Research Article: Ballistic Impact Performance of Sic Ceramic-Dyneema Fiber Composite Materials
Research Article: Ballistic Impact Performance of Sic Ceramic-Dyneema Fiber Composite Materials
Research Article: Ballistic Impact Performance of Sic Ceramic-Dyneema Fiber Composite Materials
Research Article
Ballistic Impact Performance of SiC Ceramic-Dyneema Fiber
Composite Materials
Kai-Kuang Wu,1 Yu-Liang Chen,2,3 Jau-Nan Yeh ,2,3 Wei-Lun Chen,4 and Chia-Shih Lin5
Army Aviation Depot, Ministry of National Defense, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Power Vehicle and Systems Engineering, Chung-Cheng Institute of Technology, National Defense University,
Taoyuan, Taiwan
System Engineering and Technology Program, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Army Second Regional Support Command, Ministry of National Defense, Taipei, Taiwan
National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Received 24 July 2019; Revised 12 December 2019; Accepted 24 December 2019; Published 22 January 2020
Copyright © 2020 Kai-Kuang Wu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This study investigated the ballistic resistance of a composite target plate fabricated by combining SiC ceramic with the Dyneema
fiber. To achieve a light-weight target plate that conforms to the US National Institute of Justice level four (NIJ IV) standards,
minimal areal density analysis was conducted to obtain the optimal SiC ceramic-Dyneema fiber thickness combination. This study
used energy absorption to analyze the ballistic resistance of the target plates. To drastically reduce experimental costs, most of this
work employed ANSYS/LS-DYNA software to conduct finite element numerical simulations. First, ballistic experiments that
conformed to NIJ IV standards were conducted to verify the simulation parameter configurations. Subsequently, the correlation
function of the relationship between the combined thickness of the composite material and its ballistic resistance was determined
through the experimental design, which effectively reduced the simulation analysis time. According to simulation experiments
and regression analysis, the equation for the relationship between the combined thickness of the composite material and its
ballistic resistance was EA (hc , hf ) � − 6276.5 + 500.6hc + 1512.6hf + 30.7hc hf − 8.1h2c − 113.6h2f , though there were limitations to
its application. From the numerical analysis results, 8.1940 mm SiC ceramic and 6.9637 mm Dyneema fiber were determined to
constitute the optimal thickness combination for a composite that features a minimal areal density and which conforms to NIJ IV
standards. The combination was verified to be consistent with the numerical simulation analysis results.
level four (NIJ IV) standards were conducted to verify the Initial velocity Residual velocity
simulation parameters; factor combinations were planned photoelectric screen photoelectric screen
using the experimental design. Further data regression was Testing weapon Target
conducted to obtain the correlation function between the Protector
thickness combination of the ceramic composite ballistic-
resistant plate and its ballistic resistance. The optimal
combined thickness of ceramic and fiber for a light-weight,
bullet-resistant ceramic composite target plate with minimal
surface density was achieved through the derivation of the
aforementioned correlation function. Finally, the optimal
combination was verified through ballistic experiments and
2. Ballistic Experiments
Figure 2: Schematic diagram of ballistic test.
2.1. Definition of Ballistic Resistance. To acquire test data that
enabled calculation and analysis, a plate penetration ex- 2.4. Ballistic Test Results. To reduce the influences of factors
periment was conducted, and the residual velocity of the such as temperature and humidity on the results, the ex-
bullet was determined, from which the kinetic energy dif- periment was completed within the same day and conducted
ference was obtained. Thus, the study defined ballistic re- in triplicate to ensure its accuracy. To verify the parameter
sistance as the kinetic energy difference of the bullet when it settings of the finite element numerical simulation, 6 mm
penetrated the target plate, i.e., the absorptive energy of the silicon carbide ceramic and a 6 mm Dyneema fiber were
plate (equation (1)). A higher absorptive energy meant the bound and used as the ceramic composite target plate, which
plate possessed a higher ballistic resistance. Because it was was then used to conduct the target plate penetration ex-
difficult to collect the bullets that had penetrated the plates periment under the NIJ IV standard using 0.30″ AP am-
during the ballistic experiments, the mass of the bullet was munitions. The initial and residual velocities of each bullet
assumed to remain constant throughout the test: after it penetrated the plate were measured to calculate the
1 1 absorptive energy of the plate, as shown in Table 1. The bullet
EA � mv2i − mv2r , (1)
2 2 mass (m) was measured as 10.6 g and was held constant
throughout the experiment.
