Finding You, Volume 1

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Discover Who

You Are and

Your Why
(Vol. 1)

"Man is a spirit; he
has a soul (comprising
of his mind, emotions,
and intellect), and he
lives in a body."


















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This book is dedicated to my amazing

daughter, Oluwatamilore Olaniyi.

You are the daughter of my dreams!

I love you dearly.


You Series
Enjoy a collection of timeless truths about

who we are, the reason for our being, and the

vantage position we have against the darts and

onslaughts that war against us. Coming from

Olayiwola Olaniyi, who sets out to throw light on

the debilitating world of identity crisis and the

causal constraints. The book is filled with deep

insights and suspense as the author takes you on a

journey from who you really are to several

dimensions of spirituality. Get ready for an

adventurous ride as the book unfolds!

Volume 1


Who Are You?
Discovering You Daily.
You're a spirit; you've a
soul (i.e. your mind,
emotions, and intellect);
you live in a body.

I discovered that we inherently identify ourselves by

comfortable habits whether the habits are good or

bad, thinking that such habits actually define us.

Also, I'm sure you may have heard people say

"that’s just me, I can’t help it," even when they're

doing something really destructive to themselves.

Perhaps, like many, you do the same.

Who are you really? What if, like the Matrix movie

(where the environment, and the world are really

not what they seem), you are fooled by the goings-

on and all you can see or feel. But there's more to

all you can see. If that's true, one can live or have

a higher quality of life and impact on the world by

appreciating the realm of life that's not obvious to

the human senses.

The question is, "Why do many let their habits and

daily lifestyle rule or define them?" "Do we have to

succumb to the wrong habits?" Emphatically NO.

Like seriously, you can effect a permanent U-turn

knowing this: that you do possess the free power of

choice to effect whatever changes you need. No

matter what you think or what has been said to you

all of your life till this moment, please consider

what you are about to read in this book.

You see, YOU can’t just be a mass of flesh that

expires, and then turn to soil or comes back in

another life as a dog, cat or your most favored

pet; neither is your mass of flesh the main source of

your living. Let's take a look at a motor vehicle for

example, no matter what form a vehicle takes (old,

new or battered), you'll find that the engine of that

vehicle is what sets it in motion (by a combination

of several things), and not the body.

Dynamism and style could make a car attractive but

putting it to the test (in terms of movement or

speed) will only be answered by the quality of the

engine under the hood. No engine, bad engine or

engine in poor condition would result in failure of

the movement or speed test.

Here is who YOU are.

You are a combination of spirit, soul, and body -

made in the image of your Creator, whose image is

also three in one, God the Father, God the Son

and, God the Holy Spirit Genesis 1:26 (Amplified).

"Your body is your flesh; so, you are not just your

body. You have a soul - which is mostly you; You

are a spirit being, God's implant intended to guide

your soul." For further in depth reading see:

Prosperity of the Soul by Dr. Albert Odulele

In essence, you are a spirit being, you have a soul

(comprising of your mind, emotions and intellect),

and you live in a body. Please know that your body

is like your shell or covering as explained above in

the example of the car; the soul which is not seen

is tantamount to the engine of the car; and the

spirit is the driver of the car. Do you understand?

Please refer to Genesis 2:7, Galatians 5:16. and 1

Corinthians 15:45-49.

You see, God who designed the first prototype of

you ensured that a manual was written so that you

can function to full capacity whilst also ensuring

discover you
that you can be rejuvenated, strengthened, and

fortified when the darts and onslaughts of life are

thrown at you ferociously. Knowing this, God did

plan that you'll be immovable and triumphant every

time the tests of this present world shows up. This

is why it's important that you ensure that you, i.e.

your soul takes direction from the certified source -

tried, tested and proven, the Holy Spirit.

By implication, you'll surely need to study, learn

about, become more acquainted with, and utilize

this Manual intended to help you function optimally

as you stay vitally connected to it. This manual is

known as the holy Scriptures, i.e. the Word of God.

Apparently, it's the oldest book in the world but it

contains clear information about your future. It’s

the recommended manual for righteous and perfect

living, and you know what else? All of the truths

about YOU is hidden in that Manual. To learn about

who you are, you'd have to engage it daily.

How do we know this to be true? Please refer to

2 Timothy 3:16-17.

The Depth of The Heart
Its State and Capacity
No doubt! The things that
are true about YOU are
hidden in the Scriptures.
So, search and discover!

In today’s world, there are several things said to us

that we easily concur with - not certifying the

source of the information or how much it could

impact our daily lives. Yet, we always seem to

wonder what could be wrong as we seldom ask "Why

this or that are not working as they should"

If you've trusted your heart in the past and you got

hurt - (like most of us may have experienced), it’s

because your heart (i.e. your un-renewed mind)

lacked the ability to make the right decisions.

All of your life, you may have been taught to trust

and follow your heart (i.e. your unrenewed mind)

but in reality is your un-renewed mind can’t be

entirely trusted until it's renewed. Remember that

we said in Chapter 1 that the mind is one of the

composites of the soul.

"The heart (un-renewed mind) is deceitful above all

things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?"

Jeremiah 17 verse 9.

