This document discusses performance-based assessment. It notes limitations like being time-consuming to construct and score. Guidelines are provided for developing performance tasks, constructing scoring rubrics, and assessing student performance. Performance-based assessment focuses on directly observing student performance on authentic tasks rather than indirect paper tests. It allows for assessment of complex skills and processes, communication of real-world goals, and observation of student progress.
This document discusses performance-based assessment. It notes limitations like being time-consuming to construct and score. Guidelines are provided for developing performance tasks, constructing scoring rubrics, and assessing student performance. Performance-based assessment focuses on directly observing student performance on authentic tasks rather than indirect paper tests. It allows for assessment of complex skills and processes, communication of real-world goals, and observation of student progress.
This document discusses performance-based assessment. It notes limitations like being time-consuming to construct and score. Guidelines are provided for developing performance tasks, constructing scoring rubrics, and assessing student performance. Performance-based assessment focuses on directly observing student performance on authentic tasks rather than indirect paper tests. It allows for assessment of complex skills and processes, communication of real-world goals, and observation of student progress.
This document discusses performance-based assessment. It notes limitations like being time-consuming to construct and score. Guidelines are provided for developing performance tasks, constructing scoring rubrics, and assessing student performance. Performance-based assessment focuses on directly observing student performance on authentic tasks rather than indirect paper tests. It allows for assessment of complex skills and processes, communication of real-world goals, and observation of student progress.
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Constructing - Time consuming
Chapter 2 Scoring – Questionable Measurement – Limited scope Product The actual creation of students that can be viewed or DEVELOPING PERFORMANCE BASED ASSESSMENT touched by the teachers. STEPS IN DEVELOPING PERFORMANCE-BASED ASSESSMENT Performance-Based Assessment A direct and systematic observation of the actual PERFORMANCE TASK? performance based on a predetermined performance Examples of performance task in different areas: criteria. Alternative form of assessing the performance of Building a house using popsicle stick the student. Demonstrating the dissection of frog Drawing the map of the Philippines Features of Performance-Based Assessment Greater Realism of the tasks. SUGGESTIONS FOR CONSTRUCTING PERFORMANCE TASK Greater Complexity of the tasks. FOCUS Greater time needed for assessment. SELECT / DEVELOP Greater use of judgment in scoring. MINIMIZE Traditional Assessment PROVIDE the paper-and-pencil test measures learning indirectly CONSTRUCT Domains of Performance-Based Assessment COMMUNICATE A. Communication skills B. Psychomotor skills GUIDELINES FOR GOOD PERFORMANCE TASK C. Athletic skills a. Must be congruent to the purpose of the D. Concept acquisition assessment E. Affective skills b. Elicits behavior(s) at the level(s) stated in the instructional outcomes. Types of Performance-Based Assessment c. Interesting, challenging and fair to all students. Restricted-response Performance Task d. Authentic; hence, it promotes the conveyance of A performance task that is highly structured with a limited learning to the real world scope. e. Includes only important outcomes. Examples: writing a one-page summary of the class f. Performance task adequately reflects intended outreach program learning outcomes. g. Appropriate for the developmental level of Extended-Response Performance Task students. A type of performance task that is less structured and h. Include what is to be done, how it is done and broader in scope. Examples: Students conducting a thesis what condition it is done. and then presenting and defending their findings in front i. Give enough information and context for of a panel of judges; rewriting a poem after being successful task completion by all students. criticized by a teacher. TYPES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Focus of Performance-Based Assessment Impact of the performance. Four Types of Accomplishments of the Learners using Work quality and craftsmanship. Performance- Based Assessment Adequacy of method and behavior. ADVANTAGES OF PERFORMANCE BASED ASSESSMENT Validity of content. 1.Assesses complex learning outcomes. Sophistication of knowledge employed. 2.Assesses the process as well as the product. 3. Communicates instructional goals related to real world GUIDELINES FOR GOOD JUDGING CRITERIA context. Communicate essential achievement standard of 4. Assesses progress as well as the performance. the assessed outcome 9. Enhances the professional skills of the teachers. Operationalize the outcome they intend to reflect 10. Can establish a framework for observing the students. Apply cross context that calls for similar behavior 11. Can contribute to a meaningful curriculum planning Focus on current instruction, not prior learning and design of educational inventions. Observable Essential for judging performance of the task Development of Scoring Rubrics adequately •Be sure the criteria focus on important aspects of the Communicate to the others what constitutes performance. excellence •Match the type of rating with the purpose of the Appropriate for the students assessment. •The descriptions of the criteria should be directly Create the Scoring Rubrics observable. SCORING RUBRICS •The criteria should be written so that students, parents Are used when judging the quality of the work of the and others understand them. learners . One of the alternative methods in rating the performance Rubric for Research Proposal Stage descriptive scoring schemes… - Moskal, 2000 Resources for Rubrics on the Web a rating system… - Airasian, 2000 1.“Performance Assessment-Scoring” ( ngtasks.html) TYPES OF RUBRICS 2. “Scoring Rubrics: What, When, & How?” HOLISTIC RUBRIC – to score an overall product or process ( =3) ANALYTIC RUBRIC – provides information regarding 3. “RubiStar Rubric Generator” performance in each component parts of a task ( 4. “Rubrics from the Staff Room for Ontario Teachers” PERFORMANCE BASED ASSESSMENT is… “DOING” ( ecoxon/Reporting/rubrics.htm) INSTEAD OF “KNOWING” 5. “Teacher Rubric Market” ( tools/rubrics/) Uses of Rubrics •Rubrics are powerful tools for both teaching and Types of Scoring Instruments for Performance assessment. Assessments •Rubrics are useful in that they help students become CHECKLIST an observation instrument that defines more thoughtful judges of the quality of their own and performance whether it is certain or uncertain, or others’ work. present or not present. •Rubrics reduce the amount of time teachers spend NARRATIVE/ANECDOTAL a continuous description of evaluating student’s work. student behavior as it occurs, recorded without •Teachers appreciate rubrics because their “accordion” judgement or interpretation. nature allows them to accommodate heterogeneous Scale checklist that allows an evaluator to record classes. information on a scale, noting the finer distinction like •Rubrics are easy to use and explain. the presence or absence of a behavior. Memory Approach an approach where the teacher Advantages of using rubrics observes the students when performing the tasks •Allow consistency and objectivity in scoring across the without taking any notes. given criteria; •Clarify the criteria in more specific terms; ASSESS THE PERFORMANCE •Students can identify the basis on how they are to be -to assess the performance of the students, the evaluated; evaluator can use the different types of approach to give •Allow the students to assess their own performance, feedbacks. products, or works; SPECIFY THE CONSTRAINT IN TESTING •Teachers can use a small amount of time to evaluate the -direct form of assessment in which real world performance of the students; conditions and constraint play a very important role in •Students can evaluate their own performance and the demonstrating the competencies desired from the students. performance of their classmates; •Provide specific feedbacks on the performance of the Errors in Performance-Based Assessment students, especially analytic scoring; Possible Errors Committed using Performance-based •Serve as standards when preparing the tasks/activities •Personal Bias against its measure and progress is documented; and •Generosity error •Provide students feedback about their strengths and •Severity Error weaknesses according to their performance. •Halo affect