Ansible Playbooks: Study Guide

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The key takeaways are that Ansible playbooks allow automation of tasks using YAML syntax and roles provide an organizational structure for grouping related tasks, files, and templates. Playbooks can utilize variables, conditionals, loops and other constructs for flexible automation.

The main components of an Ansible role are the tasks, handlers, files, templates, vars, and defaults directories which contain the main tasks, handlers, files, templates, and default variables for the role respectively.

You can pass variables to roles either by defining them in the vars section when calling the role or by passing them as parameters inline with the role keyword.

Ansible Playbooks

Study Guide

Stosh Oldham
[email protected]

February 6, 2019
Playbook Basics 1

Using YAML for Ansible Playbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Creating an Ansible Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

The ansible-playbook Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Understanding Playbook Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Essential Playbook Syntax 5

Using Variables in Playbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Working with Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Using Ansible Facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Conditional Execution in Playbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Using Loops in Ansible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Working with Handlers in Ansible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Advanced Playbook Syntax 10

Executing Selective Parts of a Playbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Working with Sensitive Data using Ansible Vault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Error Handling in a Playbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Asynchronous Tasks within a Playbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Delegating Playbook Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Using run_once . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Overview of Ansible Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Ansible Playbooks Linux Academy

Playbook Basics
Using YAML for Ansible Playbooks
• The goal of this section is to cover YAML specifics with regard to Ansible Playbooks.

• Be sure to check out Linux Academy’s YAML Essentials course for greater detail on YAML.

• Best practice dictates that YAML files open with 3 hyphens, ---, and end with 3 periods, ..., as ob-
served below.

concentration: DevOps
# List of courses
- Ansible
- Openshift
- Configuration Management
- Containerized Application Development

• List members start with a single hyphen followed by a space. Each list item should be at the same
indentation level. See the course list above.

• Dictionaries are key value pairs that are designated with a colon and a space.

• Example:

course: title: Ansible level:

professional id: 123456

• Multiple Line Values

• There are two characters that can be used to indicate a multi-line value: | or >

• | will not ignore newlines in the input.

• Example:
ports: |

• Is interpreted as follows:


• > will ignore newlines in the input.

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• Example:
Ports: >

• Is interpreted as: 9001 9002 9003

• When to Quote:

• If a colon ends a line or is followed by a space, the values should be wrapped in double quotes.

• Special characters meant to be literals and should always be wrapped in double quotes. YAML Special
characters are [ ] { } : > |

• It should be noted that variables in Ansible are an exception to the special character rule.

• As Ansible variables are indicated with curly braces, {{ variable }}, they must be wrapped in
double quotes to prevent interpretation as a dictionary.
• Example: port: "{{ web_port }}"

• Booleans are automatically converted in Ansible, thus allowing one to use yes, no, true, false, etc.

• This means if you want something like a literal “yes” or “false”, you must use double quotes.

• Floating point numbers are taken as numbers.

• Sometimes you may prefer them to be a string (as in a version number).

• In this case, you should use double quotes.

Creating an Ansible Play

• What is a Play in Ansible?

• A set of instructions expressed in YAML.

• It targets a host or group of hosts.
• It provides a series of tasks (basically ad-hoc commands) that are executed in sequence.
• The goal of a play is to map a group of hosts to a well defined role.
• Plays are kept in files known as Playbooks.

• Writing a Playbook:

• Each Playbook contains one ore more plays.

• Each play starts by designating a target which may be a host or group of hosts.
• Example:
- hosts: webservers

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• After the target is defined, a number of options may be set.

• remote_user — System user to execute the play (if not the current user).
• become — If yes, Ansible will escalate permission to the become_user using become_method.
• gather_facts — Whether or not facts should be gathered (default: yes).
• Example:
- hosts: webservers
become: yes
remote_user: ansible
gather_facts: yes

• The next section of a play is the tasks section:

• This section contains a list of modules that will be executed against the target(s).
• Each task maps to the use of an Ansible module.
• Example:
- hosts: webservers
become: yes
remote_user: ansible
gather_facts: yes
- name: ensure httpd is installed
name: httpd
state: latest

- name: ensure httpd is started

name: httpd
state: started
• More detail on tasks and options will be provided as the course progresses!

• Best Practices:

• Comments are important!

• Comments are indicated within the playbooks using the hash mark, #.
• Break up plays with white space and lead plays with comments for easier understanding of
a playbook.
• Keep it Simple.
• Try to keep plays as straightforward as possible.
• Avoid subtly.
• Remain consistent in feature applications.

