Short Questions and Answers
Short Questions and Answers
Short Questions and Answers
For eg:
5 4 1 0 0 0
Opcode x BUFFER
1 5 5
5 7
6 5
7 7
What is the result of the above?
ADD 6 (immediate) to R (indirect)
1 6 A
5 6
6 B
7 8
What is the result of the following statement
ADD 6 (immediate) to R (indirect)
6+B=17(decimal)=11(hexa decimal)
9. Illustrate how the input and output operations are performed in SIC.
Input and output are preformed by transferring 1 byte at a time to or from the rightmost
8 bits of register A.Each device is assigned a unique 8 -bit code.
* The test device (TD) instruction test whether the addressed device is ready to send or receive a
byte of data.
*A program to transfer data must wait unit the device is ready, then execute read data (RD) or
writ data (WD).
1. What is the data structure used to organize the SYMTAB and OPCODE table in a
simple assembler? Why it is preferred?
OPTAB is used to look up mnemonic operation codes and translate them to their
machine language equivalents.
SYMTAB is used to store values (addresses) assigned to labels.
Examples: 1. BYTE and WORD direct the assembler to generate constants as part of the
object program.
2. RESB and RESW instruct the assembler to reserve memory locations without
generating data values.
3. START specifies the starting memory address for the object program.
4. END marks the end of the program.
8. Write down the pass numbers either (Pass 1 or Pass 2) of the following activities that
occur in a 2-pass assembler.
i) object code generation -
ii) Literals added to literal table -
iii) Printing assembly listing -
iv) address resolution of local symbols -
10. How can the assembler overcome the problem of forward reference?
The assembler overcome the problem of forward reference through two pass and
multipass assemblers.
The first pass does little more than scan the source program for label definitions an
assign addresses. The second pass performs most of the actual translation previously
17. What are the functions performed by pass 1 of two pass assembler?
1. Assign addresses to all statements in the program.
2. Save the values (addresses) assign to all labels for use in pass-2.
Absolute Relative
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