The reason the human heart is deceitful is because

it's un-regenerated and unrenewed; it's in tune with

the gratifications of the flesh and senses. This is

because the issues of life are saved in the heart on

the platform of expressions and emotions (e.g love,

desire or wants). Not all of these issues can lead

your soul to eternity, most are bad examples you

would want to get rid off depending on the

experiences you may have had.

the epicentre
Many may say that we are to trust our hearts; your

heart can’t lie to you or that true love comes from

the heart! Beware of these sayings, believes or

teachings making sure you verify what the Bible

says and take heed to Romans 8:6-7 (Amplified

Bible) as you find the real you.

We ought to be careful about how we trust our

hearts to make decisions for us and also be mindful

of the things we go through in life that seems to

define who we are - because they may lay a wrong

foundation for righteous living.

What should you trust then? The Scriptures a.k.a the

Holy Bible - like we talked about in Chapter 1 is the

only credible material that you can trust as you

feed your heart with its contents. It’s the only

approved manual for righteous living; the things

that are true about YOU are hidden in it.

How do I know this to be true?

See 2 Timothy 3:15-17 (Amplified Bible).

Was It Really Your Choice?
Choose Your Exposures
It's crucial to consider
what you expose your
heart and mind to.

Moving on in this series of discovering the real you,

we have looked at who we really are, encompassing

spirit, soul and body - in the image of our Creator,

God. We have also looked at the heart as a source

of mindful decision making. We will now look at the

build up of your senses, wants, mind, heart desires,

decisions, and your choices.

We thank God for the free will given to us.

However, what exactly educates that free will is the

question we need to ponder on. The reason being

that if what educates our free will is of corrupt

origin, our choices will also be corrupt.

You are far more than the choices you make. In

time past, you may have picked a habit or two, and

the reason for these habits - your character and

behavior is because of what you may have exposed

yourself to. Thankfully, we do have a chance to

make things right - through Jesus Christ.

Romans 12.v: 1 says “I appeal to you, therefore,

brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the

Mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of

your bodies [presenting all your members and

faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted,

consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is

your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and

spiritual worship.)” Amplified Version

As human beings on this earth, our soul (the true

your choices
us that goes back to God after death) easily picks

up things because it feels senses via the body.

You will, therefore find that, a member of your body

such as the eyes may see something that satisfies

the body (i.e. the flesh), though it may push you

further away from the Spirit of God, and destroy

the chance of the soul making Heaven, we still

choose it regardless.

In most of us today, we have lost the control of our

choices due to the lack of control of certain

members of our physical existence (body). This is

due to our worldly ways and manner of life before

the rebirth of the spirit. The problem is, once the

world helps control what you choose or what you

spend time with, then the battle for your choices

were already made for you before you get a chance

to even make the choice.

It then becomes important to look at what informs

your heart or mind and eventually your choices?

Hence, the question, "Did YOU really make that

choice?" "Was that YOUR decision?" "What and who

exactly formed that choice in you?" "Is it a

verifiable choice by God in His word?"

Complicated? Watch out for the next Chapter as we

throw more light into the best tricks played on you

in the past, and be ready to take back control.

We believe that giving your life to Christ and

studying His word through the bible and a good

community of believers will empower you and give

you the necessary tools to begin changing your

ability to make the right choices in life.

You Think You Know?
Consider the Two Gates!
Only the Holy Bible has
your true DNA. Guard
the gates of your eyes
and ears with it!

We have talked about what informs our decision-

making processes and what leads to the build up of

our senses, wants, mind, heart desires, decisions

and finally our choices. We also understand that

even though God gave us the free will to make

choices, the question still is; what informs and

educates our free will?

You think you know? You have no idea. You see, the

best trick played on every living soul residing on

this planet earth is the trick of using our own

powers and ability as a self destructive tool. Have

you imagined fighting against yourself with your

own strength? That will result is an endless self

battle with only one casualty, you! (Think about it).

God gave us the power of choice, and the choice

we make will either build or destroy us. So what you

find is this: if the ability to make the right choice is

taken from you, there is no need to be worried

about the choice you will make. Why? Because the

foundation of your choice making is faulty anyway

hence you can never really make the choice you

should have made in the first place.

Confused? Look at this…

Psalm 11 verse 3 says if the foundations are

destroyed, what can the [unyieldingly] righteous do,

or what has He [the Righteous One]

wrought or accomplished? (AMPLIFIED)

bar the gates
In real terms, your decisions keeps falling short of

an excellent result or you are unable to stop a

habit you know you should stop or perhaps a

lifestyle that you know is going nowhere. It all

starts from two members of your body that you think

you have control over but you actually don’t.

We are talking about the two basic gates to your

soul: the eyes and the ears. Now, your eyes and

ears are yours to control, it’s your choice what you

do with them but can you manage them? Are you

able to control them? The fact is that a lot of us

struggle to control these two members of our body

though we have the ability to, and as long as we

are unable to control these two departments of our

body, then we fight a loosing battle towards

righteousness, and therefore will reap the results of

bad decision-making and sad choices.

Here is why they are important. What you see, you

imitate and what you hear you do (many times).

Combine both of them and you will find that your

choices starts here. Here is the deep part, your

sight and ears help determine your feelings and

senses and with the help of other members of your

body, they create sensations such as touch,

feelings, satisfactions, desires etc. (All these are

usually not noticeable but are in the subconscious)

What should control your sight and ears? The

Scriptures, i.e. the Holy Bible, it’s the only book

that has your true DNA. Renew your mind with it.