• Be careful with indentation!

• Many playbook errors are the result of improper indentation.

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The ansible-playbook Command

• Playbooks must be executed using the ansible-playbook command.

• The ansible-playbook command takes a few basic arguments:

• The inventory file to use (use -i flag).

• The playbook to execute.
• Example: ansible-playbook -i production site.yml

• This command executes the playbook site.yml using the inventory stored in the file production.
• Notable options:
• -K — (note capital) Asks for the become password.
• -k — (note lowercase) Asks for the connect password.
• -C — Run in check mode which is an effective dry run of the provided playbook.

Understanding Playbook Tasks

• As covered earlier, tasks are essentially the use of Ansible modules within a play.

• Tasks are presented in list form (each list element starts with a hyphen -) beginning with the name

• The name property is simply a plain English statement describing what the task does.

• The module to be used is provided on the next line followed by a colon.

• If applicable, each argument that is provided to the module follows line by line in the format argument:

• Example:

- name: install elinks
name: elinks
state: latest

• Best Practices:

• Name your tasks!

• The provided name is displayed on task execution which provides insights to those running
the plays.
• The name also serves as basic documentation within the playbook.

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Essential Playbook Syntax

Using Variables in Playbooks
• Typical uses of variables:

• Customize configuration values.

• Hold return values of commands.
• Ansible has many default variables for controlling Ansible’s behavior.

• Variable names should be letters, numbers, and underscores.

• Variables should always start with a letter.

• Examples of valid variable names:

• foobar

• foo_bar

• foo5

• Examples of invalid variable names:

• foo-bar

• 1foobar


• Variables can be scoped by group, host, or within a playbook.

• Variables may be used to store a simple text or numeric value.

• Example: month: January

• Variables may also be used to store simple lists.

• Example:

- red
- blue
- yellow

• Additionally, variables may be used to store python style dictionaries.

• A dictionary is a list of key value pairs.

• Example:

Ansible Playbooks Linux Academy

name: sam
age: 4
favorite_color: green

• Variables may be defined in a number of ways:

• Via command line argument.

• Within a variables file.
• Within a playbook.
• Within an inventory file.

• How to defined variables via the command line:

• Use the --extra-vars or -e flag defined within a playbook.

• CLI Example: ansible-playbook service.yml -e "target_hosts=localhost target_service=httpd"

• Defining variables within a playbook:

• Playbook Example:

- hosts: webservers
become: yes
target_service: httpd
target_state: started
- name: Ensure target service is at target state
name: "{{ target_service }}"
state: "{{ target_state }}"

• Note: Variables are referenced using double curly braces.

• It is good practice to wrap variable names or statements containing variable names in double quotes.

• Example: hosts: "{{ my_host_var }}"

• Variables may also be stored in files and included using the vars_file directive.

• Example variable file:

# file: /home/ansible/web_vars.ini
target_service: httpd
target_state: started

• Example Playbook:

Ansible Playbooks Linux Academy

- hosts: webservers
become: yes
- name: Ensure target service is at target state
name: "{{ target_service }}"
state: "{{ target_state }}"

• The register module is used to store task output in a dictionary variable.

• It essentially can save the results of a command.

• Several attributes are available: return code, stderr, and stdout.
• Example:

- hosts: all
- shell: cat /etc/motd
register: motd_contents

- shell: echo "motd contains the word hi"

when: motd_contents.stdout.find('hi') != -1

Working with Templates

• Templates are files with Ansible variables inside that are substituted on play execution.

• Templates use the template module.

• Module parameters
• src — Template file to use.
• dest — Where the resulting file should be on the target host.
• validate — A command that will validate a file before deployment.
• Can also manipulate result file properties (owner, permissions, etc).
• Example:
- hosts: webservers
- name: ensure apache is at the latest version
yum: name=httpd state=latest

- name: write the apache config file

template: src=/https/ dest=/etc/httpd.conf

• Notes regarding template files:

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• They are essentially text files that have variable references.

• They use Jinja2 templating.
• They tend to be identified by using the file extension .j2.
• A typical use case is a skeleton configuration file where variables may be used for simple cus-
tomizations (such as IP addresses or host names).

Using Ansible Facts

• Ansible facts are simply various properties regarding a given remote system.
• The setup module can retrieve facts.

