Asian Trash Cinema 06
Asian Trash Cinema 06
Asian Trash Cinema 06
Available Now!
Asi^M Tra^Vi Cinema
The Book
h\\ TUom»s Wcisscr
witVi AM mtroiJMCtioM Inj CrAt5 Lebbetter
By the time you're reading this. Tom and will be in Japan !
for this issue, but it will return next time; in its place we're running
thefirst of Bob Sargent's two-part groundbreaking article on The
Son Of The Black Mass samurai series. Lee Server (of Film
Comment) and August Ragone (of Markalite and in the future,
Henshin) appear for their first, but hopefully not last time. August,
And for those of you who've been wondering what John Woo's
been up to lately (rumors are abundant since his fiasco with
Universal over the unfortunate butchering of HARD TARGET):
apparently he’s been hired to direct 20th Century Fox's TEARS OF
THE SUN scheduled to begin production this fall in South America.
The studio describes it as: "a story of four Americans whose trip to
the Amazon becomes an adventure in survival against cannibals
and the environment." Can this be true? Is John Woo doing
Cannibal Holocaust 2?
must've died and gone to heaven!
ASIAN TRASH CINEMA® Is published A limes a year: PO Box 5367. Wngwood TX 7732S. Sub*cfiplion9: A issues $20. Single copies
$6.00 (ppd). Rmimil corrtaci Capital City Inc. 2537 Daniels Street. Madison Wl 53706 (606) 223 2010. or contact Craig Ledbetter directly
at (713) 251 0637. Submhtiont: articles, photographs, artwork, and correspondence are erwouraged Printed in USA. Copyright 1994
by Craig Ledbetter Page 3
with comments by Tom Weisser Page 5
by Max Allan Collins Page 1
by Louis Paul Page 12
by Steve Fentone Page 12
by August Ragone Page 13
by Lee Server Page 15
by David Chute Page 17
by Brian Quinn Page 17
by Steve Fentone Page 18
by Jeff Segal Page 19
by William Wilson Page 20
Art ides:
series, not a movie. enjoyed the articles on Samo Yung, Lone Wolf
If some readers of Asian Trash Cinema want to and Child, yakuza filmography, John Woo
read about Anime TV series and OAVs, tell them interviews. But please, no more OAV anise
to read MangaZine from Antarctic Press in San girls!!!!!
Chow even wears the famous Vhite gloves" our society. I am not suggesting that you censor
which Delon wore in LE SAMOURAI, From my ideas in your articles. Simply, print inappropriate
point of view, any description of Chow's acting words with asterisk: for example F**K. Please
which leaves out Delon is just plain uninformed. begin this practice with your next issue.
And, incidently, Delon's name is also "Jeff" in -John Griswald, P.U.R.E.
Melville's film... (Parents Urging Responsible Entertainment)
By the way, Chris D’s piece on Yakuza films P.U.R.E? Don't you have any^ing better to do
weis well done, but as with the other parts of this with your time? You and your "association" of
multi-segmented article, it just didn't grab me as Word-Poiice can knock on some otiier fu*king
Ithought it would. Bizarrely enough, am usually I door.
more interested in Japanese stuff than HK. He did
a good job, but just didn't get as wrapped up in
itas did with some
I of the other articles. I honestly have to say that your zine keeps
-Richard Menello getting better and better. You'll have a very
difficult time topping issue #5. I thoroughly
Dear Mr Ledbetter amd Mr Welsser; enjoyed the mixture of Japanese and Hong Kong
I'm generally pleeised with ATC#5, particularly coverage and the well researched articles and
with the third installment of Yakuza reviews. do I reviews. The- John Woo interviews were quite
have one problem, however- the "letters" column. illuminating despite the fact that the guy has been
Just because some half-wit with an empty opinion interviewed to death lately.
writes a letter, friat doesn't mean it’s worthy of Although I'm not a great fan of Japanime, Jim
publication. Mclennan's informative review of VIDEO GIRL Al
- and unappreciated- to turn ATC into a public However, must comment on “Professor" Ernst's
forum for adolescent name calling. Frankly, I letter. Do people actually read this magazine
don't care about mr Bergman and don’t want to I without looking at tie title? While the word
pay money to be subjected to his idiocy. 'trash" ismeant to denigrate these movies In
As for "Dr" Ernst, can understand your I any way, it does serve as a suitstsle description
wanting to offer dissenting viewpoints to add to a for films that are generally looked down upon by
constructive debate, but at least make sure highbrow society (ie, snobs). There are enough
they’re intelligent views, a goal apparently too American critics to champion the works of a
lofty for Ernst. I feel downright sorry for him- Kurosawa or Itami that you need not bore more
equating one's personal morality with serious, people with endless critical raves for their
intelligent criticism Is hopelessly naive and hardly oft-overpraised projects. The point of ATC and
echoes of the sophistication with which he similar meigazinesis to spotlight movies ignored
intends to ^sociate himself. He sounds more like by the mainstream (and sometimes underground)
Jesse Helms than a highbrow asshole. press which may appeal to readers turned off by
In short, please stop publishing these sort of the all too stagnant creativity of mainstream
letters. They add nothing to your magazine. In cinema. That these "trash" flicks may at times
fact, they actually ruin It- destroying the spirit of dwell on "man's dark inhumanity"
Is probably one
enthusiasm and healthy scholarship that your reason why the mainstream press chooses to
magazine should be dedicated to. conveniently bypass them in favor of socially
-Andrew Grossman acceptable (and boring) films,
-Richard Akiyama
Dear sirs:
more discreet. Consider your responsibilities to was "out of his mind." I figured there’s no way
Asian Trash Cinema
share them v/ith the amateur gore-hounds who the publisher of ATC and ETC is- as long as the
dribble over Film Threat! editor(s) know the difference between "reporting"
Ithink Craig’s article was a very good overviewof "savior" and, worst, a "guru"), but it was also
HK films. I hope it was the first of many more to misleading and inaccurate. Although Charles
come. insists that Something Weird has "unearthed" a
"splice uncut version of this X-Rated
are breeders. Some of us prefer men and we’d The point I’m making has nothing to do with
rather see cheese-cake photos of Danny Lee or the lurid content of KILLER SNAKES- rather, I
Jackie Chan (privately, they both swing to a question why ATC spent so much print-space
different drummer anyway). Hell, you can even "canonizing" Mike Vraney.
give us a naked Chow Yun-Fat- there's nothing -Bob Kosins
wrong with wishful thinking, When read between
I the lines of your letter, I
my local video store and rent a copy of A Better self-indulgent styles of European filmmakers-
Tomorrow (for example) or a Jackie Chan film is slow pacing and dull acting. /Ron, whatEuropean
almost a dream come true. films have you been watching?! Ed.]
Yet, after contacting the video stores in my You watch Hong Kong Cinema (or at least I
area, I remain confused. The people at my do) to enjoy the outrageousness, the style, the
favorite video hang-out told me they know performers, etc. Maybe am the only one who
nothing about new Hong Kong releases and, noticed, but American films have gone downhill in
even more perplexing, they can find no record of the past couple of years. When you look at a
a company called Century Video. marquee and one film is called THE SEAWAY and
So, can you tell me exactly what’s going on? the other THE CHASE, you have to ask yourself
-Robert C. Davis what degree of imagination went into these
Your letter demands a tvo-part answer: productions. bet could tell you the storylines of
(1) The purpose of Video Search is to provide these films before the first frame rolls.
otherwise unavailablefilms to the video collector. have to agree with Gere LaDue that ATC
VSoM immediately stops offering a title if it should could put a little more emphasis on the
become available domestically. In keeping with performances and not just the physical charms of
that policy, when "CenturyVideo" contacted them the actresses. To Diana Bowman, you are
regarding domestic distribution of certain- HK aheolutely correct cJaout Quentin Taratino
video titles [specifically many of the John Woo "stealing" CITY ON FIRE for his RESERVOIR
filmand most of the Jackie Chan movies}, VSoM DOGS, but it goes both ways. recently saw I
deleted them from d^e current catalog; FIRST SHOT, a''historical"telling of the formation
KILLER a comedy! They are the kind of people parcel of a good magazine. think the new I
who look down upon Hong Kong Cinema. balance between Chinese and Japanese films
If ATC treated films like Siskel & Ebert do. I makes ATC a better publication. To have John
wouldn't read To paraphrase a campaign
it. Woo interviews (both of which provided new
slogan: 'THEY’RE MOVIES, STUPID!" There's no insights) sharing space with Yakuza films,
point in watching if you want them to match the Godzilla, Samo Hung (nice to see a piece on this
Asian Trash Cinema 9
#609, Toronto, Ontario M4H-1J5 Canada. it to be worth every penny spent on it. How I
I love ATC. It's a class act. was surprised to find reviews of films that my
Okay, let me cut to the chase. I've seen local Chinese video store didn't even have yet.
Sukeban Deka, and I'm a BIG fan of Yoko The book comes in very handy when trying to
Minamino. Don’t think I'm just a lecherous old decide on a film to watch.
fart, but has she ever performed in the nude? I'm --Andrew Kenny
sure this is highly unlikely, but I NEED to know.
The girl makes me hot! Dear Tom--
"George Patino A few comments on the delightful ATC: The
As uniikelyas it may seem- Yes! Yoko Minamino Book: It enlivened a chilly weekend and is an
does a topless rape scene in the Japanese turn- invaluable reference for anyone who enjoys HK
of-the century drama Kan Tsubaki (1990). movies.
However, I still think you're a lecherousold fart. ‘TTie “clever script" behind RUN, DON'T WALK
is essentially the same script Freincis Veber wrote
for his own LES FUGITIFS then reused for the
inevitable Disney remake, THREE FUGITIVES
(1989), with Nick Nolte and Martin Short.
Apparently. RUN, DON’T WALK is a remake of a
remake, released in Hong Kong around the same
time as the [underwhelming] American version.
•Speaking of remakes. I’m glad RESERVOIR
DOGS finally got nailed as a direct steal from
Hong Kong’s CITY ON FIRE - but what the hell,
the story worked fine two times.
•Yes, there is a LEE ROCK 2, and I think also
a 3. Minus English subtitles (to the consternation
of this viewer) Part 2 flew into HK theaters a mere
three weeks after the first film enjoyed healtiiy
profits. The films are (very loosely) based on the
true story of a corrupt cop HKabsconded who to
Taiwan, allegedly with millions of ill-gotten dollars,
in the 1970s.
HK in the summer of 1989. Its “pro-triad"
sympathies earned it a Category III rating. I
Kirk Wong's GUNMEN. And the first SAVIOR OF The letter we printed in ATC#5 from August
THE SOUL But the sequel, I think, is much worse Ragone [coupled with our comments] solicited
than your generous (**) rating suggests. the following response from him:
How nice said was that had flaws with translations, which
•The photos are uniformly excellent. it
names to often-lovely faces. And where is true. Period. Otherwise, it’s fucking [sorry
to attach
else will we see pictures of directors and Chow P.U.R.E., we meantto print fu*king, Ed.] briiiiant
and, of course, new issues of ATC and ETC. (after hanging out in a local vampire club- gothic
-Bob Cashill chicks in thigh-high boots, yeah!) and it’s the
[Thanks, everybody!]. Response from other Samo Hung. Very good. Enjoyable and
readers is encouraged. informative. In other words- I liked It.
Dead Trap 2 for me. The ATC reviews set my Wakayama’s brother Shitaro "Zatoichi" Katsu
imagination on fire. wish could order them from
was one of the producers of the VENGEANCE
Video Search of Miami, but don't think the tapes I
series, and when Katsu insisted on reducing the
would get through the Singapore customs. stunts to keep the budget down, Wakayama
-Urn Cheng Tju (Singapore) flipped (not literally) and they both argued over
Despite all the complaints we might level against the matter so pgissionately, that Katsu cancelled
the sorry state of cinema in our country, letters the series...
like this one make us very happy to live in the Strange, but true.
controversy with more HK performer gossip. I incredible observationof the newestGodzilla film
want names! Who are the "she-males" and "sex- and a review of Violent Classroom. His own
changes?" magazine, now called Henshin, should be
Chow Yun-Fat is supposed to be happily available soon. Write to him at P.O. Box 6846,
married. Regardless of Cashill's report, I’ve never Oakland CA 94603 for ordering information.
