Rev Syllabus RAE

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NEW DETHI - 110124

No. 81o/14-Exam/Revised syllabus/2010

Dated 27 August 2019

Examination Wing
Circular No. f7 of 2OL9


Heads of Department of IA&AD offices

(As per e-mail list)

Subject: Revised Syllabus of Revenue Audit Examination and continuous Professional

Development Examinations


The competent authority has approved the revised syllobus of the following
depa rtmental exa minations:

(i) Revenue Audit Examination

{ii) continuous Professional Development Examinations (cPD l, cPD ll & cPD llll

The revised syllabus (copy enclosed) is being uploaded on CAG's website and can be
viewed/down loaded from the website. No hardcopy will be sent.

2. The revised syllabus of Revenue Audit Examination shall be implemented from the
Main Examination 2019, which is likely to be held in the month of November.

3. The revised syllabus of Continuous Professional Development Examinations (CPD l, CPD

1l & CPD lll) shall be implemented from the Main Examination 2020.

4. 6oods and Services Tax (GST) has been introduced in the revised syllabus of Revenue
Audit Examination. Therefore, necessary training in GST needs to be imparted to the candidates.
lnstructions in this regard will be issued shortly.

5. Receipt of this circu la r may please be acknowledged by email to e2!a [Lsect io n @ c a g. go v. i n

Yours fa ithfu llv.

(Mar{ish Kumar}
Director General (Examination)
Revised pattern and syllabus of Revenue Audit Examination

 There will be only two papers as mentioned below:

Paper 1 - RAE 1 Income Tax (common for all candidates) 100 marks

Paper 2 - RAE 2 Goods and Services Tax and Branch Specific 100 marks
- Section I Goods and Services Tax 40%
- Section II Branch Specific Revenues 60%

 Income Tax (RAE I) paper will be common for all braches, as under existing pattern.

 Section I of RAE 2 Goods & Services Tax will also be common for all branches.

 Section II Branch Specific Revenues of RAE 2 for each separate branch of audit,
as given below:

Name of the Title of Section Branches of audit to which applicable


Section II A Central and State Revenues For candidates from all Commercial
Audit Audit offices and all Civil Audit offices

Section II B Railway Revenues Audit For all candidates from Railway Audit

Section II C Post and Telecommunications For all candidates from P&T Audit
Revenues Audit Offices

Section II D Defence Revenues Audit For all candidates from Defence Audit
Revised Syllabus of RAE-1 Income Tax (common for all branches)

Duration 2 hours Maximum Marks: 100

(A) The following will be the syllabus and subjects:

Sl. No. Content Marks

1 a) Basic concepts 30
Chapter I – Sections 1, 2 and 3 and
Chapter II – Sections 4, 5, 5A, 6, 7, 8 & 9
Assessment year, Previous year, Person, Assessee, Charge of income-tax,
Income, Gross Total Income, Total income and tax liability, Agricultural Income,
Difference between exemption and deduction, Definition of Manufacture,
Capital Asset, Company, Fair market value, Capital receipts vs Revenue
receipts, Capital expenditure vs Revenue Expenditure, Method of accounting,
Residential status of Individual & Company, Relation between residential status
and incidence of tax, Receipt & Accrual of income, Income deemed to accrue
or arise in India

b) Income of Charitable or Religious Trusts and Institutions

Chapter III - Sections 11, 12, 12A & 13

2 Income Computation and Disclosure Standards (ICDS) 5

ICDS I Accounting Policies
ICDS II Valuation of Inventories
ICDS III Construction contracts
ICDS IV Revenue Recognition
ICDS V Tangible Fixed Assets
ICDS VI Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
ICDS VII Government Grants
ICDS VIII Securities
ICDS IX Borrowing Costs
ICDS X Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
3 Profits and gains of business or profession – Principles and 25
Chapter IV (D)
Chargeability, General principles governing assessment of business
income, Method of accounting, Scheme of deductions and allowances,

