Steps of Endodontic Treatment
Steps of Endodontic Treatment
Steps of Endodontic Treatment
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step 1; Diagnosis
The most important aspect of performing an endodontic procedure is to first
correctly diagnose the tooth. There are several tools to help you understand
just what’s going on with the patient’s tooth: radiographs, percussion tests,
pulp testers, and endo sprays.
Recommended Product: Endo Refrigerant Spray
step 6; Debridement
debridement, or thorough cleaning of the canal. This step is done through the
use of irrigants and chemicals such as EDTA and chelating agents. Hand files
may also be used in this step. Many doctors like to flush the canal with a sodium
hypochlorite rinse to disinfect and remove any lingering bacteria from the canal.
So long as the canal is cleaned completely, no method is “more correct” than
another – everything is personal preference!
This may be a good time to take another radiograph and measurement to
confirm the length of the canal. You could use a traditional X-ray machine and
place a hand file in the canal and mark the length. You could also use an apex
locator to confirm working length at this time.
Recommended Products: 28 mm K-Files, 31 mm K-Files, Digital Apex Locator Kit
step 7; shaping and cleaning canal
The canals are then shaped with tiny flexible instruments to allow them to
receive root canal fillings and sealers. The canals are washed and cleaned
again to remove root canal debris prior to sealing them.
step 8; Obturation
Root canal fillings are selected that will exactly fit into the freshly prepared
canals. Usually a rubber-like material called gutta-percha is used to fill the
canal space. It is a thermoplastic material (“thermo” – heat; “plastic” – to
shape), which literally is heated and then compressed into and against the
walls of the root canals to seal them. Together with adhesive cement called
a sealer, the gutta-percha fills the prepared canal space. Sealing the canals
is critically important to prevent them from becoming reinfected with
step 9; Restoration
Lastly, it is time to restore the tooth. Depending on the patient and plan,
temporary crown and bridge material may need to be placed in the tooth for
a short time. This “temporary” may be placed for many reasons: if this is
part of a two-visit procedure, if the patient has to return to their general
practitioner, or if they need a post.
Posts are used to help anchor a core build-up material and crown if the
patient requires a crown. Not every patient requires a crown, so a composite
filling over the root canal procedure may be the final step to restoring the
Recommended Product: Temporary Crown and Bridge Kit