FINAL SADIK-compressed PDF
FINAL SADIK-compressed PDF
FINAL SADIK-compressed PDF
If you're reading this: first and foremost, I want to applaud
At first the process will not be easy, but I promise you it will
be worth it. The success you will start to see and feel in the
gym will spill over in all areas of your life. Whether it is in
your personal relationships, your professional career, or
mental health!
Now, let's visualize the physique that you desire to have. All
posing in bodybuilding starts from the bottom, up. Start
with your calves, then work your way to your quads, ham
strings, glutes, lower back, abs, upper back, shoulders,
arms, and finally the chest.
What kind of muscles do you see? Big, round,
vascular muscles? More short at compact muscles?
Do you have big arms and smaller shoulders? Is your
waist tiny and your back shoulders broad?
• Glutes
• Lower back (Erector Spinae)
• Abs (Rectus Abdominis, Obliques)
• Upper Back (Lats, Trapezius, Rhomboids)
• Arms (Biceps, Triceps, Forearms)
• Chest (Pectoralis Major-Lower, Middle,
Upper, Outer, Inner)
Mindset is everything
when it comes to improving
yourself. Excellence is a
choice that you either
choose to bring, or don't
choose to bring every single
day, from the time that you
wake up, to the time you go
to bed.
If you are having a tough time getting your desired results, or life
isn't going your way, it's easy to get frustrated and fall off into a
habit of skipping gym sessions, or stop going to th e gym as a
whole. This is where you you must channel your negative frus
tration into positive energy. If something isn't going your way,
you must use your energy to learn or seek help in the topic at
hand so that you can better yourself and learn new things every
Let's talk about something that changes the way you should
look a t lifting weights and bodybuilding, and that is genetics.
Genetics are the DNA make you and your body unique.
Therefore, the way your body will respond to certain types of
training or diets will be different than someone else, which is
why you should tentatively compare yourself to another
individua I in f i tness.
For exampie, there is a reason why you can work your whole
life to squat 315 pounds, and one of your friends can walk into
the gym having never worked out, and squat it on their first
try. Some people simply just have more superior ge ne tics than
others, and some have inferior genetics. However, whether you
have good or bad genetics, you should never let this deter you
from what you can make of yourself.
Finally, the last reason why I LOVE this split, is that it gets me in
the gym 6 days out of the week.When I am training often, I
am more in the zone than ever.It becomes a nearly every day
routine and my excitement for each workout grows by the day.
All in all, while this is the split I would choose over everything,
it is important to note that if you keep doing the same split
over and over again, you wi II continue to get the same resu Its.
You can get results from doing a Full Body 3 day split, to even
training as high as 7 days of the week.It's all about finding
Once you've got your goal, think about the action steps re
quired to make that goal TRULY happen. Here are some
questions for thought:
Some more things to keep an eye out for are the clean
liness, the maintenance of the equipment, the lighting,
the mirrors, the music and most importantly the crowd!
If you've gotten to this point, I would like to personally
thank you for dedicating yourself to learn more and get
better at your craft. They say that humans only retain
7 1- 0% of knowledge after the f irst time they have read
something, so if you want to immerse yourself in the
knowledge, read this 10-15 times! Embody and embrace
this lifestyle.
If you would like more help, please visit my website and
check out my body part o r custom plan programs
which go into greater detail than this e-book about
how to achieve your goals, and even show ho w I organ
ize my workouts overtime!
With that being said, I wish you the very best and hope
to hear about the success you are achieving from this
bo o k! Now, GO GET IT!