2020 Nasa Technology Taxonomy PDF
2020 Nasa Technology Taxonomy PDF
2020 Nasa Technology Taxonomy PDF
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Letter from the Chief Technologist. . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
TX01: Propulsion Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
TX02: Flight Computing and Avionics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
TX03: Aerospace Power and Energy Storage. . . . . . . . . 27
TX04: Robotic Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
TX05: Communications, Navigation, and
Orbital Debris Tracking and
Characterization Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
TX06: Human Health, Life Support, and
Habitation Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
TX07: Exploration Destination Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
TX08: Sensors and Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
TX09: Entry, Descent, and Landing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
TX10: Autonomous Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
TX11: Software, Modeling, Simulation, and
Information Processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
TX12: Materials, Structures, Mechanical Systems,
and Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
TX13: Ground, Test, and Surface Systems . . . . . . . . . 157
TX14: Thermal Management Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
TX15: Flight Vehicle Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
TX16: Air Traffic Management and
Range Tracking Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
TX17: Guidance, Navigation, and Control . . . . . . . . . . 201
Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Letter from the Chief
“And as we renew our commitment to lead in space, let’s go with
confidence and let’s go with faith. Faith in the vision and the goal
that’s articulated today: that we can achieve it; that Americans can
achieve anything that we put our minds to. Faith in the extraordinary
ingenuity and capability of the men and women of NASA and
America’s space enterprise, and their ability to meet those challenges
if given the resources and the support to do it. And especially faith in
the courage of the men and women who are now, and those who will
join, the storied ranks of American astronauts—that next generation
of restless pioneers that will carry American leadership into space. It’s
extraordinary to think of the heroes that will be forged in our renewed
commitment to space.” – Vice President Michael Pence
As NASA embarks on its renewed commitment to lead in space, we must overcome significant
technical challenges to achieve the goal of a sustainable return to the surface of the Moon. We will
build on six decades of leadership in space and our work in low-Earth orbit to pave the way to the
Moon and on to Mars. The Artemis program will carry the first woman and next man to the Moon,
and establish sustainable exploration with our commercial and international partners. NASA is
pursuing an ambitious program to explore our solar system and beyond. Key priorities include a Mars
Sample Return mission, launch of the James Webb Space Telescope and a robust program of Earth
observation. In addition, our transformative aeronautics technology research is making air travel safer
and more efficient, and pioneering the next generation of aircraft.
American ingenuity and innovation will be critical to the development of new technologies necessary
to achieve NASA’s important missions. As NASA undertakes an integrated technology research and
development effort, a common technology taxonomy is more important than ever. For this reason,
the 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy was created as an important update to the Technology Area
Breakdown Structure (TABS) from the roadmaps of previous years.
The 2020 Taxonomy is an update to the 2015 TABS. This new edition builds on previous releases and
the insight from subject matter experts from across the Agency. The 2020 Taxonomy has expanded
the total number of technology areas to 17 and consolidated other areas. The update reflects a shift
to a structure that aligns technology areas based on technical disciplines. The updates also include
new technologies relevant to NASA, such as cybersecurity and advancements in artificial intelligence.
The technology Taxonomy is key to NASA’s ability to manage and communicate its technology
portfolio by providing a structure for articulating the diverse technologies relevant to NASA’s mission.
Together, NASA and its partners in other government agencies, international space agencies,
academia, and industry, will pave the way to new frontiers in space and aeronautics.
Douglas Terrier
Chief Technologist
Introduction The 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy provides a
NASA engages in a multitude of technology structure for articulating the technology development
development activities to enable NASA missions by disciplines needed to enable future space missions and
broadening knowledge of and capabilities in aeronautics, support commercial air travel. The taxonomy identifies,
science, and space. To manage and communicate categorizes, and communicates the technology areas
this extensive and diverse technology portfolio, NASA relevant to advancing the Agency’s mission. The
uses a technology taxonomy. This taxonomy identifies, 2020 revision is comprised of 17 distinct technical
organizes, and communicates the technology areas discipline based Taxonomies (TXs) that provide a
that NASA advances in order to achieve future space breakdown structure for each technology area. The
missions and aeronautics activities. taxonomy uses a three-level hierarchy for grouping
and organizing technology types. Level 1 represents
The 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy is an update
the technology area, which is the title of that area (e.g.
to the Technology Area Breakdown Structure (TABS)
TX01: Propulsion Systems). Level 2 is a list of the
of the 2015 NASA Technology Roadmaps. The TABS,
subareas (e.g. TX01.1 Chemical Space Propulsion).
now referred to as the taxonomy, is deeply ingrained
Level 3 categorizes the types of technologies within
within NASA documentation, TechPort, solicitations,
the subareas (e.g. TX1.1.1 Integrated Systems and
websites, and many other places domestically and
Ancillary Technologies). Also included is an example
internationally. In particular, the taxonomy provides a
technologies section that provides a non-exhaustive
structure for articulating NASA’s technology portfolio,
sample of relevant technologies.
which is key to NASA’s ability to manage and
communicate its technology development efforts. The taxonomy is a foundational element of NASA’s
technology management process. NASA’s Mission
The 2020 NASA Technology Directorates (MDs) reference the taxonomy to solicit
technology proposals and to inform decisions on
Taxonomy NASA’s technology policy, prioritization, and strategic
NASA continues to push the boundaries of investments. These investments are tracked in TechPort,
space missions and aeronautics activities, a publically available web-based software system that
pursuing challenging goals that require advanced serves as NASA’s integrated Agency technology data
technological capabilities. Progressively ambitious source and decision support tool. TechPort uses the
space exploration presents challenges such as taxonomy in organizing the numerous, varied technology
sustaining a human presence in space, efficiently projects that NASA supports.
navigating to previously inaccessible locations, and
communicating over unprecedented distances. History
For aeronautics, increasing air traffic presents the
need for next generation air traffic control; high The 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy is part of an
fidelity, integrated, distributed simulation systems; evolution that began with the original roadmaps and
and next generation vehicles that reduce noise and TABS drafted in 2010, followed by updates in 2012
carbon output. Solutions to these and many other and 2015.
technical challenges require innovative technology
development across many areas, building on proven The effort to develop the roadmaps began in 2010
capabilities as well as developing new ones. when NASA identified 14 Space Technology Areas,
including top technical challenges and relevant
spaceflight missions. NASA publicly distributed a set 2015 Roadmaps were being used. Based on the
of draft roadmaps that included the original TABS assessment, it was decided that the 2020 revision
in December 2010. The National Research Council would decouple the TABS from the roadmaps and
(NRC) conducted a review and released a final report, incorporate a technical discipline based taxonomy
NASA Space Technology Roadmaps and Priorities: approach to align like technologies under a
Restoring NASA’s Technological Edge and Paving technology area.
the Way for a New Era in Space, early in 2012. The
final versions of the roadmaps and related TABS were The other major change in this revision is the shift
released to the public in April 2012. from emphasis on generic roadmaps to MD-owned
technology development strategies. This change
The 2015 Technology Roadmaps enhanced and focused on MD-identified strategic capabilities needs
expanded the TABS of the 2012 Roadmaps, and their corresponding plans to mature the enabling
responding to NASA’s changing needs, advances in technologies required. The new approach, the Strategic
technology, and recommended improvements from the Technology Integration Framework (STIF), captures
NRC and other stakeholders. NASA began the effort the capability needs of each MD and its associated
to update the Technology Roadmaps by determining technology investment strategies. The STIF provides
how the development process, roadmap scope, and traceability of actual technology investments, offering
roadmap content could be improved. NASA gathered the technology development community insight into the
input from the NASA Technology Executive Council strategic needs and technology plans of the Agency.