4 Capital gains - Principles and Computation 15

Chapter IV (E)
Meaning of capital asset, Transfer of capital asset, Computation of capital
gain, Full value of consideration, Expenditure on transfer, Cost of
acquisition, Cost of improvement, indexed cost of acquisition and indexed
cost of improvement, Problems on computation of Long Term Capital
Gains (LTCG) Tax

5 Income from other sources 5

Chapter IV (F)
Dividend, Interest on securities

6 Set-off and Carry forward of losses 5

Chapter VI - Sections 70 to 80

7 International Taxation 10
Chapter IX – Sections 90, 90A & 91
Double Taxation Relief
Chapter X – Sections 92 to 92CD and 92F
Transfer Pricing & Other Anti-Avoidance Measures
Definitions of certain terms relevant to computation of arm’s length price, etc.
Chapter XII-A
Special Provisions relating to certain incomes of Non-Residents

8 Special Provisions relating to certain companies 5

Chapter XII B
Concepts of Minimum alternate Tax (MAT) and MAT credit, etc.

Note: Amendments upto 1st April of the previous Financial Year will be considered

(B) The following books/reference material are prescribed:

(i) Taxmann’s Direct Tax Manual (Vol. I – Acts)

(ii) Finance Act of the Year (may be read as Finance Act of the Previous year)

(iii) Income Tax Act, 1961

(iv) Income Tax Rules, 1962

(v) Income Computation and Disclosure Standards issued by the Ministry of Finance
Revised Syllabus of RAE-2
Goods and Services Tax and Branch Specific Revenues

Duration 2 hours Maximum Marks: 100

Section I : Goods and Services Tax 40 percent

(common for all branches)

Section II : Branch Specific Revenues 60 percent

(based on the branch from which a candidate belong)

Section I Goods and Services Tax 40 percent

(A) The following will be the syllabus and subjects

Sl. Content Marks

No. allocation

1 Constitutional Aspects, GST Council, Administration of GST, 8

Assessment and Audit, Dual GST Model, GST(Compensation
to States) Act, 2017 GST Network

2 Levy and collection of CGST & IGST – Application of 8

CGST/IGST law, concept of supply including composite and
mixed supplies, inter-State supply, intra-State supply, supplies
in territorial waters, charge of tax, exemption from tax,
composition levy, Distribution of IGST

3 Place of supply, time and value of supply 8

4 Input Tax Credit, Computation of GST Liability, Procedures of 8

GST – registration, tax invoice, credit and debit notes,
electronic way bill, accounts and records, returns, payment of
tax including reverse charge, refund, job work, Provisions
relating to e-commerce, GST Forms(GST REG-01,GSTR 1,
GSTR 4, GSTR 10, GST PMT 01, GST-RFD-01, GST ITC-01)

5 Liability to pay in certain cases, inspection, Search Seizure 8

and Arrest, Demand and Recovery, Offences and Penalties,
Anti-profiteering, Advance Ruling, Appeals and Revision,
Other Residuary provisions under the CGST Act 2017 and
IGST Act 2017
(B) The following books/reference material are prescribed:
(i) Taxmann’s GST Manual with GST Law Guide

(ii) Centax GST Law Times (Latest issues)

(iii) Handbook of GST in India: Concept and Procedures by Rakesh Garg

Section II Branch Specific Revenues 60 percent

Section II A Central and State Revenues Audit

Section II B Railway Revenues Audit

Section II C Post and Telecommunications Revenues Audit

Section II D Defence Revenues Audit

Section II A Central and State Revenues Audit 60 percent

Part – I Central Excise and Revenue Audit Manual (10 marks)

(A) The following will be the syllabus and subjects

Sl. Content Marks

No. allocation

1 Provisions of Central Excise Revenue Audit Manual 5

(Chapter 1,3,4,5,8,11,14 to 17,19,20 as amended, 21,22 and 24)

