Oracle® Project Procurement: Process Guide Release 12.2

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Oracle® Project Procurement

Process Guide
Release 12.2
Part No. E53630-04

September 2015
Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide, Release 12.2

Part No. E53630-04

Copyright © 2014, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author:     Pragya Singh Nair

Contributing Author:     Padma Rao, Sivakumar Viswanathan

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1 Overview of Oracle Project Procurement

Overview................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Typical Users of Oracle Project Procurement........................................................................... 1-3
Business Actions........................................................................................................................ 1-3
Business Entities........................................................................................................................ 1-4

2 Implementing Oracle Project Procurement

Prerequisites.............................................................................................................................. 2-1
Setting Up Oracle Project Procurement.................................................................................... 2-2
Running the Full Load Graph................................................................................................... 2-4
Setting Up the Scheduler for Incremental Refresh.................................................................. 2-5
Views and Joins to Load Command Center, Item Analysis, and Supplier Analysis Data......2-6
Responsibilities and Menu Navigation.................................................................................... 2-7

3 Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions

Overview of Project Manager Actions...................................................................................... 3-1
Creating a Project Procurement Plan........................................................................................ 3-2
Updating Project Procurement Plan ....................................................................................... 3-17
Viewing Procurement Planning Information and Metrics.................................................... 3-19
Analyzing and Replacing Items to Procure............................................................................ 3-27
Analyzing Sources of Supply..................................................................................................3-28
Managing Project Procurement Exceptions............................................................................ 3-28

Releasing Plan Lines for Planning.......................................................................................... 3-28
Creating Purchase Requisitions.............................................................................................. 3-29

4 Processing Procurement: Project Buyer Actions

Overview of Project Buyer Actions........................................................................................... 4-1
Reviewing Project Procurement Plan....................................................................................... 4-3
Analyzing Items for a Plan Line............................................................................................. 4-11
Analyzing Suppliers for a Plan Line ...................................................................................... 4-12
Creating and Publishing a Negotiation.................................................................................. 4-13
Comparing Suppliers and Awarding......................................................................................4-15
Reviewing Sources of Supply................................................................................................. 4-15
Updating Plan Lines ............................................................................................................... 4-16
Creating Sources of Supply.....................................................................................................4-16
Updating Sources of Supply................................................................................................... 4-18

5 Analyzing Items and Suppliers

Analyzing Items........................................................................................................................ 5-1
Analyzing Suppliers.................................................................................................................. 5-9

6 Monitoring Procurement Execution

Reviewing Procurement Status................................................................................................. 6-1
Reviewing Exceptions............................................................................................................... 6-1
Insulating Project Schedule from Material Delivery Delays................................................... 6-2
Keeping Project On-Track by Monitoring Material Availability............................................ 6-2
Ensuring that Project Strategic Objectives are Met.................................................................. 6-3


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Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide, Release 12.2

Part No. E53630-04

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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.2 of the Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide.
Implementers, administrators, users
See Related Information Sources on page viii for more Oracle E-Business Suite product

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1  Overview of Oracle Project Procurement
The chapter discusses the functional advantages of Oracle Project Procurement and the
business entities that enable project managers and project buyers to collaborate plan
and process procurement actions.
2  Implementing Oracle Project Procurement
The chapter discusses the prerequisite products and the post-installation setup required
to use Oracle Project Procurement.

3  Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions
The chapter discusses the actions that a project manager can perform using the project
manager command center along with the Item Analysis and Supplier Analysis pages.
4  Processing Procurement: Project Buyer Actions
The chapter discusses the actions that a project buyer can perform using the project
buyer command center along with the Item Analysis and Supplier Analysis pages.
5  Analyzing Items and Suppliers
The chapter describes the Item and Supplier Analysis pages and highlights the
decisions that project managers and buyers can make using these pages.
6  Monitoring Procurement Execution
The chapter discusses examples that demonstrate how project managers and buyers can
use Oracle Project Procurement to monitor the progress of project procurement and
ensure that the project is insulated from various procurement delays and issues.

Related Information Sources

Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
Oracle iSupplier Portal User's Guide
Oracle iSupplier Portal Implementation Guide
Oracle iProcurement User Guide
Oracle iProcurement Implementation Guide

Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the Oracle E-Business Suite. As
your instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content
appropriate for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data

Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data
unless otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of

your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify
Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you
may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables.
If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous
information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.
When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps
track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.

Overview of Oracle Project Procurement

The chapter discusses the functional advantages of Oracle Project Procurement and the
business entities that enable project managers and project buyers to collaborate plan
and process procurement actions.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Overview
• Typical Users of Oracle Project Procurement
• Business Actions
• Business Entities

Oracle Project Procurement enables your project teams to establish and measure
strategic project objectives and drive project procurement planning, decision-making,
and execution throughout the lifecycle of the project. This product provides an
integrated platform for project managers and project buyers to create, view, and update
procurement plans so they have the information they need to make planning decisions
without the need to alert, notify, or engage in unproductive communication to execute
the plan. It breaks traditional functional silos and communication gaps between project
management and procurement by ensuring your project teams are on the same page at
all times in the lifecycle of the project.
Oracle Project Procurement provides the ability to share information about the project
needs and requirements with the buyer and information about procurement status with
the project manager. The product brings together project and procurement information
that is critical to aligning strategy with planning and execution. Project teams can
establish strategic objectives, drive down-stream decision making through these
objectives, and measure compliance with these objectives throughout the lifecycle of the
Based on the power of Oracle Information Discovery, Oracle Project Procurement
provides interactive, information-based tools that enable the project and procurement

Overview of Oracle Project Procurement    1-1

team to see and act on the same information. Procurement plans would help in
planning for goods and services lines. If the plan is for goods lines, then you can plan
for monthly requirements for the item over the project period, and if you plan for
services lines, then you can plan for progress payments for the service rendered over
the project duration. The progress can be tracked as a milestone or a lumpsum based
payment or can be released based on the amount of work being performed. The
information discovery tools allow the teams to gain insight for decision-making by
transforming information through filters or selecting dimensions that can aggregate,
isolate, or correlate information from traditionally disconnected sources based on
common and objective criteria. Out-of-the-box charts, graphs, and metrics provide
critical, timely information that help project teams to work collaboratively and
coordinate execution of the project procurement plan.
Using Oracle Project Procurement, you can:
• Reduce planning time - Successful project execution is a direct result of systematic
planning. Oracle Project Procurement introduces an entity called Procurement Plan
to offer a collaborative procurement planning platform for project managers and
project buyers. While the project manager works with the design team in
identifying detailed procurement needs, the project buyer can establish supply
sources to meet the procurement needs. This collaborative platform reduces the
number of planning iterations, and makes each iteration faster, thus reducing the
planning time.

• Integrate execution based on a plan aligned to key objectives - The project teams can
use the integrated project-based supply chain execution that reduces wastage and
aligns delivery to key project and organizational objectives.

• Oracle Project Procurement works based upon information in Oracle Project

Management Planning and Control, and Oracle Purchasing and other related
Oracle EBusiness Suite applications. Leverage investments in these applications
projects and procurement to enable best in class project procurement processes. The
information and processes supported by both these applications along with the
procurement plan in Oracle Project Procurement and the Oracle Information
Discovery interface, equip you with tools to implement a procurement planning
and execution process that is a competitive advantage in managing projects.

You can leverage benefits such as:

• Increase the chance of project success and prevent risks due to activities associated
to project related purchased acquisitions.

• Increase the quality of project deliverables by ensuring the right items are ordered,
services are procured or subcontracts arranged with the best suppliers that meet
your project or organization objectives.

• Improve productivity of project managers and project buyers by providing a access

to information that eliminates the need for off-line communication about

1-2    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

procurement plans and status of orders and deliveries.

• Reduce wastage and improve profitability by insuring coordinated execution of

orders and deliveries of materials and services needed to complete project tasks

• Leverage the technology of the Information Discovery platform to improve

decision-making insight for project managers and buyers.

Typical Users of Oracle Project Procurement

Oracle Project Procurement empowers organizations managing large, complex, and
procurement-intensive projects to make more effective decisions and eliminate wastage
caused due to inefficiency in the procurement lifecycle. Project-based industries with a
large percentage of revenue spent on procured materials and services, such as
Engineering and Construction, Oil and Gas, and Aerospace and Defense benefit the
most from the product's capabilities.

Business Actions
Oracle Project Procurement can help project managers and project buyers complete the
following business actions:
• Collaborate effectively on project supply chain decisions through the project

• Create and manage procurement plans that meet their project's acquisition strategy.

• Plan projects faster by managing procurement plan lines to update statuses,

planned items or subcontracts, services, or associate approved sources of supply.

• Execute supply chain activities effectively using the project manager or project
buyer command centers to view project, task, or procurement transactions statuses.

• Act quickly on procurement plans by initiating requisitions or supplier


• Analyze and negotiate service level agreements and pricing to optimize costs.

• Collaborate effectively with approved suppliers.

• Empower decision-making using the Item and Supplier Analysis pages to select the
best products, services, and suppliers.

• Discover project risks before they happen by leveraging the power of Oracle
Information Discovery.

Overview of Oracle Project Procurement    1-3

Project team members can collaborate when planning and acting on procurement
activities for a project. They can:
• View common information and statuses about the project procurement plan and the

• View information about negotiations, agreements, orders, and other important

transactions and documents needed to fulfill the project procurement plan.

• View information about suppliers and items, or services or contracts necessary to

decide on purchases for a project.

• View and act on project procurement decisions without having to send notifications
or rely on workflows.

• Access information that provides appropriate insights when making decisions

about an action required on a project procurement plan.

• View metrics that indicate if previous decisions are providing the required results
so that team member decisions are aligned with the procurement strategy for the

Business Entities
Oracle Project Procurement provides the following business entities that enable project
managers and project buyers to collaboratively plan and process procurement actions:

Procurement Plan Dashboard

This dashboard enables project managers to:
• Create and manage project procurement plans, which list all items and services
needed for the project along with the estimated timeframe by when it is needed for
the project along with payment schedule for procuring complex services.

• Initiate requisitions using a shopping cart experience.

• Update procurement plan lines or statuses to improve collaboration with project


• Update project or task information and schedules.

• View project schedules, budgets, and forecasts.

• Compile and act on key project measures affected by the procurement plan status.

The project manager command center provides information to the project manager for

1-4    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

managing the project supply chain and is based on the project procurement plan. It
consists of an overview page that is organized around the following key activities:
• Exceptions – Alerts guide the project manager to critical actions needed to address
project risks.

• Workload Balance – Graphs, charts, metrics, and tables help the project manager
know what work or decisions are the most important to address.

• Metrics – Graphs, charts, metrics, and tables help the project manager understand
the overall health of the project's budget, schedule, and quality with regards to the
status of the project and the procurement plan and services. .

For further information, see: Overview of Project Manager Actions, page 3-1.

Project Buyer Command Center

This command center enables project buyers to:
• Collaborate with project managers during the project lifecycle.

• View and manage procurement plans and update line status.

• Initiate negotiations using document builder.

• Manage and complete negotiations.

• Identify sources of supply and associate them to procurement plan lines for
initiating requisitions or orders.

The project buyer command center provides information to the project buyer for
managing the project supply chain and is based on the project procurement plan. The
page is organized around the following key activities:
• Exceptions – Alerts guide the project buyer to critical actions that need to be taken
to address risks to the project procurement plan or schedule.

• Workload Balance – Graphs, charts, metrics, and tables help the project buyer know
what work or decisions are the most important to address.

• Metrics – Graphs, charts, metrics, and tables help the project buyer understand the
overall status of the procurement plan for the projects they are responsible for.

For further information, see: Overview of Project Buyer Actions, page 4-1.

Item Analysis
The Item Analysis page enables project managers and project buyers to select the
products and services that best suit the needs and objectives of the project. Using this

Overview of Oracle Project Procurement    1-5

page, project managers and project buyers can research information about items and
services procured for projects. This additional information empowers the project
managers and project buyers to analyze the items and services assigned to procurement
plan line and make project decisions beneficial to their organizations and the needs of
their project customers.
For further information, see: Analyzing Items, page 5-1

Supplier Analysis
The Supplier Analysis page enables project managers and project buyers to select the
best suppliers. This page provides additional information to the project managers and
project buyers when they need to analyze information about the suppliers who can
fulfill orders for a procurement plan line. Using this page, the project team can review,
compare supplier performance history, and select suppliers easily.
For further information, see: Analyzing Suppliers, page 5-9

1-6    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Implementing Oracle Project Procurement

The chapter discusses the prerequisite products and the post-installation setup required
to use Oracle Project Procurement.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Prerequisites
• Setting Up Oracle Project Procurement
• Running the Full Load Graph
• Setting Up the Scheduler for Incremental Refresh
• Views and Joins to Load Command Center, Item Analysis, and Supplier Analysis
• Responsibilities and Menu Navigation

To use Oracle Project Procurement, you must have the following:
• Release 12.2.3 or above of Oracle E-Business Suite

• License for Oracle EBS Project Management

• License for Oracle EBS Purchasing

Additionally, as Oracle Project Procurement interacts with the following products,

licensing and implementing these products is optional, but use of these products would
enable a more complete experience and the optimal business information:
• Oracle iProcurement – Provides the ability to create requisitions from the command

• Oracle Sourcing – Provides the ability to create and manage supplier negotiations.

