Force, Equilibrium, Stress: Iain A Macleod
Force, Equilibrium, Stress: Iain A Macleod
Force, Equilibrium, Stress: Iain A Macleod
Iain A MacLeod
1 Newton’s Laws of Motion
We all understand the effect of forces; all physical objects are continuously subject to
the action of forces But the physics of force tends not to be clearly explained in
The normal starting point is Newton’s Laws of Motion. A direct
translation of these from the Latin of Newton’s Principia is1:
1. Every body perseveres in its state of being at rest or of
moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is
compelled to change its state by force impressed.
2. The rate of change of momentum of a body is proportional to
the resultant force acting on the body and in the same
3. All forces occur in pairs and these two forces are equal in
magnitude and opposite in direction. Isaac Newton
Laws 1 and 2 relate to bodies in motion and address only one type of force i.e. that
due to change in momentum. There are several other types of force as discussed in
Section ??
2 Equilibrium
2.1 Basics
Equilibrium is one of the most important principle in structural mechanics so when
we talk about it, it is important to know what is meant. Unfortunately the use of the
term ‘equilibrium’ is by no means precise.
A mathematical statement of Newton’s Second Law of Motion is that for any body:
d(MV)/dt = ΣFi (1)
where M is the mass of the body, V is the velocity and ΣFi is the sum of the forces on
the body. V and Fi are vectors which act along a common line. MV is the momentum
of the body.
Assuming the mass to be constant, Equation (1) is more commonly written as:
MdV/dt = Ma = ΣFi (2)
where a = dV/dt is the acceleration of the body,
The physicists’ approach is to say that the equilibrium condition is when there is no
change in momentum such that from Equation (1) :
ΣFi = 0.0 (3)
Equation (3) is a statement of static equilibrium.
Equation (2) suggests that Ma is not a force. Physicists treat it as a ‘fictitious force’
(apparently this distinction is important when taking account of relativity). However
the engineers’ approach is to treat Ma as an inertia force and write expression (2) as:
ΣFr = ΣFa (4)
where Fr is a restraining force pulling back on the body and Fa is an active force
which pushes it forwards. The inertia force is a restraining force
For example the commonly used equation for the dynamic motion of a system
consisting of a mass M restrained by a spring of stiffness K and also restrained by a
viscous damper (i.e. with damping proportional to velocity) with damping constant C
(Figure 1) is written as:
2 2
Md u/dx + C du/dx + Ku = P(t) (5)
where u is the displacement in the x direction, du/dx is the velocity in the x direction,
d2u/dx2 is the acceleration in the x direction and P(t) is a ‘forcing function’ which is a
time dependent active load on the mass. Typical forcing functions could be due to out
of balance machinery forces. blast loading, etc.
Stiffness - K
Mass - M P(t)
Viscous damper - C
Using equation (4), equilibrium is a universal condition which holds in all situations.
Even when you are out of balance Equation (4) is valid to a high degree of accuracy
for velocities that are not close to the speed of light. Its validity depends on (a)
whether all the relevant types of force have been included and (b) whether these terms
have been accurately modelled For example, in modelling a real system using
Equation (5):
there will be friction forces which are not included in the equation
there will be some degree of error in the measurement of mass, stiffness, damping
coefficient and forcing function.
3 Types of force
3.1 Momentum force
The term momentum force is used here to denote the force needed to change the
motion of a body according to Newton’s second Law i.e.
d (MV )
i.e. Fmomentum (7)
Figure 2 shows a rocket in space.
Firing of the rocket ejects gas at high
velocity relative to the rocket
causing the rocket velocity Vr to
The rocket has mass Mr and the mass
flow of the gas is dMg/dt = m kg/sec
This is resisted by an inertia force:
Fin = Mr dVr/dt = Mr ar (11)
where ar is the forward acceleration of the rocket.
The equilibrium equation based on (4) is therefore:
Fin = Ft i.e. Mrar = Vg m (12)
There are no drag forces to resist propulsion in space but the effect of loss of mass on
the inertia force is neglected for Equation (10).
Spring - stiffness K
Force from strut
on wall
Strut taking Fsp
axial force r
where Fg is the gravity force exerted by the earth on the mass Mo, ME is the mass of
the earth and RE is the radius of the earth.
Substituting G = 6.67428 x 1011 m3/kg/sec2, ME = 5.9736 x 1024 kg and
RE = 6378.135 km (at Equator) gives:
Fg = Mo X 9.806 = Mo g kg m/sec2 (16)
where g = 9.806 is the gravity constant for a mass at the surface of the earth (the
standard value is g = 9.8066 and g = 9.81 is normally used in engineering
Centre of
gravity of mass
Earth - mass ME
Fgravity M2
deform. A spring force reaction - Fr - acts upwards due to strain energy in the
ground. The equilibrium condition is:
Fr = Fb (19)
Three parameters contribute to the value of g using Equation (15) G, ME and RE. Of
these the radius of the earth RE has the greatest uncertainty. The earth is not exactly
round - the radius is greater at the equator than at the poles and, of course, the radius
depends on altitude (i.e. the height above (or below) sea level. Table 1 gives
examples of the effect of some assumptions in the calculation of g.