(NTEC), a 2013 Technical Interchange Meeting, and
the NASA Center Technology Council (CTC). Using the
decisions from the NTEC, and the input from the CTC
Development Process
and external stakeholders, NASA made improvements During 2018, the CTC, working with OCT, performed
to the development process and the roadmaps content the first round of structural realignment and content
and format. revisions of the new taxonomy. Agency SMEs, including
Technical Fellows, Systems Capability Leaders,
In 2014, the Technology Roadmap development team
Principal Technologists, and other technical Agency
was formed with members from across the Agency
experts, participated in this early round of revision.
to create new draft TABS and roadmaps. As the draft
During this phase of development, it was recognized
roadmaps were developed, NASA held meetings with
that the taxonomy revision would benefit from leveraging
other government agencies to obtain insights and
the SMEs’ established Agency role as advisors to
assess the technology candidates. The roadmaps
develop and maintain the NASA Technology Taxonomy.
went through an internal NASA review in the spring
This SME presence would also provide consistency and
of 2015, with a release to the public for review and
continuity in subsequent revisions of the taxonomy.
comment. These roadmaps and their TABS included
several improvements such as an expanded scope The draft taxonomy, resulting from the initial
and greater standardization. realignment and revisions, underwent a broad two-
phase review. The first was an internal NASA-wide
The 2020 revision process began in 2017 and
review that solicited comments from NASA MDs,
was led by NASA’s CTC, along with the Office of
NASA Offices, NASA Centers, and the Jet Propulsion
the Chief Technologist (OCT) and subject matter
Laboratory. That review was followed by a public
experts (SMEs) from across the Agency with a
review and comment period. This combination of
review of the 2015 TABS. In addition, a survey of
reviews further informed and refined the revision by
the 2015 Technology Roadmaps user community
providing additional realignments and clarifications to
was conducted to provide insight on how the
both the restructuring and the technical elements of • Split TA4 Robotics and Autonomous Systems into
the 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy. separate technology areas, TX04 Robotics and
TX10 Autonomous Systems
In addition to the taxonomy revision, a companion
document providing a crosswalk between the 2015 • Removed TA10 Nanotechnology as an independent
TAs and the updated 2020 TXs was developed. This technology area; nanotechnologies are now
document allows readers to identify where technology represented in other technology areas as appropriate
areas have moved with the update. (e.g. nanopropellants are in TX01 Propulsion)
• Retained and updated a crosscutting section (TX00) TX03: Aerospace Power and Energy Storage
with the addition of systems not explicitly featured in This area covers the different components of a
TX 1-17 that cross-map across the TX areas power system—power generation, energy storage,
and power management and distribution—that
• Combined TA1 Launch Propulsion Systems and require technological improvements to enable or
TA2 In-Space Propulsion Technologies into one enhance NASA missions.
area, TX01 Propulsion, and included elements of
propulsion for atmospheric systems
Figure 1. The second-level breakdown of the structure used in the 2020 Technology Taxonomy. This document contains
details at the third level, with fourth-level technology examples provided in all cases.
TX04: Robotic Systems TX10: Autonomous Systems
This area covers technologies for robotic systems This new area covers technologies that (in the
that will be leveraged as science explorers, context of robotics, spacecraft, or aircraft) enable
precursor explorers preceding crewed missions, the system to operate in a dynamic environment
as crew helpers, as EVA mobility aids, and as independent of external control.
caretakers of unattended assets.
TX11: Software, Modeling, Simulation, and
TX05: Communications, Navigation, Information Processing
and Orbital Debris Tracking and This area covers modeling, simulation, and
Characterization Systems information technology as well as software
This area covers technologies for transferring technologies that increase NASA’s understanding
commands, spacecraft telemetry, mission data, and mastery of the physical world and are the
and voice for human exploration missions, while basis of new solution paradigms across the
maintaining accurate timing and providing navigation breadth of NASA’s missions.
support. Orbital debris can be tracked and
characterized by some of the same systems used TX12: Materials, Structures, Mechanical
for spacecraft communications and navigation, as Systems, and Manufacturing
well as by other specialized systems. This area covers technologies for developing new
materials with improved or combined properties,
TX06: Human Health, Life Support, and structures that use materials to meet system
Habitation Systems performance requirements, and innovative
This area covers technologies that are specific to manufacturing processes.
the human element and those that directly affect
crew needs for survival and wellbeing, including the TX13: Ground, Test, and Surface Systems
environment and interfaces that crew encounter. This area covers technologies for preparing,
assembling, validating, executing, supporting, and
TX07: Exploration Destination Systems maintaining aeronautics and space activities and
This area covers the broad range of technologies operations, on Earth and on other planetary surfaces.
associated with enabling successful activities in
space, from mission operations to in-situ resource TX14: Thermal Management Systems
utilization. This area covers technologies for acquiring,
transporting, and rejecting heat, as well as insulating
TX08: Sensors and Instruments and controlling the flow of heat to maintain
This area covers technologies for instruments and temperatures within specified limits.
sensors, including remote observation capabilities.
TX15: Flight Vehicle Systems
TX09: Entry, Descent, and Landing This area covers technologies for aerosciences
This area covers entry, descent, and landing and flight mechanics. Aerosciences is the
technologies needed to enable both current and prediction of vehicle and component atmospheric
future missions. flight performance and flow qualities to enable
robust and efficient flight vehicle development,
achieving performance requirements while
minimizing environmental impacts. Flight
mechanics provides the analysis, prediction,
measurement, and test of vehicle dynamics,
trajectories, and performance.
This section addresses technologies for chemical and non-chemical
propulsion systems or their related ancillary systems. These propulsion
systems may be used for aeronautic propulsion, space launch propulsion, or
in-space propulsion applications.
TX01 Propulsion Systems
TX01 Propulsion Systems
TX01.1.3 Cryogenic
Cryogenic propulsion systems or subsystems operate with propellants that
are liquefied gases at low temperatures.
Example Technologies
• Liquid oxygen (LOX) • Methane (CH4) pump-fed main engine LOX
• Methane (CH4) • Liquid hydrogen (LH) reaction and attitude control engine
• Pressure-fed main engine LOX • LOX/RP-1
• Methane (CH4) pump-fed main engine LOX • LOX/LH based engine
TX01.1.4 Solids
This area covers propulsion systems that operate with solid propellants,
where the propellants are pre-mixed oxidizers and fuels.
Example Technologies
• Polybutadiene Acrylic Acid Acrylonitrile Prepolymer (PBAN)
• Hydroxyl Terminated Poly Butadiene (HTPB)
TX01.1.5 Hybrids
Hybrid propulsion systems or subsystems operate with propellants that
utilize a hybrid of solid fuel and liquid oxidizer.
