Configuring X.25: Before You Begin
Configuring X.25: Before You Begin
Configuring X.25: Before You Begin
Configuring X.25
This chapter describes how to configure a Cisco 1600 series router to connect to
a central-site router over an X.25 line or over an Integrated Systems Digital
Network (ISDN) line and provides verification steps and troubleshooting tips.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• X.25
• X.25 Over ISDN B Channel
• How X.25 Works
Note In order to use the verification steps described in this chapter, you must be
familiar with Cisco IOS commands and command modes. When you use the
verification steps, you need to change to different command modes. If you are
not familiar with command modes, refer to the “Understanding Command
Modes” section in the “Cisco IOS Basic Skills” chapter.
This section describes how to your router for a point-to-point X.25 WAN
connection to the central-site router.
These are the major tasks when configuring your router:
• Configuring Global Parameters
• Configuring Security
• Configuring the Ethernet Interface
• Configuring the X.25 Interface
• Configuring Command Line Access to the Router
Figure 6-1 illustrates the configuration used in this example.
X.25 Router
Prompt Command
Step 1 Enter configuration mode. Router# configure
Step 2 Configure the router to show the date and time of all Router(config)# service
debug messages. timestamps debug
datetime msec
This command is optional, but recommended if you
use debug commands to troubleshoot your
Step 3 Configure the router to show the date and time of all Router(config)# service
log messages. timestamps log
datetime msec
This command is optional, but recommended if you
use the verification steps described in this guide. This
feature is enabled for all the example command
output shown in this guide.
Step 4 Enable IPX routing and configure the router with an Router(config)# ipx routing
IPX address. 0060.834f.66dd
Configuring Security
Use this table to configure the router with some security measures, such as the
router host name and the password used to prevent unauthorized access to the
Prompt Command
Step 1 Configure the router with a host name, which is Router(config)# hostname 1600
used in prompts and default configuration file
For Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) authentication,
the host name entered with this command must
match the username of the central-site router.
Step 2 Specify a password to prevent unauthorized 1600(config)# enable password
access to the router. 1600user
Prompt Command
Step 1 Enter configuration mode for the Ethernet 1600(config)# interface Ethernet0
Step 2 Configure this interface with an IP address 1600(config-if)# ip address
and a subnet mask.
Step 3 Configure this interface with an IPX network 1600(config-if)# ipx network ABC
Step 4 Enable the interface and the configuration 1600(config-if)# no shutdown
changes that you have just made on the
Step 5 Exit configuration mode for this interface. 1600(config-if)# exit
Step 5 Set the X.121 address of this interface. 1600(config-if)# x25 address 5432
Step 3 Confirm that the success rate shown in the output (shown in bold in the example)
is 60 percent (3/5) or greater. This means that your router is successfully
transferring data to the central-site router.
Step 4 To continue configuration, re-enter global configuration mode.
Note Substitute the IPX address of your central-site router for the IPX
address shown in the example.
1600# ping
Protocol [ip]: ipx 9876.0000.0c03.ecc6
Target IPX address:
Repeat count [5]: <Return>
Datagram size [100]: <<Return>>
Timeout in seconds [2]: <<Return>>
Verbose [n]: <<Return>>
Novell Standard Echo [n]: <<Return>>
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte IPX cisco Echoes to 9876.0000.0c03.ecc6, timeout
is 2 seconds: !!!!!
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 20/21/24
Step 4 Confirm that the success rate shown in the output (shown in bold in the example)
is 60 percent (3/5) or greater. This means that your router is successfully
transferring data to the central-site router.
Step 5 To continue configuration, re-enter global configuration mode.
Step 1 From the privileged EXEC command mode, enter the show interface serial 0
Step 2 Check that the “line protocol is up” and the “State CONNECT” messages (shown
in bold in the example) appear in the command output:
1600# show interface serial 0
Step 3 If you do not see these messages, refer to the following “Troubleshooting X.25
Problems” section for suggestions.
Step 4 To continue configuration, re-enter global configuration mode.
Step 1 From the privileged EXEC command mode, enter the show x25 map command:
1600# show x25 map
Step 2 Confirm that your IPX network number and the central-site router IP address and
IPX address appear in the command output (shown in bold in the example). The
IP and IPX addresses shown in your output are different than those shown above.
