Document Number
Company Number
Chairperson Voting
25.1. (1) The directors may elect 1 of their 25.5. (1) Every director has 1 vote.
number as chairperson of the board. No casting vote
(2) The director elected as chairperson holds (2) The chairperson does not have a casting
that office until he or she dies or resigns, or vote.
the directors elect a chairperson in his or her Majority vote
place. (3) A resolution of the board is passed if it is
(3) If no chairperson is elected or if, at any agreed to by all directors present without
meeting of the board, the chairperson is not dissent or if a majority of the votes cast on it
present within 5 minutes after the time are in favour of it.
appointed for the commencement of the May abstain
meeting, the directors present may choose 1 (4)(a) Clause 5(4) of the Third Schedule does
of their number to be chairperson of the not apply.
meeting. (b) A director present at a meeting of the
board may abstain from voting. An abstaining
Notice of meeting director is not presumed to have agreed to,
25.2. (1) A director or, if requested by a and to have voted in favour of, a resolution of
director to do so, an employee of the the board.
company, may convene a meeting of the
board by giving notice in accordance with this Minutes
clause. 25.6. The board must ensure that minutes are
(2) Not less than 4 working days’ notice of a kept of all proceedings of the board.
meeting of the board must be sent to every
director who is in New Zealand, and the notice Unanimous resolution
must include the date, time, and place of the 25.7. (1) A resolution in writing, signed or
meeting and the matters to be discussed. assented to by all directors then entitled to
(3) An irregularity in the notice of a meeting is receive notice of a board meeting, is as valid
and effective as if it had been passed at a Substitute arbitrator
meeting of the board duly convened and held. (4) If the arbitrator dies, declines to act, or
(2) Any such resolution may consist of several becomes incapable of acting, then the
documents (including facsimile or other similar respective president may appoint another.
means of communication) in like form each Jurisdiction of arbitrator
signed or assented to by 1 or more directors. (4A) The sole arbitrator must decide the
(3) A copy of any such resolution must be dispute:
entered in the minute book of board (a) If the parties expressly authorise the
proceedings. arbitrator (in accordance with Article 28(3) of
the First Schedule of the Arbitration Act 1996)
Other proceedings ex aequo et bono (in accordance with
25.8. Except as provided in this clause 25, the considerations of general justice and
board may regulate its own procedure. fairness); but failing such authorisation;
(b) According to the substantive law of New
Mediation or arbitration Zealand.
Dispute between directors decided by Power of arbitrator
shareholders (5) Upon any such reference the arbitrator has
25.9. (1) If any dispute arises between the power:
directors in connection with any of the (a) To take the opinion of any counsel he or
relationships created by or recorded in this she thinks fit upon any question of law that
constitution, and if a complete or temporary arises and to adopt (at his or her discretion)
deadlock in the management by the board of any opinion taken; and
the affairs of the company is created by that (b) To obtain the assistance of any expert he
dispute, then the matter in dispute must be or she thinks fit and to act (at his or her
immediately referred by the board to the discretion) upon any statement of accounts,
shareholders of the company at a special survey, valuation, or other expert assistance
meeting to be called by the board for the thus obtained.
purpose. Observe arbitrator’s decision
Mediation or arbitration if shareholders (6) Each of the parties must do all things and
cannot agree execute all instruments to give effect to the
(2) If at the special meeting there is a award by the arbitrator.
deadlock between the shareholders, then the
dispute which is causing the deadlock must 26. MANAGING DIRECTOR
be referred to:
(a) A sole mediator, if the shareholders agree Appointment
upon one; 26.1. (1) The board may, from time to time,
(b) If the shareholders fail to agree upon a appoint 1 or more of their body to the office of
mediator, or if the mediation process fails to managing director for such period and on
resolve the dispute within 20 working days of such terms as the board thinks fit, and,
the dispute being referred to mediation, then subject to the terms of any agreement entered
to a sole arbitrator, if the shareholders agree into in any particular case, may revoke any
upon one. such appointment.
Failure to agree on arbitrator Termination
(3) If they do not agree upon an arbitrator, (2) The appointment of a director so appointed
then the arbitrator will be nominated (on the is automatically determined if he or she
application of any shareholder, at any time): ceases from any cause to be a director.
