(Advances in Research and Theory 4) Richard J. Davidson, Gary E. Schwartz, David Shapiro (Eds.) - Consciousness and Self-Regulation-Springer (1986)
(Advances in Research and Theory 4) Richard J. Davidson, Gary E. Schwartz, David Shapiro (Eds.) - Consciousness and Self-Regulation-Springer (1986)
(Advances in Research and Theory 4) Richard J. Davidson, Gary E. Schwartz, David Shapiro (Eds.) - Consciousness and Self-Regulation-Springer (1986)
Richard J. Davidson
Gary E. Schwartz
David Shapiro Editors
Consciousness and
Consciousness and
Advances in Research and Theory
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Consciousness and
Advances in Research and Theory
Edited by
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, Wisconsin
Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut
University of California at Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California
that subjects who had not confided were more likely to have illnesses
compared with those who had. The authors consider the failure to con-
fide as an example of inhibition. They consider inhibition to require
mental work and find that it is itself stressful. The data and theorizing
that is presented in this chapter raises several important and fascinating
questions concerning the role of verbalization about and consciousness
of stressful events in the illness process.
In the next chapter, "Mechanisms of Biofeedback Control: On the
Importance of Verbal (Conscious) Processing," J. Michael Lacroix con-
siders the nature of learning in biofeedback. He first reviews Brenner's
notions of how learning in the biofeedback situation occurs. Brenner
argued that when learning to control autonomic responses, subjects first
learn to discriminate and identify interoceptive afferent processes re-
lated to the target response. Lacroix's review of the empirical evidence
finds little support for this suggestion. Training in biofeedback does not
enhance subjects' ability to discriminate changes in the target physio-
logical response. Performance on tests of response discrimination are
usually uncorrelated with performance on tests of response control.
And, training in biofeedback does not usually lead to greater response
specificity as a function of practice. On the basis of these observations,
Lacroix argues that a verbally mediated feedforward process can account
for most forms of learning within the biofeedback situation. It is only
in those relatively rare situations when the "verbal library" cannot access
information relevant to the appropriate behavioral programs that learn-
ing could be expected to proceed along the lines suggested by Brenner.
The next chapter continues the concern with the nature of learning
associated with physiological self-regulation. Barry R. Dworkin, in his
essay entitled "Learning and Long-term Physiological Regulation", pre-
sents a theory of autonomic self-regulation. The theory assumes the
existence of Type II learning of visceral responses. The theory is novel
with respect to contemporary treatments of biofeedback in that it em-
phasizes the interaction between central events and local autoregulatory
processes. Dworkin squarely places these phenomena within their ap-
propriate biological contexts. The theory also stresses the notion that
the nervous system participates in both short-term dynamic adjustments
and long-term or steady state adjustments.
In the final chapter by Paul M. Lehrer, Robert L. Woolfolk, and
Nina Goldman entitled "Progressive Relaxation Then and Now: Does
Change Always Mean Progress?" the concepts of self-regulation are ex-
tended to the clinical domain in a discussion of the efficacy and mech-
anisms of different relaxation techniques. These authors present a re-
view of recent literature on progressive relaxation, a relaxation technique
first developed by Edmund Jacobson in the 1930s. Various procedural
I. Theory 3
A. Contention Scheduling 5
B. Determination of Activation Values 6
C. The Supervisory Attentional System 6
II. Evidence 8
A. Evidence for a Distinct Supervisory Attentional System:
Neuropsychological Findings 8
B. Attentional Processes Only Modulate Schema Selection
C. Attentional Resources Are Primarily Relevant for Action
Selection 13
D. Competition between Tasks 13
E. Will and Deliberate Conscious Control 14
References 16
I. Introduction 55
A. Consciousness as Cognition and Emotion (Brain and
Body) 56
II. Cardiovascular and Baroreceptor Physiology 57
III. Cardiovascular Relations to Behavior 63
A. Control of Body, Control of Consciousness 63
B. Effects on Consciousness of Transient Changes in the
Cardiovascular System 67
IV. Influence of Cardiovascular System on the Brain 69
A. The EEG 69
B. Auditory Event-related Potentials 74
C. Evoked Vascular Responses (EVRs) 77
V. Conclusions 80
References 81
I. Introduction 87
II. Evidence for Endogenous Mechanisms of Pain Control
III. Activation of Endogenous Analgesia Systems: Stress-
induced Analgesia 89
I. Introduction 107
II. Personal Traumas and Health 109
A. Initial Survey 110
B. Psychology Today Sample 112
C. Medical Psychology Class Survey 115
III. The Failure to Confide: The Role of Inhibition 118
A. The Nature of Inhibition 119
B. Inhibition and Physiological Activity 120
C. , Long-Term Inhibition: Personality Considerations
D. Failure to Confide as Inhibition 128
IV. Summary and Final Considerations 129
A. Inhibition and Psychotherapy 130
B. Cognitive Organization and Self-disclosure 130
C. Links to Other Theories 131
D. Summary 133
References 133
I. Introduction 137
II. A Promise Unfulfilled 138
References 181
I. Introduction 183
II. Pedagogy versus Technology 187
A. Number of Sessions 188
B. One Muscle at a Time versus All at Once 188
c. Live versus Taped Relaxation 189
D. Conditioned Relaxation 190
E. The "Pendulum Effect" 191
F. The Use of Biofeedback 194
III. Differing Views on Cognitive and Somatic Factors in
Emotion and in Treatment 195
IV. Suggestion 202
v. Conclusion 209
References 210
1 A Model of Consciousness
E. Roy John
Volume 2
Volume 3
Much effort has been made to understand the role of attention in per-
ception; much less effort has been placed on the role attention plays in
the control of action. Our goal in this chapter is to account for the role
of attention in action, both when performance is automatic and when
it is under deliberate conscious control. We propose a theoretical frame-
work structured around the notion of a set of active schemas, organized
according to the particular action sequences of which they are a part,
awaiting the appropriate set of conditions so that they can become se-
lected to control action. The analysis is therefore centered around ac-
tions, primarily external actions, but the same principles apply to in-
ternal actions-actions that involve only the cognitive processing
mechanisms. One major emphasis in the study of attentional processes
is the distinction between controlled and automatic processing of percep-
tual inputs (e.g., Shiffrin & Schneider, 1977). Our work here can be seen
as complementary to the distinction between controlled and automatic
processes: we examine action rather than perception; we emphasize the
situations in which deliberate, conscious control of activity is desired
rather than those that are automatic.
In this chapter we will be particularly concerned with the different
ways in which an action is experienced. To start, examine the term
automatic: it has at least four different meanings. First, it refers to the
way that certain tasks can be executed without awareness of their per-
formance (as in walking along a short stretch of flat, safe ground). Sec-
DoNALD A. NoRMAN e Institute for Cognitive Science, University of California, San Diego,
La Jolla, California 92093. TIM SHALLICE e Medical Research Council, Applied Psychology
Unit, 15 Chaucer Road, Cambridge, CB2 2EF England. Research support to D. A. Norman
was provided by the Personnel and Training Research Programs, Office of Naval Research
under contract N00014-79-C-0323. The collaboration was made possible by a grant from
the Sloan Foundation to the Program in Cognitive Science at UCSD. Support was also
provided by grant MH-15828 from the National Institute of Mental Health to the Center
for Human Information Processing.
Our goal is to account for several phenomena in the control of ac-
tion, including the several varieties of action performance that can be
classified as automatic, the factthat action sequences that normally are
performed automatically can be carried out under deliberate conscious
control when desired, and the way that such deliberate control can be
used both to suppress unwanted actions and to enhance wanted ones.
In addition, we take note both of the fact that accurate, precise timing
is often required for skilled performance and the fact that it is commonly
believed that conscious attention to this aspect of performance can dis-
ru,pt the action. Finally, in normal life numerous activities often overlap
one another, so that preventing conflicts between incompatible actions
is required.
These phenomena pose strong constraints upon a theory of action.
The theory must account for the ability of some action sequences to run
themselves off automatically, without conscious control or attentional
resources, yet to be modulated by deliberate conscious control when
necessary. Accordingly, we suggest that two complementary processes
operate in the selection and control of action. One is sufficient for rela-
tively simple or well learned acts. The other allows for conscious, at-
tentional control to modulate the performance. The basic mechanism,
contention scheduling, which acts through activation and inhibition of sup-
porting and conflicting schemas, is proposed as the mechanism for
avoiding conflicts in.performance. Precise timing is handled by means
of "triggers" that allow suitably activated schemas to be initiated at the
precise time required. The mechanisms for contention scheduling and
triggers follow those developed by McClelland and Rumelhart (1981)
and Rumelhart and Norman (1982).
Start by considering a simple, self-contained, well-learned action
sequence, perhaps the act of typing a word upon the receipt of a signal.
This action sequence can be represented by a set of schemas, which
when triggered by the arrival of the appropriate perceptual event result
in the selection of the proper body, arm, hand, and finger movements.
Whenever the action sequence is effected, its representation by means
i C~omponent Schemas j Ext•rnal &
• 1 Internal
: I Actions
l' __________________ ---:'
primarily in the selection process and when the selected schema must
compete either for shared resources or in providing component schemas
with initial activation values.
The scheduling is, therefore, quite simple and direct. No direct at-
tentional control of selection is required (or allowed). Deliberate atten-
tion exerts itself indirectly through its effect on activation values. All the
action, therefore, takes place in the determination of the activation val-
ues of the schemas.
A. Contention Scheduling
To permit simultaneous action of cooperative acts and prevent si-
multaneous action of conflicting ones is a difficult job, for often the
details of how the particular actions are performed determine whether
they conflict with one another. We propose that the scheduling of actions
takes place through what we call contention scheduling, which resolves
competition for selection, preventing competitive use of common or re-
lated structures, and negotiating cooperative, shared use of common
structures or operations when that is possible. There are two basic prin-
ciples of the contention scheduling mechanism: first, the sets of potential
source schemas compete with one another in the determination of their
activation value; second, the selection takes place on the basis of acti-
vation value alone-a schema is selected whenever its activation exceeds
the threshold that can be specific to the schema and could become lower
with use of the schema.
The competition is effected through lateral activation and inhibition
among activated schemas. What degree of lateral inhibition exists be-
tween schemas on the model remains an open issue. Schemas which
require the use of any cqmmon processing structures will clearly need
to inhibit each other. Yet the degree of inhibition cannot be determined
simply a priori. Thus, some aspects of the standard refractory period
phenomena can be plausibly attributed to such inhibition between sche-
mas; explanations based upon conflicts in response selection fit the data
well (Kahneman, 1973). Unfortunately, it is not always clear how to
determine when two tasks use common processing structures. The ex-
perimental literature on refractory periods reveals interference between
tasks involving the two hands. This suggests that responses involving
the two hands may use common processing structures. However, one
cannot assume that the two hands inevitably involve a common pro-
cessing structure, as refractory period effects can disappear if highly
compatible tasks are used (Greenwald & Shulman, 1973). On the model,
as tasks become better learned, the schemas controlling them could be-
PS YCHOlOO.CAl External
PROCESSING & lnltrnal
FIGURE2 . The overall system: Vertical and horizontal threads . When attention to particular
tasks is required, vertical thread activation comes into play . Attention operates upon sche-
mas only through manipulation of activation values, increasing the values for desired
schemas, decreasing (inhibiting) the values for undesired ones . Motivational variables are
assumed to play a similar role in the control of activation, but working over longer time
periods. To emphasize that several tasks are usually active, with the individual components
of each task either being simultaneous or overlapping in time, this figure shows five dif-
ferent horizontal threads. Some means of selecting the individual schemas at appropriate
times while providing some form of conflict resolution becomes necessary. The interactions
among the various horizontal threads needed for this purpose are indicated by the lines
that interconnect schemas from different threads .
overall system is shown in Figure 2. Note that the operation of the SAS
provides only an indirect means of control of action . Attention, which
we will associate with outputs from SAS, controls only activation and
inhibition values, not selection itself. Moreover, it is control overlaid on
the horizontal thread organization. When attentional activation of a
schema ceases, the activational value will decay back to the value that
other types of activating input would produce.
In addition, we assume that motivational factors supplement the
activational influences of the SAS. We take motivation to be a relatively
slow-acting system, working primarily to bias the operation of the hor-
izontal thread structures toward the long-term goals of the organism by
activating source schemas (and through their selection component
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Rather than discuss the details of the various motor theories pro-
posed by particular psychologists, I will separate these theories into
broad categories and then discuss issues common to the theories within
each category.
The motor theory of attention does not assert that motor activity is
necessary for the creating of mental experience but that motor activity
plays a critical role in emphasizing one aspect of perception or thought
over another. Among the earliest expressions of this theory was the
view of Bain (1888) that "in selecting a quality out of a complex effect;
in maintaining the attention upon one of several images that rise to the
view; in a word, in all voluntary control of the thinking trains,-there
is a muscular intervention" (p. 373). A distinction is invariably made
between spontaneous attention and voluntary attention; the former is
drawn automatically by its object with no concomitant sense of effort,
whereas the latter is more abstractly motivated and requires the constant
brow and glottis to feelings of approval and disapproval but added: "in
effort of any sort, contractions of the jaw muscles and of those of res-
piration are added to those of the brow and glottis" (p. 301, original
emphasis). Ribot (1889), in describing the muscular reactions accom-
panying intense reflections, concluded that, in addition to more specific
reactions, "in all persons and in every case there are modifications in
the respiratory rhythm" (p. 27).
The theory I describe in the following section-the MTVT-com-
bines elements from both the motor theory of thinking and the motor
theory of attention. Many of the hypotheses I propose occurred to me
independently of the works of the early psychologists cited above. How-
ever, the elegant writings of these pioneer investigators are helpful in
providing rich examples of many of the phenomena to which I refer.
1. Inner Speech
2. Visual Imagery
very likely involves the extraocular muscles, which control the move-
ments of the eye, and the musculature which surrounds the eye, in-
cluding the muscles which draw down the brow to aid in squinting.
Eye movements seem to play an important role in supplying motion
to visual images. Antrobus, Antrobus, and Singer (1964) found that sub-
jects exhibited significantly more eye movements when forming visual
images involving motion (e.g., a tennis match) than when forming static
images (e.g., an orange on a table). Several experiments have confirmed
that most subjects produce noticeable, rhythmic horizontal eye move-
ments when visually imagining a moving pendulum (Brown, 1968;
Deckert, 1964; Lenox, Lange, & Graham, 1970). Those subjects not pro-
ducing measurable eye movements may yet have been producing the
same central oculomotor activity, but at a level insufficient to move the
It should be noted at this point that the lack of useful proprioception
from the extraocular muscles, which has been convincingly demon-
strated (e.g., Matin, Pearce, Matin, & Kibler, 1966), does not weaken
this part of the MTVT. Central feedback from motor activity plays an
important role in visual perception and may play an important role in
visual imagery as well. To those who are skeptical of the involvement
of eye movements or oculomotor commands in the motion of visual
images, the following demonstration is recommended:
Imagine that you are standing on the roof of a tall building and
looking across the street at a building that is even twice as tall. On
the roof of the opposite building, just near the edge, is a colorful
beach ball (you must look upward to see it). At this point in the
demonstration, the reader must actually move his eyes upwards as
high as it is physically possible, without inducing pain (obviously,
the reader will have to read the demonstration through once before
actually trying it, unless it is being read to him). Then, while main-
taining your eyes in this upward position as firmly as possible,
imagine that a slight breeze has caused the beach ball to fall off the
edge of the opposing roof. Without allowing your eyes to move
down even slightly from their extreme upward position, imagine
the beach ball falling slowly downward. You must actually "see"
the beach ball as a visual image, as vividly as you can. The beach
ball begins its descent above you, but it is soon level with your
position, as it continues to fall. Remembering not to allow your eyes
to lower even slightly, continue to "see" the beach ball fall down-
wards until it bounces on the street below you.
When this demonstration was read to a group of more than 30
experimental psychologists and graduate students, the majority felt a
strong tendency to move their eyes along with the visual image and felt
that the image was marred if they did not succumb to this tendency.
Many felt they simply could not "see" the beach ball fall without moving
their eyes. I devised this demonstration as a visual analog of a dem-
onstration described by James (189011950) and attributed to Stricker. In
the Stricker demonstration the subject must imagine hearing a word
such as bubble, while keeping his mouth partly open. Some people find
their auditory images disturbed, at least initially, because of the incom-
patibility between the feedback from a partially opened mouth and the
feedback that would occur in pronouncing the word.
If eye movements can be effective in "moving" a visual image, they
can, perhaps, play a role in suppressing unwanted visual images by
"moving" them to the periphery, or even past the boundaries of the
mental visual field. Consistent with this hypothesis is the finding by
Singer and Antrobus (1965) that eye movements were significantly
greater when a subject was trying to suppress rather than maintain an
image, whether the subject's eyes were open or covered with a trans-
lucent surface.
To increase the vividness of visual images, some individuals may
activate the motor pattern that produces squinting, as this is the motor
activity most closely associated with trying to enhance visual perception.
In my own research, I have obtained some evidence which suggests that
subjects who generate greater corrugator (brow) tension relative to lip
or arm tension experience more vivid visual imagery than subjects
whose brow tension is less prominent. After performing two different
cognitive tasks, all subjects rated the vividness of their visual imagery
and inner speech for each task. Only 7 out of the 22 subjects gave higher
ratings generally for their use of visual, as compared to speech, imagery.
These subjects were considered a separate "group" in an ANOVA which
included muscle area as a within-subject factor. The interaction between
imagery group and muscle area was on the borderline of significance,
F(1.63, 32.53) = 3.37, p < .06 (the degrees of freedom were adjusted
according to the method of Geisser and Greenhouse [1958] to account
for the lack of homogeneity of covariance). As can be seen in Figure 1,
the two groups do not differ in total muscle tension during cognitive
performance, but rather in the way that the tension is distributed.