• The filter parameter takes regex to allow you to prune fact output.

• Facts are gathered by default in Ansible playbook execution.

• The keyword gather_facts may be set in playbook to change fact gathering behavior.

• It is possible to print Ansible facts in files using variables.

• Facts may be filtered using the setup module ad-hoc by passing a value for the filter parameter.
• It is possible to use {{ ansible_facts }} for conditional plays based on facts.

Conditional Execution in Playbooks

• Ansible playbooks are capable of making actions conditional.
• The when keyword is used to test a condition within a playbook.

• Jinja2 expressions are used for conditional evaluation.

• Example using facts:
- name: "shut down Debian flavored systems"
command: /sbin/shutdown -t now
when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
# note that Ansible facts and vars like ansible_os_family can be used
# directly in conditionals without double curly braces

• It is also possible to use module output conditionally:

- hosts: web_servers
- shell: /usr/bin/foo
register: foo_result
ignore_errors: True

- shell: /usr/bin/bar
when: foo_result.rc == 5

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Using Loops in Ansible

• The loop keyword may be used to more concisely express a repeated action.

• Example:

- name: add several users

name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
groups: "wheel"
- testuser1
- testuser2

• loop may also operate with a list variable.

• Example:

- name: add several users

name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
groups: "wheel"
loop: "{{ user_list }}"

• It is also possible to combine loops and conditionals:

• Example:

- name: install software on debian systems

name: "{{ item }}"
state: latest
loop: "{{ packages }}"
when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"

Working with Handlers in Ansible

• Ansible provides a mechanism that allows an action to be flagged for execution when a task performs
a change.

• By only executing certain tasks on change, plays are more efficient.

• This mechanism is known as a handler in Ansible.
• A handler may be called using the notify keyword.
• No matter how many times a handler is flagged in a play, it is only ran one time at the final phase
of play execution.

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• notify will only flag a handler if a task block makes changes.

• Example:

- name: template configuration file

src: template.j2
dest: /etc/foo.conf
- restart memcached
- restart apache

• The calls made in the notify section correspond to handler definitions within the play.
• A handler may be defined similarly to tasks:
• Example:

- name: restart memcached
name: memcached
state: restarted
listen: "restart cache service"

- name: restart apache

name: apache
listen: "restart web services"

Advanced Playbook Syntax

Executing Selective Parts of a Playbooks
• Ansible allows for both plays and tasks to be tagged.

• By tagging a play or task, you may run a playbooks in such a way as to only run plays or tasks with a
particular tag.

• Alternatively, you may also skip certain tags during execution.

• Note: Tasks can be tagged the same.

• Example:

- name: install software
name: "{{ item }}"

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state: installed
- httpd
- memcached
- packages

- name: install conf file

src: templates/src.j2
dest: /etc/foo.conf
- configuration

• You specify which tags to run or not run via arguments to the ansible-playbook command.

• Run certain tag CLI syntax: ansible-playbook all playbook.yml --tags "pacakges"

• Skip tag CLI syntax ansible-playbook all playbook.yml --skip-tags "configuration"

Working with Sensitive Data using Ansible Vault

• The ansible-vault command is used to encrypt files and work with those files.

• It can take a number of sub-commands:

• encrypt to protect a file: ansible-vault encrypt <file>

• rekey to change the password of an already encrypted file: ansible-vault rekey <file>

• view to output the contents of an encrypted file: ansible-vault view <file>

• edit to edit an encrypted file:ansible-vault edit <file>

• unencrypt will unencrypt an encrypted file: ansible-vault unencrypt <file>

• encrypt_string will encrypt a string: ansible-vault encrypt_string 'encrypted text goes here'

• An file encrypted with ansible-vault is called a vault in Ansible parlance.

• The primary use case for vaults is for encrypting variable files to protect sensitive information such
as passwords.

• It is also possible to encrypt task files or even arbitrary files such as binaries if desired.

• The ansible-vault password file is simply a file that contains a password. There is no special format-

• The recommended way to provide a vault password from the CLI is to use --vault-id.

• --vault-id may be passed a vault file or a prompt flag (–vault-id@prompt) to collect credentials
to unencrypt a target vault.
• Prior to –vault-id, Ansible could only take a single vault password for a playbook.