Table 1 Error in values of g
Assumption Error relative to
equator value (%)
Use 9.80 rather than 9.81 0.1
RE at poles (= 6356.75 km) rather than at equator 0.33
RE at top of Mount Everest 0.1
4 Force Units
The standard for defining force is its inertial form, force = mass x acceleration with
units - MLT-2. The standard unit is the Newton which is the force required to cause
a mass of 1 kg to accelerate by 1.0 m/sec2. The SI symbol for Newtons is ‘N’.
The standard for defining force could be universal gravity i.e. a unit of force - a ‘U’ -
would be the gravity force exerted between two masses each of 1.0 kg at a distance
apart of 1.0 m. The Universal Gravity relationship would be:
Fgravity = (M1 M2)/D2
i.e. a gravitational constant would not be needed and the units of force would be
Force = 1.0U
M1 = 1.0 kg M2 = 1.0 kg
D = 1.0 m
5 Free body diagrams and internal force actions
5.1 Definitions
A free body is a system or part of a system which is considered to be ‘cut’ (or
separated) from its surroundings. At the cuts, force actions are applied to represent
those which are present in the system. A free body diagram is a diagram which
shows all the force actions on a free body.
The principle of equilibrium applies to a body and to any part of the body. Therefore
the principle can be applied to a free body. The use of free body diagrams for
considering equilibrium is a fundamental strategy in the use of structural mechanics.
Structures are considered to have applied loads (external actions) and internal
actions. Typical applied loads are: gravity forces, force due to wind, force due to
explosions (blast loading), etc. Internal force actions are the resultants of stresses
within the system. They are identified when free body diagrams are created.
However the distinction between applied and internal force actions is not precise.
The loads applied to a free body may be due to internal actions from the surrounding
structure as discussed in Section It is best to think of internal force actions as a pair
of equal and opposite action at a cut to create a free body - see Section 5.2
Fsp - Weight
of person
687 N
Spring to
(d) Free body Fsp
diagram of spring
the scales Rsp
Rsp -
Reaction from
spring 687 N
(a) Person on (b) Model of
scales (c) Free body (e) internal actions
diagram of person at top of spring
Figure 7(e) shows the internal force actions between the top of the spring and the feet
of the person. A pair of equal and opposite vertical forces acts. The upward value -
Rsp - is the action of the spring on the feet of the person and may be considered to be
an applied load when analysing the effect of forces on the person (e.g. when using the
free body diagram of Figure 7(c)) .
The downward value - Fsp - is the action of the feet of the person on the spring and
may be considered to be an applied load when analysing the spring on its own (e.g.
when using the free body diagram of Figure 7(d)) .
Thus whether a force action is considered to be external or internal depends on the
2. Sum of forces in one direction = Sum of forces in opposite direction. For the
forces on the body of Figure 8 this would result in the expression:
Fd + Ff = Fe (22)
i.e. 10.0 = 2.0 + 8.0
7 Forces in a plane
7.1 Resolution of forces
Vy V Fy F
Vx Fx
(a) Vector components (b) Resolution of forces
Figure 9(a) shows a vector V with components Vx and Vy in the x and y directions
respectively. The co-ordinate axes are cartesian (i.e at right angles to each other) and
the relationships between V and its components is:
Vx = V cos and Vy = V cos (23)
cos and cos are the direction cosines of V with respect to the x and y axes.
Figure 9(b) shows a force F with components in the x and y directions. The
relationships between F and its components are:
Fx = F cos and Fy = F cos
or in matrix notation:
Fx cos
F (24)
Fy cos
That forces can be represented by components in the same way as a vector is a matter
of observation. The transformation of Equations (24) is known as resolution of forces.
The use of Equations (24) is a main strategy for defining equilibrium conditions in
two dimensions. Since cos(90 - ) = sin instead of using cos it is common to
use sin , i.e. (24) is normally written as:
Fx = F cos and Fy = F sin (25)
A result of treating force as a vector is that if it is not parallel to a co-ordinate axis
then it can be replaced by components in these directions. This is used, for example,
when dealing with diagonally braced trusses.
1. Resolve all forces into the x and y directions using Equations (24). The 10.0
force has components (Figure 10(b)):
x direction 10.0 cos = 10.0*0.8 = 8.0
y direction 10.0 sin = 10.0*0.6 = 6.0
2. Apply the condition of equilibrium to the forces in the x and y directions
i.e. Fxi = 0.0 = -8.0 + 8.0
Fyi = 0.0 = -6.0 + 6.0
This demonstrates that the equilibrium condition is satisfied for the system of Figure
y 6.0
= 36.87
8.0 8.0
x 8.0
6.0 6.0
(a) Force system at a point (b) Diagonal force resolved
8 Equilibrium in 3 dimensions
8.1 Resolution of forces in 3 dimensions
The component of a force F resolved into Cartesian axes is given by Fcos where ' '’
is the angle between the direction of the force and the direction of the axis.
