Spetech Static Seals
Spetech Static Seals
Spetech Static Seals
3 metal seals
5 semi metal seals
18 solid metal seals
31 soft materials seals
33 Graphite gaskets
36 ptfe based gaskets
47 fiber based gaskets
50 Seals from mica / ceramic / glass fiber
53 special sealiNG sYstems
55 Double sealing systems
56 Baffle seals
57 plate heat exchangers seals
58 self-energized seals
61 cover plate gaskets
63 valve seals program
65 GeNeral iNformatioNs
67 common used materials
70 common bars shapes
72 Gaskets parameters
76 esa installations procedures
1. metal seals
Qmax (MPa) 600 200* • for gaskets obeying EN 1514-4, EN 1514-6, DIN 2697, please indicate the
symbol, material, full thickness (of the core and the caps), DN, PN, the standard
number, e.g. SPETOMET® MWK® 60 316L/Sigraflex ® APX, 4 mm, DN 50 PN 40,
EN 1514-6
Widely used in: • for gaskets obeying EN 12560-4, EN 12560-6 please indicate the symbol,
Power industry, chemical, petrochemical; high-pressure or
thickness, DN, CLASS, the standard number, e.g. SPETOMET® MWK® 60 316L/
high-temperature fixtures, dangerous substances, high ex-
PTFE, 4 mm, DN 50 CLASS 150, EN 12560-6
ternal load, inflammable and toxic substances, etc. Those
• please provide the dimensions or a drawing of non standard gaskets, and
gaskets have become a basic solution in process installations
possible specific requirements, e.g. “for oxygen”
especially within the last ten years. Their growing popularity
results from increased tightness and reliability requirements.
If full data is not provided, standard gaskets will be produced:
• default standard: EN 1514-6 (DN and PN):
Custom styles: EN 12560-6 (DN/NPS and CLASS)
• with non-standard groove depth and profile
• default thickness: 4 mm (3+2x0.5)
• with different gasket’s sealing area (styles with centring
• default material of the core/caps: 316L/FG-C
rings) according to norm EN-1514
• in PTFE or silver jackets for chemical applications
Materials available
• with locating lugs for easy installation
For wide range of materials available please look into “Common Used Materials”
• concentically joined with spiral wound gasket
• with different kinds of bars, e.g. MPL® 23, MWK® 10,
MPL® 10, MPL® 12
• other than round shapes, e.g. rectangular
• other materials on request
spetomet® mWk®
Designation Sketch Description
SPETOMET® SPETOMET® MWK® 20 has the sealing element exactly the same as that
MWK® 20 of MWK® 10, with additional outer centring ring; integral centring ring of
thickness 2 or 3 mm, manufactured in traditional technology; at present
in order to meet the increased safety standards this style is replaced by
MWK® 21; MWK® 22 is the style for similar applications but with the
special centring ring.
** – patented
spetomet® mWk®
Designation Sketch Description
SPETOMET® SPETOMET® MWK® 21 gasket with the centring ring that has a pre-
MWK® 21 determined breaking groove – when the joint fails and the medium
escapes abruptly from the system the vibrations of the gasket occur – in
these circumstances the gasket “breaks” on the groove and centring rings
falls out.
SPETOMET® SPETOMET® MWK® 25 has the same profile as MWK® 15 but with
MWK® 25** the centring ring; the ring has a pre-determined breaking groove which
increases its blowout resistance.
SPETOMET® SPETOMET® MWK® 28 has the same profile as MWK® 18; its centring
MWK® 28 ring has a pre-determined breaking groove increasing gasket’s blowout
** – patented
spetomet® mWk®
Designation Sketch Description
** – patented
Materials available
For wide range of materials available please look into “Common Used Materials”
SPETOSPIR® SPETOSPIR® SWZ gasket has two metal rings: outer (centring) and inner
SWZ – reinforcing; due to „enclosing” the proper sealing element between
the to rigid metal rings, the gasket has excellent compression resistance;
the style recommended for flat face and raised face flanges over PN 40
(class 300), for gaskets with PTFE filler also of lower PN; for gaskets of
large dimensions (above 800 mm) suggested as standard. The standard
inner ring is made from the same material as gasket’s metal strip in the
sealing area.
SPETOSPIR® SPETOSPIR® SWZ gasket might be produced as Low Stress (LS) style
SWZ LS gasket. Style LS, provides all the superior sealing properties of a spiral
Low Stress wound gasket for the applications where only the low-stress forming
pressure is available.
SPETOSPIR® SPETOSPIR® SnWZ gasket with inner ring made from te metal stip thinner
SnWZ than that applied in the sealing ares; it may result from the necessity of
providing the gasket with very narrow ring e.g. when the active width of
the gasket is optimized, or due to accessibility of non-standard alloys for
the rings.
Custom styles:
• full face with bolt holes
• gaskets with bars and of shapes other than round
• SPETOGRAF® GUS® 660 styles with graphite sealing
element in the form of gaskets with metal eyelets, e.g.
SPETOGRAF® GUS® 660/32, GUS® 660/42, etc.
• sensors, e.g. temperature, can be fitted in SPETOGRAF®
GUS® 660
coNfiNateD Gaskets
spetoGraf® series 600
Designation Sketch Description
SPETOGRAF® SPETOGRAF® GUS® 670 I gaskets are applied in very narrow flange
GUS® 670 I faces in tongue and groove as well as in male and female flanges;
properties similar to those of SPETOGRAF® GUS® 660.
• for gaskets obeying EN 1514-7, please indicate the symbol, thickness, material,
Widely used in: DN, PN, the standard number, e.g. SPETOMET® MPL 23 Z, 3 mm, 316L/PTFE,
Gaskets commonly applied in refineries, chemical and petro-
DN 150 PN 40, EN 1514-7
chemical industry, applied also in gas production and distri-
• for gaskets obeying EN 12560-7, please indicate the symbol, thickness, material,
bution and in pharmaceutical industry (MPL® 12 style); applied
DN, CLASS, the standard number, e.g. SPETOMET® MPL 23 Z, 3 mm, 316L/
in flange joints in valve systems, apparatus and pipelines; the
graphite, DN 50 CLASS 150, EN 12560-7
gasket features ability to compensate for alignment imperfec-
• please provide dimensions or a drawing for non-standard gasket
tions, gaskets in metal jackets (styles MPL® 20÷MPL® 29 Z)
traditionally have been apllied in petrochemical industry.
Materials available
Manufactured from such metals as soft iron, stainless steel
For wide range of materials available please look into “Common Used Materials”
304 and 316 L, brass and others; graphite, ceramic and other
non asbestos materials are used as fillers.
Custom styles:
• metal jacketed gasket with additional PTFE or graphite
sealing layers
• gaskets with bars from soft material ( e.g. GUS® 32,
GUS® 42)
• MPL® 12 T gasket with inner eyelet from PTFE instead of
steel for enamelled flanges
• gaskets in other material options
corrUGateD &
JacketeD seals
spetomet® mpl®
Designation Sketch Description
SPETOMET® The SPETOMET® MPL® 10 gaskets are made of a metal core and thin
MPL® 10 layers on; it is used as a basic type of gaskets for narrow flange surfaces
or as a bar of multiedge or spiral wound gaskets. MPL® 10 metal only
style is also available.
