CIRED2011 0499 Final
CIRED2011 0499 Final
CIRED2011 0499 Final
Paper 0499
presents the main differences between the several methods of
connecting the sheaths to the earth, to reduce the losses and to
improve the distribution capacity. It will be also presented a
case study that supports a technical and economic validation of Equation 6
cross bonding implementation on the project phase.
The Equation 6 allows to quantify the losses on a circuit of
INTRODUCTION underground cables, namely to different types of sheaths
connections to earth as it is presented on the section of the
In three-phase underground systems of monopole cables the “Case Study” section. Note that for different types of sheaths
closed circuit for the induced currents. The induced currents
circulation results in heat and consequent reduction of cable
Equation 2 current carrying capacity. The constant current flow through the
sheaths during normal operation of the power line leads to
Equation 3
increased losses and to the need of oversize the section of the
Equation 4 cable conductors to guarantee a certain carrying capacity. Given
Paper 0499
the above, to avoid this disadvantage the sheath circuit should appropriate cross bonding boxes to the sheaths. These boxes
be interrupted or the sheaths should be connected to the earth include SVL.
according particular schemes which do not allow the closed
circuit between them.
Single point
For circuits up to 1 km [2], the effect of the potential increases Figure 4 – Cross bonding [2]
can be minimised introducing a sheath voltage limiter (SVL) in
star configuration with the centre connected to earth. The SVL In this solution, the length of the circuit is not a limitation. For
lock the circulation of current in normal operation and in case of this reason, the cross bonding sheaths has a greater applicability
short circuits. to the electrical distribution systems. The main disadvantage of
this method is because it can become an expensive
The point at which the shields are bonding between them and
connected to the earth is one of the ends of the power line.
Although, if in this situation are generated high voltages on the
sheaths the bonding point can be moved to an intermediate
Paper 0499
d) Cables to the sheaths connection to cross bonding boxes: 48 k€. Analysing the graphics in Figure 8 and 9 it can be
should be coaxial cables insulated with XLPE (cross linked verified that for nominal load capacity, the cross bonding
polyethylene) or flexible monopole conductors. The section of implementation represents a gain of 10.600W (17.000 W –
these cables is determined by the maximum value of short 6.400 W) related with the sheaths losses by the Joule effect, per
circuit current of the power line. cable, comparing to the both ends bonding solution.
The case study presented is an underground power line, with a
nominal transport capacity of 120 MVA, through three-phase
alternated current with a frequency of 50 Hz and a voltage of
63kV. This line is constituted by six LXHIOLE 1x1000/135
mm2 cables and its length is 2.900 meters.
The analysis of the carrying-current capacity in the scenarios Figure 9 – Shield losses with cross bonding [2]
following presented had the cooperation of a firm representative
of the cables sector that developed the sheath loss studies
regarding different types of connections to earth. SCENARIO II - Single point solution
To minimise the cables sheaths losses by single point
In the economic assessment performed, it was not considered implementation, the total circuit was divided in four sections of
the costs related to men power regarding the implementation identical lengths, as it is illustrated in Figure 10.
neither to costs of maintenance.
Paper 0499
Considering the additional losses and heating due to the current [5] B. Novák, L. Koller and I. Berta, 2010, "Loss reduction in
shield, it should be and adopted, in many cases, mitigation cable sheathing".
methods. It is characterised in this document schemes for
grounding the shields more often used: [6] Norberto dos Santos Nunes, 2007, "Cálculo de Parâmetros
de Cabos Subterrâneos para Redes de Distribuição".
• Both ends bonding;
• One end bonding;
• Single point;
• Cross bonding.