Read more on Gates of the Soul, next.

Gates To The Soul
Why Mount a Guard?
Take charge of your
gates (i.e. your eyes and
ears) as you focus on
discovering the real you.

So, from the previous topic you think you know?, we

identified two main gates to our soul (i.e. the eyes

and ears) through which we are continually fed with

information that is either good or bad.

In my opinion, we should accept the fact that what

we see and what we choose to listen to is beyond

our control hence the best trick played on us yet is

our lack of control of these two gates.

From childhood, colorful things were used to get

our attention. And as we grow older, we are

continually controlled by what we see - which has a

powerful effect on other members of our bodies like

our hearing, touch etc.

Ever wondered why advertising is in existence? Yes

you may say it was made for us to strengthen our

decisions in purchasing a product or service but

does it stop there? NO!

Also, it forms our way of life, it makes our choices

by giving us options and eliminating other options

that may have not been advertised in an enticing

manner as others may have done.

This same method is used to entice us into what will

make us less of who our Creator made us to be.

Thank God for the power of choice once again, but

once any unedifying media captures the sight,

then that gift of choice becomes thwarted before

we even make the choice. Hence…

Psalm 101 verses 3 says "I will set before my

eyes no vile thing. The deeds of faithless men I

hate; they will not cling to me. Morally bad or

wrong; “evil purposes”; “an evil influence”; “evil

deeds” indecent and common in nature (NIV).


Amplified Version says "I will set no base or wicked

thing before my eyes. I hate the work of them who

turn aside [from the right path]; it shall not grasp

hold of me."

The thing is when the battle of control over your

sight is lost, you continually make wrong choices

according to what you have lived by or known for

years and these behaviors, good or bad, that result

from the choices eventually become you.

Jesus said in Matthew 6:22-23 “The eye is the

lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole

body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad,

your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the

light within you is darkness, how great is that


Created as the "light of the world" is a mega plus

for us. However, when the darkness of this world via

entertainment, media and other things we should

not be allowing into our soul gets through, what

then happens to the whole body? I’ll tell you what

happens. Decisions are made in error; and choices

miss targets by huge margins, all due to the fact

that the source of the choices were wrong in the

first place. Hence, the bible once again says if the

foundation is faulty, what can the righteous do?

(See previous topic You think you know?)

Why not use every resource available to you in this

the two gates
battle to take charge of your gates (eyes and ears)

as you focus on discovering the real you - as

created by God.

Trying to kick a habit? We will gladly walk with you

through any challenge if you let us. Please send us

an email via [email protected]

I'Ve Got The Power
Using Your Mouth Right!
What you listen to, you
will speak, and what you
speak, you will become.

Knowing that we are empowered to actualize life

and death in all stages of our lives, one question

still remains - which is "Why are some things still

not working?" Better still, "Why does it appear that

some things seem dead?

To grasp the reasons, you will have to go through

the entire series as each Chapter deals with a

particular weakness not obviously known, but

seriously damaging the existence of the real you.

Looking at the next gate to our soul, we find an

almost immediate manifestation of our lack of

control of it. We are talking about our hearing!

Fact is, what you listen to (hear) is pretty much

what you speak, what you speak is what you

experience and what you experience well, kind of

becomes your life.

So, what are you saying?

Proverbs 18 verse 21 Death and life are in the

power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it

shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life].


You see, the reason brain washing works is because

what we, as human beings listen to sends a

message to our soul, settles there and waits for an

execution order from our speech, since the mind (a

decision making part of our soul) feeds the mouth

what to say, then this is a no brainer.

your words
Once the execution order goes off, the deal is

done! We engage in a sequence we don’t even know

exists. We need to be aware of the things we listen

to, and make sure we check the content and the

source. It’s pretty much a case of junk in, and junk

out. In essence, what you put in is what you get

out. For us, this junk ends up destroying our entire

being - emotionally, physically and spiritually

without even realizing it.

You know, the ears only listen and the mouth

speaks what the ear hears. What you listen to, you

will speak and what you speak……you become.

1 Peter 2:11 Beloved, I implore you as aliens and

strangers and exiles [in this world] to abstain from

the sensual urges (the evil desires, the passions of

the flesh, your lower nature) that wage war agains

the soul (Amplified Bible).

Re-establish Your Power of Authority


We believe giving your life to Christ and studying

His Word through the Bible, and equipping yourself

with a good community of believers will empower

you whilst giving you the necessary tools to begin

changing your ability to make the right choices in


The Change Process
Be Transformed!
Mind renewal means
change, and change must
represent what is true.


We must! Until we know the

truth, we will never really know.

Thus far, we trust this book has brought some light

into areas you have never really bothered to seek

knowledge about and we pray these series keeps

you spiritually informed. It is now paramount to

take stock and start the process of change.

Romans 12:2 (Amplified) 2 Do not be conformed to

this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted

to its external, superficial customs], but be

transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of

your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude],

so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the

good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even

the thing which is good and acceptable and

perfect [in His sight for you].