So far I have described how motor activity may modify a visual
image that already exists in awareness. However, there are times when
one voluntarily produces visual images in order, for example, to recall
a previous vacation or to imagine a future one. If, according to the
MTVT, visual images do not directly correspond to patterns of motor
activity, it must be explained how they can be voluntarily evoked. The
explanation is that they are evoked only indirectly by association, but
~ 48
t; 40
~ 32
a.> 24
FIGURE 1. Mean EMG amplitude in left and right areas of the brow, lips, and forearms
during cognitive performance for two subgroups of subjects differing in reported imagery
use (see text).
that some of these associations are under direct, voluntary control. The
strong association between words and visual images should be apparent
to anyone who has read a novel, especially one in which visual aspects
of the setting played an important role. If one closes one's eyes and
thinks the word elephant, it is difficult not to get some visual impression
of a bulky animal with a trunk, etc. To voluntarily produce a visual
image, then, one need only name the object in question or describe it
with inner speech (in fact, there are extreme visualizers who cannot
think any word, even an abstract one, without immediately experiencing
some kind of image), which in turn requires the activation of speech
motor patterns. Some individuals must close their eyes to experience a
clear image, whereas others tend also to squint. Still others claim that
they never experience clear visual images. The MTVT does not attempt
to explain these differences in visual imagery ability; the theory simply
asserts that all visual images are evoked by association (not necessarily
to inner speech; perhaps kinesthetic images or sensations can evoke
visual images, for instance), more easily for some than for others.
It should be noted that the MTVT does not propose that eye move-
ments are necessary to form vivid, static images or nonelongated images.
In fact, it may be helpful to suppress large eye movements in order to
minimize disruptive movement of the image. This principle may explain
the results of Ehrlichman and Barrett (1983) who recorded fewer eye
movements when subjects solved spatial problems (presumably using
some visual imagery) than when they solved verbal problems, whether
in a dark or lighted environment. These investigators were somewhat
puzzled by their results because they expected imagery disruption to
be a factor only in a lighted environment due to movements of the
external visual field; they did not consider movements of the images per
se. It should be mentioned that Stay (1930), who used very different
spatial problems, obtained the opposite results. Whether imagery move-
ment helps or hinders the solving of a spatial problem may depend on
the details of the particular problem.
An experiment by Marks (1973) suggests yet another role for eye
movements during visual imagery: scanning for detail. In Marks' study,
two groups of subjects were selected on the basis of the subjective ratings
they had given to the vividness and clarity of visual images called for
by a questionnaire. Eye movement rates were measured for both the
"vivid" and "poor" visualizers while they viewed complex visual stimuli
and while they attempted to answer questions concerning the visual
details of what they had seen several seconds before. Marks found that
the vivid visualizers not only recalled more visual details but also ex-
hibited fewer eye movements during recall than did the poor visualizers.
This result might be difficult to explain for a theory that requires eye
movements for all visual imagery, but it is consistent with the MTVT.
The vivid visualizer is such because visual images appear to him more
quickly and completely when he thinks about the image. The poor vis-
ualizer, in an attempt to answer questions about details he could not
easily visualize, may have needed to scan repeatedly his vague and
incomplete image. The vivid visualizer, on the other hand, had all the
details he needed at once before his mind's eye.
Cuthbert and Lang (1984) obtained a result seemingly inconsistent
with the findings of Marks. They found that subjects whose imagery was
below average on vividness as reported on a questionnaire were less
likely than the remaining subjects to exhibit eye movements during recall
of a moving visual display. However, both results are consistent with
a theory which posits specific functions for eye movements during visual
imagery but does not contend that eye movements are necessary to
create a vivid visual image. Subjects with a vivid image in the Cuthbert
and Lang study could be expected to use eye movements to set the image
in motion (the MTVT posits that even the best visualizer cannot vol-
untarily visualize objects in motion without producing eye movements),
whereas subjects with a poor image would not be able to produce a
noticeable effect on their image with eye movements. Quite likely it is
hard to notice a clear pattern of motion when one's image is hazy and
3. Other Modalities
•·... \; ./
·.........·. :···~ . .
·······~ ..... ..··.. ~
··.. ~
... ·····:.y
---o~----~or-----~or-----~o------,o------o.-----~oT------o~----~ [
~ ~ N 0 00 ~ ~ N
·c:E 120
:J : ··.
~ : ·....··
:0 100
,;········· ...:...
I •
::;;: 80
l!l ...t
"'0> 60 ....r·../ :'i t
l!l :~_,.
.<J-~ ~-/~ J,
40 . ~
' . .
~ ~-
20 .,,
····/···· \............ ·...·.• ..··... ... .·
.· ...·,_..--·.:..··
PR - please rest
left arm
A - add a symbol lor letter! '***** right arm
E - exch&nge letters
left brow
A rotate the board ==-=== right brow
AT please retain = left lip
- - - - right lip
FIGURE 2. Integrated EMG from left and right areas of the brow, lips, and forearms for one subject during four trials of a mental rotation task
followed, after a brief rest break, by four trials of a letter transformation task.
A. Voluntary Attention
Mental effort accompanies not only the focusing of attention upon
purely mental experiences such as images or thoughts; a sense of mental
effort can also be experienced in attending to one of several competing
external stimuli. The classic example is the "cocktail party phenome-
non", in which the listener is bombarded with several simultaneous
conversations and must attend to one of them, at least long enough to
understand its meaning. Moreover, the conversation selected need not
be the loudest. An explanation consistent with the MTVT is that the
listener would "shadow" the selected conversation (i.e., repeat it cov-
ertly) to keep his attention oriented toward it. However, covert motor
activity may aid in selective attention by an additional mechanism in
this case, and this additional mechanism may account, in part, for the
sense of effort and volition involved in selectively attending to one of
many external stimuli. This additional mechanism consists of producing
a pattern of covert motor activity to represent symbolically one of the
competing inputs. For example, if one conversation originates from the
listener's left and the other from his right, to select the leftmost con-
versation the listener may produce a bodily posture subtly oriented to-
ward the left. This posture may be expressed solely in tensional ad-
justments without producing any actual body movements. In the case
of several conversations originating from diverse locations, the tensional
adjustments would likely be less specific and less help£ttl, but none-
theless could aid in the listener's spatial orientation. This mechanism
could be applied analogously for other perceptual modalities. The MTVT
asserts that the experience of effort that sometimes arises during external
attention is due entirely to motor activation, whether in the form of
postural adjustments, sensory organ adjustments, or inner speech. Sym-
bolic postural adjustments may also play a role in directing attention to
one thought or image as opposed to another, but in the case of internal
attention, spatial orientation is less likely to be a useful factor, and inner
speech probably assumes the major burden in determining direction.
B. Spontaneous Attention
James (1980/1950) described two forms of "sensorial.attention": one
that is "active and voluntary" (as described in the previous section) and
one that is "passive, reflex, non-voluntary, effortless" (p. 416). The latter
form of attention, which I prefer to call spontaneous, may be immediate,
drawn to stimuli by virtue of their force or intrinsic interest, or derived,
that is, drawn to stimuli by virtue of their association with objects of
immediate attention. In psychophysiological research, the type of at-
tention described by James as "passive immediate sensorial" has been
evoked experimentally by visual stimuli depicting, for instance, attrac-
tive nudes or repulsive accident scenes; passive derived sensorial at-
tention has been evoked by presenting warning signals for trials in-
volving aversive events, or fast reaction. Both types of passive sensorial
attention have been associated with significant decreases in heart rate,
usually associated with lowered arousal; other arousal indicators si-
multaneously changed in the direction of heightened arousal (e.g.,
Libby, Lacey, & Lacey, 1973; Obrist, Webb, & Sutterer, 1969). This par-
adoxical divergence of arousal indicators has been called directional frac-
tionation (Lacey, 1967).
On the basis of a series of experiments which demonstrated that
heart rate reductions to warning stimuli were accompanied by reduc-
tions in various aspects of somatic activity (e.g., chin tension, respira-
tion, eyeblinks), Obrist, Webb, Sutterer, and Howard (1970) proposed
that both the cardiac and somatic activity reductions are due to a global
inhibition of bodily activity in order to reduce neural noise which might
A. Ordinary States
In Volume Two of this series, Pope and Singer (1978) presented a
paper entitled "Regulation of the Stream of Consciousness" in which
they described the major factors that determine the contents of one's
B. Natural Relaxation
An obvious prediction from the MTVT is that states of global motor
quiescence should be accompanied by free-flowing, nonvolitional men-
tation. This prediction does not apply to states in which muscular re-
laxation is induced pharmacologically, as with curare, because there
would still be the possibility of considerable central motor activity. Nor
does it apply to the case of spontaneous external attention during which
the decrease in motor activation appears to be the result of an active
inhibition coupled with high cortical arousal. It is when reduced motor
activation occurs due to fatigue, and the environment does not draw
attention, that attention is likely to turn inward. However, this state
differs from spontaneous internal attention because cortical arousal is
likely to be lower than normal. It is more a state of reduced attention.
During such drowsy states, the MTVT predicts that images would flow
more according to principles of free association than logical requirements
because of the reduction in motor control. Even when the individual is
not drowsy, a natural reduction in motor activity should allow ideas to
flow more freely by association. This principle can account for the find-
ing of psychoanalysts that lying on the couch tends to encourage free
Antrobus et al. (1964) interrupted subjects during periods of natu-
rally occurring ocular motility or relative quiescence. The subjects rated
their mental content as it was just preceding the interruption. Ocular
quiescence tended to be associated with more reports of daydreamlike
mentation than did ocular motility. If ocular quiescence is indicative of
reduced motor activation, this finding fits well with the predictions of
the MTVT. Singer (1975) reported the results of personal, introspective
experiments involving interruptions of his own stream of thought: "The
impression I gained ... was that under relaxed, slightly drowsy con-
ditions, one's brain is not geared to producing an orderly sequence of
thought. Personalized visual imagery intruded upon me quite regularly"
(p. 44). From the viewpoint of the MTVT, spontaneous bursts of visual
imagery during relaxed states are quite understandable. As Singer notes,
such imagery is likely to involve a memory sequence which flows ac-
cording to well-worn associations. Much less likely in such a state would
be to "hear" an auditory image of one's own voice composing a complex
States of profound relaxation, such as occur just prior to the onset
of sleep, are often accompanied by increasingly bizarre combinations of
thoughts and images. If, as the MTVT implies, motor activity is required
for organizing images and thought into analytical and logical progres-
sions, then it is not surprising to find images evoking other images
according to primitive principles of association when the motor system
is inactive. It is, perhaps, no coincidence that the state of normal con-
sciousness most closely associated with bizarre, illogical mentation is
dered, but one is not to use mental effort to maintain the mantra in
awareness. The effect of "trying" to think of the mantra without ex-
pending effort is that one becomes increasingly aware of the effort ex-
erted in producing any thought. According to the MTVT, the effort in-
volved in producing a thought is nothing more than the effort exerted
to create the motor activity that evokes the thought. By becoming in-
creasingly aware of producing very subtle motor activity, the individual
may gain the ability to relax such motor activity, including the motor
activity responsible for habitual thinking. Thus, it may be possible
through both passive mantra meditation and progressive relaxation to
become aware of and relax away the spontaneous covert motor activity
underlying habitual thought.
The alleged benefits of progressive relaxation Gacobson, 1964) and
transcendental meditation (Bloomfield et al. 1975) with respect to re-
duced anxiety and increased energy and efficiency may be due in large
part to the reduction of habitual thinking that may be produced by both
techniques. Habitual thinking may be harmful not only as a consistent
waste of energy but as a mediator of stress reactions.
A. Summary
The central assertion of the MTVT is that the experience of acting
voluntarily arises solely from activity in the motor system, whether the
voluntary act is physical or purely mental. However, not all activity in
the motor system produces an experience of volition; only activity that
requires deliberate conscious control produces this experience. Because
the ordinary perception of one's environment does not appear to require
any volitional act or to give rise to any sense of effort, the MTVT, unlike
the motor theory of consciousness, does not posit the necessity of motor
activity for the emergence of conscious perceptions. Similarly, some
mental images seem to arise spontaneously by association with a per-
ception or another image. The MTVT does not posit that these mental
experiences require motor activity either, although the possibility is
raised that images which seem to arise spontaneously may actually be
associated with habitual or automatic motor activity.
The MTVT does assert that all images and thought produced or
guided in a voluntary manner are associated with motor activity. De-
liberately imagined kinesthetic imagery is evoked by covert motor ac-
tivity directly corresponding to the imagined activity. Similarly, all de-
liberate inner speech is based on the appropriate covert activity in the
In its present form, the MTVT would not be easy to prove or dis-
prove experimentally. Because the MTVT posits that only central motor
ticular mental event. It seems safe to state that, at present, the necessity
of motor activity has not been proven with respect to any class of mental
events. Moreover, for the reasons discussed above, it does not seem
likely that the necessity of motor activity will be proven in the near
future. However, although proving the necessity of motor activity for
certain mental experiences would be of enormous theoretical interest,
failing to prove necessity does not render worthless the vast wealth of
data demonstrating the association between motor manifestations and
various mental contents.
There are at least two important reasons for studying the motor
correlates of mental states even if those motor correlates are totally un-
necessary. First, if patterns of motor activity are correlated in a highly
specific and reliable way with certain aspects of mental experience, the
motor patterns may serve as useful indicators of the type of mental
content. These motor patterns, which can be measured through the use
of several simultaneous EMG recordings, can provide clues concerning
a subject's cognitive strategy at times when verbal report may be in-
convenient, distracting, unreliable, or simply unavailable (e.g., aphasic
patients). Second, the motor activity accompanying mental effort,
whether helpful or not, can have psychological and physiological con-
sequences that are of practical importance. In extreme cases, the muscle
tension generated during mental concentration may produce a debili-
tating degree of discomfort.
In regard to the use of EMG patterns as indicators of cognitive strat-
egy, the recent work of Cacioppo and Petty (1981) should be noted.
These researchers monitored lip EMG during several cognitive tasks
which differed in their expected demand on the use of inner speech.
The relative amounts of lip tension generated by the different tasks
conformed well with theoretical predictions. The EMG was also recorded
from the left forearm to rule out the possibility that changes in general
arousal, rather than inner speech, could account for the task differences
in lip tension. Forearm EMG did not differ significantly between con-
ditions, confirming the specificity of the observed changes in lip tension.
The Cacioppo and Petty experiment represents an excellent example of
the way measurements of covert motor activity can be measured and
used as a tool to explore cognitive processes. However, one improve-
ment should be mentioned. By using forearm EMG as a comparison to
control for the effects of general arousal, Cacioppo and Petty implicitly
assumed that the forearm would be as responsive-or at least nearly
so-as the lips to changes in general arousal. This need not be so. It is
quite possible, as has been argued before (Cohen, 1983), that some mus-
cles, such as the orbicularis oris (which manipulates the lips), or the
corrugator (which pulls down the brow), are far more responsive than
other muscles to changes in general arousal. The use of additional si-
multaneous EMG recordings to measure more comprehensiv ely the ten-
sion patterns that accompany the performance of cognitive tasks would
expand the usefulness and render more conclusive the results obtained
by Cacioppo and Petty.
The design of the Cacioppo and Petty experiment was based on the
great volume of research (a large portion of which was conducted by
McGuigan and his associates) which has established the reliable and
specific relation between the use of inner speech and the covert acti-
vation of the speech musculature. Further research involving the motor
correlates of other types of mental activity is needed to expand the use-
fulness of covert motor activity as an indicator of cognitive strategy. For
example, the motor correlates of visual imagery should be studied more
thoroughly, using EMG recordings from several facial areas, particularly
around the eyes, in addition to the EOG for measuring eye movements.
The visual imagery tasks used in these experiments should be designed
so as to control more carefully various aspects of the images subjects
are expected to form, such as the size of the image and the direction of
any required motion or scanning. Research involving imagery in other
modalities, though less useful in the exploration of higher cognitive
processes, would be of considerable theoretical importance, as the re-
sults could refine and clarify our conception of the MTVT.
Much research effort has recently been directed towards the clas-
sification of facial expressions associated with distinct emotions, and the
use of facial EMG as an indicator of specific affect (Fridlund and Izard,
1983). The bulk of this research has focused on affective states that are
typically regarded as highly emotional; little attention has been paid to
the affective state known as "interest." However, because interest often
accompanies and blends with various emotions, and because for many
individuals interest may be present by itself more frequently than any
other affective state, it would seem worthwhile to explore the motor
correlates of mental states involving relatively pure interest. It should
be noted, however, that these motor correlates may vary according to
the general direction in which the interest is deployed. For instance,
interest stimulated by the environment may be associated with a some-
what different facial expression (and other motor manifestations) from
interest in one's own mental imagery. Moreover, interest involving au-
dition may differ motorically from interest in the visual field. During
the early phases of research into the motor correlates of interest, in-
vestigators should be careful to note the exact conditions by which the
muscular tension headaches, tension levels may reach high enough lev-
els to produce distraction and diminish mental concentration. The pos-
sibility ought to be explored that individuals could be trained to increase
their span for concentration by learning to relax certain muscles during
mental performance. This was the hope of Jacobson (1938) in devising
the concept of differential relaxation.
Finally, the possibility of reducing or eliminating extraneous and
even debilitating thoughts through refined techniques of relaxation is
too intriguing to be ignored. The potential benefits of such relaxation
for mental health are enormous. Although numerous studies have been
conducted using EMG biofeedback and abbreviated forms of progressive
relaxation, such studies have not focussed on the relation between covert
motor activity and the intensity of concurrent mental activity. Perhaps
mental devices for relaxation can be validated and refined through the
use of multichannel EMG measurement. Such experimentation could
be capable of combining the benefits of ancient wisdom concerning med-
itation practices with modern technology in order to approach the high-
est goal of self-control: control of consciousness itself.
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Cardiac Afferent
Influences on Consciousness
CURT A. SANDMAN e Fairview Developmental Center, Costa Mesa, California 92626; De-
partment of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of California Irvine Medical Cen-
ter, Orange, California, 92668.
ence on the central nervous system. Further, cells firing with a cardiac
rhythm have been recorded in the bulbar areas (Humphrey, 1967; Smith
& Pearce, 1961), and coagulation in this region prolonged the effects of
a stimulus. J. I. Lacey (1967) has suggested that the functions of this
area, rich with cardiovascular representation, may be to "control the
duration of an episode of stimulus produced in the brain" (p. 27).