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• Multiple Vault IDs may be provided and Ansible will try each sequentially to unencrypt as needed.
• Vault IDs also allow for the application of labels to encrypted strings.
• Example:
• ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-id test@my-vault-file 'some secret text' > file.txt
• The label ‘test’ is applied using the password from the vault file my-vault-file.
• In order for Ansible to use the vault-id during playbook execution you must pass --vault-id
test@my-vault-file with the ansible-playbook command.

• Example:
• Let us say you have a playbook called site.yml that makes use of the vault file.txt.
• In order for Ansible to access the file.txt vault, you must specify the password file for the
vault using the correct vault id.
• Run: ansible-playbook --vault-id test@my-vault-file site.yml
• Using this command, Ansible will try the password from my-vault-file on any string labeled
with ‘test’ before trying any other passwords or vault files.
• You may also specify @prompt instead of label@password_file to have Ansible prompt for the
• Labels are not strictly required.
• You may use only a password file.
• Generally, this is not ideal but may have niche use cases.
• Note: Password files may also be executable (such as a python script).
• Note: when debugging plays, it is possible that sensitive information may be displayed in verbose
• You can set no_log for a module to censor log output to avoid accidentally exposing sensitive
information during play execution.

Error Handling in a Playbook

• A playbook may be ran against specific hosts and groups out of what is designated within the playbook.

• Example: ansible-playbook <playbook> --limit <hostname>

• May alternatively specify a list file using --limit @filename

• May also use after playbook failure.

• When a playbook fails to execute on any host, a file is created containing the names of each
host where the playbook failed.
• This file may be used with the --limit flag to execute only against hosts where the playbook

• Ansible may be configured to continue execution even after an error occurs.

• Example: ignore_errors: yes

• When set for a task, playbooks will not halt on that task failing.

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• Ansible allows failure conditions to be defined.

• Use the failed_when keyword to do this.

• Allows you to specify the failure condition for a given task.
• Example:
- name: Fail task when both files are identical
raw: diff foo/file1 bar/file2
register: diff_cmd
failed_when: diff_cmd.rc == 0 or diff_cmd.rc >= 2

• There is also changed_when.

• This keyword allows overriding what Ansible considers changed.

• Using a Jinja2 expression on output to create the rule.
• Example:

- name: Run foo process

shell: /usr/local/foo
register: foo_result
changed_when: "foo_result.rc != 2"

• The debug module may be used to help troubleshoot plays.

• Use to print detail information about in progress plays.

• Handy for troubleshooting.
• Debug takes two primary parameters that are mutually exclusive:
• msg - A message that is printed to STDOUT
• var - A variable whose content is printed to STDOUT.
• Example:

- debug:
msg: "System {{ inventory_hostname }} has uuid {{ ansible_product_uuid }}"

• Error handling may also be dealt with using block groups in Ansible.

• There are 3 key blocks that may be used to organize tasks:

• block - Group tasks into a ‘block’.
• rescue - A special block that is executed when the preceding block fails.
• always - A special block that is always executed after the preceding block.
• Example:

- name: Attempt and gracefully roll back demo
- debug:
msg: 'I execute normally'

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- command: /bin/false
- debug:
msg: 'I never execute, due to the above task failing'
- debug:
msg: 'I caught an error'
- command: /bin/false
- debug:
msg: 'I also never execute :-('
- debug:
msg: "this always executes"

Asynchronous Tasks within a Playbook

• Some operations may require a significant amount of time to execute.

• By default, all playbook block tasks ran against a single host use a single SSH session.
• Ansible provides the async feature to allow an operation to run asynchronously such that the
status may be checked.
• This can prevent interruption from SSH timeouts for long running operations.
• You may configure a few key values for an asynchronous task:
• A timeout for an operation (default is unlimited).
• A poll value for who often Ansible should check back.
• Note: A poll value of 0 will have Ansible not check back on a task.
• Example:

- name: 'Install docker-io (async)'

name: docker-io
state: installed
async: 1000
poll: 25

Delegating Playbook Execution

• Certain tasks may need to be executed on specific hosts.

• This is referred to as delegation in Ansible.

• By delegating a task, the task will only run on the host or group to which it was delegated.
• In order to delegate, use the delegate_to keyword.
• Example:

Ansible Playbooks Linux Academy

- hosts: webservers
- name: take out of load balancer pool
command: /usr/bin/take_out_of_pool {{ inventory_hostname }}

- name: Update software package

name: acme-web-stack
state: latest

• In the example, the task, ‘take out of load balancer pool’, would be ran specifically on an
no other host in webservers.
• You may also use DNS names over IP addresses if preferred.
• Delegating to localhost may also be expressed in shorthand using local_action: <module_name>
[arg1=val1] ... [argN=valN] for a given task.