SPETOMET® SPETOMET® MPL® 11 gasket from corrugated metal face, used for
MPL® 11 less severe temperatures where flanges are ligtly loaded; corrugation
increases conformability of the gasket; gasket can be galvanized; in rare
cases it is applied in this construction, most frequently it is a metal core of
SPETOMET® MPL® 12 style.
corrUGateD &
JacketeD seals
spetomet® mpl®
Designation Sketch Description
SPETOMET® SPETOMET® MPL® 20 flat gasket in single metal jacket with an opening
MPL® 20 is used for narrow flanges; manufactured from metal sheet, which
encapsulates soft filler; such profile protects the soft edge of the gasket’s
material; most of gaskets of this style are made from copper and its width is
less than 6 mm; for larger cross sections MPL® 23 style is recommended.
SPETOMET® SPETOMET® MPL® 21 gasket is similar to MPL® 20 but the metal jacket
MPL® 21 is overlapped and closes the soft filler; maximum width of the gasket is
also 6 mm.
SPETOMET® SPETOMET® MPL® 23 are double jacketed gaskets made from two pieces
MPL® 23 of metal and soft filler. This gasket is the most commonly used profile for heat
exchangers and other vessels: the two piece metal construction gives extra
rigidity which allows for large diameters; may be manufactured in various
shapes and dimensions; also the profile with centring ring MPL® 23 Z.
SPETOMET® SPETOMET® MPL® 23 I gasket has additional metal part inside the
MPL® 23 I filler stabilizing the profile (prevents excessive, transverse deformation
of the gasket); the metal inside inreases gasket’s strength, by improving
its resistance to stress; thickness above 3,2 mm is recommended for this
profile in order to apply the metal part; this is a proper solution also for the
gaskets with the desired end thickness.
corrUGateD &
JacketeD seals
spetomet® mpl®
Designation Sketch Description
SPETOMET® SPETOMET® MPL® 26 gasket in the corrugated metal jacket; it has better
MPL® 26 conformability due to reduced contact area (corrugations), recommended
for gasket’s width over 13 mm.
Materials available
For wide range of materials available please look into “Common Used Materials”
SPETORING® SPETORING® RTJ (octagonal) gaskets have been widely used mainly
RTJ in oil and gas industry; they are manufactured from steel (special alloys
OCTAGONAL on request) and installed in special flange arrangement; at present only
trapezoidal arrangement is applied for octagonal RTJ-R gaskets; RTJ-R
gaskets have total blowout resistance, its design provides two sealing
barriers, therefore they do not fail in very dangerous installatios; in
special styles available also as a plug, wiht centring ring, galvanized;
manufactured almost exclusivily in dimension standards according to
NPS 36, non standard up to 3000 mm.
SPETORING® SPETORING® RTJ-BX gaskets are engineered for the highest pressure
RTJ-BX ratings up to 20.000 psi; it is a solution requiring special facing
arrangement; blowout resistant, opening in the axial direction has the
function of balancing the pressure loads in the situation when the inner
sealing barrier is not tight; the gasket manufactured only in dimension
standards to NPS 30.
SPETORING® Beside the standard RTJ seals we provide RTJ oval or octagonal, RX and
RTJ-BLIND BX profiles as blind rings. Shape of the rings is similar to seals which they
replace, but commonly they are equipped with a plate which facilitate
installation for maintenance service and also enable to include any
necessary information of basic data of the connection.
Materials available
For wide range of materials available please look into “Common Used Materials”
leNs Gaskets
spetoriNG® leNs
Designation Sketch Description
SPETORING® Most popular Lens Gasket being nowadays installed are manufactured
LENS 2696 to well known standard DIN 2696 which describes Lens Gaskets from
DN 10 PN 63 up to DN300 PN 400.
Beside DIN 2696 standard there are many like ‘Company Specifications’
(or ‘National Standards’ or ‘Branch Standards’) which describe in details
particular shapes and details of lens forecasted especially to any Company
(or Country or Branch). All these particular construction are covered by
Spetech production program.
SPETORING® Another two ideas meet widely in lens gaskets area are: galvanization of
LENS lens seals (which mainly aims are to improve tightness of the connection
SPECIAL and/ or decrease roughness (smoothness) of the flange contacting areas
STANDARD and providing blind or spectacle-type blind lens seals (used for special
purposes like emergency, maintenance or any other).
Lens Gaskets described above which are manufactured to many
different standards are in practice forecasted to various standard pipeline
connections. Spetech is manufacturing also customized lens gaskets with
maximum size of 3000mm. Such special constructions are producing acc.
to special customers specifications, drawings, and other data.
The main equipment where these seals are applied are pressure vessels (heat exchang-
ers, thermal reactors, chemical apparatus, etc). Other group of applications are pipe-
lines which, however, request less sophisticated Weld Rings constructions normally.
Starting from 2010 all the Spetech Weld Rings with ‘seal to flange’ seam weld from out-
side are possible to be installed for application with bars (partitions). This fact should
make the Weld Rings Seals even more popular solution for ‘trouble making’ joints.
SPETECH Weld Ring seals are manufactured to fit to EN, ASME, DIN, GOST, JIS, WN,
OST or any other standards flanges. Commonly they are individually designed accord-
ing to customer constructions and specifications.
SPETECH is supplying Weld Ring seals in diameter up to 6000mm. “One piece” seam-
less construction of the rings should be available for most of requests. Gasket materials
are generally recommended to be the same or similar to the pipe or flange materials
but all the times the Spicification settlement is the priority.
The most popular materials for SPETORING RM including Nickel based alloys, Vessel
steel grades, Stainless Steel and many others are shown in ‘Common Used Materials’
table. Any other material on request.
Materials available
For wide range of materials available please look into “Common Used Materials”
SPETORING® SPETORING® R-M 1 is a basic solution for application where the space
R-M 1 between flanges is limited. Widely met as per DIN 2695 standard 4mm
thick rings. Easiest solution either concerning material consumption and
manufacturing cost.
Inside weld seams are the only available option (errors on inside joint
welding are difficult to repair). Any customised dimensions also available.
Rewelding: can be re-welded up to 5 times, material loss ~3mm each.
Radial compensation up to 0.3mm.
SPETORING® This solution is technically based on idea similar to what is in RM-1 case
R-M 2 but both outside weld seams/ inside weld seams option is available which
facilitate installation.
Customised construction of SPETORING® R-M 2 are available – starting
from this profile all profiles with outside weld seam can be deliver with
partitions. Rewelding up to 5times (3mm each loss).
Please not the radial compensation is only like 0.1mm.
SPETORING® First of hollow lip weld-ring seals solution. It performs more thermal and
R-M 3 pressure shock resistance compare to RM-1 and RM-2. But the ‘membrane’
effect is yet not that visible as the hollow lip small dimensions. Customize
cross-sections and partitions available.
