Laboratory Testing For Cryoglobulins: Test of The Month
Laboratory Testing For Cryoglobulins: Test of The Month
Laboratory Testing For Cryoglobulins: Test of The Month
C 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
increases the temperature at which the precipitate forms. amount of cryoglobulins may be pathogenic, therefore the
The three serum containing tubes are then kept at 48C and immunophenotype as well as the clinical context are important
analyzed at 72 hr. Type I cryoprecipitate may appear as in deciding the clinical relevance of cryoglobulin test results.
early as 24 hr, but mixed cryoglobulins may precipitate after Difficulties with the current testing technique for cryoglo-
several days; therefore, some laboratories wait until 7 days bulins include the requirement of large sample volume (10–
if there is no precipitate formed initially. 15 cm3) and the time to analysis of 3 or more days. More-
After visual observation, the precipitate formed at 48C over, there are no standards and controls available for the
can be reported in one of three ways: (1) cryocrit (percent cryoglobulin test, including no widely used reference ranges
of total volume), (2) protein content, or (3) immunoglobulin for cryocrit protein content or immunoglobulin content values
content [10]. There is no widely accepted reference range [7,10]. Visual inspection of cryoprecipitate is less accurate at
for cryoglobulins. Using protein content for reference values low concentrations of cryoglobulins, therefore improving sen-
is complicated by wide variation of total protein content in sitivity and specificity of cryoglobulin testing is an important
cryoprecipitate possibly due to coprecipitation of other pro- topic as in most cases the concentration of cryoglobulins do
teins. Reference values for individual immunoglobulins in not have to directly correlate with intensity of symptoms [10].
the cryoprecipitate have been described [11], but cryopreci- Standardized testing technique is important to isolate cryo-
pitate protein and immunoglobulin contents are rarely globulins which are present in low concentrations compared
reported by clinical laboratories. The most practical and to normal serum protein [7]. Interestingly, some healthy indi-
clinically useful are the cryocrit values in a longitudinal viduals can have detectable levels of cryoglobulins with an
analysis of patient’s clinical outcome. unknown significance. Given the variability of testing condi-
If there is a precipitate formed at 72 hr at 48C, the precipi- tions used in different laboratories and the lack of test stand-
tate is washed and recovered in cold phosphate-buffered sa- ards and reference values, further investigation into stand-
line. Washing of the sample at 48C facilitates removal of the ardization of the cryoglobulin testing should be performed in
contaminating normal serum proteins, thus allowing analysis the future. The biological importance and activity of cryoglo-
of the cryoglobulin exclusively. The cryoprecipitate is solubi- bulins such as its ability to activate proinflammatory comple-
lized at 378C and analyzed by immunodiffusion and immu- ment proteins needs to be defined as well.
nofixation to identify the cryoglobulin type. Many laborato- Treatment of Cryoglobulinemia
ries use antibodies to IgG, IgA, IgM, kappa or lambda as Treatment of Type I cryoglobulinemia focuses on
well as to C3 and C4 to identify the immunoreactants. The decreasing the formation of the cryoprecipitable monoclonal
clonality is determined by immunofixation electrophoresis. proteins. Prewarming blood transfusions, steroids, less
Incorporating anti-albumin antibodies in the analysis serves commonly splenectomy (for idiopathic cases) and treatment
to ensure quality of the washing of the cryoglobulins and of the underlying lymphoproliferative disorder are some of
confirmation of removal of contaminating serum proteins. the treatment options. In patients with hyperviscosity, plas-
False negative results can occur due to the following rea- mapheresis and cytotoxic agents are useful. Treatment of
sons. (1) Improper handling of the patient’s sample: If the Types II and III cryoglobulinemia includes treatment of
sample is not transported at 378C before processing, cryopre- infections such as HCV, steroids, other immunosuppressant
cipitate may form in transit during clotting of the sample, agents, plasmapheresis (especially for patients with hyper-
thereby decreasing the chance of cryoglobulin recovery. viscosity syndrome), cytotoxic chemotherapy, and rituximab
Thus, proper collection, optimum clotting, and centrifugation [12–17]. Plasmapheresis has a limited role but can be use-
are essential to avoid false negative results. (2) Storage of the ful in the acute phase. Low antigen diet (avoidance of mac-
sample at a temperature higher than 48C may impede or romolecular antigen containing foods such as diary prod-
abrogate cryoprecipitate formation and contribute to false ucts, meats and eggs, and gluten) has been used in some
negative results. (3) Lipemia in a patient’s sample causes se- patients, improving the function of the reticuloendothelial
rum turbidity due to lipids and may also interfere with correct system thereby possibly improving clearance of immune
cryoglobulin identification. Positive results of 1% or more of complexes. Symptoms of polyarthritis may respond to ste-
cryocrit are abnormal but in some cases even a minute roids, hydroxychloroquine, or cyclosporine for more severe