Implementing Oracle Project Procurement    2-1

• Oracle Services Procurement - Provides the ability to manage procurement of
complex services with negotiated payment schedule

• Oracle Supplier Lifecycle Management and Oracle Supplier Hub – Provides the
ability to search suppliers using additional information, such as user-defined
attributes (UDAs).

• Oracle Inventory – Provides the ability to search and track inventory items.

• Oracle Payables – Provides the ability to view invoice and payment information.

Setting Up Oracle Project Procurement

Prior to performing Oracle Project Procurement setup steps, you must ensure that the
following are completed:
1. Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.2 V6 (Doc ID

2. Download and install patch 19785318:R12.PRC_PF.C, see patch readme.

Complete the following post-installation steps:

Required Steps
1. Set up the following profile options for Oracle Project Procurement:
• PO: Item and Supplier Analysis Data-load Cut-off – Set an applicable date
based on how much data you want to use when evaluating items or services
and suppliers. This profile value determines the historical procurement
documents, such as requisitions, purchase orders, agreements, and negotiations
that are loaded into the data set that supports the Supplier and Item Analysis
pages. The application does not load any data beyond this cut-off and compares
this date with the creation date of the document header to determine the
document information to load. You must set the value in the canonical date
format (example: 2010/01/01).

Note: If you choose a date that is too far in the past, then the
amount of data to be loaded increases, resulting in longer
full-load and incremental-load times, and more memory
resources demanded by the Endeca server. If you select too
recent a date, then the insights might not be extensive or

2. Set up access privileges for project manager and project buyer users as follows:

2-2    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

• For project manager users, set up the following for the Projects Super User


• Permission Set Name - PA Project Procurement Endeca Access Permission


• For project buyer users, set up the following for the Project Procurement
(Buyer) responsibility:


• Permission Set Name - Purchasing Project Procurement Buyer Permission


See: Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide and the 'steps to add product-specific
roles to responsibilities to provide user access to Endeca-related pages and
components in Oracle E-Business Suite' section in My Oracle Support note

3. Enable procurement planning on project templates that you intend to use for
creating projects that you will enable for Oracle Project Procurement. Use the
Project Template Setup page. See: Specifying Project and Task Options for a
Template, Oracle Projects Fundamentals Guide. The option value defaults to new
projects created from templates with procurement planning enabled.

4. Select a financial plan type for procurement reporting that the application uses to
compare actual results to planned values. You can select a predefined financial plan
type or a user-defined financial plan type. To create your own financial plan type,
see Financial Plan Types and Defining Financial Plan Type, Oracle Projects
Implementation Guide.

Note: Only a forecast financial plan that is set up as cost and

revenue planned together is eligible for selection.

5. Enable a project for procurement planning. If the option value is not defaulted from
a template, then you can update the project setup option to enable procurement
planning for a project after it is created. You can only upload procurement plans or
view projects in the Oracle Project Procurement pages that have been enabled in the
project setup. Project managers can access the Setup page using the following
navigation: Projects: Delivery > Search Projects > Advanced Search > Search results

Implementing Oracle Project Procurement    2-3

> Project Name link > Procurement tab > Setup sub tab

Note: Only projects that have shared structure are eligible for
procurement planning.

6. Ensure there is at least one record in excel before you run the Full Load Graph to
load applicable data from the data source to the Oracle Endeca ETL layer. See:
Running the Full Load Graph, page 2-4

7. Set up the scheduler for incremental refresh. See: Setting up the Scheduler for
Incremental Refresh, page 2-5

Optional Steps
1. You can use the predefined expenditure types or define applicable expenditure
types to specify in the procurement plan. See: Expenditure Types and Defining
Expenditure Types, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide.

2. You can use the predefined values in the PA_PSC_SUPP_SELECTION lookup to

select applicable values for the Priority 1 and Priority 2 columns of the
PO_PROC_PLAN_LINE_INTERFACE table. Else, you can set up applicable values
for the user extensible PA_PSC_SUPP_SELECTION lookup to specify priority 1 and
priority 2 values. See: Application Utilities Lookups and Oracle Application Object
Library Lookups, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide

3. Enable touch-less processing for purchase requisitions created from the Oracle
Project Procurement command center by setting up automatic sourcing. See: Setting
up Automatic Sourcing, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.

4. Configure filtering components. See: Filtering Components in Oracle Endeca, Oracle

E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca Integration and System Administration

5. Update the White List that appears in the Tag Cloud of the Item Analysis page.
Access the TagList.xlsx in Item sandbox ( -> data-in folder) when
you run the full load graph and update the excel sheet as per your requirements.

Running the Full Load Graph

Once you have run the full load graph in accordance with the Installing Oracle
E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.2 V6 document (Doc ID: 1970071.1),
attribute configuration is loaded for all seeded attributes. Additionally, you need to run
the following full data loads as follows:
To run a full Endeca Refresh on the Integrator Server:

2-4    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

1. Login to Integrator server using your Clover login.

2. Click the Scheduling tab.

3. Select the New Schedule link.

4. Enter a Description for the scheduler, for example, Projects Full Load Scheduler.

5. Select Periodic as the Type.

6. Select by interval as the Periodicity.

7. Enter a start date and time in the Not active before date/time field.

8. Enter an end date and time in the Not active after date/time field.

9. Enter a value in the Interval (minutes) field.

10. Ensure you select the Fire misfired event as soon as possible check box.

11. Select Execute graph from the Task Type list.

12. Select po-proc, po-proc-item and po-proc-sup from the Sandbox list one after
another. Ensure to run the full load gragh for each of these sandboxes.

13. Select as follows from the graph list:

• po-proc (FullLoadConfig.grf) when you select po-proc sandbox

• po-proc-item(Full.grf) when you select po-proc-item sandbox

• po-proc-sup(Full.grf) when you select po-proc-supp sandbox

14. Click Create to set the scheduler.

Setting Up the Scheduler for Incremental Refresh

Once the Full graph is run in accordance with the Installing Oracle E-Business Suite
Information Discovery, Release 12.2 V6 document (Doc ID: 1970071.1), initial data load for
Oracle Project Procurement is complete. For incremental refresh, you must determine
how often the Endeca data should be refreshed from EBS depending upon your
organizational requirements. Oracle recommends that you keep this near real time. As
the data is updated in the EBS, you need to ensure it is updated in the Endeca MDEX
server. You set up the Scheduler to load incremental graphs depending on the volume
of information requiring update.
To set up the scheduler:

Implementing Oracle Project Procurement    2-5

1. Login to Integrator server using your Clover login.

2. Click the Scheduling tab.

3. Select the New Schedule link.

4. Enter a Description for the scheduler, for example, Projects Full Load Scheduler.

5. Select Periodic as the Type.

6. Select by interval as the Periodicity.

7. Enter a start date and time in the Not active before date/time field.

8. Enter an end date and time in the Not active after date/time field.

9. Enter a value in the Interval (minutes) field.

10. Ensure you select the Fire misfired event as soon as possible check box.

11. Select Start a graph from the Task Type list.

12. Select po-proc, po-proc-item, and po-proc-sup from the Sandbox list one after
another. Ensure to run the full load graph for each of these sandboxes.

13. Select as follows from the graph list:

• po-proc(IncrementalLoadConfig.grf) when you select po-proc sandbox

• po-proc-item(Incremental.grf) when you select po-proc-item sandbox

• po-proc-sup(Incremental.grf) when you select po-proc-sup sandbox

14. Click Create to set the scheduler.

Views and Joins to Load Command Center, Item Analysis, and Supplier
Analysis Data
The following views are used by the ETL layer in Endeca to load and display command
center, item analysis, and supplier analysis data to the Endeca data store:
• PO_ENDECA_BWC_PROCPLAN_V – View to extract procurement plan and
related document data for full load graph – po-proc

• PO_ENDECA_BWC_PROC_PROJ_INC_V - View to extract procurement plan and

related document data for incremental graph –po-proc

2-6    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

• PO_ENDECA_ITEMS_PROCUREMENT_V - View to extract item and service
related data for system items for full load graph - po-proc-item

• PO_ENDECA_ITEMS_PROC_INC_V - View to extract item View to extract item

and service related data for system items for incremental graph - po-proc-item

• PO_ENDECA_ITEMS_ASL_INC_V – View to extract data for approved supplier

lists for incremental graph - po-proc-item

• PO_ENDECA_ITEMS_QTY_INC_V - View to extract data for quantity available

data for incremental graph- po-proc-item

• PO_ENDECA_SUPPLIER_ANALYSIS_V - View to extract data for supplier data for

full load graph- po-proc-sup

• PO_ENDECA_UDA_ATTRS_V - - View to extract data for supplier user defined

attributes for incremental graph - po-proc-sup

• PO_ENDECA_SUPP_ANALYSIS_INC_V - View to extract data for supplier data

for incremental graph - po-proc-sup

These views load data from Oracle Projects and Oracle Procurement (purchase orders,
agreements, negotiations, and supplier) into the ETL.

Responsibilities and Menu Navigation

Oracle Project Procurement enables:
• Project managers to use the Project Super User responsibility and Projects: Delivery
menu item to access the Project Search and Overview page. This page serves as the
starting point for project procurement planning. Users must select the Procurement
link from the Actions column set for a project in the Project Search and Overview
page project list table to access the Procurement tab and the project manager
command center. Additionally, the Item Analysis and Supplier Analysis menu
items are available as sub-tabs within the Procurement tab.
For further details, see: Overview of Project Manager Actions, page 3-1 and
Analyzing Items, page 5-1

• Project buyers to use the Project Procurement (Buyer) responsibility and Command
Center menu item. The buyer command center serves as the starting point for
project procurement processing. Additionally, the Item Analysis and Supplier
Analysis menu items are available as sub-tabs in the Procurement menu.
For further details, see:
• Overview of Project Buyer Actions, page 4-1

Implementing Oracle Project Procurement    2-7

• Analyzing Items, page 5-1

• Analyzing Suppliers, page 5-9

2-8    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Planning Procurement: Project Manager

The chapter discusses the actions that a project manager can perform using the project
manager command center along with the Item Analysis and Supplier Analysis pages.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Overview of Project Manager Actions
• Creating a Project Procurement Plan
• Updating Project Procurement Plan
• Viewing Procurement Planning Information and Metrics
• Analyzing and Replacing Items to Procure
• Analyzing Sources of Supply
• Managing Project Procurement Exceptions
• Releasing Plan Lines for Planning
• Creating Purchase Requisitions

Overview of Project Manager Actions

Oracle Project Procurement enables project managers to perform the following actions:
• Create a Project Procurement Plan

• Update a Project Procurement Plan

• View Procurement Planning Information and Metrics

• Analyze and Replace Items and Services to Procure

• Analyze Sources of Supply

Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions    3-1

• Manage Project Procurement Exceptions

• Release for Planning

• Create Purchase Requisitions

The project manager performs the project procurement planning related activities using
the project manager command center. The starting point of the command center is the
Project Search and Overview page. Project managers can search for projects and access
the command center for the selected project using the following navigation:
Projects: Delivery > Search Projects > Advanced Search > Search results > Click Project
Name link > Procurement tab to open the selected project.
From the command center, the project manager can access the following:
• Item Analysis and Supplier Analysis - All purchasing documents belonging to the
operating units that the project manager has access to.

• Actions: View Agreement, View PO, View Negotiation - Only those documents
belonging to the operating units that the project manager has access to. For
negotiations, security is governed by the operating unit in which the negotiation is
being created. For agreements, the application enables multiple operating units to
be assigned to a single agreement. Hence, project managers having access to any of
the assigned operating units can access the agreement. For purchase orders, if the
PO: Enforce Projects Security profile is set to Yes, project managers can access only
those purchase orders containing at least one project in the distribution to which the
project manager is a key member, and any other PO-level security.

• Update tasks: for the selected tasks in the task list of the command center, the
project manager can update multiple tasks or mass update a set of tasks using
actions from the table level drop down menu.

The project manager cannot directly access the buyer command center.