Example Technologies
• Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene thermoplastic
• Paraffin-based fuels
TX01.1.6 Gels
Gelled and metallized fuels are a class of thixotropic (shear-thinning) fuels
that improve the performance of rocket and air-breathing systems.
Example Technologies
• Gelled oxygen (O2)/hydrogen (H2)
• Gelled MMH/IRFNA propellants
• Nanogelled propellants
TX01 Propulsion Systems
Advanced Electric Propulsion Systems Contract, Technology Demonstration Unit, TDU-3 Check-
out Test Hardware Installed in Vacuum Facility 5, VF-5. (NASA)
TX01 Propulsion Systems
TX01.2.2 Electrostatic
This area covers electric propulsion systems that use electrostatic fields to
ionize and accelerate a propellant.
A Hall ion thruster in
Example Technologies operation. (NASA)
• Ion engines
• Hall thrusters
• Electrospray propulsion
TX01.2.3 Electromagnetic
This area covers electric propulsion that interacts with a reaction mass
using electromagnetic fields.
Example Technologies
• Pulsed inductive thruster
• Magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) thruster
• Electrodynamic launch, e.g. double-sided linear induction motor (DSLIM)
TX01 Propulsion Systems
TX01.2.4 Electrothermal
This area covers electric propulsion that heats the propellant prior to
expansion through a nozzle.
Example Technologies
• Resistojets
• Arcjets
This is an artist’s concept of a possible Low Boom Flight Demonstration Quiet Supersonic Transport (QueSST) X-plane
design. The award of a preliminary design contract is the first step towards the possible return of supersonic passenger
travel – but this time quieter and more affordable. (NASA)
TX01 Propulsion Systems
• Ejector ramjet
TX01 Propulsion Systems
TX01 Propulsion Systems
TX01 Propulsion Systems
• Electro-expulsive deicing
• Pneumatic deicing
• Thermal anti-icing systems
• Fluid-based deicing approaches
• Electro-impulsive approaches
TX01 Propulsion Systems
• Electromagnetic tethers
TX01 Propulsion Systems
Employees unload a RS25D rocket engine at NASA’s John C. Stennis Space Center on
January 17, 2012. The engine—and 14 others—will be stored at the facility for future
testing and use on NASA’s new Space Launch System (SLS). (NASA)
TX01 Propulsion Systems
Flight Computing
and Avionics
All forms of space systems require some aspect of electronics and
computing capability. This section captures the unique hardware aspects
of those capabilities when applied to flight systems, whether in space or
TX02 Flight Computing
and Avionics
TX02 Flight Computing
and Avionics
TX02 Flight Computing
and Avionics
TX02 Flight Computing
and Avionics
TX02 Flight Computing
and Avionics
NASA Ames Research Center has developed and tested a prototype low-
cost avionics package for space launch vehicles that provides complete
GNC functionality in a package smaller than a tissue box. (NASA)
TX02 Flight Computing
and Avionics
TX02 Flight Computing
and Avionics
TX02 Flight Computing
and Avionics
TX02 Flight Computing
and Avionics
TX02 Flight Computing
and Avionics
Aerospace Power
and Energy
Many state of the art power systems are too heavy, bulky, or inefficient to
meet future mission requirements, and some cannot operate in extreme
environments. The different components of a power system—power
generation, energy storage, and power management and distribution
(PMAD)—each require technological improvements to enable or enhance
the missions currently in NASA’s plans.
TX03 Aerospace Power
and Energy Storage
TX03.1.1 Photovoltaic
Photovoltaic electrical power generation converts photons into electrical
power, including photovoltaic cells, cell integration, and mechanical and
structural technologies for cell arrays.
Example Technologies
• 25-150 kW-class solar arrays
• Reliably retractable solar arrays
• Reduced-cost photovoltaic blankets
• Extreme environment solar cells and panels
TX03 Aerospace Power
and Energy Storage
TX03 Aerospace Power
and Energy Storage
TX03 Aerospace Power
and Energy Storage
TX03 Aerospace Power
and Energy Storage
NASA Glenn Technician Mark Springowski works on a 10-kilowatt Stirling Power Con-
version Unit, which is part of the Fission Surface Power Technology Demonstration Unit.
This is a system level demonstration of a surface power system, which could potentially
be used to support manned missions to the moon or Mars. (NASA)
TX03 Aerospace Power
and Energy Storage
For human exploration, robots will be leveraged as precursor explorers
preceding crewed missions, as crew helpers, as extravehicular activity
(EVA) mobility aids, and as caretakers of assets left behind. For science
exploration, robots will blaze new trails on distant and hostile worlds to
better our understanding of the universe and to extend the reach of the
human race. By expanding our planetary access capability, manipulating
assets and resources, and understanding planetary bodies using remote
and in-situ sensors, we can prepare planets for human arrival, support
crews in-space operations, and manage assets left behind.
TX04 Robotic Systems
TX04 Robotic Systems
TX04 Robotic Systems
TX04.2 Mobility
Mobility provides coverage and access for space exploration and can be
enhanced or expanded through advances in component technologies,
such as actuation and structures.
The Surrogate robot (“Surge”) was built at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,
California. Researchers are developing it in order to extend humanity’s reach into hazardous
environments to perform tasks such as using environmental test equipment, closing valves, or
gaining access to closed compartments. (NASA)
TX04 Robotic Systems
TX04 Robotic Systems
TX04.3 Manipulation
Manipulation positions crewmembers and instruments in space and on
planetary bodies. It also provides the capability to extract and handle
samples of multiple forms and scales from various depths.
TX04 Robotic Systems
TX04 Robotic Systems
TX04.4 Human-Robot
Human-robot system interaction is crucial for future space exploration
and must be effective, efficient, and natural. Space exploration requires
human-system interaction across multiple spatial ranges, in the presence
of multiple control loops, and over a wide range of time delays. A robot
may be remotely operated by an astronaut in close proximity, by an
astronaut in-orbit above a planetary surface, or by mission controllers on
Earth with progressive reductions in situational awareness and response
time. The ultimate efficacy of robotic systems depends greatly upon the
interfaces that humans use to operate them.
TX04 Robotic Systems
TX04.5 Autonomous
Rendezvous and Docking
Autonomous rendezvous and docking (AR&D) enable future human and
robotic missions. The goal is to provide a robust, safe AR&D capability
for human and robotic systems that reduces the reliance on human
TX04 Robotic Systems
TX04 Robotic Systems
TX04 Robotic Systems
TX04 Robotic Systems
• Refueling Interfaces
• Self-assembling robots
• Self-configuring robots
• Marsupial robot interfaces
• Human machine interface standards
TX04 Robotic Systems
TX04 Robotic Systems
Navigation, and
Orbital Debris Tracking
and Characterization
Space communications and navigation infrastructure is the means of
transferring commands, spacecraft telemetry, mission data, and voice for
human exploration missions, while maintaining accurate timing and providing
navigation support. Orbital debris can be tracked and characterized by some
of the same systems used for spacecraft communications and navigation,
as well as by other specialized systems. Orbital debris tracking and
characterization systems can be improved using radio frequency and optical
techniques similar to those used in communications and navigation systems,
as well as other dedicated systems.