You see, mind renewal means change, ensuring that

the change represent what is true, what is written

and living according to the written truth.

This is why we are to study the Bible. Otherwise

what is true and written will elude us. Renewal of

mind brings you to a state of awareness of the

things of this world that are contrary to the Bible

and seeking grace, strength and power from God

not to get lost (lust) in them.

We are encouraged to be doers of the Word and not

just hearers or in this case, readers of it. The

importance of what we choose to let our eyes see,

our ears hear and what we in turn speak brings life

or death to us which is why we need to ensure we

are clear of the source of our conformity so it

points to eternal living with Christ elevating our

body, spirit and soul.

Building Spiritually
Your Top Priority
The more you exercise
and feed your spirit, the
more attentive you are
to spiritual things.

You know how you meet a new person and start

building relationship with them, right? Constantly

calling and sharing ideas, common interests etc?

How about your body upkeep? How much care would

you say you give your body? Do you spend time and

money to look good via the gym?

Just as you do all these things daily, weekly and

yearly, so you should build up your spirit. When you

do this, you are better equipped to make decisions

led by the Spirit of God, and not according to the

way of this world.

1 Timothy 4:7-8 | 7 "But reject profane and old

wives fables, and exercise yourself towards

godliness. 8 For bodily exercise profits a little, but

godliness is profitable for all things, having

promise of the life that now is and of that which is

to come."

The weakest link among us have no idea of the life

that is to come because they are quite conformed

to this world and are unable to walk in the renewal

of mind the Bible teaches. But this world WILL end

and so will our bodies on this earth (in this world).

Hence anyone who doesn’t practice spiritual

building which is our best source of godliness

(righteous living) will lack profit in all things and

will be lost to what the Gifts of the Spirit are.

how to grow
Further Readings: 1 Corinthians 2:14-15, 1

Corinthians 15:35-58 and Romans 8:5-11.

While Chapters 1 through to 7 teaches practical

implementation of godliness by helping to educate

us in our lives daily and the choices we make, there

is also a spiritual building that goes with this and

it’s an outfit we should wear always.

Yes an outfit! We need to wear the outfit so that

we are able to stand up against spiritual bullying

used by the world to trick us, take charge of

situations that should not ground us to a standstill,

destroy all manner of negative stronghold and live

in this world as the light we created to be.

Be expectant in the next Chapter as we highlight

directions on what this outfit should really look like.

The outfit will further strengthen your battle to take

charge of the gates to your soul and bring your real

self to life. Once we are done with our

outfit, we will get to know the Spirit and then see

what the Gifts of our Spiritual Building are.

The more you exercise and feed your spirit, the

more you are attentive to spiritual things, and give

less focus to the things of this world. This helps

your light to shine even brighter and brighter.

Your Outfit
The Dressing Needed!
Withstanding the evil day
does demand that you
take up the whole armor.

Ephesians 6 V 10-12 Finally, my brethren, be strong

in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on

the whole armor of God that you may be able to

stand against the wiles (craft or deceit) of

the devil 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and

blood, but against principalities, against powers,

against the rulers of the darkness of this age,

against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the

heavenly places.

I have come to realize the importance of what the

Scriptures says in Ephesians 6 verse 12 that “For we

do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against

principalities, against powers, against the rulers of

the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of

wickedness in heavenly places”. This does not only

mean the obvious gory demonic attacks we've

consistently been told about. This, in the world

today is directly focused on subtle attacks even

though they go skin deep in "destroying the person"

that God created us to be.

The wiles (i.e. craft or deceit) of the devil secretly

settling in such things has the ability to control the

gates to our soul via media, entertainment, total

love of self (2 Timothy 3:1-6), lack of awareness of

the soul and eternity etc. For if we were aware, we

would look at eternity and not just the present.

Hence, this Chapter is meant to equip you to fight

back using the Word of God. Such subtle attacks

are things we dealt with in the first 6 chapters

showing that if the foundation can be thwarted

then the battle against spiritual wickedness is lost.

Ephesians 6 verse 13 "Therefore, take up the whole

armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in

the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with

truth, having put on the breastplate of

righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with

the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above

all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be

able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked

one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the

sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18

praying always with all prayer and supplication in

the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all

perseverance and supplication for all the saints."

Evidently, our outfit and/or armory does consist of:

Truth, The Breastplate of Righteousness, The Gospel

of Peace, The Shield of Faith, The Helmet of

Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit.

What does this mean? Please find out as we delve

deeper in this chapter below:


Ephesians 6:14 tells us "Stand therefore, having

girded your waist with Truth." Remember the Bible

says the Truth shall set you free (John 8:32).

So, what does Truth mean? Is it based on what the

world and its systems teach? Can Truth be defined

by man's ideologies and philosophies?

Most things in life does start with individuals like

you and I. Depending on what or who is inspiring

and/or motivating the individual, the "truth" may

mean different things. What's the "Truth" then?

Apparently, it's crucial that one understands and

arms oneself with what the scripture says Truth is -

which invariably represents a standard by which all

things are measured by. In reference to John 17

verse 17, it's written "Sanctify them by thy Truth, thy

Word is Truth."

The wisdom of this world is not the truth in most

cases and the ruler of this world intends it to be so.