The complexities and problems associated with this explanation
have not gone unrecognized (Lacey & Lacey, 1970). One problem arises
as a result of the fact that the carotid sinus is not purely passive. It has
its own properties, and Peterson (1962) has shown that the stiffness of
the carotid sinus wall, one determinant of baroreceptor sensitivity, is
affected by acetylcholine and norepinephrine. It seems clear that other
nervous system activity may alter the stiffness of the wall and the sen-
sitivity of the baroreceptors. Thus, the inhibition thought to be deter-
mined solely by baroreceptor activity may be determined in part by other
activity of the nervous system affecting the wall of the carotid sinus.
It is not surprising, therefore, that inhibitory effects do not occur
every time blood pressure increases. It is clear that other processes mod-
ify the cardiovascular-central nervous system relationship. Exercise,
for example, will not necessarily lead to inhibitory effects on the organ-
ism. The inhibition is subject to modification by higher levels of the
central nervous system, not only from the level of the wall of the carotid
sinus itself to the area of the brain it ultimately reaches, but also from
the area of the brain back to the effector processes where inhibition is
Another limitation is the fact that there are many baroreceptors
throughout the body in addition to those in the aortic arch and carotid
sinus. It would be naive to assert that only those in the aortic arch and
carotid sinus bear any relationship to the central nervous system and
behavior. Undoubtedly, there are complex interactions at many levels
of the nervous system, among various baroreceptor systems that are
scattered throughout the body. For instance, recently Thompson and
his colleagues (1979, 1980, 1983) have mapped rapidly responding ve-
nous afferents from femoral and brachial veins to the motor-sensory
cortex of cats. Venous afferents were stimulated with 200 msec current
pulses while recordings were made from the pial surface of the cortex.
Stimulation of forelimb and hindlimb venous afferents resulted in
unique topographic distribution of the cortical evoked response. The
authors suggested that cardiovascular control may be accomplished
either by very rapid response to venous pressure or anticipation of cir-
culatory challenge. Recently (1983), these authors have used perfusion
distension and mechanical stretch of femoral-saphenous vein, within
\ T
FIGURE 2. Schematized view of the relationships among the cardiovascular system, central
nervous system, and behavior.
Relationships Between Heart Rate and the Brain and Behavior
Lowered heart rate Elevated heart rate
Slower reaction time in cognitive task Faster reaction time in cognitive task
Faster reaction time in attentional task Slower reaction time in attentional task
Decreased perceptual threshold Increased perceptual threshold
Enhanced ERP Attenuated ERP
Lower resistance to persuasion Greater resistance to persuasion
from most forms of treatment and the consequences both for the patient
and society justify a radical approach. We introduced the method "bio-
syntonic therapy" to consider jointly the synchrony among physiological
systems and the correspondence between thoughts or attitudes and the
physical state of the organism. That is, we were concerned with the
syntony among verbal (mental), physiological, and gross behavioral as-
pects of the human experience. A major assumption of our approach
was that attitudes, emotions, and behavior were intimately related to
physiological state. From this perspective, the work of the therapist was
carefully to identify (diagnose) the physiological state of the individual
in specific situations before attempting to intervene. Once the relation-
ship between mental and physical activity was observed in nonproblem
areas, then the problem areas were searched for evidence of dishar-
mony. The goal was to target physiological systems in the problem area
that appeared disparate with the patterns of responses in the more nor-
mal areas of the client's life. Once diagnosed, the biosyntonic position
implies that if the physiological pattern changes, a change in attitude,
emotions, or overt behavior will follow.
Mr. J., a 32-year-old blue-collar worker, had a history of numerous
sexual experiences with children (nearly all females) dating from his
teens. Fearful of the personal and legal consequences of the discovery
of his experiences with a female child, he consented to the procedures
described below as a last resort. Traditional approaches had been tried
without success.
Preliminary diagnostic information indicated extreme sexual attrac-
tion for prepubescent females, although Mr. J. maintained an adequate
sexual relationship with his wife. An extensive pretreatment physio-
logical assessment was conducted by attaching electrodes for the mea-
surement of heart rate, peripheral vasomotor activity, respiration, and
skin potential. Mr. J. reclined in a comfortable chair and viewed a stan-
dard sequence (Sandman, 1975) of pictures presented on a screen in
front of him. The series included sexually arousing, neutral, and highly
distressing (e.g., mutilated corpses) slides. He rated each of them on a
pleasure-stress scale while a physiological recording was done.
Mr. ] . exhibited differential physiological responses to pleasurable,
neutral, and unpleasurable stimuli only in heart rate. We focused on
heart rate in a discriminate conditioning paradigm used throughout 16
sessions; the conditioning was designed to alter his physiological re-
sponses to female children without disrupting his responses to adult
Initially, four sets (male and female adults and male and female
children) of six stimuli each were chosen. Mr. J. was asked to bring in
pictures of preadolescent girls that he found arousing to varying de-
grees. Prevalent among the most arousing stimuli were pictures taken
from mail-order catalogues of girls modeling underwear. Upon request
he also brought comparable pictures of preadolescent boys, though he
claimed that none of these were highly arousing. He selected adult male
and female stimuli from a group of slides available at the treatment
center. Mr. J. rated the stimuli in each of the four sets in terms of his
perceived sexual arousal to them. Ratings were based on the 9-point
pleasure-stress scale described earlier.
The most striking feature of his physiological response pattern was
the extremely elevated heart rate response to the pictures of the semi-
clothed female children. However, unlike his response to nude adult
females, his verbal report of arousal to the slides of children was not
consistent with his physiological response to them. Neither his verbal
nor his physiological responses suggested arousal to male children or
male adults. Therapy was therefore designed to accomplish both the
reduction of the inappropriate arousal to female children and improve-
ment of the congruity between the patient's verbal and physiological
responses to such children.
Treatment was conducted in three phases. In phase 1, aversive stim-
ulation (4-6 rnA shock) was delivered each time Mr. J.'s heart rate
exceeded a criterion in response to pictures of young girls. After several
sessions, a significant reduction in heart rate was observed. Further, Mr.
J. reported that during his daily activities he felt a sharp pain in his index
finger (where shock was applied) aborting his "automatic arousal" to
young girls he encountered. New, provocative stimuli were introduced
and elements of Mr. J.'s response reemerged.
In phase 2, a more powerful approach was initiated. In addition to
punishment for increased heart rate during exposure to young girls,
positive reinforcement (monetary incentive) was provided for heart rate
increases to pictures of adult women. This approach was successful, but
the potential contamination and lack of generalizability of aversive pro-
cedures dictated phase 3. In this final phase, positive reinforcement
remained contingent upon heart rate acceleration to adult females and
was also presented for inhibition of acceleration to pictures of young
girls. This procedure produced robust discrimination and was continued
for several sessions after which therapy was terminated.
Six months after treatment ended, Mr. J. reported that he had not
experienced any incidents of child molesting. He remarked that when
he was in a situation formerly considered provocative, he still experi-
enced some pain in his index finger. Of more importance, he consciously
avoided compromising situations, indicating that he was able to control
his behavior much more efficiently than before. It was of interest to learn
that Mr. J. attended X-rated moves at a far higher rate than he had before
therapy. Thus, a socially condoned activity had apparently replaced his
psychopathic and deviant behavior.
This report indicates that processes ascribed to the brain, thoughts,
attitudes, and behavior, can be accessed by control of the body. The
three experiments from our laboratory, the case. report, and the growing
body of biofeedback research and treatment indicate that consciousness
has many components, one of which is the interaction between the brain
and the body.
-- --A--- 1'1--
-- -/---6'---~
PULSE PRESSURE WAVE ,............._.........,
4-------¥-- POLYGRAPH
FIGURE3. Paradigm used in studies of transient changes in heart rate, interbeat interval,
and pulse-pressure phase on the brain and behavior.
The findings indicated that during accelerating heart rate, reaction time
decrea·sed (thus decision making was facilitated) and, conversely, during
decelerating heart rate, reaction time slowed. However, contrary to our
studies of stimulus detection, there was no corresponding influence of
the cardiac cycle on choice reaction time. These differences may be due
to (1) the imperfect coupling of heart rate and cardiac phase influences
on the brain (2) the comparative insensitivity of reaction time compared
with stimulus detection or (3) the robust influence of heart rate compared
with the seemingly delicate impact of events during the cardiac cycle.
In any case, a significant array of evidence has accrued linking be-
havior to the cardiovascular system. In addition to the data reviewed
above, other evidence from our laboratories (Cacioppo & Sandman,
1978; Kaiser & Sandman, 1975; Sandman & Walker, 1985; Walker &
Sandman, 1977), as well as volumes dedicated to this subject (Cacioppo
& Petty, 1982; Obrist, Black, Brener, & DiCara, 1974) attest to the grow-
ing acceptance and importance of these observations. These data are
increasingly difficult to reconcile with classical views ascribing all attri-
butes of consciousness to the brain and require that we reevaluate the
mind-body debate. However, despite the overwhelming evidence of
the influence of the cardiovascular system on behavior very few exper-
imental studies have investigated the impact of the heart on the brain.
A. The EEG
FIGURE 5. Event-related potentials recorded from the left and right hemisphere of the
brain when visual stimulation was synchronized with accelerating and decelerating heart
rate. Arrows indicate points of statistical preparation as determined by stepwise discrim-
inant function analysis. Key: (---) high heart rate; (-·-) midrange heart rate; (-)low
heart rate.
0 100 200
FIGURE 6. Event-related potentials to visual stimuli synchronized with systole and diastole
records from the carotid, opthalmic, and digital arteries.
~ ,,
I\ I I
I \ I \
··I 2 1\/\
12.5 .uv I \ ... 2.5 .uv
-~ ',,.,'~- .
. , ___ .. I '
, __ _ I
-2 - .........
-4~ -4
2.5 .uv
' ... ...
-Systolic pressure (peaks),, __ ,
~4 ---Diastolic pressure (valleys)
FIGURE7. Event-related potentials of the brain when visual stimulation was synchronized
with changes in heart rate and pulse pressure phase.
brain. For instance, stimulation during both lowered heart rate and dias-
tole resulted in amplification of early components of the ERP. Further,
the major influence of these cardiovascular events was unique to the
right hemisphere of brain. The remarkable similarity between the find-
ings of the heart rate and pulse pressure experiments prompted a third
experiment (Walker & Sandman, 1982), to examine the effects on the
ERP of the interaction between heart rate and pulse pressure waves.
This experiment was identical to the previous experiments except that
presentation of the stimulus was contingent upon changes of heart rate
and the pulse pressure wave.
As in the previous experiments, the major effects of stimuli syn-
chronized with heart rate and pulse pressure changes were observed in
the right hemisphere of the brain (Figure 7). Only during accelerating
heart rate, in the right hemisphere, was the difference between systole
and diastole reflected in the ERP. The most significant difference among
components during accelerating heart rate was enhancement of Pl dur-
ing stimuli synchronized with diastole. A similar, but not significant,
trend was apparent during low heart rate.
The results of this study indicated that complex relations exist be-
tween heart rate and the pulse pressure wave. These components do
not appear to be simply additive. Indeed, if they were additive, the ERP
would be maximal for stimuli synchronized with diastole and low heart
rate. This was not found. Instead, suppression of the ERP was observed
during high heart rate and systole (although only in the right hemi-
sphere). The major finding (that maximal separation of systole and dias-
tole was observed only during elevated heart rate) suggested that during
elevated heart rate, maximal (or near maximal) activity of the barore-
ceptors is achieved during each beat of the heart (Sandman et al., 1982).
It is possible that this barrage "exhausts" the cells temporarily, resulting
in significant quiescence during diastole. Thus, the greatest contrast
between systole and diastole may be during elevated heart rate.
The lateralized influence of stimuli synchronized with diastole or
systole may not be surprising. For instance, there is evidence that simple
attentional tasks selectively impact the right hemisphere and as the com-
plexity of the task increases the left hemisphere is engaged (Dustman,
Schenkenberg, & Beck, 1976; Jutai, 1984). Similarly, the early compo-
nents of the ERP reflect exogenous or stimulus-related dimensions,
whereas the later components are thought to be excited by increasing
the work load (Donchin, 1979). This complementary relationship also
pertains to the cardiovascular system since acceptance of the environ-
ment (attention) is related to lowered heart rate or diastolic components
of pulse pressure waves and cognitive processing is facilitated by in-
creases in heart rate or during systole. Consistent with these indepen-
dent observations, our findings indicate that during simple tasks the
early components of the ERP are enhanced in the right hemisphere when
stimuli are synchronized with the diastolic phase of the pulse pressure
wave. As the task demands are increased, later components of the ERP
are augmented in the left hemisphere when stimuli are synchronized
with systole.
Rogers, Battit, McPeek, and Todd (1978) provided dramatic phys-
iological evidence of the lateralization of cardiac control. Stellate gan-
glion blocks of 17 patients indicated that the right stellate ganglion had
a much greater influence on heart rate than does the left stellate gan-
glion. Further, since the cerebral blood vessels are innervated by ad-
renergic fibers originating in superior cervical and stellate ganglion
(Purves, 1978), a lateralized influence may be favored. Coupled with
the report of Sotaniemi (1980), already discussed and the findings of
Carmon and Gombus (1970) that blood from the heart reaches the right
carotid faster than the left, these findings provide a plausible (but un-
tested) explanation for the findings of lateralized influence of the heart
on the electrical activity of the brain.
FIGURE 8. Auditory event-related potentials of the brain synchronized with pulse pres-
sure phase.
tention and that these windows are cyclic. Certainly, the data from the
present study and others (Sandman et al., 1977; Saari & Pappas, 1976;
Birren et al., 1963; Walker & Sandman, 1979, 1982) indicated that there
are precise periods during the cardiac cycle or the carotid pressure gra-
dient that optimize perception and the impact of stimulation on the
brain. It is conceivable that the window of optimal performance is the
result of either fortuitous or purposeful synchrony among physiological
systems. Although resolution of this cause-and-effect question must be
deferred, the findings clearly indicate that there are cyclic physiological
states which modulate the impact of external stimuli.
,, ' 'I
I ''
I '
Mean Difference
Response 10%Changeo I
V. CoNcLusioNs
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Intrinsic Control
Mechanisms of Pain Perception
Through the course of evolution, the brain has become increasingly able
to respond adaptively to the ever-changing internal and external sensory
world. To do so, it must continually monitor the environment through
specialized sensory systems. One might imagine that the brain passively
receives environmental inputs, processes them, and responds accord-
ingly. We are learning instead that some sensory information can be
modulated before it reaches the brain by the activation of centrifugal
paths descending from higher central nervous system stations to lower
ones in the brain, in the spinal cord, and even in the periphery. Thus,
it appears to be important, at least at certain times, that some inputs
never reach the brain or arrive only after considerable modification.
Evidence supporting this dynamic model of the brain controlling
its own input comes from early studies of several sensory systems (for
review see Livingston, 1959). Perhaps the clearest and most dramatic
example of such centrifugal control, however, comes from more recent
studies of pain perception. In the past fifteen years, a great deal of
evidence has accumulated indicating the existence of an endogenous
pain-modulating substrate originating in the medial brain stem. Path-
ways descend from the brain stem to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord
where the transfer of nociceptive information from the periphery to as-
]AMES W. LEWIS e Mental Health Research Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
KIND e Department of Psychology and Brain Research Institute, University of California,
Los Angeles, CA 90024. The research outlined in this chapter is supported by NIH grant
NS 07628 and a gift from the Brotman Foundation. James W. Lewis is supported by NIDA
Postdoctoral Fellowship F32DA05221.
cending sensory tracts destined for the brain can be greatly reduced or
even blocked completely. The major objective of our chapter is to review
this evidence of a centrifugal system of pain suppression. We will focus
on recent findings addressing the important question of what natural
circumstances call this system into play. Stress appears to be one natural
stimulus activating pain suppressive mechanisms, and our studies of
stress-induced analgesia in the rat will be summarized and related to
similar work by others. Finally, we will describe briefly our most recent
work indicating that although analgesia can be viewed as an adaptive
response to stress, in certain circumstances stress can also prove mal-
adaptive in that it suppresses the immune system and enhances tumor
Ample evidence indicates that intrinsic to the brain and spinal cord
are neural systems the normal function of which is the inhibition of
pain: Reynolds (1969) was first to demonstrate that electrical stimulation
of a portion of the medial brain stem, the periaqueductal gray matter
(PAG), produced analgesia in the rat so profound as to permit surgery
without anesthesia. Subsequently, Mayer et al. (1971) and many others
have elaborated upon this original observation. Stimulation-produced
analgesia (SPA), measured in a variety of standard analgesiometric tests,
is as potent as that obtained using moderate to high doses of morphine
(e.g., Dennis, Choiniere, & Melzack, 1980; Giesler & Liebeskind, 1976;
Mayer et al., 1971). This analgesia appears to represent a true pain
suppression and is not secondary to changes in other sensory or motor
systems (Mayer et al., 1971). In fact, SPA has proven to be useful in the
therapeutic treatment of some forms of intractable pain in man (Hoso-
buchi, Adams, & Linchitz, 1977; Richardson & Akil, 1977; Young et al.,
1984). In general, this descending or centrifugal pain suppression system
appears to take origin in the medial diencephalon and PAG, to descend
from there to the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) and thence to the cord
by way of the dorsolateral funiculus (Fields & Basbaum, 1979; Lewis,
Stapleton, Castiglioni, & Liebeskind, 1982; Watkins & Mayer, 1982). The
ultimate locus of pain inhibition deriving from stimulation of any of these
areas appears to be the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Here lie the first
central nociceptive neurons, and it is these neurons preferentially
whose activity is blocked by analgesic brain stimulation (e.g., Oliveras
et al., 1974).
Akil, Mayer, and Liebeskind (1972; 1976b) reported that adminis-
A great deal of recent effort has been given to the search for natural,
physiological triggers of the brain's intrinsic analgesia systems. Recently,
it has been shown that exposure to a variety of stressors in the rat elicits
clear pain suppression lasting for at least several minutes (e.g., Amir &
Amit, 1978; Bodnar et al., 1978a, 1978b; Chance, White, Krynock, &
Rosecrans, 1977; Chesher & Chan, 1977; Hayes, Bennett, Newlon, &
Mayer, 1978a; Jackson, Maier, & Coon, 1979; Lewis, Cannon, & Lie-
beskind, 1980a; Madden Akil, Patrick, & Barchas, 1977; Watkins and
Mayer, 1982). Such findings have suggested that although pain is an
important warning signal, under certain emergency or stress conditions,
pain suppression may be yet more adaptive. Thus, stress may be an
important natural input to the endogenous analgesia systems of the
brain at times when feeling pain could disrupt appropriate coping be-
haviors (Liebeskind, Giesler, & Urea, 1976).