TX05 Communications, Navigation,
and Orbital Debris Tracking and
Characterization Systems
TX05.1 Optical
Optical communications includes technologies required to make
communications with light practical and take advantage of the virtually
unconstrained bandwidth available in the optical spectrum.
TX05.1.3 Lasers
Lasers in this area are high direct current-to-optical power efficiency, high
peak-to-average power, reliable, and flight-qualified.
Example Technologies
This is a 3-foot 1-meter
aperture main telescope • High direct current-optical efficiency
located at the NASA Jet
• Greater than 10W
Propulsion Laboratory
Optical Communications • Space-qualified pulse-position modulation (PPM) laser transmitter
Telescope Laboratory
ground station. (NASA)
TX05 Communications, Navigation,
and Orbital Debris Tracking and
Characterization Systems
TX05.1.6 Optimetrics
Optimetrics includes optical techniques for ranging, Doppler, and astrometric
measurement derived from the optical communications signal.
Example Technologies
• Embedded optical tracking for spacecraft navigation
TX05 Communications, Navigation,
and Orbital Debris Tracking and
Characterization Systems
TX05.2.1 Spectrum-Efficiency
Spectrum-efficiency includes flight and ground techniques and technologies
that allow more efficient utilization of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum.
Example Technologies
• Advanced interference management
• Adaptive spectrum sharing/management
• Bandwidth efficient modulations
TX05.2.2 Power-Efficiency
Power-efficiency includes flight and ground techniques and technologies
that make more efficient use of the available system power.
Example Technologies
• Traveling wave tube amplifiers (TWTAs)
• Solid-state power amplifiers (SSPAs)
TX05 Communications, Navigation,
and Orbital Debris Tracking and
Characterization Systems
TX05 Communications, Navigation,
and Orbital Debris Tracking and
Characterization Systems
TX05.3 Internetworking
Internetworking deals with the adaptation of Earth’s Internet technology and
processes throughout the solar system.
TX05 Communications, Navigation,
and Orbital Debris Tracking and
Characterization Systems
TX05 Communications, Navigation,
and Orbital Debris Tracking and
Characterization Systems
• Atomic clocks
• Ultra-high performance crystal oscillators
TX05 Communications, Navigation,
and Orbital Debris Tracking and
Characterization Systems
TX05.5 Revolutionary
Revolutionary communications concepts and technologies have the
potential to enable “game changing” capabilities for future mission and
network architectures.
TX05 Communications, Navigation,
and Orbital Debris Tracking and
Characterization Systems
TX05 Communications, Navigation,
and Orbital Debris Tracking and
Characterization Systems
TX05 Communications, Navigation,
and Orbital Debris Tracking and
Characterization Systems
TX05.7 Acoustic
Acoustic communication technologies make communications with elastic
waves at sonic or ultrasonic frequencies and enable transmission through
water and ice.
Example Technologies
• Sonar
• Acoustic sensors
• Active and passive sensors including geophones and seismic receivers
TX05.X Other
Communications, Navigation,
and Orbital Debris Tracking
and Characterization
This area covers communications, navigation, and orbital debris tracking
and characterization systems technologies that are not otherwise covered
by the sub-paragraphs outlined in TX05 of the 2020 NASA Technology
TX05 Communications, Navigation,
and Orbital Debris Tracking and
Characterization Systems
Human Health,
Life Support,
and Habitation
This section covers technologies that are specific to the human element
and directly affect crew needs for survival and wellbeing, including the
environment to which the crew is exposed and interfaces that crewmembers
TX06 Human Health, Life
Support, and
Habitation Systems
TX06.1 Environmental
Control and Life Support
Systems (ECLSS) and
Habitation Systems
Life support and habitation systems maintain an environment suitable for
sustaining human life throughout the duration of a mission.
TX06 Human Health, Life
Support, and
Habitation Systems
TX06 Human Health, Life
Support, and
Habitation Systems
TX06.2 Extravehicular
Activity Systems
Extravehicular activity (EVA) systems are those associated with
enabling astronauts to perform work outside of a spacecraft’s habitable
TX06 Human Health, Life
Support, and
Habitation Systems
TX06 Human Health, Life
Support, and
Habitation Systems
TX06 Human Health, Life
Support, and
Habitation Systems
TX06 Human Health, Life
Support, and
Habitation Systems
TX06 Human Health, Life
Support, and
Habitation Systems
TX06.4 Environmental
Monitoring, Safety, and
Emergency Response
Environmental monitoring, safety, and emergency response technologies
ensure crew health and safety by protecting against spacecraft hazards
and ensuring effective response should an accident occur.
TX06 Human Health, Life
Support, and
Habitation Systems
TX06.4.4 Remediation
Remediation provides the crew with the ability to clean the habitable
environment of the spacecraft in the event of an off-nominal situation,
including fire, an inadvertent chemical release, or microbial contamination.
Example Technologies
• Contingency air scrubber
• Contingency microbial remediation
• Post-fire air scrubber
TX06 Human Health, Life
Support, and
Habitation Systems
TX06.5 Radiation
Radiation technologies increase crew mission duration in the free-
space radiation environment while remaining below the space radiation
permissible exposure limits.
TX06 Human Health, Life
Support, and
Habitation Systems
• Radiation protective materials and material systems for primary and secondary structures
• In-situ passive shielding from and in the spacecraft
• In-situ passive shielding from planetary surface materials
• High-temperature superconductor technology and performance for active shielding systems
• Lightweight structural materials for magnet fixtures for active shielding systems
• Cooling systems for active shielding
• Integrated design tool
• Uncertainty models for thick shielding
• Active shielding modeling tool set
TX06 Human Health, Life
Support, and
Habitation Systems
TX06 Human Health, Life
Support, and
Habitation Systems
TX06.6.2 Training
Training focuses on enabling users, operators, maintainers, trainers and
support personnel to acquire, maintain or enhance their knowledge and
skills, and concurrently develops their cognitive, physical, sensory, team
dynamics, and adaptive abilities to conduct operations. The goal of the
training/instructional system should be to develop and sustain ready, well-
trained personnel, while considering options that can reduce life-cycle
costs and provide positive contributions to the system.
Example Technologies
• Framework for an integrated training design that supports skill acquisition, retention,
and transfer
• Simulators designs based on human perception capabilities that provide the necessary
level of fidelity to ensure training transfer to the operational environment
• Just-in-time training capabilities for in-mission or on-the-job initial and refresher training
TX06 Human Health, Life
Support, and
Habitation Systems
TX06 Human Health, Life
Support, and
Habitation Systems
The interior of the ECLSS module inside SpaceX’s headquarters and factory in
Hawthorne, California. The module is the same size as the company’s Crew Dragon
spacecraft and is built to test the Environmental Control and Life Support System, or
ECLSS, that is being built for missions aboard the Crew Dragon including those by
astronauts flying to the International Space Station on flights for NASA’s Commercial
Crew Program. (NASA/SpaceX)
TX06 Human Health, Life
Support, and
Habitation Systems
Exploration destination systems covers the broad range of technologies
associated with enabling successful activities in space, from missions
operations to in-situ resource utilization.