Asian Trash Cinema 11
Asian TrashCinema
And a damn good one, in fact, as the author of Police corruption - in fact, civil service
about Eliot Ness (and Ness appears
four novels corruption in general - substitutes for prohibition
as a secondary character in most of my Nate and bootlegging, while Hong Kong in the 1970s
Heller novels, as well). I've already gone on fills in for Chicago of the late ’20s: the period feel
record as disliking Brian DePalma’s 1983 movie. is good, altiiough one anachronistic AIDS joke
over-rated Pulitzer Prize-winningpomposity, David BETTER TOMORROW - has all the passion that
Mamet - was not just poorly researched, but Costner lacked. David Lam paints a Hong Kong
idiotic. Canadian bounties are seen chasing bad so corrupt Chicago of the '30s seems benign.
guys sneaking booze over the border (booze was When Ti Lung and his handpicked misfits buck
legal in Canada, that's why gangsters went there the mob, they are bucking the corrupt system as
to buy it!): a mob-besieged Sean Connery makes well, with every cop in town their enemy.
sure his house is secure from bad guys, even as Waise Lee makes a far more convincing
the camera tracks him through open windows; a Capone (here, called Faucet, apparently because
judge changes juries in the middle of a trial all the "dirty money" flows from him) than Robert
12 AsianTrash Cinema
DeNiro in his hammy UNTOUCHABLES turn. Wonder Woman (Anita Mui) has retired from
Instead of wielding a baseball bat at a banquet crime-fighting to raise her daughter in a chaotic
"honoring" his co-workers, Waise at a similar world and San (Michelle Yeoh) seeks work as a
banquet uses a nutcracker to pry off a disloyal bodyguard for hire (accompanied by a
crony’s thumb. The confrontation between Lee hunchbacked, hooded assistant, listed as being
and Lung, after the murder of one of his men, he© played by Anthony Wong in the films on screen
the fire eind power the DeNiro/Costner English language credits).
confrontation lacked. And Lung’s paraphrase of The Mutant Super powerful Evil being
Sean Connery’s famous speech about breaking introduced in the prologue has a strange
the rules to deal with bad guys has a passion relationship with a protege', a soft voiced, Christ-
Connery’s Academy Award-winning performance like figure that unwittingly drives a rift between the
doesn't match. seemingly thousands of thirsty, people living in
Ti Lung is aided and abetted by an the city and the government.
exceptionally strong supporting cast - including a Wonder Woman’s' husband (now appointed to
boyishly charming Simon Yam (quite a contrast to Police Commissioner) strives to bridge ttie gap
his Dr. Lamb) as a formerly corrupt cop turned between understanding the strange, handsome
good guy, and an exquisitely lovely Maggie Christ-like figure (who is continually battled in
Cheung as an ideeUistic prosecutor working with extreme white light during every one of his
the "untouchables." And, of course, the action appearances) and enforcing the rule of the
scenes are steuHing in their brutality and President and the Colonel.
bloodshed (somebody send a cassette of this to The Colonel character is one who is truly in
Janet Reno, quick). league with the superhuman evil being and with
But credit director Lam for interspersing the him, seeks to displace the power of the president
usual balls-to-the-wedi Hong Kong bloodbath with and take over the government with the Colonel
thoughtful characterization and an equeilly being the hand-picked ruler. The story goes all
frioughtful examination of morality in an over the place in this film that comes off as more
increasingly amoral world. Heroes like Eliot Ness a follow-up than a direct sequel to ’Heroic Trio’.
- and Ti Lung • are few and far between, these Major characters that have been set up as
days. permanent members of the series in part one are
brutally killed off in this film.
had made a
as if the
effort to
make a completely different
EXECUTIONERS (1993) film with the ceist of part one, all the while
unstable antics of his hot-tempered brother, Mike is added by stylish but simple photography (eg.'
(Tommy Wong). After all, as a gangster stated hundreds of white prayer sheets fluttering in the
eloquently in Ringo Lam’s FULL CONTACT: wind at a mountaintop funeral: a spent cigarette
"Business is shitting... smoothness
iike is tumbling sio-mo to the ground while emitting a
important'. soon develops between the
Friction cascade of ash). As with Woo's work, brutality is
Hung Ling Society and another branch of the offset in perfect balance by non-cloying
Triad network, the Hoi Lung Society, run by the sentimentality. The film aptly ends on an
devious Fred (Alan Tang) who by eliminating all ominous closeup of a flapping Mainland Chinese
opposition wishes to promote himself to flag, illustrating how "free enterprise" {ie:
wholesaler instead of merely a retailer in the organized crime) in Hong Kong will soon be
lucrative local drug cartel. jeopardized by the Communist "corporate merger"
His partner in crime is the disfigured Woody in 1997,
(who resembles an escapee from a Dick Tracy Somehow HONG KONG GODFATHER seems
cartoon with his bulbous chin formed of equal to have slipped through the cracks amidst all the
parts scar tissue and discount plastic surgery). (albeit deserved) recent hoopla surrounding
When Mark is murdered by Fred & Woody's men, Messrs, Woo and Lam, It’s definitely a cut way
his brother York (Andy Lau) is elected his above routine.
successor in the Hung Ling empire, and all-out
war threatens to erupt amongst the Triads,
Leung Chun Bong (Roy Cheung) of
CID’s Anti Triad Section hopes to play on York’s DIRECTED BY AKIHISA OKAMOTO
inherent decent and
streak aprevent citywide REVIEW BY AUGUST RAGONE
bloodbath. But when Mark’s murder must be Toei Motion Picture Company is known for
avenged wholesale his Vietnamese killers are dabbling in many genres: Superhero, Horror,
rubbed out during a frantic apartment-house Martial Arts and Yakuza films. But the one thing
shootout which threatens to escalate the gang that Toei is NOT known for in the west, is pure
war. Hitmen are stabbed with glass and blown and unadulterated Exploitation,
up by propane tank. Baseball bat and machete THE VIOLENT CLASSROOM is an excellent
wielding thugs attack rival gangsters. Two-fisted example of Japanese Exploitation. The western
handgunning and abrupt slow-motion moments viewer need not understand the complexities of
inevitably mimic John Woo. There follows tense Jingi (the Gambler's Code), the subtleties of
armed stalemates between cops and crooks, as Bushido (the Samurai Edict)-or anything
well as stabbings, shootings, a 2X4 versus fireaxe "Japanese" at all, for that matter.
Because the violence is more realist and STOMPERS-, giving us one of the most purely
restrained and contrasted by lengthy quiet outrageous films from Japanese filmdom’s "nihilist
it is that much more effective.
stretches, When period" of the 1970s-this film is pure undiluted
the neverending vendetta reaches boiling point, enjoyable Trash, shot as an A-Picture! You won't
treacherous Fred meets his Waterloo at the believe your own eyes.
motherfucker of all battles (which rages for the Yusaku Matsuda (best known to westerners as
better part of ten minutes), Slow-motion and real "Sato" from Ridley Scott’s BLACK RAIN) stars as
time co-mingle during this seething ocean of Katsuki Mizoguchi, a teacher brought into a
street violence, as do conflicting police and prestigious high school to quell "The
gangster loyalties. While Hung Ling members, Sidewinders", a teenage motorcycle gang, from
Hoi Lung members and HK riot police clash ruining its reputation. Of course his character has
bloodily all about them, York and Fred face each an ambiguous past. Even after the malcontents
other to the death... are somewhat tempered, they blackmail one of
HONG KONG GODFATHER contains not one the school’s board of directors by taking sleazy
shred of humour. Scenes of
inappropriate photos of his glue-sniffing daughter in very
brutality are often accompanied by soaring choral compromising positions with a member of the
harmonies and hymn-like chanting. Extra poetry gang.
14 AsianTrash Cinema
Mizoguchi, burdened by the death, is not several hours of torture, he confesses that it was
above using his skills on the gang. Still, the gang they who were behind framing them... and
goes about upholding their honor, by getting caused Junko's fatal encounter, Hiroshi asks
even with anyone who dislikes them, including Mizoguchi to come to their hideout to talk. He
beating the hell out of a drunkard teacher for listens, but doesn’t care anymore-he leaves The
kicking over their bikes parked in a Red-Light Sidewinders to their own fate.
Hiroshi follows Mizoguchi's younger sister, school will receive its donations and grants, a
Junko (Yukari Yamamoto), after leaving a porno leather jacket-clad Mizoguchi appears with his
theater and rapes her in the teacher's own resignation papers and evidence against the
home-adding fuel to the fire between he and Headmaster, who was behind the whole scheme
Hiroshi, and a savage bout of fisticuffs the next of turning The Sidewinders into scapegoats. In a
day at school (one of the film's outstanding burst of manic violence, the edgy teacher
sequences). Somewhat of an sexual introvert. proceeds to beat the spit out of the worthless
Hiroshi actually loves Junko, and didn’t mean to bastard. His ass is saved by the Honor Guard,
hurt her-but she hates him just the same. who beat Mizoguchi with "boken" (wooden
When test finals come in, The Sidewinders rip sword).
down all the results-causing a violent fight to Into the school ride The Sidewinders, to rescue
break out between the school's Honor Guard and the teach and exact revenge, throwing Molotov
the teenage bikers. With the PTA demanding Cocktails and countering wooden swords with
action, or funding will be pulled out, the pipes. Needless to say, ah Hell breaks loose with
Headmaster becomes fed up-Mizoguchi's the school burning around them, a bare-handed
methods aren't enough. The gang must be put to Mizoguchi squares off againstthe katana-wielding
a stop by any means. That afternoon, Hiroshi tries Headmaster. . .
to speak to Junko,,, but, is so ashamed that he The last scene is brilliant: Bloodied but
cannot even iook her in the face. She runs off in unbowed, Mizoguchi and Hiroshi bury the hatchet
tears. and as they face the arriving
with a mutual smirk,
One night, a beautiful female teacher (Maria police, the teacher takes a swig from a flask as
Yasushi), stumbles across handbills being printed the JD combs his hair, as the cops rush towards
in the school's offices, framing the gang for a them: freeze-frame/the end ! Man, was I grinning
number of deeds-she is caught by the leader of from ear to ear when saw the both of themI
the Honor Guard, who reports the witness to the exuding machismo maximum! Perfect! Both of
Headmaster. Yasushi goes to Mizoguchi and them probably ended up going to the same
Junko with the story, but he is drunk and prison, and they should have gotten a
depressed, dismissing her. Junko insists on sequel-whatta team!
walking her home. Okamoto's direction (he also directed the 1991
Along the way, they are attacked by The Toei Video Cinema release, LADY BATTLE COP
Sidewinders, wearing ski masks, who attempt to aka ONNA BATORUKOPU) is gaunt, stylized and
rape the both of them Junko breaks away, and in masterfully composed inToeiScope, Terse editing
the footchase, she is hit head-on by a truck. The highlightingthe numerous action-oriented scenes
next day, while out riding with the gang, Hiroshi As an example, the opening title montage (shot in
is shocked about Junko, who is fighting
to hear sepia-tone), is so cleverly conceived and
for her life in a hospital. Racing back into the city, achieves such a level of cool, it defies
Hiroshi desperately tries to see her. But upon description-showcasing the "happy-go-luck'
Mizoguchi laying his eyes upon the malcontent, exploits of The Sidewinders, You'll have to take
Defeated and bleeding, Hiroshi says that he Wakao Nakajima's slick photography is high-
had nothing to do with the previous night’s lighted by subtle and over-saturated color
incident, and confesses that he loves her, film stock, lending an atmosphere of the unreal to
Asian Trash Cinema 15
the outrageous proceedings. Very smooth Wagnerian ending, with all its narrative surprises
transition for Okamoto, who usually helms Toei’s and kinetic outbursts in between, NAKED KILLER
Yakuza potboilers. provides the sort of gleefully self-assured
The bikers were played by a real motorcycle storytelling and imaginativevisualization of which
club/band, 'The Cruise", and one of their songs Hollywood no longer seems capable.
can be heard in the film. The famous and eclectic In the grand trash cinema tradition of ripping
composer Shunsuke Kikuchi provides VIOLENT off the latest hit, KILLER was obviously
CLASSROOM with its dynamic electric-based constructed as a response to the inept but hugely
score. No stranger to action, horror or fantasy, successful "erotic thriller," BASIC INSTINCT. Here
Kikuchi has previously scored THE GOLDEN too we have commingled sex and violence,
BAT, TERROR BENEATH THE SEA, ATTACK OF lesbians, a lethal leading lady, flawed hero, a
THE MONSTERS. GAMERA VS. MONSTER X and passionate yet ambiguous love affair. However,
many more (as well as setting the standard for in the prototype, the undeniably lurid minds of
superhero television scores in the '70s). Eszterhas and Verhoeven are continually reigned
The late actor Matsuda also starred in a in by the constraints of naturalism imposed on
number of Charles Bronson-styied roles, playing all non-fantasy U.S, product (see John Woo's
either a psycho-killer or a cold-blooded hitman recent HARD TARGET troubles, getting his
(the laterspanning several films), before writing, signature tropes past rigid American preview
directing and starring in his own sf-themed film audiences), making BASIC INSTINCT no more
A. HOMANS Matsuda also starred as
(Toei, 1987). than a hyped-up tv movie with a few pubic hairs
the WereHuman in the 1974 Toho horror film, thrown in.
