Packet Tracer - Sub Netting Scenario 1 Topology
Packet Tracer - Sub Netting Scenario 1 Topology
Packet Tracer - Sub Netting Scenario 1 Topology
Addressing Table
Subnet Default
Device Interface IP Address Mask Gateway
© 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reser ed. !his doc"#ent is Cisco $"%lic. $age 1 of 5 1/5
7/21/2019 Packet Tracer - Subnetting Scenario 1
Part 1" Design an IP Addressing Sc#e$e
Part %" Assign IP Addresses to &etwork Devices and 'erify (onnectivity
In this activity, you are iven the net!or" a##ress o$ 1%2&1'(&100&0/24 to
su)net an# *rovi#e the IP a##ressin $or the net!or" sho!n in the to*o+o y&
ach LAN in the net!or" re-uires enou h s*ace $or, at +east, 2. a##resses $or
en# #evices, the s!itch an# the router& he connection )et!een R1 to R2 !i++
re-uire an IP a##ress $or each en# o$ the +in"&
Step 1")Subnet t#e 1*%+1, +1..+./%0 network into t#e appropriate nu$ber
of subnets+
a& ase# on the to*o+o y, ho! any su)nets are nee#e# .
)& o! any )its ust )e )orro!e# to su**ort the nu )er o$ su)nets in the
to*o+o y ta)+e
c& o! any su)nets #oes this create (
#& o! any usa)+e hosts #oes this create *er su)net 30
&ote" I$ your ans!er is +ess than the 2. hosts re-uire#, then you )orro!e#
too any )its&
e& Ca+cu+ate the )inary va+ue $or the 5rst 5ve su)nets& he 5rst su)net is
a+rea#y sho!n&
Net 06 1%2& 1'(& 100& 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
© 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reser ed. !his doc"#ent is Cisco $"%lic. $age 2 of 5 2/5
7/21/2019 Packet Tracer - Subnetting Scenario 1
& 7i++ in theSubnet Table , +istin the #eci a+ va+ue o$ a++ avai+a)+e su)nets,
the 5rst an# +ast usa)+e host a##ress, an# the )roa#cast a##ress& Re*eat
unti+ a++ a##resses are +iste#&
Subnet Table
irst 4ast
Subnet 2sable 2sable
&u$be Subnet 3ost 3ost 5roadcast
r Address Address Address Address
© 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reser ed. !his doc"#ent is Cisco $"%lic. $age 3 of 5 3/5
7/21/2019 Packet Tracer - Subnetting Scenario 1
#& Assi n Su)net 3 to the LAN connecte# to the Gi a)it thernet 0/1 inter$ace o$
e& Assi n Su)net 4 to the :AN +in" )et!een R1 to R26 1%2&1'(&100&12(/29
© 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reser ed. !his doc"#ent is Cisco $"%lic. $age 4 of 5 4/5
7/21/2019 Packet Tracer - Subnetting Scenario 1
© 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reser ed. !his doc"#ent is Cisco $"%lic. $age 5 of 5 5/5