Why? It’s simple really, because if your basis of

truth is false then you will end up ridiculed when

the TRUTH turns up because your truth is based on

lies of falsehood. The economy of the world today

seems to confirm this fact because the men of this

world have lead governments and economies based

on their human reasoning, devoid of Truth, which

we've shown above as the Word of God.

Learn more from the evidence presented by an

American research organization (Barna Group: A
Biblical Worldview has a Radical Effect on a
Person's Life).

Before corruption or falsehood became global, it

started from an individual. Hence, we need to

protect ourselves by searching out exactly what's

true every time we are presented with what could

be called the truth - whether at work, church,

personal life, hospital and all facets of life. 

The Truth of God's Word will always set you free.

Please don’t buy into the ways and understandings

of this world - because as a Child of God, you are

not of this world. We're indeed expected to guard

ourselves with the Truth as we examine all we do

using the Scriptures. It's therefore, futile to make a

private interpretation of the Truth for selfish

intents - that automatically makes such move false

and a lie. Don’t encourage lies nor allow it to be

part of your build up because it’s not.

In John 8:44, it says that "You are of your father,

the devil, and it is your will to practice the lusts

and gratify the desires [which are characteristic]

of your father. He was a murderer from the very

beginning and does not stand in the Truth, because

there is no Truth in him. Whenever he speaks a

falsehood, he speaks what is natural to him, for he

is a liar [himself] and the father of lies and of all

that is false." A practical way to girdle yourself

with the Truth is to present the Truth (i.e. God's

Word) always.

At times it may seem that certain situations will

happen so fast in your early and young walk with

God that may pour out a lie out of your lips before

you even think of taking control. There is no shame

in correcting yourself right immediately by saying,

"ho sorry, I just gave you false information there."

In addition, it's important that you meditate on the

Word of God always. The Bible tells us in John 3:21

"But he who practices Truth [who does what is

right] comes out into the Light; so that his works

may be plainly shown to be what they are–wrought

with God [divinely prompted, done with God's help,

in dependence upon Him]" (Amplified Version).


"Having put on the breastplate of righteousness

(Ephesians 6:14)."

As we continue to learn about who we really are,

we begin to understand that the need to wear our

spiritual armour and/or outfit is required to walk in

absolute victory in this world. Otherwise, we may

conform to the ways of this world without knowing

it. The awakening of our spiritual self is therefore

very important to uphold our true identity - lest the

world gives us an identity that is not ours.

Knowing that our winning in this world requires a

firm grounding in the absolute Truth of God's Word

dress right!
(i.e. the Holy Bible), our defense continues to build

up with the breastplate of righteousness.

"But we belong to the day; therefore, let us be

sober and put on the breastplate (corset) of faith

and love (1 Thessalonians 5 verse 8).

If you read 1 Thessalonians 5 verses 1 through to 28

preferably using the Amplified Bible, you will get a

better understanding of the above scripture.

You see, there is no righteousness without the

death and resurrection of Jesus, and there will be

no atonement of sin either. We are of the day, not

the night and this can only happen by FAITH and

the practice of LOVE. See 2 Corinthians 5:21

(Amplified Bible), Hebrews 9:14, Hebrews 10:22.

Simply put, righteousness cannot be achieved by

just obeying the laws and instructions only.

Philippians 3 verse 9 (Amplified Bible) shows us that

only by the saving faith in Jesus can we attain

righteous living.

A practical way to always wear the breastplate of

righteousness is to confess our faith in Christ Jesus.

Always declaring that we are covered by His

righteousness, and not ours and there for NO enemy

can get through our gates. We can always

maintain the breastplate of righteousness by living

according to God’s instructions for our daily lives -

as shown in this book, and most importantly from

the Bible, exemplary lives, and sound counsel. See

Romans 6:19 and Romans 8:11,13.

We must also live in love as a practice, because

love as the Apostle Paul explained in 1 Corinthians

13:4-8 never fails. Love provides our breastplate

with protection, trust, hope and perseverance; they

make the breastplate of faith stay together and

protect our survival in this world.


Now that you can stand [hold your ground], having

tightened the belt of truth around you and having

put on the breastplate of integrity and of moral

rectitude and right standing with God, we move on

to the next item in our outfit and/or armoury for

complete victory in our daily lives.

The Amplified Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:14. "And

having shod your feet in preparation [to face the

enemy with the [a] firm-footed stability, the

promptness, and the readiness [b] produced by the

good news] of the Gospel of Peace."

Shod (wear) on you the preparation of the Gospel

of peace, the good news. Can you imagine walking

everywhere without shoes? Imagine discharging

your daily activities outside as well as inside the

comfort of your home - without shoes? The thought

of it is worrying, I am sure you agree.

The weather will be the first to bite and other pain

will be expected to set in as there is no protection

for the feet (needed for movement), injuries will be

eminent, and movement will be slow if not a total

standstill. The Gospel of Peace, the good news is

like our shoes, we should always have them on.

2 Timothy 2 verse 15 instructs us to "Study and be

eager and do your utmost to present yourself to

God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has

no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and

accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully

teaching] the Word of Truth. Verse 16 further tells

us to "Avoid all empty (vain, useless, idle) talk, for

it will lead people into more ungodliness."

