Giorgi Leon Kavtaradze's Poster

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n the humanitarian sciences, as well as to the general public intere

gia, the homeland of Prometeus and Medea.  The Caucasus is the on

ey importance is quite obvious in many aspects of modern life. T
st to the East and between Russia and the Near East, from the Nort

torian and archaeologist. I attached to this text the List of Publications, Curriculum Vita

epresent myself. I have a very rich Personal Library - the result of many year's stand
Kavtaradze - as well as my wife Marina Qujiashvili-Kavtaradze's photo & drawings. Se
y me.

sion of the Same Web-Site - წინამდებარე ვებ-გვერდი ქართულად

ae (CV)  
olleagues, Messages, Recommendations
radze - Google Scholar
radze - LinkedIn 
radze - Research Gate

raże - Scribd
radze Centre of Caucasian & Anatolian Studies
al activities (as of 2007)

tal_Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

tal_Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (in Georgian)
ze _
r of Caucasian and Anatolian Studies _
r of Caucasian and Anatolian Studies_School&CollegeListings
ogy & Ethnology in Georgia _
ogy & Ethnology in Georgia_School&CollegeListings

ur-Deutsch Wikipedia (

cture Course of Middle Eastern Archaeology - Department of Archeology of Faculty of History of    Tbilis
ourse of Middle Eastern Archaeology - Department of Assyriology of Faculty of Oriental Studies of Tbilis
cial Course of Lectures on Middle Eastern Archaeology (07.09.2006) = Middle Eastern Prehistory Cours
se: Problems of Archaeology of the Old World in the Light of Data of Natural Sciences (Syllabus,   22.06.2
010 Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Competition (Materials)
onal Black Sea University, The Syllabus of Masters Special Lecture Course:  Central Transcaucasia  and t

რი ამიერკავკასია და გარე სამყარო (დიაქრონიული თვალთახედვით). See: Facebook Page
sity Code of the Course: CAS 101. See: LECTURE 1 –  Introduction.

Scientific Forums (List)

g the Starting Point of the Kura-Araxes Culture, – Humboldt Kolleg International Conference in Venice
a in the Bronze Age, 9-11, January, 2013. Universita Ca'Foscari Venezia, Dipartimento di Studi Umanisti
Its Essence and Origin, - Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary of Ekvtime Taqaish
bilisi State University, June 24-26, 2013 (in Georgian).
ween the Caucasus and the Middle East during the “Pre-Kura-Araxes” Period, – Materials of the Interna
an Relations. Tbilisi: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 29-30 June, 2013. 
n of the Land of Pharasmanes the King of Chorasmian's (An attempt to interpret Arrian’s information rel
mician Grigol Giorgadze held at the Ivane Javakhishvili Institute of History and Ethnology of the Ivane J

tific Research  (in Georgian)

dle East (in Georgian)
ld Archaeology in the Light of Natural Sciences  (in Georgian)
Publications of Giorgi L. Kavtaradze  (in Georgian)

Tweet, Obtained Via Facebook on March 20, 2016.


, King of Ani

onnaire for Self-Assessment of the Staff (14.02.2019)

organ. The Archaeology of Digital Abandonment: Online Sustainability and Archaeological Sites, see: Ap
eresting Articles - Art, History, Society
asian Links



pers mention Giorgi Kavtaradze (July 27, 2020).