Akil et al. (1976a) and Hayes, Bennett, Newlon, and Mayer (1976)
were first to report that exposure to stress causes potent analgesia in
rats. These studies differed, however, in one very important regard:
Akil et al. found that naloxone antagonized stress analgesia suggesting
opioid involvement, whereas Hayes, Bennett, Newlon, & Mayer found
that it did not. Subsequently, other investigators demonstrated stress
analgesia in response to a host of stressors, but the question of opioid
involvement remained controversial. To demonstrate clearly a role for
opioid peptides in stress analgesia, several criteria must be satisfied:
stress analgesia should be blocked by the opiate antagonist drug, na-
loxone; it should develop tolerance with repeated administration; and
it should show cross-tolerance with opiate analgesia. When these cri-
teria were applied to stress analgesia, some investigators obtained evi-
dence of opioid involvement (Amir & Amit, 1978; Bodnar et al., 1978a;
Chesher & Chan, 1977; Madden et al., 1977), but others did not (Bodnar,
Kelly, Steiner, & Glusman, 1978c; Chance & Rosecrans, 1979a, 1979b;
Hayes et al., 1978a).
It was at this time that our studies of stress analgesia began. Because
qualitatively and quantitatively different stressors had been used in prior
studies to produce analgesia (e.g., rotation, oscillation, cold water
swims, restraint, conditioned fear, and different parameters of foot-
shock), integration of these findings was difficult. Our goal was to in-
vestigate the phenomenon of stress analgesia systematically and to clar-
ify what role, if any, was played by the opioid peptides. To this end, a
single stressor, inescapable footshock, was selected and the parameters
of its administration were varied. This procedure allowed precise ex-
perimental control over the stressful stimulus and obviated the problems
introduced by using qualitatively different stressors. Also, it should be
noted that a variety of pain sensitivity tests have been employed in the
assessment of stress analgesia (e.g., hot-plate, tail-flick, formalin test),
and the particular test used may importantly affect the results obtained
(e.g., Dennis & Melzack, 1980). We have chosen to use the tail-flick test
(D'Amour & Smith, 1941) and have defined analgesia as an increase in
latency to respond to radiant heat.
opioids (e.g., Guillemin et al., 1977; Millan et al., 1981). Finally, we and
others have reported that stress analgesia (particularly those forms sen-
sitive to naloxone blockade) is attenuated in hypophysectomized ani-
mals (Amir & Amit, 1979; Bodnar et al., 1979; Lewis, Chudler, Cannon,
& Liebeskind, 1981b; Millan, Przewlocki, Holt, & Herz, 1980). Hypo-
physectomy, however, has been found ineffective in reducing some
opioid forms of stress analgesia (Terman et al., 1984; Watkins et al.,
1982b) and most nonopioid forms (Chance, 1980; Lewis et al., 1981b;
Watkins, Cobelli, Newsome, & Mayer, 1982b).
Another peripheral source of opioid peptides is the adrenal med-
ulla. The adrenal medulla contains enkephalin-like peptides that are
stored and coreleased with catecholamines in response to sympathetic
activation or trauma (see Viveros & Wilson, 1983). Although the precise
physiological function of these peptides remains to be determined, we
have suggested that they are importantly involved in the analgesic re-
sponse to certain forms of stress. Opioid, but not nonopioid, stress an-
algesia is markedly reduced by adrenalectomy, adrenal demedullation,
or denervation of the adrenal medulla via celiac ganglionectomy (Lewis,
Tordoff, Sherman, & Liebeskind, 1982c). Because demedullation and
ganglionectomy have as great an effect as removal of the entire adrenal
gland, and because both basal and stressed adrenocortical function was
unimpaired in adrenal denervated animals, yet these rats failed to man-
ifest opioid stress analgesia, we concluded that this form of stress an-
algesia is dependent on adrenal medullary, not cortical, function (cf.,
however, MacLennan et al., 1982). Moreover, it appears to be the en-
kephalin-like peptides, not catecholamines, that are involved in media-
tion of this form of stress analgesia. A dose of reserpine known to deplete
catecholamines while increasing the adrenal content and stimulation-
induced release of enkephalins (Viveros, Diliberto, Hazum, & Chang,
1980) significantly augments opioid stress analgesia (Lewis et al., 1982c).
This increased analgesia appears to reflect increased release of enke-
phalin-like peptides by stress rather than a nonspecific drug effect in
that the analgesia is still virtually eliminated by an opiate antagonist.
These behavioral observations correlate very well with biochemical
data we have obtained in a collaborative study with Dr. 0. H. Viveros.
The amount of opiate-like material in the adrenal medulla was signifi-
cantly reduced by prolonged (opioid), but not brief (nonopioid), foot-
shock. Medullary enkephalin-like peptide content was dramatically in-
creased in reserpine-treated rats, and this new elevated content was also
reduced by exposure to prolonged stress. Finally, rats made tolerant to
prolonged footshock analgesia no longer showed depletion of adrenal
enkephalin-like peptides after stress (Lewis, Tordoff, Liebeskind, & Viv-
eros, 1982b). These converging lines of evidence strongly implicate ad-
morphine and opioid stress analgesia are similar in many respects, their
anatomical substrates are not entirely coextensive.
Yet another indication that stress can activate central nervous sys-
tem pain-inhibitory pathways derives from the finding that cross-tol-
erance develops between opioid stress analgesia and opioid mediated
SPA (Penner, Terman, & Liebeskind, 1982). Animals made tolerant to
the opioid form of stress were seen to be cross-tolerant to opioid SPA,
although nonopioid SPA was unaffected. Repeated exposure to nono-
pioid stress affected neither opioid nor nonopioid SPA.
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5 Inhibition and Cognition
Toward an Understanding of Trauma and Disease
A version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting for the Society for Psycho-
physiological Research, Pacific Grove, CA, 1983.
students, we had included an item asking, "Prior to the age of 17, did
you have a traumatic sexual experience (e.g., rape, being molested)?"
Among high-symptom reporters, 14.4% responded affirmatively
whereas only 2.5% of the low-symptom reporters did so (Pennebaker,
1982). Later surveys revealed that reports of a sexual trauma were highly
correlated with physician visits, drug use, and increased incidence of
cardiovascular, digestive, kidney, lung, skin, and other disorders. Fi-
nally, as will be discussed in greater detail below, those reporting sexual
traumas claimed that the traumatic event had occurred several years
earlier and that, by and large, they had not confided in others about
the event.
A second issue that has long puzzled us (as well as many psycho-
therapists) is why psychotherapy, self-disclosure, or even writing a diary
makes people feel better and makes them less prone to illness? A par-
ticularly intriguing example comes from the seminal work of Harold G.
Wolff (Wolf & Goodell, 1968) wherein Wolff and his colleagues perform
a number of stress tests on patients with psychosomatic diseases in order
to isolate specific psychological precursors to physiological change.
Wolff often presents clinical data indicating that once the patient un-
derstands the psychological causes of his or her health problems, the
symptoms gradually or, on occasion, abruptly subside.
A third enigma concerns the nature of physiological responses to
deception and inhibition in laboratory or real-world polygraph settings.
There is little doubt that inducing a subject to lie in the guilty knowledge
test (GKT) produces an impressive physiological response. Further, if
the subject must respond no to a series of words (one of which he is
lying about), after the lie word, further no responses produce much
smaller physiological responses than no responses preceding the lie
word. By the same token, when we lie in the real world, we often can
feel our own body changing in response to the lie. Perhaps most sig-
nificant is that our interviews with professional polygraphers suggest a
dramatic change in physiological responses after a confession. For ex-
ample, if a suspect is initially polygraphed on a set of standardized
questions, he or she is judged to be deceptive based on exaggerated
physiological responses to key questions. However, if, after the first
series of tests, the suspect confesses to the crime, later physiological
responses to the same questions (to which he or she is now telling the
truth) disappear or are greatly reduced. Not only are the phasic re-
sponses to the key questions lower, but the person's overall autonomic
activity is reduced (despite the fact that the person may now face severe
punishment because of his or her confession).
The common thread linking all of these phenomena is that lingu-
istically organizing and, perhaps, communicating aspects of personal
A. Initial Survey
All 716 subjects in the first survey were contacted in various psy-
chology classes and asked to complete the questionnaire without re-
ceiving credit. Although the response rate was only 67%, a random
sample of nonrespondents was contacted by phone to learn if they dif-
fered in major respects from the respondents. No differences were found
for demographic, health, or other variables between the respondent and
nonrespondent samples. The major reasons for not completing the sur-
vey were "not enough time" and "I forgot."
Self-Reports of Selected Variables by Type of Trauma for the Initial Study"
Divorce of Death of Sexual
Variable Control parents parent trauma Significance
Physical symptoms
Headache 2.6 2.8 2.6 3.3 .01
Upset stomach 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.8 .05
Tense muscles 3.0 3.0 2.3 3.8 .01
Racing heart 2.4 2.5 2.3 3.2 .01
Light headed 2.2 2.6 2.0 3.0 .01
Negative emotions
Stress 4.0 4.0 3.5 4.5 .04
Depressed 3.2 3.4 3.0 3.5 ns
Guilty 2.8 2.8 2.8 3.1 ns
Angry 2.9 2.9 2.7 3.2 ns
Isolated 3.2 3.0 2.9 3.7 .09
Fatigue 4.4 4.9 3.7 4.6 .01
Other data
Number of close 8.1 7.4 9.0 8.0 ns
Confided in no one 2.6 2.5 2.4 3.6 .01
Visited health center 51.4 58.0 46.3 60.3 ns
or physician
Age 19.4 19.6 19.3 19.8 ns
N 536 81 41 58
' Symptoms and emotions were coded along 7-point scale with 1 = never experience on the average
day and 7 = always experience on the average day. Probability levels are based on overall F from a
one-way analysis of variance.
lyzed. The data indicated that the respondents mirrored the general
readership of the magazine (mean age = 35.1, 68% female, median
income around $25,000). At the outset, it should be noted that a survey
of this nature is not truly random nor does it represent a clearly defined
population. Individuals who completed the questionnaire may well have
been far more health-conscious than nonrespondents.
On the basis of the survey responses, four groups (Control, Death,
Divorce, and Sex Trauma) were defined in the same manner as in the
initial survey described above. Overall, 22% of the women and 10% of
the men reported having experienced a sexual trauma prior to the age
of 17. Of the 367 in the Sex Trauma group, 21% had also experienced
a divorce of parents and 11% had had a parent die prior to the age of
17. Separate analyses comparing those with a sexual trauma only with
those with a sexual trauma and divorce and/or death yielded virtually
no significant differences for any of the health-dependent measures.
Unlike the initial study, subjects' reports of illnesses, physical symp-
toms, and emotions were based on binary yes-no responses to the ques-
tion, "Which of the following bothered you in the past year?" These
data are expressed as percentages of respondents answering affirma-
tively in Table 2. Finally, 10 life change items adapted from the Schedule
of Recent Experience asking whether or not the subjects had experienced
each item within the past year (e.g., death of spouse or loved one, loss
of job). These items were summed to make a total life change score.
As can be seen in Table 2, most illnesses, symptoms, and negative
emotions occurred with greater frequency among all three trauma
groups. As in the first study, these effects were most pronounced for
the Sex Trauma group. It is of interest that the groups did not differ in
the number of close friends nor in their having someone to confide in.
Finally, inspection of the total life change scores indicates that the trauma
groups had experienced more life events than the Controls. Although
statistically significant, the magnitude of differences between groups is
relatively small. It should be noted that the group differences for the
health effects remain significant when the life change score is controlled
These data raise a number of important issues. First, the magnitude
of differences in the various health indicators as a function of group is
large considering that these traumatic events took place close to 20 years
earlier. Second, there are undoubtedly a number of important mediating
factors. For example, the health differences could reflect poor health
practices (e.g., the Sex Trauma group was more likely to smoke and not
eat a balanced diet), more negative emotions (which could directly cause
health problems), or simply greater attentiveness to bodily sensations.
We cannot, however, explain the results simply in terms of differences
Self-Reports of Selected Variables by Type of Trauma for the Psychology Today
confided in others about the trauma (all along 7-point scales with 1 =
not at all and 7 = a great deal). Separate questionnaires completed later
in the semester required students to report if they had had each of 20
serious health problems (e.g., asthma, pneumonia, diabetes). Finally,
students completed a number of individual difference measures that
assess: the general proclivity to report physical symptoms (i.e., PILL
from Pennebaker, 1982), self-consciousness (including Private Self-con-
sciousness, Public Self-consciousness, and Social Anxiety from Fenig-
stein, Scheier, & Buss, 1975), Type A behavior (the student version of
the Jenkins Activity Survey from Krantz, Glass, & Snyder, 1974), cog-
nitive and social anxiety (the CSAQ from Schwartz, Davidson, & Gole-
man, 1978), and social desirability (Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability
Scale from Crowne & Marlowe, 1964). These data are included for com-
parison purposes with other samples and will not be discussed in detail.
Unlike the previous studies, the death of parent question was ex-
panded to include death of family member or very close personal friend.
The divorce question included either divorce or separation of parents.
Overall, 10 subjects reported having had a traumatic sexual experience,
17 had experienced the death of a family member or close personal
friend, and 12 had had parents who had been divorced or separated.
The mean ages at which these traumas occurred were 12.9 for sexual
trauma, 9.3 for death, and 12.0 for divorce. The mean ratings for how
upsetting the various traumas were (with 7 = extremely upsetting) were
5.1 for sexual trauma, 5.3 for death, and 5.8 for divorce. In response to
the question, "To what degree did you confide in others about this
event" with 7 = confided a great deal, the means for the various groups
were 2.1 for sexual trauma, 3.3 for death, and 3.8 for divorce (p < .01).
Initial analyses of variance using the four groups (Control, Death,
Divorce, and Sex Trauma) as independent variables and self-reported
disease, symptom reporting, health center usage, and social factors as
dependent measures yielded results similar to the previous studies. As
before, the Sex Trauma group reported experiencing the most number
of major diseases (3.1 versus 1.8 for Divorce, 1.1 for Death and 1.1 for
Controls, p < .01), and the most visits to the student health center in
the past year (3.6 versus 1.8, 1.1, and 1.3 for Sex Trauma, Divorce, Death,
and Control groups respectively, p < .01). In addition, all trauma groups
reported higher overall frequency and severity of symptom reporting
relative to controls (means for the groups: 23.0, 22.1, 20.1, and 14.4 for
Sex Trauma, Divorce, Death, and Controls respectively, p < .01). Finally,
the four groups did not differ in the total number of close friends that
they had (8.2, 6.8, 6.8, 8.3, p = .65).
A striking aspect of the response patterns for these data was the
marked variability in the degree to which people either did or did not
confide about each of the traumas. Even though the sexual trauma
groups in each of the above studies have evidenced the greatest health
problems, we assume that this is due, in part, to their not discussing
and subsequently organizing the event. We would predict that any trau-
matic event that was not talked about would have deleterious effects.
In order to test this idea, we divided our subjects in the present exper-
iment into three groups: No Trauma, Trauma and Confided, and Trauma
and Not Confided. That is, on the basis of their responses to the three
different traumas (whether sex, death, or divorce), if any trauma was
reported they were assigned to either the Confided or Not Confided
group by their self-reported degree of confiding of the relevant trauma.
In short, no distinction was made among types of trauma. (Subjects were
assigned to the No Confide condition if, on their confiding question,
they responded with a 1, 2, or 3 along the 7-point scale).
One-way analyses of variance were performed on the disease, symp-
tom reporting, and related variables. A priori contrasts using the mean-
square error term (one-tailed tests) were also computed for each de-
pendent measure. As can be seen in Table 3, having experienced a trau-
matic event and not having confided in others about it was associated
with the highest disease incidence, most number of visits to the student
health center for illness or injury, and overall symptom reporting. In
terms of specific diseases, this trend was significant for the following:
severe acne (p = .03), tumor (p = .05), migraine headache (p = .035),
severe injury (p = .12), ulcer (p = .06), severe depression (p = .02),
and appendectomy (p = .05). No differences were found for asthma,
high blood pressure, anorexia nervosa, cancer, mononucleosis, diabetes,
severe allergy, severe obesity, or other disorder (due in part to the ex-
tremely low frequency of these disorders among the sample).
The results of this study are comparable with the previous ones that
we have reported. First, those who have had a sexual trauma report the
most health problems. Second, there are no differences among the
groups in terms of the number of close friends that they have. Third,
the primary factor that separates the groups is an event that happened,
on the average, 7 years earlier.
The distinguishing characteristic of the present survey is that not
confiding in others about a traumatic experience, irrespective of the na-
ture of the experience, appears to underlie the differences in health
status among the trauma groups. Further, our results indicate that sexual
traumas are far less likely to be confided than are other types of major
uncontrollable events such as death or divorce of parents. We must now
stand back and address what it could be about confiding or not confiding
that could affect disease processes.
Self-reports of Selected Variables by Trauma and Confiding for Medical
Psychology Class Sample
No Trauma and Trauma and
Variable trauma confide not confide Significance
There are two important aspects of the confiding issue. The first
has been addressed indirectly by the social support and social compar-
ison literatures. For example, the act of confiding assumes that the per-
son has access to intimate others. Interacting closely with others can
serve to buffer the effects of life crises (e.g., Cobb, 1976). The person
receives feedback that he or she is loved and important. In addition, the
act of confiding serves as a way of obtaining the information that the
person's thoughts and actions are normal. That is, the person can com-
pare his or her feelings about the traumatic event with similar others.
Such a social comparison process should be anxiety-reducing in that the
individual learns that he or she is not as "abnormal" or unique as he
or she may have feared (Festinger, 1954; Valins & Nisbett, 1972). Note
that these approaches assume that the traumatic event is, in and of itself,
physiologically damaging in the long run but that social factors can re-
duce the effects of this process.
