Rev Syllabus RAE
Rev Syllabus RAE
Rev Syllabus RAE
Examination Wing
Circular No. f7 of 2OL9
The competent authority has approved the revised syllobus of the following
depa rtmental exa minations:
The revised syllabus (copy enclosed) is being uploaded on CAG's website and can be
viewed/down loaded from the website. No hardcopy will be sent.
2. The revised syllabus of Revenue Audit Examination shall be implemented from the
Main Examination 2019, which is likely to be held in the month of November.
4. 6oods and Services Tax (GST) has been introduced in the revised syllabus of Revenue
Audit Examination. Therefore, necessary training in GST needs to be imparted to the candidates.
lnstructions in this regard will be issued shortly.
Yours fa ithfu llv.
(Mar{ish Kumar}
Director General (Examination)
Revised pattern and syllabus of Revenue Audit Examination
Paper 1 - RAE 1 Income Tax (common for all candidates) 100 marks
Paper 2 - RAE 2 Goods and Services Tax and Branch Specific 100 marks
- Section I Goods and Services Tax 40%
- Section II Branch Specific Revenues 60%
Income Tax (RAE I) paper will be common for all braches, as under existing pattern.
Section I of RAE 2 Goods & Services Tax will also be common for all branches.
Section II Branch Specific Revenues of RAE 2 for each separate branch of audit,
as given below:
Section II A Central and State Revenues For candidates from all Commercial
Audit Audit offices and all Civil Audit offices
Section II B Railway Revenues Audit For all candidates from Railway Audit
Section II C Post and Telecommunications For all candidates from P&T Audit
Revenues Audit Offices
Section II D Defence Revenues Audit For all candidates from Defence Audit
Revised Syllabus of RAE-1 Income Tax (common for all branches)
7 International Taxation 10
Chapter IX – Sections 90, 90A & 91
Double Taxation Relief
Chapter X – Sections 92 to 92CD and 92F
Transfer Pricing & Other Anti-Avoidance Measures
Definitions of certain terms relevant to computation of arm’s length price, etc.
Chapter XII-A
Special Provisions relating to certain incomes of Non-Residents
Note: Amendments upto 1st April of the previous Financial Year will be considered
(ii) Finance Act of the Year (may be read as Finance Act of the Previous year)
(v) Income Computation and Disclosure Standards issued by the Ministry of Finance
Revised Syllabus of RAE-2
Goods and Services Tax and Branch Specific Revenues
Official websites of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and Department of Revenue, Ministry of
Finance, Government of India
for Foreign Trade Policy
Part – III State Revenues (20 marks)
10. Provisions of Store Accounting Instructions for the Army (1965 Edition) 5
Chapter II- Paras 27 to 30 regarding issue of stores on hire, loan etc.,
Para 50 Disposal of Surplus timber etc, Para 84 to 93 C.P. Issue Sections.
Chapter V- Valuation of Stores and Rates.
Chapter VII- Disposal of surplus and obsolete stores.
12. Quarters and Rents and related orders issued from time to time 2
Whole Book including I.A.O 5/S/48.