MARK OF THE WOLF (based on the manga THE NAKED KILLER, on the other hand,
Wolfguy, which Toei also made into.a film starring enjoys the near-total stylistic and narrative
Shinichi "Sonny" Chiba), in which he played a freedom allowed by the much more adventurous
character similar to CLASSROOM'S Hiroshi- Hong Kong and Asian moviegoing public. The
although he was the protagonist; A very eccentric film's makers. Jing Wong (producer-writer) and
and intense actor, who sadly succumbed to Clarence Fok Yiu Leung (director), follow in the
cancer in 1989. footsteps of such subversive, over-the-top authors
But one of his most outstanding roles is that of as Sam Fuller and Seijun Suzuki, never
Katsuki Mizoguchi in VIOLENT CLASSROOM- a allowing for one extravagant idea or image
quiet man (with a dark past) on the edge of when three or four can be crammed into the
unbridled violence-a film with all its glue-sniffing same number of frames.
addicts, tough-guy posturing and sleazy The film opens in an atmosphere of giallo-ish
undercurrents, he may be most fondly mystery, overdressed beauty seemingly being
remembered. stalked on empty, glistening, blue-lit streets. But
See THE VIOLENT CLASSROOM any chance it turns out the beauty is the stalker after all,
you get, you'll thank me for it. Special thanks to slipping into the thuggish victim's shower, naked
Patrick Macias for supplying me with the tape for except for her pistol. She wounds him, clobbers
review. him with barbells, and then the calculated coup
de grace-a bullet through the penis. Cut to police
NAKED KILLER (1992) and investigators, including
witness to his brother's slaying
Simon Yam, traumatized
some time before.
NAKED KILLER 2 (1993) Now Yam is impotent and loses his lunch at the
But circumstances, and Kitty's uttra-violent of the pliant Baby. The film's flow of demented
temper, quickly take the girl's life in an creativity never stops, with something to grab the
unexpected and bizarre direction. When her viewer's attention in every scene.
father is inadvertently killed by a sleazeball Of the screenplay’s wealth of enjoyable
businessman, Kitty goes to his office for revenge, excesses, perhaps the most amusing is the idea
shooting up the place and blowing away a few of Sister Cindy’s basement training ground,
dozen henchmen, nearly getting raped in the always stocked with a fresh supply of Hong
process. A would-be female hostage turns out to Kong's most wanted rapists and maniacs.
be her savior, utilizing an exploding hat and Simon Yam as the troubled cop performs with his
deadly bolos in their blood-soaked escape from usual quirky charisma, but NAKED KILLER
the building. The older woman is Sister Cindy, belongs to its leading lady, glorious Chingmy
the world’s leading female assassin and after Yau. Reminiscent of the young Jane Fonda,
surgically removing Ktty’s fingerprints, tells her Chingmy makes a mesmerizing transformation
she has the right stuff to become a from spirited, hot-tempered college girl type to
professional killer. the seductive, ice cold persona of her trained
As the narrative proceeds by elliptical leaps killer. All in all, THE NAKED KILLER performs like
and bounds, we get to know a rival- hit the best of Hong Kong’s modern pop classics, at
team, horny and beautiful lesbians Baby and full throttle, with reckless imagination and total
Princess, the latter a renegade student of Sister much more
determination to give the audience
Cindy, Their next assignment, as it happens, than money's worth.
is a revenge hit on the former teacher and her The so-called sequel. NAKED KILLER 2,
talented new associate. alternately and more accurately known as
Meanwhile, lovelorn Simon Yam spots a RAPED BY AN ANGEL, is a marketing ploy
woman he takes to be the long-disappeared Ktty. more than a sequel proper (logically, since not a
She denies her identity to him but Yam single character survived the blood-soaked
obsessively pursues her. The lesbian killers make original), with only the male and female leads
contact now, too, Princess jealously sizing up her tying it to the previous title. Although RAPED
opposite number only to become sexually has its share of sleazy sex, violence and
infatuated with her, Kitty and Yam at last make outrageous notions, it lacks THE NAKED
love, while Princess has very rough sex (a KILLER'S over-the-top originality and juicy
machine gun plays a part) with Baby while stylization.
fantasizing about her new lust object. Sister Cindy Like a more explicit version of one of those
and gang-raped after a violent storming
is killed Lifetime cable woman-in-jeopardyflicks, RAPED
of her house. Ktty avenges her, the lethal
lesbos are sent to hell, and the heroine and her
man come together for one last embrace. In
an intensely romantic climax that is equal parts
star-crossed lovers decide they would rather
die together than live apart and blow themselves
into a million pieces.
With an exhausting energy and inventiveness,
the film hurtles from one high point to another.
The action scenes have the usual HK vigor and
overkill, scads of stuntmen going down in the big
shootouts at the office building and the attack on
Sister Cindy. The more intimate murder of the
gangster swimming pool, with a nude
in the
Baby and Princess making love at the shallow
end while the dead man's body floats a few feet
away, is a tour de force of stylish decadence.
So too is the kinky cross-cutting sequence
that contrasts Kitty and Simon's romantic passion
with Princess's frustrated and sadistic screwing Naked Killer 2: Raped By An Angel
Asian Trash Cinema 17
rapist turns the tables and gets Yam arrested. burned out on the endless stream of gun-toting
In the end, the rapist very nearly gets his way gangsters, flying swordsman, hopping vampires,
with the heroine in the ultra-violent final and lovesick ghosts, A few weeks after watching
showdown, but swallows a crossbow arrow many of was finding it hard to
these films I
instead and Chingmy and gangster Simon live differentiate between them. Luckily, every time my
happily ever after. The sex scenes are frequent interest has started to wane, a film comes along
and intense, including one startling upside-down that totally blows me away and reminds me why
masturbation session and a splattered video I started seeking out these films in the first place.
screen. But the creaky plot, the predictable VENDETTA is just such a film, a solidly directed
histrionics in the courtroom, the surprise twist at work that will keep you glued to the screen and
the end, all have a seen-it-before quality that on the edge of your seat throughout its lean
makes the so-called sequel a pale followup to eighty-six minute running time.
the extraordinary original. Director Leung Siu Hung (INSANITY), working
Reviewer Lee Server interviewed Gene Evans in the from a story by producer Raymond Wong, tells
May-June issue of Film Comment and has two new
the tale of young Hong Kong police officer David
books out, OVER MY DEAD BODY (Chronicle Books) and
Chan (Lui Leung Wai, aka Ray Lui, impressive
star of TO BE NUMBER ONE), first seen bringing
his wife Kitty (Veronica Yip) to the hospital as she
FIVE ELEMENT NINJA aka goes into labor. He's soon called from her side to
SUPER NINJAS (1982) the scene of a robbery/hostage crisis, during
which he kills two of the suspects, a brother and
DIRECTED BY CHANG CHEH sister, and captures the third, their older brother
REVIEW BY DAVID CHUTE Hung Long (Tommy Wong). Thoroughly
Wild, stylish, bloody stuff, the kung fu traumatized by the events, he returns to the
equivalent of a "Baby Cart" film. It’s a colorful hospital, where he keeps thinking he sees the
Shawscope picture with lush early-Chinese- two slain suspects in the hallways and entering
restaurant decor and exteriors filmed on garishly the delivery room. Then, his wife gives birth to
phoney studio sets (perhaps the secret aesthetic twins, aboy and a girl! At various times when
link Between Shaw and Hammer). But the action David looks at his children throughout the film,
is lavish, bloody and inventive, and its thrillingly such as when he tucks them into their cribs at
staged, the filmmaking intergrates all the potential night, he sees the dead brother and sister, bullet
shortcomings into a style. holes in their foreheads. Lying there in place of
The steady flow of ritualized sequences - and his children.
spurting blood - gets a compelling momentum These scenes are well done and very
going. The fun is in elaborations on atypical plot: unnerving. The children also have a tendency to
A martial arts school is challenged by a band of cause accidents, which start to seem more and
nasty ninja, debillish Japs divided into five more intentional, that injure David and often come
"elemental" Units- Gold, Wood, Water, Fire and close to him. appears
killing It to the young
Earth, each with a totem_ color and appropriate officer that his kids are possessed by the
killingmethod. vengeful spirits of the two suspects he killed,
Hero Hsiao (Chien Tien Chi) learns some though his wife refuses to believe this. He also
secret ninja tricks in order to defeat them, but not has to worry about Hung Long, on death row but
before his best pal (Lo Meng) is all-but still threatening to kill his family.
disembowled by a Japanese Mata Hari (Chen Pei This character is great, a cunning psychopath
Hsi). One great early shot has a fighter, speared kept securely locked up like Hannibal Lecter -
from below by the dastardly Earth Ninjas, fighting because he's just as dangerous. As a few
on manfully as a length of intestinedangles down unlucky guards have discovered, getting too
to his ankles. close to his cell bars can lead to the loss of a few
18 AsianTrash Cinema
Ray Lui and Veronica Yip (Vendetta) the kids are actually possessed or are just really
disturbed and antisocial.
The copy watched (from NIei Ah
laserdisc i
more scenes with him in the film. Though pretty short on the rampant gun-fu you
Popular heavyset actor Kent Cheng (RUN AND might expect from a Woo wannabe, the action
KILL; SEX AND ZEN; TO BE NUMBER ONE; and does cram in a satisfying amount of high velocity
many others) is also a welcome presence as martial arts (edited along the manic lines of Yuen
Ming, David's partner and bestfriend. Throughout Biao and Cynthia Rothrock’s RIGHTING
the film he tries to help David by giving him WRONGS). Techniques inciudequicksuccession
Buddha statues, prayer beads, Fung-shu fish, and intercutting of fast and sio-mo shots of the same
other religious charms meant to ward off the evil stunt seen from two different angles. Of late such
spirits possessing the children. What found I
methods have become cliche, but when done
interesting is that, unlike in most other Hong well they still work. And after all, we can always
Kong films with supernatural elements, these use one more slick John Woo imitator, no matter
religious items seem to have no effect throughout how mediocre,
most of the film. Comedic filler is mostly non-intrusive, but
The one flaw with the film is the unnecessary some scenes - especially when our hero and
supernatural pyrotechnics during the last minutes. heroine teeter precariously on the edge of a cliff
The film would have been much stronger without in their car - go on too long and are far too
them. While the viewer is as convinced as David inconsequential to the plot. Much more cynical
that the kids are possessed, it could still be laughs are provoked by the unpredictabiy violent
argued that it’s all in his mind, the result of a acts of Wong the mob boss. For instance, while
traumatic experience, and that everything could playing pool he is unsuccessful in sinking the
be explained away in non-supernatural terms. The desired ball. Nearby, a musician plays mood
powerlessness of the religious items throughout music on a violin, and, upon noticing his boss'
the film could also lead one to question whether annoyance at failing to hit the corner pocket, tries
Asian Trash Cinema 19
violinist with a brutal cuestick swipe to the side of Hsia Ling-Ching (Yuen Biao, Jackie Chan's
his skull. An almost Argento-like slow motion sidekick in an unusually grim role), witnessess
glimpse of splattering scalp is Inserted, and the the execution style butchery of his mentor, The
fiddler goes down like a sack of shit (still enraged attorney engages his enemies in a
playing!). mobile gunbattle which results in the thugs
Later, the musician makes an encore cremating alive in their flaming automobile.
appearance -- now rendered a drooling, tongue- During the opening credits, a black asscissin
lolling simpleton by his head injury - to torment massacres an adult witness and his screaming
the captive heroine with an off-key violin number family. Their high riseapartment is blown up.
(violin violence?). In other moments of black Stunned by this news, Hsia shudders with rage
comedy, at his slightest displeasure the mobster as his case against sneering gangster Chou Ting
blows away his own men with a large caliber Kuang goes to pieces. After a conversation with
handgun. a senior justice, Hsia decides to practice
Locker-room level erection and lesbian jokes vigilantism. The lithe attorney begins pounding
are prominent, ensuring an- overall goofy tone, Chou’s mob.
but violence becomes progressively harder- We are then introduced to tough lady cop Shih
edged, and the foot-and-fisticuffs-frought finale Li-yi, a blonde also known as Cindy (Cynthia
spirals to a scenery trashing frenzy. One of our Rothrock at her most butch). For an appetizer.
heroines (there are actually three, high-kicking
kung fu kittens all, including Hui Ying Hung)
stakes a guy using a sharp fence-picket.
Somebody else does a face-flop through a glass
coffee table, A vast explosion with stuntmen
leaping from upper-storey windows ahead of
erupting flames provides the adrenalized climax.