(a) By (or on behalf of) the President of the
Arbitrators’ and Mediators’ Institute of New Powers
Zealand Inc; or 26.2. Subject to section 130, the board may
(b) If the President fails to make the entrust to and confer upon a managing
nomination within a reasonable time, then by director any of the powers exercisable by the
(or on behalf of) the President of the New board upon such terms and conditions and
Zealand Law Society. with such restrictions as the board may think
fit, and either collaterally with or to the company or a related company for any act or
exclusion of the board’s powers, and may omission in his or her capacity as a director or
from time to time revoke, withdraw, alter, or employee; or
vary all or any of those powers. (b) Costs incurred by that director or
employee in defending or settling any claim or
Remedy in damages only proceeding relating to any such liability;
26.3. (1) The board may agree on behalf of not being criminal liability or liability in respect
the company with anyone who is or is about to of a breach, in the case of a director, of the
become a managing director as to the length duty specified in clauses 22.1 to 22.3 or, in the
and terms of the managing director’s case of an employee, of any fiduciary duty
employment, on the basis that the remedy of owed to the company or related company.
that person for any breach of the agreement Insurance for a director or employee
will be in damages only. (5) The company may, with the prior approval
(2) The managing director does not have a of the board, effect insurance for a director or
right or claim to continue in office as employee of the company or a related
managing director contrary to the will of the company in respect of:
board. (a) Liability (not being criminal liability) for any
act or omission in his or her capacity as a
27. INDEMNITY, INSURANCE, AND director or employee; or
REMUNERATION (b) Costs incurred by that director or
employee in defending or settling any claim or
Indemnity and insurance proceedings relating to any such liability; or
27.1. (1) Except as provided in this clause, the (c) Costs incurred by that director or employee
company must not indemnify, or directly or in defending any criminal proceedings:
indirectly effect insurance for, a director or (i) That have been brought against the director
employee of the company or a related or employee in relation to any act or omission
company in respect of: in his or her capacity as a director or
(a) Liability for any act or omission in his or employee; and
her capacity as a director or employee; or (ii) In which he or she is acquitted.
(b) Costs incurred by that director or Directors’ certificate
employee in defending or settling any claim or (6) The directors who vote in favour of
proceeding relating to any such liability. authorisation of insurance under subclause (5)
(2) An indemnity given in breach of this clause must sign a certificate stating that, in their
is void. opinion, the cost of effecting the insurance is
Indemnify a director or employee for costs fair to the company.
where acquittal or discontinuance Interests register
(3) The company may indemnify a director or (7) The board must ensure that particulars of
employee of the company or a related any indemnity given to, or insurance effected
company for any costs incurred by him or her for, any director or employee of the company
in any proceeding: or related company are forthwith entered in
(a) That relates to liability for any act or the interests register.
omission in his or her capacity as a director or Definitions
employee; and (8) The definitions of “director”, “effect
(b) In which judgment is given in his or her insurance”, “employee”, and “indemnify” are in
favour, or in which he or she is acquitted, or section 162(9).
which is discontinued. [See section 162]
Indemnify a director or employee for
liability other than to company or related Remuneration and other benefits of
company directors
(4) The company may indemnify a director or 27.2. (1) The board, subject to the approval by
employee of the company or a related ordinary resolution of shareholders, may
company in respect of: authorise:
(a) Liability to any person other than the (a) The payment of remuneration or the
provision of other benefits by the company to (iii) If this constitution elsewhere so provides,
a director for services as a director or in any a director or other person or class of persons,
other capacity; and whose signature or signatures must be
(b) The payment by the company to a director witnessed; or
or former director of compensation for loss of (iv) One or more attorneys appointed by the
office; and company in accordance with section 181.
(c) The making of loans by the company to a If writing required
director; and (b) An obligation which, if entered into by a
(d) The giving of guarantees by the company natural person, is, by law, required to be in
for debts incurred by a director; and writing may be entered into on behalf of the
(e) The entering into a contract to do any of company in writing by a person acting under
the things set out in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), the company’s express or implied authority.
and (d); If writing not required
if the board is satisfied that to do so is fair to (c) An obligation which, if entered into by a
the company. natural person, is not, by law, required to be in
Interests register writing may be entered into on behalf of the
(2) The board must ensure that forthwith after company, in writing or orally, by a person
authorising the making of the payment, or the acting under the company’s express or
provision of the benefit, or the making of the implied authority.
loan, or the giving of the guarantee, or the Common seal
entering into of the contract, as the case may (2) The company may, in addition to
be, particulars of the payment, or benefit, or complying with subclause (1), affix its
loan, or guarantee, or contract are entered in common seal, if it has one, to the contract or
the interests register. document containing the enforceable
Directors’ certificate obligation.