2 Provisions of Central Excise Act and Central Excise Tariff 5

Manual (Chapter 24 of SECTION IV and Chapter 27 of SECTION V)

(B) The following books/reference material are prescribed:

(i) R K Jain’s Central Excise Manual
(ii) R K Jain’s Central Excise Tariff
(iii) Revenue Audit Manual (Central Excise)
Part – II Customs & Foreign Trade Policy (30 marks)

(A) The following will be the syllabus and subjects

Sl. No. Content Marks allocation

1 (a) Constitutional Provision and Basic Concepts : 10

Definitions, procedures governing Imports and Exports,
Warehousing, Baggage, Search and Seizure, Appeal and
Revision contained in Chapters I, III, IX, XI, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI and
XVII of Customs Act 1962
(b) Customs Tariff Act No. 51 of 1975 (Section 1 to Section 13)
(c) Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999

2 Levy and collection of duties : 8

Basic Customs Duty, Integrated Goods and Services Tax,
Compensation Cess, Anti-dumping Duty, Safeguard Duty, Project
Imports contained in (i) Section 1 to 10 and Chapter Notes to Chapter
98 of Customs Tariff Act 1975 and (ii) Chapter V, VA of Customs Act

3 Refunds and drawbacks: 2

Section 26 to 27A of Customs Act 1962- Chapter V, Chapter X

4 Foreign Trade Policy (2015-20): 5

Legal Framework, Definitions, Duty Exemption and Remission
Schemes for Exports , Foreign Trade Agreements contained in
a. Foreign Trade Development and Regulation Act, 1992
b. Chapter 9 and Glossary of FTP
c. Chapters 3,4,5,6 and 7 of FTP

5 Provisions of SEZ Act and Rules 3

a. Chapters I, II, IV, VI and VII Sections 47,49, 50 to 56
b. Chapters IV, V and VI and Annexure-I - Guidelines for Annual
monitoring of performance of units in SEZ

6 Provisions of Revenue Audit Manual : Chapter 20 2

(B) The following books/reference material are prescribed:

(i) R K Jain’s Customs Law Manual
(ii) R K Jain’s Customs Tariff
(iii) Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India
(iv) The Special Economic Zones Act and The Special Economic Zones Rules

Official websites of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and Department of Revenue, Ministry of
Finance, Government of India
for Foreign Trade Policy
Part – III State Revenues (20 marks)

(A) The following will be the syllabus and subjects

Sl. No. Content Marks


1 Provisions of The Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 and the

Taxation Laws (Amendment) Act, 2017 (No. 18 of 2017)
2 Provisions of Value added Tax Auditing Guidelines
(issued by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India)
3 Provisions of Motor Vehicles Act,1988 4
Provisions governing Licensing of Driver, Registration of
Motor Vehicles and Offences, Penalties And Procedure
contained in the following Chapters II, IV and XIII of the Act

4 Provisions of Registration Act, 1908 4

Part I Preliminary
Part II The Registration-Establishment
Part III Registrable Documents
Part VI Presenting Documents for Registration
Part XI The Duties and Powers of Registering Officers
Part XIII The Fees for Registration, Searches and Copies

5 Provisions of Indian Stamp Act, 1899 4

Chapter I Preliminary
Chapter II Stamp Duties
Chapter VI Reference And Revision

6 Provisions of Mines And Minerals (Development And 4

Regulation) Act, 1957
Chapter I Preliminary
Chapter II General Restrictions on Undertaking Prospecting
and Mining Operations

(B) The following books/reference material are prescribed:

(i) Value added Tax Auditing Guidelines (issued by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India)
(ii) For all other topics, the relevant Acts are mentioned in the table above.
Section II B Railway Revenues Audit 60 percent

(A) The following will be the syllabus and subjects

Sl. No. Content

1 Indian Railway Code for the Traffic Dept. (Commercial)
2 Indian Railway Commercial Manual (Vol I & Vol II)
3 IRCA Coaching Tariff (all parts and volumes)
4 IRCA Goods Tariff (all parts and volumes)
5 IRCA Military Tariff
6 IRCA Red Tariff
7 Railway Audit Manual - Part III Audit of Earnings

Note: All topics carry equal marks.