An alternative way by which to view the confiding results is that
use of the term inhibition was leveled by Skinner (1938), who argued
that the reduction in the intensity of a response could more parsimon-
iously be explained by a reduction in excitation. Later evidence that
strongly supported the existence of active inhibitory processes has been
put forward by a number of animal researchers, including Rescorla
(1967), Konorski (1967), and Terrace (1972). Inhibition constructs have
also been used among verbal learning experts to explain differential
encoding and recall of word lists (Melton, 1963). Freud (1926/1959)
viewed inhibition as a restriction of the ego which has been either im-
pose':l as a measure of precaution or brought about as a result of an
impoverishment of energy.
Although each of the above uses of the inhibition concept has been
applied to vastly different phenomena, the concept's usefulness is in
describing a general process wherein a given event does not occur due
to the action of another event. Within the present context, we infer that
inhibition is occurring when a person is unable or unwilling to behave
in a given manner (e.g., disclosing, confiding) for fear of perceived neg-
ative sanctions (humiliation, punishment, etc.). Further, if these neg-
ative sanctions were not perceived to be present, the specific behavior
would occur. In short, inhibition in this context is an active process (cf.
Terrace, 1972).
Some supplementary remarks about this definition in regard to cog-
nitive processes are in order. In line with current thinking about per-
ceptual, cognitive, and attribution processes (Gibson, 1979; Kelley, 1972;
Neisser, 1976), we assume that individuals seek to understand their
environments and, in the case of humans, themselves. When an un-
expected and potentially self-relevant event occurs, it behooves the in-
dividual to understand and cognitively assimilate the event in order to
maintain some degree of predictability and control over the environ-
ment. Talking, writing, or even thinking about an important and com-
plex event is required in order to understand it (e.g., Jourard, 1971).
Confiding in others about a traumatic event should hasten this process.
Further, it allows them to receive information about potential coping
strategies (Lazarus, 1966). If the individual must actively inhibit this
assimiliation, both the work of inhibition and the assimilation process
should sum to produce long-term physiological stress. We will return
to these cognitive issues in the final section of the paper.
experiment, Carol Chew and the first author (Pennebaker & Chew, in
press) directly tested this link. In the experiment, 25 women and 5 men
participated in a variant of the GKT on two occasions. All subjects se-
lected one of five words printed on separate index cards. They then
denied holding each of the five words while skin resistance was con-
tinuously monitored. Throughout the procedure, the experimenter (who
was blind to the lie word) called out the possible words from an adjacent
room. Following the initial test, which was identical for all subjects, 20
subjects were randomly assigned to the Observe condition and 10 to the
No Observe. In both conditions, subjects were given a second group of
five words to choose from. For the Observe subjects, a second experi-
menter sat directly in front of them and explained that he was attempting
to guess which word they had chosen by watching their behavior. For
the No Observe subjects, the second experimenter merely said that the
general procedure would be the same as before and then left the ~oom.
For the Observe subjects, the experimenter closely watched the sub-
ject's face throughout the second GKT. He pressed one button whenever
there was a change in eye gaze and a second one whenever there was
a change in facial expression (inter-rater reliability of this procedure
using videotapes is high, r = .87). The observer's button-press re-
sponses were recorded simultaneously with the subject's skin resistance
on a polygraph in the adjacent room. As in the initial session, the first
experimenter called out the words from the adjacent room, 14 seconds
Skin resistance level and button presses corresponding to eye move-
ment (EM) and change in facial expression (FE) were coded every two
seconds for all words across both sessions. The skin resistance measures
were converted to skin conductance and then standardized on a within-
subject basis to allow simple comparison with EM and FE. The various
measures were tabulated separately for the lie word and the mean of
the four truth words.
Between-within analyses of variance on the skin conductance scores
indicated that the overall skin conductance level (SCL) increased from
the first session to the second for the Observe and decreased for the No
Observe subjects (p < .001). As can be seen in Figure 1, SCL was sig-
nificantly higher for the lie word than for the truth words (p < .001),
especially during the 0-4 seconds after their lie or truth response. More
revealing, however, was the relationship between the overt behaviors
and SCL for the Observe subjects (behavioral measures were, of course,
not obtained in the No Observe conditions).
As depicted in Figure 2, there was a significant reduction in be-
haviors for the lie word relative to the truth words (p < .02). Closer
examination of the behavioral data reveals that subjects were least likely
cr:. 5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
------- ___o- __ - --- -- -o.._ --------0-------- --o... ----
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
FIGURE 1. Skin conductance levels at each 2-second interval for the first and second guilty
knowledge tests. Subjects' "no" responses occurred at the 2-second point. 6-£:, No ob-
serve-Lie word; 6---6 No observe-truth words; 0-0 Observe-Lie word; 0---0
Observe-Truth words.
a: 0.5 '<
Q //~---------o------ ',,
. . . .,. . . "'0----------o
LL 0.4 1///
z 0.3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
FIGURE 2. Mean number of behaviors (changes in eye movement and facial expression)
during each 2-second time block during the second guilty knowledge test (Observe subjects
only). 0-0 Lie word; 0---0 Truth words.
to change eye gaze or facial expression during the 0-4 seconds following
their verbal response on the lie word relative to the truth word (p <
.05). This behavioral inhibition coincided with the greatest increase in
SCL. Although one might be tempted to speculate that the reduction in
behavior caused the increase in SCL in a hydraulic manner, we prefer
to think that the concomitant changes in these measures reflect a cen-
trally mediated inhibitory process. That is, whenever one must inhibit
ongoing activity, there is a corresponding physiological change me-
diated, perhaps, by the septal-hippocampal brain regions. A final aspect
of these dat~ must be mentioned. It is significant that the behavioral
responses did not increase in intensity above baseline levels following
the lie. This suggests that behavioral tendencies are not like a boiling
caldron that, when suppressed, build up steam and explode once the
lid is removed. Unlike a Freudian view of energy conservation and leak-
age, behavioral inhibition is an active process involving work that is
itself measureable on a physiological level.
1. Level of Socialization
Many researchers have explicitly or implicitly assumed that indi-
viduals can be categorized along a dimension of socialization level (e.g.,
Gough, 1960; Trasler, 1978; Waid & Orne, 1981). On the lower extreme
would be the sociopath, an individual who is impulsive, selfish and
irresponsible, with a low tolerance of frustration (cf., Hare, 1978). At
the other extreme is the individual who adheres to social norms and,
in general, lacks sociopathic tendencies. For a number of reasons, far
more research has focused on those who are poorly socialized than on
those who are highly socialized. One hallmark of the sociopath is his
or her general behavior patterns suggesting a deficit in inhibition. The
sociopath typically performs poorly on passive avoidance and delayed
reinforcement tasks (see Hare, 1978, and Fowles, 1980, for reviews). In
addition, the sociopaths appear to have a low tolerance for alcohol
(Cleckley, 1976). Of particular import is the fact that sociopaths have
generally been found to have lower tonic SCLs and, during noxious
stimulation, reduced phasic EDA (Hare, 1978).
Complementing this work, Waid and Orne (e.g., 1981, 1982) have
examined subjects who are classified either as highly or poorly socialized
as measured by the Socialization scale of the CPI developed by Gough
(1960). Across a number of studies, these researchers find that poorly
socialized college students consistently yield smaller skin conductance
responses to deception than highly socialized subjects. If we make the
inferential leap that those individuals who are highly socialized tend to
inhibit behaviors in general, we can see how chronic inhibition is cor-
related with greater physiological activity (at least that related to the BIS)
in general.
(e.g., Eriksen, 1966). One problem that has impeded empirical research
on this personality measure has been the lack of ways of assessing
whether or not a person is, in fact, repressing.
An intriguing approach to this problem was proposed by Crowne
and Marlowe (1964), who developed the Social Desirability Scale. In-
dividuals who score high on this scale publicly adhere to social norms
to an extreme degree. Further, these authors indicate that such indi-
viduals are affectively inhibited and defensive. A recent important study
by Weinberger, Schwartz, and Davidson (1979) sought to define re-
pressors as those who score high on the Social Desirability Scale and
low on the Taylor (1953) Manifest Anxiety Scale (MAS). These individ-
uals were separated from those who were defined as high anxious (from
the MAS-irrespective of social desirability) and truly low anxious (low
MAS and low social desirability). During the actual experiment, subjects
participated in a phrase association task wherein they had to respond
to aggressive, sexual, or neutral sentences with a phrase that completed
the thought expressed in each stimulus sentence. In addition to reaction
time, heart rate, skin resistance, and forehead muscle tension were
recorded during the task. Overall, repressors exhibited significantly
higher forehead muscle tension and skin resistance responses than
either the high or low anxious group throughout the task. Both the
repressors and high anxious subjects evidenced elevated heart rate rela-
tive to the low anxious subjects.
These results are important for two reasons. First, they suggest that
a repressive coping style as measured by the Social Desirability Scale
(which could be viewed as analogous to a high level of socialization) is
associated with increased physiological responding. Second, measures
of repression have been associated with cancer (Kissen, 1966), high
blood pressure (Davies, 1970), and physical disease-in general (Black-
burn, 1965). We will return to the relationship between repression and
inhibition in a later section.
3. Emotional Expression
The relationship between the expression of emotion and the au-
tonomic correlates of the emotion has been an area of intensive inves-
tigation. Beginning with the pioneering work of Jones (1960), it was
found that the more emotionally expressive a child was, the smaller his
or her electrodermal responses. According to Jones, the act of sociali-
zation forced the child to inhibit emotional expression, outwardly caus-
ing the efferent discharge to occur along "hidden" physiological chan-
nels. Jones further notes that the socialization process encourages the
inhibition of overt responding.
4. Summary
D. Summary
In this chapter, we have argued that individuals seek to understand
and organize personally traumatic events. Certain events, such as rape,
death of a parent, or divorce of parents, require considerable effort to
understand and assimilate. Some major events cannot easily be dis-
cussed with others because of perceived negative social sanctions, em-
barrassment, or fear. Not being able to confide about such events re-
quires the person actively to inhibit his or her behavior. As we have
indicated, behavioral inhibition is associated with physiological activity.
Much of our earlier work suggests that victims of sexual assault are often
loathe to discuss the event with anyone. These individuals-who, we
are hypothesizing, must actively inhibit their urge to tell others of their
experience-are far more likely to report a number of physical symp-
toms, illnesses, and use of medical facilities. Although life stressors such
as these are themselves physiologically damaging, the act of inhibition
compounds the wear and tear on the body.
The research that we have presented is just beginning. Many of the
unifying links in our model are based on speculation or case studies.
Although we are certain that a number of revisions will be necessary in
the future, we are optimistic about the theoretical and clinical implica-
tions of our initial findings.
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6 Mechanisms of
Biofeedback Control
On the Importance of Verbal (Conscious) Processing
I will not duplicate that review here. Suffice it to say that the conclusion
from that review was essentially negative. Moreover, because of the
methodological diversity which characterized the literature, Anne
Gowen and I (Lacroix & Gowen, 1981) carried out an extensive exper-
iment which tested simultaneously the three major theoretical predic-
tions outlined above. These were tested in a comparative design (Rob-
erts, 1974) that contrasted the evolution of control and discrimination
with respect to two target responses, heart rate and skin conductance,
under homologous conditions. Again, the results were essentially neg-
ative. Moreover, I have seen nothing in the literature in the past four
years to convince me that the biofeedback paradigm as it is typically
used leads to the development of a biofeedback phenomenon. Training
in the biofeedback paradigm does not necessarily enhance subjects' abil-
ity to discriminate changes in the target physiological response. Per-
formance on tests of response discrimination are not usually correlated
with performance on tests of response control. And training in the bio-
feedback paradigm does not usually lead to greater response specificity
as a function of practice. There are a few notable exceptions to these
generalizations, and I will deal with them shortly.
Before dealing with these exceptions, however, and with the larger
question of the nature of the learning process in the biofeedback par-
adigm, I would like to consider two challenges to these general conclu-
sions. First, there has been mounting criticism of the various methods
used to measure subjects' ability to discriminate autonomic and other
internal responses. These have been voiced particularly strongly by Rob-
erts on theoretical grounds (Roberts, 1977; Roberts, Williams, Marlin,
Farrell, & Imiolo, 1984) and by Katkin, (Katkin, Morell, Goldband, Bern-
stein, & Wise, 1982) and Ross and Brener (1981) on empirical grounds.
The thrust of those criticisms is on the one hand that inability to perform
on a discrimination task often simply reflects inadequacies in the task.
On the other hand, and conversely, successful performance on a dis-
crimination task often reflects a lack of control over potentially con-
founded variables, suggesting that subjects can discriminate internal
responses that they cannot in fact discriminate and leading to a spurious
relationship between discrimination and control. The upshot of those
criticisms is that the first two predictions from Brener's theory (that
subjects who can control a response should also be able to discriminate
that response and that subjects who can discriminate a response should
also be able to control it) simply cannot be evaluated cleanly, leading
some investigators (Roberts & Marlin, 1979; Roberts et al.; 1984) to seek
alternative ways of assessing awareness of the response in biofeedback.
I do not think that the criticisms that have been offered are necessarily
fatal to the use of any response discrimination measure, and I think that
15 e5 94
12 4 93
9 3 92
6 2 91
3 90
0 0 70 BAS . 3+4
BAS . I +2
15 65 94
12 4 93
eo 92
6 91
3 90
0 0 70
15 65
12 4 93
9 92
3 90
0 0 70
BAS. 1+2 8AS . 3+4
18 95
85 94
12 4 93
9 92
6 2 91
0 0 70
BAS . I+ 2 BAS. 3+4
FIGURE 1. Mean resting levels in frontalis EMG (EMG-2), longissimus or posterior neck
EMG (EMG-1), pulse rate (PR) and peripheral digit temperature (T" in degrees Fahrenheit)
during two baseline sessions prior to, and two baseline sessions following an experimental
treatment. The treatments were, respectively, biofeedback for decreases in EMG-2, bio-
feedback for EMG-2 and relaxation training, relaxation training only, and no treatment.
The subjects were all muscle-contraction headache patients. (From Lacroix eta/., 1984).
-------- ------
0 4
0 "'c
"iii ~
"'"' .s::;
~ 3
c 2
., 0
- .... -Thermal Biofeedback, Training
-Thermal Biafeedback,Test
o E MG Biofeedback, Test
" Relo•ation Training, Test
enson & Ditto, 1981; Obrist et al., 1975; Schober & Lacroix, 1985). Sim-
ilarly, Van Twyver and Kimmel (1966) reported no relationship between
target GSR changes and changes in forearm EMG or respiration fre-
quency, whereas in the biofeedback paradigm we have invariably found
target electrodermal changes to be embedded in a somatomotor-respi-
ratory complex (Lacroix & Gowen, 1981; Lacroix & Roberts, 1978).
Not all operant autonomic conditioning experiments have yielded
gradual acquisition functions or specificity of control, of course, and
even those studies that have provided such evidence of a biofeedback
learning phenomenon are far from entirely convincing. My point here
is simply to draw attention to these studies, because they at least provide
suggestive evidence of a learning process akin to the biofeedback phe-
nomenon, whereas studies carried out in the biofeedback paradigm sim-
ply do not. One final point about the specificity of control which is
(sometimes) evident in these earlier investigations: it is interesting to
note that the specificity which is apparent in these studies does not
develop in the sense that components of the response complex initially
activated by the subject are eliminated as a function of training. Rather,
control appears specific to the target response from the outset of training
(e.g. Schwartz, 1972; Shapiro, Tursky, & Schwartz, 1970).
The operant autonomic conditioning studies constitute the first line
of evidence which suggests that the biofeedback phenomenon might
provide a description of the learning process in some cases. The second
line of evidence stems from studies carried out within the current bio-
feedback paradigm, but with patients suffering from various physio-
logical dysfunctions. Evidence of gradual acquisition functions and of
control specific to the target response has been provided by Engel and
Bleecker (1974), for example, on the control of cardiac arrhythmias and
by Miller and Brucker (1979) on the control of diastolic blood pressure
in a hypotensive patient. I would like to indicate here that the variable
that distinguishes these studies from other studies with the biofeedback
paradigm that have not yielded any evidence of a biofeedback phenom-
enon is not simply the clinical status of the subjects, since our work with
clinical populations, referred to earlier, has not not provided any evi-
dence of learning in terms of a biofeedback phenomenon in these pa-
tients. Presumably it is the specific nature of the disorder and not simply
the presence of a psychophysiological disorder which is critical. I will
return to this point and these studies in the last section of the chapter.
In the last couple of years I have become intrigued with the impli-
cations of the differences in outcome pertaining to the biofeedback phe-
labels and verbal processing, it is clear that their concern was with the
effects of different verbal information on level of control of the target
response, that is, on performance. My concern here goes deeper, how-
ever: can such information affect not only performance level but also
the form of the learning process?
It is interesting to note that the effect of providing a subject with
the information as to the response to be controlled and as to the re-
sponse-feedback contingency is to make the subject aware of that re-
sponse, or to make the response conscious. The last several years have
seen increasing attention to the question of whether being aware of
information is necessary in order to act on that information, and to the
meaning and the nature of consciousness. I do not plan to review here
what is now a voluminous literature with ramifications in all areas of
psychology. I would like simply to highlight some aspects of that lit-
erature which I think can shed some light on the issue of learning in
the biofeedback paradigm.
First, it is clear that the brain comprises a number of different in-
formation-processing systems. Moreover, it appears that information
can be processed independently by the different systems (or, at least, some
of the information, some of the time, with respect to some of the in-
formation-processing systems). Evidence for this generalization can be
adduced from cognitive (Nisbett & Wilson, 1977), clinical (Beahrs, 1982;
Hilgard, 1976), and neurophysiological data (LeDoux, Wilson, & Gaz-
zaniga, 1979) and is sensible on phenomenological grounds (I can drive
my car without running into trees while my conscious attention is fo-
cused on the news being read on the radio). Thus for example, in a
series of clever experiments, Nisbett and Wilson manipulated appar-
ently innocuous variables that had significant effects on subjects' be-
havior. Yet the subjects attributed their behavior to variables that were
controlled by the experimenters and therefore could not have been the
basis for the behavior. Nisbett and Wilson concluded that subjects do
not have access to their cognitive processes. Pennebaker (1982) recently
described the same sort of phenomenon with respect to subjects' per-
ception of physical symptoms. Following certain manipulations subjects
would report certain symptoms consciously, and would invariably at-
tribute these to internal factors rather than to the experimenter-con-
trolled variables.
