Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in The 21 Century 12 Quarter II Week 1-3 Code

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COMPETENCY Formulate what can be a viable alternative to HUMSS_MCT12-
undemocratic practices IIa-c-7

Explain the effects of undemocratic practices.
undemocratic_practices.pdf /06152020

KNOW The Ill Effects of Undemocratic Practices

What is an undemocratic practice? Proclamation no. 572 (aka coup

d’état) – an exercise of force in politics
 An undemocratic practice is a (eg. Violent overthrow of an existing
doctrine that is against or in government by a small group)
disagreement with democracy. e.g. Trillanes, who is found guilty of
 Democracy is a political system for Coup d’état.
choosing and replacing the
government in which everybody What use does it have?
should participate.  Not all countries follow a
 This means that undemocratic democratic system. There are
practices include other political many societies a big number of
systems such as monarchy, countries who still use an
aristocracy, anarchy, etc. anarchic system.
 Monarchy = Royalty  Monarchy is also somewhat
 Anarchy = No rules for anyone to common as countries such as
follow. England and Spain have decided
 In North Korea, their freedom is to keep using it.
mostly affectedt4
Dahl’s Seven Undemocratic Elements
These are practices that affect society and
government in a lot of ways some good, 1. Slavery
but mostly harmful. This includes: 2. Voting Rights
 Corruption 3. Electoral College
 Martial law; and 4. Representation in the Senate
 Any other laws that restricts our 5. Election of Senators
freedom 6. Judicial Power
7. Limitations of Congressional
Laws that relates to Undemocratic Power

Proclamation no. 1081 (aka Martial Law)

– makes it such so that the President have
absolute control over the country by
making the military enforce the decisions
on the citizens.
e.g Ferdinand Marcos during his
Presidential years

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REMEMBER The Ill Effects of Undemocratic Practices

 Undemocratic practices may not  That means only you have the
always be the best option for a number power to decide which political
of people, but they work fine in most system works best for you.
places where they are followed.
 Democratic ones are hard and take a Laws that relates to Undemocratic
long period of time in preparation in Principles
voting and choosing. Besides, who  Proclamation no. 1081 (aka
chooses how long a president stays in Martial Law)
the power? The people.  Proclamation no. 572 (aka coup

TRY DIRECTIONS: Read and analyse the given scenario in each item
and shade the corresponding circle of the correct answer.

1. What could be the effect of undemocratic O D. To prevent undemocratic practices,

practices in Covid-19 pandemic? just let the government control you.
O A. Things will never be the same and it
4. In a democracy, which of the following
will just worsen the undemocratic practices.
citizen actions would be considered
O B. Undemocratic practices will going to inappropriate?
affect the overall welfare of the people as O A. Establishing a new political party
proper and objective based decisions with the intention of removing the
should be undertaken especially during this government in power.
pandemic crisis. O B. Organizing a demonstration in front
O C. The Covid-19 pandemic will unfold at of government buildings to protest
a time when democracy is decline. government actions.
O D. It will just worsen the crisis of O C. Writing a letter to the editor to
democracy. expose the dangers of cooperating with
the government.
2. Can we consider practicing undemocratic O D. Preventing a government member
activities in a democratic country a violation from attending a vote on a controversial
to human rights? issue.
O A. Yes, if it is forcibly evicting people
from their homes. 5. What would happen to a democratic
state or nation if the rights of people to
O B. No, because living in a democratic
freedom of speech or expression will be
country nothing really matters. removed?
O C. It depends, it can either violate or not O A. The people will feel less confident in
the human rights, depending on the case or what they say.
situation. O B. The citizen will feel depressed.
O D. Maybe, it depends on the violated O C. Voices of sentiments of the citizens
rights. will not be heard anymore.
O D. The nation will not be considered
3. In what way can undemocratic practices be democratic if it will remove the rights of
prevented? people to freedom of speech or
O A. To prevent undemocratic practices, expression without enough basis and
know your rights as a person because legal processes taken anchored to the
1987 constitution.
knowledge is the ultimate power.
O B. To prevent undemocratic practices,
follow your nation’s rules.
O C. To prevent undemocratic practices,
advocate the principles of democracy or
social equality.

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Key Answers:
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. D

SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF ISABELA CITY Capsulized Self-Learning Enhancement Tool (CapSLET)

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