The Gospel of Peace is our only hope to prevent a

stand still in our lives; it’s the only authority you

have to walk through the valley of mistakes,

wrong decisions, sadness, sorrow or even death.

You need to be well acquainted with the Gospel of

Truth, i.e. the good news - because it carries love

and love conquers all things.

Your rich understanding and awareness of this

Gospel of truth ensures you will not fall to any

untrue doctrine that the world has to offer. See

Psalm 119:105 and Matthew 4 (Jesus used the

Written Word in spiritual battles).

The practical way to ensure you always wear your

shoes (i.e. the Gospel of peace / Good News) is by

continuous study of the Word of God as instructed

in 2 Timothy 2:15, constant confession, and daily

use of the Word of God as well as sharing it with

others. Remember, you can’t show others what you

don’t have good command of! With your "shoes"

always on, the world will see you can walk through

anything, and thus, you will be able to present

yourself as a godly example.


Ephesians 6:16 AMPLIFIED.

16 Lift up over all the [covering] shield of [c]saving

faith, upon which you can quench all the flaming

missiles of the wicked [one].

This is the second time faith will be mentioned in

our outfit; you remember the first was mentioned in

the breastplate of righteousness - by wearing faith

and love always. The shield of faith stands alone

and can be imagined to be the huge square-like

shield that a Roman soldier would use to protect his

whole body against arrows, spears and what ever

missiles the enemy directs at him.

Why is the shield of faith important? It is important

because your body (family, wife, children, circle of

influence and/or all you care about) needs to be

protected always. The breastplate of righteousness

assures you of your personal salvation while the

shield of faith is a covering of protection that

extends to other parts of your existence and even

your whole armor (outfit). The fact is, if the enemy

cannot get to you, they will go after the rest of you

that is uncovered in an attempt to get to you.

1 John 5 (Amplified)

4 For whatever is born of God is victorious over the

world; and this is the victory that conquers

the world, even our faith. 5Who is it that is

victorious over [that conquers] the world but he

who believes that Jesus is the Son of God [who

adheres to, trusts in, and relies on that fact]?"

Faith is what covers your whole existence by

saving you Ephesians 2:8
Faith brings a perfect covering Habakkuk 2:4,
Romans 1:17
Faith also aligns you to the blessings and
covenants of the bible Romans 4:16

Because our shield of faith is the key to safety,

security and victory, we need to grow our faith; we

can do this by hearing the Word of God always

(Read Romans 10 verse 17).

The practical way to ensure your shield of faith

grows and is held high with strength is to exercise

it by sharing the Word of God with others; live in

love, practice good works, pray always for the Body

of Christ, and the unsaved and continue in

the daily practice and study of the Word of God.

Remember to cover your loved ones and those close

to you in prayers too. All these will allow you put in

the effort needed to uphold your shield of faith so

that others can see the manifested power of Christ

in your life. Please refer to 2 Timothy 1:6-8,

Hebrews 10: 24-25, 2 Peter 3:1-2, James 2:20.


Growing spiritually is one habit we must continue

cultivating. Ephesians 6 verse 16 concludes with us

escaping the fiery darts or schemes of the enemy,

this must be stressed because no one in their right

mind will chose to walk with the enemy by the

wrong choices they make daily, its suicide to the

body, spirit and soul. It spells destruction to the

whole being, hence; Ephesians 6 verse 17 further

instructs us "And take the helmet of salvation, and

the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God."

The helmet of salvation protects the mind (i.e. the

thinking faculty of your soul) which is the choice

and decision making department of you. Not having

any authority to command you to sin against God,

the only thing the devil can do is to use schemes

(tricks, lies and deceit) to infect your thought

pattern (an attack to the head). Once you sustain

an injury in that aspect then YOU WILL BE SLAVE TO

SIN without knowing it. For example, Eve, in the

Garden of Eden was the first victim - by swapping

her salvation for the desire of the flesh through the

gates of her eyes as she saw that the fruit was

good. What she did not know was that it was the

devil’s scheme for that to happen so that she

disobeys God, and die spiritually. Read up Genesis


Today, there are several things the devil uses to

delude us so he can get his way whilst leading

those who are saved to condemnation through

disobeying God like he did; he would try to;

Attack our mind with tricks or what appears to

be common sense Gen 3:1-6, 1 Pet 5:8-9

An attempt to demoralize our mind like he tried

with Jesus Luke 4:1-13

Offer what God has ordained you to have the

worldly way so you actually lose it Luke 4:6-7

Bring division, unresolved anger, bitterness,

envy or misunderstanding Eph 4:26-31, Eph 4:3

Deceive by masquerading like an angel of light 2

Corinthians 11:14.

Lead into error 1 Tim 4:1-2, Romans 16:17-18

Gain direct influence to your soul via witchcraft

or the occult.

Prevent conversion to Christ 2 Corinthians 4:4,

Matthew 13:4.

Increase pride and self-worth beyond eternity

Matthew 16:23, Luke 4:3-13

Cares of this world more than eternity

Philippians 3:19, Colossians 3:1-2, Matthew 13:22

Money Matthew 13:22; 1 Timothy 6:5,10

Sexual temptations: Proverbs 6:23-29, Proverbs

7:6-27, 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Always, we should put on our helmet of salvation.