Outside weld seams available but as all this construction is strongly
determined by existing limitations (not enough space between flanges for
RM-5 and existing redial movements of the joint deserving the hollow-lip
solution) the access to outside seam is difficult, which effect request of
high performance in welding process.
The SPETORING® R-M 3 is Weld Ring Seal is possible to be installed for
application with bars (partitions).
However re-welding is possible approx. 2-3times. Radial compensation
up to 0.5mm.
SPETORING® Full size hollow lip weld-ring gasket (inside weld seam only available
R-M 4 to flanges). Advanced construction recommended especially for large
diameter joints. SPETORING® R-M 4 is capable to compensate great
axial and radial differential expansions; extremely resistant to thermal and
pressure shocks.
The inside weld seam sometimes is a great advantage as prevent from
crevice corrosion in compare to outside seam solution. If crevice corrosion
is an important issue – than auxiliary inside seal should also be used.
Tipical thickness is 2x15mm (30mm for full seal). Customised cross-
section and diameters are available (which allows to install this adopted/
customized weld ring seal using existing flanges with shapes ready for
other types of seals: spigot recess, delta shape, double cone, etc...).
Rewelding up to 4times (easy to dismantle with 2mm cut-off disc). Radial
compensation up to 5.0mm.
SPETORING® Full size hollow lip weld-ring gasket (outside weld seam possible). Most
R-M 5 advanced construction recommended especially for large flanges and
joints equipped in any partitions requested !
Capable to compensate great an axial and radial differential expansions;
extremely resistant to thermal and pressure shocks.
In SPETORING® R-M 5 customised cross-section and diameters are
available (which allows to install this adopted/ customized weld ring seal
using existing flanges with shapes ready for other types of seals: spigot
recess, delta shape, double cone, etc...). This Weld Ring Seal is possible to
be installed for application with bars (partitions).
Rewelding up to 4times (easy to dismantle with 2mm cut-off disc) can be
re-welded 2 to 4 times.
Radial compensation up to 5.0mm.
SPETORING® SPETORING® R-B convex style seals different than others seals described
R-B in this section are widely installed in the standard flanges. Due to the metal
Convex – metal contact between the convex surface of the gasket and the flange
face the tightness of the joint is very high, gasket is resitance to blowout,
chemical attack and fire-safe. Additionally convex gasket geometry in
the same moment ensures very long service life time and protects flange
face from being damaged. The rule is that the SPETORING® R-B convex
gaskets should be produced from material softer than flange faces and
in the in special cases you can use galvanic coating or layers (silver,
aluminium) to achieve this. Convex seals are manufactured in accordance
with many dimension standards beside popular international (ASME, EN,
JIS, GOST, etc most popular are DIN 7603 form D for union fittings and
DIN 837 for pressure gauges and associated valves).
SPETOACTIV® This special self energized metal seal is the only existing self energized
R-K metal seal that request no groove in the flange. It is a combination of self
Self energized energized v-ring with centering ring which works also as supporting (anti
metal seal collapsing) ring. Thanks to the SPETOACTIV® R-K supporting ring this
seal might be used on flat flanges with no need to have time and efforts
taking groove machining operation, which should make Self-Energized
Seals an optional solution for most of trouble making applications.
SPETORING® Called also as wire ring. This seals is capable to work in a very high
R-O solid load stress, provide good performance in high pressure environment, can
be used to seal three or more surfaces in one moment. Since there are
no standards for SPETORING® R-O this king of seal they are always
manufactured basing on customer specific demand (material, size, cross-
SPETORING® SPETORING® RTJ transition rings are used for sealing ring type joints in
RTJ which the flanges have different ring groove diameters or even for jointing
Transition two flangesd being totally different style (flange with grove with flat flange
rings style).
SPETORING® R-S SPETORING® R-S Double Cone Seals are provided commonly to
Double Cone Seal highest duty pressure vessels equipment (mostly in chemical processing
industry). Typical working pressure 50-350 bars and typical temperature
up to 400°C, diameter between 500 to 3000mm. They are self-energized
gasket which construction details need to be designed essentially by the
device designers. Although they look similar to octagonal RTJ the rule of
sealing effect ot the joint is different than RTJ.
How it works? After being acted by internal pressure, double cone
seal expands outward and the contact pressure between gasket and
flange increases substancially. Normally at the conical surfaces of the
SPETORING® R-S Double Cone Seal layers of soft metal are installed
– mostly silver, soft iron, aluminium or cooper with thicknes of 0,5÷1mm.
To increase friction conical surfaces of gasket (which contact with
flange surfaces) are often additionally machined: either with 2-5 groovs
(0,5÷1mm deep) or given convex shape.
Please note that during fitting the radial gap of 0,05mm for every 100mm of
diameter of non-assembled seal should be precisely controlled and at the
cylindrical, supporting surface of cover should be machined longitudinal
grooves; Hence internal pressure act on the cylindrical internal surface of
the gasket.
SPETORING® R-D SPETORING® R-D Delta Seal is used for pressure vessel covers. It
Delta Seal requires a special flange construction with triangular grooves. How it
works? The total depth of grooves is a little bit lower than the hight of
gasket in the non-installed state. When tighten up the bolts, the cover
gently approaches to the shell flange. After starting the pressure the delta
seal bends cross section and contacts linearly in bottoms of grove under
high contact pressure. As being acted by internal pressure the delta seal
bends even more outwards, and the conical surface of seal tightly contacts
the conical surfaces on seal grooves. Please note the high machining
accuracy and high precision of any surfaces of SPETORING® R-D Delta
style joints are required!
Also the edges of the delta seal can imprint bottoms of grooves, so - after
diassambling -machining of grooves and – probably – new gasket with
new (increased) hight will be required.
Application range of delta seal is up to 2000mm of diameter temperature
mostly lower than 400°C and pressure lower than 400 bars.
SPETORING® R-W Bredtschneider Seal is another sulotion used to secure tightness in to self –
Bredtschneider Seal tightening covers. The construction of seat for this kind of seal is very special
(wedge seal) and need perfect geometry of conical contact surface both: at cover and shell.
For positioning and blocking of gasket special segment ring is needed.
The pretightening force of bolt (must be strain bolts in cover and in
segmented ring) is very low. The sealing action is coming from internal
pressure acting on cover. This working (medium) pressure is multiplicated
into contact pressure of SPETORING® R-W in two ways:
1. because surface of cover is many times smaller than contact surface,
2. because wedge geometry of seal multiply axial force into radial contact force.
Normally Bredtschneider Seal is manufactured from the material softer
than cover and flange material (after installation seal ring is closed almost
“hydraulically” from all sides). Please note disadvantage can be observed,
when material of ring is too soft and extrude in gaps between cover and
shell. In can cause the disassambly difficulties.
Good sealing properties can be kept even when the temperature and
pressure fluctuate. The typical application range for Bredtschneider Seal
are: pressure to 400 bars, temperature 350°C and diameter 1300 mm.