Creating a Project Procurement Plan

Oracle Project Procurement enables you to create a procurement plan and specify a
monthly delivery schedule for the items and services associated to the plan lines using
one of the following two methods:
• Use the interface tables to transfer data automatically

• Manually enter the data into a spreadsheet

Using Interface Tables

To transfer procurement plan data automatically:

3-2    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

1. Insert data into the following interface tables using the sample script:
• po_proc_plan_hdr_interface: Holds the header information such as Project
Name, Description, Start date, End Date and Duration

• po_proc_plan_line_interface: Holds the plan line details

• po_proc_plan_prd_interface: Holds the monthly requirements details the

progress payment details

2. After you populate the interface tables, the script runs the Procurement Plan Import
(POPROCIMP) concurrent program automatically and returns the concurrent
request ID. Navigate to the concurrent program window or the Procurement plan
page to check whether there are any errors in uploading of a proc plan or it was
uploaded successfully. If this program fails, then the application displays
Complete-Error status in the Procurement Plan page. Use the Request Number link
to check the list of errors and take appropriate action. Additionally, you can view if
there are errors using l_interface_txn_id:
INTERFACE_TRANSACTION_ID=l_interface_txn_id ;

Sample Script to Insert Data

Use the following sample script to insert data into the interface tables and invoke the
public API to create the plan. This script assumes that the project is effective for
duration of one year. Based on the effective dates of the project, the number of rows to
be inserted into po_proc_plan_period_req would change. Ensure you modify the task
number and expenditure types needed for the project procurement plan to insert the
proper data.

Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions    3-3

x_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
l_request_id NUMBER;
l_batch_id NUMBER := 1;
l_errbuf varchar2(100);
l_retcode varchar2(1);
l_interface_txn_id NUMBER;
FROM po_proc_plan_hdr_interface;
l_project_name VARCHAR2(120) := 'Hyd Metro East';
l_project_id NUMBER;
l_org_id NUMBER;
l_start_date date;
l_end_date date;
CURSOR c_project_id IS
SELECT project_id,Nvl(start_date, nvl(scheduled_start_date,sysdate-1))
FROM pa_projects_all
WHERE name = l_project_name;
l_task1 varchar2(120) :='2.02';
'Projects SU, Vision Services (USA)',
mo_global.set_policy_context('S',204 );
FETCH C_BATCH INTO l_batch_id;
close C_BATCH;
OPEN c_project_id ;
FETCH c_project_id INTO l_project_id,l_start_date,l_end_date;
close c_project_id;
l_org_id := fnd_global.org_id;
/*insert into header interface*/
ct_name,org_id,batch_id, project_id,lock_update_date)
d,l_batch_id, l_project_id,'02-APR-2014');
/*insert into line interface*/
/* Insert the Goods line */
insert into po_proc_plan_line_interface(line_number,

3-4    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

values(7,'Goods',null,'AS72111',null,'Draft','Stock, Ms. Pat','Advanced
Network Devices','Approved Supplier','Location','Price

/* Insert the fixed price line */

insert into po_proc_plan_line_interface(line_number,

values(8,'Fixed Price Services','EQUIPMENT.00',null,'Design,
Installation and Commissioning of Boiler','Draft','Stock, Ms.
Pat','Advanced Network Devices','Approved Supplier','Location','Price

/*insert into period table for the Goods line*/

insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2012-01',1000,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,1 );
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2012-02',1500,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,2 );
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2012-03',2100,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,3);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2012-04',5600,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,4);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,

Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions    3-5

batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2012-05',8500,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,5);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2012-06',11000,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,6);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2012-07',9800,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,7);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2012-08',1600,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,8);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2012-09',2000,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,9);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2012-10',1500,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,10);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2012-11',500,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,11);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2012-12',500,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,12);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2013-01',1000,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,13);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2013-02',1500,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,14);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2013-03',2100,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,15);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2013-04',5600,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,16);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)

3-6    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2013-05',8500,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,17);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2013-06',11000,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,18);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2013-07',9800,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,19);

insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number

, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2013-08',1600,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,20);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2013-09',2000,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,21);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2013-10',1500,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,22);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2013-11',500,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,23);
insert into po_proc_plan_prd_interface(schedule_number, line_number
, task_number , location , period_name, quantity,
batch_id,project_id, plan_name,period_sequence)
values(4,7,l_task1,'HR- San Francisco','2013-12',500,l_batch_id,
l_project_id, l_project_name,24);

/* Insert data into the Prog payment interface table for the fixed price
lines */

insert into po_proc_plan_prog_interface

,line_number,task_number) values
('Lump Sum','Design drawing of Boiler including Wiring
System',NULL,TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-31 00:00:00.0', 'RRRR-MM-DD
insert into po_proc_plan_prog_interface
,line_number,task_number) values
('Milestone','Receipt of Burner and Combustion
Chamber',NULL,TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-31 00:00:00.0', 'RRRR-MM-DD
insert into po_proc_plan_prog_interface

Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions    3-7

,line_number,task_number) values
('Milestone','Receipt of remaining parts of
boiler',NULL,TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-31 00:00:00.0', 'RRRR-MM-DD
insert into po_proc_plan_prog_interface
,line_number,task_number) values
('Rate','Installation of Boiler',1000,TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-31
00:00:00.0', 'RRRR-MM-DD
insert into po_proc_plan_prog_interface
,line_number,task_number) values
('Lump Sum','Commissioning of Boiler',NULL,TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-31
00:00:00.0', 'RRRR-MM-DD
insert into po_proc_plan_prog_interface
,line_number,task_number) values
('Lump Sum','Balance Payment one year after
commissioning',NULL,TO_TIMESTAMP('2015-08-31 00:00:00.0', 'RRRR-MM-DD


x_req_id => l_request_id,
x_interface_txn_id => l_interface_txn_id,
p_batch_id => l_batch_id,
p_project_id => l_project_id
Dbms_Output.PUT_LINE('l_request_id : '||l_request_id);

Interface Table Details

The following tables list the columns in the three interface tables:


Column Name Description/Valid Value

PLAN_START_DATE Project Start Date

PLAN_END_DATE Project End Date

3-8    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Column Name Description/Valid Value

STATUS Not used

PROJECT_NAME Name of the Project

PLAN_NAME Name of the Plan

PLAN_DESCRIPTION Description of the plan


BATCH_ID This is a unique number and will be auto


LAST_RUN_REQUEST_ID Previous run Concurrent Program Request Id


PROJECT_ID ID for the project

ORG_ID Project organization ID


LOCK_UPDATE_DATE Whenever the procurement plan is

downloaded for updating, the date will be
saved in this column


Column Name Description/Valid Value

LINE_NUMBER Line number

LINE_TYPE Line type value

CATEGORY Category of the item

ITEM_NUMBER Item number

Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions    3-9

Column Name Description/Valid Value

DESCRIPTION Item description

STATUS Select one of the following starting values: Draft,

Ready to Order, Ready for Planning

BUYER Buyer name

SUGGESTED_SUPPLIER Any valid supplier or a user can enter any name

PRIORITY1 Select applicable value from

PA_PSC_SUPP_SELECTION lookup - Approved
Supplier, Location, On-time delivery, Price
Compliance, Quality


Approved Supplier, Location, On-time delivery, Price
Compliance, Quality

PRIORITY3 Not used

ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION Additional information or description for a plan line

EXPENDITURE_TYPE Expenditure type to be associated with any purchase

order distribution for the item such as Airfare,
Hardware, Materials

PLANNING_CURRENCY_CODE Planning currency code, for example, USD, EUR

PLANNING_RATE Planning rate


AMOUNT_OBLIGATED Obligated amount

UOM Unit of measure

QUANTITY_ORDERED Ordered quantity

QUANTITY_RECEIVED Received quantity

QUANTITY_REJECTED Rejected quantity

3-10    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Column Name Description/Valid Value

QUANTITY_OVERDUE Overdue quantity

NEXT_SHIPMENT_DATE Next shipment date

CREATION_DATE Date on which it was created

CREATED_BY Name of the person who created it

LAST_UPDATE_DATE Last updated date

LAST_UPDATED_BY The person who updated it last

LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Login ID of the person who updated it last

BATCH_ID Same ID as on the header


PLAN_NAME Name of the project



ACQ_STRATEGY_OBJECTIVE1 The application does not use these columns, instead it

uses columns PRIORITY1, PRIORITY2






DESTINATION Destination Type (Expense/Inventory)

Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions    3-11


Column Name Description/Valid Value

SCHEDULE_NUMBER Schedule number

LINE_NUMBER Line number same as in Plan Line Work sheet

LINE_TYPE Line type value

CATEGORY Category of the item

ITEM_NUMBER Item number

DESCRIPTION Item description

TASK_NUMBER Task number

LOCATION Location name


QUANTITY  No need to enter any value

CREATION_DATE Created date

CREATED_BY Name of the person who created it

LAST_UPDATE_DATE Last updated date

LAST_UPDATED_BY Name of the person who updated it last

LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Login ID of the person who updated it last

BATCH_ID Same ID as on the header


PLAN_NAME Project name

PROJECT_ID ID of the project

3-12    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Column Name Description/Valid Value

PERIOD_SEQUENCE Sequence of the period. For example, a schedule has 12

periods and each period must have a sequence number
and it must be in sequence order


Column Name Description/Field value

PAYMENT_TYPE Pay item type (Lump Sum, Milestone, Rate)

PAY_DESCRIPTION Pay item description

PAY_QUANTITY Pay item quantity








PAY_VALUE Payment Value

PAY_PRICE Payment Price

PAY_AMOUNT Pay item amount


PAY_ITEM Pay Item Number

Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions    3-13

Column Name Description/Field value



PROJECT_ID Project id






LINE_NUMBER Proc Plan Line Number


COST_CODE Cost Code ( not used currently)

Interface Table Columns that Need Data Mandatorily

While inserting data into the interface tables, you must ensure that the following
columns have applicable data:
• plan_start_date

• plan_end_date

• plan_name

• project_nameorg_id

• batch_id

• project_id

• lock_update_date

3-14    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

• line_number

• line_number

• category

• item_number

• item_number

• status

• expenditure_type

• planning_currency_code

• planning_rate

• uom

• batch_id

• project_id

• plan_name

• schedule_number

• line_number

• task_number

• location

• period_name

• quantity

• batch_id

• project_id

• plan_name

Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions    3-15

• period_sequence

• Payment_type

• Pay_description

• Need_by_date

• Pay_amount

• Pay_price

• Pay_item

• batch_id

• project_id

• plan_name

• line_number

• task_number

Note: The application populates the columns for which you do not
have to mandatorily enter values while inserting data into the interface

Using Spreadsheet
To create a procurement plan using a spreadsheet:
1. In the Project Search page, click on Advanced Search. From the search results, click
the Project Name link to select a project, and then open the Procurement tab.

2. Select the applicable project and click the Procurement link to open the
Procurement Plan page.

3. For projects that do not contain procurement plans, the Procurement Plan page
displays the Create Procurement Plan button. Click the Create Procurement Plan
button to open the Create Procurement Plan page for the selected project.

4. Click Download to download a zip archive containing a Readme and an XML

Spreadsheet Template.

3-16    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

5. Refer to the Readme file available in the downloaded zip archive for instructions to
use the spreadsheet for creating a new procurement plan for the project.

Updating Project Procurement Plan

Oracle Project Procurement enables you to update a procurement plan using the
following two methods:
• Using the interface tables

• Using spreadsheet

Update Using the Interface Tables

To update through interface table:
1. In the interface tables, add the existing procurement plan number.

2. Make the changes and follow the steps discussed in Creating a Project Procurement
Plan > Using Interface Tables topic.
When you enter an existing procurement plan number, the application assumes that
you are updating the plan. You can update the following fields when the plan line
is in Draft status:
• Line Type

• Category

• Item Number

• Suggested Supplier

• Acquisition Strategy Primary Objective

• Acquisition Strategy Secondary Objective

You can update the following fields anytime:

• Buyer

• Additional Information

• Expenditure Type

• Planning Currency

• Planning Rate

Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions    3-17


• Task Number

• Location

• Monthly Requirements

Update Using the Spreadsheet

You can modify content and add new lines to an existing procurement plan by
downloading the existing procurement plan and uploading it back after making
changes to it.
To update a project procurement plan:
1. In the Project Search page, click on Advanced Search. From the search results, click
the Project Name link to select a project, and then open the Procurement tab.

2. For projects that already have an existing procurement plans, the Procurement Plan
page displays the Update Procurement Plan button. Click the Update Procurement
Plan button to open the Update Procurement Plan page for the selected project.
Ensure you enter a start and end date.

3. Click Download to download a zip file containing the procurement plan

spreadsheet and a Readme file.