But how do we do this? Practice daily living as the

Bible teaches; and take back control of the gates

to your soul and your mind (please seek assistance

via my "Walk With Me" program for support).

In doing this, you also need to know that we are

saved by grace alone and not just by the law

(Ephesians 2:6-10). Righteous living saves us from

destruction, failure, pain, and heart aches (1

Corinthians 11:30-32).

Helmet of Salvation Part II teaches us what the

helmet of salvation is and how to put it on daily.


Knowing now that the enemy’s best tool yet is an

attack to our mind so that we disobey God, our

helmet of salvation provides a wonderful security -

guarding us from an attack on the mind (the head,

the thinking faculty to your soul).

This session will highlight practical ways to put on

the helmet. Ephesians 6 V 17 And take the helmet of

salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the

Word of God;

You see, you need to realize that the battle field

where spiritual wars are fought is in our minds. Our

mind is the single power house where who you are

begins to act out; what you conclude in your mind is

what you agree to and what you eventually release

other members of your body (Temple of God) to

execute. This is emphasized so that you can

understand the importance of your power house

(i.e. your mind), and the need to wear the helmet of

salvation always.

1 Thessalonians 5:8 (Amplified Bible) shows us "But

since we [believers] belong to the day, let us be

sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and

love, and as a helmet, the hope and confident

assurance of salvation."

There you have it! Our helmet of salvation in reality,

is the hope in our salvation; it's the

continuous hope - strengthened and empowered by

faith. Hence, Romans 10 verse 17 says that faith

comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

Faith is not the same as hope although it empowers

your hope in your salvation through Christ Jesus.

That is why faith is the substance of things hoped

for but not yet seen Hebrews 11 verse 1.

Pastor Derek Prince, in a message on this topic

defines hope as a quiet, steady expectation of

good - based on the promises of God’s Word.

He further described it as a continuing optimism

that always chooses to see the best and will not

give way to depression, doubt, self pity or any

negative attack to the mind that the enemy may


Be rest assured that whatever you are going

through in life, there is always something to dash

that hope, to change your focus from what God

said concerning you in the Holy Bible. We, at

Finding You consistently believe that the truth

about you and I are recorded in the Bible, why?

Isaiah 49:15-16 confirms that even if a mother

forgets a child she is nursing, God will never forget


Hold on to your hope in the salvation through our

Lord Jesus Christ - who has already overcome

the world and its troubles; He already said to us

though challenges may come, I have overcome (John


Hebrews 10:23 (Amplified Bible) tells us "So let us

seize and hold fast and retain without wavering the

[a]hope we cherish and confess and our

acknowledgement of it, for He who promised is

reliable (sure) and faithful to His Word."

Jesus Christ is coming back and He will return soon

as the signs already indicate. Put on the helmet of

salvation and confess the promises of the Holy Bible

in your daily life; continue to build up your hope by

increasing your faith through the

hearing of the Word of God; surround yourself with

those who are like minded - for iron sharpens iron

according to Proverbs 27:17.




We have been talking about our outfit (what we

should consciously wear on a daily basis beyond our

physical covering), and I pray that you see the

importance of taking back control, and taking

dominion as the Lord created us to. Your outfit

spiritually matters a great deal otherwise habits,

lack of control of our gates and other schemes of

the enemy will prevent us from taking dominion.

Ephesians 6 verse 17 instructs us "And take the

helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit,

which is the Word of God;

We have been talking about our outfit (what we

should consciously wear on a daily basis beyond our

physical covering) in the past chapters of this book,

and I pray that you see the importance of taking

back control and taking dominion as the Lord

created us to.

Your outfit, spiritually matters a great deal.

Otherwise habits, lack of control of our gates and

other schemes of the enemy will prevent us from

taking dominion.

Hebrews 4:12 (Amplified Bible) tells us "For the

Word that God speaks is alive and full of power

[making it active, operative, energizing, and

effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword,

penetrating to the dividing line of the [a]breath of

life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints

and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature],

exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the

very thoughts and purposes of the heart.

What the above scripture says has been tested

several times to be very true and active. You see, if

you know the Word of God. I mean KNOW, and not

just in acquaintance, the Power of God will

surge through you constantly; your spirit will be

awakened, and the value of your soul as well as

eternity will be at the forefront of your daily living.

That’s the ONLY way you will not be tricked by the

schemes or the darts and attacks of the enemy no

matter how sensible they may sound.

The best example is in Matthew 4:1-11 where Jesus

used the Word of God to protect himself and also

defeat the enemy. Several times Jesus said, IT'S

WRITTEN...This is more than confirmation of the

importance in understanding the Word and using it



While the listening to messages, reading of books or

even edifying media is good, there is nothing as

important as your personal time with God the

Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit through prayer

and bible study. The Finding You Series is not as

important as you gaining a habit to read the bible

and praying always; rather we are encouraging you

to fight everything else and start YOUR WALK WITH


Understand for YOURSELF – that’s why this series is





Ephesians 6 verse 17 tells us "And take the helmet

of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is

the Word of God."

2 Timothy 3:16 (Amplified Bible) shows us that

"Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His

inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for

reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of

error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training

in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to

God’s will in thought, purpose, and action)."

