How To Calculate The Angular Velocity
How To Calculate The Angular Velocity
How To Calculate The Angular Velocity
When a car is zipping along a highway or a baseball is whizzing through the air, the
speed of these objects is measured in reference to the ground, whereas the velocity
incorporates more information. For example, if you're in a car traveling at 70 miles
per hour on Interstate 95 on the East Coast of the United States, it's also helpful to
know whether it is headed northeast toward Boston or south toward Florida. With
the baseball, you might want to know if its y-coordinate is changing more rapidly
than its x-coordinate (a fly ball) or if the reverse is true (a line drive). But what about 1/11
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the spinning of the tires or the rotation (spin) of the baseball as the car and the ball
move toward their ultimate destination? For these kinds of questions, physics offers
the concept of angular velocity.
Describing these two kinds of motion are treated as separate physics problems; that
is, when calculating the distance the ball travels through the air based on things like
its initial launch angle and the speed with which it leaves the bat, you can ignore its
rotation, and when calculating its rotation you can treat it as sitting in one place for
present purposes.
In addition, you have probably learned somewhere along the way that a circle
consists of 360 degrees (360°). If you move a distance S along a circle, than the
angular displacement θ is equal to S/r. One full revolution, then, gives 2πr/r, which
just leaves 2π. That means angles less that 360° can be expressed in terms of pi, or in
other words, as radians. 2/11
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Taking all of these pieces of information together, you can express angles, or portions
of a circle, in units other than degrees:
360° = (2π)radians, or
Whereas linear velocity is expressed in length per unit time, angular velocity is
measured in radians per unit time, usually per second.
If you know that a particle is moving in a circular path with a velocity v at a distance r
from the center of the circle, with the direction of v always being perpendicular to
the radius of the circle, then the angular velocity can be written
ω = v/r,
where ω is the Greek letter omega. Angular velocity units are radians per second;
you can also treat this unit as "reciprocal seconds," because v/r yields m/s divided by
m, or s-1, meaning that radians are technically a unitless quantity.
α = at/r
α = ω/t
α, as you probably know, is the Greek letter "alpha." The subscript "t" here denotes
"tangent." 3/11
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ac = v2/r
This acceleration is directed toward the point around which the object in question is
rotating. This may seem strange, since the object is getting no closer to this central
point since the radius r is fixed. Think of centripetal acceleration as a free-fall in
which there is no danger of the object hitting the ground, because the force drawing
the object toward it (usually gravity) is exactly offset by the tangential (linear)
acceleration described by the first equation in this section. If ac were not equal to at,
the object would either fly off into space or soon crash into the middle of the circle.
Say you were told that a light source rotates through 90° every second at a constant
velocity. What is its angular velocity in radians?
360/2π = 90/x
360x = 180π
x = ω = π/2
If you were further told that the light beam has a range of 10 meters, what would be
the tip of the beam's linear velocity v, its angular acceleration α and its centripetal
acceleration ac?
α = 5π rad/s2 4/11
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(Note that this only works for problems in which the angular velocity is constant.)
ωr = (2π rad/100 s)(1 m) = 0.0628 m/s, or 6.29 cm (less than 3 inches) per second.
But if you're on the rim of this monster, your linear velocity is:
ωr = (2π rad/100 s)(10,000 m) = 628 m/s. That's about 1,406 miles per hour, faster
than a bullet. Hang on! 5/11
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Rotational Kinematics: What is it & Why it Matters (w/ Equations & Examples)
That is, you could simply plug in various numbers to the set of four kinematic
equations to find any unknowns in those equations without needing any knowledge
of the physics behind that motion, relying only on your algebra skills. 6/11
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Rotational kinematics is exactly this, but it specifically deals with objects moving in
circular paths rather than horizontally or vertically. Like objects in the world of
translational motion, these rotating objects can be described in terms of their
displacement, velocity and acceleration over time, although some of the variables
necessarily change to accommodate the basic differences between linear and
angular motion.
It is actually very useful to learn the basics about linear motion and rotational motion
at the same time, or at least be introduced to the relevant variables and equations.
This is not to overwhelm you, but instead is meant to underscore the parallels.
Of course, it’s important to remember when learning about these “types” of motion
in space that translation and rotation are far from mutually exclusive. In fact, most
moving objects in the real world display a combination of both types of motion, with
one of them often not being evident at first glance.
Linear motion literally means motion confined to a single line, often assigned the
variable “x.” Projectile motion problems involve both x- and y-dimensions, and
gravity is the only external force (note that these problems are described as
occurring in a three-dimensional world, e.g., “A cannonball is fired…”).
Note that mass m does not enter kinematics equations of any sort, because gravity’s
effect on the motion of objects is independent of their mass, and quantities such as
momentum, inertia and energy are not part of any equations of motion.
The radian is, on the surface, an awkward unit, translating to 57.3 degrees. But one
trip around a circle (360 degrees) is defined as 2π radians, and for reasons you’re
about to see, this proves convenient when problem solving in some cases.
There may be problems that include the number of revolutions per unit time (rpm or
rps). Remember that each revolution is 2π radians or 360 degrees.
The main thing to keep in mind here is that every translational unit has a rotational
analogue. Learning to mathematically and conceptually relate the “partnered” ones
takes a little practice, but for the most part it’s a matter of simple substitution.
The values of ω and α are the same for any point on a solid object whether they’re
measured 0.1 m from the axis of rotation or 1,000 meters away, because it is only
how fast the angle θ changes that matters.
There are, however, tangential (and thus linear) velocities and accelerations present
in most situations where rotational quantities are seen. Tangential quantities are
computed by multiplying angular quantities by r, the distance from the axis of
rotation: vt = ωr and α*t* = αr. 8/11
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Kinematics vs. Translational Kinematics Equations
Now that the measurement analogies between rotational and linear motion have
been squared away using the introduction of new angular terms, these can be used to
rewrite the four classic translational kinematics equations in terms of rotational
kinematics, just with somewhat different variables (the letters in equations
representing unknown quantities).
There are four fundamental equations as well as four basic variables in play in
kinematics: position (x, y or θ), velocity (v or ω), acceleration (a or α) and time t.
Which equation you choose depends on which quantities are unknown to start.
For example, say you are told that a machine arm swept through an angular
displacement of 3π/4 radians with an initial angular velocity ω0 of 0 rad/s and a final
angular velocity ω of π rad/s. How long did this motion take?
(3π/4) = 0 + (π/2)t
t = 1.5 s
While every translational equation has a rotational analogue, the reverse isn’t quite
true because of centripetal acceleration, which is a consequence of the tangential
velocity vt and points toward the axis of rotation. Even if there is no change in the
speed of a particle orbiting a center of mass, this represents acceleration because the
direction of the velocity vector is always changing.
a) What are the average angular velocity and angular acceleration during this time? 9/11
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As with linear velocity, just divide (ω0+ ω) by 2 to get average angular velocity:
The average acceleration is given by ω=ω0+ αt, or α = (3π s-1/10 s) = 0.3π s-2.
Since the average velocity is 1.5π s-1 and the rod spins for 10 seconds, it moves
through a total of 15π radians. Since one revolution is 2π radians, this means
(15π/2π) = 7.5 revolutions (seven complete revolutions) in this problem.
I = mr2 for a point particle, but otherwise it depends on the shape of the object doing
the rotating as well as the axis of rotation. See the Resources for a handy list of
values of I for common shapes.
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