4. Unzip the archive and extract the XML spreadsheet document in a local folder. If
you use Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office Excel, then double-clicking the
file opens the spreadsheet in Microsoft Office Excel. If you are not able to open the
file with this method, or if the file opens in a different application, then you can
make a file- type association by right-clicking the extracted XML file and selecting
the option Open With > Choose Program > Microsoft Office Excel.

5. Update existing lines and monthly requirements or add new lines. Please read
through the Readme file available in the downloaded zip archive to understand
how each field in the excel sheet is validated and populated.

6. Once all changes are made, use Save or Save As option to save the file in the same
format. If the system prompts you, then choose to save the workbook in the same

7. To upload the excel sheet, click Browse in the Update Procurement Plan page for
the selected project, select the file that was just saved, and click Upload.

3-18    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Viewing Procurement Planning Information and Metrics
The command center page for a project displays work, project procurement financials,
and services metrics, analysis charts and graphs, planning and procurement documents.
This page enables you to manage the project supply chain effectively. This central page
of the project manager command center indicates the current status of the project. You
can see how much quantity has been requested, ordered, received, and invoiced for
each task or for each monthly bucket. You can see the status of plan lines and
negotiations. Additionally, you can see where the project has incurred unplanned
spend and the procurement status for each task.

Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions    3-19

This page displays the following:

Heading Region
The heading region of the page displays the following:
• Project Name

• Project Number

• Date/time stamp of last ETL update

• Update Procurement Plan button

3-20    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Search Region
The Search component allows you to submit keyword searches and provides
type-ahead suggestions displaying attribute values that match the typed text. When you
perform a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements component. As
you type, you may be prompted to select a matching attribute value, or simply search
for the entered text.

Selected Refinements
The Selected Refinements component displays all values that you have selected to filter
data, and allows you to quickly make adjustments to the current refinement by
removing items or clearing all filters from the list.

The Bookmarks component allows you to save a given navigation and component state
and return to it at a later time.

Available Refinements
The Available Refinements component allows you to filter data based on the currently
available values or value ranges for selected attributes that are displayed within
attribute groups. Expand the attribute groups to view and select attribute names.

Metrics Region
The page has two metric sections:


Work Metric Metric Display Title

Plan Lines Total plan lines for the procurement plan of the

Draft Draft status from the procurement plan lines of the


Ready For Planning Ready for Planning for procurement planning lines of
the project

Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions    3-21

Work Metric Metric Display Title

Ready To Order Ready to Order for procurement plan lines of the


Active Suppliers Number of suppliers against whom purchase orders

are created for the Project

Supplier Change Requests Change requests for the supplier

Supplier on Hold Number of Suppliers on Hold

Project Procurement Financials

Project Procurement Metric Display Title

Financials Metric

Project Currency Currency indicator for the Project Currency

Budgeted Cost (PC) Total burdened cost from the plan type associated to the
project for procurement planning

Planned Procurement Cost (PC) Total cost of the planned amounts from the procurement
plan lines

Requisitioned Total requisitioned for the procurement plan

Ordered Total ordered for the procurement plan

Received Total received for the procurement plan

Invoiced Total invoiced for the procurement plan

Paid Total paid for the procurement plan


3-22    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Services Financials Metric Metric Display Title

Accrued Retainage Total Amount withheld as retainage against standard

payment or prepayments for the Project

Progress Payments Total amount paid for the Progress of Work against the

Progress Percentage The total amount paid for the progress of work by the total
amount allotted for the work for the Project

Exceptions Region
This region displays the following:

Exception Name Description

Items with delayed shipments Items with delayed shipments (not yet delivered)

Items past Need by Date but not Items not requisitioned


Items past Order by Date but not ordered Items not ordered

Purchase Orders with Promised Date Delivery dates beyond my Need by Date
beyond Need by Date

Unplanned Purchases POs/orders places for items that are not in the
procurement plan

New Supplier Holds Latest supplier holds

Progress Payments Overdue Service Lines with delayed progress reporting

(Progress not yet processed)

Invoices on Hold Invoices created for the Projects that are put on
hold due to non receipt of the deliverables

Deliverables Overdue Deliverables with the due dates earlier than the
system date for the Project

Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions    3-23

Analysis Region
Note: Any chart containing 'amount' on one of the axes, only renders if
the data is of a single functional currency. If the chart does not render,
then you must apply a currency filter.

This region displays the following charts and graphs:

Chart Title Tab Details

Schedule Schedule Quantity by period for

Quantity requested

Quantity ordered

Quantity received

Quantity invoiced

Quantity rejected

Total quantity

Plan Lines Schedule Planning amount by period for line status: Draft, Ready for
Status Planning, Ready to Order

Task by Start Planning Task not started that have passed the scheduled start date
Date Status

Spend Planning Amount by item category

Analysis Status

Actual Over Financial Quantity ordered by period for the items on the project

Procured Cost Financial Percentage breakdown of total procured cost by:

Total cost ordered

Total cost received

Total cost requisitioned

Total cost rejected/returned

Total cost remaining

3-24    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Chart Title Tab Details

Supplier Supplier Average delivery rating by month for each supplier


Approved, Supplier Total amount approved by approval year date


Average Lead Item Average lead time by period


Product Item Planned items and ordered items for the project

Unplanned Orders Unplanned orders by date


Change Orders Supplier change request by date


Progress Progress For the selected/filtered projects, displays the following

Payments Payments amounts:

- Requested Amount

- Ordered Amount

- Advance Paid Amount

- Progress Payment Amount

- Invoiced Amount

- Retainage Amount - Paid Amount

Average Lead Progress Average lead time by Item Description. Lead Time in the
Time Payments average number of days needed to procure the service. The
lead time includes pre-ordering, Ordering and Post-ordering
lead time. Lead time is obtained from the Sources of Supply.

Planning Documents Region

This region lists the tasks and related procurement plan information that meet the filter
criteria applied by the you through searching, guided navigation, or selection of a chart
series/section. The table in this section has the following sub-tabs:

Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions    3-25

• Tasks – the tasks for a project that have at least one associated procurement plan

• Plan lines – the plan lines for the tasks in the tasks sub-tab

• Schedule – the schedule of item quantities in the procurement plan for the lines in
the plan lines sub-tab

• Schedule Summary – a summary of the schedule amounts displayed in the schedule


• Progress Payments Summary – a summary of the progress payment

• Sources of Supply – the sources of supply authorized by the buyer for the plan lines

Actions in Planning Documents Region

Project managers can perform the following actions while reviewing the project details:
• In the Tasks tab, you can select multiple task rows and request the following actions
using the Actions option available on the right side of the Tasks table:
• Update Multiple Tasks – You can select multiple task rows and select the
'Update Multiple Tasks' action for task in current working version.

• Mass Tasks Update – You can select multiple task rows and select the 'Mass
Tasks Update' action for task in current working version.

• Mass Update Progress – You can select multiple task rows and select the 'Mass
Update Progress' action for task in latest published version.

• Additionally, in the Tasks tab, if Actions is selected in the column set

dropdown menu, you can update financial plans by selecting a task and the
Update Financial Plans action to view and update the financial plan lines
(budgets or forecasts) for the task selected.

• In the Plan Lines tab, you can select multiple lines and select Make Lines Ready for
Planning action using the Actions option available on the right side of the Plan
Lines table. You can also use Add to Shopping Cart from the Actions menu to
create requisitions for Service lines. Additionally, in the Plan Lines tab, if Actions is
selected in the column set dropdown menu, you can analyze items and suppliers.
See: Analyzing and Replacing Items, Analyzing Sources of Supply topics.

• In the Schedules tab, you can select multiple lines and select Add to Shopping Cart
action using the Actions option available on the right side of the Schedule Details

3-26    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Procurement Documents Region
This region displays details of the following purchasing documents associated with the
plan lines:
• Negotiation

• Agreements

• Requisitions

• Orders

• Deliverables

Select Actions in the column set dropdown menu and view these purchasing
documents from the respective sub-tabs.

Analyzing and Replacing Items to Procure

Project managers can use the Item Analysis page to view, compare, analyze, and replace
items and services to procure for the project. For items or services that are specified in
the procurement plan, project managers can analyze them using the Procurement Plan
for a given project.
To analyze and replace items and services to procure:
1. Navigate to the Items Analysis page using the following navigation: Procurement
Plan page for a given project > Planning Documents region > Plan Lines tab >
Actions from the column set dropdown menu

2. Select the applicable item or service.

3. Click the Analyze Item link to open the Item Analysis page.

4. The Item Analysis page provides a summary of the procurement history of the item
or service, including current orders and suppliers. You can use the Search Box on
this page to look for alternatives.

5. If you find an alternative item that works better for this project, then select the item
in the Item Summary > Item Details > Details table and click Compare with
Procurement Line action available on the right side of the Details table.

6. If you find an alternative item or service that works better for this project, then
select the item in the Item Summary > Item Details > Details table and click
Compare with Procurement Line action available on the right side of the Details

Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions    3-27

For further information regarding Item Analysis page, see Analyzing Items, page 5-1.

Analyzing Sources of Supply

Project managers can use the Supplier Analysis page to view, compare, and analyze the
supplier performance for a given item or service. For suppliers who are specified in the
procurement plan, project managers can analyze them using the Procurement Plan for a
given project.
To analyze sources of supply:
1. Navigate to the Supplier Analysis page using the following navigation:
Procurement Plan page for a given project > Planning Documents region > Plan
Lines tab > Actions from the column set dropdown menu

2. Select the applicable item or service.

3. Click the Analyze Supplier link to open the Supplier Analysis page.

4. Use the information displayed in the Supplier Analysis page to view the
performance history of the supplier and compare the suppliers.

For further information regarding Supplier Analysis page, see: Analyzing Suppliers,
page 5-9.

Managing Project Procurement Exceptions

Oracle Project Procurement enables project managers to manage project procurement
exceptions that pose risks to the project schedule or budgets. Use the Exceptions region
in the Procurement Plan page for a given project to view and act upon the risks to the
project progress. Exceptions help alert you to approach problems on the project before
they actually cause schedule delays or wastage. Click on these exceptions to see the plan
lines with an exception, and quickly resolve the problems even before they occur.

Releasing Plan Lines for Planning

The project manager can authorize the project buyer to start sourcing the items or
services required for the project by marking the applicable plan lines as ready for
planning. This authorization changes the plan line status from 'Draft' to 'Ready for
Planning'. The application displays an error if any of the selected plan lines are not in
Draft status.
To release plan lines for planning:
1. Navigate to the Planning Documents region on the Procurement Plan page for a
given project.

3-28    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

2. Click the Plan Lines tab.

3. Ensure that Plan Lines is selected in the Action dropdown menu.

4. Select the applicable items or services.

5. Scroll right to the Actions option available on the right side of the Plan Lines table.

6. Select Mark Lines Ready for Planning action to indicate to the project buyer that
they can start finding suppliers for the item or service that is best suited for the

7. Upon successful completion of action, the application displays a confirmation


Creating Purchase Requisitions

Project managers can create purchase requisitions for plan lines that are in Ready to
Order status. The application can alert the project managers when they need to create
purchase requisitions or they can apply filters to identify the plan lines with items or
services that need to be ordered. They can select one or more schedule detail lines for
the procurement plan lines and create a single requisition. When creating requisition,
they can:
• Update the item description (if not linked to an agreement)

• Specify the quantity / amount and need by date

To create purchase requisitions for good lines:

1. Navigate to the Planning Documents region on the Procurement Plan page for a
given project.

2. Click the Schedules tab.

3. Select the applicable schedules.

4. Scroll right to the Actions option available on the right side of the Plan Lines table.

5. Select Add to Shopping Cart action.

6. Select Checkout in the Shopping Cart page

7. Review the requisition summary.

8. Click Submit to submit the requisition.

9. The application displays a confirmation message. Click Continue to return to the

Planning Procurement: Project Manager Actions    3-29

Procurement Plan page.

