Gold Loan
Gold Loan
Gold Loan
A Gold loan is a loan which is secured against gold ornaments. A borrower pledges
his gold ornaments with the lender in exchange for funds. Gold loans have
successfully enabled thousands of people to meet their urgent personal and business
needs. The Bank has been extending financial assistance against gold ornaments since
2007. Modifications in the scheme were done from time to time to suit the product to
the borrowers’ need.
2. Product Features:
S.N. Parameters Existing guidelines
2.1 Eligible branches All retail branches of the Bank
2.2 Eligible Entities Individuals above 18 years of age, firms, companies.
2.3 Purpose Short Term Loan:
To meet requirement of farmers, traders, entrepreneurs,
professionals relating to their business activities. To
meet emergency, personal requirement of individuals,
such as house repair, marriage, medical treatment,
educational expenses, consumption expenses etc.
In case of Gold-OD, Overdraft against security of Gold
ornaments /gold coin issued by the Banks (up to 50gm)
for meeting needs of Agri/ business / personal needs is
2.4 Type of facility Short Term Loan & Overdraft.
2.5 Limit Particulars Minimum Maximum
For Individuals Rs.10000/- Rs.20 lakh
For Firms/ Company Rs.25000/- Rs.20 lakh
• Gold loan cases above Rs.20 lakh upto Rs.50 lakh
may also be considered, subject to approval from
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
Gold-OD (RAGLO):
For Non-Agri Cases:
Interest to be applied on daily outstanding to be serviced
fully by way of credit to OD account in following
For Agri Cases:
OD against Gold may be granted to farmers only if their
cash flow supports periodical servicing of interest.
Interest to be debited & serviced at quarterly intervals.
2.9 Security Pledge of gold having purity of 18 carat & above which
may comprise of ornaments and gold coins issued by
banks only. (Gold coins up to 50 gm per borrower can
be accepted). Gold in any other form except ornaments,
i.e. coins, bars, biscuits, etc. are strictly prohibited. The
ornaments like Gold Statues" & "Gold wrist watches”
are not acceptable as security. Branches can finance
against pledge of “Mangalsutra” to help poor women in
distress, provided the same is presented by a married
woman. If it is an inseparable part of chain, gold loan
may be granted to the lady or the lady to be a joint
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
Gold Overdraft:
1. DP to be revised at quarterly intervals.
2. For quarterly additional substitution/pledge/ release/
modification in the Finacle is to be made in the
below mentioned options by the branches:-
a) ACLHM: To modify/ alter the sanctioned limit.
b) ACM – In ‘S’ details, modifications related to
change of date of sanction/renewal/expiry
c) SRM – Security Register Maintenance
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
case of substitution.
2.19 Insurance Blanket Insurance Policy for gold jewelry is taken at
HO for all branches as per the Bank’s Policy.
(Intranet >>Dept.>> IMD >> Useful Information>>
General Insurance policy>> Insurance Policy 2018-
19>>Bankers Indemnity Policy). Presently the
insurance coverage for cash and pledge of gold is
available up to Rs.100 crore. Any of the branches
exceeding this limit need to refer the matter to
Infrastructure M a n a g e m e n t D e p a r t m e n t (IMD) for
additional cover.
2.20 Reappraisal of Short Term Loan:
Gold Gold Jewellery /Gold coins (issued by Banks) to be
reappraised once in 6 months. Loan as under;
For loans up to Rs.5 lakh: 25% of the cases selected at
random to be reappraised.
For loans above Rs.5 lakh: All cases to be reappraised.
Overdue cases: All overdue loans to be reappraised &
charges to be collected from the customer by debiting
the loan account.
Gold Overdraft:
All Gold-OD accounts opened more than 6 months ago
and not re-appraised (by a re-appraiser) in the preceding
12 months to be included for re-appraisal.
2.21 Monitoring As the card rate is being provided by HO, Branch has to
monitor the margin periodically utilizing IBNKGOLD
menu option in Finacle to avoid shortfall in margin.