In praxis geometry of this kind of seals can vary: cross section may by symmetrical
or not and face surface can be perpendicular to axe of shell or not.
For wide range of materials available please look into “Common Used Materials” table.
Custom styles: In case when the full data is not provided, standard gaskets
• full face gaskets with bolt holes
• metal eyelets from other materials, e.g. Hastelloy or silver
will be produced:
• default standard EN 1514-1 (DN and PN); EN 12560-1
• gaskets with bars and of shapes other than round
• gaskets for plastic flanges
• default normative dimension type IBC
• default thickness: 2 mm up to DN 400 (NPS 16”)
3 mm from DN 450 (NPS 18”)
• for gaskets obeying EN 1514-1, DIN 2690, DIN 2691,
• default PN/CLASS: PN 10-40 up to DN 80
DIN 2692, ISO 7483 please indicate the symbol,
PN 16 from DN 100
thickness, DN, PN, for the EN and ISO standards, please
CLASS 150 for all the NPS
indicate the type (e.g. IBC, FF, TG or SR in case of EN
1514-1), the number of the standard, e.g. SPETOGRAF®
GUS® 31, 2 mm, DN 50 PN 40, IBC, EN 1514-1,
• for gaskets obeying EN 12560-1 please indicate the
name, thickness, DN, CLASS, type, number of the
standard, e.g. SPETOGRAF® GUS® 31, 2 mm,
DN 50 CLASS 150, IBC, EN 12560-1,
• for gaskets obeying ASME 16.21 please indicate the
name, thickness, NPS, CLASS, the number of the
standard, e.g. SPETOGRAF® GUS® 31, 2 mm,
NPS 2” CLASS 150, ASME 16.21,
• please indicate the dimensions or a drawing for non
standard gaskets, and any special requirements, e.g.
“used for oxygen”.
GrapHite Gaskets
series GUs® 30
Designation Sketch Description
SPETOGRAF® The GUS® 33 are destined for cleaning and review holes.
GUS® 33
series gus® 40, gus® 1000
Designation Sketch Description
SPETOGRAF® The SPETOGRAF® GUS® 41 gaskets are preferably used on flat and
GUS® 41 raised flange surfaces due to its increased tightness, blowing resistance,
erosion resistance and resistance against so-called “intoxication” of the
gasket. It is deemed to be high-quality taking into account the above
criteria. The SPETOGRAF® GUS® 43 is used in review hatches, cleaning
holes, etc.
SPETOFLON® Highest quality filled material based on PTFE with special non-organic filler.
FL 300 Highest technically available creeping resistance, high allowable surface
pressure, tightness (TA-Luft), penetration resistance even while using
most penetrating substances, like monomers; SPETOFLON® FL 300 is
distinguished by a wider range of chemical resistance in comparison with
PTFE-based materials filled with glass fibre. It is recommended for oleum.
filled with glass filled with barium sulphate filled with silica
FL 300 J
Custom styles: In case when the full data is not provided, standard gaskets
• other than round, with bars etc.
will be produced:
• full face gaskets with bolt holes
• default standard: EN 1514-1 (DN and PN); EN 12560-1 (DN/NPS and CLASS)
• gaskets with the core other than corrugated ring
• default normative dimension type IBC
• gaskets with metal inner and outer edging or made from
• default thickness: 2 mm up to DN 400 (NPS 16”)
sintered PTFE
3 mm from DN 450 (NPS 18”)
• SPETOFLON ® TEX FGR sheets in non-standard sizes.
• default PN/CLASS: PN 10-40 up to DN 80
PN 16 from DN 100
TEX DE layers
CLASS 150 for all the NPS
GORETM GORE™ Series 500 gasket tape helps to achieve greater sealing
SERIES 500 efficiencies with large steel piping and equipment. Unlike sheet gasketing,
it can be quickly formed in place, installs easily, and reduces expensive
material scrap. GORE™ Series 500 gasket tape is the ideal choice
for sealing large diameter flanges. Made from 100% multi-directionally
expanded PTFE, it combines superior sealing performance and efficiency.
Tighter and more creep resistant than other gasketing alternatives, it
also has the advantages of a form-in-place sealing solution. Without
“donut hole” scrap from cutting, it is often more cost effective. Because
it is customized at installation, long lead times are eliminated and gasket
inventories are reduced. Conformable and highly compressible, this tape
forms a very tight seal. Strong multidirectionally expanded PTFE gives
excellent creep resistance for a long-lasting seal that withstands virtually
any chemical process.
GORETM GORE™ Series 600 gasket tape is a form-in-place gasket for glasslined
SERIES 600 equipment that guards against premature gasket failure. Unlike PTFE
envelope gaskets, it will not degrade due to chemical attack, and will
ensure a tight and long-lasting seal. GORE™ Series 600 gasket tape
is the ideal choice for sealing large diameter flanges. Made from 100%
multi-directionally expanded PTFE, the entire gasket is chemically inert.
As a result, the user will not experience the sealing problems associated
with aggressive media or outside environments. This unique gasket tape
conforms to the imperfections common in glass-lined flange surfaces,
while maintaining dimensional stability for superior sealing reliability. This
gasket tape can be installed easily and quickly, yielding initial savings. And
since it minimizes unexpected process upsets, process productivity gains
are also achieved.
GORETM Gore™ Series 800 are gaskets combining the qualities of expanded
SERIES 800 PTFE resistant to medium transfer (diffusion); they are used for flanges
Universal of fixtures made of delicate materials where little assembly stresses are
Pipe Gasket achieved. They assure durable tightness, even in changeable working
conditions of the flange.
SPETOFLON® SPETOFLON® TEX DF is a joint sealant in the form of tape from mono-
TEX DF directionally orientated expanded PTFE, the most common of all “formed
in place” sealing solutions; the sealant has excellent forming characteristics
even to the worn and damaged surfaces, cutting the ends of the tape
using skiving technique is not necessary during the installation; the risk of
relaxation and cold flow is limited due to small thickness of the sealant in
the flange, tape with adhesive strip, available in 9 sizes; sealant considered
necessary for the maintenance services; as an alternative Gore TM DE
joint sealant also available.
SPETOFLON® SPETOFLON® TEX FGR material and gasket manufactured from multi-
TEX FGR directionally expanded PTFE in a proprietary technology; easily formable
material, easy to cut by means of the simplest toos, may be used as a
universal sealing material.
SPETOFLON® SPETOFLON® TEX FGR-H is composed of the core made from sintered
TEX FGR-H PTFE and two layers of SPETOFLON® FGR; such desing reduces active
area of the gasket, therefore it can be installed with low assembly loads,
e.g. in epoxy-fibre composite flanges; due to PTFE core other materials
are not introduced and exposed to the sealed medium; gasket is a very
economical solution and is able to seal irregular flange surfaces.