vtaradze's Works in Scientific Literature                                                                                    


Some of My Publications Available

onology of the First Phase of Central Anatolian Early Bronze A
rkers. Ivane Javakhishvili Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnograph
eorgian). See also:
m of Interrelation of Central Anatolian and North-Western Cau
d Local Traditions in the Eastern Black Sea Littoral. All Union S
ssian). See also:
m of Interrelation of Central Anatolian and North-Western
gy, Classical Philology, Byzantine Studies, Proceedings of Tbilisi Univ
 (in Georgian, with Russian and English Summaries). უე 01647. See also: w
gical Interpretation of the "Royal Tombs", in: Materials of the Geo
hing House “Metsniereba” (“Science”) of the Academy of Sciences of Georgi
602/M 607 (06)-79/171-78. See also:
ymology of Some Minoan Words, in: The Conference of Young S
ary of the Foundation of Georgian Academy of Science
ology  of the Aeneolothic-Bronze Age  Archaeological Cultures of G
reba”, 1981, 172pp., VIII pl.       (in Georgian, with a Russian and a
nology of the Aeneolithic-Bronze Age Cultures of Georgia.  Tb
6)-83 228-82. See also:
Appearance of Hittite Tribes in Central Anatolia, in: Issues on Geor
n, with a Russian Summary). ს 0507000000/M607(06)-85 255-84. See also: w
e Settlement of the Kartvelian Tribes in Anatolia.  Tbilisi,
M607(06)-85 228-82. See also:
ects of the Georgian Aeneolithic - Early Bronze Age Cultures of
leometal Cultures, Materials of the Symposium: "The Caucasus an
akhi,1983). K. Pitskhelauri & E. Chernykh (eds.). Tbilisi: Metsniereba, 1987
st Return the Tbilisi Time, – Axalgazrda Komunis
elation of the Transcaucasian and Palestinian Populations (Third-
The History of the Georgian Jews. The Problems of the Interrelation be
Tbilisi, 1996, pp. 32-33   (in Georgian). See also:
ucasian Gateway. Viewpoint, – Sakartvelos Respublika,
der historischen Geographie Anatoliens und Transkaukasiens im e
ternationale Zeitschrift für Historische Geographie der Alten Wel
rman). ISSN 1385-285X. See also: or
elationship between the Transcaucasian and Anatolian Populatio
he Thracian World at the Crossroads of Civilisations, I. Proceedin
ngalia-Tulcea, 20-26 May 1996). Edited by P. Roman in collabration with S
Thracology and the Publishing House Vavila Edinf SRL, 1997, pp. or
qGQD9h_NIq6o4dv4F1kY1Uug7p_iAUflBC4IdRZYEij72okYOUQaI6Q or www
nd the Main Caucasian Range, in: Mnatobi, 3-4, 1997, pp. 147-165 and M
ნდექსი 76125. See also:
m the Proximity... from the Distant of Years, in: Mnatobi, 7. Tbi
– the Old Cradle of Gogla's Ancestors, – Literaturuli Meskh
rtance of Metallurgical Data for the Formation of Central Tra
roceedings of the International Conference "The Beginnings of Metallurgy",
sal Yalçin. Der Anschnitt, Zeitschrift für Kunst und Kultur im Bergbau, Bei
Nr. 84. Bochum, 1999, SS. or w
m of the Identification of the Mysterious Statue from the Erzerum M
3. Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University, Tbilisi: Tbilisi University P
ssee of One of Gogla's Poems, – Literaturuli Meskheti, 5
marks About the Review of M.  V. Andreeva, in: Amirani, Journal
ol. III. Montréal-Tbilisi, 2000, pp. 5-33     (in Russian
blems of the Interrelation of Caucasian and Anatolian Bronze Age
(1), 2000. In memoria di Luigi Bernabò Brea. Messina: Rubbettino, 200
dJBI_fYj1zxjLK7hUhfrl0fAiSwOIff3gNJ8ZsOPxTsWJrq95MC52AA or
Chronicles and the raison d'ètre of the Iberian Kingdom (Caucasi
f the Ancient World, 6, 2000. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 200
dL3iXCtO_dylUPnwiicGPrTwsKRfxBuiWpJZENqx3XiTk1XCl_O74S4 or www
es from the Anatolian Diary, – Literaturuli Sakartvelo, 2001,
caucasian Ethnonyms of Anatolian Origin , in: Caucasian and Near
n English, with a Georgian
orAO7qDl7OBaEk3TQw2jqI9Dhmk or
ten Metallobjekte in Zentral-Transkaukasien, in: Georgien – Schät
Deutschen Bergbau-Museums Bochum. Hrsg.: I. Gambashidze, A. Hauptman
3-921533-84-8. See also:
DBrq2PGFw0pmkn1n6QyqxcJ3meXGwG6qZZcnhY5IRZMmW3zs64 YHh5A o
pt to Interpret Some Anatolian and Caucasian Ethnonyms of th
Tschawtschawadse Universitaet Tbilisi für Sprache und Kultur Institut zur  Er
English). ISSN 1512-1364X. See a
+Ethnonyms or
nt East and the Origin of Georgians (a Review of Gregor Giorgadze
dse Universitaet Tbilisi für Sprache und Kultur Institut zur Erforschung de
N 1512-1364X. See also:
e of Existence“ of the Iberian Kingdom According to Historical
N 0132-599 X; ინდექსი 76125. See also:
blems of the Interrelation of Caucasian and Anatolian Early Bron
edicated to Mary Inadze on her 75th Birthday. Editor: Gregor Giorgadze. Tbi
Summary). კ 116/2004. See also:
ology of the Caucasus during the Early Metal Age: Observations f
