Product Data Sheet Deltav Virtualization Hardware Deltav en 57678

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DeltaV Distributed Control System Product Data Sheet

June 2020

DeltaV™ Virtualization Hardware

The DeltaV™ Virtualization Hardware is fully tested and supported for virtual DeltaV solutions.

„ Fully tested and supported hardware for Introduction

DeltaV™ Virtualization
Emerson is committed to providing the same level of
„ Configurations for both off-line and on-line performance and reliability for DeltaV™ virtualization
control systems environments that we provide in our traditional physical
computer architecture. To ensure reliability and performance,
„ Powerful, cost-effective, and easy to use we have rigorously tested virtual DeltaV systems with specific
hardware components and configurations designed for realtime
„ Easy control network installation; ready to
process control applications. With DeltaV Virtualization
plug and play hardware you can rest assured that your control system is fully
„ Shared storage networks for high availability tested and supported to meet your process control needs.

DeltaV Virtualization is available for both on-line and off-line

„ Supports single, dual, and quad monitors
applications. For off-line applications, we have software and
hardware configurations ideal for development, testing,
and training applications. For on-line applications, we provide
additional hardware options for high availability servers
and thin client networks. Regardless of the application,
DeltaV Virtualization Hardware provides the platform
you need to deliver the performance required.
DeltaV Virtualization Hardware June 2020

Benefits Virtual environments also benefit from SAN devices to improve

productivity in development / training environments and
Fully tested and supported hardware for DeltaV to take advantage of high availability options for on-line
Virtualization: This ensures your virtual DeltaV system meets production environments. The hardware described in this
the rigorous requirements for process control applications. document addresses these new requirements for DeltaV
No surprises with third-party drivers, compatibility problems, virtualization solutions.
or application performance.
Virtualization host servers and shared storage are available as
Configurations for both off-line and on-line control systems: individual components, or as part of an integrated blade server
From standalone host servers to high availability blade servers and storage solution using the Dell PowerEdge VRTX.
with integrated storage, DeltaV Virtualization Hardware has
it covered. An example of a DeltaV system for on-line virtualization with
high availability is shown below.
Powerful, cost-effective, and easy to use: DeltaV’s integrated
virtualization hardware platform, built on Dell’s PowerEdge
VRTX, is designed for IT simplicity and delivers powerful
performance. Out-of-box this blade server with integrated
storage comes preconfigured for use with DeltaV Virtual Studio.
Virtualization doesn’t come easier than this!

Easy control network installation, ready to plug and play:

The host servers ship with the appropriate DeltaV control
network cards preinstalled. Simply assign host networks
using DeltaV Virtual Studio and you’re ready to connect to
the DeltaV control network, Plant local area network (LAN),
or client network.

Shared Storage Networks for high availability: Shared

storage in the Dell VRTX, or with a standalone Storage Area
Network (SAN) device, provides fault tolerant disk storage and
supports automatic failover of virtual machines between host
computers. Reliability and high availability is a must have for
on-line virtualization solutions.

Supports single, dual, and quad monitors: DeltaV thin clients

are available for single, dual and quad monitor operations using
true multi-monitor communications.

Product Description
DeltaV virtualization requires specific hardware not found in
traditional DeltaV systems. Consolidating multiple DeltaV
workstations onto a common host means that hosts must
have more computing capacity than traditional control system
servers; specifically more CPU processing capacity and RAM
memory. Client devices (example thin clients) are required to
provide a physical interface to the virtual DeltaV workstations. 2
DeltaV Virtualization Hardware June 2020

Resource Planning Guidelines Integrated Virtualization Hardware*

Virtual machines (VM) require host computer resources and Designed specifically for virtualization, the integrated hardware
are typically limited by available host processors (CPU) or platform is a Dell PowerEdge VRTX consisting of blade servers,
random access memory (RAM). Table 1 provides guidelines network storage, and shared switches, preconfigured and
on how many virtual machines to assign to host computers tested for use with DeltaV Virtual Studio. The integrated
based on the VM loading and RAM requirements. VM Units solution is ordered in two parts: 1) network storage and chassis
(VMU) are used to estimate relative CPU loading and host limits. (select one), and 2) individual blade servers (minimum two to
These guidelines apply to the standard host server hardware maximum four blades per VRTX chassis).
as specified in this document. A special high performance host
*Important VRTX Requirement. The VRTX is a highly reliable
server is also available for large DeltaV systems with many
platform with redundant components for network storage,
concurrent engineering users.
communications, power, and cooling. The VRTX does contain
Table 1 – Host VM Resource Planning some redundant components which are not hot-swappable
and require the VRTX be shut down for managed repair. These
Host VM Resource Planning repairs can be performed with little or no virtual machine
VM Class VMUs RAM (MB) downtime, provided you have a disaster recovery system
available to host the virtual machines during the repair process.
Workstation OS (e.g., Windows 10)
To ensure system availability, all VRTX solutions are required
• DeltaV v14.3 and later 1 8,192
to have disaster recovery capabilities to support managed
• DeltaV v13.3.1 and earlier 1 4,096
repair. For most systems, the recommended disaster recovery
Server OS solution is to use two VRTX, which distribute virtual machine
(e.g., Windows Server 2016)
loading and provide backup through cross VRTX VM replication.
• DeltaV v14.3 and later 2 16,384
For smaller systems, an individual host server (standalone R740)
• DeltaV v13.3.1 and earlier 2 8,192
can be used as a replication server for disaster recovery.
Server OS (Windows Server 2016)
acting as a Terminal Server
and supporting DeltaV Live
4 16,384 Integrated Network Storage and Chassis
Remote Sessions 1. VRTX Chassis with 3.6 TB RAID 10 Capacity
Virtual Controllers (S, M, SZ) 0.4 256 (SE2528V1B-R). This VRTX configuration provides 3.6 TB
of fully redundant (RAID 10) disk storage with six 1.2-TB
Virtual PK Controller 0.8 1,024
drives. This size will support approximately 20 DeltaV virtual
Virtual Ethernet IO Card 0.8 256 workstations (without VM Replication).
Virtual CHARMS IO Card 0.2 64 2. VRTX Chassis with 7.2 TB RAID 10 Capacity
Virtual CSLS and LSNB1 0.5 64 (SE2528V2B-R). This VRTX configuration provides 7.2-TB
of fully redundant (RAID 10) disk storage with 12 1.2-TB
Supported Maximum VMU Limits for Host Servers2 , 3
drives. This size will support approximately 40 DeltaV
On-line Host Server virtual workstations (without VM Replication).
(Normal Operation)
On-line Host Server 3. VRTX Chassis with 14.4 TB RAID 10 Capacity
20 (SE2528V3B-R). This VRTX configuration provides 14.4 TB of
(Temporary Failover Operation)
fully redundant (RAID 10) disk storage with 24 1.2-TB drives.
Off-line Host Server 20
This size will support approximately 40 virtual workstations in
normal operation plus VM replication for additional 40 virtual
Note 1 - For additional SIS VM limits, see product data sheet for
machines outside of the VRTX cluster (for disaster recovery
DeltaV SIS with Electronic Marshalling – Virtual Simulation.
scenarios). This VRTX configuration with four host blade
Note 2 - 4GB RAM should be reserved for Host OS.
servers will support up to 80 VMs running temporarily in a
Note 3 - Total number of VMs should not exceed available CPU
failover scenario.
threads (=(CPU cores x 2) -1). 3
DeltaV Virtualization Hardware June 2020

Integrated Blade Servers 3. Host Server for On-line or Off-line Applications with a SAN
(SE2715V06). This server is a Dell R740 with dual ten-core
1. Host Blade Server for On-line and Off-line Systems
CPUs and 192GB RAM. It also comes with a “bare-metal”
(SE2716V03). This host blade server is a Dell M640 series
OS which requires a separate management workstation
server that comes with dual ten-core CPUs and 192GB RAM.
or domain controller server. This host is intended for use
It comes with only a “bare-metal” operating system, which
with a SAN, which is required for automatic failover and
means it must be managed by a separate management
high availability. This server can be used for both on-line
workstation. An advantage of “bare-metal” servers is that
and off-line applications using DeltaV Virtual Studio,
they don’t have the overhead of a full server operating
or for off-line applications using VMware ESXi.
system, which means better performance, and less
security vulnerabilities. 4. High Performance Host Server for Large DeltaV
Systems (SE2715V08). This server provides enhanced
2. Domain Controller and Host Management Blade Server
DeltaV ProfessionalPlus performance for large virtualized
(SE2717V03). This blade server functions as a domain
systems. Response times for database imports / exports
controller and provides host management for the VRTX
and concurrent engineering tasks may be improved by up
server cluster. It may also be used to manage DeltaV virtual
to 50% using all solid state drives and enhanced CPUs. This
machines using DeltaV Virtual Studio. This server is a Dell
server has dedicated storage, therefore high availability is
M640 server with Windows Server 2016 operating system.
not supported. However, virtual machines may be replicated
This domain controller is separate from the DeltaV network
to separate servers for easy disaster recovery. This high
and is not used to manage a DeltaV domain.
performance server may be used in addition to a Dell VRTX
Servers and Storage Devices or other standard Dell R740 host servers. Best performance is
achieved by running a single ProfessionalPlus VM; however up
Host Servers to four VMs are supported on this host server which includes
Individual host servers offered with DeltaV have different dual 6-core CPUs with 192GB RAM and 1.44 TB RAID 10 solid
options to meet different on-line and off-line requirements. state storage.
Below is a summary of the server options. Additional server
Domain Controller and Management Server
specifications are shown on the following specification sheets.
DeltaV Virtualization Domain Controller and Management
1. Host Servers for Development, Test, and Training Systems
Server (SE2713V03). This server is used to manage the host
(SE2714V02 and SE2715V07). These servers are Dell T640
server cluster configuration using a shared network storage.
and R740 series servers that include Windows Server 2016
It may be used with individual host servers and SAN devices,
operating systems so they can be run as a standalone server,
or with a Dell PowerEdge VRTX as an external domain controller
without a separate management workstation. They include
and host management server. It can also be used to manage
dual ten-core CPUs with 192GB RAM. These servers come in
DeltaV VMs using DeltaV Virtual Studio. This server is a Dell
both a tower and rack-mounted form factor.
R440 server with Windows Server 2016 operating system.
2. Host Server for On-line or Off-line Applications without This domain controller is separate from the DeltaV network
a SAN (SE2715V05). This server is a Dell R740 with dual ten- and is not used to manage a DeltaV domain.
core CPUs and 192GB RAM. It comes with only a “bare-metal”
Storage Area Network1,2
operating system, which means it must be managed by a
separate management workstation. This host server includes SAN enable you to easily move DeltaV virtual machines
a large 1.8 TB RAID 10 hard drive array to provide redundant between host computers. They can greatly increase flexibility
storage protection for your VMs. Because of this server’s large and productivity for off-line development and training systems,
storage capacity, it is not intended to be part of a failover and provide increased availability for online production
cluster using a SAN. This server is ideal as a standalone host systems. SANs are required for virtual machine automatic
or VM replication server. This server can be used for both failover and high availability options provided with DeltaV
on-line and offline applications using DeltaV Virtual Studio, Virtual Studio. The SAN devices are Dell PowerVault ME4024
or for off-line applications using VMware ESXi. devices with different capacity options. 4
DeltaV Virtualization Hardware June 2020

1. SAN with 3.6 TB RAID 10 Capacity (SE2543V1). This SAN DeltaV virtualization also supports a hardened, rugged thin
provides 3.6 TB of fully redundant (RAID 10) disk storage client for industrial or process environments with Pepperl+Fuchs
with six 1.2-TB drives. This size will support approximately Industrial Box Thin Client (BTC01*). The BTC01 supports up
20 DeltaV virtual workstations. The Dell ME4024 may be to four monitors, dual networks, and is DeltaV Virtual Studio
expanded to a maximum 14.4 TB RAID 10 capacity. “Ready” with preinstalled software. Contact P+F or your local
Emerson office for more information.
2. Storage Area Network (SAN) with 7.2 TB RAID 10 Capacity
(SE2543V2). This SAN provides 7.2 TB of fully redundant
(RAID 10) disk storage with 12 1.2-TB drives. This size will
support approximately 40 DeltaV virtual workstations. DeltaV Switches for Thin Client, Host
The Dell ME4024 may be expanded to a maximum Management, and Storage Area Networks
14.4 TB RAID 10 capacity for use with VM replication High Performance 1GB Network Switches (SE6047V3P1)
(disaster recovery), which supports up to 80 VMs are used to ensure performance and integrity of mission critical
running temporarily in a failover scenario. communications between thin clients, host servers, and SANs.
3. SAN with 14.4 TB RAID 10 Capacity (SE2543V3). This These are Dell N3024ET-ON managed switches with Layer 2 and
SAN provides 14.4 TB of fully redundant (RAID 10) disk Layer 3 feature sets including remote device health monitoring.
storage with 24 1.2-TB drives. This size will support HIRSCHMANN managed switches (MACH104-20TX-FR) are
approximately 40 DeltaV virtual workstations in normal also supported for thin client and host management networks.
operation plus VM replication for an additional 40 VMs from HIRSCHMANN RS40 9-port managed switches are also
outside the SAN cluster (for disaster recovery). This SAN supported for thin client networks.
configuration supports up to 80 VMs running temporarily Unmanaged switches are appropriate for less critical operations
in a failover scenario. such as development or training systems. The recommended
Note 1 – SAN devices are not required with the Dell PowerEdge and supported unmanaged switches for DeltaV virtualization
VRTX, which includes shared storage as part of the are Netgear Prosafe switches, available in 24-,16-, and 8-port
integrated hardware platform. configurations (JGS524, JGS516, GS116, GS108).

These switches are intended for 1GB communications for

Note 2 – A secondary SAN or independent host server is
thin client, host management, and SANs only. They are not
recommended for production systems to insure DeltaV
supported for DeltaV primary and secondary ACN networks.
system access in the event of SAN iSCSI network
disruption. Although SAN networks are redundant, DeltaV Smart Switches are also available for the DeltaV
switchover times may take 1-2 minutes during which virtualization 1 GB thin client network. DeltaV Smart Switches
time dependent VMs will lose communications. are managed by the DeltaV system with easy plug-and-play
installation and minimal configuration. The smart switches
Thin Clients also provide auto port lockdown for advanced network
Thin Client for Single, Dual, and Quad Monitors with security. See DeltaV Smart Switches product data sheet for
Redundant Network (SE2549V3). The thin client for DeltaV additional information.
virtualization is a Dell Wyse 5070 with Windows 10 IoT
Enterprise operating system. It has been selected to meet
the needs of on-line process control, including support for
redundant thin client networks, with single, dual or
quad monitors. 5
DeltaV Virtualization Hardware June 2020

SE2528 – DeltaV Integrated Hardware Platform – Network Storage and Chassis

General Specifications [based on Dell PowerEdge VRTX]

„ Optimized chassis to consolidate servers, storage, and networking

„ Chassis available in 5U rack-mountable form factor
„ Supports up to four blade servers (described below)
„ Thirty-two dedicated Ethernet ports (eight per blade server) through eight 4-port
NIC cards in PCI slots
„ Eight additional Ethernet ports available per blade server through a shared internal
1GB eight-port switch
„ Each blade server has 16 available Ethernet ports (eight dedicated, eight shared)
„ Redundant, hot-swappable 1100W power supplies (2x2)
„ Redundant drive controllers for RAID 10 redundant disk storage
„ Redundant Chassis Management Controller for easy management of all resources
(server nodes, storage, networking and power)
„ Efficient cooling with six hot-swappable, redundant fan modules and four blower modules
„ Local power cord option
„ Rack configuration dimensions: 28.7” (73.0cm) D x 19.0” (48.2cm) W x 8.6” (21.9cm) H
„ Rack configuration weight: 151.5 lbs. (68.7 kg), maximum configuration
„ PowerEdge VRTX Rack-ready chassis, Rails and Cable Management Arm included in the box
„ Five-year extended warranty with next business day parts replacement
(For same day 4 hour parts replacement, contact your Dell representative)
For more information about VRTX, see the PowerEdge VRTX Technical Guide on

SE2528V1B-R – DeltaV Integrated Hardware Platform – Network Storage for Small Systems

„ Drives: Six 1.2-TB SAS 2.5 hard-drives in a RAID 10 Array, for 3.6 TB redundant disk storage
„ Supports up to 20 virtual DeltaV workstations for on-line systems or 32 VMs for off-line systems

SE2528V2B-R – DeltaV Integrated Hardware Platform – Network Storage for Large Systems

„ Drives: Twelve 1.2-TB SAS 2.5 hard-drives in a RAID 10 Array, for 7.2 TB redundant disk storage
„ Supports up to 40 virtual DeltaV workstations for on-line systems or 64 VMs for off-line systems

SE2528V3B-R – DeltaV Integrated Hardware – Network Storage for Large Systems with Disaster Recovery

„ Drives: Twenty-four 1.2-TB SAS 2.5 hard-drives in a RAID 10 Array, for 14.4 TB redundant disk storage
„ Supports up to 40 virtual DeltaV workstations for on-line systems and VM replication for 40 additional VMs
May also be used for off-line systems requiring extra storage.

*Notes – On-line Production systems using the VRTX require disaster recovery capabilities to ensure system availability during upgrades or managed repair.
– Additional storage may be required for VM replication on SE2528V1B-R and SE2528V2B-R.
– VRTX network storage and chassis (SE2528xxx) cannot be ordered without at least one host blade server (e.g., SE2716) 6
DeltaV Virtualization Hardware June 2020

SE2716 – DeltaV Integrated Hardware Platform – Host Blade Server General Specifications [based on Dell M640]

„ Blade Server for VRTX Chassis

„ Drives: Two 300-GB SAS 2.5in hard-drives
„ Two CPUs - Intel Xeon Silver 4114 2.2 GHz ten cores
„ Memory: 192GB
„ Sixteen Ethernet ports available through VRTX Chassis (eight dedicated Ethernet ports
through PCI slots plus 8 shared Ethernet ports through shared 1GB internal switch)
„ Ten-Gb Broadcom network card
„ Two USB ports (through front panel)
„ Redundant power and cooling fans supplied by Dell PowerEdge VRTX chassis
„ Five-year extended warranty

SE2716V03 – Host Blade Server for On-line and Off-line Applications – “Bare-Metal”

„ For use with Windows 2016 Hyper-V Server “Bare-metal” operating system software
„ For use in both on-line and off-line virtual environments
„ Compatible with DeltaV Virtual Studio v3.3.x and later. For DeltaV Virtual Studio v2.3.1 and earlier,
use Dell M630 blade (SE2706V01)

SE2717V03 – DeltaV Integrated Hardware– Domain Controller and Host Management Blade Server
General Specifications [based on Dell M640]

„ Blade Server for VRTX Chassis

„ Drives: Two 1-TB SATA 2.5in hard-drives
„ Single CPU - Intel Xeon Silver 4110 2.1GHz, 8 cores, 3.0 GHz turbo
„ Memory: 96GB (Six 16GB RDIMM)
„ Twelve Ethernet ports available through VRTX Chassis (eight dedicated Ethernet ports
through PCI slots plus four shared Ethernet ports through shared 1-GB internal switch)
„ Two USB ports (through front panel)
„ Redundant power and cooling fans supplied by Dell PowerEdge VRTX chassis
„ Server delivered with Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition operating system software.
* which must be downgraded (at no additional cost) to Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition for use with DeltaV Virtual Studio v3.3.x.
Downgrade media to Windows Server 2016 DVD is included.

„ Five server CAL licenses included

„ Five-year extended warranty
„ Compatible with DeltaV Virtual Studio v3.3.x and later. For DeltaV Virtual Studio v2.3.1 and earlier,
use Dell M630 blade (SE2707V01) 7
DeltaV Virtualization Hardware June 2020

Specifications Common to all Host Servers and Storage Units

It is the responsibility of the user to ensure their environment is compatible with G1. Due to compliance to RoHS requirements
newer computers may not survive in the same environment as older models. If there is any chance of sulfur in the environment
computers must be protected in environmental enclosures or relocated to a sulfur free environment.
Temperature: Operating 10° to 35°C (50° to 95°F), Storage –40° to 65°C (–40° to 149°F)
Relative humidity: 20% to 80% (non-condensing)
Altitude: Operating –15.2 to 3048 m (–50 to 10,000 ft.), Storage –15.2 to 10,668 m (–50 to 35,000 ft.)

All computers must be installed in a dust-free, contaminant-free environment. These computers are not suitable for mounting
in industrial environments unless they are mounted in enclosures that provide the necessary dust-free and contaminant-
free environment. Environment must meet Class G1 level for airborne contaminants per the ISA standard ISA–71.04–1985,
Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems: Airborne Contaminants.

SE2714V02 – DeltaV Host Server for Development, Test, and Training Systems –
Tower Chassis General Specifications [based on Dell T640 server]

„ Tower Chassis
„ Drives: Six 600-GB SAS hard-drives in a RAID 10 Array, for 1.8TB redundant disk storage
„ Two CPUs - Intel Xeon Silver 4114 2.2 GHz ten cores
„ Memory: 192GB
„ Server is delivered with Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition.
* which must be downgraded (at no additional cost) to Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition
for use with DeltaV Virtual Studio v3.3.x. Downgrade media to Windows Server 2016 DVD is included.

„ Five server CAL licenses included

„ Hot-swappable drive backplane
„ Redundant, hot-pluggable 750W power supplies
„ Ten Ethernet ports (two ports on motherboard, plus eight through add-in NIC cards)
„ Eight USB ports (six on back panel, two on back panel)
„ DVD-R/W drive
„ USB mouse (two button w/ scroll)
„ Local USB country keyboard and Local power cord option
„ Five-year extended warranty
„ Compatible with DeltaV Virtual Studio v3.3.x and later. For DeltaV Virtual Studio v2.3.1 and earlier,
use Dell T630 server (SE2704V01) 8
DeltaV Virtualization Hardware June 2020

SE2715 – DeltaV Host Servers, Rack-mount - General Specifications [based on Dell R740 server]
„ 2U Rack-mountable chassis with sliding ready rails and cable management arm
„ Fourteen Ethernet ports (four on motherboard plus 10 through add-in NIC cards)
„ Four USB ports – two back panel and two on front panel
„ Hot-swappable drive backplane
„ Redundant, hot-pluggable 750W power supplies
„ DVD+/- R/W drive
„ USB mouse (two button w/ scroll)
„ Local USB country keyboard
„ Local power cord option
„ Five-year extended warranty

SE2715V07 – Host Server for Development, Test, and Training Systems

„ Server is delivered with Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition
* which must be downgraded (at no additional cost) to Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition
for use with DeltaV Virtual Studio v3.3.x. Downgrade media to Windows Server 2016 DVD is included.

„ Five server CAL licenses included

„ Memory: 192GB
„ Drives: Six 600-GB SAS hard-drives in a RAID 10 Array, for 1.8 TB redundant disk storage
„ Two CPUs - Intel Xeon Silver 4114 2.2 GHz ten cores
„ Compatible with DeltaV Virtual Studio v3.3.x and later. For DeltaV Virtual Studio v2.3.1 and earlier,
use Dell R730 server (SE2705V03)
SE2715V05 – Host Server for On-line and Off-line Applications WITHOUT an SAN
„ For use with Windows Hyper-V Server “Bare-metal” operating system software
„ Memory: 192GB
„ Drives: Six 600-GB SAS hard-drives in a RAID 10 Array, for 1.8 TB redundant disk storage
„ Two CPUs - Intel Xeon Silver 4114 2.2 GHz ten cores
„ Compatible with DeltaV Virtual Studio v3.3.x and later. For DeltaV Virtual Studio v2.3.1 and earlier,
use Dell R730 server (SE2705V01)
SE2715V06 – Host Server for On-line and Off-line Applications WITH an SAN
„ For use with Windows Hyper-V Server “Bare-metal” operating system software
„ Memory: 192GB
„ Drives: Two 600-GB SAS hard-drives in a RAID 1 Array
„ Two CPUs - Intel Xeon Silver 4114 2.2 GHz ten cores
„ Compatible with DeltaV Virtual Studio v3.3.x and later. For DeltaV Virtual Studio v2.3.1 and earlier,
use Dell R730 server (SE2705V02) 9
DeltaV Virtualization Hardware June 2020

SE2715V08 – High Performance Host Server for Large DeltaV Systems

High performance server to host DeltaV Professional Plus virtual machine for large systems with many concurrent
engineering users.
„ For use with Windows Hyper-V Server “Bare-metal” operating system software
„ Memory: 192GB
„ Drives: Six 480-GB solid state drives in RAID 10 Array for 1.44 TB redundant disk storage
„ Two CPUs – Intel Xeon Gold 6128 3.4 GHz six cores
„ Supports up to four VMs, including the DeltaV ProfessionalPlus
„ Compatible with DeltaV Virtual Studio v3.3.x and later. For DeltaV Virtual Studio v2.3.1 and earlier,
use Dell R730 server (SE2705V04)

SE2713V03 – DeltaV Virtualization Domain Controller and Management Server [based on Dell R440]

„ 1U Rack-mountable chassis with sliding ready rails and cable management arm
„ Single CPU - Intel Xeon Silver 4110 2.1GHz, 8 cores, 3.0 GHz turbo
„ 16GB Memory
„ Eight Ethernet ports (two on the motherboard plus six through add-in NIC cards)
„ Five USB ports - two back panel, two front panel, and one internal
„ Cabled hard drive backplane
„ Redundant, hot-pluggable 350W power supplies
„ Two 500-GB cabled SATA hard-drives in a RAID 1 Array for 500-GB redundant disk storage. RAID Controller included for
improved performance
„ Server is delivered with Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition
* which must be downgraded (at no additional cost) to Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition for use with DeltaV Virtual Studio v3.3.x.
Downgrade media to Windows Server 2016 DVD is included.

„ Five server CAL licenses included

„ DVD ROM drive
„ USB mouse (two button w/ scroll)
„ Local USB country keyboard
„ Local power cord option
„ Compatible with DeltaV Virtual Studio v3.3.x and later. For DeltaV Virtual Studio v2.3.1 and earlier,
use Dell R430 server (SE2703V01) 10
DeltaV Virtualization Hardware June 2020

SE6047V3P1 – DeltaV Network Switch for Host Management, SAN Storage, and Thin Client Networks
General Specifications [Dell N3024ET-ON]

„ One Gigabit Ethernet, energy efficient switch

„ 1U Rack-mountable chassis
„ Twenty-four Ethernet ports
„ Supports high density, high-performance stacking, and high availability communications
„ Supports redundant host management and thin client networks
„ Supports redundant iSCSI communications with SAN device
„ Dual internal, hot swappable redundant power supplies for high availability

„ Temperature Range: 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C)
„ Operating Relative Humidity: 95%
„ Power Consumption: 53W Max

SE2549V3 - DeltaV Thin Client for Single, Dual and Quad Monitors with Redundant Network [based on Dell Wyse 5070]

Thin clients used for DeltaV virtualization have been selected to meet the needs of on-line process control, including support
for single, dual, and quad monitors, and support for redundant thin client networks.

„ Intel Pentium Silver Processor J5005 (2.7GHz)

„ Single, Dual, and Quad Monitor Support
„ Memory: 8GB RAM
„ Storage: 256GB Solid State Drive
„ Nine USB ports - 6 USB 3.0 ports (1 front, 4 back, 1 internal),
3 USB 2.0 ports (2 front, 1 internal)
„ Display ports: Onboard = (3) DP Add-in video = (1) DP full size and (2) mini DP
y Supports quad 4k monitor configuration
y 4k resolution supported with DeltaV Live
„ Expansion Card: AMD Radeon E9173 graphics card
„ Windows 10 IoT Enterprise operating system for thin clients
„ Dimensions: Height 184mm, Width 66mm, Depth 184mm
„ Local power cord option
„ Three-year warranty with ProSupport
„ Pre-installed image with DeltaV Remote Desktop Client and recommended OS configuration
Please refer to Dell product data sheets for environmental and power consumption specifications. 11
DeltaV Virtualization Hardware June 2020

Monitor Specifications for Thin Clients

„ For DeltaV v11.3.1 and later virtual workstations, dual and quad screen display is supported using true
multi-monitor display mode, including wide screen monitors up to 1680x1050
„ For DeltaV v9.3.1 through v11.3 virtual workstations, dual and quad screen display is supported using a single window in
“span mode,” including wide-screen monitors up to 1680x1050 for dual screens and 1280x1024 for quad screens
„ DeltaV supports 16:9 aspect ratio for 1920x1080 monitors in DeltaV v13.3 and newer system.
Please refer to the product data sheets for DeltaV Workstation Hardware for currently supported monitors.

Other Supported Thin Clients for DeltaV Virtualization

Pepperl+Fuchs Industrial Box Thin Client BTC01 and BTC12*

„ Windows 10 IoT OS with P+F VisuNet Shell 5 firmware installed and DeltaV Virtual Studio “ready”
„ Supports up to four monitors with dual NIC cards for redundant thin client networks
For more information, lookup BTC01 and BTC12 on

SE2543 – DeltaV SAN - General Specifications [Dell PowerVault ME4024]

„ Rack-mountable chassis with sliding ready rails and cable management arm
„ Dual, redundant storage controllers
„ Supports RAID 10 redundant disk storage
„ 2.5 inch 1.2-TB 10K RPM SAS hard drives
„ Expandable up to 24 2.5 inch drives
„ High performance 10GB iSCSI network
„ Dual redundant power supply

„ Temperature Range: 41°F to 95°F (5°C to 35°C) continuous operation
„ Relative Humidity: 10% to 80% continuous operation

SE2543V1 – DeltaV SAN with 3.6 TB RAID 10 Capacity

„ Six 1.2-TB SAS hard-drives in a RAID10 Array

„ Supports up to 20 virtual DeltaV workstations

SE2543V2 – DeltaV SAN with 7.2 TB RAID 10 Capacity

„ Twelve 1.2-TB SAS hard-drives in a RAID10 Array

„ Supports up to 40 virtual DeltaV workstations

SE2543V3 – DeltaV SAN with 14.4 TB RAID 10 Capacity

„ Twenty four 1.2-TB SAS hard-drives in a RAID10 Array

„ Supports up to 40 virtual DeltaV workstations and VM replication for 40 additional VMs 12
DeltaV Virtualization Hardware June 2020

VE6051 – DeltaV USB to IP Converter

General Specifications [SEH myUTN-50a USB Device Server]

„ USB to IP Converter device for Windows OS

„ Provides virtual machine access to DeltaV System ID USB access key (dongle)
or other DeltaV access keys (for example Batch Analytics) through Ethernet connection
„ Two USB 2.0 ports available
„ Dimensions: 98D x 81W x 31H (mm)
„ Local power cord options:
y VE6051P1 – U.S.A.
y VE6051P2 – European
y VE6051P3 – U.K.

VE6052 – DeltaV USB to IP Converter – Rack Mount

General Specifications [SEH myUTN-80 USB Device Server]

„ USB to IP Converter device for Windows OS

„ Provides virtual machine access to DeltaV System ID USB access key (dongle)
or other DeltaV access keys (example Batch Analytics) through Ethernet connection
„ Eight USB ports available

y 4X USB 3.0 SuperSpeed ports;

y 4X USB 2.0 Hi-Speed ports
„ Dimensions: 215D x 155W x 45H (mm)
„ Rack mount kit for 19” server racks
„ Local power cord options:

y VE6052P1 – U.S.A.
y VE6052P2 – European
y VE6052P3 – U.K.
y VE6052P5 – Australian 13
DeltaV Virtualization Hardware June 2020

Other Supported Switches for Host Management and Thin Client Networks

Managed Gigabit Switch

„ HIRSCHMANN MACH104-20TX-FR, 24-port Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch with redundant power
y 24-port 10/100/1000 BASE-TX (RJ-45), Gigabit Ethernet managed rack-mountable switch
„ HIRSCHMANN RS40, 9-port Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch, DIN Rail Mounted, Fanless
y 9 Gigabit ports: 5 x Twisted Pair ports RJ45 and 4 x Twisted Pair ports RJ45/SFP combo ports
y Fiber uplink ports are available in multimode and/or single mode by using Gigabit or Fast Ethernet SFP transceivers

Unmanaged Gigabit Switches

„ NETGEAR ProSafe Gigabit Switches
y JGS524 – 24-port 10/100/1000BASE-T (RJ-45) Gigabit Ethernet unmanaged desktop or rack-mountable switch.
y JGS516 – 16-port 10/100/1000BASE-T (RJ-45) Gigabit Ethernet unmanaged desktop or rack-mountable switch.
y GS116 – 16-port 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet unmanaged desktop switch.
y GS108 – eight-port 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet unmanaged desktop switch.

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