Yet another and dramatic example of appropriate behavior being
produced in the absence of conscious realization is given by the results
of a study by Risse and Gazzaniga (cited in LeDoux et al., 1979). In this
study, patients scheduled to undergo brain surgery had their left hem-
isphere anaesthetized by sodium amytal and had objects placed in their
left hand (which is governed by the right hemisphere). When the left
hemisphere had recovered from the anaesthetic, the patients were un-
able to name the objects but could pick them out correctly, by pointing,
from among a larger group of objects, all along insisting that they were
only guessing.
This last experiment is important in that it not only reinforces the
argument that learning can proceed in information-processing systems
other than the verbal system without the knowledge of the latter, it also
develops this argument one small step further by pointing out that the
different information-processing systems do not necessarily have access
to each other's memories. If we agree, then, that behavior is governed
by a number of information-processing systems that overlap only par-
tially, how does one come to present a coherent self to the world, and
for that matter to oneself: what is consciousness within this apparently
anarchic universe within the brain/mind? LeDoux et al. (1979) have re-
cently provided an elegantly simple answer to these questions.
LeDoux et al. argue that, given the importance of language, over
the course of ontogeny the activities in the various information-pro-
cessing systems come to be monitored more and more by the infor-
mation-processing system on which we come to rely more and more:
the verbal system. Gradually a concept of self develops which is equiv-
alent to what the verbal system knows about itself and the others. In
their view, then, consciousness is equivalent to the activation of the verbal
information-processing system. This conceptualization gives the verbal sys-
tem a triple importance. It is important in its own right, in the processing
of verbal information. It is important as an interface between the other
information-processing systems in the brain/mind through its monitor-
ing activities. And it is important as a major interface between the person
and the outside world. Thus, most demands on the individual coming
from the outside world, because of their verbal nature, are first "han-
dled" by the, verbal system. It is through the verbal system interface
that the other information-processing systems learn of these demands.
The demands of the outside world are then processed by the verbal
system and presumably by others, but since it is again the verbal system
that interprets the outputs of the other systems to the outside world,
the verbal system will also put its "stamp" on behavior generated by
the other systems in the brain/mind.
That the verbal system interprets in its own "language" the outputs
of the other information-processing systems was demonstrated dra-
matically in a series of split-brain studies by Gazzaniga and LeDoux
(1978). Thus, when the patient's left and right hemispheres were pre-
sented simultaneously with different demands, leading to behavior
which could be predicted only in part by the left (verbal) hemisphere,
the verbal hemisphere nonetheless provided an instantaneous inter-
such a way as to allow the verbal system to access the relevant infor-
mation that it has. These conditions are most likely to be met when the
task to be learned is some sort of "skill." In terms of the general dis-
tinction made earlier, learning under those conditions will involve an
extensive recalibration of sensorimotor systems in order to construct an
appropriate motor program.
We can now see the relevance of this conceptualization to learning
in the biofeedback paradigm. In this context, we might profitably en-
visage the verbal system in terms of an analogy, as a central library
through which information pertaining to behavior is normally accessed.
Demands are placed on a subject, for example, to raise his heart rate.
Unless the behavioral strategy for producing increases in heart rate has
become automatized, the subject has to "look up" what the task entails.
If relevant information is found in the verbal library, including appro-
priate interfacing with the relevant behavior-production systems, and
if implementation of the behavior program thus identified is successful
(the feedback arrow goes up), there is no incentive to continue the search
outside the verbal library system. Indeed, there is an extensive literature
that shows that organisms do not work for redundant information (e.g.,
Egger & Miller, 1963; Kamin, 1968). The fact that the changes produced
in this way may not be maximal is seldom, if ever, indicated to the
subject. Nor is the subject typically instructed to produce changes spe-
cific to the target response. Thus, it is only in those instances wherein
the verbal library cannot access information relevant to the appropriate
behavioral programs (the operant autonomic conditioning studies?) or
wherein the verbal system lacks the language or the interfacing to inform
the subject as to what to do (the clinical cases such as those of Miller &
Brucker, 1979) that learning could be expected to proceed along the lines
of a biofeedback phenomenon.
FIGURE 3. Schematic representation of the processes and operations involved in learning to control an "internal" response in biofeedback-like ~
situations. ~
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7 Learning and Long-term
Physiological Regulation
Parts of this chapter were originally presented as the Hinkle Lecture at Pennsylvania State
University and lectures given at the Max Plan<;:k Institut in Munich and in Budapest during
spring and summer of 1984.
BARRY R. DwoRKIN e Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Milton S. Her-
shey Medical Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania 17033. Work on this chapter was supported
by a special fund of the Chronic Pain Unit of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,
New York University Medical Center, the Go!dwater Memorial Hospital in New York, and
by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) while the author was Guest Professor in
the Psychologisches Institut of TU.bingen University.
Slowly Adapling
Bll~illlll l~ ilill llil~il llliilllliillli l ;i iilili FIG URE 1. Record of slowly adapting venous
low-pressure vagal receptors of the rat showing
the fall-off in firing rate following application and
maintenance of a stimulus. Adaptation occurs
with both high- and low-strength stimuli. The
classification as "slowly adapting" is made rela-
tive to other interoceptors, studied under similar
T ime (sees)
Er ' - - - - - 1
1 Diamond (1955) reported that the output of isolated cat baroreceptors was invariant over
periods of more than an hour; but one of the two curves, which he shows, actually has
a slow but unambiguous negative slope during 80 minutes of observation. Moreover,
the adaptation or resetting of the baroreceptor over hours or days has been extensively
Time of Adaptation for Certain Interoceptors
Numerical data Characteristics of the
characterizing the speed of receptor's adaptation
Receptors adaptation of the receptor speed
IIL In teroceptors
Mechanoreceptors of the 25% of the initial impulse Very slow
carotid sinus (cat) frequency within 6 sec of
stimulation; the initial
rapid phase of adaptation
is practically absent.
Mechanoreceptors of the Complete adaptation within Very slow
aortic arch (rabbit) 5-10 min.
Mechanoreceptors of the Very slow
atrium (cat)
Mechanoreceptors of the 1. Complete adaptation Rapid
urinary bladder (dog) within several fractions of
a second (only 10-30
2. Incomplete adaptation Very slow
within 15-25 min.
Mechanoreceptors of the Complete adaptation within Very rapid
urinary bladder (cat) fractions of a second.
Various types of stretch Not more than 5% of the Very slow
receptors of the lungs (cat) initial impulse frequency
within 10 sec.
L Decrease in impulse Slow
frequency by 10-55%
during the 2nd sec of
2. Complete or almost Very rapid
complete adaptation by
the end of the first sec of
stimulation. These
receptors are
distinguished by a high
• From Chemigovsky, 1960.
peak interoceptor activity and the effector output which would produce
satisfactory regulation is not obvious; any peak detection or peak av-
eraging scheme has the additional and probably more serious defect that
very slow but consistent drift in the regulated variable could entirely
fail to activate the interoceptor and eventually accumulate into a con-
siderable regulatory error. Consequently, simple integration or sum-
mation of peak interoceptor activity within G(z) could not completely
compensate for the inherent low-frequency response limitations of
Another possibility is mechanical modulation of the stimulus on the
interoceptor surface. This would be analogous to the electronic instru-
mentation technique used to measure very low frequency signals (<0.1
Hz.) with high-stability capacitor or transformer coupled amplifiers. A
modulator or chopper converts the low-frequency signal into a high-
frequency signal with an amplitude equal to the full difference between
the instantaneous value of the low-frequency signal and some known
reference. The modulated signal is amplified and another circuit elim-
inates the reference phase and filters or smooths the interrupted wave-
form to reconstruct the original signal. This arrangement achieves a high
degree of amplification with minimal drift, using only circuits with short
time constants. Because of the pulsitile nature of the cardiac cycle, certain
central cardiovascular interoceptors are naturally exposed to regular me-
chanical "chopping" or modulation of the stimulus. This could prevent
adaptation of those receptors; however, because in the biological system
the modulation is incomplete, extraction of a steady-state variable, such
as intravascular volume, would require an additional second type of
receptor to measure the modulation independently. While such arrange-
ments may exist, 2 this scheme would have a restricted domain because
autonomic efferent control extends to anatomical regions in which pulse
is almost absent or poorly correlated with measurable central contractile
activity. In sum, the observed stability of many different physiological
variables taken with the relatively rapid adaptation of all known inter-
oceptors creates an internal contradiction for a linear systems model of
long-term physiological regulation, which relies upon conventional sen-
sory-neural transduction in the feedback loop.
2 In principle, the atrial A and B receptors (Gilmore, 1983) have the respective character-
istics and situations for measuring the modulation and peak-to-peak pressure amplitude.
Thus, for certain central cardiovascular receptors receiving a mechanically modulated
stimulus a relatively complicated scheme of independent modulation measurement and
compensated demodulation of the signal could extend the low-frequency response of
G(z) sufficiently to transduce accurately a slowly changing variable, such as central
One possible conclusion from these data and arguments is that sen-
sory-neural transduction has no role in long-term regulation. This pos-
sibility was extensively developed by Granger and Guyton (1969), who
proposed that the constancy and integration of central physiological
variables is achieved by a kind of "whole body" autoregulation which
does not involve nervous mechanisms. Their model is an assemblage
of reasonably well documented humoral, physical, and reflex mecha-
nisms organized into a linear systems framework, emphasizing the mu-
tual interdependence of the components and the predominant role of
intrinsic properties of the peripheral circulation in long-term regulation
of central variables. In it regulation occurs at a local tissue level through
a variety of autoregulatory mechanisms responsive to p02, pC02, and
pH, as well as to specific metabolic products and vasoactive interme-
diaries; thus, each tissue's normal requirements are adjusted by intrinsic
mechanisms not directly involving reflexes (Guyton, 1977). Central reg-
ulation is a net consequence of the local processes. As the vascular bed
of a tissue dilates in response to metabolic requirements, its conductance
increases, and the supplementary venous return to the heart enhances
cardiac output enough to meet the additional requirements of the tissue.
Guyton maintains that this mechanism alone has sufficient capacity· to
regulate cardiac output over a wide range of conditions short of stren-
uous exercise. The following quotations will provide some sense of the
logic and assumptions of this theory:
When local tissues vasodilate in an attempt to supply themselves with ad-
equate blood flow, this instantly increases blood flow from the arteries into
the veins. The increased venous pressure in tum causes increased venous
return. And, finally, the heart responds to this increased venous return by
increased pumping mainly because of the Frank-Starling mechanism ....
Even a 1 to 2 mm Hg rise in right atrial pressure distends the heart sufficiently
to double the cardiac output. In this way cardiac output automatically adjusts
itself to the venous return. (Guyton, 1977, p. 763)
regulation is the following: When arterial pressure rises too high, the kidneys
automatically begin to excrete fluid. Furthermore, they will not stop excreting
fluid until the arterial pressure returns to its original value. Conversely, when
the arterial pressure falls below normal, the kidneys retain fluid, and again
they will not stop retaining fluid until the pressure rises to its normal value.
(Guyton, 1977, p. 766)
this observation does not justify the conclusion that nervous mecha-
nisms do not affect long-term blood pressure regulation.
Measurement of the individual time constants and loop gains may
eventually show that the entire regulatory jigsaw puzzle fits neatly to-
gether at a peripheral level without the necessary involvement of the
brain in long-term regulation; however, the data to build that model
have not been assembled and the fact that the system could in some
manner function without the brain (Granger & Guyton, 1969) would not
imply that it ordinarily did. Furthermore, there is now a significant body
of evidence implicating tonic CNS efferent activity in steady-state
Experiments demonstrating shifts in long-term regulation following
nerve section or pharmacological blockade of ganglionic transmission
have provided the most direct evidence of the functional presence of
tonic autonomic control of cardiovascular function. 3 The effect of total
spinal anesthesia on blood pressure is a clear example. Loss of neuro-
genic vasomotor tone can reduce mean arterial pressure from 100 mmHg
to 50 mmHg or less, and injection of very small doses of norepinephrine
can immediately restore the original resting pressure (Guyton, 1982).
This and similar experiments confirm the normal presence of vasomotor
tone and its importance as a variable in long-term cardiovascular
Tonic sympathetic control of the resistance vessels has implications
primarily for the regional distribution of the cardiac output; a similar
control of venous tone is more important for central cardiovascular ho-
meostasis. Since the veins have little if any myogenic tone, the sym-
pathetic efferents are the major determinants of venous compliance.
Thus, hexamethonium ganglionic blockade causes a decrease in the
mean circulatory filling pressure requiring an infusion of 6-10 ml!Kg to
restore the original level (Rothe, 1976). Several other studies report equal
or greater estimates of neurogenic venous tone (Rothe, 1983). These
results show that the total-body pressure-volume relationship, venous
return, and, thus, the cardiac output are substantially regulated by tonic
sympathetic nerve activity and, as with the sympathetic control of the
kidney output curve, underline the obligatory role of autonomic effer-
ents in long-term cardiovascular regulation. In addition to these "global"
effects of autonomic activity there are other data on the independent
distribution of sympathetic vasomotor tone to different tissues.
The vasculature of both the skin and adipose tissue are under in-
dependent tonic sympathetic control. Following therapeutic sympa-
thectomy, blood flow in the adipose tissue of human limbs increases by
approximately 100% (Henriken, 1977). The vasomotor control of the skin
has been particularly well doc~mented because of its role in thermo-
4 In general, nerve block or section experiments can lead to false negative conclusions
regarding the presence of sympathetic tone if the outflow is distributed to antagonistic
effectors, balanced within the field of observation; in contrast, finding that a block or
lesion changes the resting state of a tissue is almost incontrovertible evidence of preex-
isting tonic influence of the nerve. The fact that reciprocal innervation may be balanced
so that blocking both aspects is without net effect does not obviate the need for inde-
pendent tonic control of each aspect.
< FIGURE 3. Interval histograms showing the statistical
a: properties of sample neurons studied by Mannard and
Polosa (1973) in the cat spinal cord near T1 . Cervical
w units were identified by supramaximal antidromic stim-
:.: ulation of the ipsilateral sympathetic nerve. A is a pen-
a: tobarbital anesthetized preparation with an intact neu-
w raxis, B is decerebrate, C transected at the cervical level,
z and D a decentralized isolated cord segment. The bin
0 widths are 64, 16, 32, and 96 msec., respectively; n.b.
in C and D the reduced number of spikes and restricted
m variability in interspike interval following the elimina-
~ 0 tion of supraspinal influences. The rate, averaged over
all units observed, was reduced to approximately 25%
of that for intact and decerebrate preparations. This
study compared the characteristics of the irregular back-
ground units shown in the figure to other rhythmical
o 1o 20 so 40 5o eo
firing units in the same region; an approximately equal
number of the two types were found .
~~~~~~J 0 R-------rlrl-rl-----r----+-------1---~I~IHI~II~IU~III~IQ~I---r--1---
FIGURE 4. These hypothetical curves are constructed from well-established mechanisms
(Johnson, 1964) and receptor characteristics (Mountcastle, 1980). They illustrate how re-
ceptor adaptation and autoregulation probably interact in a perfused metabolically active
block of tissue. Because of autoregulation, the blood flow through the section remains
constant despite a pressure transient at A. But from B to C there is a gradual drift in central
pressure, and the limit of blood flow autoregulation is approached; subsequently, another
pressure transient, beginning at C, exceeds the limit (dotted line) and local flow falls; a
relatively rapid accumulation of metabolic waste (reflected in the pH) triggers the inter-
oceptor, which is sensitive to falling pH.
sure, and changes in pressure, such as at point A in the slide, will have
no appreciable effect on either blood flow or pH. In contrast, when the
pressure gradually drifts so that the local autoregulatory apparatus even-
tually becomes incompetent, although the drift may be so slow as not
to be directly registerable by an interoceptor, occasional transient per-
turbations will periodically exceed the dynamic range of the regulator
and cause fluctuations which stimulate the interoceptor. At point C the
pressure has drifted down sufficiently for the dynamic limit of autore-
gulation to be approached, and the perturbation between C and D,
which is no larger than at A, causes a decrease in flow. The temporary
reduction in flow changes the metabolic balance in the tissue, reducing
oxygen delivery and allowing for a rapid accumulation of acidic waste,
which overwhelms the buffers and lowers the pH of the surface of the
interoceptor. If the rate of change of pH exceeds the rate of adaptation
of the interoceptor, it will fire. Given this analysis, the information trans-
mitted to the brain by the local interoceptor is that the conditions in the
tissue are getting close to the autoregulatory limit or "ragged edge."
However, simply saying that information is transmitted to the brain is
relatively meaningless without describing the mechanism that accom-
modates and uses the information. The remainder of this paper will
attempt to explain how Type II visceral learning could be that
The fundamental process of Type II learning is the association in
time between a response and a subsequent reinforcing stimulus (Woody,
1982, p. 46 ff.). Similarly, the association between an autonomic re-
sponse and interoceptor activity, signaling autoregulatory insufficiency,
would be the crucial feature of Type II visceral learning. For visceral
learning to modify the subsequent response probability and refine au-
tonomic regulation it is necessary only that increased interoceptor firing
closely follow the response, repeatedly, so that the nervous system can
detect the correlation against the background of random events.
In Figure 5 each group of interoceptors is connected to only a single
functionally related central efferent in an arrangement which resembles
a conventional reflex regulator but works with adapting interoceptors.