Custom styles:
• reverse envelope for gaskets exposed to medium acting
on their outer circumference or envelopes protecting
inner and outer part of the insert
• gaskets manufactured as PTFE layers + inner/outer eyelet
made also from PTFE for various shapes of of gaskets
(e.g. eliptical)
• full face gaskets with bolt holes
• gasket with engineered contact surfaces increasing local
• jackets from filled PTFE
• inserts from material in accordance with individual
requirement (any material lor shape)
• gaskets with additional andi-difusion barrier from ePTFE
• gaskets with specially engineered surface of the inner
circumference which minimizes non-active area of the
• gaskets with locating lugs to aid assembly
SPETOFLON® SPETOFLON® FU gaskets have corrugated ring (types with “J” index)
FU GUS® 20 J and two soft layers which allow for very thick constructions (e.g.
10.5mm) accomodating large inequalities (even several milimeters) in the
enamelled flange faces; also in this case the best ageing characteristics,
good recovery, excellent conformability have the gaskets with insterts from
SPETOGRAF® GUS® 20 i SPETOGRAF® GUS® 40 for temperatures
up to 260°C; SPETOTERM® TUI 70 insert has very good conformability
but due to limited recovery it is recommended for lower pressures;
SPETOBAR® BAS® 300 inserts are very good for the service conditions
up to 150°C also when the pressure will change but thei conformability is
worse than SPETOGRAF® GUS® or SPETOTERM® TUI 70; special styles
may have two corrugated rings with a flat steel insert between them, e.g.
FU GUS® 40 JIJ lub FU GUS® 40 JIJZ, index “Z” indicates that metal
element performs the centring function.
SPETOFLON® Gaskets manufactured from soft material of good elasticity and strength
F BAS® 301 characteristics selected for the service temperature, with two layers of PTFE
foil and metal inner eyelet increasing blowout resistance and preventing
chemical degradation of the gasket material by the contained medium
SPETOFLON® and gives erosion resistance in case of graphite inserts; soft material
F GUS® 21 inserts from SPETOBAR® BAS family (recommended BAS® 300) or
SPETOGRAF® GUS® 20 is recommended for lower temperatures and
loads whereas GUS® 40 for more severe service conditions); metal eyelets
from chrome-nickel steel; the construction is an economical alternative to
FU or FY envelope gaskets but applicable only in steel flanges.
SPETOBAR® SPETOBAR® BAS® 300 is a material based on aramid firbres and other
BAS® 300 non-asbestos fillers bonded by mix of high quality elastomers in the
special calendring process; the material has good forming properties,
low permeability, good mechanical properties and withstands high
temperatures; it can be applied as a “universal” sealing solutions within
the range of medium temperature and mechanical loads; material can
work in services with exposure to oxygen; as standard, BAS® 300 has
anti-adhesion surfaces of high coefficient of friction; used in hydraulic,
cooling systems (containing freon and based on water cooling agents),
water solutions, fuels, solvents, de-freezing agents, alkalis.
– in case of hot water or steam installation with load cyclings, SPETOGRAF® gaskets
are recommended.
SPETOBAR® SPETOBAR® BAS® 340 I is the sheet manufactured from the same
BAS® 340 I fibre-elastomeric mix as SPETOBAR® BAS® 340; therefore it has similar
properties as per chemical resistance, resilience, physiological safety,
resistance to ageing etc.; it is, however, equipped with 0.5mm thick, mesh
1.4404 stainless steel reinforcement, this reinforcement increases tensile
strength, resistance to stress and resilience, also makes the gasket more
rigid which is important during the installation;thanks to the reinforcement,
the material can withstand higher pressure and/or temperature loads which
is important in hot water or steam service; also reinforcement does not
have negative influence on permeabilty, due to the special technological
process; BAS® 340 I is used in chemical industry, refineries, power plants,
coke plants, in all places where substantial pressure and temperature loads
occur and where the flange faces are narrow, BAS® 340 I has a non-stick
top and bottom layer of high coefficient of friction; in special version –
when used in components which rotate on te gasket during assembly, a
graphite coating on one or both sides of the gasket is required.
SPETOBAR® SPETOBAR® BAS® 340 R is a sheet made of the same fibre and
BAS® 340 R elastomeric composition as SPETOBAR® BAS® 340; it has internal
reinforcement of zinc-plated carbon steel net which increases its resistance
for tearing, squeezing and cutting.
SPETOTERM® SPETOTERM® TUI 50 is the square braided packing, used to seal the
TUI 50S furnace doors, installations containing melted metals in steel works, fire-
safe zones in the pipelines, thermal dilatations, ship hauls; the packing
SPETOTERM® may be also impregnated with graphite or PTFE; depending on material
TUI 50S75 used the following styles can be distinguished: TUI 50 S glass fibre up to
450°C; TUI 50 S75 high temperature glass fibre up to 750, TUI 50 C
SPETOTERM® ceramic fibre up to 1000°C (1200°C), TUI 50 CR – ceramic fibre with wire
reinforcement up to 1000°C (1200°C); due to ecological consideration,
the sealing is manufactured from special glass fibre S75.
SPETOMET® MWK® 28 / The construction of Spetech Double Sealing Systems is that a more
SPETOGRAF® 10 rigid gasket (having less compressibility) with a high spring rate e.g.
Dryflex or GUS 660 gasket is used for the gasket in the main-load. In
the same construction as the secondary gasket (which is put in the off-
load position) should be used gasket with higher compressibility factor (for
example spiral wound type or pure graphite layers).
How does it work? Function of primary seal is to ensure tightness and
reliability of the connection (it works as classic gasket). Hence secondary
seal is not exposed to high pressure any more and than secondary seal
may be used just to stop any eventual leaks (passing through primary seal
or any welds in monitored area). Being such barrier secondary seal lets to
dispose leaks to leakage measuring devices in aim to provide continuous
control of tightness of the connection. If the rate of leakage rise – this is
the information that something wrong is starting with the gasket / welds
inside monitored area
The selection of Double Sealing System to be used for the gaskets in the
main-load and the off-load may be calculated by Spetech individually to
GUS® 660/ customers request. The aim of this customized calculation is to proof the
SPETOSPIR® S excellent tightness of the joint from one hand and and from the other hand
such calculation let to estimate flange rotation that occurs in the moment
of installing the Double Sealing System and to prevent from bad results
of such rotation.
Baffle Seals
The Baffle Seal is a special kind of fully metal seal. Different from any other
withOUT baffle seal
flange seals described in this catalogue Baffle Seal is a particular seal also
forecasted for pressure vessels (heat-exchangers and others), but different
from other seals located inside the equipment with function of sealing gaps
between of longitudinal edges of the baffles with the inner side of shell.
baffle seal The baffle seal is easy installed onto the longitudinal baffle yet while it
is outside the shell. Thanks to its springy and self clenching construction
customer receive a baffle seal ready to install with no need to use any
special tools, screws, bolts during installation. Just put the Baffle Seal
along the baffle (when it is yet outside the shell) and drive into the shell
of the vessel. Finish.