This holds in three dimensions (Figure 12)):
Fx cos x
Fy cos y F (26)
F cos
z z
cosi is the direction cosine of Fi for resolution of a force in 3 dimensions. x, for
example, is the true angle angle between the line of F and the x axis.
9 Moments
9.1 Definitions
The term force normally denotes a direct force which acts along a line. The forces
considered in Sections 1 to 8 are direct forces.
A moment is a turning effect caused by a direct force acting about an axis.
Line of action of force F
F La
of axis
Treating force as a line vector also allows forces along a line to be summed for
equilibrium even if they do not all act at the same point on the line - see for example
Figure 8.
y (forefinger)
x (thumb)
z (middle
(a) Right hand rule for orientation of axes (b) Right hand screw rule
for moments
Figure 14 Sign Conventions
Moments The standard convention for moments is the right hand screw rule. Point
the thumb of the right hand in the positive direction of an axis with the hand partially
closed - 14(b). The fingers point in the positive direction of moment. Another way
to define the same convention is to say that positive moment is clockwise looking
down the axis in the positive direction.
For equilibrium, these are equal and opposite. The see-saw is in balance.
Using the sign convention positive clockwise, the formal condition of moment
equilibrium about the fulcrum is:
M1 + M2 = 0.0 i.e. -1200 +1200 = 0.0
Note that the condition is valid for any axis of the system being considered but
applying the condition again to the same system to a second axis which is parallel to
the first provides no additional information.
9.7 Equilibrium for moments which are not defined about the reference axes
The process for applying equilibrium for moments which are not defined about the
reference axes is:
1. Resolve all moments so that they all defined about the reference axes using
coordinate axes using Equation (29).
2. Apply the condition of moment equilibrium (Equation 28) for moments about the
reference axes separately.
z Fz
Fy y
Fx My Mx
(a) Forceactions
(a) Force actionsin in a plane
a plane (b) Force actions out of a plane
Fx My
11 Stress
Stress is an internal force intensity i.e. one has to consider a ‘cut’ to interpret it.
Pressure is another form of force intensity which acts between surfaces which are in
contact or within a fluid.
Normal force N dN Area dA
Area dA
Shear Force S
b a
thickness - t
N N x
b (a) Bar in tension
a b
xbt cos
(d) Forces on Section b-b due x
N xbtsin
ntbt/cos (f) Forces on Section b-b due n and nt
11.2 Uniaxial stress
In this section the distribution of stresses in the state of uniaxial tension is
Figure 19(a) shows a bar of rectangular cross section in uniaxial tension.
Axial means that the resultant of the normal force is at the centre of area, and at
right angles to, the section being considered. In this situation the standard
assumption is that the stress over the area of the bar is assumed to be constant.
Tension means that the resultant force is acting away from the section.
Uniaxial means that there is no normal force/stress at right angles to the section
being considered
The bar has width b, thickness t and has an applied axial load N causing a normal
stress - x - at the section a-a - Figure 19(b).
The relationship between the force and the stress assuming the stress to be constant is:
x = N/bt (35)
Therefore the force in the bar (Figure 19(c)) is
N = xbt (36)
At a section - bb - oriented at an angle to the plane (Figure 19(d)) on which x acts,
there will be a normal stress n and a shear stress n (Figure 19(e)) with values:
n = xcos2 (37)
n = xcos sin (38)
Figure 20 shows the variation of direct stress and shear stress as a function of the
angle of the inclined section b-b. Note that:
The normal stress varies from x at = 0.0 to zero at = 90o
The shear stress is zero at = 0.0 and at = 90o and has a maximum value of x/2
at = 45o
Derivation of Equations (37) and (17.38)
Resolving N into components normal to, and parallel to, the inclined plane gives
Figure 19(d):
Force normal to the inclined plane - Ncos = xbt cos (39)
Force parallel to the plane - Nsin = xbt sin (40)
The direct stress on Section b-b is defined as n and the shear stress is nt - Figure
The area of the inclined plane is bt/cos - (Figure 19(e)
Therefore the normal stress on the inclined plane is force/area i.e.:
n = load/area = xbtcos/(bt/cos) = xcos2
n = xbtsin/(bt/cos) = xcos sin
References and bibliography
2. Timoshenko S P and Woinowsky-Krieger Theory of plates and shells McGraw-
3. Megson T H G Structural and Stress Analysis 2nd Ed ISBN: 978-07506-6221-5
Elsevier 2005