vices. And He
Who by every means was seeking thy conversion, lovingly
stretched out a helping hand as to Peter.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
To The Trinity: Unoriginate, uncreated Trinity, indivisible
Unity, accept me who repent, save me who have sinned. I am
Thy creation, despise me not, but spare me and deliver me
from the fire of condemnation.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: Spotless Lady, Mother of God, hope of those
who run to thee, and haven of those in distress, obtain grace
for me from the merciful One, Thy Son and Creator, by thy
THE GREAT CANON OF St Andrew of Crete

Song 3.
Establish Thy Church on the unshakable rock of Thy
commandments, O Christ.
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.
You, my soul, have become like Hagar the Egyptian of old.
You have become enslaved by your own choice and have a
new Ishmael - stubborn self-will.
You know, my soul, of the Ladder shown to Jacob
reaching from earth to Heaven. Why have you not clung to the
sure step of piety?
Imitate that Priest of God and solitary King who was an
image of the life of Christ in the world among men.
Be converted and groan, wretched soul, before the
pageant of life comes to an end, before the Lord shuts the
door of the bridal hall.
Do not be a pillar of salt, my soul, by turning back; but let
the example of the Sodomites frighten you, and take refuge
up in Zoar.
Reject not the prayer of those who praise Thee, O Lord;
but have compassion on us, O Lover of men, and to those who
ask with faith grant forgiveness.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
To The Trinity: Simple, uncreated Unity, unoriginate Nature
praised in a Trinity of Persons, save us who with faith worship
Thy power.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
On Thursday of the First Week of Lent

O Mother of God, unwedded thou gavest birth

in time to the timeless Son of the Father. And - O strange
wonder! - thou remainest a Virgin while suckling Him.
Song 4.
The Prophet heard of Thy coming, O Lord, and was afraid that
Thou wast to be born of a Virgin and appear to men, and he said, "I
have heard the report of Thee and am afraid." Glory to Thy power,
O Lord.
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.
Brief is my lifetime and full of pain and wickedness, but
accept me in penitence and recall me to awareness of Thee.
May I never be the possession or food of the enemy. O Savior,
have compassion on me.
The opulent and righteous man, arrayed in royal dignity,
crown and purple, abounding in wealth and cattle, was
suddenly shorn of his riches, glory and kingdom and became
a beggar.
If he who was righteous and blameless beyond all did not
escape the snares and nets of the deceiver, what will you do,
my soul, who are sin-loving and wretched, if something
unexpected happens to you?
Boastful I am, and hard-hearted, all in vain and for
nothing. Condemn me not with the Pharisee, but rather grant
me the humility of the Publican, O only merciful and just
Judge, and number me with him.
I have sinned, I know, O merciful Lord, and outraged the
vessel of my flesh, but accept me in penitence and recall me
THE GREAT CANON OF St Andrew of Crete

to awareness of Thee. May I never be the possession or food

of the enemy. O Savior, have compassion on me.
I am become my own idol, and have injured my soul with
passions, O merciful Lord, but accept me in penitence and
recall me to awareness of Thee. May I never be the possession
or food of the enemy. O Savior, have compassion on me.
I have not listened to Thy voice, I have disobeyed Thy
Scripture, O Lawgiver, but accept me in penitence and recall
me to awareness of Thee. May I never be the possession or
food of the enemy. O Savior, have compassion on me.
Holy mother Mary, pray to God for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt: Though dragged down to the depth of
great offences, thou wast not held there. But with better
thought thou didst return by action to consummate virtue
beyond all expectation, to the amazement of angel kind, O
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
To The Trinity: I confess Thee to be undivided in essence,
unconfused in persons, One Triune Divinity, co-enthroned and
co-reigning. I sing Thee the great song thrice sung on high.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: Thou givest birth and livest a virgin life, and in
both remainest a virgin by nature. He Who is born of thee
renews the laws of nature, and a womb gives birth without
travail. Where God wills, the order of nature is overruled; for
He does whatever He wishes.
On Thursday of the First Week of Lent