• Parallelism in playbooks:

• It is possible to control number of host acted upon at once time by Ansible.

• This may be done using forks, which are parallel Ansible processes that execute playbook tasks.
• The number of forks can be set using -f flag with the ansible or ansilbe-playbook com-
• The default number of forks is 5 but can be set in ansible.cfg.

• The serial keyword may be used to control forks in playbook.

• You may provide as integer count or as percentage.

• You may provide a step up approach (can mix and match count with percentage)
• It is possible to use max_fail_percentage to allow a certain percentage to fail (Ansible will still pass
• Note: serial can only be as parallel as the number of set forks will allow.
• Example:
- hosts: webservers
max_fail_percentage: 10
- 1
- 5
- "30%"
-name: Install apache
yum: name=httpd state=latest

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Using run_once
• There are scenarios where a specific task needs to be ran only a single time in a given playbook and
not on each host.

• This may be achieved using the run_once keyword.

• Example:

- name: db upgrade task

command: /opt/application/
run_once: true

• This may be leveraged with delegate_to for greater control over which host executes the command.

• It should also be noted that when used with serial that run_once will execute for each serial batch.

Overview of Ansible Roles

• Roles provide a way of automatically loading certain var_files, tasks, and handlers based on a known
file structure.

• Roles also make sharing of configuration templates easier.

• Roles require a particular directory structure.

<role 1>
<role 2>

• Role definitions must contain at least one of the noted directories

• tasks - Contains the main list of tasks to be executed by the role.

• handlers - Contains handlers, which may be used by this role or even anywhere outside this role.
• defaults - Default variables for the role (see Variables for more information).
• vars - Other variables for the role (see Variables for more information).
• files - Contains files which can be deployed via this role.

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• templates - Contains templates which can be deployed via this role.

• meta - Defines some meta data for this role. See below for more details.

• Unused directories need not exist.

• With the exception of templates and files, each directory must include a main.yml if that directory is
being used.

• main.yml serves as the entry point for the role.

• Files in the tasks, templates, and files directories may be referenced without path within the role.

• To invoke a role in a playbook, you must use the role keyword.

• Example using two roles in a playbook using various keywords as needed:

- hosts: webservers
- common
- role: foo_app_instance
dir: '/opt/a'
app_port: 5000
- role: foo_app_instance
dir: '/opt/b'
app_port: 5001

• When a role is called in a playbook, Ansible looks for the role definition in ${PWD}/roles/<role_name>

• If ${PWD}/roles does not contain the sought role, then /etc/ansible/roles is checked.
• The default role location may be changed in ansible.cfg.
• The full path to a role may also be specified with the role keyword to use a non-default path.
• Example:
- hosts: webservers
- role: '/path/to/my/roles/common'

• A role with a given set of parameters will only be applied once even if called multiple times in a
• If a role is called with different parameters, it will be ran again.
• A role may have allow_duplicates: true defined in meta/main.yml within the role.
• This will also allow the role to be applied more than once.
• Roles may have dependent roles defined in meta/main.yml using the dependencies keyword.
• Parameters may also be included in the dependency list.
• Dependent roles are applied prior to the role dependent on them.

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• Be careful of role duplication with dependencies.

• Example:
- role: common
some_parameter: 3
- role: apache
apache_port: 80
- role: postgres
dbname: blarg
other_parameter: 12

• Roles and variables

• There are three primary ways (aside from conventional variable use such as inventory) to inter-
act with variables within a role: vars directory, defaults directory, and parameters.
• Each way has a different level of precedence.
• The vars directory defined within the role has the highest level of precedence. (it will override
inventory variables as well)
• The defaults directory has the lowest level of precedents and provides a ‘default’ value.
• Parameters are passed inline to the role and sit between vars and defaults in terms of prece-
• Example of passing a parameter

- role: apache
http_port: 8080

• Variables defined within a role may be accessed across roles.

• You may still pass variables on the command line with the -e flag for use in a role. (These variables
override all others in terms of precedents.)
• Best practice dictates that you properly namespace your variables when working with a role to
avoid conflicts.
• An easy way to do this is to prepend your role name to all variable names within the role. (Exam-
ple: webserver_timeout instead of just timeout)


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