To create purchase requisitions for service lines:

1. Navigate to the Planning Documents region on the Procurement Plan page for a
given project.

2. Click the Plan Lines tab.

3. Select the applicable plan lines.

4. Scroll right to the Actions option available on the right side of the Plan Lines table.

5. Select Add to Shopping Cart action.

6. Select Checkout in the Shopping Cart page.

7. Review the requisition summary.

8. Click Submit to submit the requisition.

As Oracle Project Procurement is integrated with Oracle iProcurement, the selected plan
lines, quantities, budget amounts, task, and expenditure type details are populated
automatically. If you have enabled touch-less processing in Oracle Purchasing, then the
application automatically creates and approves the associated standard purchase orders
for all purchase requisitions that get approved with an agreement link. If you have not
enabled touch-less processing, then the project buyer needs to find these purchase
requisitions in the Alerts section of the project buyer command center and place an

3-30    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Processing Procurement: Project Buyer

The chapter discusses the actions that a project buyer can perform using the project
buyer command center along with the Item Analysis and Supplier Analysis pages.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Overview of Project Buyer Actions
• Reviewing Project Procurement Plan
• Analyzing Items for a Plan Line
• Analyzing Suppliers for a Plan Line
• Creating and Publishing a Negotiation
• Comparing Suppliers and Awarding
• Reviewing Sources of Supply
• Updating Plan Lines
• Creating Sources of Supply
• Updating Sources of Supply

Overview of Project Buyer Actions

Oracle Project Procurement enables project buyers to perform the following actions:
• Review Project Procurement Plan

• Analyze Items

• Analyze Suppliers for a Plan Line

• Create and Publish Negotiation

Processing Procurement: Project Buyer Actions    4-1

• Compare Offers

• Compare Suppliers and Award

• Review Sources of Supply

• Update Plan Lines

• Create Sources of Supply

• Update Sources of Supply

The project buyer is responsible for ensuring that the project is successfully executed
and all the objectives of the project are met. To achieve this, they need to ensure that the
right material or service is procured at the right price, and made available at the right
location, with the right quality at the right time. The buyer uses the project buyer
command center to take all decisions related to planning and execution of procurement
activities on the project. The command center provides information to the project buyer
for managing all procurement activities on the project, and is based on the procurement
plan for all the projects the buyer is responsible for.
Use the Project Procurement (Buyer) responsibility to access the command center.
From the command center, the project buyer can access the following:
• All plan lines and procurement documents created in operating units that the buyer
has access to. Additionally, if PO: Enforce Projects Security profile is set to Yes, then
the buyer can access plan lines and related information only for those projects
where the buyer is defined as a key member.

• Item Analysis and Supplier Analysis pages- All purchasing documents belonging to
operating units that the buyer has access to.

• Actions: View Agreement, View PO, View Negotiation - Only those documents
belonging to the operating units that the buyer has access to. For negotiations,
security is governed by the operating unit in which the negotiation is being created.
For agreements, the application enables multiple operating units to be assigned to a
single agreement. Hence, buyers having access to any of the assigned operating
units can access the agreement. For purchase orders, if the PO: Enforce Projects
Security profile is set to Yes, buyers can access only those purchase orders
containing at least one project in the distribution to which the buyer is a key
member. Additionally, further security rules apply if you have set up security rules
in the individual products and documents.

The project buyer has no access to the project manager command center.

4-2    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Reviewing Project Procurement Plan
Project buyers can review the procurement plans from the command center. The buyer's
view and the project manager's view of the procurement plan are very similar to ensure
that they are on the same page throughout the lifecycle of the project. The only
difference is that the buyer is provided with a view across projects. This supports a
centralized procurement situation where a single buyer is catering to multiple projects
at the same time and needs the ability to consolidate demand across projects.
Start by reviewing the Ready for Planning plan lines entered by the project manager.
You can see the item or service, the overall demand, and the budget allocated for it. You
can use the column set selector on the top left to see supplier selection criteria and
additional information about the item. You can review the schedule summary to assess
the forecasted demand for each item split by each monthly bucket for the duration of
the planning period.
This page displays the following:

Heading Region
The heading region of the page displays the date/time stamp of last the ETL update
(your time-zone)

Search Region
The Search component allows you to submit keyword searches and provides
type-ahead suggestions displaying attribute values that match the typed text. When you
perform a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements component. As
you type, you may be prompted to select a matching attribute value, or simply search
for the entered text.

Selected Refinements
The Selected Refinements component displays all values that you have selected to filter
data, and allows you to quickly make adjustments to the current refinement by
removing items or clearing all filters from the list.

The Bookmarks component allows you to save a given navigation and component state
and return to it at a later time.

Available Refinements
The Available Refinements component allows you to filter data based on the currently
available values or value ranges for selected attributes that are displayed within

Processing Procurement: Project Buyer Actions    4-3

attribute groups. Expand the attribute groups to view and select attribute names.

Metrics Region
The page has three metric sections:

Metric Metric Display Title Calculation

Totals Plan Lines Total Number of Plan Lines

Totals Unassigned Unassigned Plan Lines

Totals Draft Plan lines in Draft Status

Totals Ready for Planning Plan lines in 'Ready for

Planning' status

Totals Ready to Order Plan Lines in 'Ready to Order'


Totals Incomplete Negotiations Total Negotiations which are

not in 'complete' / 'complete –
Purchase Order Created'

Totals Open Requisitions Total number of requisitions

in the pool

Totals Orders to Process Total number of orders that

have not yet been approved.

Suppliers and Items

Metric Metric Display Title Calculation

Totals Suppliers Total number of distinct


Totals Items Total number of distinct


4-4    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Metric Metric Display Title Calculation

Totals On-Hold Suppliers Total number of distinct

Suppliers who have a hold
(Purchasing Hold / Hold All
Invoices / Hold Open
Invoices) placed on Supplier

Totals Change Requests Total Active Change

Requests Pending Approval

Totals Rejected Quantity Total Quantity Rejected for

open shipments

Totals Overdue Quantity Total Quantity Overdue

(Quantity not received for
shipments beyond
promised-date /

Totals Active Suppliers Total number of distinct


Totals Services Total number of distinct



Metric Metric Display Title Calculation

Totals Services Total Number of Plan Lines

for Services

Totals Unassigned Unassigned Plan Lines for


Totals Draft Plan lines in Draft Status for


Totals Ready for Planning Plan lines in 'Ready for

Planning' status for Services

Processing Procurement: Project Buyer Actions    4-5

Metric Metric Display Title Calculation

Totals Ready to Order Ready to Order

Totals Progress Percentage Total progress percentage

Exceptions Region
The following alerts convey exceptions that a project buyer needs to address
• Items past order-by-date (order-by-date on a schedule is in the past, but all planned
quantity is not requested yet)

• Items overdue (need-by-date on a purchase order is in the past, but all ordered
quantity is not received yet)

• Purchased orders with promised-date later than need-by-date

• Open requisitions with need-by-date in the past

• Progress Payments Overdue (Service Lines with delayed progress reporting -

Progress not yet processed)

• Invoices on Hold (Invoices created for the Projects that are put on hold due to non
receipt of the deliverables)

• Deliverables Overdue (Deliverables with the due dates earlier than the system date
for the Project)

Work and Measure Region

Note: Any chart containing 'amount' on one of the axes, only renders if
the data is of a single functional currency. If the chart does not render,
then you must apply a currency filter.

This region displays charts and graphs for the following sub-tabs:
• Planned Amount

• Procurement Status

• Planning Status

4-6    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

• Progress Payment Summary

• Procurement Spending

• Supplier Measures

• Item Measures

Tab Chart Details

Planned Amount Planned Amount by Chart displays planned

Operating Unit amount / number of items.
When multiple functional
currencies exist, amount
charts do not appear. When
all plan lines have same
functional currency, we show
bar chart for planned amount
by operating unit. If all
displayed records belong to
the same OU, the x-axis
changes to projects. If all
items belong to the same
project, x-axis changes to

Planned Amount Planned Amount Spread When all plan lines have the
same functional currency, the
planned amount can be sliced
by item category (then item
Deliver-to-location or
Expenditure type.

Procurement Status Procurement Plan Schedule This chart shows quantity /

amount planned / requested /
ordered / Received / Rejected
/ Invoiced for each monthly
period based on schedule.
Order-by-date (need-by-date
– lead-time), or task

Procurement Status Tasks by Start Date Shows total number of tasks

by scheduled start-date
monthly bucket of the task

Processing Procurement: Project Buyer Actions    4-7

Tab Chart Details

Planning Status Plan Lines by Status Number of plan lines /

planned amount stacked by
each status in each monthly
period. If looking within a
single period, then number of
plan lines / planned amount
can be viewed by item

Also, number of plan lines /

planned amount can be
viewed against unassigned /
assigned lines.

Note that amount-based

comparisons are possible
when data is of a single
currency only.

Planning Status Negotiation Status Number of negotiation

stacked by status for each
monthly-period bucket

Progress Payment Summary Progress Payments For the selected/filtered

projects, displays the
following amounts:

- Requested Amount

- Ordered Amount

- Advance Paid Amount

- Progress Payment Amount

- Invoiced Amount

- Retainage Amount

- Paid Amount

4-8    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Tab Chart Details

Progress Payment Summary Lead Time by Items Average lead time by Item
Description. Lead Time in the
average number of days
needed to procure the service.
The lead time includes
pre-ordering, Ordering and
Post-ordering lead time. Lead
time is obtained from the
Sources of Supply

Procurement Spending Procurement Spread Shows planned spend split by

item / item category /
Expenditure Type / Deliver
To Location / Task Name

Procurement Spending Procurement Cost Total procurement cost

Distribution incurred is split by
Requisitioned / Ordered /
Received / Rejected /

Procurement Spending Items at Risk Displays items at risk of being


Supplier Measures Supplier Measures Price Compliance Rating,

Quality Rating, On-Time
Delivery rating of each
supplier viewable by period
(year / month)

Supplier Measures Approved, Local Suppliers Shows total spend on the

project split by approved vs.
unapproved suppliers (ASL)
or by local vs. non-local
suppliers (supplier country
vs. task location) by period
(year / month)

Item Measures Average Lead Time Lead Time in days averaged

for a given period (month) –
Lead time is obtained from
associated GBPAs

Processing Procurement: Project Buyer Actions    4-9

Tab Chart Details

Item Measures Product Variety Count of distinct planned

items vs. count of distinct
ordered items – if there was a
consolidation of variety
achieved at the ordering
stage, there should be a
decrease in the count of
distinct items ordered.

Planning Documents Region

This region displays records matching the filter criteria that you have applied in the
• Plan Lines – Procurement plan lines that the buyer is eligible to view along with
plan line details

• Schedule – The schedule of dates/quantities for each line in the plan lines sub-tab

• Schedule Summary – Summarized information of how much quantity of each item

is required in each monthly bucket for each task for each deliver-to location

• Progress Payment Summary - Lists the Progress Payment details

• Sources of Supply – Sources of Supply identified by the buyer for the lines in the
Plan Lines sub-tab

• Projects – the projects associated to the lines displayed in the Plan Lines sub-tab

Actions in Planning Documents Region

Project buyers can perform the following actions while reviewing the project details:
• In the Plan Lines tab, you can select multiple task rows and request the following
actions using the Actions option available on the right side of the Tasks table:
• Update Procurement Plan: - See: Updating Procurement Plan

• Create Sources of Supply – See: Creating Sources of Supply

• Add to Document Builder – See: Adding to Document Builder

• Additionally, in the Plan Lines tab, if Actions is selected in the dropdown

4-10    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

menu, you can analyze items and suppliers. See: Analyzing Items, Analyzing
Suppliers topics

• In the Sources of Supply tab, you can select multiple lines and select Update
Sources of Supply action using the Actions option available on the right side of the
Schedule Details table. See: Updating Sources of Supply

Procurement Documents Region

This region displays the purchasing documents associated with the plan lines displayed
in the Planning Documents region:
• Negotiations

• Agreements

• Requisitions

• Orders

• Deliverables

Select Actions in the dropdown menu and view these purchasing documents from the
respective sub-tabs. Depending on the access privileges, project buyers can view these
documents and any action the buyer has the authority to take on those documents are
available to them from the applicable pages. Buyers can view the negotiation, proceed
to compare, and award the suppliers. See: Comparing and Awarding Suppliers.

Analyzing Items for a Plan Line

Project buyers can analyze the item or service to confirm that the selected item or
service is the best fit for the project requirement.
To analyze items for a plan line:
1. Navigate to the Item Analysis page using the following navigation: Buyer
Command Center > Planning Documents region > Plan Lines tab > Actions from the
dropdown menu

2. Select the applicable item or service.

3. Click the Analyze Item link to open the Item Analysis page. The Item Analysis page
provides a summary of the procurement history of the item or service.