TX07 Exploration
Robotic construction
of lunar infrastructure.
A NASA Innovative
Advanced Concept
(NIAC) project. (NASA)
TX07 Exploration
TX07 Exploration
TX07 Exploration
TX07.2 Mission
Infrastructure, Sustainability,
and Supportability
This area covers technologies required to establish a self-sufficient,
sustainable, and affordable space exploration program.
TX07 Exploration
TX07 Exploration
TX07 Exploration
TX07 Exploration
TX07.3.3 Training
Training technologies support efficient and effective crew and mission
operations training and multi-agent teaming for complex systems for
nominal, off-nominal, infrequent, and unexpected events.
Example Technologies
• Training methodologies to ensure effective human response when automation/autonomy fail in
time-critical situations
• Efficient and effective multi-agent team training and performance
• Just in time training technologies based on understanding of acquisition and maintenance of
skilled performance and expertise
• Training environments and task support tools that are integrated with system design
• New training methods and tools required for evolving skills and tasks
• Intelligent software utilizing expert systems
• Data mining algorithms
• Advanced or intelligent hardware (such as lightweight, low-power virtual reality (VR) systems,
situational awareness sensors, etc.)
TX07 Exploration
Inside Laboratory
Destination Systems
planetary protection
samples are analyzed
prior to processing
the payload fairing
for NASA’s upcoming This area covers exploration destination systems technologies that are not
InSight mission to Mars. otherwise covered by the sub-paragraphs outlined in TX07 of the 2020 NASA
(NASA) Technology Taxonomy.
TX07 Exploration
Sensors and
This area focuses on the development of technologies for instrumentation and
sensing, including remote observation capabilities.
TX08 Sensors and
Artist’s illustration of
a concept for NASA’s
GeoCarb mission,
which will map
concentrations of key
carbon gases above
the Americas from
geostationary orbit.
TX08 Sensors and
TX08.1.2 Electronics
Electronics includes analog and mixed signal instrument electronics and the
associated packaging technology, designed for reuse and/or extensibility,
with reduced volume, mass, and power that can operate over a wide
temperature range and other extreme environments such as high radiation.
This includes detector support electronics such as digital back ends, high-
voltage power supplies, wireless networking techniques, and integrated
electronic, photonic, and sensor readouts that enable significant signal
processing and data compression.
Example Technologies
• Analog and mixed-signal instrument front end electronics application-specific integrated
circuits (ASICs), Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and discrete components
(e.g., radio frequency (RF) System on Chip, Multi-Channel Digitizer (MCD)
• Control and bias voltage electronics
• Low noise amplifiers
• Multi-channel A/D and D/A Converters Goddard technologist
Noosha Haghani holds one
• Trans-impedance amplifiers and bias generators of many electronics cards,
• Space cube which she and her team
• Onboard Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) processor designed for a new avionics
system called MUSTANG.
• Modular Unified Space Technology Avionics for Next Generation missions (MUSTANG) MUSTANG has been
• Nanoelectronics baselined for two upcoming
NASA missions. (NASA/W.
TX08 Sensors and
TX08.1.5 Lasers
Passive laser technologies, such as laser heterodyne radiometry, can
involve low-power elements such as distributive feedback (DFB) lasers;
active laser systems that pass through the atmosphere to make a
measurement, such as light detecting and ranging (LIDAR) require higher
powered laser elements.
Example Technologies
• Pulsed lasers and the electro-optical components that support them like fibers, gratings,
crystals, laser diodes, electro-optical modulators, nanolasers
TX08.1.6 Cryogenic/Thermal
Space-qualified cryogenic and thermal systems include both passive and
active technologies used to cool instruments and focal planes, sensors,
and large optical systems. Cryogenic and thermal system component
This artist’s concept technologies are grouped in the following categories: micro-Kelvin, sub-
shows the Lunar Flashlight Kelvin (K), 4 to 20 K, and low-cost cryocoolers; all have requirements for
spacecraft, a six-unit low power, low mass, and low exported vibration during operation.
CubeSat designed to
search for ice on the Example Technologies
Moon’s surface using
special lasers. The
• Adiabatic demagnetization refrigerators
spacecraft will use its near-
infrared lasers to shine light • Dilution refrigerators
into shaded polar regions • Sorption coolers and supporting components
on the Moon, while an
• Cryocoolers, like Stirling refrigerators, Brayton Cycle refrigerators, pulse tube refrigerators,
onboard reflectometer will Joule-Thomson coolers
measure surface reflection
and composition. (NASA- • Supporting cryogenic thermal control components like heat straps, heat pipes, cryogenic
JPL-CalTech) radiators
TX08 Sensors and
TX08.2 Observatories
Observatory technologies are necessary to design, manufacture, test,
and operate space telescopes and antennas that collect, concentrate,
or transmit photons. Observatory technologies enable or enhance large-
aperture monolithic and segmented single apertures as well as structurally
connected or free-flying sparse and interferometric apertures. Applications
span the electromagnetic spectrum.
TX08 Sensors and
TX08 Sensors and
TX08 Sensors and
TX08 Sensors and
Entry, Descent,
and Landing
This area covers entry, descent, and landing (EDL) technology developments,
conducted in a coordinated and sustained manner, to enable not only the
current planned set of missions, but also the mission sets and science
goals that may not be realizable based on current and near-term evolving
technologies, nor by heritage technologies that are no longer available.
TX09 Entry, Descent,
and Landing
NASA’s Orion
spacecraft floats in the
Pacific Ocean after
splashdown from its first
flight test in Earth orbit.
TX09 Entry, Descent,
and Landing
TX09 Entry, Descent,
and Landing
TX09.2 Descent
Descent is a mission phase of EDL that bridges the entry and terminal
descent and landing phases, with initiation typically in the low supersonic
to high subsonic speed regime, after the entry heat pulse is complete.
The primary technical objective is to further decelerate the spacecraft and
position it accurately for staging to terminal descent and landing. This
deceleration can be obtained via aerodynamic forces with systems such as
inflatables or parachutes, or via a propulsion system.
Boeing conducted
Example Technologies
the first in a series
• Advanced algorithms and sensors for SRP
of reliability tests of
its CST-100 Starliner • Deep-throttling, high-thrust engines for Mars descent
flight drogue and main
parachute system by
releasing a long, dart-
shaped test vehicle
from a C-17 aircraft
over Yuma, Arizona.
TX09 Entry, Descent,
and Landing
TX09.3 Landing
Landing is a mission phase of EDL that encompasses the terminal descent
and touchdown elements, with initiation typically in the low subsonic speed
regime after completion of descent. The primary objective is to facilitate
safe touchdown of the spacecraft on the planetary surface with prescribed
accuracy and landing loads, while not causing unacceptable risk from
landing system elements such as rocket plume impingement.
An artist’s impression
capturing the moments before
Mars 2020 lands on the
surface of the Red Planet.
TX09 Entry, Descent,
and Landing
TX09 Entry, Descent,
and Landing
TX09 Entry, Descent,
and Landing
TX09 Entry, Descent,
and Landing
Autonomous systems (in the context of robotics, spacecraft, or aircraft) are
a cross-domain capability that enables the system to operate in a dynamic
environment independent of external control.
