abecote 340 is a two-component, solvent-based epoxy resin floor coating that provides a protective, hardwearing, and decorative finish for cementitious and metal surfaces. It increases floor durability, reduces maintenance costs, and improves cleanability. The product has a pot life of 3 hours, becomes tack-free in 4 hours, and fully cures in 7 days. It is applied in two coats at a rate of 8 square meters per liter per coat and dries to a semi-gloss finish. Surface preparation and proper application are required for best results.
abecote 340 is a two-component, solvent-based epoxy resin floor coating that provides a protective, hardwearing, and decorative finish for cementitious and metal surfaces. It increases floor durability, reduces maintenance costs, and improves cleanability. The product has a pot life of 3 hours, becomes tack-free in 4 hours, and fully cures in 7 days. It is applied in two coats at a rate of 8 square meters per liter per coat and dries to a semi-gloss finish. Surface preparation and proper application are required for best results.
abecote 340 is a two-component, solvent-based epoxy resin floor coating that provides a protective, hardwearing, and decorative finish for cementitious and metal surfaces. It increases floor durability, reduces maintenance costs, and improves cleanability. The product has a pot life of 3 hours, becomes tack-free in 4 hours, and fully cures in 7 days. It is applied in two coats at a rate of 8 square meters per liter per coat and dries to a semi-gloss finish. Surface preparation and proper application are required for best results.
abecote 340 is a two-component, solvent-based epoxy resin floor coating that provides a protective, hardwearing, and decorative finish for cementitious and metal surfaces. It increases floor durability, reduces maintenance costs, and improves cleanability. The product has a pot life of 3 hours, becomes tack-free in 4 hours, and fully cures in 7 days. It is applied in two coats at a rate of 8 square meters per liter per coat and dries to a semi-gloss finish. Surface preparation and proper application are required for best results.
TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES test” is also advisable approx. 1m² abecote 340 is a two-component masked down on surface) Pot life 3 hrs @ 25 oC solvent based, decorative epoxy resin floor coating. Tack-free time 4 hrs @ 25 oC PRIMING
USES 8 - 24 hrs Substrate must be dry and moisture
Overcoating time @ 25 C content less than 5%. abecote 340 provides a protective, Full cure 7 days hardwearing, decorative and oil- CONCRETE FLOORS - Ensure that all resistant finish to cementitious 2 coats applied dust and loose particles are removed masonry and metal surfaces. @ 8 m²/lt/coat by means of vacuum. Dry film thickness It is not usual to apply a primer under The coating is also used in a variety of will give areas such as workshops and 100 µm Dft. abecote 340 but very porous surfaces assembly plants, and wet production should be primed with abecote 386. areas such as food and bottling plants, Coverage ±40 m² / 5 kg and dairies. STEEL - Ensure steel is clean and free Flash point + 23o C As a seamless floor coating abecote of rust, oils, grease, dirt or any flaking 340 is also suitable for use in hygienic material. Prime with abecote 384. areas such as kitchens, hospitals and Scabbling might create rough pharmaceutical production. surfaces, which cannot be covered by MIXING abecote 340 can also be used as a a thin film coating. decorative sealer coat for abescreed. Oil and grease contamination needs to Pre-stir base and activator separately. be removed by means of degreasing Add the entire activator component to FEATURES & BENEFITS or hot compressed air depending on the base component and stir for at the depth of penetration. least 5 minutes using a flat paddle. Increases the durability of a floor. Small holes should be filled with an Mechanical mixing gives better Reduces maintenance costs. epoxy such as epidermix 372 mixed dispersion than manual mixing and the Improves housekeeping and removal 1 to 1 by volume with abe No.2 silica mixing time can be reduced to of dust – easy to clean. sand. Larger holes can either be filled 3 minutes. A suitable mixing method Tough protective and decorative in the same way or with an epoxy would be a heavy-duty slow-speed coating. mortar such as abescreed. electric drill (approximately 200 r/min) Resistant to most commonly used A cementitious mortar such as aberep fitted with a paddle. chemicals and oils. 710 can be used or a sand/cement The use of flameproof equipment is Economical. gauged with duralatex and laid into a advised. Easy to apply. duralatex/cement/sand slush. Unlike Excellent adhesion to concrete, sand the waterborne epoxy coatings these COVERAGE and cement screeds, and most metal substrates need to be dry before surfaces. applying abecote 340. abecote 340 will cover ±40 m² per Cures to a hard and semi-gloss 5 kg kit depending on the profile of the finish. STEEL - Steel surfaces to be surface being covered. Available in a range of colours. overcoated need to be grit blasted to SA 2,5. APPLICATION Surface preparation: SURFACE PREPARATION The substrate must be dry before Do not apply if substrate or ambient application CONCRETE – Surfaces must be clean temperature is less than -5o C or above Electronic moisture content tests must and mechanically sound and free of +35o C. be conducted prior to application of the laitance, nibs, dust, grease and oil. Mixed abecote 340 may be applied to priming system. Maximum moisture 4- Light grit blasting or grinding is the the substrate by brush, or short-fibre 5% max. (eg Protimeter Survey Master preferred method of surface roller. or equivalent) preparation. Wet abrasive, or acid or etching are other methods which can Ideally the first coat should be applied Dynamic Calcium Chloride moisture be used but these being wet methods by brush. Ensure that no ponding “weight gain” over 24 hours time delays can occur waiting for the occurs. Allow to cure 8 – 24 hours @ or surface to dry. 25o C before application of subsequent coats. For increased chemical Revision 9203 resistance or additional lifespan a products, whether or not in accordance further coat/s is advised. with any advice, specification, Drying time will depend upon recommendation, or information given temperature, humidity and ventilation. by the company. If working indoors or in confined spaces, always ensure adequate FURTHER INFORMATION ventilation. Where other products are to be used Adhere to the pot life as indicated on in conjunction with this material, the the table supplied. While unused relevant technical data sheets should material may still appear workable be consulted to determine total after this time, it must under no requirements. abe Construction circumstances be used. Chemicals has a wealth of technical and practical experience built up over MODEL SPECIFICATION years in the company’s pursuit of excellence in building and construction Two-component solvent based technology. epoxy resin floor coating.
The coating will be abecote 340; a
two-component epoxy resin coating system applied in accordance with the recommendations of abe Construction Chemicals.
abecote 340 is supplied in 5 kg kits.
abecote 340 epoxy resin coating has
a shelf life of 12 months if kept in a dry, cool store in the original, unopened packs. If stored at high temperatures and/or high humidity conditions, the shelf life may be reduced.
Uncured abecote 340 can cause skin
irritation. Gloves and eye protection should always be worn. Always ensure good through ventilation when working indoors. Splashes into eyes should be washed immediately with plenty of clean water and medical advice sought. Cured abecote 340 is non-toxic, inert and harmless.
This data sheet is issued as a guide to
the use of the product(s) concerned. Whilst abe Construction Chemicals endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation, specification or information is accurate and correct, the company cannot - because abe has no direct or continuous control over where and how abe products are applied - accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the use of abe