Processing Procurement: Project Buyer Actions    4-11

Analyzing Suppliers for a Plan Line
Project buyers can use the Supplier Analysis page to identify the best supplier or set of
suppliers for a plan line using a large set of information made available to them. They
can analyze the performance of a supplier using this page.
When you navigate to the Supplier Analysis page from a particular plan line using the
Analyze Supplier action link available in the Plan Lines result region of the command
center, the application carries over the context of the plan line to the Supplier Analysis
page. The application automatically filters the suppliers based on the item or service, or
description and category and displays suppliers who have supplied the item or service
on the plan line in the past.
The Supplier Analysis page provides the performance and relationship summary for
suppliers of this item or service. It displays all details about all the suppliers from
whom the given item or service was ordered in the past. It provides quick insights into
performance and relationship history of these suppliers. The metrics in the Supplier
Analysis page for a given item or service shows how many active agreements,
approved suppliers, and open orders the project buyer has for the item or service. These
details enable project buyers to identify the correct procurement strategy for this item or
To analyze suppliers for a plan line:
1. Navigate to the Supplier Analysis page using the following navigation: Buyer
Command Center > Planning Documents region > Plan Lines tab > Actions from the
dropdown menu

2. Select the applicable item or service.

3. Click the Analyze Supplier link to open the Supplier Analysis page.

4. Analyze the comparative performance of the suppliers using the Compare action
available on the right side of the Suppliers table in the Supplier Analysis page.

Selecting Existing Agreement as Source of Supply for Goods Lines

The buyer can identify the best suppliers based on a number of attributes such as their
location, historical performance, number of years of relationship, total volume of
relationship, their performance on negotiations, and other attributes like insurance,
environmental compliance that the buying team maintains for the supplier. On
identifying the list of most suitable suppliers, the application displays any active
agreements available with those suppliers. If such agreements are available, then buyers
can compare the agreements with the plan line by selecting the Compare Agreements
with Plan Lines action.
The application makes it easier to identify the best possible agreement by visually
indicating any potential problems with picking an agreement. For example, if the

4-12    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

negotiated price on the agreement is higher than the amount budgeted on the plan line,
or if the earliest need-by-date on the plan line is earlier than the lead-time on the
Buyers can compare each of the agreements with the plan line in context, and then add
the chosen agreement as source of supply by clicking the Add as Source of Supply
If no agreements exist, or if the existing agreements do not suit the requirements of the
plan line or project, then the buyer can initiate a new negotiation with these subset of
suppliers. To accomplish this, select a set of suppliers and add them to the document
builder using the Add to Document Builder action.

Creating and Publishing a Negotiation

Once you have identified the suppliers and added them to the document builder, you
can initiate the negotiation creation process. Use the Document Builder to create and
publish the negotiation.
Once the outcome document is created, the application populates the agreement
number into the procurement plan line, along with the agreed amount, updated item
ID, and item description. If the project buyer thinks that the total demand is satisfied,
then they can change the plan line status to 'Ready to Order'. See: Updating Plan Lines
To create and publish negotiation for goods lines:
1. Click the Document Builder link available at the top of the Supplier Analysis page.

2. Add suppliers and plan lines to the document builder. You can add plan lines and
suppliers to the document builder in the following ways:
• Select Analyze Supplier on a particular plan line to open the Supplier Analysis
page in the context of a plan line. Select one or more suppliers in the suppliers'
results table and use the Add to Document Builder action. The application adds
the selected suppliers and the plan line in context to the document builder. The
application displays a confirmation message informing you about the number
of plan lines and suppliers added to the document builder. You can add more
plan lines and suppliers by using the appropriate action from the buyer
command center and Supplier Analysis page.

• Select one or more plan lines from the command center and use the Add to
document builder action. The application adds the selected plan lines to the
document builder.

• Select one or more suppliers from the Supplier Analysis page (when not in
context) and use the Add to document builder action. The application adds the
selected suppliers to the document builder.

3. In the Document Builder, specify the negotiation type and outcome document. By

Processing Procurement: Project Buyer Actions    4-13

default, the New RFQ option is displayed if you add plan lines. When you add
requisition lines, you can choose between New RFQ or New Order. When
requisitions are in the document builder, by default the option is New Order.

Note: The application displays the operating unit that is set in the
MO: Default Operating Unit profile. All negotiation styles enabled
for RFQ are available for you to select. The outcome documents can
be of any style linked to the blanket purchase agreement document
type. The Supplier Site and Contact list of values are similar to the
values in the Sourcing Supplier tab. The application defaults Group
Line Number using the document builder grouping rules. You can
ungroup the grouped lines, or attempt to group lines that the
auto-grouping logic of document builder did not pick up. Manual
grouping of lines is subject to validations existing in the current
document builder.

4. Click Cancel to go back to the page from where you launched the document

5. Select Apply. This initiates a negotiation in Oracle Sourcing. You are taken to the
draft Negotiation page and the application establishes the linkage to the negotiation
line as a source of supply. From within Oracle Sourcing pages, enter other details
for the negotiation and publish it. See: Oracle Sourcing Implementation and
Administration guide and Oracle Sourcing User guide Note: For a negotiation that
is in Draft status, you can add suppliers to the negotiation from the Sourcing pages
using the Add Suppliers button. This brings you to the Supplier Analysis page.
Analyze the suppliers, select them, and then add them using the Add to
Negotiation action available on the right side of the Suppliers table in the Supplier
Analysis page. If you delete the negotiation line after creating it through the
document builder, then the application removes the linkage of the negotiation line
as a source of supply. During the award completion stage, the application updates
the sources of supply when a particular negotiation line is awarded to a supplier
(multiple suppliers).

To create and publish negotiation for services lines:

1. The Project Manager uploads the procurement plan and updates the status as
Ready for Planning.

2. The buyer identifies the lead time and associates the lead time to plan line using the
Source of Supply page, and updates the Update Procurement Plan action to update
the status to Ready to Order.

3. The Project Manager now creates a requisition for the plan line.

4. The buyer now adds that requisition to the Document builder and creates a

4-14    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

negotiation (RFQ) with the outcome document (Complex Purchase Order).

5. The Purchase Order is available from the Deliverables tab, where you can view any
exceptions that might occur such as Deliverables Overdue or Invoices on Hold.

Comparing Suppliers and Awarding

Traditionally, offer comparison limits your analysis to the offer entered by the supplier.
Oracle Project Procurement allows you to compare suppliers based on their
performance and relationship, and helps you take the right sourcing decision based on
which supplier best meets the project's objectives, instead of just going by the best bid
price. From the command center, it is easy to track the status of a negotiation. When a
negotiation is closed, check if you have active offers, and navigate to the negotiation.
To compare suppliers and award:
1. In the buyer command center, look at Closed negotiations.

2. Review to see if suppliers have submitted offers

3. Navigate to the Procurement Documents region in the buyer command center.

4. Within the Negotiations tab, select Actions in the dropdown menu.

5. Select negotiations with Closed status and click View Negotiation link. This takes
you to the Negotiation page.

6. Select the Award by Quote action to open the Award by Quote page.

7. Select multiple offers and select Compare Suppliers button in the Award by Quote
page. This opens the Supplier Analysis page with the selected offers' suppliers

8. Select the suppliers and click the Compare action.

9. After analyzing the suppliers, scroll-down and click Return to Previous page. This
brings you back to the Negotiation page.

10. Select a supplier or multiple suppliers, if you want to split the award, and proceed
to complete the award process. For information regarding the awarding process, see
Awarding in different ways, Oracle Sourcing User guide.

Reviewing Sources of Supply

Once the contract has been awarded, the blanket agreement details automatically come
in as sources of supply. You can review the sources of supply in the Planning
Documents tab > Sources of Supply sub-tab of the buyer command center.

Processing Procurement: Project Buyer Actions    4-15

Updating Plan Lines
For plan lines with Ready for Planning and Ready to Order status, project buyers can
update the buyer assigned to the plan line. Additionally, they can update the status of
the plan lines with Ready for Planning status, when they are satisfied with the sources
of supply selected for the plan line.
To update plan lines:
1. Scroll to the Planning Documents region in the buyer command center.

2. In the Plan Lines tab, select plan lines with Ready for Planning or Ready to Order
status. You can select multiple lines.

3. Select Update Procurement Plan action.

4. Update the status by selecting Ready to Order from the drop down list in the
Update Procurement Plan Lines page and click Apply to indicate that the planning
exercise for the selected plan lines is completed.

5. Update the buyer to assign a different buyer or reassign the selected plan lines to
yourself and click Apply. Buyer can be any active buyer enabled in the operating
unit accessible to the project buyer updating the procurement plan status. If you
leave either the Status or Buyer field blank, then the application leaves it blank for
the selected plan lines. On selecting a status or a buyer or both, the application
updates all selected plan lines with the specified value. It displays a confirmation
message and returns the control back to you.

6. If you click Add More Lines, then the application takes you back to the command
center where you can select more plan lines and click Update Procurement Plan

7. If you click Cancel, then the application removes the lines and they do not
re-appear unless you select those lines again to be added back to this page.

8. If you remove all records, then the application disables the Apply button.

Creating Sources of Supply

Project buyers can directly specify sources of supply on plan lines after finalizing the
supplier for an item or service. You can select one or more plan lines with Ready for
Planning and Ready to Order status.
There can be situations where multiple sources of supply get attached to a procurement
plan line. It is the buyer's prerogative to ensure that the sources of supply are current
and valid. Multiple sources of supply can come in when one agreement is to be used for
base-load and another for peak-load. The application differentiates the agreements

4-16    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

using the effective dates of the agreements.
To create sources of supply:
1. Scroll to the Planning Documents region in the buyer command center.

2. Select plan lines with Ready for Planning and Ready to Order status. You can select
multiple lines.

3. Select Create Sources of Supply action.

4. Enter the following in the Create Sources of Supply page:

• Agreement number: The list of values displays all the global blanket purchase
agreements (GBPA) available in a given operating unit. If you select a GBPA,
then the application populates the Supplier field automatically.

• Agreement Line Number: Lists all agreement lines for the selected GBPA.
Additionally, the list of values displays item description, price and validity date
for each agreement line. If lead time is specified in the GBPA line, then the
application populates it. The application defaults the effective from-and-to
dates from the GBPA.

• Supplier: If agreement number is specified, then the application populates the

Supplier field and you cannot update it. Otherwise, you can enter the supplier

• If all selected plan lines have the same inventory item with same description
and category, then the application enables the agreement/agreement line

• Lead time: Any positive integer value. The application uses the lead time that
you specify here later to prompt the project manager to create requisitions. It
calculates the order-by-date by subtracting the lead time from need-by-date,
and alerts the project manager if requisitions are not created by the

• Effective From / To: Applicable dates (application does not time stamp).
Effective dates signify the validity of the source-of-supply line. If a source of
supply is valid and effective when the project manager creates requisition, then
the application stamps the blanket agreement identified as source of supply on
to the requisition. The negotiated price flows from the blanket agreement to the
requisition line. If multiple sources of supply are effective for a single plan line
at the same time, or if no sources of supply exist, then the application creates
requisitions without blanket agreement reference.
The Current Sources column lists the number of sources of supply existing for
the line. If it is non-zero, then a pop-up window appears on mouse-over to

Processing Procurement: Project Buyer Actions    4-17

display the details of the sources of supply.

5. Click Apply. You can review the sources of supply in the Planning Documents tab >
Sources of Supply sub-tab of the buyer command center. See: Reviewing Sources of

6. If you remove all records, then the application disables the Apply button.

Note: The application enables the Agreement Number field only if all
plan lines added are for the same inventory item, or for
description-based items for the same category. Otherwise, you can
enter only supplier and lead-time. If plan lines are for an inventory
item, then the Agreement list of values displays only those blanket
agreements that have at least one active agreement line for the same
inventory item. If plan lines are for description based item, then the
Agreement list of values displays only those agreements that have at
least one active agreement for the same purchasing category. In cases
where the lead-time and effective dates default from the
agreement/agreement line, the buyer can change these values.

Updating Sources of Supply

Project buyers can update the sources of supply for items or services. They can choose
one or more sources of supply and either delete the sources or update them.

Note: You can only update the Source of Supply for goods lines.

To update sources of supply:

1. Scroll to the Planning Documents region in the Buyer command center.

2. In the Sources of Supply sub-tab, select one or more items or services.

3. Select Update Sources of Supply action available in the Actions option on the right
side of the Sources of Supply table.

4. Enter applicable details in the Update Sources of Supply page and click Apply.

Note: If plan lines are for an inventory item, then the agreement list
of values displays only those blanket agreements that have at least
one active agreement line for the same inventory item. If plan lines
are for description based item, then the agreement list of values
displays only those agreements that have at least one active

4-18    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

agreement for the same purchasing category. If you select an
agreement number, then the application defaults the supplier and
you cannot update it. In cases where the lead-time and effective
dates default from the agreement/agreement line, the buyer can
change these values.

