Startup PDF
Startup PDF
Startup PDF
A country of 130 crore population can’t create jobs for everyone.
Entrepreneurship has to be incentivised. Job providers have to be
created who occupy themselves productively and create avenues
for employment for others. To boost job-creation, Government
incentivises start-ups by giving them tax incentives and creating a
start-up ecosystem.
The idea behind encouraging start-ups is to transform the nation
from a country of job-seekers to a country of job-creators.
Wikipedia defines ‘start-up’ as under:
“A start-up or start-up is started by individual founders or entre-
preneurs to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.
More specifically, a startup is a newly emerged business venture
that aims to develop a viable business model to meet a marketplace
need or problem.................... Start-ups face high uncertainty and do
have high rates of failure, but the minority that go on to be success-
ful companies have the potential to become large and influential.
Some start-ups become unicorns, i.e. privately held startup com-
panies valued at over $1 billion. According to TechCrunch, there
were 279 unicorns as of March 2018, with most of the unicorns
located in China, followed by the United States. The largest unicorns
founded as of October 2018 included Ant Financial, ByteDance, DiDi,
Uber, Xiaomi, and Airbnb.”
Para 1.2 START-UP 2
1.2-1 What is the revised definition for MSMEs? What are the
changes in the existing legal definition/classification
The Central Government has, vide Notification S.O. 2119(E), dated
26.06.2020 [New MSME Notification (NMN) [See Appendix 14]],
notified a composite criteria of investment and turnover for classi-
fying the enterprises as micro, small and medium enterprises. The
Notification also specifies the form and procedure for filing the
3 START-UP Para 1.2
1.2-2 What is the effective date for coming into force of the revised
composite classification criteria of MSMEs?
The revised classification criteria as per the NMN come into force
with effect from 01.07.2020.
Startup Notification No. GSR 127(E), dated 19.02.2019 [i.e. New Start-
up Notification (NSN)]. Turnover limit to quality as ‘start-up’ under
LSN is Rs. 100 crores to qualify for DPIIT recognition. Turnover
limit to qualify as MSME is Rs. 250 crores. An enterprise can be an
MSME as well as a startup by satisfying the definitions of NMN as
well as NSN respectively.
The distinction between MSME and startup can be summed up thus
as under:
Sr. MSME Startup
1. Defined by NMN issued under the Defined by LSN
MSMED Act, 2006
2. Investment limits and turnover Only turnover limit of Rs.100 cr is
limits should both be satisfied to applicable. No investment limits in
be regarded as MSME the definition of startup
3. MSME status will exist as long as Startup status will last till turnover
investment limits and turnover exceeds Rs.100 crores or 10 years
limits are not exceeded from date of incorporation are
completed, whichever is earlier
4. Turnover limit for MSME Status is Turnover limit for Startup Status
Rs.250 crores is Rs.100 crores
5. Investment ceiling for MSME sta- No investment ceilings to be re-
tus is Rs.50 crores. If that is exceed- garded as startup under LSN
ed, enterprise ceases to be MSME
6. Enterprise can enjoy MSME sta- Startup status under LSN is only
tus for any length of time after its for 10 years from date of incor-
incorporation so long as its invest- poration
ment does not exceed Rs.50 cr and
turnover does not exceed Rs.250cr
7. To be recognised as MSME, enter- To be recognised as startup, en-
prise must file Udyam Registration terprise must file application for
DPIIT Recognition in terms of LSN
8. If investment limit of Rs.50 crores If investment limit of Rs.50 crores
is not exceeded and turnover limit is exceeded but turnover limit of
of Rs.100 crores is not exceeded but Rs.100 crores is not exceeded and
10 years have lapsed since date of 10 years have not elapsed from
incorporation, then enterprise will date of incorporation, enterprise
be MSME but will not be a startup will not be regarded as MSME but
will be regarded as startup
Para 1.2 START-UP 6
u consumable stores;
u cost of installation of plant and machinery;
u research and development equipment;
u pollution control equipment;
u generation sets and extra transformer installed by the under-
taking as per the regulations of the State Electricity Board;
u bank charges and service charges paid to the National Small
Industries Corporation or the State Small Industries Corpora-
u procurement or installation of cables, wiring, bus bars, electrical
control panels (not those mounted on individual machines), oil
circuit breakers or miniature circuit breakers which are nec-
essarily to be used for providing electrical power to the plant
and machinery or for safety measures;
u gas producer plants;
u transportation charges (excluding GST, sales tax and excise)
for indigenous’ machinery from the place of manufacturing
to the site of the factory;
u technical know how for erection of plant and machinery;
u storage tanks which store raw materials, finished products only
and are not linked with the manufacturing process;
u fire fighting equipments.