(B) The following books/reference material are prescribed:

Sl. No. Name of the

Latest Subjects dealt with in the
code/manual/tariff available code/manual/tariff
1. Indian Rly Code for the Correction slip The code embodies essential
Traffic Dept. up to May principles and policy directives issued
(Commercial) 2015 by Rly Board for commercial
2 (a) Indian Rly Comml. Manual 1992 Edition This manual deals with Coaching traffic
(Vol I)
2 (b) Indian Rly Comml. Manual 1991 Edition This manual deals with Goods traffic &
(Vol II) Misc. subjects
3 IRCA Coaching Tariff (all May 2014 1) PART I VOL I - General Rules.
parts and volumes) March 2015 2) PART I VOL II - Concession
3) PART II - Coaching Rate Table
4) PART III - Parcel Rate Table
4 IRCA Goods Tariff (all April 2015 1. PART I VOL I - General Rules
parts and volumes) 2. PART I VOL II - Classification of
3. PART II - Freight Rate Table
5 IRCA Military Tariff - 1986 Rules for Military traffic
6 IRCA Red Tariff - August 2000 Rules for Dangerous goods
7 Railway Audit Manual 2001 Edition Part III deals with procedures, rules
(issued by C&AG’s office) and directives to conduct audit of
Railway earnings
Note: In case of Tariffs, the Publications in force as on 1st April of the previous year will be the text
Section II C P&T Revenues Audit 60 percent

(A) The following will be the syllabus and subjects

Sl. No. Content Marks allocation

1. Provisions of P&T Manual Volume I - Part—I (Legislative

Indian Post Office Act Sections 1 to 13, 16, 17, 28 to 36

2. Provisions of P&T Manual Volume I - Part II (Legislative 12

Whole book excluding Chapter 3 i.e. Telegraph Wires (Unlawful
Possession) Act, 1950 and Rules made there under

3. Provisions of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) Act


4. Provisions of Telecom Accounts and Finance Manual compiled by

the DOT. October, 2017

5. Compilation of letters on Licensing and Finance related issued by

the DOT

6. Provisions of The Central Government Accounts (Receipts and

Payments) Rules-1983
Part II- Receipt of Government Revenues, Dues, etc., and
crediting them into the Government Account

7. Provisions of P&T Financial Hand Book Volume –II

Chapter III- Revenue receipts

8. Provisions of P&T Audit Manual Part –II (Inspections)

Chapter-2 Section-H Audit of Telephone Revenue Accounting 6
Branch of Telephone Districts (Computerised System)

9. Provisions of Companies Act, 2013

Chapter IX Accounts of Companies
Chapter X Audit and Auditors
Chapter XXIII Government Companies

10. Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) notified by the Ministry of

Corporate Affairs, Government of India

(B) The following books/reference material are prescribed:

For all topics, the relevant Acts/Rules/Manuals/Standards are mentioned in the table above.
Section II D Defence Revenues Audit 60 percent

(A) The following will be the syllabus and subjects

Sl. Content Marks

No. allocation

1. Provisions of CAG’s MSO (Audit) (Second Edition-2002) 6

Section II
Chapter 3 ‘Audit of Receipts,’ Chapter 4 ‘Audit of Accounts of Stores and
Section III
Chapter 23 Para 3.23.2. ‘Workshop Accounts’ and Para 3.23.4 ‘Refunds of
Chapter 13 Audit of Borrowings, Loans & Advances, Revenue advance,
Permanent advance

2. Provisions of General Financial Rules 5

Chapter 2 – General System of Financial Management
Chapter3 – Budget Formulation and Implementation (Para 42 to 56)
Chapter 5 – Works
Chapter 6 - Procurement of Goods and Services
Chapter 7 - Inventory Management
Chapter 12 – II- Refunds of Revenue
Appendix II – Procedure for preparation of detailed estimates of receipts