TX10 Autonomous
TX10 Autonomous
TX10 Autonomous
The Robot
Sequencing and
Visualization Program
(RSVP) for the Mars
Science Laboratory
Mission (MSL) is
built upon prior Mars
Pathfinder and Mars
Exploration Rover
mission operations
software. (NASA)
TX10 Autonomous
TX10 Autonomous
TX10 Autonomous
TX10 Autonomous
TX10 Autonomous
TX10 Autonomous
TX10 Autonomous
Simulation, and
This area focuses on enabling the NASA mission by developing modeling,
simulation, information technology, and software technologies that ultimately
increase NASA’s understanding and mastery of the physical world.
TX11 Software, Modeling,
Simulation, and
Information Processing
TX11.1 Software
Development, Engineering,
and Integrity
This area covers technologies for the design, development, testing and
verification of software systems.
TX11 Software, Modeling,
Simulation, and
Information Processing
TX11 Software, Modeling,
Simulation, and
Information Processing
TX11 Software, Modeling,
Simulation, and
Information Processing
TX11.2 Modeling
Modeling technologies support autonomous, integrated, and interoperable
modeling capabilities throughout NASA’s mission portfolios.
The NASA Sea Level Change Data Analysis Tool (DAT) has been
designed to allow for quick-look comparisons and analysis of NASA
datasets of sea level change. The datasets range from sea level
observations, to ice observations, to model output to quickly study
anomalies and get immediate results on potential relations between
different datasets. (NASA)
TX11 Software, Modeling,
Simulation, and
Information Processing
TX11 Software, Modeling,
Simulation, and
Information Processing
TX11.3 Simulation
Simulation technologies provide engineering data and insight into the level
of risk across the entire lifecycle of NASA’s distributed, heterogeneous,
and long-lived mission systems.
TX11 Software, Modeling,
Simulation, and
Information Processing
TX11 Software, Modeling,
Simulation, and
Information Processing
TX11 Software, Modeling,
Simulation, and
Information Processing
TX11.4 Information
The center of the Milky
Way galaxy imaged by This area covers technologies for triaging data with intelligent onboard
NASA Spitzer Space algorithms and thoroughly analyzing the data using ground-based systems.
Telescope is displayed These technologies include data lifecycles, intelligent data understanding,
on a quarter-of-a- semantic technologies, collaborative science and engineering, cyber
billion-pixel, high- infrastructure and security, digital assistant, and edge computing.
definition 23-foot-wide
7-meter LCD science
visualization screen at
NASA Ames Research
Center. (NASA)
TX11 Software, Modeling,
Simulation, and
Information Processing
TX11 Software, Modeling,
Simulation, and
Information Processing
TX11 Software, Modeling,
Simulation, and
Information Processing
TX11 Software, Modeling,
Simulation, and
Information Processing
TX11 Software, Modeling,
Simulation, and
Information Processing
TX11 Software, Modeling,
Simulation, and
Information Processing
TX11 Software, Modeling,
Simulation, and
Information Processing
Systems, and
This section covers technologies for developing new materials with improved
or combined properties, structures that use materials to meet system
performance requirements, and innovative manufacturing processes.
TX12 Materials, Structures,
Mechanical Systems, and
TX12.1 Materials
This area covers synthesized and tailored materials that have multiple
functions to meet specific mission needs.
TX12 Materials, Structures,
Mechanical Systems, and
TX12.1.5 Coatings
Coatings are materials, nanomaterials, and amorphous materials that
provide thin, lightweight barrier protection from environmental hazards
that include light, dust, fouling, temperature, harsh gases, chemical attack
icing, putative microbial life forms, and atomic oxygen.
Example Technologies
• Includes films, optical blacks, nanofibers, nanocomposites, thermal barrier coatings,
environmental coatings
TX12 Materials, Structures,
Mechanical Systems, and
TX12 Materials, Structures,
Mechanical Systems, and
TX12.2 Structures
This area covers lightweight, robust, multifunctional, smart structures that
are reliable and predictable.
TX12 Materials, Structures,
Mechanical Systems, and
TX12 Materials, Structures,
Mechanical Systems, and
TX12 Materials, Structures,
Mechanical Systems, and
TX12 Materials, Structures,
Mechanical Systems, and
TX12 Materials, Structures,
Mechanical Systems, and
TX12.4 Manufacturing
This area covers innovative physical manufacturing processes and
integrate with analysis and design through a ‘digital thread.’
TX12 Materials, Structures,
Mechanical Systems, and
TX12 Materials, Structures,
Mechanical Systems, and
TX12 Materials, Structures,
Mechanical Systems, and
TX12.5.2 Vibroacoustics
This area covers modeling and analysis techniques for high/mid-frequency
range (e.g., Boundary Element Method based techniques).
Example Technologies
• Enhanced internal payload fairing acoustic environment modeling approaches
• Advanced vibroacoustic model correlation techniques
• Structural damping integration methods (active/adaptive strategies to mitigate fatigue, failure,
control-structures interactions, structural vibration and acoustics)
Ground, Test,
and Surface
The Ground, Test, and Surface Systems taxonomy includes technological
innovations in capabilities, infrastructure, and processes to prepare,
assemble, validate, execute, support, and maintain aeronautics & space
activities and operations, on Earth and on other planetary surfaces to address
risk, decrease operations and maintenance costs, and increase safety and
mission availability.
TX13 Ground, Test, and
Surface Systems
TX13.1 Infrastructure
Optimization of infrastructure (the facilities, resources, commodities,
and support systems necessary to perform NASA missions) focuses on
technologies to decrease infrastructure complexity, reduce operations
and maintenance (O&M) costs, increase safety and reliability, and enable
multi-customer utilization. Optimization should provide the best balance
between required functionality, efficiency, flexibility and life-cycle costs.
TX13 Ground, Test, and
Surface Systems
TX13 Ground, Test, and
Surface Systems
TX13 Ground, Test, and
Surface Systems
TX13.1.7 Impact/Damage/Radiation-Resistant
Impact, damage, radiation-tolerant systems include approaches to enhance
system robustness in extreme environments and can range from very low
to high temperatures, pressures, etc. Robustness of systems can include
nanomaterials systems, metamaterials, radiation resistant materials, self-
repairing systems, improved interlaminar interfaces, multifunctional systems,
in-situ health monitoring, and repair mechanisms.