As with so many HK action flicks, it’s the
dynamism of the editing that makes this one
click. Of course, the effortless aerobatics of the
three supple she-cats also help.
a "small" film, but brims with enough kickass
she closes down an illegal gambling hall using suddenly focuses on the lawyer's reflection in a
fists, feet and loose furniture. For dinner, Cindy’s tirehubcap just before the car rolls toward him,
oily superintendent Wang Chin-Wai assigns her to RIGHTING WRONGS’ nonstop gun, contact
the vigilante case. The officer's partner is a weapon and martial arts are usually serious
slovenly male cop, Bad Egg. Their prime suspect (unlike most of the Jackie Chan movie duels
because of the attorney and would like to return he percieves to be a corrupt and Ineffectual legal
the favor.,, and splinter bones in the process (and system. Yet, the young man Is an attorney trained
United State lawyers think they have it rough). to uphold the law, regardless of its imperfections.
Hsia’s martial art skills save him from death. Hsia’s black suited missions against the Triads
RIGHTING WRONGS deviates from this may result in relatively few criminal corpses but
intense. If predictable, scenario when police their implications outweigh the greater bodycount
superintendent Wang Chin-wai is revealed to be attained by run of the mill shoot-em-ups.
the cold blooded mastermind who shattered Equally unyielding Is Cynthia Rothrock's
Hsia's case against Chou. The bad cop did not character, an early role in her movie career. Her
want his profitable arrangement with the stiffness contributes to the role of Cindy, forging
undentvorld ruined. He was willing to use this blonde fury into an unforgiving symbol of law
assassins (the irony here is that the first hitman enforcement.
was dressed as an officer). Each struggle was painfully performed and
However. Chou has become a liability. Wang assembled on film. The wirework has
slaughters the boss and his bodyguards. The kept a lower profile than in many Hong Kong
killer turns on Hsia, Cindy and any innocent who motion pictures. Yuen Biao and Rothrock deliver
strays too close. impressive moves against one another and
The final conclusion of violence leaves dead all various amounts of enemies. All factors
of Wang's assassins (including martial artist considered, RIGHTNG WRONGS is a bargain for
Karen Shepherd), Cindy is murdered while any action movie lover.
battling her corrupt boss. Hsia and Wang
their death duel above the ocean In an
private airplane. The attorney
crunches Wemg’s skull and leaps from the DIRECTED BY STANLEY TONG
plunging plane. When Hsiafinallysmacks against REVIEWED BY WILLIAM WILSON
the water hundreds of feet below, he bursts. One of the many reasons that Hong Kong
The bleakness in RIGHTING WRONGS may in action films will always be superior to the Western
some way approximate reality, edging beyond it competition is the fact that they can be
simple entertainment. For this reason. RIGHTING considered "equal opportunity" films. There are
WRONGS should be ranked with the similarly literally dozens of women who can kick, flip and
unnerving HK thrills found throughout THE BIG take a fall as good as their male co-stars.
HEAT (1988), FATAL TERMINATION (1989), and One of the most famous and popular of these
THE FIRST TIME IS THE LAST TIME (1988). kung fu ladies Is Michelle Yeoh (aka Michelle
The textured direction of RIGHTING WRONGS Khan).
also raises above your average modestly
it In 1 991 Michelle Yeoh teamed up with Jackie
tome later turns up in a battle between Hsia and In PROJECT S Yeoh reprises her role as Yang
the assassin who slew his witnessess. During the Chien Hua. This film a direct sequel to
exciting parking garage combat, the camera SUPERCOP: POLICE STORY 3, however, the
Asian Trash Cinema 21
Michelle Yeoh [Michelle Khan] feels that with his and Feng's gang and his
knowledge of the vault’s structure, the robbery
willbe flawless.
Throughout the film there are many close calls
as Hua and the two rookie cops whom she teams
up with try to track down the criminals. In one
particular scene, Feng must decide whether to
attack or retreat when he notices that Hua is one
of the three people attacking his gang’s
headquarters. Feng eventually retreats and just
barely escapes recognition by Hua.
All of these close calls lead to an action
packed climax set in the banks underground
vault,Hua, with the help of rookie officer Lung,
played by Fan Siu Wang (RIKKI O), must try to
stop the already in progress robbery. It seems
thatDavidson plans to double cross Feng and
escape with all the money. This does not
tries to
who chases Davidson into the
Sitwell with Feng,
sewer and subway systems, along the planned
escape routes. They have a tense showdown, in
which Feng shoots Davidson, after which Hua
arrives to confront Feng. During this
confrontation, there is a tense scene in which
both Hua and Feng end up pointing guns directly
at each other. Hua asks Feng how he felt he
could lead such a life, for which he has no other
answer than to point a gun at her. The film then
culminates in an unusual downbeat ending as
Hua must watch Feng die.
point of emphasis now turns away from Jackie PROJECT S is indeed an enjoyable movie. The
Chan’s character and focuses on Yeoh's. competently directed by Stanley Tong, who
film Is
The film opens with Yeoh's character Hua also helmed SUPERCOP: POLICE STORY 3. The
arriving at the scene of a terrorist takeover. action scenes are well choreographed, with the
Disguised as a doctor sent up to aid a heart scenes in the bank vault being the highlight.
attack victim. Hua, with the help of boyfriend and During these scenes Yeoh gets ample time to
fellow police officer Cheng Feng (Yu Wing Gong), display her fighting ability as she takes on a
takes the terrorists by storm. This opening scene seven foot gang member. This trend of
alone is filled with more jaw dropping action than fighting larger than life villains can also be seen
what you willsee in a lifetime of Steven Segal in Bruce Lee’sGAME OF DEATH and, more
movies. People literally fall from fifth story recently, in Jackie Chan’s CITYHUNTER, Fan Siu
windows. Wang, RIKKI 0 himself, also proves himself as a
Following this spectacular opening, the plot great fighter, showing he doesn’t need the power
begins to unfold. The story bears more than a of RIKKI O's punch to fight off the bad guys.
passing resemblance to SUPERCOP: POLICE For fans of Jackie Chan, who also serves as
STORY 3. Hua is sent to Hong Kong, as Jackie executive producer, there is an all to brief cameo
Chan’s POLICE STORY 3 character was sent to appearance. Chan, playing his character from
mainland China, to help out the local police. The POLICE STORY 3, foils a robbery attempt by a
specific case involves the intended robbery of a group of thugs. Did mention that he did it all in
bank. Problems arisewhen, unbeknownstto Hua, drag? This scene is quite funny, but feels out of
it is revealed that Cheng Feng is a key member place with the rest of the movie. It seems to have
of a gang hired to help pull off the robbery. The been added just to satisfy Chan fans, who would
gang was hired by Roger Davidson (Alain have easily been satisfied by just watching
Guernier), the designer of the bank's vault. He Michelle Yeoh in action.
22 AsianTrashCinema
Three Wolves:
The Return of
Itto Ogami
by Max Allan Collins
NOTE: In a previous two-part ATC article, author Collins explored the six-part
Swords of Vengeance [Baby Cart] film series and the Kozure Okami comic-book that inspired it
The major disappointment of the Swords of provide a satisfying resolution for their sprawling
Vengeance series is that it leaves unresolved tale. But that resolution didn't appear in print
the story of its protagonists, wandering samurai until1976, while Daigoro! We’re Going into
Itto Ogami and son Daigoro.
his The Lone Sword of Vengeance [Baby Cart]
Hell!, the final
Wolf's thirst for revenge against his arch-enemy film,was made in 1973,
Retsudo Yagyuu remains unquenched, and the The frustrated fans of Lone Wolf and Child
counter crusade by the Yagyuu clan remains a should be pleasantly surprised to learn that Video
very real and constant threat to father and son. Search of Miami has unearthed three more,
Fans of the epic gekiga (dramatic picture post-Swords of Vengeance film versions of the
story) upon which the six films are based are saga: Baby Cart Second Series: Through A
especially frustrated, knowing that writer Kazuo Child’s Eyes: Lone Wolf Cop: The Sex Doll
Koike and artist Goseki Kojima did indeed Case and Lone Wolf and Child: Final Conflict
Asian Trash Cinema 23
Through A Child’s Eyes is the first of ten all)of the same footage as the sleep-inducing
began appearing in Japan in 1981;
features that Fugitive Samurai, but also includes a good deal
thus far, it's the only title in the series translated of footage particularly action sequences - not
by Video Search, although if enough interest is seen in the other, lesser film.
shown in this first release, the others should Kinnosuke Yorozuya plays Itto Ogami and
follow. Katzutaka Nishikawais Daigoro. A sole director is
The second series of films (judging by credited (Ryugi Tanaka) but that seems unlikely,
Through A Child’s Eyes, at least) is derived as footage has been gleaned for Through A
from the Kozure Okami television series, which Child’s Eyes from at least four episodes of the
began in 1973. The films apparently were TV show, and Fugitive Samurai credits two
theatrical releases, but assembled in the manner directors (Minoru Matsushima and Akinori
of the 1960s Disney Zorro and MGM Man from Matsuo).
Uncle movies that is, patched together from TV
- Whether writer Koike was involved in the
episodes. scripting or not, fans of the manga version of
Through A Child’s Eyes, however, is at least Lone Wolf will find the TV adaptation (which of
patched together, in fact seamlessly so,
carefully course is reflected in Through A Child’s Eyes)
and far superior to a similar pieced-together even more faithful to the comics themselves than
assemblage from the same TV series. Fugitive the Sword of Vengeance (Baby Cart) series.
Samurai (1984), an out-of-print SVS laser disc. It's as if the filmmakers used the gekiga as
Through A Child’s Eyes contains some (but not storyboards.
Kinnosuke Yorozuya’s main deficiency in the delightfully sleazy titles in all of 'trash" cinema)
role of IttoOgami is that he is not Tomisaburo features the trademark gendering blood of the
Wakayama; he lacks the previous, more portly original filmsand then some.
Lone Wolf's sullen charisma. But he more closely The premise is terrific: because of 'foreign
resembles the comic-book's taller Lone Wolf, and influences" and the growth of Yakuza gangs, a
carries himself with quiet dignity: his is a sad, special police unit. Project Lone Wolf, is granted
noble bearing. the freedom to "kill unconditionally" in the
If anything, Katzutaka Nishikawa is an even manner of the Kaishakunin (executioner) of feudal
better Daigoro than the very good Akihiro times. Itto Ogami, of course, was the shogun’s
Tomikawa; the wide-eyed mugging the latter was Kaishakunin.
occasionally prone to (particularly in Baby Cart The man in charge is a tough, heavy-set
#6) is replaced by the new actor’s disturbing uniformed cop, Ruyugi Shimamura (Yoshio
stone face. He too has a sad noble dignity, his Umeyani), who is physically reminiscent of the
sorrowful eyes and stony expression not cracking Itto Ogami. Tomisaburo Wakayama. This
even when the bad guys are burning him alive. modern Lone Wolf gathers seven handsome
Fans of the comic-book will be delighted by the young uniformed cops, and together they go
main titles, which use Goseki Kojima's drawings underground, with their leader posing as a
as a backdrop (identical to the television series flagrantly gay club owner and his handsome
opening, incidentally). And fans of the previous young minions the gigolos he provides to older,
film series willbe gratified by an opening that rich women. Supposedly running this sleazy bar
sets this film up as following, chronologically, the provides Shimamura and his unit a good cover,
previous films, using flashbacks from early TV and gets them next to the gangster element but,
episodes to fill in the blanks. frankly, it’s not very logical, and has nothing at all
There is much good to be said about Through to do with presenting a modern version of Lone
A Child's Eyes. The battle scenes - while lacking Wolf. Are the seven interchangeably handsome
the cartoons geysers of blood of Sword of assistants supposed to represent Daigoro?
Vengeance - are well-staged and effective, Fortunately, the movie-making itself is slick, the
Kinnosuke Yorozuya making a convincing Itto girls are pretty and frequently unclothed, the bad
Ogami, moving with grace and skill. The climatic guys are nasty (particularly a lovely dragon lady),
duel with Retsudo Yagyuu's wandering son and the action scenes are well-mounted (if not as
Gunbet is effectively staged, the sad-eyed child convincing as the grittier Hong Kong variety). A
looking on as his father does battle In a pounding particularly strong final shoot-out scene in a
rain (this sequence was the saving grace of warehouse is easily worth the price of admission.
