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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 05 Issue: 07 | July 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Nisarga K1, Vinoda Amate2
1M.Tech, Transportation Engineering, Mvjce college, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
2Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Mvjce college, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Abstract - Rural roads are also known as low volume roads villages in rural area of the country and to provide
the preponderance of the population of India is living in rural connectivity. It is owned by local authorities.
areas. It is essential to plan and design the road with safe,
efficient, economic and easy for the movement of traffic and AutoCAD Civil 3D is a software application used by
collect the details of different studies. Survey is carried out to civil engineers and professionals to plan and design the
give best possible alignment. In the furtherance of projects for building constructions, road engineering
transportation facilities in the rural areas will faster the projects, water include construction of dams, ports, canals,
development of these areas and overall country. Geometric embankments etc. AutoCAD civil 3D associate design and
design plays a major role in every road and it is weighty in the production drafting, greatly reducing the time it takes to
road alignment. AutoCAD Civil 3D is a software application implement design changes and evaluate multiple situations.
used by civil engineers and professionals to plan and design A change made in one place immediately updates an entire
the projects. This paper lavishes on a total geometric design of project, helping you complete projects faster, smarter and
rural road using AutoCAD civil 3D software. AutoCAD civil 3D more accurately.
associate design and production drafting, greatly reducing the
time it takes to implement design changes and assess multiple Civil 3D provides to create 3D models of the project
set of circumstances. The main aim of this project is to and helps to adopt for both small and large scale projects. It
exemplify the proposed road alignment in a comfortable way helps to imagine the things in 3D visualization, reduces the
using AutoCAD civil 3D. Tabular columns for curves, profile time and budget. It also inherits many benefits of using civil
section will generate automatically. Gradually Volume Report 3D.
sheet is generated. By using total station survey can be carried
Total station is a combination of electronic distance
out rapidly and can truncate the time. Total station is a nifty
measurement (EDM), an electronic digital theodolite, and a
for importing the points in AutoCAD civil 3D which is in the
computer in one unit used to measure horizontal angles,
form of x, y, z co-ordinates that is latitude, longitude and
vertical angles and sloping distances of the objects. It takes a
elevation. These co-ordinates of the ground will generate and
part by providing all the three co-ordinates of the observed
helps to design the alignment in the AutoCAD.
points that is northing, easting, and elevation. These points
Key Words: Geometric design, Total Station, AutoCAD are further transferred into AutoCAD civil 3D.
civil 3D.
The study area is located in Mysore district of
In the present trend, geometric design is an Mysore taluk from Doddamara gowdanahalli to
important component and having a great effect while Handanahalli – Hunsuru. Length of stretch is 5.3km. Project
aligning a new road. Geometric design is a backbone of any area passes through plain terrain and rolling terrain. Existing
alignment of road. It deals with cross sectional elements, study area consists of asphalt road and Soil road. The
sight distance considerations, horizontal alignment and alignment comprises of significant horizontal curves which
vertical alignment details, intersection elements and it is would require geometric corrections.
relaying on the important factors such as design speed,
topography or terrain, traffic factors, design hourly volume
and capacity, environmental and other factors. While
aligning a new road, it should be short, easy, safe and
economic and it is expected to be comfort and safe for the

Rural road is a road network with a low volume

traffic and low design speed which provides market access to
farms, employment and connects different communities.
Rural roads are classified into other district road (ODR) and Figure 1 – Satellite image of selected area of the
village road (VR). These roads are able to reach the group of project

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1120
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 07 | July 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Collecting the data and quantifying the information Category T9

from a survey in the field or the study area in a systematic
path in order to get proper and scrupulous picture of an area
of interest, also to analyze and evaluate the outcomes and For Cumulative ESAL applications ˃1,500,000 – 2,000,000
retort to the research problems. Traffic comes under category T9 as per IRC: SP- 72 -2015
“Guidelines for the Design of Flexible Pavements for Low
3.1 Surveying Volume Rural Roads”.