Lamellae packet Spetech supplies Baffle Seals acc. to length required by final user. The
standard material is grade 316 steel, but many other (see Common Used
Longitudinal baffle
Material table.) may be used. Purely metal construction ensures safe
Lamellae support functioning over a wide temperature range and made Baffle Seal resistant
to long time ageing process.
Heat exchange shell
The lamellae of baffle seal and the lamellae holder are joined together
Transverse baffle by spot-welds, thus forming one unit ready to install being very solid and
having excellent lamellas spring back effect. As standard two sizes of
lamellas holders widths are available 20mm and 30mm. Holders are
available for thickness 4 mm up to 25 mm of the longitudinal baffle
SealS for
plate heat exChanGerS
In some industries instead of Shell & Tube plate type heat exchangers
GLUE STYLE are widely popularized. There major advantage to use plate type heat
exchangers, is that the corrugations in the plates reduces the liquid
turbulence to very limited level and the liquids flow is counter current so
that the heat transfer efficiency is always 3-5 times higher than Shell & Tube
type heat exchangers.
Plate heat exchangers in its structure is composed of a fixed frame, a
movable frame and corrugated plates which are in between the two frames.
Hot liquid and cold liquid go through between the corrugated plates in
turn the areas separated by elastomer paths of seals. Most popular plate
heat exchangers producers are APV, AGC, Alfa Laval, Arsopi, Barriquand,
Cetetherm, Ciat, Cipriani, Fischer, Fiorini, GEA, Hisaka, Mueller, Pasilac,
Reheat, API Schmidt Bretten, Silkeborg, Sondex, Swep, Tranter, Vicarb.
To prevent leaking, a fine elastomer for the gasket is installed around
the plates and big tightening bolts are used to put the plates together.
Construction of the Plate heat exchangers makes the seals a critical part
of this equipment responsible for life-time of all the equipment. Depending
from process medium the gasket must be chemical resistance and/or
temperature resistance. Spetech is providing seals to most existing plate
heat exchangers working in: power industry, oil processing, food and
beverage industry, sugar industry, chemistry, pulp and paper.
Most popular materials used are: NBR, HNBR, EPDM, FPM (different
There are two basic ideas of installing of the seals: Glue Style Gasket and
Clip Style Seals. Clip style gaskets are installed without any adhesive. This
improvement lets fitting of the gasket on the plate just by installing clips into
grooves on the plate. Hence gasket is high resistance against pressure and
enable for a quick and simple replacement.
4 1
1. Moving frame
2. Fixed frame
3. Carring bar
4. Support
5. Guide bar
6. Tightening bolt 5
Self-Energized Seals
spetoactiv® r, p
Service parameters General informations
• for flanges according to AS 1895
• according to American Military Norm USA
MS 9141, MS 9142÷9205, MS 9371÷MS 9376
Materials of SPETOACTIV® P
jacket material min. temperatures°C max. temperatures°C
Materials of SPETOACTIV® R
jacket material available types max. temperatures°C
Self-Energized Seals
spetoactiv® r, p
Designation Sketch Description
SPETOACTIV® SPETOACTIV® R-O gasket (metal o-ring) is applied in very rigid joints
R-O where the requirements for the tightness are high; gaskets may be delivered
in sizes up to 5000 mm; easy to install; may be additionaly coated with
PTFE, silver, lead, which facilitates forming on the flange face; manufactured
as interanlly pressurized and non-pressurized to increase contact stress,
made of various materials and in different dimension standards; may be
used (when the dimensions of the joint arrangement is appropriate) in
installations with external and internal pressure; SPETOACTIV® R-O may
also work in the triangle flange arrangement and seal three surfaces.
SPETOACTIV® SPETOACTIV® R-C gasket (metal C-ring) is one of the most popular self-
R-C energized gaskets manufactured in dimensions up to 3000 mm; used in
uneven flange faces; available in different materials, sizes and with various
coatings; this solution can be applied for service conditions (depending on
the material used) up to 870°C and 170MPa; relatively good resilience;
depending on the load the appropriate construction of the gasket should
be chosen, due to the fact that C-ring’s service depends on the direction
of the pressure; in special styles gaskets may be equipped with the inner
metal spring increasing initial loads and tighness, so that they may be
applied at low pressures.
SPETOACTIV® The SPETOACTIV® R-CS gasket (so-called metal C-ring with a spring)
R-CS is equipped with an internal spring increasing initial pressure, and
consequently the tightness and the possibility to work with low and high
pressure, it has got durable, high flexible recovery.
SPETOACTIV® SPETOACTIV® R-U gasket (metal U-ring) can be applied at low intitial
R-U loads, has good recovery characteristics, ability to compensate for the
uneven and flauty flange faces, so may be installed in the low rigidity
joints; manufactured in many material types up to the diameter of
SPETOACTIV® 1200 mm, usually without the coating; for service conditions up to 870°C
R-UM and 80MPa; like R-C i R-E styles, R-U gaskets care should be taken in
order to choose appropriate construction due to the service requirements.
SPETOACTIV® R-UM solid metal style is also available.
Self-Energized Seals
spetoactiv® r, p
Designation Sketch Description
Standard dimensions:
Qmax (MPa) 500 200* • The GRAFMET® and TRANSFLEX® gaskets are produced according to the
dimension specification of the fixture manufacturers.
Custom styles:
• GRAFMET® 900 styles of other cross sections, such as
square, trapezoid of requested dimensions
960 R
Please note that all the bonnet sealings which are used in valves are working as static application gasket and you can use from various combinations
of seals described in whole this catalogue. Most popular types are: kammprofiles, spiral wound gaskets, pure graphite rings, self energized metal
seals, etc.
soft materials
Please note above data are approximate. Real values may vary depending from raw material source/ material treatment/ batch of material etc. Final values might be
delivered after testing any of above materials in Spetech Sealing Material Testing Centre.