Fugitive Samurai, by the way, although its The modern-day white slavery /blackmail plot, with
dubbed, rewritten dialogue is far inferior to the its S&M elements, will please exploitation fans,
real thing provided by Video Search's translators, and there's no doubt that Sex Doll Murder Case
Amy Asai and Tom Weisser). delivers what its subtitle promises. It's the main
On the downside, an over-use of zooms and a title- the notion that this will be a modern
cheesy organ that undermines an otherwise variation on Lone Wolf and Child- that isn't lived
serviceable score reminds us of the film's TV up to. Fun film or not, this is a woefully missed
roots; and the lack of the previous film series’ opportunity.
flamboyant biood effects will discourage the gore- A much higher road is taken in the 1992 Lone
hounds among us. Nonetheless, the TV series- Wolf & Child: The Final Conflict, a big-budget
currently unavailable from any source- was a production that not only rivals the original Sword
worthwhile adaptation of its fine source material, of Vengeance series, but in many respects
and Through A Child’s Eyes indicates the film surpasses it. Again, exploitation fans may be
compilations make a first-rate way to access that disappointed, as the geysers of blood are
adaptation. This writer hopes fan response to nowhere in sight; in fact the beautifully staged
Through A Child’s Eyes will be strong enough to action sequences are purposefully undermined by
inspire Video Search to translate the other films. a somber, lyrical score, that indicates the path Itto
Lone Wolf fans who bemoan the relative Ogami has taken is notone of glory, but tragedy.
bloodlessness of Through a Child's Eyes may More than anything. Final Conflict is a re-
revel in Lone Wolf Cop: The Sex Doll Case, examination of the source material; for the viewer
which (in addition to having one of the most familiar with that source material, this film
Asian Trash Cinema 25
consistently surprises with new approaches to scenes of brutality have their own sad, bittersweet
situations and characters. poetry (thankfully, the Video Search transfer is a
The lean, handsome Itto Ogami of Masakuza crisp, widescreen one). The episodic nature of
Tamura does not stoically hide his love of the film suggests both the episodic nature of the
Daigoro (Yushi Shibata); his emotions are worn original source material, and that we are seeing
as openly as previous Itto Ogamis have hidden only portions of Ogami and Daigoro's much
theirs.The famous choose-between-the-ball-or-the longer journey.
sword sequence is set up, then played out in a The conclusion of Lone Wolf’s quest for
different, yet entirely satisfying manner. Retsudo vengeance- and Retsudo Yagyuu's peu-aliel quest
Yagyuu Nakaya)
(Tatsuya is no longer the -finallyreaches the motionpicture screen, albeit
white-bearded, white-maned human devil, but a in a manner that departs from the specifics of the
tortured soul, with a striking (and. for fans of the geika source material, even while paying it tribute.
original movie series, subconsciously disturbing) If anything, this is a more satisfying, deeper and
physical resemblance to the late Tomisaburo more meaningful resolution to the battle between
Wakayama. these two samurai. To discuss this in any more
Perhaps most shockingly, this is a baby-cart depth would be to spoil one of the most
movie without a baby-cart! Possibly abandoning rewarding sequences in recent cinema.
this famous aspect of the tale because it was too But I will say that the final image of Daigoro,
gimmicky or comic-booky, director Shou Inoue alone on the sandy beach where his father
may also be focusing on the post-baby cart years recently fought a duel, is the single most
of this father and son. While the entire saga is beautiful, and haunting image, in any one of the
compressed into one nearly two-hour package, films, or in the comic-book, either.
a passage of time between the “origin" of Lone it is tempting to say that if you see one Lone
Wolf and Child, and when we join father and son Wolf film,it should be this one: but beginners are
as they walk their tragic, lonely path, might well advised to start with Sword Of Vengeance [Baby
have been filled by those other, baby-cart Cart Series] continue on with Through a Child’s
adventures chronicled in Swords of Vengeance. Eyes, detour if you must into Sex Doll Murder
More likely the director is re-thinking the entire Case, before encountering the single best film
saga, paying more attention to the spirit than the ever derived from Kazoo Koike and Goseki
letter. He fills the screen with lovely images of Kojima's epic work.
nature as observed by young Daigoro, even the It’s so good it may spoil the others for you.
26 AsianTrash Cinema
1+2 = Paradise
Another Look At Trash Animation
by Jim McLennan
One of the delights of Japanese animation is He runs out of the bedroom, screaming, only
the sheer volume of stuff out there, just waiting to to find himself back on the castle drawbridge.
be discovered. Whereas, in most other genres, The twins have pursued him, metamorphosing
there is no real unexplored territory - the chances into creatures with their heads between their legs.
of stumbling across an 'Evil Dead' are pretty slim He slams awake again. The twins are behind him.
- anime represents a positive Amazonia of He's off once more, followed this time by a flock
obscure delights, nightmares, and good of bouncing breasts, none of which are actually
old-fashioned weirdness, ATTACHED to anyone. Etcetera, etcetera.
1 --2 = Paradis© is a case in point: the tapes I After the first two minutes, it feels as if
own are quite possibly the only originals to leave someone has been slamming your head off a
Japan, but It is unquestionably several notches concrete wall. But let me summarize. The twin
above the usual material that makes up much of babes (blonde, teenage, and stacked like a
the anime officially released in the West. It is also four-pack of 1/1 Hindenburg models) are real,
perhaps the most politically incorrect piece of and are called Rika and Yuka Nakamura. They
entertainment of any form have ever seen.I are student nurses who have been invited to stay
The opening sequence is of the hero, Yusuke in Yusuke’s house by his father, a gynecologist.
Yamamoto, clad in armor and defeating a range Dr. Yamamoto is weird. He keeps a coelecanth in
of nasty beauties in a castle. Having done so. he a tank in his office. Maybe this is standard
is confronted by a beautiful topless woman, who practice for gynecologists - 1 really wouldn’t know
then turns into a naga, sprouting further pairs of but, in any case, the arrival of the twins is an
breasts down the length of her body. underhand attempt by him to cure Yusuke of his
Our hero wakes with a start, 'Phew", he says, fear of women, so that he can follow in his
"Must've overdone it on the Nintendo". father's footsteps.
But, wait - what are these twin nymphettes The reeison for this phobia is that, when he
doing in his bed? was very young, he was playing doctors and
nurses with the girls next door. They took his
clothes off: "Eugh! What's that thing dangling
down? WE don't have one of those. It must be a
boil! Hang on, we'll cut it off for you..." Coming
within an inch neutered, perhaps
of being
understandably, had a somewhat unpleasant
effect on Yusuke's sexuality. Like he decided not
to have one.
Father explains that there is only room for one
of the twins to stay, and that Yusuke has to
choose between them. While not exactly ecstatic
to see his castrators returning, he’s too polite to
reject them entirely, as they’ve got nowhere else
to stay, and it IS Christmas, after all (though why
this should make much difference in a
non-Christian country like Japan is obscure!).
nor Yuka are really very good at cleaning, both not it is moraily reprehensible, it is undeniably
exhibit spectacular talents in other areas, such as funny.
losing their clothes, squealing, and falling off The second part is not quite the same. This is
ladders to land, crotch first, on Yusuke's face. He something of a mixed blessing. Admittedly, there
ends up doing the cleaning himself, mostly as an is only so much one can do with giggling,
exercise in damage limitation, while the girls silicone-pumped teenagers - at least, with regard
watch admiringly. to Great Cinematic Art and the thirty minutes
Their subsequent attempts at cooking prove duration of the first part probably just about
no more successful: while potatoes are peeled, exhausted the possibilities. Thus, the sequel is
they are simultaneously reduced to the size of a forced to fall back on the old standby known as
marble. Things boil over and/or explode. Cue "having a plot".
out. Unfortunately, they are already in the room, find one...). Studies are interruptedby the arrival
so all he Is doing is making escape impossible. in town of a flying circus; the ringmaster’s
He finds this out, when he discovers they are daughter takes a great shine to Yusuke, so much
warming pajamas
his for him..; He wakes the next so that she kidnaps him.
morning, wondering if it was all a dream. In a It's up to Rika and Yuka to save him from her
movies, it is at least sometimes suggested that mutual enjoyment is part of the sex act. In Japan,
this is rarely the case It becomes clear what these films are really all about: a desperate fear
. . .
of masculine inadequacy." Ian Buruma, Behind the Mask [Meridian Books, 1984]
- still serves as an interesting, Indeed essential flick style,Sakae's initial tearful protests soon give
primer for an excursion into the often harrowing way to a mewing, submissive ambivalence; later
realm of that country's pornographic film industry. in the film, she is told to admit she "enjoyed the
Those accustomed to only Western "erotic" rape," and Buruma - among others - has
cinema (the term scarcely applies to these two commented on how rape victims in these movies
films under review) will certainly be shocked - often ludicrously 'fall in love" with their attackers).
most likely repulsed - by the likes of the This lengthy groping session is followed by
Japanese porn film CAPTURED FOR SEX and its increasingly more surreal, nightmarish
creatively-titled sequel, CAPTURED FOR SEX 2. hallucinations experienced by Sakae, as she
I'm any
under no delusion that these films are in stumbles inexplicably from a room without an exit
way atypical or exceptional examples of Japanese to a deserted train car, from the middle of a vast
"pink" (adult) films, but I also feel that their desert to a fetishist's heaven torture chamber. In
undoubted similarity to other sado-masochistic each of her bizarre encounters, she is inevitably
sex films from the country better serves to pursued by her leather-clad femme tormentor (the
and sexual
illuminate the basic misogynist traits film’s sole amusing moment comes from Sakae’s
pains and joys of perversion - far more place "mind over matter and ignore the heal,"
successfully - not to mention watchably - than Perhaps an indirect critique of the philosophy of
successor (which is more a "horror" film). If its
its sadism that has heretofore permeated the film?
bargain-basement surrealism never quite Well maybe not.
overcomes its banal sex-flick origins and Jesus It’s a hell of a lot more erotic than anything
Franco-styled padding (even at only 77 minutes, that appears in the terrifying, borderline-
the film still has time to show us a three-minute unwatchable CAPTURED FOR SEX 2, the only
long real-time shot of Sakae tying together torn film I've seen capable of making the sexual
sheets, and doubt it was done as a homage to
I encounters of TOKYO DECADENCE and
Chantal Akerman's minimalist epic JEANNE Pasolini's SALO look like a David Hamilton soft-
DIELMAN), its not for lack of haunting moments. core romp, in tone, director Masaru ljuin’s sequel
There are many sleazy sequences oddly couldn't be more different from its predecessor:
transformed into images of striking visual power: the dreamy mise-en-scene of the original is
the initial sex scene is eerily isolated in a metallic replaced here by a film that appears flat, dark,
womb-likeenclosure; thedeserted train ridden by hard, cold, claustrophobic, ugly. Even the
the two lovers is suddenly populated by hypnotic Shamisen drones on #1’s soundtrack
passengers chanting "Rape"; the doors of the are now replaced by jarring Musique-concrete
imprisoning room open to exaggerated electronic noises. The film has no time for
projections of advancing trucks and lovemaking somnambulist wanderings •• it’s too busy
sessions superimposed over psychedelically- concentrating on its "story."
swirling flowerbuds; the couple suddenly find Shingo and his fiancee Miki are trapped in the
themselves making love in an oasis of sand. The woods because their car breaks down. They are
film's expansive visucil style is no doubt helped by rescued by an unnamed, bearded gentleman
the freedom of its shot compositions; Although (Shingo calls him the "devil"), who has them stay
Sakae spends literally the entire film completely in his isolated house. Shortly thereafter, Miki is
nude, her pubic hair is not blocked by stripped at knifepoint, threatened, forced tofellate
strategically-placed flower vases, nor is anyone her bound boyfriend while being raped from
else's genital region optically censored by the behind by the Devil, During the torture sessions
usual Japanese-video puritanism on this matter (I
saw the French print provided with subtitled by
Video Search of Miami). Indeed, there are many
moments in CAPTURED FOR SEX - the usual
array of gynecological probing and ejaculation
shots - that clearly label it as a hardcore film
(unlike its sequel).
Ironically, the film's closing moments provide
both a directlink to more brutal sexuality evoked
treatment of his lover("I can never go back to the corked up to prevent defecation; she is left there
way was. The man released me from the
for an eternity to writhe in pain until Shingo finally
true extent of my dreams"), so he persuades the bravura may never touch any cocoa products till
Devil to take him on as his "apprentice" and so, the next decade. The other one I'm not sure I
the two men then kidnap two additional victims, even fully understood: something to do with
a young tennis student named Michiyno. and female genitalia (or perhaps, anus), a funnel, a
Lisa, Miki's friend. They are also raped and bag of marbles, red wine, and an explosive
tortured, Shingo begins to get megalomaniacal backwash referred to as a "Cocktail Special."
with the whip, and so kills the Devil so that he To be blunt: as a film, CAPTURED FOR SEX 2
may "own" the three objects of pleasure himself. is basically "unreviewable" since whatever
THE END. if the generalities of the "plot" seem c/nemaf/cattributes it may possess are so slim as
offensive enough, one must keep in mind that -- to render the whole movie filmically worthless.
despite Shingo’s grim voice-over narration and Story and character are negligible, the visual style
trapped-in-the-woods setting -- CAPTURED FOR (while technically competent) Is unattractive.