(3) Directors who vote in favour of authorising Also applies outside New Zealand
a payment, benefit, loan, guarantee, or (3) Subclause (1) applies to a contract or
contract under subclause (1) must sign a other obligation:
certificate stating that, in their opinion, the (a) Whether or not the obligation was entered
making of the payment, or the provision of the into in New Zealand; and
benefit, or the making of the loan, or the (b) Whether or not the law governing the
giving of the guarantee, or the entering into of contract or obligation is the law of New
the contract is fair to the company, and the Zealand.
grounds for that opinion. [See section 180]
[See section 161]
Accounting records to be kept
28. AUTHORITY TO BIND COMPANY 29.1. (1) The board must ensure that there are
kept at all times accounting records that:
Method of contracting (a) Correctly record the transactions of the
28.1. (1) A contract or other enforceable company; and
obligation may be entered into by the (b) Will enable the company to ensure that the
company as follows: financial statements or group financial
Deeds statements of the company comply with
(a) An obligation which, if entered into by a generally accepted accounting practice (if the
natural person, would, by law, be required to company must prepare such statements
be by deed may be entered into on behalf of under the Act or any other enactment); and
the company in writing signed under the name (c) Will enable the financial statements or
of the company by: group financial statements of the company to
(i) Two or more directors of the company; or be readily and properly audited (if those
(ii) If there is only 1 director, by that director, statements are required to be audited).
whose signature must be witnessed; or In English or convertible into English
(2) The accounting records must be kept: is in effect, the company need not send to the
(a) In written form and in English; or shareholder the documents to which the
(b) In a form and manner in which they are waiver relates. However, if a shareholder
easily accessible and convertible into written purports to waive the right to receive both a
form in English. copy of the annual report and the notice
[See section 194] referred to in clause 29.3(1), the purported
waiver is invalid and the board must send the
Annual report shareholder a copy of the annual report or
29.2. Provided that the company is either notice unless the company does not have to
required to, or has opted-in to under clause prepare an annual report.
31A.1, prepare an annual report for its current [See section 212]
accounting period, the board must, within 5
months after the balance date of the 30. INSPECTION OF COMPANY RECORDS
company, prepare an annual report on the
affairs of the company during the accounting Public inspection of company records
period ending on that date. 30.1. The company must keep the following
[See section 208] records available for inspection in the manner
prescribed in clause 30.3 by a person who
Annual report to shareholders serves on the company written notice of
29.3. (1) Subject to clause 29.4 and provided intention to inspect:
that the company prepares an annual report (a) The certificate of incorporation or
under clause 29.2, the board must cause a registration;
copy of the annual report or a notice (b) This constitution;
containing the statements specified in section (c) The share register;
209(3) to be sent to every shareholder: (d) The company’s ultimate holding company
(a) Not less than 20 working days before the information;
date fixed for holding the annual meeting of (e) The full names and residential addresses
shareholders; or of the directors;
(b) If, under clause 16.1(5) or clause 16.3(4), (f) The registered office and address for
it is not necessary to hold an annual meeting, service of the company.
within 20 working days after the date on which [See section 215]
the annual report is prepared.
(2) If the board sends a notice in accordance Inspection of company records by
with subclause (1) and the shareholder, within shareholders
15 working days of receiving that notice, 30.2. The company must keep the following
makes a request to the company to receive a records available for inspection in the manner
copy of the annual report, the board must, as prescribed by clause 30.3 by a shareholder of
soon as practicable, send to the shareholder, the company, or by a person authorised in
free of charge, a copy of that annual report. writing by a shareholder for the purpose, who
(3) If a shareholder makes a request under serves on the company written notice of
subsection (2), the request must be treated as intention to inspect:
a request by the shareholder to receive a (a) Minutes of all meetings and resolutions of
copy of the annual report each year until that shareholders;
request is revoked by notice to the company. (b) Copies of all written communications to all
[See section 209] shareholders or to all holders of a class of
shares during the preceding 10 years,
Shareholders may elect not to receive including annual reports, financial statements,
documents summary financial statements (if any) and
29.4. A shareholder may elect, by written group financial statements;
notice to the company, to waive the right to (c) Certificates given by directors under the
receive all or any documents from the Act;
company. The shareholder may revoke the (d) The interests register.
waiver in the same manner. While the waiver [See section 216]
available for inspection or limit the inspection
Manner of inspection of them in any manner it thinks fit.
