The Hall Technique 10 Years On: Questions and Answers: General
The Hall Technique 10 Years On: Questions and Answers: General
The Hall Technique 10 Years On: Questions and Answers: General
Discusses the development and acceptance of the Provides information on where to find out more Reports an overview of high quality evidence from
Hall Technique. about the Hall Technique. randomised control trials supporting use of the Hall
Technique in day to day practice.
It is ten years since the first paper on the Hall Technique was published in the British Dental Journal and almost 20 years since
the technique first came to notice. Dr Norna Hall a (now retired) general dental practitioner from the north of Scotland had,
for many years, been managing carious primary molar teeth by cementing preformed metal crowns over them, with no local
anaesthesia, tooth preparation or carious tissue removal. This first report, a retrospective analysis of Dr Hall’s treatments, caused
controversy. How could simply sealing a carious lesion, with all the associated bacteria and decayed tissues, possibly be clinically
successful? Since then, growing understanding that caries is essentially a biofilm driven disease rather than an infectious
disease, explains why the Hall Technique, and other ‘sealing in’ carious lesion techniques, are successful. The intervening
ten years has seen robust evidence from several randomised control trials that are either completed or underway. These have
found the Hall Technique superior to comparator treatments, with success rates (no pain or infection) of 99% (UK study)
and 100% (Germany) at one year, 98% and 93% over two years (UK and Germany) and 97% over five years (UK). The Hall
Technique is now regarded as one of several biological management options for carious lesions in primary molars. This paper
covers commonly asked questions about the Hall Technique and speculates on what lies ahead.
Questions Although conventional preformed crowns are usage of crowns was reported in hypothetical
used to carry out the Hall Technique, and it is case treatment plans, even amongst paediatric
What is the Hall Technique? simply a different way of using these crowns, dentistry specialists. Tran stated that, ‘Mastery
The Hall Technique is a method for using crowns fitted this way are usually referred to of the crown continues to elude thousands of
preformed metal (also known as stainless steel) simply as Hall crowns. More information can graduating dentists every year who, as a result
crowns to manage carious primary molar teeth, be found on Wikipedia ( of their discomfort, shy away from it and rely
by seating a correctly sized crown over the org/wiki/Hall_Technique, as of 6 March 2017), on huge amalgams to restore primary teeth.’2
tooth and sealing the carious lesion in, using a where there is also a downloadable illustrated During an audit of paediatric dental service
glass ionomer luting cement. Local anaesthesia PDF manual explaining when to, and how to, provision in the north east of Scotland in 1997,
is not required, tooth preparation is not carried carry out the technique from the correspond- one general dental practitioner, Dr Norna Hall
out, and no carious tissue is removed (Fig. 1). ing author. Table 1 lists the indications and (hence the name the Hall Technique) was
contraindications for the Hall Technique. found to be the only dentist, out of 150 in the
regional audit, regularly placing preformed
School of Dentistry, University of Dundee, Dundee, United
Kingdom; 2Department of Cariology, Pedodontology
How did the Hall Technique come crowns in children. During discussion, it
and Endodontology, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 3College about and when did it start being became apparent that Dr Hall was using the
of Dentistry, Iowa City, Iowa, United States; 4Faculty of
Odontology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences,
used? crowns in an unconventional way – not placing
Eiveniu 2, Kaunas, Lithuania; 5Dental School, Sao Paolo, In the mid-1990s, it was generally accepted local anaesthesia, removing caries or preparing
Brazil; 6Zahnmedizin & Kinderzahnheilkunde, Greifswald,
that crowns were the most predictable res- the tooth. Dr Hall worked in an area with high
*Correspondence to: Professor Nicola Innes toration for primary molars, rarely failing. levels of caries and low treatment acceptance.
Email: [email protected]
However, in 1996 in Scotland, a total of only She had gradually adapted conventional crown
Refereed Paper. Accepted 7 February 2017 164 crowns were fitted.1 There is some evidence placement to this technique in an attempt to
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2017.273 that this is not a dissimilar situation from other respond to the demand for treatment that was
British Dental Journal 2017; 222: 478-483
countries. In Australia in 2003, a relatively low quick, and did not involve local anaesthesia.
Fig. 1 Series of three photographs showing a crown being fitted to tooth 84 (lower right 1st primary molar). a) Different crowns are tried
over the tooth until the correct size is found (covering the cusps and giving a feeling of ‘spring back’. Note that gauze is being used for
airway protection. b) The crown is filled with glass ionomer cement. c) The crown is seated over the tooth (there is no local anaesthetic,
tooth preparation or caries removal) and, in this case, the child has used their bite force to seat the crown with cotton wool to help
distribute the force. The gingiva is blanching as the crown is sitting slightly subgingivally, further improving the seal and preventing the
lesion progressing. Same child as Fig. 3
Why should a clinician choose to ionomer cement, composite resin, or amalgam, attended to, with either pulp therapy through
place a Hall crown? suggesting it becomes one of the treatment the occlusal surface of the crown, or extraction
Children who have limited ability to cope with methods of choice in the primary dentition to of the tooth.
restorative dental treatment are one of the main be carried out
referrals to a paediatric specialist. A convention- What do we see for the Hall
ally placed preformed crown can work almost With the effectiveness, and ease of Technique over the next 10 years?