(Please refer to circular IDBI Bank/2015-
16/254/RBG/PSG/87 Gold Loan Margin Shortfall dated
August 17, 2015). Trigger for margin call shall be
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
land, checking land records, making discrete enquiries with nearby farmers etc.
4.2 Branch shall ensure that gold loan is not extended for speculative purposes.
4.3 Gold in any other form except ornaments, i.e. coins, bars, biscuits, etc. are strictly
prohibited. The ornaments like “Gold Statues” & “Gold wrist watches” are not
acceptable as security. However, financing against Mangalsutra to help poor
women, in distress, provided the same is presented by a married woman. If it is an
inseparable part of chain, gold loan may be granted to the lady or lady to be a
joint borrower in such cases. No loan should be sanctioned against bullion/
primary Gold.
4.4 Gold loans are to be granted only after getting gold jewelry/ornaments duly
appraised by the Gold appraiser appointed by the Bank.
4.5 No prepayment penalty to be charged for gold loans.
4.6 Due care should be taken not to accept damaged gold ornaments as pledge. While
accepting damaged gold ornaments, a declaration to that effect shall be obtained
from the borrower.
4.7 Once gold jewellery is appraised, the same should not be parted with unless the
account is closed. A register to be maintained at the respective branches for
recording pledge and release of gold ornaments as per the existing procedure.
4.8 Guidelines applicable for Crop Loans (KCC) will be applicable for gold loans
(under interest subvention scheme) also.
4.9 In view of the directives from GoI & RBI, Branches are strictly advised to ensure
end use of funds.
4.10 In case of Interest Subvention Scheme, it is mandatory to obtain land records
from the farmers irrespective of the quantum of the loan. However, while
granting Gold Loans (under interest subvention scheme) to tenant farmers, oral
lessees & share croppers, as the ownership of the land wherein cultivation is done
/proposed to be done, is not with tenant farmers / oral lessees / share croppers, the
land documents may not be insisted upon and the status of applicant as farmer
and his eligibility may be decided by BH on the basis of enquiry from villagers/
farmers in the area or by obtaining the declaration. Undertaking from the
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
applicant about proposed crop, area under cultivation, etc. (Format enclosed)
may be obtained for calculation of eligible loan amount for cases having
sanctioned limit upto Rs.1.60 lakh.
The loan amount is to be fixed on the basis of Scale of Finance
as recommended by DLTC and computed on the basis of land being cultivated by
the farmer, cropping pattern adopted by the farmer (All the crops cultivated by
the farmers including vegetable crops may be considered for arriving at eligible
amount). In case of genuine requirement of the borrower the Regional Head can
approve higher SoF up to extent of 1.5 times the SoF provided by DLTC. The
detailed guidelines on SoF are issued in KCC circular dated February 15, 2018.
Branch shall use interest table code ‘ISFIX’ under the scheme code for
all accounts eligible for interest subvention. In case the borrower is eligible for
interest subvention on part of the loan amount, then two different loan accounts
need to be opened. Branch to take care to keep the application forms/ land
documents complete in all respects including area under cultivation, Scale of
Finance calculation, justification for higher SoF, etc. BSR codes pertaining to
crop cultivation only are to be used in cases seeking interest subvention benefit.
4.11 For loans sanctioned for agriculture purpose but without Interest Subvention
benefit, branches shall consider the assistance primarily on the basis of the value
of the gold ornaments pledged without necessarily linking it with the Scale of
Finance as such advance is also required for Agri & allied activities being
undertaken by the farmer.
4.12 If the borrower is eligible for interest subvention for part of the loan amount, the
breakup of the loan amount as also the applicable rates of interest must be clearly
mentioned in the letter, communicating the sanction of gold loan.
4.13 PSL Gold loan (other than for agriculture purpose) sanctioned for purchase /
construction of dwelling units may be classified under PSL. Gold loans for repair
/maintenance of dwelling units up to a limit of Rs. 5 lakh in metropolitan areas
and Rs. 2 lakh in other areas may also be classified under PSL after obtaining a
declaration. Occupation code ‘95011’ may be used for such loans. Branch to
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
record the details of the property and sample checking may be done by the
4.14 Entire disbursed amount to be directly credited to the borrower’s savings
account, Crop loan account/ CC account as applicable, net of charges, if any.