Hebrews 4:12 (Amplified Bible) also tells us that

"For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of

power [making it active, operative, energizing, and

effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword,

penetrating to the dividing line of the [a]breath of

life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints

and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature],

exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the

very thoughts and purposes of the heart."

You will do well if you meditate on the scriptures

above; for we see the importance of our Bible Study

in 2 Timothy 3:16. Hebrews 4:12 shows us the power

that comes from knowing the Word of God as the

Word becomes active in our daily lives.

The fact is that, the Word of God is TRUE, more

than any physical situation that human beings can

see. Hebrews 1:3 explains that the world was put

together by the Word of God so that all the things

we now physically see were created by the spoken

Word of God.

We need to get to a stage in our lives where we

meditate on the Word of God day and night, and

not allow the understanding and practice of the

Word to depart from us like God instructed Joshua

(Joshua’s reward was a prosperous living with

wisdom and good success).

We can achieve this status in life by continuous

study and practice of what we discover in the Word

of God; not practicing what you discover will cause

you to remain a child who though may have been

given dominion is a slave to those he should be

master over (Galatians 4:1-7). Sad! However, to

become fully grown, you've got to practice what

you study whilst meditating on it daily (so that we

can become all God created us to be). Refer to

Hebrew 5:11-14.

Pray the Word (Acts 4:24-31); Preach the Word

(Acts 13:38-43); Use the Word (Acts 13:46-48),
Joshua 1:8; Sing the Word (Acts 16).


As we conclude this section of the Finding You

why we pray
Series, take a look at Ephesians 6 verse 18:

Ephesians 6 verse 18 tells us "Pray at all times (on

every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with

all [manner of] prayer and entreaty. To that end

keep alert and watch with strong purpose and

perseverance, interceding in behalf of all the saints

(God’s consecrated people)."

Although verse 18 above may not appear as an item

of clothing (i.e. outfit) or covering - like the

physical items mentioned all through this section of

this book, we will be wise to take note of prayer as

an all important tool, channel, and access to our

heavenly father - so that we are able to use our

authority in Christ to triumph over any challenge,

(and/or battle of fierce resistance from the issues

of this world (such as habits, mindsets, etc.) -

mentioned at the beginning of this book as well as

many others not mentioned).

Many times, you may feel you don’t understand why

you need to pray; you may have even long

compartmentalized your daily Christian walk to

include a short prayer in the morning, and then at

night. While this is a good spiritual foundation, it is

important to take full advantage of the channels

God has given us to communicate with Him.

Let's explore these scriptures: Matthew 7:7,

Matthew 18:19, Matthew 21:22, Mark 11:24, Luke
11:13, John 14:13-14, John 16:23, Romans 10:12,
Ephesians 2:18, Hebrews 4:16, Hebrews 10:19, 1
John 5:14-15.

God has said it many times and in many reference

points in His word that He wants us to commune

with Him, and not just ask for things; He wants us to

build up our relationship with Him. You will see that

Jesus throughout the scriptures spent a lot of time

praying and in constant fellowship with our father

in Heaven. Please refer to Luke 18:1, Romans 12:12,

Ephesians 6:18, Colossians 4:2, 1 Thess 5:17 and

1 Timothy 4:4-5 just to mention a few.

Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ lived daily with

continued praying to God, and so should we.

We will, at some point and by the grace of God

carry out a study on prayer - which I believe will

encourage your thirst to commune with our father in

Heaven. However, for the purpose of this book, it is

important that you pray often, in thanksgiving, in

worship, in appreciation, in request as well as

further supplication, and our Heavenly father will

see to it that the journey to discover the true you

as He intended will begin to manifest for the world

to see.

I am seriously praying for you that as you walk in

the light of the thoughts shared in this book, you

would come to clearly see that you are more than

just a human body - in such a way that the eyes of

your understanding will be richly enlightened - so

that you would know without a doubt who you really

are: your worth, your conduct, and your position of

dominion in Christ Jesus. Amen.


the end of
volume 1

The core essence of this book matter of time.

series (volume one) is to let you
see that we are constantly in a Giving diligent attention to the Word
warfare - whether you know it or of God is therefore, crucial to the
not. continuous discovery of who you
are, and your victories. Also, it's
To win in this warfare, one must very important you remember that
the outcomes of your life depends on
discover their true identity. When
the things and influences you expose
you do not know who you are, you
yourself to. By the seeing of the
are likely going to be subject and
eyes ,and hearing of the ears, your
a slave to the elements and human righteous soul could be vexed to
complexities of this life and world. compromise - if not guarded.

The point is when we are armed That brings us to the end of this
with a clear discovery of who we series (volume 1). Please watch out
are, we are better prepared for for volume 2 - coming soon.
the multifaceted battles of this life
which are sure to come. It's only a God bless you richly.

We invite you to make Jesus
Christ the Lord of your life by
praying this simple prayer now!

“O Lord God, I believe with all my

heart in Jesus Christ, Son of the
living God. I believe He died for
me and God raised Him from the
dead. I believe He’s alive today. I
confess with my mouth that Jesus
Christ is the Lord of my life from
this day. Through Him and in His
Name, I have eternal life; I’m
born again. Thank you Lord, for
saving my soul! I’m now a Child
of God. Praise God! Hallelujah!

Congratulations! You are now a

Child of God.

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