Processing Procurement: Project Buyer Actions    4-19

Analyzing Items and Suppliers

The chapter describes the Item and Supplier Analysis pages and highlights the
decisions that project managers and buyers can make using these pages.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Analyzing Items
• Analyzing Suppliers

Analyzing Items
Project managers and buyers can analyze items or services to procure for a project using
the Item Analysis page. The Item Analysis page is centered upon items that have been
ordered for a project in the past. It brings in historically segregated, structured, and
unstructured data from purchasing document attachments about the item and makes it
available to you in a way that enables quick decision making.
Item Analysis page provides additional information to the buyer and project manager
when they need to analyze the items or services assigned to a procurement plan line.
When they click on Analyze Item for a plan line, the application carries the context of
the plan to the Item Analysis page and pre-filters the page with the item or service
number and description. If the page is accessed directly from the menu, no automatic
filters are applied. This page provides all the current and historical procurement
information of items in one page.
Project managers or buyers can assess the risk of procuring an item or service by
looking at past history. For example, if an item or service has had quality issues in the
past, they can anticipate that they might probably encounter quality issues in the future.
Additionally, the Item Analysis page displays availability information and provides
insight into other projects that have procured or planning to procure a given item or
service. The Search functionality in this page enables the project team to find an item or
service by entering keywords as textual content from attachments is also available for
search. The consolidated information regarding items enables the project manager or
buyer to determine if they are buying the right item or service, if there are viable
alternatives, determine most appropriate budget for the item or service, and determine

Analyzing Items and Suppliers    5-1

the procurement strategy based on historical and future demand.
Buyers and project managers can also see the current procurement status of an item or
service, including which projects have ordered the item or service and any existing
agreements or suppliers of the item or service and how much has been spent or is
committed to be spent on the item.
Project managers can access the page by clicking on Analyze Item from Procurement
Plan, Plan Line tab. Project buyers can access the page by clicking on Analyze Item from
buyer command center. Additionally, they can directly access the page from the Item
Analysis menu.

Item Analysis Page Details

This page provides additional information to the project manager and buyer when they
need to analyze the items assigned to a procurement plan line.

5-2    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Heading Region
This region displays the date and time stamp of the last ETL update.
Search Region
The Search component allows you to submit keyword searches and provides
type-ahead suggestions displaying attribute values that match the typed text. When you
perform a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements component. As
you type, you may be prompted to select a matching attribute value, or simply search
for the entered text.
Selected Refinements Region
The Selected Refinements component displays all values that you have selected to filter
data, and allows you to quickly make adjustments to the current refinement by
removing items or clearing all filters from the list.

Analyzing Items and Suppliers    5-3

Bookmarks Region
The Bookmarks component allows you to save a given navigation and component state
and return to it at a later time.
Available Refinements Region
The Available Refinements component allows you to filter data based on the currently
available values or value ranges for selected attributes that are displayed within
attribute groups. Expand the attribute groups to view and select attribute names.
Totals Region
This region displays the following metrics based on the filters applied on the page:

Metric Metric Display Title Description

Totals Items Total number of items

represented in the current

Totals Suppliers Number of suppliers who

supplied the item in the past

Totals Projects Number of projects for which

the item has been procured,
or is being planned

Totals Requisitions Number of requisitions in

which the item is referenced

Totals Purchase Orders Number of purchase orders in

which the item is referenced

Totals Agreements Number of agreements in

which the item is referenced

Totals Negotiations Number of negotiations in

which the item is referenced

PO Line Attachments and Item Description Region

This region displays the item or service description and PO line level attachments.
Analysis Region
This region displays the following charts and graphs:

5-4    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Tab Chart Title Details

Item Analysis Trend Analysis - Total Spend Total spend refers to the sum
Vs. Off Contract of purchase order line
amounts. Off contract spend
refers to those purchase order
lines which do not have BPA/
CPA reference. The graph
only renders when there is a
single value for currency code
chosen either explicitly or

Item Analysis Trend Analysis - Average This value is derived from

Lead Time agreement lines, and is
converted to days as the
UOM. This is the default
Trend graph.

Item Analysis Trend Analysis - Average This value is derived from

Price unit price on purchase order
lines. The graph only renders
when there is a single value
for currency code chosen
either explicitly or implicitly.

Supplier Relationship Overall Supplier Performance X-Axis: On-time delivery

rating (default) / quality
rating / price compliance

Y-Axis: Quality rating

(default) / on-time delivery
rating / price compliance

Bubble size: Total spend (OU

functional currency)

The application does not

display this chart when there
are multiple functional

Analyzing Items and Suppliers    5-5

Tab Chart Title Details

Supplier Relationship Supplier Performance – Price Please refer to Analyzing

Compliance (average) Suppliers, page 5-9 for
calculation of price
compliance. Each supplier is a
line with a different color.

Supplier Relationship Supplier Performance - Please refer to Analyzing

Quality Rating (average) Suppliers, page 5-9 for
calculation of quality rating.
Each supplier is a line with a
different color.

Supplier Relationship Supplier Performance - On Please refer to Analyzing

Time Delivery Rating Suppliers, page 5-9 for
(average) calculation of on-time
delivery rating. Each supplier
is a line with a different color.

Supplier Relationship Items Supplier Analysis - Shows number of distinct

Number of Items by Supplier items supplied by suppliers.
Clicking on a supplier drills
down to the supplier sites.
The graph only renders when
you choose a UOM value,
either implicitly or explicitly.

Spend Analysis Total Spend Spread - Total Split total spend data by item
Spend by Category categories. This is the default
Spend Analysis graph. The
graph only renders when
there is a single value for
currency code chosen either
explicitly or implicitly.

Spend Analysis Total Spend Spread - Total Split total spend by deliver to
Spend by Deliver to Location location on purchase order
shipments. The graph only
renders when there is a single
value for currency code
chosen either explicitly or

5-6    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Tab Chart Title Details

Spend Analysis Total Spend Spread - Total Split total spend by item
Spend by Item Description description (comprises both
inventory items and
description based items). The
graph only renders when
there is a single value for
currency code chosen either
explicitly or implicitly.

Spend Analysis Total Spend Spread - Total Split total spend by supplier
Spend by Supplier name. The graph only renders
when there is a single value
for currency code chosen
either explicitly or implicitly.

Spend Analysis Contract Vs Off Contract Total spend refers to the sum
Spend Spread Contract of purchase orders line
Spend, Off Contract Spend by amounts. Off contract spend
Category refers to those purchase order
lines which do not have BPA/
CPA reference. The graph
only renders when there is a
single value for currency code
chosen either explicitly or
implicitly. The x-axis shows
the category code, and Y axis
is the stack comprising
contract and off contract

Item Summary Region

This region displays a summary of the item or service within the following tabs:
• The Item Details tab
This tab displays the following information from the column set drop down menu:
• The Details option displays relevant details as captured in the Item Master. All
the attributes are existing fields in Item Master definition. For non-inventory
items, the application populates only Item Description, Category, and List Price

• The Price and Spend option displays currency, unit price details, total spend
with and without BPA/CPA reference and the sum of contract and off contract

Analyzing Items and Suppliers    5-7

• The Quantity Summary option displays the sum of currently available
(available to reserve) quantities across inventory organizations accessible to the
project manager and buyer, the sum of overdue quantities on purchase orders
that are open for receiving overdue, the sum of net ordered quantity ((quantity
ordered – quantity cancelled) – total delivered quantity) across all open
purchase order lines, and the sum of ordered quantities across all approved
requisitions that have not been placed on a purchase order yet.

• The Procurement Documents option displays the negotiations, requisitions,

agreements, and purchase orders applicable to the selected item.

• The Lead Time option displays the lead time details for the selected item.

• The Projects tab displays the summary of the projects for which the item or service
has been planned or ordered.

• The Approved Suppliers List tab displays the approved suppliers for the selected
item or service and enables the project manager and buyer to analyze the suppliers
using the Action drop down menu.

Procurement Details Region

This region displays details of all purchasing documents where the item or service is
referenced at least once in any of the following document lines:
• Negotiation

• Agreements

• Requisitions

• Orders

Select Actions in the column set drop down menu and view these purchasing
documents from the respective sub-tabs. Project managers can only view these
documents. Project manager's access to these documents is based on the access rules
governed by the prevailing Oracle Purchasing setup and responsibilities assigned to the
project manager. Project buyers can edit or take action on the individual purchasing
documents based on the access restrictions set up within Oracle Purchasing and the
responsibilities assigned to the buyer.

Actions in Item Analysis

Project managers and project buyers can perform the following action while analyzing
the items or services:
• Compare two or more items or services using the Compare action available on the
right side of the Item Details table.

5-8    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

• Project managers can compare and replace an item or service with the item or
service specified on the procurement plan using the Compare with Procurement
Line action available on the right side of the Item Details table. Replace item or
service is possible only when the plan line is in draft status. Project managers can
replace an item or service only with another item or service in the same purchasing
category. They need to manually change the quantity and planning rate of the
replaced item or service, if required. Where there is no match (for item number,
description, and category) or where the budget exceeds what's on the plan line, or
where the earliest need-by-date cannot be met by the lead-time, the application uses
an alert icon to catch your attention to the potential problem of replacing the item.
See: Analyzing and Replacing Items to Procure, page 3-27.

• Project buyers can compare an item with the item specified on the procurement
plan for analysis purposes using the Compare with Procurement Line action
available on the right side of the Item Details table. See: Analyzing Items for a Plan
Line, page 4-11.

Analyzing Suppliers
Project managers and buyers can analyze suppliers who can supply items or service for
a project using the Supplier Analysis page. The Supplier Analysis page is based upon
suppliers, bringing in data sources from multiple modules together in one page to help
gain insight about the performance of the supplier, the relationship your organization
has with the supplier, and how one supplier compares to others.
Historical procurement information provides great insight into the on-time delivery,
quality and price-compliance trends of the supplier, and also provides quick summary
of the relationship your organization has had with the supplier. If you have installed
Oracle Supplier Lifecycle Management or Oracle Supplier Hub and have configured
user defined attributes for suppliers, then the powerful search and filtering features of
Oracle Endeca make it easy to find the right supplier using all the extensive information
you have collected about the supplier, such as insurance, environmental compliance,
financial stability, or quality maturity information. You can be sure you are selecting the
best suppliers when you use the analysis page to investigate each supplier's history.
Buyers and project managers can also see the current status of a supplier, including
which projects have orders, negotiations or any existing agreements with a supplier,
how much has been spent or is committed to be spent with the supplier and how well
the supplier has performed with regards to supplying the ordered items or services.
Project managers can access the page by clicking on Analyze Supplier from
Procurement Plan, Plan Line tab. Project buyers can access the page by clicking on
Analyze Supplier from buyer command center and Add Supplier from RFI/RFQ Invited
Suppliers page. They can directly access the page from the Supplier Analysis menu.
Additionally, project buyers can access this page as follows:

Analyzing Items and Suppliers    5-9

• From within Oracle Sourcing, buyers can invoke the new Supplier Analysis page to
select a set of eligible suppliers that meets the Sourcing event's eligibility criteria.

• From Offer Comparison and Evaluation pages, the advanced supplier search pages
are accessible to compare supplier's performance based on selected parameters and
buyers can choose the most suitable supplier. When project managers access the
Supplier Analysis page using this option, the Supplier Analysis page is pre-filtered
for the list of suppliers whose offers are being compared.

• From Supplier Search pages within Supplier Management Administrator / User


Essentially, the Supplier Analysis page offers a dashboard to the Supplier Management
User, providing the following:
• Ability to receive alerts that needs the supplier manager's attention for example,
when a payment hold is placed on a supplier.

• Ability to refer to historical Supplier Performance data – on quantitative as well as

qualitative aspects.

• Quantitative aspects are measured from transaction data. The following are
considered in the current release:
• On-time delivery performance

• Quality performance (inspection / delivery rejections)

• Price compliance (variance between Agreement / PO Price Vs invoice price)

• Ability to search through seeded and user-defined attributes to satisfy complex

search requirements. Ability to bookmark these so that they can be easily accessible
in the future.

• Ability to select suppliers from the result list, notify them or create RFx directly
from this page.

Supplier Analysis Page Details

This page provides additional information to the project manager and buyer when they
need to analyze information about the suppliers who can fulfill orders for a
procurement plan line.

5-10    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Heading Region
This region displays date and time stamp of the last ETL update.
Search Region
The Search component allows you to submit keyword searches and provides
type-ahead suggestions displaying attribute values that match the typed text. When you
perform a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements component. As
you type, you may be prompted to select a matching attribute value, or simply search
for the entered text.
Selected Refinements Region
The Selected Refinements component displays all values that you have selected to filter
data, and allows you to quickly make adjustments to the current refinement by
removing items or clearing all filters from the list.
Bookmarks Region
The Bookmarks component allows you to save a given navigation and component state

Analyzing Items and Suppliers    5-11

and return to it at a later time.
Available Refinements Region
The Available Refinements component allows you to filter data based on the currently
available values or value ranges for selected attributes that are displayed within
attribute groups. Expand the attribute groups to view and select attribute names.
Suppliers Region
This region displays the supplier metrics under the following headings:
• Suppliers: Total number of unique suppliers in the result list based on filters

• Approved Suppliers: Total number of suppliers who appear in the approved

supplier list for at least one item or service/ category..