4.15 Branches should use only standardized tamper evident bags for storing pledged
gold ornaments. In order to ensure seamless supply of these bags, PSG-CO has
arranged for supply of these pouches with requisite security features through
Stationery Department - CPU. Branches shall assess the requirement of these
bags on the basis of existing and anticipated Gold Loan business and place indent
for the same exclusively through Stationery Indent System
( using following stationery codes:
STA. Code Type of Stationery Stationery description
PSG14 Priority sector Documents (Bilingual) PSG - Gold Loan Pouch (Small)
PSG15 Priority sector Documents (Bilingual) PSG - Gold Loan Pouch (Big)
4.16 The pledged articles should be kept in properly sealed packets and kept in the
double lock almirah held under the joint custody of the Key Holders. The
guidelines for handling the pledged jewelry are as under:
• In branches where strong room is available, branches should purchase a
steel cupboard (Godrej / Steelage Make) with dual key system to store the
gold bags / packets. The gold bags / packets should be kept in plastic/
aluminum trays duly numbered. The Cupboard should be kept alongside the
Cash cupboard and should be operated only by joint custodians.
• In branches where strong room is not available, branches should keep the
gold packets / bags in a defender/ Chubb with dual key system,
exclusively purchased for this purpose. This safe should not be used to store
anything other than the gold packets / bags.
• The total number of gold packets should be controlled by means of a
control register showing the total number of packets, lodgments and
withdrawals from the cupboard / safe. The custody of the register shall be
with the SOM / BH.
• The total number of packets / bags as mentioned in control register should
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
be tallied once in a month with actual physical count of the packets and
with the number of gold loans as per the Finacle system. The fact of tallying
the same as per the above process shall be mentioned by the branch in the
said register under the signature of the joint custodians. Monthly
balancing to be certified by BH, without fail.
• Branch Head Compliance Certificate (BHCC) to include a confirmation of
reappraisal of Gold Loan.
4.17 AML guidelines, Banking Codes & Standards Board of India guidelines, KYC
norms, Income Recognition & Asset Classification norms.
4.18 NABARD/ RBI guidelines regarding l e n d i n g t o agricultural s e c t o r to be
adhered to without fail.
4.19 The loan needs to be utilized by the Non-residents only for meeting their
personal needs and not for any of the activities in which investment by Non-
residents are prohibited, which includes investment for agricultural or
plantation purposes.
4.20 Branch shall follow the timely recovery mechanism including auction of Gold
in case of default.
4.21 Weighing scale used in the branch to be recalibrated every year from an
authorized agency.
4.22 Acid test of ornaments should be mandatory by appraiser for loans above
Rs.1 lakh and RMs to ensure that the same is carried out.
4.23 It is mandatory to capture data of women/weaker section/minority borrowers in
the system, while opening gold loan account by the concerned RM.
4.24 The reappraiser will sign off in red ink on the bag after verification and also
in the pledge register. He will separately give a list of all accounts checked and
discrepancy observed, if any.
4.25 Guidelines on Settlement of Deceased Claims will be applicable as per extant
Banks guidelines (Please refer Department – Branch Operation Support &
Policy – Settlement of Deceased Claims.)
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
Gold Loan – SB Account Opening Process
• Pre-opened “ Welcome Kits” to be used for opening of SB accounts of
Gold Loan borrowers in case of non-account holders.
• All documents required as per KYC norms to be obtained along with the AOF
for these accounts.
Income tax assessment records may be obtained for the last three years, if the
appraiser is Income Tax payer.
The appraiser should have experience of being appraiser of any other public/
private sector bank for at least 3 years. This condition can be relaxed for rural
branches; he should be at least empanelled valuer of a Co-operative Credit
Operating Guidelines:
Branch Head should send recommendation for Appointment/empanelment of
the Jewel Appraisers to the Sr. RH/RH with his observations and
recommendations. Sr. RH/RH shall approve or reject the recommendation and
communicate the same to branch.