30.3. (1) Documents which may be inspected [See section 191]
under clause 30.1 or clause 30.2 must be
available for inspection at the place at which Company records
the company’s records are kept between 9.00 30.7. (1) Subject to subclause (3), the
am and 5.00 pm on each working day during company must keep the following documents
the inspection period. at its registered office:
Inspection period (a) This constitution;
(2) “Inspection period” means the period (b) Minutes of all meetings and resolutions of
commencing on the third working day after the shareholders within the last 7 years;
day on which notice of intention to inspect is (c) An interests register;
served on the company by the person or (d) Minutes of all meetings and resolutions of
shareholder concerned and ending with the directors and directors’ committees within the
eighth working day after the day of service. last 7 years;
[See section 217] (e) Certificates given by directors under the
Act within the last 7 years;
Copies of documents (f) The full names and addresses of the
30.4. A person may require a copy of, or current directors;
extract from, a document which is available (g) Copies of all written communications to all
for inspection by him or her under clause 30.1 shareholders or all holders of the same class
or clause 30.2 to be sent to him or her: of shares during the last 7 years, including
(a) Within 5 working days after he or she has annual reports made under clause 29.2;
made a request in writing for the copy or (h) Copies of all financial statements and
extract; and group financial statements required to be
(b) If he or she has paid a reasonable copying completed by the Act or any other enactment
and administration fee prescribed by the for the last 7 completed accounting periods of
company. the company;
[See section 218] (i) The accounting records required by clause
29.1 for the current accounting period and for
Information for shareholders the last 7 completed accounting periods of the
30.5. Subject to the restrictions contained in company;
section 178, a shareholder may at any time (j) The share register.
make a written request for information held by (2) The references in paragraphs (b), (d), (e),
the company. and (g) of subclause (1) to 7 years and the
[See section 178] references in paragraphs (h) and (i) of that
subclause to 7 completed accounting periods
Inspection of records by directors include such lesser periods as the Registrar
30.6. (1) Subject to subclause (2), every may approve by notice in writing to the
director is entitled, on giving reasonable company.
notice, to inspect the records of the company: Notice to Registrar
(a) In written form; and (3) The records referred to in paragraphs (a)
(b) Without charge; and to (i) of subclause (1) may be kept at a place
(c) At a reasonable time specified by the in New Zealand, notice of which is given to the
director. Registrar in accordance with subclause (4).
(2) The Court may, on the application by the (4) If any records are not kept at the
company, if it is satisfied that: registered office of the company, or the place
(a) It would not be in the company’s interests at which they are kept is changed, the
for a director to inspect the records; or company must ensure that within 10 working
(b) The proposed inspection is for a purpose days of their first being kept elsewhere or
that is not properly connected with the moved, as the case may be, notice is given to
director’s duties; the Registrar for registration of the places
direct that the records need not be made where the records are kept.
[See section 189] (b) 387A;
(c) 388;
31. AUDIT (d) 388A;
(e) 391.
When no auditors required
31.1. Unless the company opts-in to doing so Joint holders
under clause 31A.1, where the company is 32.2. A notice may be given by the company
not required under the Act or any other to the joint holders of a share by giving the
enactment to audit its (group) financial notice to the joint holder first named in the
statements, an auditor need not be appointed register of shareholders in respect of the
for that period. share.
[See sections 206 and 207].
Mentally disordered or protected person,
When auditors required deceased or bankrupt estate
31.2 If, under the Act or any other enactment, 32.3. A notice may be given by the company
the company is required to have its financial to the persons who are entitled to a share in
statements or group financial statements for consequence of the mental disorder,
that accounting period audited, then the protection order, death, or bankruptcy of a
company must at the annual meeting held in shareholder by sending the notice through the
that accounting period appoint a qualified post in a prepaid letter addressed to them by
auditor to: name, or by the title of the manager,
(a) hold office from the conclusion of the protection attorney, representatives of the
meeting until the conclusion of the next deceased, or assignee of the bankrupt, or by
annual meeting; and any like description:
(b) audit those financial statements or group (a) At the address, if any, supplied for the
financial statements. purpose by the persons claiming to be
[See section 207P] entitled; or
(b) Until such an address has been supplied,
31A. Opt-in regime for financial reporting by giving the notice in any manner in which
the notice might have been given if the mental
Opting-in disorder, death, or bankruptcy had not
31A.1. Where the company is not otherwise occurred.