Carbon Steels
Carbon steel 235 S235JRG2 1.0038
Vessel Steel 265 P265GH 1.0425
Fine Carbon Stel 355 P355NL1 1.0566
Soft Iron (e.g. Armco) M2 1.1003
Stainless Steels
Stainless Steel 304 (304H) X5CrNi18-10 1.4301
Stainless Steel 316 X5CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4401 UNS S31600
Stainless Steel 316L X2CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4404 UNS S31603
Stainless Steel 316L UG (Urea Grade) X2CrNiMo18-14-3 1.4435 UNS S31603
Stainless Steel 317L X2CrNiMo18-14-4 1.4438 UNS S31703
Stainless Steel 904L X1NiCrMoCu25-20-5 1.4439 UNS N08904
Stainless Steel 321 (321H) X6CrNiTi18-10 1.4541 UNS S32100
Stainless Steel 347 X6CrNiNb18-10 1.4550 UNS S34700
Stainless Steel 316Ti X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 1.4571 UNS S31635
Heat Resistant Statinles Steel 309 X15CrNiSi20-12 1.4828 UNS S30900
Incoloy 800 (800H) X10NiCrAlTi32-20 1.4876 UNS N08800
Duplex Stainless Steels
Duplex Steel F55 X2CrNiMoCuWN25-7-4 1.4501 UNS S32760
Duplex Steel F53 X2CrNiMoN25-7-4 1.4410 UNS S32750
Duplex Steel F51 (318 LN) X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 1.4462 UNS S31803
Duplex Steel 310Mo LN X2CrNiMoN2522 1.4466 UNS S31050
Steels for pressure vessels
Vessel Steel A 204 16Mo3 1.5415
Vessel Steel F12 13CrMo4-5 1.7335
Vessel Steel F5 12CrMo19-5 1.7362
Vessel Steel F22 10CrMo9-10 1.7380
Nickel based alloys
Nickel 201 Lc-Ni 99 2.4068 UNS N02201
Monel 400 NiCu 30 Fe 2.4360 UNS N04400
Hastelloy B-3 NIMo29Cr 2.4600 UNS N10675
Hastelloy B-4 NIMo29Cr 2.4600 UNS N10629
Hastelloy C-22 NiCr21Mo14W 2.4602 UNS N06022
Hastelloy C-59 NiCr23Mo16Al 2.4605 UNS N06059
Hastelloy C-4 NiMo16Cr16Ti 2.4610 UNS N06455
Hastelloy B-2 ** NiMo28 2.4617 UNS N10665
Inconel 600 NiCr 15 Fe 2.4816 UNS N06600
Hastelloy C-276 NiMo16Cr15W 2.4819 UNS N10276
Inconel 625 NiCr22Mo9Nb 2.4856 UNS N06625
Incoloy 825 NiCr21Mo 2.4858 UNS N08825
Titanium Based Alloys
Titanium Gr.1 Ti 99,8 3.7025 UNS S32760
Titanium Gr.2 Ti 99,7 3.7035 UNS S32750
Silver Ag 0 Ag 99.97 n.a
Zyrconium Zr 702 Zr 99.20 n.a UNS R60702
* hardness HV ** replaced by alloy B-3 *** aprooved for criogenic application
Gaskets for apparatus are frequently requested with bars (called also ribs,
partitions, etc.). Spetech may supply practically all its seals styles (kammpro-
files, spiral-wounds, double jacketed, etc.) equipped with different shape of
bars . To facilitate communication with Spetech representatives please use
below codes to express necessary bars sections.
Product Types
1 2
1 2
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9
Product Types
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
1 2 3 4 5 6
BAS® 340 4400 2,00 20,0b D 2,0b D 26,5 4,0 p 0 1,0 1,4 1,8 – –
BAS® 341 5100 2,85 25,0b D 2,2b D 35,7 5,7 p 0 1,0 1,4 1,8 – –
BAS® 340 I 5100 2,50 25,0b D 2,2b D 35,7 5,0 p 0 1,0 1,4 1,8 – –
BAS® 340 I 5800 2,90 30,0b D 2,2b D 40,8 5,8 p 0 1,0 1,4 1,8 – –
BAS 300
® 3600 2,00 18,0b D 1,4b D 25,5 4,0 p 0 1,0 1,4 1,8 – –
BAS® 370 3600 2,00 18,0b D 1,4b D 25,5 4,0 p 0 1,0 1,4 1,8 – –
BAS® 380 2900 2,00 15,0b D 1,4b D 20,4 4,0 p 0 1,0 1,4 1,8 – –
BAS® 390 2900 2,00 15,0b D 1,4b D 20,4 4,0 p 0 1,0 1,4 1,8 – –
TEX FGR 2800 2,50 24,5b D 2,5b D 19,7 5,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
TEX FGR-R 2800 2,50 24,5b D 2,5b D 19,7 5,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
TEX FGR-H 2800 2,50 24,5b D 2,5b D 19,7 5,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
TEX FGR-F 2100 2,50 18,0b D 2,0b D 13,5 5,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
TEX FGR-J 2100 2,50 18,0b D 2,0b D 13,5 5,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
TEX DF 2500 1,50 22,0b D 1,6b D 18,3 3,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
TEX DE 2600 1,50 19,5b D 1,6b D 17,5 3,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
TEX DR 5000 3,75 30,0b D 3,0b D 35,5 7,5 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
TEX BG 2800 2,50 24,5b D 2,5b D 19,7 5,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
GORETM 300 & 500 series 2800 2,50 24,5b D 2,5b D 19,7 5,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
GORETM 600 series 2800 2,50 24,5b D 2,5b D 19,7 5,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
FL 100 3800 2,75 25,0b D 1,5b D 26,5 5,5 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
FL 160 3800 2,75 25,0b D 1,5b D 26,5 5,5 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
FL 200 3800 2,75 25,0b D 1,5b D 26,5 5,5 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
FL 300 4000 2,50 27,0b D 1,3b D 30,0 5,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
FL 160, FL 200 J,
2700 2,50 18,0b D 1,3b D 20,0 5,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
FL 300 J
FU BAS 300
3900 2,00 25,0b D 1,1b D 27,4 4,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
(FY BAS® 300)
FU BAS® 300 J
3900 1,80 25,0b D 1,1b D 27,4 3,6 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
(FY BAS® 300 J)
FU BAS® 340
3900 2,07 25,0b D 1,1b D 27,4 4,1 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
(FY BAS® 340)
FU BAS® 340 J
3900 1,80 25,0b D 1,1b D 27,4 3,6 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
(FY BAS® 340 J)
FU GUS® 10
3900 2,00 25,0b D 1,1b D 27,4 4,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
(FY BAS® 10)
FU GUS® 20
3900 2,00 25,0b D 1,1b D 27,4 4,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
(FY BAS® 20)
FU GUS® 40
3900 2,00 25,0b D 1,1b D 27,4 4,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
(FY BAS® 40)
FU GUS® 10 J,
FU GUS® 20 J, 3900 1,50 25,0b D 1,1b D 27,4 3,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
FU GUS® 40 J,
FU MWK® 50 3100 2,75 20,0b D 1,2b D 21,4 5,5 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 – –
FU MPL® 12 2100 2,50 18,0b D 2,0b D 13,5 5,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
F BAS® 301 4400 2,00 25,0b D 1,3b D 30,1 4,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
F BAS® 341 4400 2,10 25,0b D 1,5b D 30,6 4,1 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
F BAS® 381 4400 2,00 25,0b D 1,3b D 30,1 4,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
F GUS® 21 4400 2,00 25,0b D 1,3b D 30,1 4,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
F GUS® 41 4400 2,00 25,0b D 1,3b D 30,1 4,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
GUS 10
® 2600 2,00 10,0b D 2,0b D 18,3 4,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
GUS® 10 I, GUS® 10 IZ 4400 2,00 15,0b D 2,0b D 30,9 4,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
GUS 20
® 2500 2,52 7,0b D 2,0b D 17,5 5,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
GUS® 301 2600 2,54 16,0b D 2,2b D 18,3 5,1 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
GUS 31 , GUS 32 ,
® 1 ® 1
2600 2,08 15,0b D 2,0b D 18,3 4,2 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
GUS® 32 Z1, GUS® 331
GUS® 30 I1,
4400 2,00 30,0b D 2,2b D 20,4 4,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
GUS® 30 IZ1
GUS® 31 I1,
GUS® 31 IZ1, 2200 3,51 20,0b D 2,2b D 15,3 5,5 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
GUS® 31 J1
GUS® 40 2900 2,00 30,0b D 1,5b D 20,4 4,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
GUS® 41, GUS® 42,
2300 1,78 15,0b D 2,0b D 16,2 3,6 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
GUS® 43
GUS® 41 I, GUS® 41 IZ 2900 2,00 30,0b D 1,5b D 20,4 4,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
GUS® 50 3000 4,78 30,0b D 2,5b D 21,1 4,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
GUS® 6602,
GUS® 660 Z1,
3000 1,50 30,0b D 1,2b D 20,0 3,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
GUS® 6661,
GUS® 666 Z1
GUS® 6701,
GUS® 670 I1,
4400 2,90 45,0b D 2,2b D 30,9 5,8 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
GUS® 670 IZ1,
GUS® 6801
GUS® 910,
GUS® 920,
7300 3,20 30,0b D 1,6b D 51,0 6,4 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
GUS® 920 I,
GUS® 922
GUS® 960,
GUS® 960 I,
GUS® 970, 4400 2,90 45,0b D 2,2b D 30,9 5,8 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
GUS® 970 I,
GUS® 972
the same parameters should also be used with additional “W” designation, e.g. GUS® 31W
for calculations, the width of the graphite layer insted of metal face should be used.
