Is A Christian Rite of Admission and Adoption Almost Invariably With

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is a Christian rite of admission and adoption almost invariably with

the used of water into Christianity. It may be performed by sprinkling

or pouring water on the head, or by immersing in water either partially
or completely.
It is important because Jesus commanded their disciples to be baptized. It is
one of the sacrament that we need to encounter for us to be complete and holy.
It also cleanses our sin.

Is one of the seven sacraments of the catholic church. It also one of the three
Sacraments of initiation into the catholic church, the other two being baptism
And Holy communion.
It consists of an outpouring of the Holy spirit on the confirmed is necessary to
Strengthen the graces of God upon baptized.

Is a Christian rite that is considered a sacrament in most churches and as on

Ordinance in others.
It is important because it symbolizes the body of Christ which is the bread
And the wine represents the blood of Jesus. It commemorates Christ death

Is a sacraments of the new law instituted by Christ in which forgiveness

Of sins committed after baptism is grated through the priest absolution
To those who with true sorrow confess their sin and promise to satisfy for the
It is important because it address the specific sacrament of reconciliation.
It is one confesses their sin to a priest and all of the sin are forgiven by God
Through the priest after penance is completed.
Is a sacrament of the catholic church “who having reached the age of reason
Begins to be in danger due to sickness or old age”, expect in the case of those
Who “ preserve obstinately in manifest grave sin”.
It allows the healing for both physical and spiritual life. Most specially to those
Person who suffer from illnesses. They give prayer for their safety and forgiveness.

Is the sacrament in which baptized man receives the authority and the ability to
Share in the particular mission that Christ entrusted to his apostles. The three orders
of this sacrament; episcopate, presbyterate and diaconate.
It is important because it is a basis of the catholic religion. Without it, there’s is
no Deacons, Priest or Bishop to spread the word of God or grant any of the other
sacraments. It helps us to be more effective member of the church.

Is a lasting commitment of a man and a woman to a lifelong partnership,

Established for the good of each other the procreation of their children.
Marriage is different to most of the sacrament which are conferred by a priest
Or bishop.

It is important part of life. They believe the purpose of marriage is to; unite with
someone they love for the rest of their lives; to be faithful and make this sacrament
with God’s blessing and in God’s presence.

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