Regional Heads / Sr. Regional Heads have been authorized to approve the
recommendation from Branch Head for Appointment/empanelment of the Jewel
Appraisers, though there are deviations from product guidelines.
Branch to maintain proper record of such approvals for audit verification and
handover at the time of change in incumbency (BH).
ii) Additional Criteria for appointment of re-appraiser:
In addition to above stipulation, the following criteria have been laid down for
selection of re-appraiser.
Appointment of re-appraiser should be with the approval of Sr. RH/RH.
After getting sanction from the Sr. RH/RH, the bank has to execute the
agreement with the Jewel Appraiser.
The re-appraisers should be with at least three years’ experience with
any other PSB/Private bank.
For rural/ semi urban branches, re-appraiser may be appointed from amongst the
appraisers of our Bank from other locations (min. 15 Km away). In case of
genuine difficulty and in very exceptional cases, Sr. RH/RH may approve
appointment of re-appraisers from the same location, from other banks. In any
case, appraisers and re-appraiser shall not be family members/ relatives. For
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
also in the pledge register. He will separately give a list of all accounts
checked and discrepancy observed.
6. Particulars of reappraised gold loan accounts should be noted in a
separate book with the rulings and signature of the person who has
reappraised the jewels should be obtained against each entry.
b. Re-appraisal:
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
• The reappraisal fee is payable at the rate of Rs. 0.25% with a minimum of
Rs.50/- per loan subject to a ceiling of Rs.100/- per loan. In the case of
overdue Gold Loans reappraised, reappraisal fees have to be collected
from the borrowers. However, Bank will bear the reappraisal charges of
randomly selected regular loan accounts. Reappraisal fee should be paid
by the branch where the appraisal has been carried out and not by the
branch to which the re- appraiser is attached.
• In case the jewel appraiser engaged for reappraisal is from an outstation
location, the actual bus fare or second-class train fare can be paid (capped
at Rs 100). Besides the fare, halting allowance can be paid at the rate of
Rs. 100/- per day. Such Charges be paid with Sr. Regional Head’s
/Regional Head’s approval.
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
Format Visit Report cum recommendation for Appointment of the Gold Valuer
1. Name of Gold Smith/Firm: ______________________________________________
2. Address of Shop: _________
3. Date of establishment:
4. Ownership details:
5. Residential Address:
6. Date since residing Ownership details:
Sr. No/ Particulars Observation/Remarks
1. Date of Visit
2. Comment on Location
of the shop.
3. Business Experience _________ years
4. Experience as appraiser Yes / No If yes, number of years
/ valuer:
a) As Government
b) As empanelled gold
valuer of PSU /Pvt.
Sector Bank.
c) As empanelled gold
valuer of Local Co-
operative Society.
d) As Valuer of Gold for
5. Present Banking
Arrangement Name of
the Bank and dealing
6. Market Enquiries Name and Contact Comments about
from 3 different number trustworthiness
Sources (Name of the
persons with whom the
enquiry is done)
7. Financial position:
Approximate Turnover in
last FY
8. Income Tax Payer
(IT Return / PAN No. to
be obtained if available)
9. Net worth certificate:
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
5) IT Returns
Sign: Sign:
Name: Visiting Officer Branch Head
General Manager
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
[To be stamped as an agreement and indemnity per the Stamp Act of the State
where this document is executed]
This Agreement made on ………… day of ………………………….
20…… at
……………………….. by and between IDBI Bank Limited, a company
incorporated and registered under the Companies Act, 1956. (1 of 1956) and a
banking company within the meaning of Section 5 (c) of the Banking Regulation
Act 1949, having its Registered office at IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe
Parade, Mumbai – 400 005 and a Branch Office, inter alia, at
(hereinafter referred to “the Bank”
which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject, meaning or context
thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns)
aged about …….. years and residing at ………………………………………
hereinafter referred to as the "Jewel Appraiser" which term wherever the context so
requires or admits shall also include his heirs, executors, agents, administrators and
WHEREAS the Bank has agreed to engage the services of the Jewel Appraiser for
the purposes hereinafter appearing and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set
NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the Bank and the Jewel Appraiser
as follows:
1. This contract will commence and come into force on and from
…………… and will continue in force until it is determined in the manner
hereinafter provided.
