LP - Week 2 Q1

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School: Santa Cruz Institute (Marinduque),Inc Grade Level: Grade 10

Teacher: Ms. Dondee P. Palma Learning Area: English

Date: Quarter First Quarter

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and
other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal
conflicts, also how to use strategies in linking textual information,
repairing, enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and intensive
B. Performance Standard The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety
of persuasive techniques and devices.

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives General Objective:

( Write the LC Code for each) Determine the implicit and explicit signals, verbal, as well as non-verbal,
used by the speaker to highlight significant points.
Specific Objectives:
1. express insights based on ideas presented in the material viewed.
2. provide examples of Implicit, Explicit, Verbal and Nonverbal signals.
3. incorporate the importance of the following signals in our daily lives.
II. Content Implicit, Explicit, Verbal and Nonverbal signals

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Powerpoint presentation, cartolina and handout
IV. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
Preliminaries/Daily Routine 1. Prayer
Class before we start our lesson In the name of the Father, and of
for this day, may I request everyone the son, and the Holy Spirit Amen.
to please stand and put ourselves in
the most holy presence of our Lord.

2. Greetings

Good __________ class! Good __________ Ma’am!

3. Classroom Management

Everybody please check the Students will arrange the chairs,

arrangement of your chairs and pick and pick all the messes on the floor.
unnecessary mess on the floor.

4. Checking of Attendance

Is there any absent for today? Ma’am the absent for today is/are…

5. Checking of Assignment

Class, please pass your assignment.

A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Presenting Review
the New Lesson Last meeting, we have discussed
about the story of Daedalus and
What have you learned from the What I have learned from the story
story? is you do not disobey your parents
because they know what is best for
their children.

Charades words
Direction: The class will be divided  Airplane
into 2 and each group will chose a  Baseball
leader. The leader will act to the  Basketball
other group and they will guess  Fork
what action is made by the leader  Bounce
who ever has many guess wins the  Cat
game.  Piano
 Roll
 Scissors
 Skip
 Giggle
 Golf
 Football
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson Here are the lesson objectives for
today. Kindly read.
1. express insights based on ideas
presented in the material viewed.
2.provide examples of Implicit,
Explicit, Verbal and Nonverbal
3, incorporate the importance of
the following signals in our daily

C. Presenting Examples/instances of lesson Motivation

Listen to the song entitled “Let it
go” from the movie Frozen.

Processing Questions:

1. What is the title of the song? The song is entitled, “Let it Go”
from the Disney movie “Frozen.”

2. Who are the main characters in Elsa and Anna

the Disney movie Frozen?

3. What do you think is the song all The song is all about being free to
about? act in away to be happy with what
your heart desires, and give little
thought to what other people think.

D. Discussing New Concept and Practicing Class, I have a chart which is divided into 2. In each column are phrases
New Skills #1 and those phrases are from the song let it go. I will give you 5 minutes to
read quietly and later I call you to explain each.
Explicit Signal Implicit Signal
1. A kingdom of isolation 1.looks like I’m the Queen
2. Conceal, don’t feel 2. Swirling storm inside
3. Be the good girl 3. Let the storm rage on
4.Let it go 4. I am one with the wind and sky
5. The cold never bothered me 5.My soul is spiraling in frozen
anyway fractals
6. I’m free

Class, what do you think is the In the first column it shows

difference between the two? something that is made clear and
easy to understand. While in the
other column shows that it is
something that is stated but not
clear and hard to understand.
Ok very good. To easily understand, I have here the answer to the
phrases that you read a while ago.

1. a kingdom of Isolation means 1. Look like I’m the Queen means

that she is alone in a place. that she can release her true
powers, she is in control in a
place she chose to stay.
2.Conceal, don’t feel means do 2.Swirling storm inside means
not get affected, do not mind that there are lots of questions,
and care. worries and confusions deep
inside her.
3. Be the good girl means stay 3.Let the storm rage on means
good and kind. let all the bad thing happen, let
all the worse come all at once.
4. Let it go means do not hold 4. I am one with the wind and sky
back, release it. means she has powerful allies
and friends.
5. The cold never bothered me 5. My soul is spiraling in frozen
anyway means she is not afraid fractals means her soul is finally
of the cold because the power in free to move anywhere, feeling
her hands are way colder. carefree.
6. I’m free means nobody gets to
tell what is right or wrong, you
can do whatever you want.

Discussing New Concept and Practicing New Activity 2

Skills #2 What do you call the phrases in The phrase in column 1 is called
column 1? Explicit Signal.

What is the meaning of Explicit Explicit signal means it is stated

Signal? plainly or made clear.

Explicit signal is easy to understand.

How about in the second column? The second column is called Implicit

What is the meaning of Implicit Implicit Signal means it is something

signal? that is not stated clearly or very
hard to understand.

These signals can be called Verbal Verbal signal uses sounds and
and Non Verbal signals. What is language to convey the message.
verbal signal?

Nonverbal Signals? Nonverbal signals uses eye contact,

facial expressions, gestures,
E. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Group Activity
Assessment) Directions: the class will be group into three. Each group will do the
Group 1- 5 Examples of explicit and implicit signals.
Group 2 –10 Examples of Verbal signal.
Group 3 – 10 Examples of Non Verbal Signals.
With this presentation the grouped will be graded according to this
following criteria:

Criteria Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Organization of
ideas 20 pts.
Neatness 5 pts.
20 pts.
5 pts.
F. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts What is the importance of Implicit, Using this signals are also a means
and Skills in Daily Living Explicit, verbal and nonverbal signal of communication meaning it can
in our daily lives? help us to have more interaction to
G. Making Generalizations and Abstraction To generalize our topic for today
about the Lesson. and to see if you really understood
our discussion. Complete the
following statements.
I have learned that ___________
I would like to _______________
I realized that ________________

H. Evaluating Learning Directions: Write I for implicit, E

for Explicit, V for verbal and NV for
nonverbal before the number.
1. There is a morality implicit in his 1. I
writings. 2. E
2. Let me go. 3. V
3.written letters 4. V
4. memos 5. V
5.newspapers 6. V
6. eye contact 7. NV
7. body language 8. NV
8.shaking hands 9. NV
9.posture 10. NV
10. wave goodbye
I. Additional Activities for Application or Assignment:
Remediation In your notebook, answer the
1.What is Republic Act10627?
2. Define Bullying and
3. Give other forms of Bullying.
J. Remarks

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