rchaeological Studies in Honour of Charles Burney. Edited by Anton
, 2004, pp. 539-556   (in E
ZfQpxk80LyE1eWdUAUf9KhjhejLxqmlWFcuMCGaQcHrWnDr3HrZAK4 or w
anscaucasia – A  Stronghold or a Bridgehead in Modern Geopolitica
03), pp. 2-3   (in Georgian). See also:
ns: How to Defend Ourselves from Wild Beasts , - Literaturuli Sak
004, № 41 (3509), p. 3   (in Georgian). See also:
a Prototype of Chorexi? - Kalmasoba, The Literature and Scientif
erature and Georgian Writers, # 8 (82), 2004, p. 9   (in Georgian). Se
iaukhi and the Georgian Political Tradition , in: The Scientific Ses
hort Content of Papers. Tbilisi, 30 May – 2 June, The Ivane Javakhishvili Insti
Publishing House “Mematiane”, 2005, pp. 13-18   (in Georgian). See also:
e Prototype of Chorexi? in: The IV and V Scientific Conference De
rs. The Publications of the Museum of Giorgi Leonidze in Patardzeuli, no. 3. P
(in Georgian). See also:
onidze and the Freedom of Georgia, in: The IV and V Scientific
rt Content of Papers. The Publications of the Museum of Giorgi Leonidze in P
05, 26   (in Georgian). See also:
nt Country of Taokhians and the Beginnings of Georgian Stateh
dse Universitaet Tbilisi für Sprache und Kultur. Tbilisi, 2005, pp. 92-114 
he Location of the Ancient “Royal City” of Daiaeni/Diauxi , in: K
aisi: Publishing House of the Kutaisi State University, 2005, pp. 371-381
Georgia - A Bridgehead or a Stronghold of the Modern Ge
n: Amirani, Journal of the International Caucasological Researc
in English with a Georgian or
nological Interrelations of Early Bronze Age Cultures of
um of History and Ethnography of Jews of Georgia, Works, IV. T
mary). See also:
aginians and the Caucasus, – Literaturuli Sakartvelo, 2006, 15 Sep
ems of State Development of Georgia (From the Earliest Ti
Series, II. Tbilisi: Universal, 2006, 245 pp.     (in Georgian w
PFmnnqG80s1b7hq8kYLdXvdtkho0JwcEdzoIbBrhN3XYYan83zBZ-28 or www
tate Formations (Georgia), – The Ortdodox Encyclopaedia, vol. or
blems of the Historical Geography of South-Western Transcaucasia
nniversary of Shota Meskhia. Compiler-editor: Natela Vachnadze. Chief e
11     (in Georgian with an English summary). ISBN 978-99940-910-6
cation of Sololaki, - Kartvelian Heritage, vol. X. Akaki Tsereteli State
   (in Georgian with an English summary). ISSN 1512-09-53. See also: ww
he Location of Ancient City-Fortresses of Tao, – Caucasian and Nea
ersary of Professor Manana Khidasheli. Tbilisi, 2006, pp. 86-108
howing the Way, – Spartak Jvania. Compiler-Editor: Tamaz Pipi
tion of the Ancient Transcaucasian Data About the Carthaginians , 
edicated to the Memory of Tamar Gamsakhurdia. Editor-in-chief: R
ng House “Nekeri”, 2007, pp. 75-85, 395, 412      (in Georgian with
lem of Interpretation of Ancient Gem from Paris , - Mater
sts. Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University; Arnold Chikobava Institu
e “Universal”, 2007, pp. 272-273   (in English). ISBN 978-9941-12-048-0.
and the Idea of Freedom of Georgia (Historical and Literary Essay)
eorgian). See also:
asus and the “Carthaginians", – Iberia-Colchis. Researches on th
Early Medieval Period. Georgian National Museum, of Otar Lordkipanidz
y of Georgia”, № 4, Tbilisi, 2008, pp. 112-121, 187 (Pl. I), pp. 208-210
gan Pantheon of the Iberian Kingdom, – Kartvelian Heritage, vol. X
orgian). See also:
ers of Georgian History Seen by Giorgi Leonidze (According to Pla
 XI. Tbilisi, 2009, pp. 278-283. ISSN 1512-2727   (in Georgian). (Co-autho
olitical Role of the Caucasus from a Historical Perspective, – Confli
and Conrad Adenauer Foundation. Tbilisi: Kalamus Publishing H
r in the Ancient East. Warrior Library № 9. Ministry of Defense of G
si: Cartographic Unit of the Topographic Division of the Joint Staff of the Geo
sence of Deities of Pagan Iberia, – Caucasian-Middle Eastern C
itors: I. Tatishvili, M. Khvedelidze, L. Gordeziani. Tbilisi: Logos Program, 2
n English Summary). See also:
- What Awaits Georgian Villages and Monuments in Turkey? – New
 (in Georgian). See also:
- The Earliest Manuscript of “The Knight in the Panther's Skin”  Ma
, October 5, 2009, Monday, pp. 1, 17 (Eka Buchukuri)   (in Georgian). See
- How the King's Statue Was Turned into an Erzurum Fragment , –
09, Monday, p. 15, 21 (Eka Buchukuri)   (in Georgian). See also: www.scri
olitical Role of the Caucasus Mountains from the Historical Pers
of Georgian Orthodox Church & Konrad Adenauer-Foundation
 (in English). See also:
efinition of the Term “Arian-Kartli", – International Scientific
nd Presentation Materials. Kutaisi: Akaki Tsereteli State Univ
Researcher Finds Ancient Manuscript of “the Knight in the Pan
(25), April 21-27, 2010, p. 10 (Maka Buachidze)   (in Georgian). See also: w
