ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the results of two recent case studies in which high-tech prototype
instruments were used. The first case study describes the results of a ground-based hyperspectral imaging
tool used to map the geology of an open-pit mine highwall. The second case study outlines the use of
interferometric synthetic aperture radar and how this type of radar can be used in a variety of geotechnical
situations. These case studies are part of an on-going research project at the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health’s (NIOSH) Spokane Research Laboratory. The project objective is to
implement engineering controls and design methods in order to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities
associated with slope failures at mining operations. Project personnel are hopeful that these new
developments in technology will lead to better geotechnical monitoring and design in slope stability and other
important areas of rock mechanics.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and A contributing factor in many slope failures is the
Health (NIOSH), Spokane Research Laboratory is presence of mechanically incompetent, hydro-
involved in research to improve methods for thermally-altered rock (Watters & Delahaut,
detecting conditions in open pit mines that could 1995). Major structures are generally well
lead to catastrophic slope failures. Since 1995, 33 mapped, but weak rock units may be much more
miners have died in slope failure accidents at U.S. difficult to identify and the degree of clay
mines. Better methods for monitoring and design alteration is oftentimes difficult to determine by
are needed to ensure the safety of mine workers. visual examination alone. Geologic maps can
This paper highlights two emerging technologies vary greatly in quality and detail due to the
that could potentially be adapted to improve mine subjectivity of various geologists and the extreme
safety. Applications to rock mechanics issues complexity of many deposits. In addition, there
related to surface and underground mining, are financial and practical limits to the number of
petroleum, geological, civil engineering and samples that can be taken for geochemical or
geohazards monitoring are also included. engineering analyses. Inevitably, a large
percentage of data shown on geologic maps is
subject to scrutiny. High turnover rates of
engineers and geologists at many companies,
financial and time limitations, and unfamiliarity
with complex formations can contribute to crucial
errors or omissions on geologic maps.
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