Song 5.
Out of the night watching early for Thee, enlighten me, I
pray, O Lover of men, and guide even me in Thy commandments,
and teach me, O Savior, to do Thy will.
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.
Imitate, my soul, the woman bent earthward; come and
fall down at the feet of Jesus, that He may straighten you to
walk upright in the footsteps of the Lord.
Though Thou art a deep well, O Lord, pour on me streams
from Thy immaculate wounds, that like the Samaritan woman
I may drink and thirst no more; for from Thee gush rivers of
May my tears be for me a Siloam, O Sovereign Lord, that
I may wash the eyes of my soul and mentally see Thee Who
art that light which was before creation.
Holy mother Mary, pray to God for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt: Thou, all-blessed one, didst yearn with
matchless love and longing to worship the Tree of Life, and thy
desire was granted; make us also worthy to attain to the glory
on high.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
Spirit: To The Trinity: Thee, O Trinity, we glorify, the one God:
Holy, Holy, Holy art Thou, Father, Son and Spirit, simple Being,
Unity ever adored.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: From thee, O pure maiden Mother and Virgin, God
THE GREAT CANON OF St Andrew of Crete

Who created the worlds and ages was clad in my clay and
united to Himself human nature.
Song 6.
I cried with my whole heart to the merciful God, and He heard
me from the lowest hell and raised my life out of corruption.
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.
I am the coin with the royal image which was lost of old,
O Savior. But light the lamp, Thy Forerunner, O Word; seek
and find Thy image.
Rise and make war against the passions of the flesh, as
Joshua did against Amalek, and ever conquer the Gibeonites -
illusive thoughts.
Holy mother Mary, pray to God for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt: To extinguish the flame of the passions,
O Mary, thou didst ever shed rivers of tears and fire thy soul
with divine love. Grant also to me, thy servant, the grace of
Holy mother Mary, pray to God for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt: Thou didst acquire heavenly dispassion
by thy sublime life on earth, O mother. Therefore pray that
those who sing of thee may be delivered from the grip of
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
To The Trinity: I am the Trinity, simple and undivided,
divided Personally, and I am the Unity, united in nature, says
the Father, the Son, and the Divine Spirit.
On Thursday of the First Week of Lent

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: Thy womb bore God for us Who took our form.
Implore Him as the Creator of all, O Mother of God, that
through thy intercessions we may be justified.
Kontakion, tone 6:
My soul, my soul, arise! Why are you sleeping? The end
is drawing near, and you will be confounded. Awake, then.
and be watchful, that Christ our God may spare you, Who is
everywhere present and fills all things.
Song 7.
We have sinned, transgressed, done wrong before Thee, we
have not watched or done as Thou hast commanded us. But do not
give us up utterly, O God of our Fathers.
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.
My days have vanished like a dream on waking.
Therefore weep on my bed like Hezekiah that years may be
added to my life. But what Isaiah will come to you, my soul,
except the God of all?
I fall, down before Thee and bring Thee as tears my words.
I have sinned like the harlot, and transgressed as no other on
earth. But have compassion, O Lord, on Thy work, and recall
I have buried Thy image and broken Thy commandment.
All my beauty is darkened and my lamp is extinguished by my
passions, O Savior. But have compassion and restore to me, as
David sings, joy.
THE GREAT CANON OF St Andrew of Crete

Return, repent, uncover what is hidden. Say to God Who

knows everything: Thou knowest my secrets, O only Savior;
but have mercy on me, as David sings, according to Thy mercy.
Holy mother Mary, pray to God for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt: By crying to the immaculate Mother of
God, thou didst repel the rage of passions which once
violently harassed thee, and didst put to shame the enemy
tempter. But now grant me, thy servant, also help out of
Holy mother Mary, pray to God for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt: He Whom thou lovest, He Whom thou
desires, He on Whose track thou camest, mother, found thee
and granted thee repentance, for He is God Who alone is
compassionate. Implore Him unceasingly to deliver us from
passions and adversities.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
To The Trinity: 0 Trinity simple and undivided, of one
essence and, one nature, Lights and Light, three Holies and
one Holy, God the Trinity is hymned. But sing, my soul, and
glorify the Life and Lives, the God of all.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: We sing of thee, we bless thee, we worship thee,
O Mother of God, for thou gavest birth to one of the
inseparable Trinity, the one Son and God, and to us on earth
thou hast opened the heavenly realms.
On Thursday of the First Week of Lent