2. Jewel Appraiser is not an employee of the Bank but is executing this
agreement as a Special Contract and neither the provisions of the Industrial
Development Bank of India limited Staff Rules/Officers' Service Rules will
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
apply to him nor any other Rules/regulations governing the employees of the
Bank from time to time and he is in no way required to subject himself to the
general discipline of the Bank as is applicable to an employee of the Bank.
He will be governed solely by the terms and conditions of this agreement
and of such other contracts or agreements as may be executed
between him and the Bank.
3. The Jewel Appraiser is engaged for doing the work which is ordinarily or
customarily done by jewel appraisers upon the understanding that he is or
may be engaged in his own business or trade, provided that he shall be
bound to attend to the work relating to the appraising of jewels produced to the
Bank for loans/ advances at or during such time or hours as may from time to
time be fixed or determined by the Bank and notified to him orally or in
writing and during such times or hours he shall devote all his attention for the
said purpose.
4. The Jewel Appraiser shall faithfully and diligently do or perform the work or
duties assigned to him from time to time at the …………... Branch of the
Bank and/or at such other Branch or Office of the Bank as may be required by
the Bank.
5. In relation to his work as appraiser or assayer, the Jewel Appraiser may be
required and shall be bound to follow such procedure and to complete or fill
such forms or declarations as may be prescribed by the Bank from time to
6. The Jewel Appraiser shall be bound to observe strict secrecy with regard to all
affairs of the Bank, all dealings and transactions of the Bank with other banks
or with the customers or others, the state of accounts of the Bank with its
customers or others and in all matters pertaining thereto. The Jewel Appraiser
shall not either before or after the termination of this contract divulge or
disclose any secret or confidential information entrusted to him or arising or
coming to his knowledge in the course of his work or duties under this contract
or otherwise in or relating to the business of the Bank or of the customers or
others having business or dealings with the Bank.
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
7. The Jewel Appraiser shall be responsible for the due safety (both within and
outside the Bank premises) of and be held accountable for and shall on
demand forthwith deliver or make satisfaction to the Bank of all specie,
ornaments, documents, letters, files, stationery and any things and articles of
any description whatever received by him (or by any person or persons with
his consent expressed or implied or at his connivance) from the Bank or on
behalf of the Bank from any customer or other persons having business or
dealings with the Bank.
8. The Jewel Appraiser shall be liable to make good to the Bank any loss or
damage which shall or may be caused to it in consequence of any mistake,
default, omission, neglect or misconduct made or committed by him in the
performance of his duties as Jewel Appraiser.
9. The Jewel Appraiser shall be responsible for the genuineness of all jewellery,
whether of gold or silver or other metal and of precious stones, etc., which are
proposed to be accepted by the Bank for pledge on his appraisal or on the
appraisal of any person authorized by him for the purpose, and shall be liable to
make good on demand any loss which the Bank may sustain in
consequence of the erroneous or defective appraisal of the pledged articles.
10. The Jewel Appraiser shall be remunerated for his work by way of commission
only as determined by the Bank from time to time in its absolute discretion and
he shall not be entitled to any other remuneration, reimbursements and other
charges whatsoever. The Jewel Appraiser shall make his own arrangement for
transport or other conveyance at his own cost.
11. The Jewel Appraiser shall furnish in the first instance security to the satisfaction
of the Bank in the sum of Rs…………………… (Rupees
……….…………………………………) or a Suvidha deposit in the Bank, in
the name of the Jewel Appraiser only which is renewable form time to time at
the option of the Bank until this agreement is terminated or decided by the
Bank to render the same ineffective at the absolute discretion of the Bank with
power to the Bank to call such further security as the Bank may from time to
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
IN WITNESS THEREOF THE Jewel Appraiser and the Bank acting through its
authorized officer has hereunto set their respective hand on the date, month and
year above mentioned.
Signed and delivered by the IDBI Bank Limited by the hand of Shri.