where EA (J) represents the ballistic resistance of the plates;
Despite minor variations in the initial velocity, it still fell
m (kg) represents the bullet weight; vi (m/s) represents the
within the range of NIJ IV standards with a difference of less
initial velocity of the bullet; and vr (m/s) represents the
than 1.263%, evidence that this experiment was well con-
residual velocity of the bullet after it penetrated the plate.
trolled. The measured absorptive energy of the target plate
also varied, but the difference was less than 0.164%, indi-
cating the stability and consistency of this experiment.
2.2. Target Plate Fabrication. The ballistic-resistant ceramic
Therefore, the influence of the initial velocity difference of
composite target plate mainly consisted of silicon SiC ce-
the bullet on the absorptive energy of the target plate could
ramic and a Dyneema (unidirectional structure) fiber back
be disregarded.
plate. The ceramic plate was hexagonal with side lengths of
The second set of data from the ballistic test was com-
60 mm each, fabricated by sintering SiC ceramic powder
pared with the analysis results to verify the finite element
under atmospheric pressure at a temperature of 2050°C. A
numerical simulation. To completely eliminate the influence
200 mm × 200 mm piece of Dyneema fabric was cut and hot-
of the initial velocity difference of the bullet on the ab-
pressed into the plate at a temperature of 115°C. The ceramic
sorptive energy of the target plate, the initial velocity was set
and fiber plates were then bound together using epoxy resin
as 875 m/s during the finite element simulation analysis.
and compressed under a 10 kg weight for 24 h to ensure they
were firmly joined.
3. Finite Element Numerical
Simulation Analysis
2.3. Ballistic Test Arrangement. This study conducted bal-
listic test in accordance with the NIJ IV standard, using 0.30″ 3.1. ANSYS/LS-DYNA Finite Element Simulation Software.
AP ammunitions, with the amount of gunpowder adjusted The LS-DYNA simulation software facilitates numerical
to achieve an initial velocity of 868 m/s ± 15 m/s. Photo- analysis on high-speed impact and penetration experiments.
electric screens were used to measure the velocity of the It is among the most powerful software programs involving
bullet, whereby two screens were placed 1 m apart to sep- dynamic finite element analysis and is widely applied in the
arately measure the initial and residual velocities of the bullet defense and civil sectors. The software mainly operates using
by transmitting the photoelectric signals to the oscilloscope. an explicit integral algorithm, with a minor integral algo-
The smallest measured scale was 10− 6 sec. Figure 2 shows a rithm acting as a supplementary mode. It also has three
schematic diagram of the ballistic experiments. numerical description methods: Lagrangian, Eulerian, and
4 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Table 6: Comparison of target plate absorptive energy in the numerical simulation and ballistic tests.
Ballistic experiments Numerical simulation
Target plate absorptive energy difference (%)
vi (m/s) vr (m/s) vi (m/s) vr (m/s)
875 542 875 532 2.276
Table 8: Test data. 4.3.2. Minimal Target Plate Thickness. Equation (6) shows hc
being arranged in a series of descending power. The target
No. hc (mm) hf (mm) vi (m/s) vr (m/s) EA (J) plate thickness (θ � hc + hf ) was used as the analysis pa-
1 5 4 875 768 932 rameter and was held constant. When hf was substituted
2 5 6 875 641 1,880 with target plate thickness (θ) and hc, EA was a function of θ
3 5 8 875 612 2,073 and hc:
4 6 4 875 719 1,318
5 6 6 875 532 2,558
6 6 8 875 488 2,796 EA θ, hc � (− c + d + e)h2c +[(a − b) + θ(c − 2e)]hc
7 7 4 875 632 1,941
8 7 6 875 412 3,158 + k + bθ + eθ2
9 7 8 875 347 3,420
� P1 h2c + Q1 (θ)hc + R1 (θ)
2 75
θmin � hc max + hf max −
4 de − c2
· (− c + d + e)[(a2 e + b2 d − abc) − (4 de − c2 )k], 60
c − 2e
hc min � hc max + 45
4 de − c2
a2 e + b2 d − abc − 4 de − c2 k
· . 30
(− c + d + e)
⟹α � βhc + hf , 2ρ2f
Ψmin � ρc hc max + ρf hf max −
4 de − c2
where the volume densities of SiC ceramic (ρc) and Dyneema
fiber were 3.1 × 10− 3 (g/mm3) and 0.97 × 10− 3 (g/mm3 ),
· − cβ + d + eβ2 [(a2 e + b2 d − abc) − (4 de − c2 )k],
respectively; α is the ratio of Ψ over ρf , and β is the ratio
of ρc over ρf.