blems of the Ancient History of Anatolian-Caucasian Marchland
tela Vachnadze. Editor George Tcheishvili. Georgian National Academy of
-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchy of Georgia. Tbilisi: Publishing-
an with an English Summary). See also:
oblem of “Arian-Kartli”, – The Proceedings of The Institute of Histo
nology. Editor-in-Chief: Vazha Kiknadze. Tbilisi: Publishing House “Universa
ry). See also:
rtli” – Myth or Reality? – Ilia Chavchavadze Kutaisi Internationa
of Book Printing in Georgia. Kutaisi, October 15-16, 2009.
One Newspaper Article, – “Sakartvelos Respublika”, no. 43
as Mtskheta Originally Located and What Should Its Name Mean
ficance of the Data of the Paleometal Era of the Caucasus for the D
nological System, – Archeology, Ethnology, Caucasian Folklore. Tb
Tao from the View-Point of Historical Geography,  Georgian Minis
First Linguocultural and Anthropological International Confere
cultural Anthropology and Ethnolinguistic Study of Georgian People. Batum
in Georgian with an English Summary). See also:
rical+Geography or
e Ancient Location of Mc’xet’a and Its Name, – The Proceedings
tor-in-Chief:  Vazha Kiknadze. Ivane  Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University,
i State University Press, 2012. ISSN 1987-6564     (in
– Unknown Details of Gogla Leonidze's Life, – “All News”, 2
the Caucasus and Geopolitics – Past and Present, – MARIE BROSS
nology. Editors: Lia Akhaladze, Bejan Khorava, Kakha Kvashilava. Tbilisi: Pub
Georgian with an English Summary). See also:
mendatory Foreword, – Vazha Kiknadze. The Eurasian State of Ge
Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2013, pp. i-vi   (
pt at Dating the Starting Point of the Kura-Araxes Culture, – At the
rch on Caucasia and Anatolia in the Bronze Age. Universita Ca'Fos
01/2013   (in English). Attached is a Video of the Report: h
ionship between the Caucasus and the Middle East during the “P
e Context of Caucasian-Anatolian Relations (Proceedings of the I
se “Meridiani”, 2013, pp. 192-205. ISBN 978-9941-10-748-1   (in English).
casia and the Problem of the Uruk Cultural Phenomenon, in: Sc
Archaeology. Editor: A. Özfırat. Istanbul: Ege Yayınları, 2014, pp.
“Kartli” – Its Essence and Origin, – The Proceedings of the Instit
he 75th Year Anniversary of Professor Tamaz Beradze’s Birth. Editor-in-C
ne Javakhishvili Institute Of History And Ethnology. Tbilisi: Tbilisi State
n English Summary). See also:
mportance of the Caucasian Chronology for the Foundation o
l System, – The Proceedings of the Institute of History and Eth
tory and Ethnology of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Tbilisi
Summary). See also:
Statue of Gagik I, King of Ani, – Scientific Conference: Church of
f Caucasus International University. Tbilisi, 2016, p. 19-29
mpt at Dating the Starting Point of the Kura-Araxes Cultur
, in: At the Northern Frontier of Near Eastern Archaeology: Rec
Elena Rova & Monica Tonussi (eds). Proceedings of the International Hum
the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archaeological Project, 2. Supported by Ale
Series Edited by the European Centre for Upper Mesopotamian Studies. Turn
97-5 (D/2017/0095/131)   (in English). See also: htt
at+Dating+the+Starting+Point+of+the+Kura-Araxes+Culture or www.scribd
Identity of the “Bun-Turks” and “Hons” of the Conversion of Kar
y, XIV-XV, 2016-2017. Editor-in-Chief:  Vazha Kiknadze. Ivane Javakhishvi
hnology. Tbilisi: Tbilisi State University Press, 2018. ISSN 1987-6564
Created Giorgi Leonidze's Poem “Childhood and Adolescence”, – “
ished at the end of August 2018)   (in Georgian). See also:
oblems Concerning the Chronology of Late Neolithic – Early M
Essays on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in Honou
Robinson A. (eds). Series: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta. Leuven: Peete
so:  or  www.scribd
this (no. 117) volume, published on June 28, 2018, of which I am the author o
0). Obviously, neither the publishing house, nor the publisher, was even going
d Not-so-Funny, Expressions
ve and devotion to Him - God needs love and devotion among people! (April 12, 2020).
people for the church- Christ or Armazi?! (March 29, 2020).
pleasure for a man?! - To be above all pleasures! (February 12, 2020).
of “American Dream”. What should be the dream of Georgians from a Russian point of view?! (Februa
rom a Russian point of view?! (February 13, 2020).
that Georgians, unlike some, have a strong natural requirement for fairness and justice (January 20, 20
an attempt to destroy Georgia's future. Who needed it?! (November 11, 2019).
s increasingly used - the north, the northern neighbor... What, the name “Russia” is forbidden to mentio