The tissue receives an autonomic efferent A from the CNS which either
directly controls a specific local function, such as vasoconstriction, or
sets the sensitivity of an autonomic reflex or intrinsic regulatory mech-
anism (Shepherd, 1983). The interoceptor I is sensitive to a specific con-
dition of the tissue such as pH. Local autoregulation maintains the pH
constant over a wide range of conditions, including considerable random
variation in the firing rate of efferent nerve A. Thus, ordinarily the in-
teroceptor is in a state of adaptation. However, some firing rates of A
are incompatible with local requirements and cause the limit of auto-
ln A Specific
Efferent I
p(IJA 1 )=1
FIGURE 5. This diagram shows how long-term regulation can be achieved with adapting
interoceptors and Type II visceral learning. The interoceptor (I) is specific in the sense that
it can modify only a single structurally predetermined efferent system. Firing of the in-
teroceptor causes the concurrently present efferent activity level (A;) subsequently to have
a reduced probability p(Ai)· As indicated by the conditional probabilities, interoceptor
firing occurs when A = A L, but not at other values; consequently, repeated events, ti-
tn, result in a cumulative reduction of the probability of additional occurrences of the
particular activity level, A. In addition to involving a memory process, this scheme differs
from a conventional negative feedback linear control model because monotonicity is not
assumed for the relationship between the tissue condition and efferent activity level, Aj.
from the sensory receptor to the CNS, and the physiological reference
level or set point is repositioned from the CNS to the autoregulated
region surrounding the receptor. The result in both cases is consonant
with contemporary physiological data and eliminates the paradox of
receptor adaptation; however, there are some further implications of the
involvement of learning in physiological regulation. In addition to stor-
ing information learning organizes behavior. The animal is a collection
of regulatory mechanisms or feedback loops; each may have several
inputs and outputs interacting with one another at spatially separated
points. If the resources of the system are limited so that at least some
of the variables must be chronically displaced from their optimal set
point and if multiple criteria exist for overall system performance, an
imposing problem of optimization emerges. Solving this problem is nec-
essary to the survival of all complex animals. Earlier, I suggested that
Type II learning had a well-established role in the matching of the ho-
meostatic requirements and behavior of animals, through eating, drink-
ing, and other skeletal responses. A mechanism for the optimization of
multiple physiological variables through Type II visceral learning can
be developed from a relatively direct extension of the model proposed
for single-variable steady-state regulation. Figure 6 is identical to Figure
5 except that two more efferent systems, B and C, have been added.
The probability distributions for these efferents are affected by recent
interoceptor firing exactly as the distribution for A is; however, as the
situation is depicted variation of activity in these efferents does not affect
the status of the tissue sufficiently to disturb regulation and cause the
interoceptor to fire. Consequently, interoceptor firing and the efferent
activity on B or C are uncorrelated. Therefore, the value decremented
in distributions p(Bi) and p(C) is different each time the interoceptor
fires, and since the area under a probability distribution is constant,
each operation cancels out the others without having a net effect. In
contrast, since interoceptor firing is evoked by a certain activity level on
efferent A, distribution p(Ai) will be repeatedly decremented at that
same value, eventually forming a cleft at the activity level incompatible
with autoregulation.
If conditions changed so that fluctuations in C also began to strain
the autoregulatory compliance of the tissue, a correlation would emerge
between the interoceptor firing and the newly incompatible values of
C. These new conditions could be due either to a change in local re-
quirements in the tissue, so that previously satisfactory values of C be-
came inadequate, or to a shift in the distribution of p(C;) produced by
some central disturbance or input. Under the learning rule the distri-
bution of p(C) would now be decremented at the values associated with
interoceptor firing. Thus, this arrangement is a mechanism for both iden-
A A Y\._
lntero ceptor fires =:>
Dec rem ent all distributions
t3 at th e current value
tn A A A 14-
Autonomic Efferents
A 8 c ~
_ ~
\p(I)A 1 )"'1 p(IIB,Hl P<rlc, >~1
[ Local
Autoregulation j
FIGURE 6. If the effect of interoceptor firing is not limited to a single efferent but distributes
over several, under the Type II learning rule only the probability distributions of those
efferents which significantly influence the tissue condition will be modified. The other
distributions will be decremented as frequently (see Figure 5), but randomly, and the net
effect will not alter their shape. With this arrangement, Type II learning could control the
allocation of resources among different anatomical structures and also select the particular
regulatory mechanisms which minimized net homeostatic imbalance. The behavioral foun-
dations have been discussed in more detail elsewhere (Dworkin, 1980; Dworkin, 1984;
McFarland, 1971).
BAUM, W. M. (1974). On two types of deviation from the matching law: Bias and under-
matching. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 22, 231-242.
CHERNIGOVSKY, V. N. (1960). Interoceptors. Moscow: State Publishing House of Medical
DELIUS, W., HAGBARTH, K. E., HoNGELL, A., & WALLIN, B. G. (1972). General characteristics
of sympathetic activity in human muscle nerves. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 84, 65-
DIAMOND, J. (1955). Observations on the excitation by acetylcholine and by pressure of
sensory receptors in the eat's carotid sinus. Journal of Physiology, 130, 513-532.
DwoRKIN, B. R. (1984). Operant mechanisms in physiological regulation. InT. ELBERT, B.
RocKSTROH, W. LUTZENBERGER, & N. BIRBAUMER (Eds.), Self regulation of the brain and
behavior. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 296-309.
DwoRKIN, B. R. (1980). The role of instrumental learning in the organization and main-
tenance of physiological control mechanisms. In G. ADAM, I. MESZAROS, & E. I. BANYAI
(Eds.), Advances in physiological sciences: Brain and behavior (Vol. 17) Budapest: Aka-
demiai Kiado, pp. 169-176.
DwoRKIN, B. R., & MILLER, N. E. (1977). Visceral learning in the curarized rat. In G.
ScHWARTZ & J. BEATTY (Eds.), Biofeedback: Theory and research. New York: Academic
Press, pp. 221-242.
GILMORE, J. P. (1983). Neural control of extracellular volume in the human and nonhuman
primate. In J. T. SHEPHERD & F. M. ABBOUD (Eds.), The handbook of physiology: The car-
diovascular system (Vol. 3, Sec. 2). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, pp. 885-915.
GRANGER, H., & GUYToN, A. C. (1969). Autoregulation of the total systemic circulation
following distruction of the central nervous system in the dog. Circulation Research,
25, 379-388.
GUYTON, A. C. (1977). An overall analysis of cardiovascular regulation. Anesthesia and An-
algesia, 56, 761-768.
GUYToN, A. C. (1982). Textbook of medical physiology (6th ed.). Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.
GUYTON, A. C., CoLEMAN, T. G., & GRANGER, H. J. (1972). Circulation: Overall regulation.
Annual Review of Physiology, 34, 13-46.
HENRIKEN, 0. (1977). Local sympathetic reflex mechanism in regulation of blood flow in
human subcutaneous tissue .. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, Suppl., 101, 1-48.
HERRNSTEIN, R. J. (1961). Relative and absolute strength of response as a function of fre-
quency of reinforcement. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 4, 267-272.
PAUL M. LEHRER e UMDNJ-Rutger' s Medical School, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854. RoB-
ERT L. WooLFOLK AND NINA GoLDMAN e Rutgers-The State University, New Brunswick,
New Jersey 08903.
Schwartz, 1976; Lang, 1971; Lazarus, 1981). 1 This contrasts with Jacob-
son's theory that progressive relaxation (a somatic therapy) is the path
of choice for all tension-related problems; with the theories of the cog-
nitive and dynamic therapists that cognitive-insight therapies are best
for all such problems; and with the theory of Benson (1975) and his
followers who assert that all relaxation methods (if not all stress-reduc-
tion methods in general) are equivalent and that therefore the fastest
and simplest methods are universally preferable.
Let us return to the differences between Jacobson's technique and
the various modified progressive relaxation techniques used by most
behavior therapists. We shall contrast them on the dimensions upon
which we believe they differ fundamentally, justifying our belief that
they are, in fact, different techniques, containing different procedures
and having different effects (Woolfolk & Lehrer, 1984a). The dimensions
are as follows:
1. Pedagogy versus psychotechnology. We see Jacobson's technique as
being oriented more toward teaching a life skill, and the revised tech-
niques more as requiring something to be done to the client in order to
produce relaxation, either through a psychological technique or elec-
tronic gadgetry.
2. Emphasis on muscular learning versus on direct modification of cog-
nitions. Jacobson taught progressive relaxation entirely as a muscular
skill. Although dramatic cognitive changes would often occur, Jacobson
argued that cognitive and behavioral changes would occur automati-
cally, as individuals reduced their levels of neuromuscular tension,
thereby having more energy and a better ability to think clearly about
what is rational and what is in their own best interests. The behavior
therapists, on the other hand, give specific behavioral and cognitive
prescriptions to their patients and attempt to modify directly that which
Jacobson saw only as indirect targets of therapy. In Jacobson's mind,
the most direct goal of therapy was to teach self-control of muscle ten-
sion, and to enable his patients to approach a level of absolutely no
tension in the skeletal muscles. Then, he said Oacobson, 1970, xii), they
1 The reader should note that this theory does not postulate complete independence of
the three psychobiological systems (cognitive, somatic, and behavioral) in the etiology
and/or treatment of stress. The systems undeniably interact with and affect each other,
and how they interact with each other is an important avenue of current research and
theory (Lang, 1977; Sheehan, 1983; Tyrer, 1976). We are merely asserting that the three
modalities are partially independent, and, although symptoms in each of these areas may
be affected to some extent by almost any form of treatment, nevertheless each problem
will respond best to modality-specific treatment.
would become free and energetic enough to see new alternatives in their
lives and to change their cognitions and behaviors accordingly.
3. The use of suggestion. This category actually overlaps the other
two. The behavior therapists use suggestion during progressive relax-
ation instructions both as a method of producing relaxation automati-
cally (i.e., the psychotechnology approach) and as a method of enlisting
the mental and cognitive faculties in the relaxation process. Jacobson
rejected suggestion as a vehicle for relaxation training, because he felt
that it interfered with the fundamental task of learning exquisite control
of skeletal muscle activity. With suggestion, he cautioned, a person
might believe relaxation to be present even when it is not.
The relative merits of the various progressive relaxation techniques
can of course be decided only by empirical investigation. To date, the
empirical data on this issue are sparse. Two studies have directly com-
pared Jacobson's original technique with various of the revised tech-
niques, and both of them contain substantial design problems. Turner
(1978) compared Jacobson's technique with various other procedures,
including the progressive relaxation techniques described by Paul, 1966,
and by Wolpe and Lazarus, 1966, EMG biofeedback, and various control
methods. Turner found a small but significant advantage for Jacobson's
technique on one paper-and-pencil measure of anxiety and advantages
of borderline significance on other paper-and-pencil and physiological
measures. A similar study was done by Snow (1977), who found no
significant differences between Jacobson's method and other methods.
The major problem in both studies is that the authors used normal col-
lege students as subjects rather than clinical populations and therefore
the clinical implications are at best inferential. Indeed, there is some
evidence that the physiological effects of learning a relaxation technique
may not be noticeable among a nonanxious population because of a
"floor" effect and that therefore even substantial differences in the
power of the various techniques might have been obscured in the above
studies on college students. To illustrate this problem, Lehrer (1978)
found marked physiological differences between progressive relaxation
and a no-treatment control among anxiety neurotics, but almost no phys-
iological differences among normal subjects. The results were inter-
preted as indicating that nonanxious individuals are able to relax to a
great extent without special training, even under conditions of mild
stress, thus obscuring the effects of progressive relaxation training when
it is compared to a no-treatment or self-relaxation control. In a more
dramatic illustration of this, Lehrer (1972) administered a series of grad-
ually more intense electric shocks to paid college student volunteers in
order to test the effect of muscular relaxation on habituation of the skin
potential response elicited by shock. Although subjects in the relaxation
group did habituate more quickly than subjects in a group that had been
instructed to tense their muscles and a group that had been instructed
to hold their levels of muscle tension constant, there were no differences
in habituation rate between subjects in the relaxation group and subjects
in a group that was given no instruction at all. Indeed, in the latter
group, the experimenter had some difficulty in keeping subjects awake
during the entire procedure. One can easily conclude from this study
that normal, nonanxious college students usually have no difficulty re-
laxing when they are reclining in a comfortable chair in a dimly lit room
and are told to relax and that studies of subtle but potentially important
differences in relaxation training technique must be done on a symp-
tomatic population.
Thus studies involving direct contrasts between Jacobson's pro-
gressive relaxation technique and the revised techniques have until'now
bee.J;l inconclusive. Perhaps future investigation will, some day, tell us
whether the differences are clinically significant. We offer the following
conceptual analysis as a preliminary step in the design and execution
of this research.
Often one hears the verb to relax used transitively, meaning some-
thing that a therapist does to someone as in the sentence, "The therapist
first relaxed the client and then began the desensitization process." In
conjunction with this usage the phrase "relaxation exercises" is often
used, meaning the method by which the therapist "relaxes" someone.
These phrases are alien to Jacobson's method but are not infrequently
heard from practitioners of the revised progressive relaxation proce-
dures. According to Jacobson's philosophy, the therapist should do
nothing to the client other than teach him or her a muscular skill. If the
client practices the skill dutifully, he or she will voluntarily be able to
relax the skeletal muscles to an extraordinary degree and thereby ex-
perience various beneficial physiological and psychological effects. If the
client chooses not to use the skill, no such effects will be felt. Indeed,
having the client feel relaxed during a training session is, at most, a
secondary goal, useful only as a motivator for further practice. Jacobson
considered countertherapeutic any attempt to "prompt" clients to feel
relaxed in any way other than by learning to recognize very low levels
of skeletal muscle tension and by learning to "'switch off" the tension
at will. He argued that any attempt to make a person feel relaxed in the
absence of actual muscle relaxation would make the client dependent
on the therapist for the beneficial feelings and would interfere with
A. Number of Sessions
Jacobson's method is often characterized as unworkable because of
the large number of sessions needed to teach the technique. Indeed, the
number of sessions required by Jacobson's method is the reason almost
universally cited by those who opt for the adaptations of Jacobson's
technique rather than the original. It is true that various treatment man-
uals written by Jacobson (1964, 1970) do indicate that the technique can
only be taught in upwards of twenty sessions. An examination of Ja-
cobson's own cases, however, indicates that he himself often did not
adhere to these guidelines. In some instances he reported therapeutic
effects in as few as two hours of treatment Gacobson, 1964, pp. 200-
201). Although he believed that thorough training is the preferred treat-
ment for everyone, he understood that, for many practitioners, thor-
oughness must be sacrificed for clinical expediency. Thus, although on
the average most practitioners of the revised procedures may spend less
time than Jacobson did in training an individual to relax, this is not a
necessary difference between the two approaches.
The research literature is unclear about the importance of lengthy
training. In their literature review, Borkovec and Sides (1979) concluded
that multiple sessions of training were necessary to insure that pro-
gressive relaxation training has a measurable physiological effect and
they found a significantly greater number of sessions devoted to training
among studies that found measurable physiological effects as opposed
to those that did not. On the other hand, Lehrer (1982) reviewed a
voluminous amount of more recent literature and did not find significant
differences on this measure, thus casting in doubt the importance of
length of training. Even in the review by Borkovec and Sides, however,
the number of training sessions in the "effective" studies was not large
(with a mean of less than 5).
D. Conditioned Relaxation
The induction of relaxation by classical conditioning methods is for-
eign to Jacobson's method but often used in the revised procedures.
This is another form of "inducing" relaxation by external means rather
than teaching it as a skill, and Jacobson eschewed all such approaches.
Included among techniques for inducing conditioned relaxation are im-
agining a pleasant scene and "cue-controlled relaxation," a procedure
in which the individual learns to say a silent cue word (e.g., "relax")
while in the relaxed state, and to use it later when under stress to induce
the relaxed state.
Proponents of relaxing imagery have theorized that pleasant and
calm feelings are evoked by the associations produced by the relaxing
images. Jacobson, on the other hand, theorized that the process of de-
liberately thinking about a pleasant scene necessarily involves increased
tension in the muscles in and around the eyes because, he found, visual
imagery is always accompanied by such increases in muscle tension
(Jacobson, 1931). By its very nature, according to Jacobson, relaxation
is a completely passive experience. 2 Arguing in favor of the use of re-
laxing imagery, Lazarus (1981) has proposed that it has its greatest ben-
eficial effects on problems involving anxiety-producing imagery. Jacob-
son observed that when complete muscle relaxation is achieved,
particularly involving the muscles of the eyes, no imagery takes place.
He thus felt that deliberate use of relaxing imagery is counterproductive.
No empirical comparisons have yet been reported between Lazarus's
2 In some ways Jacobson's view of relaxation is similar to descriptions of the deeper stages
of Zen or yogic meditation (Patel, 1984; Suzuki, 1979). Actually, however, Jacobson dis-
liked this comparison, feeling that his method was entirely scientific and not at all myst-
ical, as are the Eastern meditative disciplines.
produce. Although Jacobson did advise his patients to tense each muscle
quite severely when first becoming acquainted with its function and with
the sensations associated with its flexion, he did not advise extreme
tension when attempting to relax. Extreme tension was used only di-
dactically, when first pointing out the things that individuals must refrain
from doing in each muscle when they want to relax. Thereafter Jacobson
advised using the "method of diminishing tensions" (Jacobson, 1938,
p. 53), in which the trainee successively tenses as little as possible while
still remaining aware of the "control" sensations (i.e., the sensations of
tension that tell us when we are exerting control over the actions of part
of the body, by use of the particular muscle). In each training session,
the individual tenses a muscle only a few times and spends most of the
time "switching off" the muscle-but each incidence of tension should
require progressively less muscle contraction to produce readily per-
ceived control sensations. The goal of training is to enable the individual
to develop such exquisite sensitivity to, and control over, the skeletal
muscles that he or she can switch off each muscle at any moment, with-
out tensing at all.
In contrast to Jacobson's method, some of the revised progressive
relaxation procedures unabashedly advise tensing muscles as a method
of inducing relaxation (cf. Bernstein & Borkovec, 1973, p. 20). Individuals
are often asked to tense several muscle groups simultaneously, with
maximal effort, and then to release them, each time the individual
wishes to relax. In the latter case, the sudden release of extreme tension
is theorized to produce a decrease in baseline muscle tension, much as
a pendulum swings back in the opposite direction past its resting point
when it has been lifted and then released.