c − 2eβ
Equation (9) shows hc being arranged in a series of hc min � hc max +
descending power. The value of target areal density 4 de − c2
(Ψ � ρchc + ρf hf ) remained constant, and hf was substituted ��������������������������
with Ψ and hc. EA was thus a function of α and hc: a2 e + b2 d − abc − 4 de − c2 k
· .
EA α, hc � − cβ + d + eβ2 h2c +[(a − bβ) + α(c − 2eβ)]hc − cβ + d + eβ2
+ k + bα + eα2
� P2 h2c + Q2 (α)hc + R2 (α) 4.3.4. Optimal Combination. To completely absorb the ki-
2 netic energy of the bullet using the SiC ceramic and
Q2 (α) Q2 (α) Dyneema fiber composite target plate, the optimal combi-
� P 2 hc + + R2 (α) − 2
2P2 4P2 nation of hc and hf could be obtained through the afore-
mentioned numerical analysis (Figures 6 and 7).
Q22 (α)
⟹R2 (α) − ≥ EA α, hc
4P2 4.4. Experimental Verification
Q22 (α) 4.4.1. Energy Function Verification. The energy function of
⟹EA α, hc max � R2 (α) −
4P2 the ballistic-resistant target plate was obtained through
experimentally designed regression analysis, wherein the
P2 < 0. target plate thickness was maintained between 9 mm and
(9) 15 mm. Hence, four sets of target plate thickness combi-
nations were chosen from the range and were subjected
According to equation (9), EA had a maximal value when the to numerical simulations to verify the energy function
value of Ψ was held constant. In other words, minimal Ψ and the (Table 9). The results indicated that the optimal combination
optimal combined thickness of SiC ceramic and Dyneema fiber featuring minimal target plate thickness (θmin) which cor-
could be inversely calculated when EA was a known value. responded to the energy function and satisfied the NIJ IV
Therefore, when the value of EA was 0, the minimal value of Ψ standards was consistent with that obtained from the nu-
and hc could be inversely calculated as follows: merical simulation analysis.
8 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
(hf)opt (mm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
(hc)opt (mm)
Ψmin (g/mm2)
θmin (mm)
Table 10: Verification of the optimal combination. conduct finite element method numerical simulations and to
Energy function Numerical simulation
obtain the correlation function of the target plate ballistic
resistance. The ballistic resistance, which is also the function
Ψmin (hc)opt (hf )opt vr
(EA)1 J vi m/s (EA)2 J of the absorptive energy of the target plate, was obtained
g/mm2 mm mm m/s
using simulations and regression analysis. From the nu-
0.032 8.1940 6.9637 4,057.8 875.00 0.00 4,057.8 merical analysis results, 8.1940 mm SiC ceramic and
6.9637 mm Dyneema fiber were determined to be the op-
timal thickness combination for a composite that features a
4.4.2. Verifying the Optimal Combination. This study aimed
minimal areal density and which conforms to NIJ IV
to develop light-weight ballistic-resistant target plates while
standards. The combination was found to be consistent with
conforming to NIJ IV standards. Therefore, the energy function
the numerical simulation analysis results.
was verified using the optimal combination with minimal areal
density (Ψmin) (Table 10). The results indicated that, in the
estimation of the absorptive energy of the target plate, the Data Availability
energy function fits the numerical simulation analysis.
All data used to support the findings of this study are in-
cluded in the tables within the article.
5. Conclusion
This study explored the relationship between the SiC ce- Conflicts of Interest
ramic and Dyneema fiber layers in a composite target plate The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
and its ballistic resistance. To achieve a light-weight target
plate that conforms to NIJ IV standards, an analysis of the
minimal areal density was conducted to obtain the optimal References
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Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 9
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