perfectly, but it requires local anaesthesia, air placement, of Hall crowns proven, are It seems that, at the moment, there is little need
rotor instruments to prepare the tooth and they the answer to providing high- for further randomised control trials of the
often, if a preparation is quite aggressive, a quality management of caries, in any Hall Technique compared with a single other
pulpal exposure, or close proximity to the environment? treatment option. This might seem strange to
dental pulp necessitates a pulpotomy. In many The Hall Technique is one of a range of biolog- say as the question is often raised about the
pre‑cooperative children or those with dis- ically-based options for managing dental caries comparison between conventional- and Hall
abilities, this is only possible under sedation or that the clinician now has at their disposal. Technique-placed crowns. Whilst it might have
general anaesthesia, which has major impacts on Traditionally, preformed stainless steel crowns been helpful to have had that data whilst the
the child, higher risks than chair-side treatment were used to restore primary molar teeth with effectiveness of the Hall Technique was being
and also much higher costs. Thus, a technique multi-surface carious lesions or where pulp proven, it now seems difficult to justify such a
which combines the advantages and high therapy had been carried out. One systematic study as the success rates for both techniques
success rates of a crown without the drawbacks review33 showed a superior clinical performance are so high. Given that there is evidence that
of the conventional, more invasive placement for preformed crowns versus amalgam for the children prefer less invasive treatment, it is ques-
technique can reduce referrals to a specialist and restoration of carious lesions in primary teeth, tionable what outcome of clinical relevance a
many sedation or general anaesthetic events. In with the failure rates being about three times study between Hall crowns and conventional
addition, the arrest of the carious lesion under lower for the crowns than for the amalgam crowns would give. Conventional crown
the crown is in line with all other non-invasive restorations. As described above (Q5), The placement with local anaesthesia and tooth
caries treatments such as lesion inactivation Hall Technique has also demonstrated high preparation (or at least reduction of some
through brushing, fluoride and silver diamine success rates compared to conventional restora- tooth substance) still has a place in the dental
fluoride application. tions, suggesting that they become a treatment treatment of children, for example, when the
In conclusion, with adding the Hall method of choice, for proximal lesions in tooth needs to be modified to achieve a good
Technique to their armamentarium, general carious primary molars. crown fit, or a pulp therapy has been carried out
and family dentists as well as paediatric dentists Based on the accumulated evidence, and the and it is desirable to avoid any occlusal trauma.
gain a highly successful and well-received relative success rates for managing occluso- Also, when multiple crowns are being fitted in
treatment option. Importantly though, in teeth proximal lesions, compared with other well- general anaesthesia cases, the use of conven-
with a plausible risk of irreversible pulpitis or recognised minimally invasive techniques tionally fitted crowns, should be considered,
periradicular periodontitis the Hall Technique such as the atraumatic restorative technique,36 or at least occlusal reduction carried out to
should not be employed as an ‘easy’ way out, as it might be thought that the Hall Technique avoid multiple crowns increasing the vertical
failures will discredit the treating dentist and would be an obvious choice for use in envi- dimension. So, the type of restoration prescribed
his/her choice of indication. ronments with a lack of facilities and infra- should always be based on the clinical situation.
structure, as it does not require an extensive Firstly, is a crown or a restorative filling material
What is the impact of the Hall dental armamentarium and is easy to use. indicated? If a crown is indicated, is there a need
Technique? However, great caution should be exercised in to carry out any tooth preparation? Has there
Despite marked declines in caries in the past these situations before recommending the Hall been pain/infection necessitating a pulp therapy,
30 years, dental caries in pre-school children Technique. As with all the biologically-based or can the Hall Technique be used?
continues be a major health concern for popu- caries management options, excellence in Research is still needed around issues
lations worldwide and is a serious public health diagnosis, treatment-planning and follow-up of costs to provide different treatments in
problem in disadvantaged communities.34 In are imperatives for success, arguably more various settings and relative costs saved as a
this context, the Hall Technique emerges as a so than with conventional treatment. Even result. However, now that the effectiveness
change in the management of dental decay in having correctly diagnosed and appropriately of the Hall Technique and its acceptability to
children, since the technique is simple and less treatment-planned (and this should usually children has been shown, the most significant
invasive, as it does not require local analgesia, involve radiographic examination), Hall factor will be increasing appropriate use of the
carious tissue removal or tooth preparation. crowns are not a ‘place and forget’ technique. technique in practice. To increase the number
It has a reduced treatment time (compared to Teeth should show no symptoms of pulpal of practitioners who use the Hall Technique,
conventional crowns and to plastic restorations) pathology, such as irreversible pulpitis when efforts should be directed in two directions:
and has been reported as more acceptable for a Hall Crown is being considered. If, due to 1) increased opportunities for practitioners to
children. The scientific evidence shows the high a failure in diagnosis, a Hall crown is inad- hear about and learn about the indications for,
success rates as compared to conventional resto- vertently placed on a tooth with irreversible and how to carry out, the Hall Technique. This
rations, making it the most cost-effective restor- pulpal disease, or the lesion reaches the pulp could be through additional published research
ative material35 because it requires less frequent and irreversible pulpal disease results, then this findings, increased course offerings at regional
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