Letter of Authority
From Photo of Photo of
………………………………… original authorized
………………………………… appraiser person
The Manager, IDBI Bank
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: Appraising of Jewellery
Ref: My agreement dated……….
Yours faithfully,
(Jewel Appraiser)
I Shri …………………………….. son of Shri ……………………………..
hereby agree to do the work of appraising of jewellery during the
absence of Shri.………………………………. f ro m … …………….. to
… ………………. an d I d e c l a r e and agree to abide by the terms and
conditions of the agreement dated ……………. executed by and between Shri.
………….. and the Bank .
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
Dated: Signature of the person authorized
Loan No. Name Particulars of jewels pledged Initials Date of Date of Ack.
and and of loan release from the
Date address Officer closure borrower
Borrower Sr. No. Description Gr. Wt. Net. Wt.
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
reasonable minimum reserve price must be fixed for each ornament depending on
the valuer’s report and the current market price. There should not be major shortfall
in sales proceeds and the valuation. The Authorized officer of Bank should act
prudently and transparently while conducting auction proceeding. (Format attached-
4. Public Notice: Public Notice of the auction is to be put up on the Notice Board of
the Branch and also published in a newspaper (in vernacular language) widely
circulated in the locality about the proposed auction sale of the pledged gold
ornaments. Auction notice should include date, time and place of proposed auction;
the name and address of the borrower, description of gold ornaments pledged, net
weight; reserve price for each ornament; material terms and conditions of the auction
sale etc. To ensure seriousness of the participants in auction sale, EMD equivalent to
minimum 5% of valuation (rounded to thousand) or some lump sum amount may be
insisted by way of demand draft / pay order in favour of the Bank. The Bank should
specify that the sale of pledged ornaments is on “as is where basis” and “no
recourse basis is”. The Bank should reserve a right to refuse any or all bid and /
or to defer/withdraw the auction without assigning any reason at any time during
the process of the sale. The Bank may also reserve its right to sell the pledged
ornaments thorough private sale, in the absence/failure of public sale. Format of the
public notice to be put upon the Branch notice Board (GLA-IV) & the one to be
published in the local daily (GLA-V) are attached.
5. Auction: The auction should be held at the place mentioned in the auction
notice. While conducting the auction the Bank official should endeavor to realize the
full market value for security pledged on the day of auction. Branch
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
may satisfy with the identity of the bidders participating in the auction. The
signature of bidders is to be obtained in a separate register.
The sale should be confirmed in favor of the highest bidder. When the total
amount realized in auction is sufficient to liquidate the outstanding plus interest and
other charges of the borrower in full, the auction should be stopped and the unsold
ornaments, if any, may be held in the custody of branch in the name of the borrower.
6. Documentation of events: The auction process should be documented by
recording each of the steps in the process chronologically. A brief summary of the
auction proceedings, sale, name of the highest bidders, amount realized, and delivery
for the gold ornaments to the respective successful bidders should be recorded which
is to be signed by the concerned authorized official and at least by two witnesses. The
same should be kept on record. Formats Register of Bidders- GLA-VI and Format
Selection of Highest Bidder-GLA-VII attached.
7. Delivery of Gold ornaments: The successful bidder has to take delivery of
ornaments within three working days from the date of auction by depositing the balance
amount of the bid. The balance amount of the bid should be paid by way of Demand
Draft or Pay order, in favour of the Bank. Purchase Receipt should be obtained from
each of the successful bidders after full payment at the time of delivery of the gold
ornament. In the event of successful bidder failing to comply with the payment terms, the
EMD shall be forfeited and Bank shall be at liberty to sell the pledged ornaments by
way of public /private sale at its discretion. In case of private sale, to ensure
transparency, branch may invite offers from local jewelers / interested public for each
item or smaller lots sufficient enough to discharge the borrower’s obligations. Format-
Certificate of Sale-GLA- VIII and Format –Receipt by the purchaser & Appraiser
certificate GLA-IX attached.