3. Provisions of Central Government Receipt and Payment Rules 5

Part –I Preliminary and General Principles
Part- II Receipt of Govt. revenues, dues etc. and crediting them into the
Govt. Accounts
Part-III Withdrawal from the Government Account

4. Provisions of Financial Regulations Part II 4

Chapter II – Recoveries and deductions.
Appendix 8 instructions for guidance of officers who receive and handle cash.
Appendix 11- Recovery of tuition fees of boys in Military schools.
Chapter II Para 7 to 18

5. Provisions of Regulations for the Military Engineer Services 5

Paras 912 to 916, Appendix ‘O’ and related rules regarding fixation of rates
and recovery of electricity and water and allied matters.
Chapter IV & V– Paras 310 to 313, 559, 560 and Table ‘H’ relating to
Departmental charges.
Chapter VIII- Sections 38, Para 645 and Appendix ‘J’
Chapter IX- Revenue and Receipts
Chapter XII Section 56 Table ‘K’ General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-
2249) relating to Hiring of T&P to contractors.

6. Provisions of Manual of Instructions relating to procedure of works in 2

the Accounts section of M.E.S. formations of MES Accountant’s Manual
Chapter VII Revenue

7. Provisions of M.E.S. Local Audit Manual 4

Part III -Paras 153, 164 to 185 dealing with local audit of the register of
buildings, rent assessment ledgers, revenue ledgers, water and electricity
charges, refunds etc.
Part-IV – Paras 241 to 244 dealing with audit of the Register of Revenue
derived from lands, trees, usufruct etc. Meter Readers’ Books for electricity
and water, consumer’s ledgers etc.

8. Provisions of Manual of the Audit Department, Defence Services Vol. I 2

(Part C)
Chapter 29 Section B para 619 to 637 dealing with Audit of revenue

9. Provisions of Military Lands Manual 3

Chapter II - Classification and transfer of land.
Chapter V - Disposal of Land by Military Estate Officers.
Chapter VI – Management by Cantonment Board.

10. Provisions of Store Accounting Instructions for the Army (1965 Edition) 5
Chapter II- Paras 27 to 30 regarding issue of stores on hire, loan etc.,
Para 50 Disposal of Surplus timber etc, Para 84 to 93 C.P. Issue Sections.
Chapter V- Valuation of Stores and Rates.
Chapter VII- Disposal of surplus and obsolete stores.

11. Provisions of Army Local Audit Manual 4

Part I. Volume -I
Chapter –III- Para 123
Part I. Volume- II
Chapter –IV- Paras 157, 186, 260, 261, 262 and 263 regarding disposal of
surplus stores.

12. Quarters and Rents and related orders issued from time to time 2
Whole Book including I.A.O 5/S/48.

13. Provisions of Regulations for Medical Services (1962) 2

Appendix 5 relating to Hospital stoppages and allied recoveries and Rules
relating thereto.

14. Provisions of Factory Accounting Rules 3

Chapter II – Accounting of Stores – Para 13 (b) and (c).
Chapter III- Accounting of Labour, Para 38 and Appendix ‘G’.
Chapter IV – Cost Accounting, Paras 52 and 53.

15. Provisions of Manual of the Audit Department, Defence Services -Vol. 3

III (Ordnance & Ordnance Equipment Factories) 2001 Edition
Paras regarding Payment issue, Test Audit Processes, Costing

16. Provisions of Defence Accounts Department Office Manual Part VI 5

Volume I
Chapter IV, V & VI
(System of Cost Accounting in OFs, Labour methods of payments and
allocations and Material accounting)
Volume II
Chapter IX & X
(Annual Accounts section/Financial Advice Section)

(B) The following books/reference material are prescribed:

For all topics, the relevant Acts/Rules/Regulations/Orders/Instructions/Manuals are
mentioned in the table above.

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