graphite 2200 3,50 15,0b D 1,1b D 15,3 7,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
the sealing layer
PTFE 2900 3,50 20,0b D 1,1b D 20,4 7,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 – –
depending on
MWK® 010 to
MWK® 0282 aluminium 5500 3,50 50,0b D 1,1b D 38,8 7,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
silver 10 200 3,50 100b D 1,1b D 71,4 7,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
graphite 2400 2,75 15,0b D 1,1b D 16,5 5,5 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
the sealing layer
PTFE 3100 3,50 20,0b D 1,1b D 21,4 5,5 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 – –
depending on
MWK® 050 to
MWK® 0652 aluminium 5500 2,75 50,0b D 1,1b D 38,8 5,5 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
silver 10 200 2,75 100b D 1,1b D 71,4 5,5 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
graphite 2200 2,50 15,0b D 1,1b D 15,3 5,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
the sealing layer
PTFE 2900 3,00 20,0b D 1,1b D 20,4 5,5 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 – –
depending on
aluminium 5500 2,75 50,0b D 1,1b D 38,8 5,5 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
silver 10 200 2,75 100b D 1,1b D 71,4 5,5 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
depending on
graphite 4700 1,94 45,0b D 1,3b D 33,1 3,9 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
the filler
PTFE 5100 2,50 50,0b D 1,3b D 35,7 5,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 – –
graphite 2600 6,00 15,0b D 1,2b D 18,7 12,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
the sealing
MPL® 10
PTFE 3900 6,00 20,0b D 1,2b D 27,4 2,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
MPL 11
parameters are included in the tables of revelant standard
MPL® 12 graphite, PTFE 2600 2,00 15,0b D 1,0b D 18,8 4,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
graphite 2100 2,00 10,0b D 1,0b D 14,3 4,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
the sealing
MPL® 121
PTFE 2100 2,50 18,0b D 2,0b D 13,5 5,0 p 0 1,1 1,8 2,6 – –
20, aluminium 4400 2,80 40,0b D 1,6b D 31,0 5,6 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
MPL® 21,
MPL® 23, copper, brass 5200 2,80 50,0b D 1,6b D 36,5 5,6 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
depending on
MPL® 24,
the jacket
MPL® 23 I, iron, soft iron 6100 3,00 60,0b D 1,6b D 42,7 6,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
MPL® 30,
MPL® 31 stainless steel 8100 3,20 80,0b D 1,6b D 57,1 6,4 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
aluminium 4400 2,80 40,0b D 1,6b D 31,0 5,6 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
MPL 26, copper, brass 5200 2,80 50,0b D 1,6b D 36,5 5,6 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
depending on
MPL® 29
the jacket
iron, soft iron 6100 3,00 60,0b D 1,6b D 42,7 6,0 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
stainless steel 8100 3,20 80,0b D 1,6b D 57,1 6,4 p 0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2
width of the sealing area of the metal gaskets without soft sealing layers depends on the number of grooves
width of the sealing area of the metal gaskets with PTFE or graphite sealing layers should be calculated with regards to their gasket’s width
not the number of grooves
SPETOSPIR® Standard gaskets always have graphite as the filler
Tools Specific tools are required for cleaning and tensioning the fasteners. Additionally, always
use standard safety equipment and follow good safety practices. Acquire the following
Required equipment prior to installation:
– Calibrated torque wrench, hydraulic or other tensioner
– Wire brush (brass if possible)
– Helmet
– Safety goggles
– Lubricant
– Other plants – specified equipment
Clean and • Remove all foreign material and debris from the seating surfaces, fasteners (bolts or studs),
nuts, and washers. Use plant-specified dust control procedures.
examine • Examine fasteners (bolts or studs), nuts, and washers for defects such as burrs or cracks.
• Examine flange surfaces for warping, radial scores, heavy tool marks, or anything prohibiting
proper gasket seating.
• Replace components if found to be defective. If in doubt, seek advice.
Align • Align flange faces and bolt holes without using excessive force.
• Report any misalignment.
Install •
Assure gasket is the specified size and material.
Examine the gasket to ensure it is free of defects.
packing • Carefully insert gasket between flanges.
• Make sure the gasket is centered between the flanges.
• Do not use jointing compounds or release agents on the gasket or seating surfaces unless
specified by the gasket manufacturer.
• Bring flanges together, ensuring the gasket isn’t pinched or damaged.
Install and tighten bolts • Always use proper tools: calibrated torque wrench or other controlled tensioning device.
• Consult your gasket manufacturer and/or engineering department for guidance on torque
• Always torque nuts in a cross bolt tightening pattern.
• Tighten the nuts in multiple steps:
Step 1 – Tighten all nuts initially by hand. (Larger bolts may require a small hand wrench.)
Step 2 – Torque each nut to approximately 30% of full torque.
Step 3 – Torque the nuts to approximately 60% of full torque.
Step 4 – Torque each nut to full torque, again using the cross bolt tightening pattern.
(Large-diameter flanges may require additional tightening passes.)
Step 5 – Apply at least one final full torque to all nuts in a clockwise direction until all torque
is uniform. (Large-diameter flanges may require additional tightening passes.)
Retightening Caution: Consult your gasket manufacturer and/or engineering department for guidance and
recommendations on retightening.
Do not retorque elastomer-based, asbestos-free gaskets after they have been exposed to
elevated temperatures unless otherwise specified.
Retorque fasteners exposed to aggressive thermal cycling.
All retorquing should be performed at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure.