Metodologia 2
Metodologia 2
Metodologia 2
CDM validation and verification standard for
project activities
Version 01.0
Standard: CDM validation and verification standard for project activities
Version 01.0
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Standard: CDM validation and verification standard for project activities
Version 01.0
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Standard: CDM validation and verification standard for project activities
Version 01.0
10.2. Specific validation requirements for carbon dioxide capture and storage
project activities .............................................................................................. 75
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Standard: CDM validation and verification standard for project activities
Version 01.0
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol
(CMP) established the basis of the regulatory framework for the clean development
mechanism (CDM) to implement Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol through the following:
(a) Annex to decision 3/CMP.1: Modalities and procedures for a clean development
mechanism (hereinafter referred to as the CDM M&Ps);
(b) Annexes to decision 4/CMP.1, including annex II: Simplified modalities and
procedures for small-scale clean development mechanism project activities
(hereinafter referred to as the CDM SSC M&Ps);
(c) Annex to decision 5/CMP.1: Modalities and procedures for afforestation and
reforestation project activities under the clean development mechanism
(hereinafter referred to as the CDM A/R M&Ps);
(d) Annex to decision 6/CMP.1: Simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale
afforestation and reforestation project activities under the clean development
mechanism (hereinafter referred to as the CDM SSC A/R M&Ps);
(e) Decision 7/CMP.1: Further guidance relating to the clean development
(f) Decision 10/CMP.7: Modalities and procedures for carbon dioxide capture and
storage in geological formations as clean development mechanism project
activities (hereinafter referred to as the CDM CCS M&Ps).
2. The CMP revised some of the provisions in these decisions through new decisions in
subsequent sessions.
3. Pursuant to its mandate from the CMP to operationalize the CDM, the Executive Board of
the CDM (hereinafter referred to as the Board) has adopted various standards including
baseline and monitoring methodologies (hereinafter referred to as methodologies), tools
and standardized baselines, procedures, guidelines, clarifications and forms, and revised
them with a view to improving the CDM process.
1.2. Objectives
4. The objectives of the “CDM validation and verification standard for project activities”
(hereinafter referred to as the standard) are to:
(a) Enhance consistency and clarity of minimum requirements for CDM validation and
verification activities;
(b) Improve the quality and consistency in the preparation, execution and reporting of
CDM validation and verification activities;
(c) Enhance the overall efficiency and integrity of the CDM.
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Version 01.0
2.2. Application
6. Sections 5 and 6 contain general principles and requirements for validation and
7. Sections 7 contains validation requirements for registration of all types of CDM project
activities. The requirements in sections 7.13−7.16 apply specifically to small-scale project
activities, large-scale afforestation and reforestation (A/R) project activities, small-scale
A/R project activities, and carbon dioxide capture or storage (CCS) project activities,
8. Sections 8 and 10 contain validation requirements for post-registration activities applicable
to all types of CDM project activities, validation requirements for post-registration activities
specific to large-scale A/R project activities, and validation requirements for the renewal
of the crediting period for all types of CDM activities including CCS project activities.
9. Section 9 contains verification requirements applicable to all types of CDM project
activities. The requirements in sections 9.3−9.5 apply specifically to small-scale project
activities, large-scale A/R project activities and CCS project activities, respectively.
3. Normative references
11. The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard:
(a) “CDM accreditation standard”;
(b) “CDM project cycle procedure for project activities”;
(c) “CDM project standard for project activities”;
(d) “Glossary: CDM terms”.
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Version 01.0
5. Principles
5.1. General
13. The following principles1 guide the preparation, execution, and reporting of validation and
verification activities.
5.2. Independence
14. Remain independent of the activity being validated or verified, and free from bias and
conflict of interest. Maintain objectivity throughout the validation or verification to ensure
that the findings and conclusions are based on objective evidence generated during the
validation or verification.
1 This text is taken from ISO 14064-3:2006 - Greenhouse gases - Part 3: Specification with guidance for
the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions and is reproduced with the permission of the
International Organization for Standardization, ISO. This standard can be obtained from any ISO member
from the website of the ISO Central Secretariat at the following address: <>. Copyright
remains with ISO.
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Version 01.0
(b) Apply the most recent applicable decisions and guidance provided by the Board;
(c) Determine whether each CDM project activity meets all applicable CDM rules and
requirements, including those specified in the “CDM project standard for project
activities”, relevant methodologies, tools and standardized baselines;
(d) Assess the accuracy, conservativeness, relevance, completeness, consistency
and transparency of the information provided by the project participants;2
(e) Determine whether information provided by the project participants is reliable and
(f) Apply consistent validation/verification criteria:
(i) To the requirements of the applicable approved methodologies and, where
applicable, the applicable approved standardized baselines throughout the
crediting period(s);
(ii) To CDM project activities with similar characteristics such as a similar
application of the approved methodologies, approved standardized
baselines, use of technology, time period or region;
(iii) To expert judgements, over time and among CDM project activities;
(g) Base its findings and conclusions on objective evidence and conduct all validation
or verification activities in accordance with CDM rules and procedures;
(h) Not omit evidence that is likely to alter the validation or verification opinion;
(i) Present information in the validation report or verification and certification report in
a factual, neutral and coherent manner and document all assumptions, provide
references to background material, and identify changes made to the
(j) Safeguard the confidentiality of all information obtained or created during the
validation or verification.
2 Principles for each can be found in the “CDM project standard for project activities”.
3 Information is credible if it is authentic and is able to inspire belief or trust, and the willingness of persons
to accept the quality of evidence. Information is reliable if the quality of evidence is accurate and credible
and able to yield the same results on a repeated basis.
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Version 01.0
CDM project activity shall prepare a validation report using the valid version of the relevant
validation report form.4
22. The DOE contracted to conduct a verification and certification for the implementation of
the registered CDM project activity and monitored greenhouse gas (GHG) emission
reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals shall prepare a verification and
certification report using the valid version of the relevant verification and certification report
23. When completing a validation or verification and certification report form, the DOE shall
follow the instructions therein.
4 All types of validation report forms are available on the UNFCCC CDM website.
5 All types of verification and certification report forms are available on the UNFCCC CDM website.
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Standard: CDM validation and verification standard for project activities
Version 01.0
29. In assessing the information, the DOE shall apply the means of validation specified
throughout this standard and, where appropriate, standard auditing techniques, including,
but not limited to:
(a) Document review, involving:
(i) A review of data and information;
(ii) Cross checks between the information provided in the PDD and information
from sources other than those used; if available, the DOE’s sectoral or local
expertise; and, if necessary, independent background investigations;
(b) Follow-up actions (e.g. on-site inspection and telephone or e-mail interviews),
(i) Interviews with relevant stakeholders in the host country, such as personnel
with knowledge of the project design and implementation;
(ii) Cross checks between information provided by interviewed personnel (i.e. by
checking sources or other interviews) to ensure that no relevant information
has been omitted;
(c) Reference to available information relating to projects or technologies similar to the
proposed CDM project activity under validation;
(d) Review, based on the selected methodologies and, where applicable, the selected
standardized baselines, of the appropriateness of formulae and accuracy of
(e) Sampling approach in accordance with the “Standard: Sampling and surveys for
CDM project activities and programme of activities”, including:
(i) A random sampling for cases where the project participants did not apply a
sampling approach;
(ii) An acceptance sampling or another sampling approach for cases where the
project participants applied a sampling approach.
30. It is mandatory for the DOE to conduct an on-site inspection at validation for the proposed
CDM project activity if:
(a) Its estimated annual average of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions or net
anthropogenic GHG removals is more than 100,000 t CO2 eq; or
(b) There is pre-project information that is relevant to the requirements for registration
of the project activity and may not be traceable after the registration.
31. For cases that are not referred to in paragraph 30 above, it is optional for the DOE to
conduct an on-site inspection at validation. If the DOE does not conduct an on-site
inspection as a means of validation, it shall describe the alternative means used and justify
that they are sufficient for the purpose of validation.
32. Where no specific means of validation is specified, the DOE shall apply the standard
auditing techniques described in paragraph 29 above.
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Version 01.0
41. For a proposed CDM project activity with a start date on or after 2 August 2008, the DOE
shall confirm, by referring to the list of prior consideration notifications from the UNFCCC
CDM website and communication between the project participants, the secretariat and the
host Party DNA, if the DNA exists, regarding the commencement of a new project activity
and the intention to seek CDM status for the project activity, or referring to the UNFCCC
CDM website, whether the PDD has been published within 180 days of the start date. If
such notification has not been provided by the project participants or if the PDD has not
been published for global stakeholder consultation within 180 days of the start date in
accordance with the “CDM project cycle procedure for project activities”, the DOE shall
determine that the CDM was not seriously considered in the decision to implement the
project activity.
42. For a proposed CDM project activity with a start date before 2 August 2008, the DOE shall
assess the project participants’ prior consideration of the CDM. Specifically, the DOE shall
assess whether the project participants:
(a) Had an awareness of the CDM prior to the project activity start date, and that the
benefits of the CDM were a decisive factor in the decision to proceed with the
project. Evidence to support this could include, inter alia, minutes and/or notes
related to the consideration of the decision by the board of directors, or equivalent,
of the project participants, to undertake the project as a proposed CDM project
(b) Demonstrated that real and continuing actions were taken to secure CDM status
for the project in parallel with its implementation in accordance with relevant
provisions related to the supporting evidence in the “CDM project standard for
project activities”.
43. Assessment of real and continuing actions shall be conducted by the DOE and should
focus on real documented evidence as indicated in paragraph 42 (b) above, including an
assessment by the DOE of the authenticity of the evidence. The DOE shall assess letters,
e-mail exchanges and other documented communications submitted by the project
participants to substantiate the above information, and these shall be considered as
evidence only after the DOE has assessed the reliability and authenticity of such
communications, inter alia through cross-checking (e.g. interviews).
44. In validating proposed CDM project activities where:
(a) There is a gap of less than two years between the documented evidence, the DOE
shall conclude that continuing and real actions were taken to secure CDM status
for the project activity;
(b) A gap between documented evidence is greater than two years and less than three
years, the DOE may determine that continuing and real actions were taken to
secure CDM status for the project activity and shall justify any positive or negative
validation opinion based on the context of the evidence and information assessed;
(c) A gap between documented evidence is greater than three years, the DOE shall
conclude that continuing and real actions were not taken to secure CDM status for
the project activity.
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45. If evidence to support the serious prior consideration of the CDM as indicated above is not
available, the DOE shall determine that the CDM was not considered in the decision to
implement the project activity.
46. The validation report shall:
(a) Describe the validation of the project activity start date provided in the PDD;
(b) Describe the evidence for prior consideration of the CDM (if necessary) that was
assessed and the process of cross-checking the evidence, including the real and
continuing action;
(c) Provide a validation opinion regarding whether the proposed CDM project activity
complies with the applicable requirements related to the prior consideration of the
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Version 01.0
the consideration of interactive effects for the application of multiple CDM methodologies
for a programme of activities” to address cross-effects.
54. In all other cases, if the project participants have not submitted a communication to the
Board to request clarification in accordance with the “CDM project standard for project
activities”, the DOE shall submit such communication to the Board in accordance with the
“Procedure: Direct communication with stakeholders” prior to submitting a request for
registration of the project activity.
55. If the proposed CDM project activity was a component project activity (CPA) that has been
previously excluded from a registered CDM programme of activities (PoA), the DOE shall
assess whether:
(a) The project activity transparently declares that it was a CPA in a registered CDM
PoA and has been previously excluded from it, either voluntarily or due to
erroneous inclusion;
(b) The crediting period type (i.e. renewal or fixed) and the total length of the crediting
period (e.g. maximum 10 years for the fixed crediting period type and maximum 21
years for the renewal crediting period type) and its end date are the same as before
the exclusion;
(c) The project activity meets all relevant requirements for registration of project
activities valid at the time of submission of the request for registration as a CDM
project activity;
(d) If the project activity applies a methodology that potentially accrues negative
emission reductions, emission reductions have been continuously monitored since
the end of the monitoring period in the last published monitoring report for the CPA,
including the exclusion period. For such a project activity, if there were net negative
emission reductions during the period before the registration as a CDM project
activity, the amount shall be deducted from the first requests for issuance after the
(e) If the CPA has been excluded as a result of erroneous inclusion and if certified
emission reductions (CERs) have been issued for the CPA, an equivalent amount
of Kyoto credits have been compensated by the DOE that included the CPA or that
validated the CPA at its first verification if it was included by the
coordinating/managing entity, in the CDM registry in accordance with the “CDM
project cycle procedure for project activities”.
56. The DOE shall:
(a) Describe the process undertaken to validate the accuracy and completeness of the
project description;
(b) State its opinion on the accuracy and completeness of the project description.
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7.5.1. General
57. The DOE shall apply specific guidance and/or clarifications provided by the Board with
respect to the approved methodologies, any applicable tools, and/or the approved
standardized baselines that is(are) selected by the project participants.
6 Examples of project-specific issues include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) The methodology requires measurements using instrumentation of certain specifications or using a
certain method. The project participants of the proposed CDM project activity identify a difficulty in
acquiring the specified instrumentation or difficulty in implementing the measurement method;
however, they can achieve comparable accuracy of measured parameters using an alternative
instrumentation or measurement method;
(b) A proposed CDM project activity does not have access to the data sources specified by the
methodology for a certain parameter; a different source of data can be accessed by the CDM project
activity to estimate the parameter with equal reliability and accuracy;
(c) A minor deviation is sought for a project-specific situation, which is well justified and conservative.
For example: a methodology requires limiting production in the project scenario between +/- 5% of
rated capacity, if the historical baseline is to be applied. Due to government restrictions, the plant
has never been operated at its rated capacity but at a capacity which is much below its rated capacity
(20% below the rated capacity). A deviation can be presented specifying conservative approaches
to calculate the emission reduction in such a project-specific case;
(d) A conservative estimation technique or default factor suggested addressing uncertainties related to
project-specific situations, which are not addressed in the methodology. For example, a well-justified
conservative uncertainty factor proposed to be used in equations of baseline emissions to address
uncertainties in the real-life situation during the crediting period.
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Version 01.0
60. Alternatively, if the DOE considers that a revision of the methodology and/or
methodological tool would be required to address the project situation then the DOE shall
request the project participants to submit a request for revision in accordance with the
“CDM project cycle procedure for project activities”.
7.6.1. General
62. The DOE shall validate that the selected methodologies and, where applicable, the
selected standardized baselines are applicable to the proposed CDM project activity and
that the selected versions are valid at the time of submission of the proposed CDM project
activity for registration.
63. The DOE shall determine whether the selected methodologies and, where applicable, the
selected standardized baselines apply to the proposed CDM project activity and was
correctly applied with respect to the following:
(a) Project boundary;
(b) Baseline identification;
(c) Algorithms and/or formulae used to determine emission reductions;
(d) Additionality;
(e) Monitoring methodology.
64. The DOE shall determine whether the methodologies and, where applicable, the
standardized baselines are correctly quoted and applied by comparing them with the
actual text of the valid version of the methodologies and, where applicable, of the
standardized baselines, 7 and relevant requirements in the “CDM project standard for
project activities” and any other applicable standard or guideline.
65. If the PDD of a proposed project activity is based on a previous version(s) of a
methodology and, where applicable, a standardized baseline and was(were) published for
global stakeholder consultation but was(were) not submitted for registration within the
grace period, the DOE shall request the project participants to provide a revised PDD in
accordance with the “CDM project cycle procedure for project activities”.
7 An approved methodology and, where applicable, an approved standardized baseline applies to the
proposed CDM project activity if the applicability conditions of the methodology and, where applicable,
the standardized baseline are met.
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Version 01.0
66. The DOE shall request the project participants to provide a revised PDD in accordance
with the “CDM project cycle procedure for project activities” if:
(a) The PDD has been published for global stakeholder consultation when no
applicable approved standardized baseline was valid;
(b) An applicable approved standardized baseline whose selection is mandatory has
become valid after the publication of the PDD for global stakeholder consultation
but before the submission of a request for registration of the proposed CDM project
(c) The request for registration has not been submitted within 240 days after the
standardized baseline became valid.
67. The DOE shall determine whether the proposed CDM project activity meets each of the
applicability conditions of the approved methodologies, any tool, other methodology
component referred to therein and, where applicable, the approved standardized baseline.
This shall be done by validating the documentation referred to in the PDD and by verifying
that the documentation content is correctly quoted and interpreted in the PDD. If the DOE,
based on local and sectoral knowledge, is aware that comparable information is available
from credible sources other than that used in the PDD, then the DOE shall cross-check
the PDD against other sources to confirm that the CDM project activity meets the
applicability conditions of the methodologies and, where applicable, the standardized
68. For each applicability condition listed in the selected methodologies and, where
applicable, the selected standardized baselines, the DOE shall describe the steps taken
to assess the relevant information contained in the PDD against these criteria. The DOE
shall state its opinion on the applicability of the selected methodologies and/or selected
standardized baselines to the proposed CDM project activity.
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Version 01.0
73. The DOE shall describe how the validation of the project boundary has been performed
by detailing the documentation assessed (e.g. a commissioning report) and, where
conducted in accordance with paragraph 30 or 31 above, by describing its observations
during any on-site inspection undertaken (i.e. observations of the physical site or
equipment used in the process).
74. The DOE shall state whether the identified boundary and the selected sources and gases
are justified for the proposed CDM project activity. Should the DOE identify emission
sources that will be affected by the implementation of the CDM project activity and which
are expected to contribute more than 1 per cent of the overall expected average annual
GHG emissions reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals, and are not addressed
by the selected methodologies and, where applicable, the selected standardized
baselines, the DOE shall request clarification of, revision to, or deviation from the
methodology and, where applicable, the standardized baseline, as appropriate.
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account in the identification of the baseline scenario for the proposed CDM project activity,
as well as relevant national and/or sectoral policies, regulations and circumstances, such
as sectoral reform initiatives, local fuel availability, power sector expansion plans, and the
economic situation in the project sector. Two types of national and/or sectoral policies or
regulations have to be taken into account:
(a) National and/or sectoral policies or regulations that give comparative advantages
to more emissions-intensive technologies or fuels over less emissions-intensive
technologies or fuels, otherwise known as policies that increase GHG emissions,
and are called type E+ policies. For this type of national and/or sectoral policies or
regulations, only those that have been implemented before the adoption of the
Kyoto Protocol by the Conference of the Parties (COP) (decision 1/CP.3,
11 December 1997) shall be taken into account when identifying a baseline
scenario. If such national and/or sectoral policies or regulations were implemented
since the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol, the baseline scenario shall refer to a
hypothetical situation without the national and/or sectoral policies or regulations
being in place;
(b) National and/or sectoral policies or regulations that give comparative advantages
to less emissions-intensive technologies over more emissions-intensive
technologies (e.g. public subsidies to promote the diffusion of renewable energy or
to finance energy efficiency programmes), otherwise known as policies that
decrease GHG emissions, and are called type E- policies. For this type of national
and/or sectoral policies or regulations, those that have been implemented since
the adoption by the COP of the modalities and procedures for the CDM8 need not
be taken into account in identifying a baseline scenario (i.e. the baseline scenario
could refer to a hypothetical situation without the national and/or sectoral policies
or regulations being in place).
82. The following applies to a proposed CDM project activity using an approved standardized
baseline that standardizes the baseline scenario instead of paragraphs 77–81 above: The
DOE shall determine whether the description of the identified baseline scenario in the PDD
is in accordance with the selected standardized baseline.
83. The DOE shall describe the steps taken to assess the requirements and state its opinion
on whether:
(a) All the assumptions and data used by the project participants are listed in the PDD,
including their references and sources;
(b) All documentation used is relevant for establishing the baseline scenario and
correctly quoted and interpreted in the PDD;
(c) Assumptions and data used in the identification of the baseline scenario are
justified appropriately, supported by evidence and can be deemed reasonable;
(d) Relevant national and/or sectoral policies, regulations and circumstances are
considered and listed in the PDD;
8 Decision 17/CP.7.
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(e) The methodologies have been correctly applied to identify the most plausible
baseline scenario and the identified baseline scenario reasonably represents what
would occur in the absence of the proposed CDM project activity.
84. The DOE shall describe other steps taken and sources of information used to cross-check
the information contained in the PDD.
85. The following applies to a proposed CDM project activity using an approved standardized
baseline that standardizes the baseline scenario instead of paragraphs 83 and 84 above:
The DOE shall state its opinion on whether the description of the identified baseline
scenario in the PDD is in accordance with the selected standardized baseline. General
86. The DOE shall determine whether the proposed CDM project activity is additional as
demonstrated in the PDD.9
87. The DOE shall assess and verify the reliability and credibility of all data, rationales,
assumptions, justifications and documentation provided by the project participants to
support the demonstration of additionality. This requires the DOE to critically assess the
evidence presented, using local knowledge and sectoral and financial expertise.
88. If required by the applicable approved methodologies, the DOE shall consider tools and
guidelines provided by the Board to demonstrate the additionality of proposed CDM
project activities. The DOE shall also consider specific complementary or alternative
requirements included in the methodologies for demonstrating the additionality of the
proposed CDM project activity.
89. The following applies to a proposed CDM project activity using an approved standardized
baseline that standardizes additionality instead of paragraphs 87 and 88 above and 96–
109 below: The DOE shall assess whether the proposed CDM project activity meets the
additionality criteria (e.g. positive lists of technologies) in the selected standardized
90. The DOE shall describe all steps taken and sources of information used to cross-check
the information contained in the PDD. The DOE shall describe how it has determined that
the evidence assessed is credible, where appropriate.
9 In accordance with decision 3/CMP.1, annex, paragraph 43, “A CDM project activity is additional if
anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases by sources are reduced below those that would have
occurred in the absence of the registered CDM project activity.” While specific elements of the
assessment of additionality are discussed in further detail below, not all elements discussed below will
be applicable to all proposed CDM project activities.
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92. Where the baseline scenario is not prescribed in the approved methodologies, the DOE
shall assess the list of identified credible alternatives to the proposed CDM project activity
in the PDD selected to determine the most realistic baseline scenario.
93. The DOE shall assess the list of alternatives given in the PDD and to determine whether:
(a) The list of alternatives includes as one of the options that the project activity is
undertaken without being registered as a proposed CDM project activity;
(b) The list contains all plausible alternatives that the DOE, on the basis of its local
and sectoral knowledge, considers to be viable means of supplying the comparable
outputs or services that are to be supplied by the proposed CDM project activity;
(c) The alternatives comply with all applicable and enforced legislation.
94. Where the baseline scenario is prescribed in the approved methodologies, no further
analysis is required.
95. The DOE shall describe whether it considers the listed alternatives to be credible and
10 It should be noted the valid version of the “Methodological tool: Investment analysis”, and the
requirements of specific methodologies may preclude the use of one of these options in certain
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99. To verify the accuracy of financial calculations carried out for any investment analysis, the
DOE shall:
(a) Determine the suitability of the financial indicator selected by the project
participants and conduct a thorough assessment of all parameters and
assumptions used in calculating such financial indicators, and determine the
accuracy and suitability of these parameters using available evidence and applying
its expertise in relevant accounting practices;
(b) Cross-check the parameters against third-party or publicly available sources, such
as invoices or price indices;
(c) Review, as appropriate, feasibility reports, public announcements and annual
financial reports related to the proposed CDM project activity and the project
(d) Assess the correctness of computations carried out and documented by the project
(e) Assess, where applicable, the sensitivity analysis by the project participants to
determine under what conditions variations in the result would occur, and the
likelihood of these conditions.
100. To confirm the suitability of any benchmark applied in the investment analysis, the DOE
(a) Determine whether the type of benchmark applied is suitable for the type of
financial indicator presented;
(b) Ensure that any risk premiums applied in determining the benchmark reflect the
risks associated with the project type or activity;
(c) Determine whether it is reasonable to assume that no investment would be made
at a rate of return lower than the benchmark.
101. Where the project participants rely on values from feasibility study reports (FSRs) that are
approved by national authorities for proposed CDM project activities, the DOE shall
determine whether:
(a) The FSR is the basis for the decision to proceed with the investment in the project,
i.e. that the period of time between the finalization of the FSR and the investment
decision is sufficiently short that it is unlikely in the context of the underlying project
activity that the input values would have materially changed;
(b) The values used in the PDD and associated annexes are fully consistent with the
FSR, and where inconsistencies occur the DOE shall assess the appropriateness
of the values;
(c) The input values from the FSR are valid and applicable at the time of investment
decision. The DOE shall confirm this on the basis of its specific local and sectoral
expertise and by cross-checking or other appropriate means.
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11 Barriers are issues in project implementation that could prevent a potential investor from pursuing the
implementation of the proposed CDM project activity. The identified barriers are only sufficient grounds
for demonstration of additionality if they would prevent potential project participants from carrying out the
proposed CDM project activity without being registered as a CDM project activity.
12 See the valid version of the “Guidelines for objective demonstration and assessment of barriers”.
13 Defined in this context as those issues whose impacts can be expressed in monetary terms with
reasonable certainty.
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(b) Determine whether the barriers prevent the implementation of the proposed
CDM project activity but not the implementation of at least one of the
possible alternatives: Since not all barriers present an insurmountable hurdle to
a project activity being implemented, the DOE shall apply its local and sectoral
expertise to judge whether a barrier or set of barriers would prevent the
implementation of the proposed CDM project activity and would not equally prevent
implementation of at least one of the possible alternatives, in particular the
identified baseline scenario.
106. The DOE shall:
(a) Provide an assessment of each barrier listed in the PDD, which describes how it
has undertaken validation of the barrier;
(b) Provide an overall determination of the credibility of the barrier analysis performed.
14 This is a test to complement the investment analysis (step 2 of the additionality tool) or barrier analysis
(step 3 of the additionality tool) to confirm that the proposed CDM project activity is not widely observed
and commonly carried out in the region.
15 Registered CDM project activities and proposed CDM project activities that have been published on the
UNFCCC website for global stakeholder consultation as part of the validation processes.
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(c) Describe how it has assessed the essential distinctions between the proposed
CDM project activity and any similar projects that are widely observed and
commonly carried out;
(d) Confirm whether the proposed CDM project activity is not common practice.
16 For proposed CDM project activities that have both A/R and non-A/R components, in order to avoid
double counting of emission sources, the emissions associated with A/R activity shall be accounted for
and clearly documented by the proposed A/R CDM project activity (see EB 25 report, paragraphs 38 and
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113. The DOE shall describe the steps taken to assess the requirements and state its opinion
on whether:
(a) All assumptions and data used by the project participants are listed in the PDD,
including their references and sources;
(b) All documentation used by the project participants as the basis for assumptions
and source of data is correctly quoted and interpreted in the PDD;
(c) All values used in the PDD including GWPs are considered reasonable in the
context of the proposed CDM project activity;
(d) The methodologies, any corresponding tools and, where applicable, the
standardized baselines have been applied correctly to calculate baseline, project
and leakage GHG emissions, as well as GHG emission reductions;
(e) All estimates of the baseline GHG emissions can be replicated using the data and
parameter values provided in the PDD;
(f) The sampling efforts were undertaken in accordance with the “Standard: Sampling
and surveys for CDM project activities and programme of activities”, where the
applied methodologies require that the data and parameters be determined in
accordance with this standard.
114. The DOE shall describe how it has verified the data and parameters used in the equations,
including references to any other data sources used. General
115. If the project participants included a monitoring plan in the PDD for validation for
registration of the proposed CDM project activity, the DOE shall apply the requirements in
section below.
116. If the project participants chose to delay the submission of the monitoring plan for the
proposed CDM project activity, the DOE shall apply the requirements in section
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132. If applicable host Party rules on local stakeholder consultation do not exist, the DOE shall,
by means of document review and interviews with local stakeholders and/or the DNA as
appropriate, determine whether the local stakeholder consultation was conducted in
accordance with the requirements in the “CDM project standard for project activities”
pertaining to:
(a) Scope of local stakeholder consultation;
(b) Minimum group of stakeholders to be involved;
(c) Means for inviting stakeholders’ participation;
(d) Information to be made available to stakeholders;
(e) Conduct of consultation;
(f) Summary of comments received;
(g) Consideration of comments received;
(h) Timing of local stakeholder consultation.
133. If the DOE used interviews with local stakeholders and/or the DNA as a means of
validation as referred to in paragraphs 131 and 132 above, and if the local stakeholders
and/or the DNA provided no response to the DOE’s request for an interview within 14 days
of the request being made, the DOE may proceed with the information available.
134. If the DOE, after the completion of the local stakeholder consultation, receives complaints
from local stakeholders on the handling of the outcome of the consultation forwarded by
the DNA in accordance with the “CDM project standard for project activities”, it shall
promptly forward them to the project participants and thereafter determine whether the
project participants have duly taken them into account. The DOE may proceed with the
validation with the complaints received within 14 days of the request for forwarding, if any.
135. The DOE shall determine whether changes to the PDD are made after the local
stakeholder consultation. If the DOE identifies such changes, it shall assess whether:
(a) The comments received through the local stakeholder consultation are still valid;
(b) The scope of the local stakeholders engaged is still valid.
136. If significant changes to the project design occurs after the local stakeholder consultation,
the DOE shall determine whether a new local stakeholder consultation was conducted
with relevant stakeholders in accordance with paragraphs 131 and 132 above.
137. The DOE shall:
(a) Describe the steps taken to assess the adequacy of the local stakeholder
(b) State its opinion on the adequacy of the local stakeholder consultation.
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7.11.1. Approval
139. The DOE shall determine whether the designated national authority (DNA) of each Party
indicated in the PDD as being involved in the proposed CDM project activity has provided
a written letter of approval.
140. The DOE shall determine whether each letter provided by the DNA of each Party involved
in the proposed CDM project activity confirms that:
(a) The Party is a Party to the Kyoto Protocol;
(b) The participation in the CDM project activity is voluntary;
(c) In the case of the host Party, the CDM project activity contributes to achieving the
sustainable development of the country;
(d) It refers to the precise title of the CDM project activity in the PDD being submitted
for registration (i.e. there shall be no difference between the title in the letter and
that in the PDD).
141. The DOE shall determine whether the letter of approval is unconditional with respect to
paragraph 140(a)−(d) above.
142. The DOE shall determine whether the letter of approval indicates that a proposed CDM
project activity or proposed bundled small-scale CDM project activities have only one host
Party in which the project activity(ies) are located, as set out in the PDD.
143. The DOE shall determine whether the letter of approval has been issued by the respective
Party’s DNA and is valid for the proposed CDM project activity under validation.17
144. If the DOE doubts the authenticity of the letter of approval, it shall verify with the DNA that
the letter of approval is authentic.
145. The DOE shall, for each Party involved:
(a) Indicate whether a letter of approval has been received, referencing the letter itself
and any supporting documentation;
(b) Indicate whether the DOE received the letter of approval from the project
participants, or directly from the DNA;
(c) Indicate the means of validation employed to assess the authenticity of the letter
of approval if paragraph 144 above applies;
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(d) Include a statement on whether the letter of approval meets the requirements
referred to in paragraphs 140−144 above, as applicable.
146. If the letter of approval refers to a specific version of the validation report and the DOE
therefore is unable to submit this precise version of the validation report, the DOE shall:
(a) Insert a statement in the validation report to indicate that the final letter of approval
has not been received and that a request for registration will not be submitted until
it has been received; or
(b) Update the validation report to reflect the receipt of the letter of approval. If this
option is selected, the whole number of the version number of the validation report
shall remain unchanged and the tens decimal place shall be increased (e.g. from
1.0 to 1.1). The DOE shall confirm in the validation report that the confirmation of
the receipt of the letter of approval is the only change that has been made to the
version referred to in the letter of approval.
7.11.2. Authorization
147. The DOE shall determine whether each project participant of the proposed CDM project
activity has been authorized to participate in the project activity by at least one Party
involved in the letter of approval referred to in paragraph 139 above or in a separate
authorization letter.
148. The DOE shall confirm that the project participants of the proposed CDM project activity
are listed in the PDD and that this information is consistent with the information provided
in the section that contains the contact information of project participants.
149. The DOE shall confirm that no entities other than those authorized as the project
participants of the proposed CDM project activity are included in these sections of the
150. The DOE shall confirm that the authorization has been issued from the relevant DNA, and
if in doubt, shall verify with the DNA that the authorization is valid for the project
participants of the proposed CDM project activity.
151. The DOE shall, for each project participant of the proposed CDM project activity:
(a) Indicate whether the participation has been authorized by a Party to the Kyoto
(b) Describe the means of validation used to support the conclusions.
7.12.1. General
152. The DOE shall validate the corporate identity of all project participants and focal points
included in the Modalities of Communication (MoC) statement, as well as the personal
identities, including specimen signatures and employment status, of their authorized
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153. The DOE shall validate the identities referred to in paragraph 152 above through:
(a) Directly checking evidence of corporate and personal identities and other relevant
(b) Notarized documentation; or
(c) Written confirmation from the project participant that submits the MoC statement
that all corporate and personal details, including specimen signatures, are valid
and accurate.
154. When the DOE validates the identities by applying paragraph 153 (c) above, the DOE
shall ensure that the MoC statement is received from a project participant with whom the
DOE has a contractual relationship.
155. When the DOE validates the identities by applying paragraph 153 (c) above, the DOE
shall ensure that the official who submits the MoC statement to the DOE and the official
who signed the written confirmation (if a different person) are duly authorized to do so on
behalf of the respective project participant.
156. If the DOE is unable to validate the requirements by applying paragraph 153 (a), (b) or (c)
above, the DOE may perform further validation activities in order to confirm that the
corporate and personal details, employment status and specimen signatures included in
the MoC statement are valid and accurate, and comply with the requirements of this
157. The DOE shall state that it has performed due diligence on the MoC statement in
accordance with the requirements in this section.
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7.13.1. General
161. The DOE shall determine whether the proposed small-scale CDM project activity that
follows the CDM SSC M&Ps and other CDM rules and requirements for small-scale project
activities applies only small-scale approved methodologies. However, for a proposed
small-scale CDM project activity that is within the small-scale activity threshold but applies
a large-scale approved methodology, the DOE shall determine whether this project activity
follows the CDM M&Ps and other CDM rules and requirements for large-scale project
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173. If the proposed small-scale CDM project activity contains more than one component, the
DOE shall determine whether the PDD describes, for each component separately, how to
undertake the ex post calculation of baseline, project and leakage GHG emissions as well
as GHG emission reductions, and provides the ex ante calculation of them, in accordance
with the “CDM project standard for project activities”.
18 If the proposed small-scale CDM project activity is deemed to be a debundled component but the total
size of such an activity combined with the previous registered small-scale CDM project activity does not
exceed the limits for small-scale project activities, then the project activity can qualify to use the CDM
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177. In the case of Type I project activities up to 5 MW (or an appropriate equivalent) that
employ renewable energy as their primary technology, Type II energy efficiency project
activities that aim to achieve energy savings at a scale of no more than 20 GWh per year
(or an appropriate equivalent), and Type III project activities that aim to achieve emissions
reductions at a scale of no more than 20 kt CO2e per year, instead of paragraphs 92–109
above, the DOE shall assess the relevant criteria to establish the automatic additionality
for these project activities in accordance with the “Methodological tool: Demonstration of
additionality of microscale project activities”.
178. Paragraph 89 above applies to a proposed small-scale CDM project activity using an
approved standardized baseline that standardizes additionality instead of paragraph 177
179. The DOE shall describe all steps taken and sources of information used to cross-check
the information contained in the PDD.
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185. The DOE shall confirm whether the PDD contains a description of the project boundary
that delineates discrete areas of land planned for the proposed A/R CDM project activity
under the control of the project participants.19
186. The DOE shall, through document review and/or interviews, determine whether the project
participants for all areas of land planned for the proposed A/R CDM project activity:
(a) Have already established control over afforestation or reforestation activities; or
(b) Have control over afforestation or reforestation.
187. The DOE shall confirm that the control has included at minimum the exclusive right,
defined in a way acceptable under the legal system of the host Party, to perform the A/R
activity with the aim of achieving net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks. If the total
number of documents to be reviewed and persons/entities to be interviewed is not less
than 10, then the DOE may apply a sampling approach.
188. The DOE shall describe the documentation assessed and/or oral statements made by
persons interviewed (if any) and determine their acceptability under the legal system of
the host Party. If the DOE has applied a sampling approach, it shall also describe how
many sites have been assessed and how these sites were selected.
19 The proposed A/R CDM project activity may contain more than one discrete area of land.
20 Exemplary sources are listed in the “A/R Methodological tool: Demonstration of eligibility of lands for A/R
CDM project activities”.
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21 Decision 17/CP.7.
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200. The following applies to a proposed A/R CDM project activity instead of paragraph 113 (f)
above: The DOE shall determine whether sampling efforts were undertaken in accordance
with the applied methodologies including applicable tools if the project participants applied
the sampling approach to determine data and parameters in accordance with the applied
methodologies including applicable tools. Monitoring
202. The DOE shall determine whether the PDD describes the planned management activities,
including harvesting cycles, and verifications such that a systematic coincidence of
verification and peaks in carbon stocks would be avoided.
203. The DOE shall review the forest management plan and the monitoring plan for the
proposed A/R CDM project activity to confirm that a systematic coincidence of verification
and peaks in carbon stocks is avoided.
204. The DOE shall describe how the project participants have ensured that a systematic
coincidence of verification and peaks in carbon stocks would be avoided.
22 For proposed A/R CDM project activities, “An afforestation or reforestation project activity under the CDM
is additional if the actual net greenhouse gas removals by sinks are increased above the sum of the
changes in carbon stocks in the carbon pools within the project boundary that would have occurred in
the absence of the registered CDM afforestation or reforestation project activity” (see decision 5/CMP.1,
annex, paragraph 18).
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209. The DOE shall state whether the project participants have undertaken an analysis of
environmental impacts and, if considered significant by the project participants or the host
Party, a socio-economic impact assessment and/or an environmental impact assessment
in accordance with relevant host Party regulations.
210. The DOE shall also state whether the outcome of such impact assessment has been
summarized in the PDD and whether a description of the planned monitoring and remedial
measures to address the negative impacts has been included in the PDD.
23 See decision 9/CMP.3, which revised decision 5/CMP.1, annex, paragraph 1 (i).
24 See decision 5/CMP.1, annex paragraph 1 (i).
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7.16. Specific validation requirements for carbon dioxide capture and storage
project activities
7.16.1. General
217. The DOE shall determine whether specific requirements as defined in the CDM CCS
M&Ps have been followed for the proposed CCS CDM project activity.25
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223. The DOE shall confirm that the approval of participation has been issued from the relevant
DNA and covers all the points mentioned in paragraph 220 above. If the DOE is in doubt,
it shall verify with the DNA that the approval is valid for the proposed CDM project
224. The DOE shall, for each participant:
(a) Indicate whether the participation has been authorized by a host Party mentioning
all the conditions as specified in the paragraph 220 above;
(b) Describe the means of validation employed to support the conclusions.
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236. The DOE shall indicate whether the project participants have undertaken a risk and safety
assessment in accordance with the laws and regulations as required by the host Party.
237. The DOE shall describe how the requirements set out in the section “Risk and safety
assessment” of the “CDM project standard for project activities” have been fulfilled.
7.16.7. Monitoring
238. The following applies instead of paragraphs on general requirements (i.e. not related to
data and parameters monitored and other elements of monitoring plan) in sub-section
“Monitoring plan” in the section “Design of project activity” of the “CDM project standard
for project activities”:
239. The DOE shall confirm that the provisions in the PDD for monitoring, including the
monitoring plan, are in accordance with the selected methodologies, the requirements set
out in the section “Monitoring” of the “CDM project standard for project activities” and all
other applicable CDM rules and requirements.
240. The DOE shall apply a two-step process to meet the requirement mentioned in paragraph
239 above:
(a) In order to assess the compliance of the monitoring plan with the CDM CCS M&Ps,
the DOE shall:
(i) Identify the list of parameters, information, provisions for history matching
and numerical models used to characterize the geological storage site
required as set out in the section “Monitoring” of the “CDM project standard
for project activities” by means of a document review;
(ii) Confirm that the description of the monitoring plan contains all necessary
parameters, information, provisions for history matching and numerical
models used to characterize the geological storage site, and that the means
of monitoring described in the plan complies with the requirements of the
section “Monitoring” of the “CDM project standard for project activities”;
(b) In order to assess the implementation of the plan the DOE shall, by means of
reviewing the documented procedure, interviewing relevant personnel, reviewing
project plans and, where conducted in accordance with paragraph 30 or 31 above,
any on-site inspection of the proposed project activity site, determine whether:
(i) The monitoring arrangements described in the monitoring plan are feasible
within the project design;
(ii) The means of implementation of the monitoring plan, including the data
management and quality assurance and quality control procedures, are
sufficient to ensure that the monitoring plan is in accordance with the section
“Monitoring” of the “CDM project standard for project activities” and in all
other CDM rules and requirements and the parameters can be reported ex
post and verified.
241. The DOE shall use official sources and its local and sectoral expertise to confirm that the
project participants have provided the description and analysis of the environmental
conditions in the area of geological storage site prior to any storage of carbon dioxide in
accordance with paragraph 240 above.
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(e) Confirm that the financial provision is guaranteed to be transferable to the host
Party upon insolvency of the project participant(s).
7.16.9. Liability
246. The DOE shall determine whether the allocation and transfer of liability have been agreed
in accordance with:
(a) The laws and regulations of the host Party, as applicable; and
(b) The requirements set out in the section “Liability” of the “CDM project standard for
project activities”.
247. The DOE shall determine whether, in accordance with the requirements mentioned above:
(a) The allocation and transfer of liability has been agreed;
(b) The proposed allocation and transfer of liability is feasible and implementable.
248. The DOE shall:
(a) Describe how the proposed allocation and transfer of liability complies with the
requirements mentioned in the section “Liability” in the “CDM project standard for
project activities”;
(b) Describe how it assessed whether the allocation and transfer of liability is feasible
and implementable;
(c) Confirm that the obligation of liability shall reside with the project participant(s)
during the operational phase and any time thereafter until a transfer of liability to
the host Party has been effected.
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268. The DOE shall notify the project participants of the validation outcome. The notification to
the project participants shall include:
(a) A confirmation of validation and date of submission of the validation report as part
of the request for registration of the proposed CDM project activity to the Board; or
(b) An explanation of reasons for non-acceptance if the proposed CDM project activity,
as documented, is determined not to fulfil the requirements for validation.
269. The DOE shall provide either:
(a) A positive validation opinion in its validation report if the DOE determines that the
proposed CDM project activity complies with the applicable CDM rules and
requirements; or
(b) A negative validation opinion in its validation report explaining the reason for its
opinion if the DOE determines that the proposed CDM project activity does not fulfil
the applicable CDM rules and requirements.26
270. The DOE shall include the following in its opinion:
(a) A summary of the validation method and process used and the validation criteria
(b) A description of project components or issues not covered by the validation
(c) A summary of the validation conclusions;
(d) A statement on the validation of the expected GHG emission reductions or net
anthropogenic GHG removals;
(e) A statement on whether the proposed CDM project activity meets the applicable
CDM rules and requirements.
26 This does not cover the case in which the project participants failed to inform the secretariat, or informed
it but not within the required time frame, of the progress of the proposed CDM project activity every
subsequent two years after the initial notification of prior consideration of the CDM in accordance with
the “CDM project cycle procedure”.
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280. If the project participants used a later valid version of the PDD form for preparing the
revised PDD than the version used for the registered PDD, the DOE shall determine
whether the information transferred to the later valid version of the form is materially the
same as that in the registered PDD.
281. In its validation report for the post-registration changes, the DOE shall:
(a) Provide all its applied approaches, findings and conclusion on:
(i) The compliance of the revised PDD with the valid version of the applicable
form(s) and instructions therein, as applicable;
(ii) Whether the information transferred to the later valid version of the PDD is
materially the same as that in the registered PDD;
(iii) The requirements relevant to the proposed or actual post-registration
changes in sections 8.2–8.4 below;
(b) Report on all items listed in paragraph 272 above except paragraph 272(c) above.
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8.3.1. Corrections
287. The DOE shall determine that any corrections to project information or parameters fixed
at validation, as described in the registered PDD, made by project participants in a revised
PDD comply with the relevant requirements in the “CDM project standard for project
288. If the DOE identifies that the project participants have made corrections to project
information or parameters fixed at validation, the DOE shall determine whether:
(a) The corrected information is an accurate reflection of actual project information;
(b) The corrected parameters are in accordance with the applied methodologies, the
registered monitoring plan and/or the applied standardized baselines.
289. The DOE shall state how the corrected information accurately reflects the actual project
information and/or how the corrected parameters reflect the application of the applied
methodologies, the registered monitoring plan and/or the applied standardized baselines.
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would adversely affect the conclusions of the validation report of the registered PDD with
regard to:
(a) Additionality of the registered CDM project activity;
(b) Scale of the registered CDM project activity;
(c) Applicability and application of the approved methodologies and, where applicable,
the approved standardized baselines under which the CDM project activity has
been registered;
(d) The compliance of the monitoring plan with the applied methodologies and, where
applicable, the applied standardized baselines.
304. If the proposed or actual changes affect the additionality of the registered CDM project
activity, the DOE shall confirm that:
(a) If investment analysis has been used to demonstrate additionality, the project
participants have only modified the key parameters in the original spreadsheet
calculations affected by the proposed or actual changes to the project activity;
(b) If only barriers have been claimed to demonstrate additionality, the project
participants have demonstrated that the barriers are still valid under the new
305. The following applies to a registered CDM project activity using an approved standardized
baseline that standardizes additionality instead of paragraph 304 above: If the proposed
or actual changes affect the additionality of the project activity, the DOE shall confirm that
the project activity complies with the positive list of the applied standardized baseline in
the registered PDD.
306. The DOE shall assess whether the revised PDD complies with all the requirements in the
applied methodologies, tools and standardized baselines.
307. If the applied methodologies and/or standardized baselines have been updated to a later
valid version of the same methodologies or standardized baselines, or changed to another
methodology or standardized baseline, the DOE shall confirm that the CDM project activity
meets all requirements in the updated/changed methodologies, including applicable tools
and/or the updated/changed standardized baselines.
308. The DOE shall state its opinion on whether the proposed or actual changes comply with
the relevant requirements in the “CDM project standard for project activities” related to
changes to the project design of a registered CDM project activity.
309. The DOE shall state its opinion on:
(a) A description of the proposed or actual changes as compared to the description in
the registered PDD;
(b) An assessment on when the changes occurred, reasons for these changes taking
place, whether the changes would have been known prior to the registration of the
CDM project activity, and how the changes would impact on the overall
operation/ability of the CDM project activity to deliver emission reductions as stated
in the PDD;
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(c) An assessment regarding whether the changes would adversely affect the
conclusions of the validation report of the registered PDD with regard to:
(i) The additionality of the registered CDM project activity;
(ii) The scale of the registered CDM project activity;
(iii) The applicability and application of (1) the applied methodologies and, where
applicable, the applied standardized baselines with which the project activity
has been registered; (2) the later valid version of the applied methodologies
and/or the applied standardized baselines; or (3) another methodology
and/or standardized baseline that the registered CDM project activity has
updated/switched to;
(iv) The compliance of the monitoring plan with the applied methodologies and,
where applicable, the applied standardized baselines;
(v) The level of accuracy of the monitoring compared with the requirements
contained in the registered monitoring plan.
310. In validating the revised PDD containing the proposed or actual changes, and in preparing
the opinion, the DOE shall include information on how:
(a) The proposed revisions ensure that the level of accuracy and completeness27 in
the monitoring and verification process is not reduced as a result of the revision.
The DOE shall, using objective evidence, assess the accuracy and completeness
of each proposed revision to the registered monitoring plan, including the
frequency of measurements, the quality of monitoring equipment (e.g. calibration
requirements, the quality assurance and quality control procedures);
(b) The proposed revisions comply with all requirements in:
(i) The applied methodologies and, where applicable, the applied standardized
baselines; or
(ii) The updated/changed methodologies including applicable tools and/or the
updated/changed standardized baselines if the applied methodologies
and/or standardized baselines have been updated to a later valid version of
the same methodologies or standardized baselines or changed to another
methodology or standardized baseline in accordance with paragraph 307
(c) The findings of previous verification and certification reports, if any, have been
taken into account.
27 Completeness refers to inclusion of all relevant information for assessment of GHG emissions reductions
and the information supporting the methods applied as required. For example, if the DOE identifies an
on-site generator for emergency use which was not included in the registered monitoring plan during the
verification process, the monitoring of fuel consumption of this generator should be included in the
monitoring plan via this procedure.
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Version 01.0 General
315. In carrying out its verification work, the DOE shall determine whether the registered CDM
project activity complies with the requirements of paragraph 62 of the CDM M&Ps.
316. If the DOE has performed a validation activity (including the renewal of crediting period)
for the registered CDM project activity and wishes to perform verification for the same
project activity, it shall obtain authorization to do so from the Board in accordance with the
“CDM project cycle procedure for project activities”. However, the same DOE may perform
verification without obtaining authorization from the Board to do so for:
(a) A registered small-scale CDM project activity and a registered small-scale A/R
CDM project activity for which it has performed the validation activity;
(b) Any registered CDM project activity for which it has performed the validation of
post-registration changes.
317. The DOE shall make publicly available the monitoring report received from the project
participants in accordance with the “CDM project cycle procedure for project activities”
except when the host Party’s DNA withdraws its approval of the registered CDM project
activities and/or its authorization of project participants in accordance with the “Procedure:
Process for dealing with letters from DNAs that withdraw approval/authorization”.
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318. The DOE shall ensure that only verification activities undertaken after the publication of
the monitoring report on the UNFCCC CDM website shall be used as a basis for the DOE
to conclude its verification and submit a request for issuance of CERs to the Board.28
319. The DOE shall assess both quantitative and qualitative information on GHG emission
reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals provided in the project documentation.29
320. The DOE shall assess and determine whether the implementation and operation of the
registered CDM project activity, and the steps taken to report GHG emission reductions
or net anthropogenic GHG removals comply with the relevant modalities and procedure
for the CDM and the relevant guidance provided by the Board. This assessment shall
involve a review of relevant documentation as well as, where conducted in accordance
with paragraph 342 or 343 below, an on-site inspection(s). For an on-site inspection(s),
the DOE may apply a sampling approach in accordance with the “Standard: Sampling and
surveys for CDM project activities and programme of activities”.
321. The DOE shall assess whether the data collection system meets the requirements of the
registered monitoring plan as per the applied methodologies including applicable tools
and, where applicable, the applied standardized baselines.
322. In addition to the monitoring documentation the DOE shall review:
(a) The registered PDD, including the registered monitoring plan and/or the changes
from the registered PDD, and the corresponding validation opinion;
(b) The validation report;
(c) Previous verification and certification reports, if any;
(d) The applied methodologies and, where applicable, the applied standardized
(e) The monitoring results of sustainable development co-benefits of the registered
CDM project activity, if requested to verify this by the project participants;
(f) Any other information and references relevant to the GHG emission reductions or
net anthropogenic GHG removals by the registered CDM project activity (e.g. IPCC
reports, data on electricity generation in the national grid or laboratory analysis and
national regulations).
323. In addition to reviewing the monitoring documentation, the DOE shall determine whether
the project participants have addressed the FARs identified during validation or previous
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records that validate or invalidate the stated figures. It shall include the source documents
that form the basis for assumptions and other information underlying the GHG data.
325. When assessing the audit trail, the DOE shall:
(a) Address whether there is sufficient evidence available, both in terms of frequency
(time period between evidence) and coverage (in covering the full monitoring
(b) Address the source and nature of the evidence (external or internal, oral or
(c) Cross-check the monitoring report against other sources such as comparable
information, where available, from sources other than those used in the monitoring
report to determine whether the stated figures are correct.
326. The DOE shall only certify GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals
that are based on verifiable evidence. General
327. The concept of materiality is applicable to the verification of all types of registered CDM
project activities. It is not applicable to:
(a) Uncertainties related to measurement;
(b) Addressing temporary deviations and permanent changes to the registered
monitoring plan, applied methodologies or applied standardized baselines,
regardless of whether corresponding GHG emission reductions or net
anthropogenic GHG removals are above or below materiality thresholds.
328. A DOE planning and conducting verification using the concept of materiality shall achieve
a reasonable level of assurance that the reported GHG emission reductions or net
anthropogenic GHG removals are free from material errors, omissions or misstatements
in accordance with paragraphs 329− 339 below.30
329. An omission, misstatement, or erroneous reporting of information is material if it might
lead, at an aggregated level, to an overestimation of the total GHG emission reductions or
net anthropogenic GHG removals achieved by a registered CDM project activity equal to
or higher than the following thresholds:
(a) 0.5 per cent of the emission reductions or removals for project activities achieving
a total emission reduction or removal equal to or more than 500,000 tonnes of
carbon dioxide equivalent per year;31
30 For additional guidance and examples of the application of materiality in the verification, refer to the
“Guideline: Application of materiality in verifications”.
31 A year refers to a period of 12 consecutive months.
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(b) 1 per cent of the emission reductions or removals for project activities achieving a
total emission reduction or removal of between 300,000 and 500,000 tonnes of
carbon dioxide equivalent per year;
(c) 2 per cent of the emission reductions or removals for large-scale project activities
achieving a total emission reduction or removal of 300,000 tonnes of carbon
dioxide equivalent per year or less;
(d) 5 per cent of the emission reductions or removals for small-scale project activities
other than registered CDM project activities covered under subparagraph (e)
(e) 10 per cent of the emission reductions or removals for the type of project activities
referred to in decision 3/CMP.6, paragraph 38 (referred to as microscale project
330. Recognizing that circumstances may exist that could cause the information reported by
project participants to be materially misstated, the DOE should plan and perform
verifications with an attitude of professional scepticism and rely on its professional
judgement when applying the concept of materiality.
331. The application of the concept of materiality and reasonable level of assurance imply that
some data or information may not be checked. However, the DOE should design its
verification and sampling plans to detect all material errors, omissions or misstatements,
and any unchecked data or information should not contain any material errors, omissions
or misstatements. A DOE’s verification opinion applies to 100 per cent of the data and
information, even if the DOE may not have checked the entire data set and information.
332. Applying the concept of materiality does not mean that identified errors are not corrected;
if an error, omission or misstatement is identified by the DOE, regardless of whether it is
material or not, the DOE shall request project participants to address it.
32 Adapted from European Union. 2007. Commission Decision of 18 July 2007 establishing guidelines for
the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council.
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(c) Conduct a risk assessment to identify and assess the risks of individual or
aggregated material errors, omissions or misstatements that may occur within the
threshold based on elements in subparagraphs (a) and (b) above;
(d) Design verification plans, audit procedures 33 and sampling plans whose type,
timing 34 and extent are based on and are responsive to the assessed risks of
material errors, omissions or misstatements.
334. The materiality thresholds apply to the total GHG emission reductions or net
anthropogenic GHG removals actually achieved. When planning a verification, the DOE
should apply the applicable materiality threshold to the reported total emission reductions
or removals. If, as a result of the verification, the initial reported total emission reductions
or removals is revised, the DOE should reapply the materiality threshold to the revised
total emission reductions or removals and, if needed, make adjustments to its verification
plans and sampling plans.
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(c) Sampling approach in accordance with the “Standard: Sampling and surveys for
CDM project activities and programme of activities”, including:
(i) A random sampling for cases where the project participants did not apply a
sampling approach for monitoring;
(ii) An acceptance sampling or another sampling approach for cases where the
project participants applied a sampling approach for monitoring.
342. It is mandatory for the DOE to conduct an on-site inspection at verification for the
registered CDM project activity if:
(a) It is the first verification for the DOE with regard to this project activity;
(b) More than three years have elapsed since the last on-site inspection conducted for
verification for the project activity; or
(c) The project activity has achieved more than 300,000 t CO2 eq of GHG emission
reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals since the last verification when an
on-site inspection was conducted.
343. For cases that are not referred to in paragraph 342 above, it is optional for the DOE to
conduct an on-site inspection at verification. If the DOE does not conduct an on-site
inspection as a means of verification, it shall describe the alternative means used and
justify that they are sufficient for the purpose of verification.
344. If any issue related to the project design, including those attributable to the lack of on-site
inspection at previous verification, is identified at the verification, the DOE that detected
the issue shall rectify it through the post-registration change process in accordance with
the “CDM project cycle procedure for project activities”.
345. Where no specific means of verification is specified, the DOE should apply the standard
auditing techniques described in paragraph 341 above.
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(c) Mistakes have been made in applying assumptions, data or calculations of GHG
emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals that will impact the
quantity of emission reductions or removals;
(d) Issues identified in a FAR during the validation to be verified during the verification
or the previous verification(s) have not been resolved by the project participants.
348. The DOE shall raise a CL if information is insufficient or not clear enough to determine
whether the applicable CDM rules and requirements have been met.
349. The DOE shall raise a FAR during verification for actions if the monitoring and reporting
require attention and/or adjustment for the next verification period.
350. The DOE shall resolve or “close out” CARs and CLs only if the project participants rectify
the monitoring report, or provides additional explanations or evidence that satisfy the
DOE’s concerns. If this is not done, the DOE shall not submit a request for issuance of
351. The DOE shall report on all CARs, CLs and FARs in its verification and certification report.
This reporting shall explain the issue raised, the responses provided by the project
participants, the means of verification of such responses and references to any resulting
changes in the monitoring report or supporting annexes.
9.2.1. General
352. The DOE shall include in its verification and certification report a description of how it
applied the methods/procedures for the purpose of verification specified in the registered
PDD. The DOE shall include in its verification and certification report a description of the
on-site inspection(s), where conducted in accordance with paragraph 342 or 343 above.
353. The DOE shall confirm that monitoring periods have been consecutive. Further, the DOE
shall confirm that monitoring reports have been published on the UNFCCC CDM website
in a consecutive manner, that is, when a monitoring report has been published for a
monitoring period, the DOE shall confirm that monitoring reports for the previous
monitoring periods have been published.
354. A request for issuance of CERs shall relate to the CERs certified.
9.2.2. Compliance of the monitoring report with the monitoring report form
355. The DOE shall determine whether the monitoring report was completed using the valid
version of the applicable monitoring report form.
356. The DOE shall state its opinion on the compliance of the monitoring report with the relevant
form and instructions therein.
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9.2.3. Compliance of the project implementation with the registered project design
357. The DOE shall identify any concerns related to the conformity of the actual CDM project
activity and its operation with the registered project design document and determine
(a) The implementation and operation of the project activity has been conducted in
accordance with the description contained in the registered PDD; or
(b) Any deviation or the proposed or actual changes in the implementation or operation
of the project activity comply with the relevant requirements of the “CDM project
standard for project activities”.
358. By means of an on-site inspection or other means of verification in accordance with
paragraph 342 or 343 above, the DOE shall assess that all physical features (technology,
project equipment, and monitoring and metering equipment) of the registered CDM project
activity specified in the registered PDD are in place and that the project participants have
operated the project activity as per the registered PDD or any approved revised PDD.
359. For each monitoring period, the DOE shall report:
(a) The implementation status of the registered CDM project activity. For a project
activity that consists of more than one site, the DOE shall describe the status of
implementation and the starting date of operation for each site. For a project activity
with phased implementation, the DOE shall state the progress of the project activity
achieved in each phase under verification. If the phased implementation is
delayed, the DOE shall describe the reasons and present the expected
implementation dates;
(b) The actual operation of the registered CDM project activity;
(c) The information (data and variables) provided in the monitoring report that is
different from that stated in the registered PDD or any approved revised PDD, and
has caused an increase in the estimates of GHG emission reductions or net
anthropogenic GHG removals in the current monitoring period or is highly likely to
increase the estimates in the future monitoring periods;36
(d) An opinion on the cause of any increase in the actual GHG emission reductions
achieved by the registered non-A/R CDM project activity in the current monitoring
period that was reported in monitoring report.
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361. For monitoring aspects that are not specified in the applied methodologies and, where
applicable, the applied standardized baselines, particularly in the case of small-scale
methodologies (e.g. additional monitoring parameters, monitoring frequency and
calibration frequency), the DOE should bring to the attention of the Board issues which
may enhance the level of accuracy and completeness of the registered monitoring plan.
362. The DOE shall state its opinion on whether the registered monitoring plan is in accordance
with the applied methodologies and, where applicable, the applied standardized baselines.
37 In accordance with decision 3/CMP.1, annex, paragraph 56: “Project participants shall implement the
monitoring plan contained in the registered project design document”.
38 For example, a decision at the thirty-fifth meeting of the Board provides clarification for the registered
CDM project activities that apply the approved methodology AM0001. The decision asked the DOE to
check the value of “w” based on the past one-year period during verification, which was not clearly stated
in the approved methodology.
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accordance with the “Standard: Sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and
programme of activities”.
366. The DOE shall state whether the monitoring has been carried out in accordance with the
registered monitoring plan.
367. The DOE shall list each parameter required by the registered monitoring plan and state
how it verified the information flow (from data generation, aggregation, to recording,
calculation and reporting) for these parameters including the values in the monitoring
9.2.6. Compliance with the calibration frequency requirements for measuring instruments
368. The DOE shall determine whether the calibration of the measuring equipment that has an
impact on the claimed GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals is
conducted by the project participants at a frequency specified in the applied
methodologies, the applied standardized baselines and/or the registered monitoring plan.
369. If, during the verification of a certain monitoring period, the DOE identifies that the
calibration has been delayed and the calibration has been implemented after the
monitoring period in consideration (i.e. the results of delayed calibration are available),
referring to the illustrative examples in the appendix below, the DOE may conclude its
verification, provided the following conservative approach is adopted in the calculation of
GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals:
(a) Applying the maximum permissible error 39 of the instrument to the measured
values taken during the period between the scheduled date of calibration and the
actual date of calibration, if the results of the delayed calibration do not show any
errors in the measuring equipment, or if the error is smaller than the maximum
permissible error; or
(b) Applying the error identified in the delayed calibration test, if the error is beyond
the maximum permissible error of the measuring equipment.
370. The DOE shall confirm that the error has been applied:
(a) In a conservative manner, such that the adjusted measured values of the delayed
calibration shall result in fewer claimed GHG emission reductions or net
anthropogenic GHG removals;
(b) For all measured values taken during the period between the scheduled date of
calibration and the actual date of calibration.
371. If the results of the delayed calibration are not available, or the calibration has not been
conducted at the time of the verification, the DOE, prior to finalizing the verification, shall
request the project participants to conduct the required calibration and shall determine
whether the project participants have calculated GHG emission reductions or net
anthropogenic GHG removals conservatively using the approach mentioned in paragraph
369 above.
39 The maximum permissible errors of all the measuring instruments are specified by the respective
manufacturers as part of their technical specifications.
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372. If the DOE determines that it is not possible for the project participants to conduct the
calibration at a frequency specified by either the applied methodologies, the applied
standardized baselines, guidance provided by the Board, or the registered monitoring plan
due to reasons beyond the control of the project participants,40 the DOE shall follow the
applicable requirements related to post-registration changes in section 8 above.
373. If neither the applied methodologies, the applied standardized baselines (where
applicable), nor the registered monitoring plan specify any requirements for calibration
frequency for the measuring equipment, the DOE shall determine whether the equipment
is calibrated either in accordance with the specifications of the local/national standards, or
as per the manufacturer’s specification. If neither local/national standards nor the
manufacturer’s specification are available, the DOE shall determine whether the
equipment is calibrated in accordance with the specifications of the international
standards. Refer to the appendix below for an illustrative example to apply the above
374. The DOE shall report whether the calibration of the measuring equipment that has an
impact on the claimed GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals is
conducted at the frequency specified by the applied methodologies, the applied
standardized baselines and/or the registered monitoring plan.
40 For example, due to the contractual terms between the project participant and purchasing/selling entities.
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(b) The information provided in the monitoring report has been cross-checked with
other sources such as plant logbooks, inventories, purchase records and
laboratory analysis;
(c) The calculations of baseline GHG emissions or baseline net GHG removals,
project GHG emissions or actual net GHG removals, and leakage GHG emissions
have been carried out in accordance with the formulae and methods described in
the registered monitoring plan, the applied methodologies and, where applicable,
the applied standardized baselines;
(d) Any assumptions used in emission or removal calculations have been justified;
(e) Appropriate emission factors, IPCC default values, GWPs41 and other reference
values have been correctly applied;
(f) For a registered CDM project activity using an approved standardized baseline that
standardizes baseline emissions, the standardized values of the parameters were
applied using the correct version of the applied standardized baseline in
accordance with the “CDM project standard for project activities”;
(g) The pro-rata approach or the specific approach for A/R project activities was
correctly applied to the calculations of GHG emission reductions or net
anthropogenic GHG removals in accordance with the “CDM project standard for
project activities”, if the monitoring period starts before 31 December 2012 and
ends anytime thereafter;
(h) The first day when CERs are being claimed is correctly specified in accordance
with the “CDM project cycle procedure for project activities”, if the current
monitoring period covers the first day of the renewed crediting period.
377. The DOE shall provide:
(a) An indication of whether a complete set of data for the monitoring period was not
available because activity levels or non-activity parameters were not monitored in
accordance with the registered monitoring plan, and if so, whether the most
conservative values approach was applied or alternative monitoring arrangements
were proposed or have been approved by the Board;
(b) A description of how the DOE cross-checked reported data;
(c) A confirmation that appropriate methods and formulae for calculating baseline
GHG emissions or baseline net GHG removals, project GHG emissions or actual
net GHG removals and leakage GHG emissions have been followed;
(d) An opinion on whether assumptions, emission factors and default values that were
applied in the calculations have been justified;
(e) A confirmation that the pro-rata approach or the specific approach for A/R project
activities was correctly applied to the calculations of GHG emission reductions or
net anthropogenic GHG removals, where applicable;
41 See decision 4/CMP.7 for GWPs for the calculation of emission reductions and removal enhancements
achieved by the registered CDM project activities in the second commitment period (from 1 January
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(f) A confirmation that the first day in which CERs are being claimed has been
correctly specified, where applicable.
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(d) Prepare a single verification and certification report for a registered bundle of small-
scale CDM project activities if a single PDD was prepared for the registration. If
separate PDDs were prepared for each project activity in the bundle for the
registration, the DOE may choose to prepare a single verification and certification
report, addressing each project activity in the bundle separately but with the same
monitoring period in the report, or separate verification and certification reports,
each corresponding to each PDD.
9.5. Specific verification requirements for carbon dioxide capture and storage
project activities
9.5.1. General
387. In accordance with the section “Verification and certification” of the “CDM project standard
for project activities”, the DOE contracted by the project participants to perform the
verification shall:
(a) Determine whether monitoring was conducted in accordance with the registered
monitoring plan and the provisions for monitoring set out in the section “Monitoring”
of the “CDM project standard for project activities”;
(b) Determine whether the site development and management plan is being adhered
42 Decision 4/CMP.10 revised the timing of verification for A/R CDM project activities defined in the annex
to decision 5/CMP.1.
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(c) Determine whether any significant deviations were observed during history
matching and whether, in such a case, a recharacterization of the geological
storage site, an update of the risk and safety assessment, an update of the
environmental and socioeconomic impact assessments, a revision to the project
boundary, and a revision to the monitoring plan have been conducted, as
necessary, in accordance with the CCS-related provisions set out in the “CDM
project standard for project activities”;
(d) Determine whether seepage occurred from the geological storage site of the
registered CCS CDM project activity during the verification period;
(e) In the case that such seepage occurred:
(i) Determine whether the remedial measures and plans described in the risk
and safety assessment were implemented and effective;
(ii) Determine whether a net reversal of storage occurred as a result of the
(f) In the case that a net reversal of storage occurred, quantify the amount of the net
reversal of storage that occurred as a result of the seepage;
(g) Determine whether there have been any unintentional transboundary effects;
(h) Where applicable, determine whether the geological storage site has been
successfully closed.
388. The DOE shall check, for each verification period, whether the project participants have
carried out history matching and, where necessary, updated the numerical models used
to characterize the geological storage site by conducting new simulations using the
monitored data and information. The numerical models shall be adjusted in the event of
significant deviations between observed and predicted behaviour.
389. Where the information prepared in accordance with the section “Monitoring” of the “CDM
project standard for project activities” indicates that the geological storage site no longer
meets the requirements set out in the section “Selection and characterization of the
geological storage site” of the “CDM project standard for project activities”, the DOE shall
provide a negative opinion on validation and/or verification.
390. The initial verification and certification of a registered CCS CDM project activity may be
undertaken at a time selected by the project participants. Subsequent verification and
certification reports shall be submitted to the Board not later than five years after the end
of the previous verification period. Verification and certification shall continue beyond the
end of the last crediting period of the registered CCS CDM project activity and shall only
cease after the monitoring of the geological storage site has been terminated in
accordance with the conditions for the termination of monitoring, as set out in the section
“Monitoring” of the “CDM project standard for project activities”.
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392. A verification and certification report submitted for a verification period after the end of the
last crediting period shall not constitute a request for issuance of CERs but shall provide,
where applicable, information on the amount of any net reversal of storage that occurred
during the verification period as a result of seepage from the geological storage site of a
registered CCS CDM project activity, in accordance with the “CDM project standard for
project activities” and the “CDM project cycle procedure for project activities” and any
decisions of the Board.
393. The last verification and certification report, submitted after the monitoring of the geological
storage site has been terminated in accordance with the conditions for the termination of
monitoring, as set out in the section “Monitoring” of the “CDM project standard for project
activities”, may constitute a request to forward any CERs remaining in the reserve account
established for the purpose of accounting for any net reversal of storage to the registry
accounts of the Parties and project participants involved.
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401. The DOE shall, based on its verification, certify in writing that, during the specified
monitoring period, the registered CDM project activity achieved the verified amount of
GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals that would not have
occurred in the absence of the project activity.43
402. The DOE shall inform the project participants, the Parties involved and the Board of its
certification decision in writing immediately upon completion of the certification process
and shall make the verification and certification report publicly available as part of the
request for issuance of CERs in accordance with the “CDM project cycle procedure for
project activities”.
43 In accordance with paragraph 64 of the CDM M&Ps, the certification report constitutes a request to the
Board for issuance of CERs equal to the verified amount of reductions of anthropogenic emissions by
sources of greenhouse gases.
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reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals for the applicable crediting period
of the registered CDM project activity.
408. The requirements contained in paragraph 407 (a) above shall not apply to a registered
CDM project activity using the valid version of an applicable approved standardized
baseline that standardizes the baseline scenario.
409. The DOE shall check that the names of the project participants included in the updated
PDD are consistent with the names of the project participants in the latest version of the
MoC statement.
410. If the project participants selected another methodology, methodological tool and/or
standardized baseline for the purpose of renewal of crediting period of the registered CDM
project activity due to the inapplicability of the valid version of the methodology (including
a consolidated methodology thereof), methodological tool and/or standardized baseline
applied to the original PDD, the DOE shall assess whether the updated PDD complies
with all the requirements in the selected methodology, methodological tool and/or
standardized baseline except for additionality demonstration.
411. If the project participants requested a deviation from the valid version of the methodology
(including a consolidated methodology thereof) and/or methodological tool applied in the
registered PDD, or from any other selected methodology and/or methodological tool for
the purpose of renewal of crediting period of the registered CDM project activity, or if the
DOE finds at validation that the updated PDD deviated from the valid version of the
methodology and/or methodological tool applied in the registered PDD or from any other
selected methodology and/or methodological tool, paragraphs 58 and 59 above shall
apply mutatis mutandis.
412. If the project participants requested post-registration changes together with the request
for renewal of crediting period of the registered CDM project activity, the DOE shall also
validate the post-registration changes in accordance with the relevant requirements in
section 8 above and the “CDM project cycle procedure for project activities”, and shall
submit a request for approval of changes together with the request for renewal of crediting
period of the project activity in accordance with the relevant requirements in the “CDM
project cycle procedure for project activities”.
413. The DOE shall request the project participants to provide a revised updated PDD, applying
the valid version of an applicable approved standardized baseline whose selection is
mandatory, if:
(a) The updated PDD has been submitted for the notification of the intention to request
a renewal of crediting period of the registered CDM project activity when no
applicable approved standardized baseline was valid;
(b) An applicable approved standardized baseline whose selection is mandatory has
become valid after the submission of the updated PDD for the notification of the
intention to request a renewal of crediting period of the registered CDM project
activity but before the submission of a request for renewal of crediting period of the
project activity;
(c) The request for renewal of crediting period of the registered CDM project activity
has not been submitted within 240 days after the standardized baseline became
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414. The DOE shall prepare a validation report for renewal of crediting period of the registered
CDM project activity using the valid version of the applicable validation report form for
renewal of crediting period of the project activity.
415. In its validation report for renewal of crediting period of the registered CDM project activity,
the DOE shall:
(a) Provide all its applied approaches, findings and conclusions on whether:
(i) The updated PDD has been completed using the valid version of the
applicable PDD form, following the instructions therein;
(ii) The information transferred to the later valid version of the PDD form is
materially the same as that in the registered PDD, where applicable;
(iii) The methodologies and, where applicable, the standardized baselines were
applied in accordance with the applicable requirements in the “CDM project
standard for project activities”;
(iv) The baseline, the estimated GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic
GHG removals, and the monitoring plan in the updated PDD comply with the
applicable requirements in the “CDM project standard for project activities”,
and the valid version of the methodologies and, where applicable, the
standardized baselines that are applicable to the project activity;
(v) The next crediting period of the project activity commences on the day
immediately after the expiration of the current crediting period;
(vi) The names of the project participants in the updated PDD are consistent with
the names of the project participants in the latest version of the MoC
(b) Report on all items listed in paragraph 272 above except paragraph 272(c) above;
(c) Follow paragraphs 267–270 above mutatis mutandis on its validation opinion;
(d) Provide a statement on whether any proposed post-registration changes for the
next crediting period will be submitted together with the request for renewal of
crediting period of the project activity.
10.2. Specific validation requirements for carbon dioxide capture and storage
project activities
416. In accordance with the section “Monitoring” of the “CDM project standard for project
activities”, the DOE shall determine whether the project participants have carried out the
following updates to ensure that they meet the requirements related to CCS project
(a) Recharacterize the geological storage site in accordance with the section
“Selection and characterization of the geological storage site” of the “CDM project
standard for project activities”;
(b) Revise the project boundary;
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(c) Update the risk and safety assessment, in accordance with the section “Risk and
safety assessment” of the “CDM project standard for project activities”;
(d) Update the environmental and socioeconomic impact assessments;
(e) Revise the monitoring plan in order to improve the accuracy and/or completeness
of data and information, taking into account observed deviations determined during
history matching, changes to the project boundary, changes to the risk and safety
assessment, changes to the environmental and socioeconomic impact
assessments, new scientific knowledge and improvements in the best available
(f) Update the site development and management plan, taking account of the results
of the activities described in subparagraphs (a)–(e) above, where appropriate.
417. Where the information prepared in accordance with paragraph 416 above indicates that
the geological storage site no longer meets the requirements set out in the section
“Selection and characterization of the geological storage site” of the “CDM project
standard for project activities”, the issuance of CERs shall cease and the DOE shall issue
a negative validation opinion.
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Appendix. Calibration
1. The following provides an illustrative example for applying the provisions in paragraph 369
(a) and (b) of this standard.
2. An electricity energy meter with a maximum permissible error (±5%), which may be used
for measuring the electricity export for baseline emissions and electricity import for project
emission calculations, is required to be calibrated every year. If the calibration is delayed
and instead of after one year it is conducted after one and a half years, and the result of
the delayed calibration is available at the time of verification, to account for the delayed
calibration the measured values shall be corrected as demonstrated in the following
Table 1 and Table 2 for situations stipulated in paragraph 369 (a) and (b) of this standard.
Table 1. Sample calculation for the cases where the error identified in the delayed
calibration is smaller than the maximum permissible error
Error identified
Measured value Parameter during delayed Corrected values
100 MWh Electricity export ±2% 100 (1-Max.
error%/100) = 95
100 MWh Electricity import ±2% 100 (1+Max.
error%/100) = 105
Table 2. Sample calculation for the cases where the error identified in the delayed
calibration is larger than the maximum permissible error
Error identified
Measured value Parameter during delayed Corrected values
100 MWh Electricity export ±7% 100 (1-error%/100)
= 93 MWh
100 MWh Electricity import ±7% 100 (1+error%/100)
=107 MWh
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Standard: CDM validation and verification standard for project activities
Version 01.0
Document information
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