8. Loan adjustment: The sale proceeds should be adjusted against the loan account
and if the sale proceeds are less than the total dues, demand notice for the balance dues
should be issued immediately to the borrower. In case, the sale proceeds are more than
the total dues, excess amount may be refunded to the borrower through account payee pay
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
9. Applicability of GST on Sale of Repossessed Moveable assets:
Sale of Repossessed Moveable assets viz. Gold ornaments, attracts GST as Bank is
deemed to be dealer for the said purpose. It is the responsibility of the dealing branch to
ensure that such sale is reported to GST Cell in time so that tax thereon at appropriate
GST rate is discharged by the Bank, and valid GST invoice can be issued to Buyer
recording such sale. Circular hosted by GST Cell in this regard is given below:
IDBI BANK/2018-19/143/FAD/TAXATION-3 dated 21-06-2018 on Capturing of Non-
Traditional GST Data required for GST computation. The detailed procedure for the
same is given in Sr. No. 2.27 (GST implications on auction of gold). Branches shall
ensure that such data in timely entered and in case the data is not captured in the said
link, then it will be construed that sale of moveable repossessed assets is only for such
sum, whose data is available in Non Traditional Data Link on Intranet. GST Cell would
not be able to discharge the Tax Liabilities in other cases which has State wise financial
10. Communication to the Borrower: After completion of sale proceeding, the
Branch shall inform / intimate the borrower by way of a letter about the auction sale,
amount recovered in the account, surplus of sale proceeds in the account, if any, deficit
of sale proceeds and further recovery action to be initiated like filing suit, return of
unsold gold ornaments, if any, etc. as the case may be. Format Post Auction
intimation Letter (GLA-X) & Format BH certificate of Auction to be kept on record
S.N. Particular Specification Description
1 Purpose of AG019 PSL gold loan under
advance Agriculture
AG036 PSL Gold Loan -
other than Agriculture
AG046 Overdraft against Gold
2 Customer STL 41,42 Male, Female
constitution OD 41,42,43,32,53,51
3 Type of account 41 Short Term Loan
20 Overdraft
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
S.N. Particular Specification Description
4 Occupation code 01101 to 01159 Growing of food and
(a) – RAGIS & cash crops, plantation
RAWSS crops including
development finance.
4 Occupation Code 15101 to 15104,15201, 15301 to Processing, freezing
(b) - RAPGL 15303, 15401 to 15409, 15501 to and preserving of meat,
15502, 36001,16003, 17101 to fish and fruits and
17105, 17201 to 17204, vegetables, etc.
17209,18101, 1810,18201,19101, Manufacture of
19102, 19201, 19202, 20101, Textiles, Wearing
21001 to 21003,22101,23101 to apparel, footwear, paper
2 3301,24101 to 24104, 24201 to and paper products,
24204,24211 to 24214, 24219, Chemicals and
24301,25101,25102,25201, 25202, Chemical products,
26101, 26901 to 26905, 27101, Rubber and plastic
27201,27301,27302,28101, 28901, products, Machinery
29101, 29109, 29201 to 29209, and equipments etc.
3590936101,36901 to 36907,
36909,93001 to 93003, 93101,
93106, 93109
4 Occupation Code All the above excluding: • Manufacturing of
(c) - RAGLO 36901, 36902, 51301, 52311 jewellery articles (of
precious metal and
gemstones other than
diamond) and
minting of currency
• Diamond cutting &
• Diamonds, gems and
• Retail sale of
diamonds, gems and
5 Borrower code - 41 to 49 Small farmers,
(a) RAGIS & Marginal Farmers,
RAWSS Agriculture Labour,
Gold Loan – Product guidelines
S.N. Particular Specification Description
Tenant farmers / share
croppers, other farmers,
other borrower engaged
in allied activities.
5 Borrower code - 01 to 05, 11, 29, 31, 32 A)Manufacturing
(b) RAPGL enterprises- Micro
enterprises, Small
enterprises, Khadi and
Village industries
Sector. Tiny industries ,
Small enterprises,
B) Business Trade and
-Micro enterprises
Small enterprises
5 Borrower code - 01-29, 30-39, 41-45, 49, 99 All borrower categories
(c) RAGLO mentioned in
specification column to
be considered.
6 Secured 1 Secured.
Type of Interest 2 Floating rate of interest.
rate code on loans