Example Technologies
• Flexible structures
• Refractory materials hardened for foreign-object debris
• Self-healing systems
• Impact damage resistant ceramic nanocomposites
• Radiation hardened or resistant and shielding materials
• Carbon nanotube and graphene materials
• Nanosensors and embedded sensors for in-situ health monitoring
TX13 Ground, Test, and
Surface Systems
TX13 Ground, Test, and
Surface Systems
TX13 Ground, Test, and
Surface Systems
TX13 Ground, Test, and
Surface Systems
TX13 Ground, Test, and
Surface Systems
In this view looking up inside the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA’s Kennedy
Space Center in Florida, a crane lowers the Space Launch System (SLS) Core Stage
pathfinder into High Bay 3 on Oct. 16, 2019. The pathfinder is being used by Exploration
Ground Systems and its contractor, Jacobs, to practice offloading, moving and stacking
maneuvers, using important ground support equipment to train employees and certify all
the equipment works properly. ( NASA/Ben Smegelsky)
TX13 Ground, Test, and
Surface Systems
TX13 Ground, Test, and
Surface Systems
TX13 Ground, Test, and
Surface Systems
TX13 Ground, Test, and
Surface Systems
NASA’s Exploration Ground Systems conducts a water flow test with the mobile
launcher at Kennedy Space Center’s Pad 39B in Florida on July 2, 2019. It is
the first of nine tests to verify the sound suppression system is ready for launch
of NASA’s Space Launch System for the first Artemis mission. During launch,
400,000 gallons of water will rush onto the pad to help protect the rocket,
NASA’s Orion Spacecraft, mobile launcher, and launch pad from the extreme
acoustic and temperature environment. (NASA/Kim Shiflett)
TX13 Ground, Test, and
Surface Systems
Thermal management systems acquire, transport, and reject heat, as well
as insulate and control the flow of heat to maintain temperatures within the
specified limits. Virtually all vehicles and related equipment require some
level of thermal control, some much more tightly controlled than others, and
the design approach and technologies employed vary widely depending on
TX14 Thermal Management
TX14 Thermal Management
TX14 Thermal Management
TX14 Thermal Management
TX14 Thermal Management
TX14 Thermal Management
TX14 Thermal Management
TX14 Thermal Management
TX14 Thermal Management
TX14 Thermal Management
Flight Vehicle
Flight Vehicle Systems is composed of the disciplines of Aerosciences and
Flight Mechanics. Aerosciences is the prediction of vehicle and component
atmospheric flight performance and flow qualities to enable robust and
efficient flight vehicle development, achieving performance requirements
while minimizing environmental impacts. Flight Mechanics provides the
analysis, prediction, measurement, and test of vehicle dynamics, trajectories,
and performance, and enables mission success for a wide range of vehicles.
TX15 Flight Vehicle
TX15.1 Aerosciences
Aerosciences is the prediction of vehicle and component atmospheric
flight performance and flow qualities to enable robust and efficient flight
vehicle development, achieving performance requirements while minimizing
environmental impacts. The technologies involved in aerosciences require
development of analytical and empirical systems; computational analysis;
ground testing technologies in wind tunnels, arc jets, ballistic ranges, water
channels; and flight technologies in specific technical areas.
TX15.1.1 Aerodynamics
Aerodynamics uses computational analysis, ground test, and flight to predict
vehicle and component atmospheric flight performance and flow qualities
(e.g. six-component aerodynamic forces and moments, detailed pressure
distributions, qualitative and quantitative off-body flow characteristics).
Example Technologies
• Flow characterization through analysis and testing, with prediction and characterization of
unsteady separated flow being a primary technology challenge
• Target vehicles include aircraft, launch vehicles, entry, descent, and landing (EDL) systems,
abort systems, parachutes, and inflatable decelerators across all speed regimes from
subsonic to hypersonic; characterization of subsonic, transonic, supersonic, and hypersonic
flows, junction flows, landing gear, high lift systems, and innovative control effectors
• New technologies to predict and analyze the underlying unsteady flow characteristics driving
buffet and aeroacoustics for aircraft, launch vehicles and spacecraft
• Advanced aerodynamic predictive capability required to enable efficient atmospheric flight
vehicle designs
TX15.1.2 Aerothermodynamics
Aerothermodynamics uses computational analysis, ground test, and flight to
Key aerosciences predict vehicle and component aeroheating environments and flow qualities
are enabling the
(e.g. convective and radiative heating, surface temperature, heat flux,
development of interactions with vehicle components like thermal protection systems).
advanced supersonic
transports with reduced Example Technologies
sonic boom signatures,
allowing them to overfly • Forebody and afterbody heating characteristics with heating prediction on capsule afterbodies
the Continental United in separated flow
States and other • Shock layer radiation prediction and characterization; advanced predictive technology
populated regions.
TX15 Flight Vehicle
TX15.1.3 Aeroelasticity
Aeroelasticity is the coupled interaction of vehicle aerodynamics with vehicle
structures and control systems, including static aeroelastic deformation, flutter,
buffet, control surface buzz, aeroservoelasticity, and limit cycle oscillations.
Example Technologies
• Computational aeroelastic tools coupling Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with structural
dynamics methodologies to predict flutter, buffet, limit cycle oscillations and aeroservoelastic
• Advanced unsteady CFD techniques to predict nonlinear fluctuating pressure fields for launch
vehicle and aircraft buffet, control surface buzz and other nonlinear aero structural interactions
• Advanced ground test techniques and strategies to simulate and predict the performance of
coupled aero/structural systems as well as complex unsteady flows and loads
• Advanced aircraft systems such as truss-braced wing and other concepts based on high
aspect ratio wing configurations enabled by advanced static and dynamic aeroelastic
prediction methodology
• Active flutter suppression; aeroelastic tailoring; active static/buffet/gust load alleviation
TX15.1.4 Aeroacoustics
Aeroacoustics is a branch of acoustics that studies noise generation
via either turbulent fluid motion or aerodynamic forces interacting with
surfaces, including periodically varying flows such as shock waves and
noise generated by landing gears and deflected aero surfaces; and non-
periodic unsteady flows such as those encountered during ascent of
launch vehicles and spacecraft. These technologies are applied to fixed-
wing, vertical lift, Unmanned Aerial Systems/Urban Air Mobility vehicles,
launch vehicles, abort vehicles, and spacecraft.
Example Technologies
• Integrated approach to computational predictive methods, sensors, and test techniques
to study aeroacoustic effects generated by shock motion, flow separation and reattachment,
exhaust plumes and plume impingement, and sonic booms
• Prediction of aeroacoustic effects on vehicle structure, vehicle subsystems (such as
electronics), the community, and methods to mitigate these effects for operations including
buffet and aeroacoustic load reduction, noise reduction, sonic boom mitigation, and efficient
airframe-engine integration
TX15 Flight Vehicle
TX15 Flight Vehicle
TX15 Flight Vehicle
• Trajectory Design and Optimization. Includes design and optimization of space vehicle and
air vehicle trajectories. Includes definition of the envelope of acceptable trajectories given
the capabilities of the vehicle, and determination of the optimal trajectory. For space vehicles,
includes ascent; orbital targeting, orbital maintenance, and on-orbit rendezvous; interplanetary
trajectories; theoretical astrodynamics; low-thrust design and optimization; planetary moon
tour design; three-body orbit modeling and design; and entry through landing. For air
vehicles, includes takeoff, mission execution or cruise, and approach/landing
• Trajectory Reconstruction. Technologies that enhance post-flight and on-board procedures
that use real-time, telemetered or recorded flight data to determine as-flown estimates of
vehicle performance (propulsion, aerodynamics, GN&C, etc.) and encountered environment
characteristics (atmosphere, and gravity
• End-to-end mission design and optimization of space vehicles and air vehicles. Involves
integrating trajectory solutions from the various phases of flight to optimize the overall mission
in terms of duration, mass, propellant, flexibilities, and requirements for associated
subsystems, such as lighting, communications, power, propulsion, etc. Helps evaluate
interactions and trades between other disciplines (aero, propulsion, structures, GN&C, etc.)