Jacobson's research specifically argued against the existence of a
pendulum effect. He found (Jacobson, 1934, a, b) that in many individuals
tension remains high, often for prolonged periods, after release from high
levels of deliberate tension. Individuals who have received training in
progressive relaxation tend to be able to return to low levels much more
quickly than others; and athletes (who presumably devote considerable
time and concentration to their muscles and their muscle sensations,
and therefore have developed greater sensitivity and control than most
people) show a post-tension release that is intermediate between the
levels achieved by other individuals who are trained and those untrained
in progressive relaxation (Jacobson, 1934b).
Jacobson's results would actually suggest that an egg timer would
be a better analogy than a pendulum in describing the effect of tension.
When the sand inside is moved to the top, it reaches bottom rather slowly
and gradually, and much of it may remain elevatecl for considerable
time. With athletes and those trained in relaxation, the sand in the timer
may flow more swiftly, and with untrained individuals suffering from
neuromusclular tension the sand may flow more slowly, but in no in-
stance does it reach levels below those at which it had started before
the timer was turned over.
We have recently reported the results of a study on this issue from
our laboratory. We performed it because, upon reviewing Jacobson's
studies of EMG levels following tension release, we noticed that Jacob-
son did not use tension procedures that are analogous to those used in
the revised progressive relaxation procedures. In the latter, tension takes
place only for 10-20 seconds, and tension-release cycles are repeated
five or more times; whereas in Jacobson's experiments subjects tensed
their muscles for one minute or more, and the tension took place only
once. In our study (Lehrer, Batey, Woolfolk, Remde, & Garlick, 1985),
we attempted to replicate more closely the conditions used in the revised
progressive relaxation procedures. We repeatedly asked subjects to
tense for 20 seconds and then to release their frontalis and dominant
forearem extensor muscles, alternately, and in balanced order. Simul-
taneously, we measured EMG levels from both sites and asked subjects
to rate their levels of tension in the muscles that they were tensing at
the time. We found little evidence for a pendulum effect. In both muscle
groups, EMG levels remained elevated for a minute or more after sub-
jects were told to release their tension. Although frontal EMG levels did
eventually reach levels lower than baseline after tension release, forearm
EMG levels appeared to have remained elevated. Self-reported feelings
of tension appeared to dissipate relatively slowly in both muscle groups.
An additional objection to the tense-release method of training used
in the revised methods was raised by Sime (1982), who pointed out that
most of these methods involve tensing several muscle groups at once
(e.g., the entire fist and arm at once) and therefore produce so many
sensations that the trainee cannot possibly isolate the subtle control sen-
sations. For example, tightening the fist and arm together produces mul-
tiple sensations from tendons and ligaments (the feelings of nails digging
into the palms, etc.), all superimposed upon each other in a way that
makes them almost impossible to discriminate from each other. In most
cases, this completely masks the sensations of muscle contraction, which
often are much more subtle. If any relaxation is achieved by this method,
it certainly would not be by training individuals to make subtle muscle
discriminations. Beneficial effects from this procedure, if they occur at
all, probably result more from suggestion and expectation, issues that
will be discussed in detail below.
Note that, although we call into doubt the procedure of inducing
relaxation through tense-release cycles, we are pointedly not denying
the usefulness of tensing and releasing muscles during the process of
by Bennick, Holst, & Renthem, 1982; Daly, Donn, Galliher, & Zimmer-
man, 1983; Stout, Thornton, & Russell, 1980; Walsh, Dale, & Anderson,
1977). Also, although the combination of taped relaxation instructions
and biofeedback does yield superior results to taped relaxation instruc-
tions alone (d. review by Lehrer, 1982), taped relaxation training prob-
ably does not add anything to biofeedback. Two recent studies (Kappes,
1983; Walsh, Dale, & Anderson, 1977) found no differences between
biofeedback alone and the combination of biofeedback and taped relax-
ation instructions.
Nevertheless, EMG bjofeedback might still be useful to some in-
dividuals. Prager-Decker (1978) found that individuals who score high
on a paper-and-pencil measure of external control tend to do better with
EMG biofeedback than do other individuals. Two recent studies from
Blanchard's laboratory (Blanchard et. al., 1982; Neff, Blanchard, & An-
drasik, 1983) also suggest that some individuals who cannot be helped
by progressive relaxation might be helped by biofeedback. They found
that administering biofeedback produced significant improvements in
symptoms among individuals suffering from headaches who did not
respond to prior relaxation instruction. Several investigators have ar-
gued that biofeedback might be a useless technology because of the high
cost of equipment and because it does not appear to be more powerful
than relaxation therapy (d. Furedy, 1984a,b; White & Tursky, 1982).
However, Lehrer (1983, 1984a,b) has argued that the price of biofeedback
equipment had declined significantly enough to warrant consideration
as an inexpensive home aid to relaxation training, or, at times, even a
substitute-especially when the alternative is superficial or taped
In both his clinical approach and in his theoretical view of the nature
of mind and body, Jacobson emphasized the importance of the periphery
of the body. Emotions and other maladaptive mental processes, he felt,
might most effectively be modified by changing a person's use of the
skeletal muscles. The post-Jacobson relaxation therapists have tended
to give more emphasis to direct modification of cognitions; indeed, the
whole field of behavior therapy in recent years has emphasized the
importance of cognitive mediation of behavior and of direct treatment
of cognitions. Even such a bedrock "somatic" technique as biofeedback
has come to be interpreted as being mediated by cognitions and having
profound effects upon cognitions (Lazarus, 1977; Holroyd, 1979). One
tematic desensitization, and they are taught to identify the specific phys-
iological or muscular sensations associated with the anxiety they per-
ceive. In the third phase, they learn to utilize a cue word, as is done in
the technique of cue-controlled relaxation, and to use it to induce a
relaxed state when confronted with an anxiety-provoking situation. In
the visuomotor rehearsal phase of stress management training, clients
imagine themselves engaging in behaviors that are alternatives to those
that generate life stress. Following imaginal rehearsal, these behaviors
are practiced in vivo.
Cognitive therapies have been proven to be effective treatments for
a variety of disorders, including depression, asthma, anxiety, and head-
aches. For most of these dysfunctions, at least at their present level of
conceptualization and measurement, the self-report of distress is the
most important and even the defining element of the difficulty. For other
syndromes (e.g., hypertension and other somatic complaints) we have
little evidence supporting the efficacy of cognitive therapy. The literature
to date on cognitive approaches to physiological problems has been
sparse. Few studies have evaluated the impact of cognitive interventions
on somatic systems. The available literature does suggest that cognitive
treatments may carry less impact on behavioral and physiological re-
sponse systems than do treatments that target these systems more di-
rectly. A study by Kremsdorf, Kochanowicz, and Costell (1981) found
that cognitive therapy reduces self-reported headache activity but does
not reduce actual muscle tension. Conversely, they found, EMG bio-
feedback appears to reduce muscle tension but not self-reports of head-
ache. Similarly, Biran and Wilson (1981) found that cognitive treatment
is ineffective relative to an exposure-based treatment in ameliorating
avoidance among phobic patients.
Cognitive therapy has most often been found to be effective with
those disorders for which the individual client's phenomenology is
either sufficient to its diagnosis or the most salient indication of its pres-
ence. Holroyd and Andrasik (1982) found some evidence for superiority
of cognitive therapy over EMG biofeedback in the treatment of tension
headache. The effectiveness of cognitive techniques in the treatment of
clinical pain resulting from various disorders has been demonstrated
repeatedly (Turk, Meichenbaum, & Genest, 1983). Cognitive approaches
have also been found effective in the treatment of test anxiety (Mei-
chenbaum, 1972), social anxiety (Goldfried, 1979), depression (Beck,
Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979), and chronic anger (Novaco, 1975).
We recently (Lehrer & Woolfolk, 1984) reviewed the results of em-
pirical studies comparing cognitive with somatic treatments for various
stress-related problems, and concluded that cognitive therapy has more
powerful effects than somatic relaxation procedures on cognitive symp-
and his colleagues (cf. Borkovec & Hennings, 1978), who used "coun-
terdemand" instructions: they told their subjects that no therapeutic
effects might be expected until after the first four sessions, so they could
measure the therapeutic effects of the technique devoid of placebo con-
tribution before the fourth session. This methodology, unfortunately, is
much more adaptable to studying the revised techniques than to study-
ing Jacobson's original technique, because the former present training
in all the muscle groups right from the beginning, whereas Jacobson's
method does not; therefore Jacobson's method may actually have fewer
therapeutic effects during early sessions. Unless a suitable method can
be found to eliminate suggestion even further fromJacobon's technique,
the most we can hope for is comparisons between various relaxation
techniques that differ in the amount of suggestion that is deliberately
included in the technique, compared with the amount of specific phys-
iological training that takes place.
·An approach that comes closer to our own was recently articulated
by Clarke and Jackson (1983), who interpret hypnosis primarily as a
cognitive technique and progressive relaxation primarily as a somatic
technique. In a review of the comparative outcome literature, we con-
cluded that the effects of hypnosis are greater on mental function and
on overt behavior than on levels of physiological arousal, and that ex-
actly the opposite is the case with such somatically oriented techniques
as progressive relaxation and biofeedback (Lehrer & Woolfolk, 1984).
We found that the most dramatic results among studies of hypnosis
were obtained on self-report measures or on overt voluntary behavior.
Thus, even in studies of ostensibly physiological events such as pain,
insomnia, smoking, drug craving or withdrawal, and overeating-all of
which are found to yield to hypnotic treatment-the most relevant out-
come measure consists of self-report or overt behavior, both of which
are directly manipulated by hypnotic suggestion. Although physiolog-
ical effects also are occasionally obtained with hypnosis, they tend to
be weaker, perhaps because the physiological effects are indirect. Exactly
the opposite tends to happen with such presumably somatically oriented
techniques as progressive relaxation and biofeedback.
Another approach to this problem is to define the hypnotic and
relaxation procedures operationally and from an atheoretical perspective
to examine the comparative and combined effects of the two forms of
intervention. Barber (1984) takes this course and hypothesizes that com-
bining suggestion with relaxation may help both techniques. We, on
the other hand, predict that the advantage of adding hypnotic sugges-
tion to relaxation would be seen only when an outcome measure is of
a sort that directly reflects cognitive or overt behavioral function. Con-
sistent with this, Barber states that "the goal (of relaxation) is not mus-
The authors are indebted to John Atthowe for his helpful sugges-
tions in the section about hypnosis.
ANDREYCHUK, T., & SKRIVER, C. (1975). Hypnosis and biofeedback in the treatment of
migraine headache. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 23. 172-
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BARBER, T. X., SPANOS, N. P., & CHEVES, }. F. (1974). Hypnosis, imagination, and human
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BECK, A. T. (1976). Cognitive therapy and the emotional disorders. New York: International
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BEcK, A. T., RusH, A. J., SHAW, B. F., & EMERY, G. (1979). Cognitive therapy of depression.
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BENNICK, C. D., HoLST, L. L., & BENTIIEM, T. A. (1982). The effects of EMG biofeedback
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Abrams, S., 125 Basbaum, A. I., 88, 89, 94 Blouin, D., 158
Ach, N., 2 Basmajian, J. V., 43 Bock, J. C., 142, 144
Adair, J. R., 58 Batey, D., 193 Boden, M., 6
Adams, J. E., 88, 94 Battit, G., 74 Bodnar, R. J., 89, 90, 92,
Addario, D., 190 Baum, W. M., 174 100
Ader, R., 97, 98 Baxter, R., 146 Bonvallet, M., 58, 197
Akaike, A., 94 Beahrs, J. 0., 149 Boon, C., 130
Akil, H., 88, 89, 90, 93 Beck, A. T., 197, 199 Borkovec, T. D., 183, 188,
Alexander, F., 131 Beck, E. C., 74 189, 190, 192, 193, 204-
Allport, D. A., 13, 14 Bekesy, G. V., 119 205, 207
Amir, S., 89, 90, 92 Bellman, K., 4 Botwinick, J., 67
Amit, Z., 89, 90, 92 Bennett, D. H., 148 Boylan, M. B., 194
Anderson, D. E., 194, 195 Bennett, G. ]., 88, 90 Branch, B. J., 97
Andrasik, F., 195, 199 Bennick, C. D., 194 Brener, J., 68, 138-139,
Andreychuk, T., 208 Benson, H., 185 140, 141, 142, 153, 156
Anisman, H., 100 Bentov, I., 80 Brown, B. B., 30
Antonis, B., 13, 14 Bering, E. A., 80 Brown, H. 0., 21
Antrobus, J. S., 31 Berka, C., 67 Brucker, B. S., 147, 152,
Antrobus, T. S., 30, 42 Berman, J. S., 130 157
Appleton, J., 21 Berman, W. H., 140 Buchsbaum, M., 69
Archer, R. L., 130 Bernstein, D. A., 183, 192 Buck, R. W., 127
Ascough, J. C., 146 Bernstein, G. L., 141 Burgess, A. W., 128
Ashton, R., 194 Bhatnagar, R. K., 97 Burgess, I. S., 174
Atkinson, G., 157, 208 Binder, R., 128 Buss, A., 116
Atthowe, J., 208 Biran, M., 199
Azami, J., 94 Birch, L., 21 Cacioppo, J. T., 49, 50,
Bird, E., 194 63, 64, 68
Birren, J., 67, 77 Cain, M. P., 44
Baars, B., 16 Birzis, L., 61 Callaway, E., 67, 69
Bacon, J. G., 208 Bissell, L. E., 69 Cameron, R., 198
Bain, A., 19, 24 Black, A. H., 68 Campbell, D., 196
Baker, ]., 138 Blackburn, R., 126 Campos, J., 67
Ball, G., 153 Blanchard, E., 148, 156, Cannon, J. T., 89, 09, 92,
Barber, T. X., 205, 206 195 93
Barchas, J. D., 89, 90 Bleecker, E. R., 147, 157 Cannon, W., 55, 56, 57
Bardo, M. T., 97 Block, D. L., 207 Canter, A., 194
Barrett, J., 33 Bloom, F. E., 93 Cardon, P., 67
Barrios, B. A., 109 Bloom, L. J., 201 Carmon, A., 74
Bartoshuk, A. K., 38 Bloomfield, H. H., 44, 45 Carrington, P., 190
Pearson, J. A., 146 Roberts, L. E., 141, 147, Shallice, T., 1, 9, 13, 27-
Pedigo, N. W., 93 148, 153, 156, 158 28
Pennebaker, J. W., 107, Robbins, T. W., 10 Shapiro, D., 64, 146, 147,
108, 109, 110, 116, 122, Roddie, I. C., 172 206
130, 149 Rodier, W. I., III, 28 Shattock, R. J., 146
Penner, E. R., 95 Rodriguez-Sierra, J. F., Shavit, Y., 87, 98, 99, 100
Perera, T. B., 23 100 Shaw, B. F., 199
Persson, B., 59 Rogers, M. C., 74 Shaw, W. A., 22
Pert, A., 89 Rosecrans, J. A., 89, 90, Sheehan, D., 185nl
Peters, L. ]., 98 93 Sheehan, P. W., 153, 157,
Peterson, L. H., 60 Rosenthal, F., 59 208
Petrides, 9 Ross, A., 138, 141 Shepherd, J. T., 172, 176
Petrinovich, L. F., 47 Ross, N., 125 Sheridan, C. L., 190
Petty, R. E., 49, 50, 64, 68 Rossier, J., 93 Sherman, J. E., 91, 92
Pew, R. W., 8 Rothe, C. F., 171 Shiffrin, R. M., 1, 2, 40,
Philips, C., 201 Rubenstein, C., 110, 112, 151
Phillips, S., 67 115 Shriver, C., 208
Picton, T. W., 75, 76 Rudy, T. A., 89 Shulman, A. G., 5
Pillsbury, W. B., 15, 19, Ruemlhart, D. E., 3, 16 Shulman, G. L., 11
25 Rush, A. ]., 199 Shuster, L., 100
Pollard, G., 194 Russell, H. L., 194 Sibby, R., 174
Polosa, C., 172 Russell, R., 190 Sides, K., 188, 189
Ponte, JU., 61 Rylander, G., 9, 10 Signoret, J.-L., 9
Pope, K. S., 40, 41 Silver, R. L., 130
Posner, M. I., 2, 13 Sime, W., 189, 193
Saari, M., 67, 77
Prager-Decker, I.]., 195 Singer, J. L., 30, 31, 40,
Sagawa, K., 165 41,42
Prieto, G. ]., 94
Sahaikian, B., 10
Przewlocki, R., 92 Sipich, J., 190
Sanderson, R. E., 196
Purves, M. ]., 61, 74 Sipprelle, C. N., 146
Sandman, C. A., 55, 56,
Skalak, R., 166
57, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67,
Qualls, P. L 153, 157, Skinner, B. F., 120
68, 69, 71, 73, 74, 76,
208 Sklar, L. S., 100
77, 81
Quy, R. J., 148 Satinoff, E., 165
Skok, V. I., 172
Slama, K., 193
Satoh, M., 94
Schad, H., 170, 172 Smith, D. L., 90
Rahe, R., 109, 110
Schandler, S. L., 201 Smith, M. L., 130
Randich, A., 93
Reason, J. T., 2, 12 Scheier, M., 116 Smith, M. 0., 19
Reba, P., 202 Schenkenberg, T., 74 Smith, R. E., 60
Reeves, J. L., 64 Schmale, A. H., 110 Smith, S. M., 21
Remde, A., 193 Schmidt, R. A., 8 Snow, W. G., 186
Renthem, T. A., 194 Schneider, W., 1, 2, 40, Snyder, M., 116
Rescorla, R. A., 120 151 Sotaniemi, K. A., 69
Resick, P. A., 129 Schober, R., 147 Spanos, N. P., 206
Reynolds, D. V., 88 Schuler,]., 208 Speisman, J. C., 56
Reynolds, P., 13, 14 Schwartz, G. E., 116, 126, Spelke, E., 13
Ribot, T. A., 19, 26 146, 147, 184-185, 197 Spence, K. W., 119
Richardson, D. D., 88 Schwartz, J. C., 94 Sperry, R. W., 20, 21
Riley, D. M., 137 Scott, R. E., 148 Stapleton, J. M., 88
Risse, 149 Seligman, E. P., 100 Steger, J. A., 11
Roberts, A. H., 208 Seller, H., 170, 172 Steiner, S. S., 90, 142
Roberts, H. H. T., 94 Selye, H., 91, 119, 128 Stern, M., 146