required under the Act to comply with sections
201, 202, 207 and 208 of the Act, its Notice of meeting
shareholder(s) holding not less than 5 percent 32.4. (1) Notice of every meeting must be
of the company’s voting shares may, by the given to:
procedure set out in section 207K(2) of the (a) Every shareholder except those
Act, opt-in for that period to: shareholders who (having no registered
(i) Preparing financial statements or group address within New Zealand) have not
financial statements, as applicable; supplied to the company an address within
(ii) Requiring the audit of the financial New Zealand for the giving of notices to them;
statements or group financial statements and
referred to in (i) above; and/or (b) Every person upon whom the ownership of
(iii) Preparing an annual report. a share devolves by reason of his or her being
[See section 207K] a legal personal representative or an assignee
in bankruptcy of a shareholder where the
32. NOTICES shareholder but for his or her death or
bankruptcy would be entitled to receive notice
Service of the meeting; and
32.1. Documents may be served in (c) The auditor (if any) for the time being of
accordance with the following sections of the the company.
Act: (2) No other person is entitled to receive
(a) 387; notices of meetings.
(2) The address for service may be the
Service on director or shareholder company’s registered office or another place,
32.5. The company may serve a notice upon but it must not be at a postal centre or
any director or shareholder either: document exchange.
(a) Personally; or (3) A company’s address for service at any
(b) By posting it by Fast Post in a prepaid particular time is the address that is described
envelope or package addressed to that as its address for service in the New Zealand
director or shareholder at that person’s last register at that time.
known address; or (4) The description of the address for service
(c) By delivery to a document exchange; or must state that it is at the registered office of
(d) By facsimile to the facsimile telephone the company, or if it is at another place, must:
number of that director or shareholder; or (a) State the address of that place; and
(e) By any other method permitted under the (b) If the address for service is at the offices of
Act for service of a notice on a director or any firm of accountants, barristers and
shareholder. solicitors, or any other person, state:
[See sections 387 to 391] (i) That the address for service of the
company is at the offices of that firm or
Time of service by facsimile and email person; and
32.6. A notice served by facsimile or email is (ii) Particulars of the location in any building of
deemed to be served on the day after it was those offices; or
sent (c) If the address for service is not at the
offices of any such firm or person but is
Time of service by post located in a building occupied by persons
32.7. A notice which is sent by post or other than the company, state particulars of its
delivered to a document exchange is deemed location in the building.
to be served: [See section 192]
(a) On a person whose last known address is
in New Zealand, at the expiry of 48 hours after Change of address for service
the envelope or package which contained it 33.2. (1) Subject as provided elsewhere in this
was posted or delivered in New Zealand; and constitution, the board may change the
(b) On a person whose last known address is address for service at any time.
outside New Zealand, at the expiry of 7 days (2) Notice in the prescribed form of the
after the envelope or package which change must be given to the Registrar for
contained it was posted by Fast Post in New registration.
Zealand. (3) A change of address for service takes
effect on a date stated in the notice, not being
Proof of service a date that is earlier than 5 working days after
32.8. (1) To prove service by post or delivery the notice is registered.
to a document exchange it is sufficient to [See section 193]
prove that the envelope or package which
contained the notice was properly addressed No address supplied
and posted or delivered with all attached 33.3. If a shareholder has no registered
postal or delivery charges paid. address, and if the shareholder has not
(2) To prove service by facsimile or email, it is supplied to the company an address for the
sufficient to prove that the document was giving of notices to him or her:
properly addressed and sent by facsimile or (a) The shareholder is not entitled to have any
email. notices sent to him or her from the company;
33. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE (b) The company’s registered office is deemed
to be the registered address for the
Address for service shareholder for all purposes; and
33.1. (1) The company must have an address (c) All proceedings which are taken without
for service in New Zealand. notice to that shareholder are as valid as if he
or she had due notice. not, or will not be likely to, prejudice the
34. SECRETS OF COMPANY [See section 145]