and identifies/establishes subsystem performance and requirements
TX15 Flight Vehicle
TX15 Flight Vehicle
TX15 Flight Vehicle
Air Traffic
Management and
Range Tracking
Air Traffic Management and Range Tracking Systems are composed of technology
disciplines associated with a modernized Air Traffic Management (ATM) system
and range operations. The Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen)
is the Nation’s plan for a modernized ATM system that will achieve much higher
levels of operational capacity and efficiency while maintaining or improving
safety and other performance measures. The areas for NASA include safety and
automation technologies which include far reaching concepts and technologies for
future planning and operations and safely extend the capabilities and range of uses
of the National Airspace System (NAS) for air transportation and commercial space
integration. Air Traffic Management and Range Tracking Systems are unique
technology areas within NASA and with the increasing amount of commercial
space providers, and the regulatory oversight of the Federal Aviation Administration
for Commercial Crew Program missions, there is a drive toward converging Range
safety into general flight safety.
Air Traffic Management
and Range Tracking
TX16.2 Weather/Environment
This area aims to develop tools that provide weather and environmental
information to avoid inclement weather/environmental conditions affecting
ground and flight deck operations.
Example Technologies
• Improved weather and hazard awareness detection, prediction and alerting technologies,
including aircraft state and health management
• Hazards include precipitation, winds, wind shears, microbursts, clear air turbulence, and icing
Air Traffic Management
and Range Tracking
Air Traffic Management
and Range Tracking
A NASA Langley team will capture long range images of the SpaceX
launch with the help of a sophisticated camera and telescope system
on a gyro-stablized tracking mount. (NASA)
Air Traffic Management
and Range Tracking
Navigation, and
Control (GN&C)
All forms of aerospace systems require some form of guidance, navigation,
and control (GN&C) capability, either on-board, ground-based or a
combination of both. This section of the taxonomy captures the unique GN&C
system technologies that enable new missions; reduce cost, schedule, mass
or power while maintaining or improving GN&C performance; improve system
safety and longevity; or reduce environmental impact of aerospace vehicle
TX17 Guidance, Navigation,
and Control (GN&C)
TX17 Guidance, Navigation,
and Control (GN&C)
TX17.2 Navigation
Navigation technologies primarily consist of the robust, reliable, and
computationally efficient mathematical algorithms (and their associated
software implementation) for the functions of flight path/orbit/trajectory
state estimation.
TX17 Guidance, Navigation,
and Control (GN&C)
TX17 Guidance, Navigation,
and Control (GN&C)
TX17 Guidance, Navigation,
and Control (GN&C)
TX17 Guidance, Navigation,
and Control (GN&C)
The Mars Helicopter is a technology demonstration that will travel to the Red Planet
with the Mars 2020 rover. It will attempt controlled flight in Mars’ thin atmosphere,
which may enable more ambitious missions in the future. (NASA)
TX17 Guidance, Navigation,
and Control (GN&C)
TX17 Guidance, Navigation,
and Control (GN&C)
TX17 Guidance, Navigation,
and Control (GN&C)
TX17 Guidance, Navigation,
and Control (GN&C)
TX17 Guidance, Navigation,
and Control (GN&C)
TX17 Guidance, Navigation,
and Control (GN&C)
TX17 Guidance, Navigation,
and Control (GN&C)
TX17 Guidance, Navigation,
and Control (GN&C)
TX17.6 Technologies
for Aircraft Trajectory
Generation, Management,
and Optimization for
Airspace Operations
This area covers technologies for strategic and tactical management of
air vehicles.
2D Two Dimensional
3D Three Dimensional
3DOF Three Degrees of Freedom
6DOF Six Degrees of Freedom
AAE Aeroassist and Atmospheric Entry
AC Alternating Current
ACH Analysis of Competing Hypotheses
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
ADP Advanced Diagnostics and Prognostics
ADU Adaptive Model Updating
AFG Analog Fluxgate Magnetometer
AGC Automatic Gain Control
AI Artificial Intelligence
AR Augmented Reality
AR/VR Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
AR&D Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking
ARX Autoregressive with External Input
ASIC Application-Specific Integrated Circuits
ATM Air Traffic Management
C&DH Command and Data Handling
CCC Contaminant Control Cartridge
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
CNS Central Nervous System
CNS Communications, Navigation, Surveillance
COPV Composite Overwrap Pressure Vessel
COTS Commercial-Off-The-Shelf
CPU Central Processing Unit
CTE Composite Technology for Exploration
CW Clohessy-Wiltshire
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DC Direct Current
DCS Decompression Sickness
DDR3/4 Double Data Rate Type 3/4
DES Discrete Event Simulation
DES Dual Electron Sensors
The development of the 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy has been the
result of the dedication of a wide group of people across NASA. Without their
support the creation of this invaluable tool would not have been possible. The
authors would like to acknowledge the following for their efforts: NASA Center
Chief Technologists, NASA Office of the Chief Engineer Technical Fellows,
NASA Principal Technologists, NASA System Capability Leaders, NASA
TechPort team, NTEC Working Group, NASA OCT team, Bryce Space and
Technology Corp., and many others across NASA.
Special thanks goes to: Christopher Moore
Robert Mueller
Mike Aguilar Carie Mullins
Deborah Amato Michelle Munk
Husna Aziz Patrick Murphy
Louis Barbier Dan Murri
J.F. Barthelemy Cynthia Null
Jill Bauman Harry Partridge
Barbara Brown Jose Perotti
Will Bryan Lisa Pratt
John Carr Charles Quincy
Yuan Chen Jacqueline Quinn
Ronald Clayton Mary Reveley
Greg Clements Steve Rickman
Al Conde Erica Rodgers
Don Cornwell Hank Rotter
Julie Crooke Richard Russell
Chris Culbert Kurt Sacksteder
John Dankanich Naseem Saiyed
Gregory L. Davis Gerry Sanders
Neil Dennehy John Sankovic
Homayoon Dezfuli Dave Schuster
Tony Diventi Michael Seablom
Dan Dorney Madeline Shaughnessy
Zach Drewry Rubik Sheth
Michael Dube Upendra Singh
Jay Falker Greg Smith
Terry Fong Tiffany Smith
Robyn Gatens Phil Smith
Helen Grant Teresa R. Spagnuolo
Elaine Gresham John Sprague
Timothy Griffin Dave Steitz
Fred Hadaegh Darcia Stewart
Kim Hambuchen Barry Sullivan
Amanda Hernandez Florence Tan
Robert Hodson Douglas Terrier
Peter M. Hughes Kurien Thomas
Chris Ianello Ramona Travis
Kauser Imtiaz Shun (Peter) Tschen
Dexter Johnson John Vickers
William Kimmel Michael Vinje
Teresa Kline David Voracek
Peter Lillehei Phil Weber
Kathleen Loftin Phillip Williams
Erica Marquard Julie Williams-Byrd
Susan Minor Aron Wolf
David J. Miranda Lisa Wood
Carolyn Mizell Ken Wright
Sharon Monica Jones Nancy Zeitlin