Step 1 From the privileged EXEC command mode, enter the show x25 vc command, as
1600# show x25 vc
SVC 1, State: D1, Interface: Serial0
Started 00:04:10, last input 00:00:26, output 00:00:33 Connects 2345
ipx 9876.0000.0c03.ecc6
multiprotocol cud pid, standard Tx data PID Window size input: 2,
output: 2
Packet size input: 128, output: 128
PS: 7 PR: 3 ACK: 3 Remote PR: 7 RCNT: 0 RNR: FALSE Retransmits: 0
Timer (secs): 0 Reassembly (bytes): 0 Held Fragments/Packets: 0/0
Bytes 1540/1724 Packets 15/19 Resets 0/0 RNRs 0/0 REJs 0/0 INTs 0/0
Step 2 Look for the following messages in the output (shown in bold in the example):
• “SVC 1”—Means that the X.25 service is active for the X.25 interface.
• “State: D1”—Means that there is an active virtual circuit on the X. 25
• “Connects 2345 <-->...”—Means that the X.25 address is correctly associated
to the IP address and IPX address of the X.25 interface.
• “Packets 15/19”—Means that data is being transferred across the X.25
interface. The number shown in this message varies and shows the success
rate of data that is being sent.
Step 3 To continue configuration, re-enter global configuration mode.
Prompt Command
Step 1 Specify the console terminal line. 1600(config)# line console 0
Step 2 Set the interval that the EXEC command 1600(config-line)# exec-timeout 5
interpreter waits until user input is
Step 3 Specify a virtual terminal for remote 1600(config-line)# line vty 0 4
console access.
Step 4 Specify a password on the line. 1600(config-line)# password lineaccess
Caution If you are not familiar with Cisco IOS debug commands, you should read the
“Using Debug Commands” section in the “Cisco IOS Basic Skills” chapter
before attempting any debugging.
• If the ping command is unsuccessful, use the debug x25 packet command.
• If you cannot use the ping command to confirm connectivity to any device
beyond the central-site router, verify that your routing (static or dynamic) is
correctly configured.
• If you do not see the “line protocol up” message in the show interface
command output, use the debug x25 event command.
• If you do not see the “State CONNECT” message in the show interface
command output, use the debug lapb command.
ISDN Router
Prompt Command
Step 1 Enter configuration mode. Router# configure terminal
Step 2 Configure the router to show the date and Router(config)# service timestamps
time of all debug messages. debug datetime msec
Step 5 Configure the type of central office switch Router(config)# isdn switch-type
being used on the ISDN interface. Use the basic-ni
keyword that matches the ISDN switch type
that you are using:
• basic-ts013 —Australian TS013 switches
• basic-1tr6 —German 1TR6 ISDN switches
• basic-nwnet3—Norway NET3 switches (phase
• basic-net3—NET3 ISDN switches
• vn2—French VN2 ISDN switches
• vn3—French VN3 ISDN switches
• ntt—Japanese NTT ISDN switches
• basic-5ess—AT&T basic rate switches
• basic-dms100—NT DMS-100 basic rate
• basic-ni—National ISDN-1 switches
• basic-nznet3—New Zealand Net3 switches
Step 6 Enter configuration mode for the ISDN Router(config)# interface bri0
Step 7 Enable the ISDN switch type configuration Router(config-if) no shutdown
for the ISDN interface. #
You can verify your configuration to this point by confirming the ISDN line status
as follows:
Step 1 From the privileged EXEC command mode, enter the show isdn status
Step 2 Confirm that the “State = MULTIPLE_FRAME_ESTABLISHED” message
(shown in bold in the example) appears on the command output:
1600# show isdn status
The current ISDN Switchtype = basic-5ess
ISDN BRI0 interface
Layer 1 Status:
Layer 2 Status:
Layer 3 Status:
No Active Layer 3 Call(s)
Activated dsl 0 CCBs = 0
Total Allocated ISDN CCBs =
Note In some cases, you might see a “State = TEI_ASSIGNED” message instead of
the “State = MULTIPLE_FRAME_ESTABLISHED” message. This message
also means that the ISDN line is correctly configured.
Configuring Security
Use this table to configure the router with some security measures, including the
password used to access the router and the username and password used for
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) and Password
Authentication Protocol (PAP) authentication with the central-site router.
Prompt Command
Step 1 Configure the router with a host name, 1600(config)# hostname 1600
which is used in prompts and default
configuration file names.
For Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
authentication, the host name entered with
this command must match the username of
the central-site router.
Step 2 Specify a password to prevent 1600(config)# enable password 1600user
unauthorized access to the router.
