Industry 4.0 and The Effects of Digitization On Organisations

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Department for Management, Technology and Economics

Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation

Zürich, 31. August 2017

Master Thesis at the Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation (SMI)

Industry 4.0 and the effects of digitization on organisations

With “Industry 4.0”, which refers to the fourth industrial revolution, a new challenge has emerged
for all market participants. After the steam engine, the assembly line by Ford and the usage of IT
systems, we now see how digital technology is making its way through all levels of industrial
production. The digital transformation occurs through a combination of various developments
such as faster processors, cheap storage, machine learning and the Internet of Things (IoT) to
only name a few. These advancements allow production to take advantage of embedded sys-
tems or cyber-physical systems (CPS), or to completely change certain markets with new prod-
ucts, services, and business models. At SMI, we are interested in the timeline of these develop-
ments and the challenges that companies face while dealing with the rapidly evolving opportuni-
ties of digital transformation and rising complexity.

We offer multiple options for students who are interested in these developments and want to
write a Master Thesis (MSc or MAS) at SMI. For all topcis, the student will first write a proposal
with support from the tutor:

• A quantitative study with data from a pre-existing source, e.g. the KOF (
Innovation Survey, that assesses the innovative capability of companies in Switzerland.
For this kind of research, knowledge in statistical/quantitative methods and programs
(Stata, R, Matlab) is required.

• A literature review that synthesizes and reflects on current research and theories relevant
to digitization, innovation or similar. This includes evaluating and critically assessing a
substantial number of sources and outlining their relevance within the development of the
field and their contribution, and creating a theoretical framework for future empirical re-

• A qualitative study that follows a company or industry over time and tries to connect the
observed problems or phenomena with current literature and research. This can be a
Case-study style of research, where an analysis and detection of a problem is made, with
a suggested solution based on theory and observations.

• Content analysis that follows the evolution of certain keywords or topics in public media
outlets. The goal is to draw a timeline and analysis of how content and perceptions have
changed relating to the keyword within the public debate.
Industry 4.0 and the effects of digitization on organisations

Suggested literature to read before writing an application for this topic at SMI:

Bower, J. L., & Christensen, C. M. (1996). Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave. The
Journal of Product Innovation Management, 1(13), 75–76.

Porter, M. E., & Heppelmann, J. E. (2015). How smart, connected products are transforming
companies. Harvard Business Review, 93(10), 96–114.

Trantopoulos, K., von Krogh, G., Wallin, M. W., & Woerter, M. (2017). External Knowledge and
Information Technology: Implications for Process Innovation Performance. MIS Quarterly,
41(1), 287–300.

Word Economic Forum (2017). “Shaping the Future of Production: Four Contrasting Perspec-
tives in 2030” (White paper). Retrieved September 1, 2017 from

Word Economic Forum (2017). “Technology and Innovation for the Future of Production: Accel-
erating Value Creation” (White paper). Retrieved September 1, 2017 from

For further information on this topic, please contact Julian Mueller ([email protected]). With
your application, send CV, transcripts and a motivation letter outlining why you want to write your
thesis on the chosen topic and why you want to write it at SMI.

We are looking forward to work with you.

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