int of view: reptiles, mammals, birds are somewhat reminiscent of Semites, Indo-Europeans and Caucas

of Article 5 on the Occupied Territories with NATO perspective or the "Southossetization" of whole coun
ith the “democracy” of the type of Pithecanthropus. What you would say... (August 10, 2019).
same river twice, but you can enter the same puddle as many times as you wish and splash in it (Decemb
ment of society is directly proportional to the number of decent and thoughtful people in its composition.
umber of scammers and idiots (December 3, 2018).
not determined by the lack of money and property, but by the spiritual state of man! (January 19, 2018).
f Georgia! Anyone who does not understand this, or does not “realize” it, is either a narrow-minded idio
“pro-Russians” = supporters of Georgia's existence or its integration with Russia (November 25, 2016).
spectrum of Georgia is mainly distinguished by two trends (”tendency”): 1. Consisting of the supporters
will be marked by various foreign and distant from all Georgians labels (more typical across the oce
.e. pro-Russian or anti-Georgian, which will be more and more adorned with national, "sweet-Georgian"
n of the Georgian political spectrum into pro-Western and pro-Russian today as an excessive complicati
eserving Georgia's statehood, and on the other hand, who are still seeking to restore a united political (
ntionally called the West, will not be able to cope with pressure from the north and survive its own stateh
f view, the world, primarily its civilized part, is facing a great danger that no one is talking about. I m
hat is much simpler and more efficient to use in big cities than missile-propelled nuclear weapons and
olitical conjuncture of the day, neither the identity of the user of the "dirty bomb" nor the "customer" of
t, so that no one would be left in doubt), accordingly, only delayed response, if any, would be available. O
tal plan (unfortunately, I think I am one of those exceptions), and implement it. Therefore, I hope that a