Step 3 Specify the password used during caller 1600(config)# username HQ password
identification and CHAP and PAP guessme
For CHAP and PAP authentication, the
username entered with this command must
match the host name of the central-site
Prompt Command
Step 1 Enter configuration mode for the Ethernet 1600(config)# interface Ethernet0
Step 2 Configure this interface with an IP address. 1600(config-if)# ip address
Step 3 Enable the interface and the configuration 1600(config-if)# no shutdown
changes that you have just made on the
Step 4 Exit configuration mode for this interface. 1600(config-if)# exit
Prompt Command
Step 1 Enter configuration mode for the ISDN 1600(config)# interface BRI0
Step 2 Configure this interface with an IP 1600(config-if)# ip address
Step 3 Set the encapsulation type on this interface 1600(config-if)# encapsulation x25
to X.25.
Prompt Command
Step 4 Enable snapshot routing. Because your 1600(config)# snapshot client 5 60
router is dialing into a central-site router, it
is considered the client router.
The first number is the amount of “active
time” (in minutes) during which routing
updates are exchanged between your
router and the central-site router.
The second number is the amount of “quiet
time” (in minutes) during which routing
entries are frozen and remain unchanged.
Step 5 Enable IPX routing on this interface. 1600(config-if)# ipx network 9876
Step 6 Set the X.121 address of this interface. 1600(config-if)# x25 address 5432
Prompt Command
Step 11 Assign this interface to a dialer group. 1600(config-if)# dialer-group 1
Step 12 Define a DDR dialer list to control dialing 1600(config-if)# dialer-list 1 protocol
based on access lists and IP packets. ip permit
Step 13 Define a DDR dialer list to control dialing 1600(config-if)# dialer-list 1 protocol
based on access lists and IPX packets. ipx permit
Step 3 Confirm that the success rate shown in the output (shown in bold in the example)
is 60 percent (3/5) or greater. This means that your router is successfully
transferring data to the central-site router.
Step 4 To continue configuration, re-enter global configuration mode.
Note Substitute the IPX address of your central-site router for the IPX address
shown in the example.
Step 3 Confirm that the success rate shown in the output (shown in bold in the example)
is 60 percent (3/5) or greater. This means that your router is successfully
transferring data to the central-site router.
Step 4 To continue configuration, re-enter global configuration mode.
Step 1 From the privileged EXEC command mode, enter the show x25 map command:
1600# show x25 map
Step 2 Confirm that the following addresses (shown in bold in the example) appear in the
command output:
• Your router IPX network number
• Central-site router IP address
• Central-site router IPX address
Note The IP and IPX addresses shown in your output are different than those shown
in the example.
Step 1 From the privileged EXEC command mode, enter the show x25 vc command.
1600# show x25 vc
SVC 1, State: D1, Interface: Serial0
Started 00:04:10, last input 00:00:26, output 00:00:33 Connects 2345
ipx 9876.0000.0c03.ecc6
multiprotocol cud pid, standard Tx data PID Window size input: 2,
output: 2
Packet size input: 128, output: 128
PS: 7 PR: 3 ACK: 3 Remote PR: 7 RCNT: 0 RNR: FALSE Retransmits: 0
Timer (secs): 0 Reassembly (bytes): 0 Held Fragments/Packets: 0/0
Bytes 1540/1724 Packets 15/19 Resets 0/0 RNRs 0/0 REJs 0/0 INTs 0/0
Step 2 Confirm that the X.25 address is associated with the correct IP and IPX addresses
(shown in bold in the example).
Step 3 To continue configuration, re-enter global configuration mode.
Prompt Command
Step 1 Specify the console terminal line. 1600(config)# line console 0
Step 2 Set the interval that the EXEC command 1600(config-line)# exec-timeout 5
interpreter waits until user input is detected.
Step 3 Specify a virtual terminal for remote console 1600(config-line)# line vty 0 4
Step 4 Specify a password on the line. 1600(config-line)# password lineaccess
Caution If you are not familiar with Cisco IOS debug commands, you should read the
“Using Debug Commands” section in the “Cisco IOS Basic Skills” chapter
before attempting any debugging.
• If the ping command is unsuccessful, use the debug x25 packet command.
• If you cannot use the ping command to confirm connectivity to any device
beyond the central-site router, verify that your routing (static or dynamic) is
correctly configured.
• If the show isdn status command is unsuccessful, use the debug isdn q931