SEX 2 is not intended as a conflict-based Although I admit the closing minutes contain a
suspense thriller. Shingo and the Devil are the certain fevered delirium, we're not exactly dealing
"sympathetic" protagonists of the film (indeed, with Oshima or Imamura here - even Koji
they even develop an unexplored homoerotic Wakamatsu, a Japanese sex-film director who
male-bond of teacher-pupil), and the viewer is specializes in similar fare, demonstrates more
invited to identify with thei r actions . If you thought moments of impressive orgiastic transcendence
the story-line was bad, here are the specifics: than anything on display here. The sole attraction
Throughoutthe film, the three women (I feel no to the film- if one can call it that - comes from
compulsion to distinguish them as individuals the standard freak-show/shock-valuefactor which
since the movie certainly doesn’t) are - among may encourage someone to submitthemselves to
the indignities: raped; whipped until bloody; used this nauseating endurance test. Admittedly, I
as human chopping blocks for vegetables [with assume the film was created with the intention of
which they will be forcibly penetrated]; bound sexual arousal in mind, but honestly can’t judge I
and gagged; burned with hot candlewax (and the movie on that level; I'm certainly not trying to
often just the flame itself); affixed with bells, adopt a holier-than-thou moral stance on the
clamps and pincushions on their nipples: material, just can't re/afe to It in that context, so
constantly degraded with sexual threats ("Isn't it far is it removed from my own sensibilities (I'll
cute how the girl screams!" and “Your girlfriend even allow that could've “dealt with" the S&M
gets wet fast; she's already soaked" being two sequences on a purely visual level, if the film's
highlights); strung up like animals while flogged; overall view of women hadn't been so unbearably
pubically shaved ("You'll look just like when you deplorable). However, can’t deny that there is a I
were born," the Devil notes, a line eerily echoed definite morbid fascination brought on by viewing
in Bigas Luna’s LULU); penetrated and probed by the film, although suspect that - as is the case
various gynecological, urological, and with other films of its type -- the compulsion is
proctological makeshift-torture devices, including momentary and superficial. As a cultural study of
light scopes; pierced by blow dart needles on specific sexual attitudes though, CAPTURED FOR
their bleeding whip scars; forced to engage in SEX 2 is undeniably compelling viewing; this is
lesbian liaisons and eat out of dog-food bowls; perhaps the only area in which could
affixed with dog leashes and a truly horrifying legitimately recommend the film. I admit I’ve
leather facial mask which forces the mouth open never seen anything else quite like ijuin’s movie,
to full-width; tortured with dozens of miniature and one could certainly interpret that as a positive
clamps adhered to their nude bodies: and statement in and of itself, suppose. can also i 1
occasionally just flat out bitten and beaten. say don’t hope to see anything like it again -
Unsurprisingly, the sexual humiliations intensify the long wide-angle takes of each sequence and
as the film continues (yes, there's more), the panfully prolonged realism leave no doubt
culminating in two scenes of such staggering that these acts of sadism are actually being
perversity I hesitate to even describe them (but I performed on these "actresses,' and the grisly
will): at one point, Miki is given an enema with a truth of this is perhaps more than care to watch. I
Asian Trash Cinema 31
Review and Observations by August Ragone
'The Age of Mankind is over..." laments Japan, the gathering of technology from the
Kazuma Aoki {Masahiro Takeshima) at the fiery cybernetic head of MechaKing Ghidorah from the
conclusion of GODZILLA VS. MECHAGODZILLA, bottom of the sea (a link from 1991 's GODZILLA
Toho’s fifth and latest entry in its new monster VS. KING GHIDORAH; dir. Kazuki Omori), the
series, which began in 1 984 with GODZILLA (dir. scrapping of the "Garuda" Anti-Godzilla Fighter
Koji Hashimoto). project, and the realization of MechaGodzilia-a
Director Takao Okawara hones his experience magnificent achievement for Toho, and one of
from his previous genre entry, GODZILLA VS. most expensive monster creations.
MOTHRA (1992), into a film of power, grace and Soon thereafter, Aoki is transferred from his pet
pathos-arguably the best installment in the Garuda project to training as a member of
current Godzilla continuity. Period. G-Force (an elite military unit whose only purpose
MECHAGODZILLA is fast-paced, exciting, is MechaGodzilta crew, and
to defeat Godzillaj's
suspenseful; living up to its tag-line: 'A Non-Stop we are whisked away to Adonoa Island in the
Battle Movie". The film begins with a brisk Bering Sea, where scientists from the Life
montage concerning the formation of the United Sciences Japan have arrived after
Institute of
sees: Azusa Gojo (Ryoko Sano) of the Life at all costs. And the UNGCC changes Saegusa’s
Sciences a disturbance...
Institute. Miki feels orders, and transfers her aboard MechaGodzilla,
Godzilla comes ashore and tramples through so they can psychically lock-on to the sub-brain-it
Japan in search of the Baby; but, G-Force is is she who must "pull the trigger".
experiences a energy surge, giving Godzilla deadly rays, cuts a destructive swath through the
enough time to rise and pummel it to the earth. Japanese islands, snatching the helicopter
G-Force then throws everything it has at the container with Gojo and Baby aboard, who were
monster, but he is unopposed in marching being readied for the G-Crusher plan. The flying
through the ancient city of Kyoto-straight for the monster makes off towards Tokyo with the
Life Sciences Institute building. Aoki, Saegusa, Garuda (piloted by Aoki) and MechaGodzilla in
Gojo and the other scientists take refuge with the hot pursuit.
Baby in a sub-sub basement, and hold out until It seems as though the strangemoss found
Godzilla, becoming frustrated, leaves-destroying attached to the eggs on Adonoa acted as a form
the city of Osaka before disappearing once again of communication between the embryonic Baby
into the sea (a strangely moving scene, and Rodan-essentially "growing up"
highlighted by Maestro Akira Ifukube's score). together-linked like twin brothers, and Rodan
The UNGCC Weapons Division develops the thinks he’s rescuing his other.
'G-Crusher Plan" to defeat Godzilla, by studying During the following confrontation, the Garuda
Baby and discovering that the beast has a is downed by Rodan... who in turn is defeated by
second, or sub-brain, located at the base of its MechaGodzilla’s Plasma Grenade cannon... but,
spine They aim to use Baby as bait to lure just asrescue workers begin to free Gojo and
Godzilla to a remote island, where the newly Baby, Godzilla appears-seriously bad timing:
refitted MechaGodzilla will use its harpoon-like MechaGodzi Ha's weapon systems is overheating.
Shock Anchors" to penetrate the leviathan's hide After a furious exchange of death rays,
and detonate this sub-brain, rendering Godzilla a MechaGodzilla is rendered immobile by a system
sitting duck Saegusa, Aoki and Gojo object, but shut-down, allowing Godzillato pound and flatten
Asian Trash Cinema 33
the robot-monster. Finally, Aokimakes good his And what a score it is! Besides the beautifully
repairs on the Garuda and enters the fray once re-scored Godzilla and Rodan themes (the latter
again... startling the leviathan and letting adapted from 1965's GHIDRAH THE 3-HEADED
MechaGodzilla make Its escape in order to dock MONSTER), the new pieces are ones theit are
with the Garuda, in a plan devised by Aoki, hard to get out of your head once you leave the
creating the "Super MechaGodzilla"! film behind-typical of the best of Ifukube’s works.
The steel giant unleashescombined Its entire The three most memorable themes in the film are
weaponry, softening Godzilla up for the coup de the pounding MechaGodzilla theme, the march
grace, the G-Crusher. Torn and unsure, Saegusa for G-Force and the beautifully moving choral
sets off the weapon, destroying Godzilla's theme. Baby's signature. Ifukube heis outdone
sub-brain... Fallen, the King of Monsters is then himself once again.
soundly killed by a relentless assault from The acting in MECHAGODZILLA is hard to
MechaGodzilla. Meanwhile, responding to the Okawara seems to have a better
fault, director
cries of Baby, Rodan makes one last effort to handle on his thespians than Omori had in his
come to Its aid, aind Is downed by MechaGodzilla, Godzilla outtings; Takeshima (who also starred in
To the amazement of the MG Crew, a strange is very likeable as Aoki, Sano's Gojo is quite
light begins emanating from Rodan, enveloping charming, and Odaka is as intense as ever in the
the leviathan in a weird glow... role of the G-Psychic, Miki. The other actors work
Without spoiling the ending for those who have well, and surprisingly, so do the foreigners.
not yet seen the film, it is a thrilling cllmaix and Sherry Sweeny is a natural as MG Co-pilot Lt.
one of the most satisfying Godzilla movies in Catherine Burger (I'd have liked her to have had
years-with some of the best special effects to more scenes), and Leo Mengetti as Professor
come out of Toho since GUNHED (1989; dir. Ashimov (I) is no stranger to the genre, having
Masato H 2U'ada), under the direction of f^ichi played the nasty main scientist on Toei’s 1988
Kawakita. teleseries MOBILE COP JIBAN. Godalla series
MECHAGODZILLA ’s special effects excel most veterans, Kenji Sah^a (the star of THE
especially In regards to the combining of live and MYSTERIANS and RODAN) and Masahiro
effects footage (featuring the heaviest amount of Takeshima's father, Tadao (star of KING KONG
these techniques Toho has attempted in quite a VS. GODZILLA and ATRAGON), turn in credible
while); Godzilla’s attack on the petrol-chemical and welcome cameos-providing more continuity
refinery upon landing in Japan, is downright to the Godzilla mythos.
startling, not only the effects, but the feel of the As for myself, the best facet of frie film's
whole scene, tremendous.
is human drama was the concept and
Without going into extraneous detal, the interplayAension between the members of
monsters have, for the most part, never looked G-Force-but due to running time constraints
and Rodan are more articulated
better-Godzilla (cutting 115 mins, down to 105), much of
than ever before-and Baby Godalla leaves the screenwriter Wataru Mimura's characterizations
memories of the mutant-like Minya behind, for a ended up on the cutting room
Keep you floor.
Isneyesque version (but not too hard for adults fingers crossed, Toho Video may release a
to swallow), which is amazingly well operated. "Director’s Cuf on this one. Regardless, see it,
Alas, as much as the new Rodsm Is cool, I prefer ATCers, you are sure to be blown away.
the slick design of the original beast, 8is seen in Godzilla Lives! (what didja think?)
RODAN THE FLYING MONSTER (1 956; dir. Ishiro
by Dr. Craig D. Reid
There is no place in the world, including Hollywood that can boast a more vital, exciting and
popular cinema than Hong Kong. Indeed a tidal wave of Hong Kong talent is crashing against the
American shores slowly devouring Hollywood’s monopolized grasp on the world’s movie pulse.
Spearheading this Asian invasion is Tsui Hark, the acknowledged leader of the new wave, foreign
trained HK filmmakers. He consistently produces quality products at break neck speed, at a
fraction of the cost of most top Hollywood action filmmakers, yet he leaves them by the wayside.
Traditionally, the depths of artistic understanding of martial art skills, control weapons with their minds and
foreign cinema were only open to specialists familiar shoot "death rays' out of their hands. It wasn’t until the
with the language. However, Tsui churns out films that late 1960's when film became known as Gung-fu Pian
smoothly butters our bread, eliciting unique flavors that (Kung-fu films) that movies' characters and fights
have been \Andely forgotten. Titillating our taste buds to assumed a more realistic tone v4iere skill level were
cry, "more, more, more." He fattens us with wild and more believable. These were popularized by Bruce Lee
sometimes outrageous visuals. His lurid ghost thrillers, and Jackie Chan.
bloody rollicking gangster epics, and fast paced In the 1 970's Shaw Bros financed the creation of the
supernatural-powered hero films have transcended him "Guo Shu Pian" (Neo-hero films). Liu Chia Liang is
into the American limelight. credited for developing this new genre which eloquently
At the forefront of Tsui’s genius are his "costume mixed the old style Wu Xia Pian with the popular savvy
action dramas," a unique genre of film that became of the Gung-fu Pian.
Ghost Story. When you first see his "Ghost Story" films demise of the Gung-fu Pian started. Chan invented a
you’ll be agape at its fluidity, frenetic action, and lack of new genre of film known as the Wu Da Pian (fight films
ostentatiousdisplays of marvel. Unlike American similarly using martial arts), in which he combined athleticism,
conceived film products that endlessly fuss over special martial arts and dangerous stunts.
where the action moans under heavy story-
effects, In the West, HK is synonymous with "Kung-fu" a term
boarded sermons of repetition, Tsui’s ghost flicks are that is almost used derogatorily. This prostitution,
swirling affairs, breezing through the muddled muck of enhanced by the poorly dubbed, "takes two weeks to
predictability yet deftly juggling the conventions of film" kung-fu movies seen on late night American
martial arts and slapstick tomfoolery. He churns out the television, has single handedly tarnished the reputation
most delirious and astounding fantasy /horror sequences of an industry. Tsui Hark was the cure.
in world cinema, where anything goes. So in 1983, Tsui waved his magic scalpel and gave
recently returned from Hong Kong from a 2 month
Hong Kong cinema a face lift and created Zu Warrior
"tour of tutelage" on fight directing learning with Tsui, on from Magic Mountain, the first "costume action drama"
the set of Once Upon A Time in China V, with Jackie genre of film which gracefully intertwined Chinese myth,
Chan on the set of Drunken Master M" and Ching Siu brilliantly conceived special effects and comic book
them, but got to see a lot of movies. Apart from getting incredible fight sequences, enhanced by elaborate aerial
private screenings from Tsui’s last 6 films, including his acrobatics, sharp editing, and a flurry of outrageous
sleeper. Iron Monkey and the curious Magic Crane. I camera angles that earned him the label, "Hitchcock/
was invited to the world premiere of his latest film Green Spielberg of Asia."