end has become more apparent (at least from my perspective), the less the Georgian speaks Russian and
hile. This circumstance seems to be caused by the existence of a "provincial syndrome", since there is
perialist politics becomes actual not so much Russian language and culture promotion among the Geor
a, which is easily achieved by the actual destruction of academic institutions and educational institutions
e, and reality is before entering the stage, and after the performance, behind the scene, it comes back aga
- as a wolf picks weak lambs out of a lamb shed and takes away the possibility of their reproduction, sata
Russia's foreign policy, it is often used the cliche that it is "unpredictable." This, in our view, is wrong: R
east resistance, absorbing everything that “lies badly”, that is, those countries that do not have the streng
ted by successful "Western" countries) - it is very difficult to determine how much and at what price the
o them in one episode or another of political confrontation (November 20, 2013).

church, Klarjeti,
he Karchkhali river, on the rocky mountain cape. Further up there is the village of Shua (middle) Forta.
Luke's church" - which is right?! Cf., e.g., alternating l and n consonants in the same region (Klarjeti-
fer to Luka as St. Luke. Luka / Nuka may have been a builder, a priest, etc. (October 22, 2012).

that if not the help of the West, primarily the United States, Tbilisi would have long been a victim of Ru
iotic circles” that "Osman and Alia are both Tatars!", which means that there is no choice, - both are the
s should leave us alone. As if America, like Russia, invaded our country, arranged here military bases,
d at the same time totally undermine our daily activities and try to wipe, destroy and exterminate the en
ngly, this expression is almost always only addressed to Americans. As can be seen, the speakers seem to
rth, that is, he will eventually turn his back on us and that Alia (or Russia) will remain a “ball and a pit
lists”, and after that we could only withstand half a year. After that, there were puddles of blood in G
“Literaturuli Sakartvelo”, October 2004, № 40-41.
– Creativity, for some Men (November 3, 1975).

speech delivered at the presentation of the book launch of Vazha Kiknadze, “The Eurasian State of
at the Ilya Chavchavadze National Parlamentary National Library of Georgia in Tbilisi (Read by Dr. N
o believe that some events in our life are predetermined by our fate. Now I would like to recall an episod
ooks on the history, instead of doing my homework. My grandfather, bringing my grandmother and mo
his opinion, among them were books of the so-called anti-Soviet character, too. He spent much time with
eorgian history. He used to say, that there is a lack of evidence about the time of king Giorgi the Brilliant
everything possible to end the foreign domination was for the Georgians always the most desirable
e who wants to know what will happen ought to examine what has happened: everything in this world
come a historian. But at that time, when I became a historian, I was very impressed by the problems of e
m my mind.
ere is no escape!
ved a very honorable to me offer from  Professor Vazha Kiknadze to write the Commendatory Fore
Era and Its End)". The monograph by Professor Kiknadze namely covers a very crucial time in Georgia
on and reunited the country, so I finally got a chance to go a little closer to the time of king Giorgi the Bri
ellen Publishers and I’m very glad that I now have the opportunity to say a few words about it.
ry AD is a period of Georgian history which has few written sources or other contemporary document
essor Kiknadze makes use of previously unknown manuscripts examined by him (i.e. Georgian synaxari
ripts of the most famous Georgian historian of last century, Ivane Javakhishvili). On the basis of these m
existing primary sources together with materials of different types, Dr. Kiknadze restores the complex in
te 14th century – the time of the invasions of Tamerlane, etc., and puts forward a quite new vision of the
lly managed to restore our past, the period of the history of Georgia most shrouded in mist; he has succ
ry, but also to a wide circle of readers. This past has a special value for us, – it explaines not only our hi
two very different worlds – Central Eurasia and its periphery, also referred to as the Inner Crescent – a
i.e. Darial Gorge) divides the world in two distinct parts (NH, VI, XII, 30).
at Kiknadze’s book came at the most right time. By the opinion of our colleagues: “as the collapse of the
successor states, it became obvious that new approaches, rethinking and interpreting of national narra

ssor Kiknadze’s monograph has been awarded by The Adèle Mellen Prize for its distinguished contribu
Eurasia, an often neglected period in history”. By the way, the monograph of Professor Kiknadze is the f
his fact is difficult to overestimate. Taking into consideration the vastness of the territory conquered b
played in the history of the whole of Eurasia, I think that the English-speaking reader will be interested i
e hope that in the future as Professor Kiknadze, so other his Georgian colleagues, will have again and
ound the world.

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