Song 8.
Him Whom the heavenly hosts glorify and before Whom
Cherubim and Seraphim tremble, let every breath and all creation
praise, bless and exalt throughout all ages.
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.
The alabaster jar of my tears, O Savior, I pour out on Thy
head as the perfume, and like the harlot I cry to Thee, seeking
Thy mercy. I offer prayer and ask to receive forgiveness.
Though no one has sinned against Thee as I, yet accept
even me, O compassionate Savior, repenting with fear and
crying with love: Against Thee only have I sinned. I have done
wrong, have mercy on me.
Spare, O Savior, Thy own creation, and seek as Shepherd
Thy lost sheep; snatch the stray from the wolf, and make me
a pet lamb in Thy sheep pasture.
When Thou sittest as Judge and in Thy compassion
showest Thy dread glory, O Christ, O what fear there will be
then, when the furnace is burning and all shrink from Thy
inexorable Tribunal!
Holy mother Mary, pray to God for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt: The Mother of the unwaning Light
enlightened thee, and freed thee from the darkness of the
passions. So now thou art admitted to the grace of the Spirit,
enlighten, O Mary, those who faithfully praise Thee.
Holy mother Mary, pray to God for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt: Beholding in thee a new wonder, O
mother, divine Zosimas was truly amazed. For he saw an angel
THE GREAT CANON OF St Andrew of Crete

in a body and, filled with utter astonishment, he praises Christ

for ever.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
To The Trinity: Eternal Father, co-eternal Son, gracious
Comforter, Spirit of Truth; Father of the Divine Word, Word of
the Eternal father, living and creative Spirit, Trinity Unity, have
mercy on us.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: As from scarlet silk, O spotless Virgin, within thy
womb the spiritual purple was woven, the flesh of Emmanuel.
Therefore we honor thee as in truth Mother of God.
Song 9.
Ineffable is the childbearing of a seedless conception,
unsullied the pregnancy of a Virgin Mother, for the birth of God
renews natures. So in all generations we magnify thee in orthodox
fashion as the Mother and Bride of God.
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.
Have compassion and save me, have mercy on me, O Son
of David, Who didst heal with a word the demoniac. And let
Thy voice of tender compassion speak to me as to the robber,
"Truly I tell you, you will be with Me in Paradise when I rise in
My glory."
A robber accused Thee, and a robber confessed Thee to
be God, for both were hanging on a cross with Thee. But open
even to me, O most compassionate Savior, the door of Thy
On Thursday of the First Week of Lent

glorious Kingdom as to Thy faithful robber who acknowledged

Thee to be God.
Creation was in anguish; seeing Thee crucified;
mountains and rocks were split with fear, the earth quaked,
hell was emptied, and the light grew dark in the daytime;
beholding Thee, Jesus, nailed to the Cross in Thy flesh.
Do not require of me fruits worthy of repentance, for my
strength is spent in me. Grant me ever a contrite heart and
spiritual poverty, that I may offer these gifts to Thee as an
acceptable sacrifice, O only Savior.
O my Judge and my Light, Who alone knowest me and art
coming again with Thine Angels to judge the whole world,
regard me then with Thy merciful Eye and spare me, O Jesus.
And have compassion on me who have sinned more than all
Holy mother Mary, pray to God for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt: Thou didst astonish all by thy strange
life, both the Orders of Angels and the councils of men, by
living immaterially and surpassing nature. Then treading
firmly the waves like an immaterial being, O Mary, thou didst
cross the Jordan an.
Holy mother Mary, pray to God for us.
To St. Mary of Egypt: Intercede with the Creator on behalf of
those who praise thee, holy mother, that we may be delivered
from the sufferings and afflictions which beset us on all sides,
that being delivered from our temptations, we may
unceasingly magnify the Lord Who glorified thee.
THE GREAT CANON OF St Andrew of Crete

Holy father Andrew, pray to God for us.

To St. Andrew of Crete: Venerable Andrew, thrice-blessed
father, shepherd of Crete, cease not to pray to God for those
who sing of thee, that He may deliver from anger, oppression,
corruption, and our countless sins, all of us who faithfully
honor thy me memory.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
To The Trinity: Let us glorify the Father, exalt the Son, and
faithfully worship the Divine Spirit, inseparable Trinity, Unity
in essence, as the Light and Lights, the Life and Lives, giving
life and light to the ends of the earth.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: Protect thy city, spotless Mother of God, for in
thee it faithfully reigns, and in thee is made strong, and
through thee it conquers and routs every trial and temptation,
and spoils its foes and rules its subjects.
And again the Eirmos:
Ineffable is the childbearing of a seedless conception,
unsullied the pregnancy of a Virgin Mother, for the birth of God
renews natures. So in all generations we magnify thee in orthodox
fashion as Mother and Bride of God.

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