Snake at Kowloon's Miramar Theater. "I am very honored to be placed in the same breath
To fully appreciate Tsui's unique fantasy-martial art as film greats such as Alfred Hitchcock and Steven
genre of film, it is essential to understand how fight films Spielberg, I appreciate the praise but I'm embarrassed."
evolved in the Hong Kong movie industry, starting with Hong Kong films can grow tedious very quickly v/ith
the "Wu Xia Pian” (Hero films) created in the 1920’s. In even the best sporting that assembly line frugality, where
these films, the heroes could fly. fight with supernatural one is quickly deprived from the magical surges of
and apolitical allegory. But Tsui's rambunctious epics make a film don't want to emulate the American
have dared to introduce the didactic and morally productions so decided to make "Wu Xia" films that the
instructive themes into an arena of complacency. Chinese audience can relate to, so use traditional tales I
His mesmerizing films have raised the sword- for the films Green Snake and Magic Crane."
and-sorcery genre from its hollows of selfish But Mark's mainstay is that his films contain a ring of
individualism. and fascinating to witness. Often
It’s vi/ild authentic popular culture sporting the kind of storytelling
being accused of jumpy visuals and strange editing found in Hollywood's old style pictures. Tsui identifies
procedures, very little is really known in America about Vi/ith his heroes and knows that the audience does to.
what goes on behind the scenes in Hong Kong. Tsui’s His plots are anchored in his characters, weaving in the
gives an example from his experiences With Zu. guiltless pleasure of "what-the" stunts, slapstick
"Nine months after filming Zu, during post production, tomfoolery, wild flying chases, and soaring virtuoso’s of
I realized that about 50 shots were missing. Apparently swordplay, long sleeved flying beauties and emotion.
a line producer, without my knowledge had edited out Emotion is his key.
the scenes from the script. offered Golden Harvest to
I "Emotion Is the most essential element in my films.
let me re-shoot and re-edit the project for free. They By taking many shots from different angles, can bring I
declined my offer. Zu could have been a much better out the emotions of a scene. The emotion of fight
film, it has fast action, but it wasn't fancy." sequence is and tempo is produced by
also important
Many American action filmmakers worry that sharp editing procedures and by paying attention to
everything has already been done, but repeat the same camera operations." He fills the screen with brilliant
thing anyway hoping that their redundancy is hidden by sequences of engaged extravagance but he never loses
producing a more pulverizing effect. Hov/ever Tsui sight of the story. His latest release Green Snake, is
ignored this frivolous fear and moved beyond his based upon an old style Chinese novel. For a while,
classics Zu and Ghost Story to develop a successful period pieces were losing popularity in Hong Kong, but
line of supernatural- fantasy martial art stylized costume the critics raved that this film would reverse this trend.
action dramas. Such hits as Swordsman and Once It's about two giant female snakes, a white one (Joey
Upon a Time in China series. Iron Monkey, The Raid Wang) and a green one (Maggie Cheung), wanting to
and Dragon Inn have all paved the way for countless become human in order to experience the emotion of
imitations. Yet Tsui has never practiced martial arts. love. The vrhite one foils in love with a teacher, sparking
Although I never practiced martial arts, I did enjoy believe hallucinations. Meanwhile, a spirit fighting monk
reading Wu XIa novels (Novels depicting heroes using (Zhao Wen Zhou-Jet Li’s nemesis in Fong Sai Yuk Pt 1)
travels the world, seeking to destroy spiritual anomalies, the rituals and supernatural powers of age-old martial art
like snakes and spiders, that are able to use their heroes and villains. Magic Crane is a film that combines
supernatural powers to transform themselves into human entertainment with spiritual sustenance, where good
being after several hundred years of intense training. battles evil and high-vaulting villains disguise themselves
When challenged by seductive human-like female as champions of the lowly. Plainly speaking, its mighty
monkeys he almost loses his thoughts of celibacy but impressive looking and a lot of fun to watch. The
breaks into a frenzy of dazzling spins and sword-like carnage of slicing and dicing one's opponent are
postures with his fired weapon of soul reunification. endiess in their conception demonstrating more of an
As (s common for Tsui, many of his films are basically operatic style of ballet than action or violence.
action extensions of Taoism where the spirit battling Apart from the flying, bodies imploding into their own
priest believes that heaven and earth are limitless, and heads, other sequences are laced with new special
that a man who sincerely identifies himself with the "path effects. Inone scene, Mui must rip out the gall bladder
can be every bit as powerful as the
of righteousness" from a hidden giant tortoise to make an antidote for her
most dreaded demon. This is more visually compelling poisoned teacher (Xu Xiao Chung). The most unusual
iwhen the actor portraying these worldly priests use scene pits a flute playing Mui battling the pi pa (Chinese
nothing but their own body for the actions sequences, guitar) playing Butterfly Lady (played by the puppy-eyed
flouting the laws of gravity, human anatomy and Guan Zher Lin) . They stand on a ship frantically playing
common sense. The showy displays of choreography their instruments as the ship disintegrates under the
are the whole point of the film, proving the unprovable power of their shrill sounding musical notes.
to even the most skeptical eye. In Magic Crane, Tsui uses subliminal messages to
some captivating
At the film’s beginning, Tsui utilizes get his views across. Intermittently throughout the
visuals and F/X to produce the effect of the monk and a picture, bold red characters poetically flash on the
"man" running across a meadow. The monk soon screen expressing on loyalty, love,
his thoughts
discovers that the man is really a spider trying to consideration, hope, fear and even revenge.
become human. The "man" is shown being crunched "These style of films are popular because they are so
back down into the size of a spider and shoved into a unrealistic. People live in small places within themselves,
small box. While still begging for mercy, with a human and they need a place to escape, lots of stuff in these
face, the box is then swept under the cornerstone of a films offers them the opportunity to escape. They are
temple. The highlight of his F/X experiments is the based on old Chinese novels and believe there is a I
appearance of a large gold dragon rising out from the resurgence in these kind of stories. Love is the
ocean, serpentine across the sky. But Tsui wasn’t conceptual thing and not really the reality."
happy with the dragon. The tempo of these films produce an authentic
“We were worked on this in order to finish
hurriedly startling rush of excitement where the unabated pleasure
up before the premiere. It was more cartoony than had I and exhilaration of moviegoing is reborn close to its
wanted. In Hong Kong, long before the film is finished, purest form of fun. Tsui’s flash effects and breathtaking
it is already scheduled to play in the theater. If it is not set pieces boggles the brain, but his films never lose
ready by that time, it will not be seen. All the work will touch with what makes the story human. Like when
be for nothing. In this film we used some new computer- Maggie Cheung Green Snake, forcefully squinting her
ized F/X but we had too many time constraints. The eyes in an effort to cry after discovering that when one
technical parts of Green Snake were disturbing and the can cry, they have become human. She eventually cries
results didn’t come out the way we wanted." when she doesn’t want to.
The special effects for Green Snake were completed These lurid stories are filled with flamboyant acting,
just hours before its world premiere at Kowloon's risque emotions and vividly displays Hong Kong’s most
Miramar Theater. The supernatural further gives Tsui’s delightful quality in film, its lush extravagance. His films
choreographical marvels amythical dimension. 'I believe are crammed full of jokes, stunts, tears, battles,
that romance is the most important ingredient necessary subplots, striking visual metaphors, character roles, and
to make a film successful." many other plesising stocking filler delights that Tsui
In another recent supernatural hit. Magic Crane, dreams up while on the set. And beneath ail this blissful
Anita Mui plays a wandering Taoist priestess that rides entertainment there is even a theme.
around on the back of a giant white crane, attempting to A common theme in Tsui Mark’s films is love.
save righteous men from killing each other. She falls in Whether it’s ghosts in Chinese Ghost Story, aliens in
love with an injured swordsman, Tony Leung, and Wicked City, snakes in Green Snake, or a robots in I
exhausts most of her magic powers trying to save his life Love Maria, Tsui is predisposed towards unearthly
from the effects of bat poison. The evil leader of the Tien creatures attempting to find love with mortal man.
Lung Tribe {Mainlander newcomer Jie Lin) learns "Love is express in Chinese culture, so
very difficult to
mysterious martial arts from a chained up hermit trapped in my films have a romantic touch w/here the
1 like to
deep inside a hell hole. He emerges after killing the non-human looks The simple single minded
for love.
hermit and goes on a killing rampage. people avoiding love survive. It’s the intellectual who has
The movie's most noteworthy scenes showcase the the most complicated attitudes that won’t survive. This
typical wild displays of ballet-like action combined with is what I believe."
Asian Trash Cinema 37
genre blending sword and sorcary/ghut/martial art her exploits with two r^ter young woman-a
combO'paclot, Tsui is a ralantiacc showman, wtbi gold-digger wid an aipiring Peldng Open
characters careening across dw serean in nonstop pwfwmer/martial arte axpart are terrific.
acbon, featuring spaciiM effects like ghostewho can Brigitte Lin’s work in Peldfidl Opera Bluea may
dirow dieir fingernails 30 feat (literally, n«uls to DIE hev inspired anothw- greet |Mvt for her in Swordemah
for!); martial arts masters that skate across grus and 11. which Tsui Hwk produced, and partner Ching
bound from daa to dee: swordsmen who can cleua Siu-Tung directed (diey ^len trade off «id
horses in half widi one blow; erKl acrobats who d’oducing, much like Hr^ywood’s owi fsr wimpiar,
indulge in breathtaKui^ chases across rooftops, sexually repressed, end sendmwitel tag team of aimiiar
colliding in mid-air with their riv^s. genms, ^amn Spieibei^ and Gaorge Li«as) Here,
Tsui's movrias never lim, but they of^ drag- as Brigdto stirs it up as a warlord who te pirepeed to
writh the dtousand year old awl tree demon who is the SMrrfice himsdf mightily for die giwy of hie tong
compelling foree of hit dilogy (so far-wiything that (pressed dan.
woria in HK Cinema inspires a myriad of sequels) of 'Hie wartord comet into die poesMston of a eat of
Qho^ Story mevries. This formidable figure is a Sacred Serotte thd give him supematuraJ power- if tw
seriously ugly drag quaen with a fondness for is witling to castrate himeelf! Thte ehvacter, called
shimmering ciodies m^
them look like an Invincible Asia, undergoes the blade iot the greater
iridescent insect at a madievaJ Chinese Prom. glory of his people, and spends die reet of the movie
This "irrdhriduai* resides widiin an ancient trea, «id transfwming from mwi to wornavi. even tetdng time tor
can manifast itself ufast emerging groves of tendrils a specid, ctandestine affair w^
the wwlord's wstiwhile
(vegetatrie drag!) to dap it's victims. stkI, most rivai, and the film’s main hero, played by Jet Li!
excitingly, has a mile tong tongue which plunges down Through the course of the film, invincible Asia’s
his/her's victim's diroats, witfi the audience de^ed/ tidsrrts «Ki abilitias shanien wid ch«nga at s/he
subjected to incredible visuais from the tongue's point becomes more viromanty. until the eiimadie shewdewi
of viesv! At sev^al points in tiiess movies, dte heroes has her casting a smes of vtoious Qiut oh-so
ridsher tongue, i^ar while daf^ied her power, ex feminmel) embroidery needles at the h«oes who
deliberateiy-stebbing their swords into it and hr^ing corns to face herl So dfsdrve is Lin's perfor mance
on as saliva flaps alt about tham! however, that when this rudiless, power-erMTupted
The Trea Demon always spaida in a weirdly filtered wmnan dies, the audience can still shed a tew for
voice that mixes die masculine and die famtnine, asort invincible Asia, who mally was abis to give up the
of whining, grindy noise when the dee demon is family jewels in order to rmUre a plaoi for die clan in
disf^eued-which of eourss diey are about 98% of their history!
on-screen time! The evil dee demon dr^ quean is a Media God Tsui Hark wid his team yank bdh yin
sort of Satenic ‘Hello Dolly,' a matehmidwr. arrwiging and yang to display the craggiest dragon 'iar^es,' the
waddings for her cadra of ghudy ladies in vmiting to butehiest blade-wteiding babes, the most agile, most
even MORE evil entities dian *sha.’ fiexible, wildest transsexuals In all of cinema! Glen, or
The plots of bodi ChinMW Qhoet Story and Glenda for thd'ma^r, woutei quake in thdr sin 11
Chinese Ghoal Story ill revolva around young men pumps d die full on drag sti’ip of high speed action
fighting to free beloved ghost girlfriends from the dee Tsui's bevy of cross-dressing hwo/ines inspHre.