Surveys are carried out before starting the project 4. DESIGN OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT FOR 10 YEARS AS
such as Map study, Reconnaissance survey, Preliminary PER IRC: SP: 72-2015
survey, Final location. Map study is to have a rough idea of
the field. Reconnaissance survey is to visit the site and Data,
scrutinize the main features of the area but not in detail. The 1. Single lane two carriageway = 1
data derived from the reconnaissance surveys are normally 2. PCU = 4514
utilized for planning and programming the detailed surveys 3. No. of commercial vehicles as per last count (P) = 153
and investigations and few possible alignments can be CVPD
chosen for any alteration or changes. In Preliminary surveys, 4. Traffic growth rate per annum (r) = 5%
survey specialists and party performs field surveying duties 5. Design life (n) = 10 years
using total station and collects all data which are necessary 6. Vehicle damage factor (F) = 3.50
like latitude, longitude, elevation and other required 7. CBR of subgrade soil = 8%
measurements and data in the alternate alignments 8. Lane distribution factor (D) = 1
proposed. At last, final locating the centre line of the ground. 9. Initial Traffic in the year of completion of construction in
terms of the number of commercial vehicles per day (A)
3.2 Traffic Volume count A = P (1+
To decide the number of lanes and roadway width, = 161
pavement design, economic analysis traffic surveys are
conducted. The main focus of traffic survey is to determine of Calculation of MSA is given by formula,
vehicle composition in traffic stream which helps to design
365 x [(1+ r) n -1]
geometric features of the road.
N = xAxDxF
Cumulative ESAL applications over 10 years @ 6% growth r
N = 2.59 msa (Say 3 msa)
N= T0 × 365 × (1+r)n – 1 × L For traffic category “T9” obtained from traffic analysis,
Design crust for 3 msa based on pavement design catalogues
r for gravel/ gravel bases and sub-bases as per code is
Where, tabulated as below.

T0 = ESAL per day = number of commercial vehicles per day Table 1 - Design Crust for 3.00 MSA
in the year of opening × VDF
L = Lane distribution factor = 1 for single lane / intermediate LAYERS CRUST
BC 20
Assuming a uniform annual growth rate “r” of 6% over the
design life (n) of 10 years DBM 50

Cumulative ESAL applications (N) over the design life can be Granular Base 225
computed by substituting the values,
Granular Sub base 150
= 317.39 × 365 × (1+0.06)10 – 1 × 1
Total 445

= 1526960

Therefore, ESAL = 152696

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1121
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 07 | July 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Total Station is a combination of Electromagnetic

Distance Measuring (EDM), Theodolite and Micro processor
used to measure horizontal angles, vertical angles and
sloping distances of the objects. It gives high accuracy, easy
to work and tasks can be completed in time. For each point
or station, codes are created and entered and surveying is
started at different stations. Northing, easting, elevation of
the ground co-ordinates were obtained along the proposed
alignment. These co-ordinates enroll for map making and
plotting contour and cross section in AutoCAD civil 3D. At
end of the work/ the details stored in the instrument is
downloaded to computer further used for AutoCAD civil 3D.

Figure 3 - Flow Chart of AutoCAD Civil 3D

Select the file of the survey points which is saved in

notepad or in excel sheet to import the points to AutoCAD
civil 3D. Create the surface for the existing ground surface,
create alignment for the profile and select criteria based
design, create corridor to run corridor in 3D view, develop
sample lines and assembly to create cross sections and to
generate volume report. All these can be viewed in object

The below figures shows the design procedure;

Figure 2 - Co-ordinates of the points

Figure 4 - Import Point File

Autocad civil 3D is a tedious process but after

several rehearsal it will be easy, needs a training, taken a lot
of practices to become fluent, and prepared to get this
technique right. Below flow chart shows the general review
of AutoCAD civil 3D design procedure.

Figure 5 - Surface Creation

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1122
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 07 | July 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

a) Design Speed – 50kmph

b) Road Way Width – 7.5m

c) Carriageway width – 3.75m

d) Shoulder width – 1.875m

e) Super elevation – 8%
Figure 6 - Profile creation
f) Camber in shoulders – 4%

g) Camber in carriageway width – 3%


Drawings are the results obtained for the proposed

road and simultaneously tabular column are generated
automatically with details.

Figure 7 - Cross sections of the road alignment We will get the formation level, cross sections, curve details
along with the information of depth of cut and fill
(Earthwork quantity) for the entire project stretch.


Consequence of this observations made,

investigations done, collection of traffic data, examination of
the existing study area helps us to align the road which is
feasible and sound in an effective way. By using total station
makes survey easier and possible to truncate the time for the
Figure 8 - Corridor creation field survey. It eradicates manual errors like reading and
recording co-ordinates. These co-ordinates enroll for map
making and plotting contour and cross section in AutoCAD
civil 3D. AutoCAD civil 3D helps to complete the design
process in a relaxed and comfortable way within time and
also it preserves lot of time and effort. This project
introduces a complete geometric design of the village road
using AutoCAD civil 3D.

Figure 9 - Assembly creation [1] S.A. Raji, A. Zava, K. Jirgba, A.B. Osunkunle, “Geometric
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IRC: SP: 20 – 2002 “Rural Roads Manual”

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1123
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 07 | July 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

[4] Yaguba Jalloh, Anuar Ahmad, Zulkarnaini Mat Amin and

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Digital Photogrammetry in Land Development
Applications” Journal of Environmental and Analytical
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[8] IRC: SP: 20- 2002, “Rural Roads Manual”, 2002.

[9] IRC: SP-72- 2015, “Guidelines for the Design of Flexible

Pavements for Low Volume Rural Roads”, 2015.

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1124

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