• On-hold suppliers: Total number of suppliers who have at least one active hold
(hold all payments, hold all purchase orders etc).

• Active agreements: The number of blanket / complex purchase agreements which

are currently active for the suppliers.

• Orders - total number of orders issued to all the selected suppliers.

• Change requests - total number of supplier initiated change orders (all statuses).

• Ordered items - total number of unique items ordered from the selected list of

Supplier Analysis Region

This region displays the following charts and graphs:

5-12    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Tab Chart Title Details

Performance Supplier Performance X-Axis: On-time delivery

rating (default) / quality
rating / price compliance

Y-Axis: Quality rating

(default) / On-time delivery
rating / price compliance

Bubble size: Total spend (OU

functional currency)

Chart does not display data

when there are multiple
functional currencies.

Relationship Holds by Supplier Number of holds by hold

type, by supplier.

Relationship Supplier's Geographic Number of suppliers by

Distribution country. If a particular
supplier is selected, then drill
down is enabled to the
supplier state.

Approved Supplier Lists Approved and Local Shows total spend on the
Suppliers project split by approved
versus unapproved suppliers
(ASL) or by local versus
non-local suppliers (supplier
country versus task location)
by period (year / month).
Chart does not display data
when there are multiple
functional currencies.

Approved Supplier Lists Number of Suppliers by Number of suppliers by

Product Services products and services

Analyzing Items and Suppliers    5-13

Tab Chart Title Details

Procurement History Spend by Supplier Contract versus off-contract

spend by currency by
supplier. Chart does not
display data when there are
multiple functional

Procurement History Spend Trend Contract versus non-contract

spend by currency and
need-by-date, each supplier is
a line with a different color.
Chart does not display data
when there are multiple
functional currencies.

Change Request Trend Change Request Trend Number of change requests

by year, supplier.

Supplier Information Region

This region displays supplier information within the following tabs:
• The Supplier tab in this region provides an overview of the supplier and the
performance details. Additionally, project managers and buyers can view the
detailed information of the supplier. Project buyers can add the selected supplier as
source of supply only if they navigate to this page from the command center where
they need to analyze supplier for a plan line and then add as source of supply.

• The Relationship tab in this region displays the active purchase orders, blanket
purchase agreements, and negotiations. Additionally, it displays holds applied on
active documents, total count of orders, total spend, number of negotiations in
which a selected supplier participated, negotiations in which the selected supplier
was awarded, average spend per year, receipt and use details.

• The Addresses tab in this region displays address details of the selected supplier.

• The Projects tab displays the projects for which the supplier is associated to a
purchasing document. The Approved Supplier List displays the ASL approval
status, item, supplier category, and manufacturer details of approved suppliers.

Documents Region
This region displays details of the following purchasing documents associated with the

5-14    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

• Purchase Orders

• Agreements

• Negotiations (to which the suppliers have been invited)

Select Actions in the column set drop down menu and view these purchasing
documents from the respective sub-tabs. Project managers can only view these
documents. Project buyers can view the negotiation, proceed to compare, and award the
suppliers. See: Comparing Suppliers and Awarding, page 4-15.

Actions in Supplier Analysis

Project managers and project buyers can perform the following action while analyzing
the suppliers:
• Compare two or more suppliers using the Compare action available on the right
side of the Supplier Details table. The comparison enables you to view the supplier
performance in terms of on-time delivery rating, quality rating, price compliance
rating, order count, total spend, blanket purchase agreements, negotiations
awarded, and participated negotiations.

• Compare two or more agreements using the Compare action available on the right
side of the Agreements table.

• Select one or more agreements and compare with the plan line in context using the
Compare with Demand action available on the right side of the Agreements table.
When no plan line exists in context, the application displays an error. The basic
requirement for comparison are as follows:
• If the plan line has an inventory item, comparison is possible only with
agreement lines of the same item.

• If the plan lines has a description-based item, comparison is possible only with
description-based agreement lines of the same category.

• If the agreement is inactive, or if there's a problem in adding the agreement line

as source-of-supply, then the application displays an appropriate error

• If you do not want to retain the context of the plan line, then you can click
Remove to remove the plan-line context.

• The Create Source of Supply action is available only to the project buyer. Buyers
can click the '+' icon which takes them to the Create Source of Supply page for
the plan line, where all information is defaulted. Click Apply or make
applicable changes and then click Apply.

Analyzing Items and Suppliers    5-15

Additionally, project buyers can perform the following actions:
• Add as Supplier to Negotiation - When a buyer navigates to the Supplier Analysis
page while using the Add Supplier feature during negotiation creation, they can
select one or more suppliers and add them to the negotiation. Clicking on the action
adds the selected suppliers to the negotiation and the application displays a
confirmation message. Clicking on Return to Previous Page link takes you back to
the Negotiation Suppliers page. If you add a supplier who is already added to the
negotiation, then the application displays a note indicating the situation. You
cannot add suppliers to a negotiation without any negotiation context.

• Add to Document Builder - Using this action, you can add one or more suppliers to
the document builder. When you perform this action with a plan line in context, the
application adds the plan line to the document builder along with the selected
suppliers. If you add a supplier who is already added to the negotiation, then the
application displays a warning message. You can add suppliers to the document
builder from the Invite Suppliers page using the Add to Invite List action available
on the Supplier Overview page.

• Add to Negotiation - You can add a plan line to a draft negotiation using this
action. The application groups the additional quantity arising out of this plan line
with the selected negotiation line, and establishes a link between the plan line and
negotiation line.

5-16    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

Monitoring Procurement Execution

The chapter discusses examples that demonstrate how project managers and buyers can
use Oracle Project Procurement to monitor the progress of project procurement and
ensure that the project is insulated from various procurement delays and issues.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Reviewing Procurement Status
• Reviewing Exceptions
• Insulating Project Schedule from Material Delivery Delays
• Keeping Project On-Track by Monitoring Material Availability
• Ensuring that Project Strategic Objectives are Met

Reviewing Procurement Status

Reviewing the procurement status enables you to quickly identify project risks, make a
decision and take the appropriate action. The regions display the various status data
that helps you in making effective decisions to meet the project's objectives.
The charts on the project manager's command center indicate the current status for the
project. You can see how much quantity has been requested, ordered, received, and
invoiced for each task or for each calendar month. You can see the status of plan lines
and negotiations. You can see where you have incurred unplanned spend and the status
of procurement for each task.
See: Viewing Procurement Planning Information and Metrics, page 3-19 and Reviewing
Project Procurement Plan, page 4-3 .

Reviewing Exceptions
Review alerts to find potential problems and take corrective action. The conditions
causing the alert must be resolved in order for the alert to be disabled. Alerts display:

Monitoring Procurement Execution    6-1

• Items with delayed shipments. Through this alert, suppliers have indicated that the
items are going to be received later than the need-by-date.

• Items past need-by-date but not received yet. This alert indicates that the items have
not been received on-time.

• Items past order-by-date but not ordered. This alert indicates that any further delay
in submitting requisitions could potentially cause delivery delays.

• Progress Payments Overdue. This exception indicates Service Lines with delayed
progress reporting (Progress not yet processed).

• Invoices on Hold. This exception indicates invoices created for the Projects that are
put on hold due to non receipt of the deliverables.

• Deliverables Overdue. This exception indicates deliverables with the due dates
earlier than the system date for the Project.

Exceptions help you view and assess the problems and exceptions on the project before
they actually cause schedule delays or wastage. Click on these exceptions to see the plan
lines with an exception, and quickly resolve the problems even before they occur.
See: Viewing Procurement Planning Information and Metrics, page 3-19 and Reviewing
Project Procurement Plan, page 4-3 .

Insulating Project Schedule from Material Delivery Delays

Use the exceptions to avoid project delays due to procurement issues. Through the
Exceptions region, the Promised Date field in the Orders region, and Scheduled Start
Date field in the Task region, you can view when a given task is at risk if material is not
received by the expected date. For example, if the supplier indicates there will be a
delivery delay on an item by submitting a change request, and you see that the
promised date has been pushed by a month, but your task needs the material this
month, you know there is a likely delay and you can take steps to correct it.
One of the ways you can resolve this is by reviewing the status of other projects that
need the same material, using Item Analysis page. In this case, you find another project
in the same area which has recently received this material, but they do not need the
material until next month. You could possibly talk to the project manager and see if you
can request their material in the interim. Of course, this case depends on the kind of
contract you have with the customer.

Keeping Project On-Track by Monitoring Material Availability

Oracle Project Procurement enables project managers and buyers keep the project on
track by monitoring material availability.
For example, you have a task that needs to start next month, but all material is not

6-2    Oracle Project Procurement Process Guide

received and the supplier is unable to deliver the material on-time and has indicated a
month's delay. Assume that it is not possible to get the material for this task through
alternative means; you can push the task into the future until the material is delivered.
However, before you do that, you may want to check if there are any other tasks that
have all the material needed, by expanding the search, for example increasing the time
to search within. The search results will indicate if the tasks have all the material they
require using the available resources. You can swap tasks by performing the Update
Multiple Tasks action to use the material you partially received for the original task.
The search results display that task 1.2.4 has all the material it needs and it can be
accomplished with the same resources as 1.1.2.
In this example, you can swap these tasks by performing a task update using the
Update Multiple Tasks action.

Ensuring that Project Strategic Objectives are Met

Project managers and buyers can use the charts and metrics in the command centers or
the analysis pages to measure if the procurement decisions are in-line with the strategic
objectives. If the project's objective is to procure from local suppliers, then you can
quickly see how far you have achieved that objective by viewing the Approved, Local
Suppliers chart.
If the objective is to reduce unplanned spend, then you can monitor that on a daily
basis using the Unplanned Orders chart.
If the objective is to reduce supplier's delivery lead-time to ensure lean processes or to
reduce material / service variety by buying more of what has been bought before, then
you could measure that too.
These charts enable you to measure how well project managers and buyers are making
decisions or taking actions that promote the strategic objectives set out for the project.

Monitoring Procurement Execution    6-3


Analyzing and Replacing Items to Procure Ensuring Project Strategic Objectives are Met
Oracle Project Procurement, 3-27 Oracle Project Procurement, 6-3
Analyzing Items
Oracle Project Procurement, 5-1 I
Analyzing Items for a Plan Line
Insulating Project Schedule from Material
Oracle Project Procurement, 4-11
Delivery Delays
Analyzing Sources of Supply
Oracle Project Procurement, 6-2
Oracle Project Procurement, 3-28
Analyzing Suppliers
Oracle Project Procurement, 5-9
Analyzing Suppliers for a Plan Line Keeping Project On-Track by Monitoring
Oracle Project Procurement, 4-12 Material Availability
Oracle Project Procurement, 6-2
Business Actions
Oracle Project Procurement, 1-3 Managing Project Procurement Exceptions, 3-28
Business Entities
Oracle Project Procurement, 1-4 O
C Oracle Project Procurement, 1-1
Comparing Suppliers and Awarding Overview of Project Buyer Actions
Oracle Project Procurement, 4-15 Oracle Project Procurement, 4-1
Creating and Publishing a Negotiation Overview of Project Manager Actions
Oracle Project Procurement, 4-13 Oracle Project Procurement, 3-1
Creating a Project Procurement Plan
Oracle Project Procurement, 3-2 P
Creating Purchase Requisitions Prerequisites
Oracle Project Procurement, 3-29 Oracle Project Procurement, 2-1
Creating Sources of Supply
Oracle Project Procurement, 4-16

Releasing Plan Lines for Planning
Oracle Project Procurement, 3-28
Responsibilities and Menu Navigation
Oracle Project Procurement, 2-7
Reviewing Exceptions
Oracle Project Procurement, 6-1
Reviewing Procurement Status
Oracle Project Procurement, 6-1
Reviewing Project Procurement Plans, 4-3
Reviewing Sources of Supply
Oracle Project Procurement, 4-15
Running the Full Load Graph
Oracle Project Procurement, 2-4

Setting Up
Oracle Project Procurement, 2-2
Setting up the Scheduler for Incremental Refresh
Oracle Project Procurement, 2-5

Typical Users
Oracle Project Procurement, 1-3

Updating a Project Procurement Plan, 3-17
Updating Plan Lines
Oracle Project Procurement, 4-16
Updating Sources of Supply
Oracle Project Procurement, 4-18

Viewing Procurement Planning Information and
Oracle Project Procurement, 3-19
Views and Joins
Oracle Project Procurement, 2-6


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