38 AsianTrashCinema
Kawamura's film The Last Frankenstein was a pharmaceutical company is killed by his
reviewed quite favorably by Travis Crawford. superiors. Meanwhile, the blood of Dracuia has
Now Kawamura presents a second offering with been smuggled out of Transylvania. In all the
My Soul Is Slashed. In this film, Kawamura confusion the blood was used for the operation
teams up with director Shunsuke Kaneko and on dad. Obviously, the attempt to save his life
pays homage to yet another Universal monster fails (but, remember, he’s been infected).
movie Dracuia. A woman scientist (who is a Dracuia devotee
In Last Frankenstein Kawamura blended and the one responsible for the blood mix up)
Gothic overtones, social commentary, comic tracks down the grieving daughter and informs
book heroes, black comedy and created a her that if she is a “virgin", a few drops of her
touching film in the process. was very blood on her dad's ashes will revive him. The
interested to see what direction Kawamura was daughter follows the instructions, and the father
going to take with the Dracuia Legend in My returns- totally unaware that he has been dead
Soul Is Slashed (1992). for an entire year.
Asian Trash Cinema
The woman scientist suddenly appears on Beasts on a rampage (ala Forbidden Planet),
the scene and. with the daughter, begins a instead they are almost "saints" by comparison
relationship with undead dad. At first the father to those around them.
rebels against his new "state of being" and acts Case in point, in Slashed Kawamura
bewildered. However, as the movie progresses, presents us with an ineffectual father who
dad's vampire nature begins to take hold and transforms into a more emotional being by
soon it’s vengeance time with the villains becoming a vampire. Thus, dad migrates from
running for cover. a Chump to a Byronic hero faster than you can
So what is Kawamura really saying with this say Jack Daniels. Here is a new twist to the
film? How does it relate to the veunpire mythos? genre- becoming a monster is viewed as a
It's important to look at the universe created by positive experience.
KawEunura (Slashed and Frankenstelrt) for an Another aspect of Kawamura's universe is
of monsters, Man. It's the mad All Is well again. In Slashed and Frankenstein
scientists, the
driven corporate executives, the gun happy the young daughters are never abused, mis-
mobsters, the negligent fa'^ers and suicidal treated. nor threatened- rather, they 6U’e
mothers who set the stage for the tragedies in neglected. It is this neglect that sets the stage
Kawamura's films. All of these characters suffer for the ensuing drama.
from the same flaw. None are able to cope with Slashed is
Visually, a phaser set on stun.
tfie emotions of tiie heeul. In both Frankenstein The viewer is swept into a dark fairy tale
and Slaved the real monsters are the people reminiscent of Cocteau's Beauty And The
so preoccupied with ^eir own ambitions that Beast, complete with swirling mists and
they are detacted from their emotions. They act illuminated figures. In fact, the use of light in the
with the utmost cruelty to those around them. opening of Slashed would make any Bava fan
It's interesting to note that all plot nuances (in proud (Blood and Black Lace comes to mind
both films) occur when a character comes in immediately). After the dreemn-like beginning,
touch with his emotional self. Shunsuke f^neko kicks things off with
For example in Slashed, there's a poign6int an ode to an Indiana Jones adventure as the
moment when the vampirized dad sees a young servant Oono arrives carrying a satchel
woman in an aerobics she is beautiful... containing "the blood of Dracula." But, that
luminescent.. .and suddenly he realizes... My image is quickly replaced. We find ourselves
God, it's my daughter! He's really "seeing" his suddenly emershed in the world of
daughter for the first time. This moment is well contemporary Japan with all of its
An arrogant fighter, Kyoshiro uses his extreme rolling sack with Kyoshiro (who
in the
hatred of Christians as an excuse to propel unsuccessfully tries to save her by slashing her
himself into a bewildering variety of dangerously leg with his sword and sucking outthe toxins). An
overheated situations. At times displaying an evil woman from Castle Menagerie spikes the
As an actor. Raizo Ichikawa was on a par with all to no avail (everything from seasoned veterans
the likes of Toshiro Mifune and Tatsuya Nakadai, who throw a second weapon into the circular
two of Japan's finest. Had he been able to live to path of Nemuri's sword, to crafty rivals who go as
his potential, perhaps he might even have far as actually learning and imitating the same
surpassed them, but sadly he died at age 37 (of technique), Whenever we see our anti-hero
colon cancer). His artistry lives on, however, as holding his blade in that certain way (and giving
we have a permanent filmic record of Ichikawa's it his trademark flip to set things in motion), we
masterfully understated portrayal of the know it's all she wrote for some poor bastard
nightmare-haunted Kyoshiro; a larger-than-life (women aren’t immune either as Kyoshiro-being
figure unlike any that the cinema has ever seen the equal-opportunity killer that he is-has seen to
before (or since). it that many an evil lady samurai has tasted his
If watched chronologically, the films follow a steel as well).
logical progression in terms of nudity and What follows {in this ATC and again in the next
violence. The earlier entries are rather dry in issue) is just an overview. Given the difficulty of
Asian Trash Cinema 41
the Japanese language and the unavailability of barely foreshadowed what the series was to become
little In the way of cheap drills).
offered precious
English language materials pertaining to these (/.e. it
films, the definitive work on the subject will have What it were the first faint glimmers of the
did exhibit
visual signatures and idiosyncrasies that developed
to wait for another day. Hopefully, this will serve
down the road, and wtiich helped make the series so
as a good stepping-stone to ASIAN TRASH
CINEMA readers who are unfamiliar with, but
For example, in one scene, our hero cuts layer after
game to take a crack at this amazing body of layer of clothing off a fleeing woman with his sword until
work. she is left (presumably, as we only see her shredded
garb flying in all directions) with nothing but her
#1 NEMURI KYOSHIRO SAPPOCHO footwear -an activity that was to later become a Kyoshiro
Kyoshiro Nemuri: Copybook of Death 1 963/d: Tokuzo hallmark. Beautifully stylized imagery is a given, and the
Tanaka/81 min. A striking pre-credit sequence sets the liberai use of color came early, especially in the case of
tone for the whole series. Kyoshiro stands erect amid a one crimeiord's glowing green den.
hail of flaming shuruken (throwing stars), dispatches the This film also greatly benefited from the participation
gang of ninja that dared attack him, and then walks off ofKenzaburo Joh (aka Tomisaburo Wakayama, of the
into the inky blackness of the night (and the film titles Baby Cart series) contributing somefoncy footwork, and
pop up to cover his trail). a performance by Nakamura Tamao (the wife of Shintaro
This first installment provides an origin, of sorts. Katsu, Wakayama's real-life brother).
Nemuri gets mixed-up with some ruthless men seeking Tanaka worked on the provocatively titled Secrefs of
to possess a jade statuette and the ensuing clash results a Women's Temp/e (HirokuOnnadera, ^969). numerous
in the shooting(!) death of the one true love of his life. horror movies, and several entries in am early yakuza
With little on-screen bloodletting, and only the series with Shintaro Katsu. including A Bad Reputation
occasional un-draped feminine shoulder, this entry (Akumyo, 1961).
#2 NEMURI KYOSHIRO SHOBU director who brought us ghost stories like 100 Monsters
Showdown aka Adventures of Kyoshiro Nemuri 1964/ (Yokai Hyatu Monogatan, 1968).
d: Kenji Misumi/82 min. After witnessing a young woman
oeing denuded, our black-kimonoed drifter
befriends an man charged Wflth the task of
old Seductive Sword aka Kyoshiro Nemuri at Bay 1964/d;
overseeing the shogun’s frivolous daughter Taka-hime. Kazuo lkehiro/81 min. Sporting one of the more chilling
A rousing fight involving an opponent who throws opening sequences, this is easily one of the best
sharpened scissor-like spikes takes place after Nemuri pictures of the series. A demented princess laughs
is drugged and taken captive for the libidinous demoniacally as she slaughters her opium-addicted
Taka-hime 's pleaisure. For some vague reason, a group handmaidens. Their nude bodies are discovered in the
of hit men are out to get the old man and, consequently, river by some fishermen (Nemuri among them), setting
Kyoshiro. One of them tries to ambush our hero in a the stage for this struggle with Kiku-hime, another
public bath house, but ends up getting a surprise of his daughter of the shogun whose drug habits make her
own {when a friend from the ladies’ side slips Kyoshiro prone to such acte of horrendous violence.
his sword underwater). Besides the introduction of the sword step-printing
Goh from Hideo Gosha’s Sword of the
With Kato Kyoshiro Nemuri at Bay contains another series’
Beast (Kedamono No Ken, 1965). Misumi, who had landmark. For the first time, Kyoshiro’s recurrent
been already toiling in the Japanese film industry since nightmares are translated to the screen, detailing the
1941 (when he started at Nikkatsu Studios), directed unlikely circumstances of his birth. The scene is a
several of the famous Baby Cart movies which, of Satanic ritual. A black-robed, wrhite haired gaijin
course, made a superstar out of the late Tomisaburo (foreigner) pours sacrificial blood over-and then
Wakayama. Displaying a flair for action films (check out defiles-the body of a woman as she lay naked on an
the Hanzo the Blade series and you’ll see what mean), I altar. After the child is born, she commits suicide. There
a predilection for period pieces (all of his films are are also some bizarre sequences where it is difficult to
jidai-geki) ,
developing his own distinctive visual tell what is supposed tobe reality, and what is a dream.
signatures, and gaining a reputation as a successful One depicts the same rhummy-eyed (and much older)
risktaker, Misumi’s career as a filmmaker was assured. priest >vho helped conceive Kyoshiro, fathering another
Incidentally, the first 70mm film in Japan was Misumi’s child (with the reluctant assistanceof a naked Japanese
Buddha (1961) for Daiei. woman locked in a prison cell with him). Kyoshiro’s
subsequent horseback-mounted beheading of his dear
#3 NEMURI KYOSHIRO ENQETSU GlRi old dad, rescue of a young woman (as she is about to
Full Circle Killing aka Exploits of Kyoshiro Nemuri, be assaulted by a gang of treunps [with Kiku-hime
Swordsman 1964/d: Kimiyoshi Yeauda/SS min. Much enjoying the spectacle from her carriage]) and saving of ,
more explicit than the two films that preceded it (in terms her crucified husband (a popular punishment in this
of sex and violence), this entry starts off promisingly with series) keep things lively.
an eerie decapitation on a shadowy street corner. The The fight choreography is imaginative, with cemieras
red stuff really flows, whether it's seeping from being placed everywhere so as not to miss a single
underneath corpses, or spouting from severed arms. detail (it must have taken days just to complete one of
Kyoshiro encounters a young nobleman with mild these sequences). Immediately following a fertility ritual,
psychotic tendencies and his overbearing mother. For the attending priestess decides to sample a little
some reason, the pair are persecuting an ape-like firsthand experience of her own with Kyoshiro. In
peasant fellow in a nearby shanty town. When a girl mid-embrace, she gives a prearranged signal to a ninja
threatens Kyoshiro witti a knife (for invading her awaiting in the rafters, but our black-garbed death-dealer
bedroom), he cuts her robes off with a few well-placed pulls off an amazing double sword draw, running the
sword thrusts and treats us to the first (albeit two villains through simultaneously! (The two sword trick
darkness-obscured) semi-nude scene of the series. comes in handy again when he faces an enemy with a
Throwing the young thing down on the floor, Kyoshiro ball and chain.) At one point, Kyoshiro is even drugged
leaves her with her bald derriere sticking up ageun (by yet another conniving woman), but still
embarrassingly in the air. manages to blind a male attacker who bursts onto the
There is also some nicely done p.o.v. camera work scene (and then fall into bed afterwards with the same
with a running attack up a flight of stairs. Kyoshiro woman who just slipped him a mickey). Kiku-hime
sweeps through a band of thugs like wind through a survives (but not before Kyoshiro cuts off a mask she
wheat field. He also bisects a barrage of flying razors always wears, reveling an acid-scarred foce!). A subplot
using only his sword (expect this kind of outrageous involves kakure Kirishitan (hidden Christians) and a
action in nearly all the films to follow this one) and the woman who may be his sister (fathered by the same
picture culminates in an exciting battle atop a flaming priest). When the woman reveals herself to be a
causeway. And finally-not for the last time-the wiles of a shogunate spy, Kyoshiro offs her in the hold of an
woman are used to distract Nemuri while an opponent abandoned ship (chivalry not being a virtue which he
tries to kill him, in this case plotting to run him through prides himself on).
(unsuccessfully) from beneath the floor. Yasudawasthe [End of Part One]
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