Python Programming UNIT-5
Python Programming UNIT-5
Python Programming UNIT-5
Python has been an object-oriented language since it existed. Because of this, creating
and using classes and objects are downright easy. This chapter helps you become an expert in
using Python's object-oriented programming support.
If you do not have any previous experience with object-oriented (OO) programming,
you may want to consult an introductory course on it or at least a tutorial of some sort so that
you have a grasp of the basic concepts.
However, here is small introduction of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) to bring
you at speed:
Overview of OOP Terminology
Class: A user-defined prototype for an object that defines a set of attributes that
characterize any object of the class. The attributes are data members (class variables
and instance variables) and methods, accessed via dot notation.
Class variable: A variable that is shared by all instances of a class. Class variables are
defined within a class but outside any of the class's methods. Class variables are not
used as frequently as instance variables are.
Data member: A class variable or instance variable that holds data associated with a
class and its objects.
Function overloading: The assignment of more than one behaviour to a particular
function. The operation performed varies by the types of objects or arguments involved.
Instance variable: A variable that is defined inside a method and belongs only to the
current instance of a class.
Inheritance: The transfer of the characteristics of a class to other classes that are
derived from it.
Instance: An individual object of a certain class. An object obj that belongs to a class
Circle, for example, is an instance of the class Circle.
Instantiation: The creation of an instance of a class.
Method: A special kind of function that is defined in a class definition.
Object: A unique instance of a data structure that's defined by its class. An object
comprises both data members (class variables and instance variables) and methods.
Operator overloading: The assignment of more than one function to a particular
Creation of Class:
A class is created with the keyword class and then writing the classname. The simplest form
of class definition looks like this:
class ClassName:
Class definitions, like function definitions (def statements) must be executed before
they have any effect. (You could conceivably place a class definition in a branch of an if
statement, or inside a function.)
Example: class Student:
def __init__(self):"hari"
def display(self):
print self.branch
For example, If we „Student‟ class, we can write code in the class that specifies the
attributes and actions performed by any student.
Observer that the keyword class is used to declare a class. After this, we should write
the class name. So, „Student‟ is our class name. Generally, a class name should start
with a capital letter, hence „S‟ is a capital in „Student‟.
In the class, we have written the variables and methods. Since in python, we cannot
declare variables, we have written the variables inside a special method, i.e. __init__().
This method is used to initialize the variables. Hence the name „init‟.
The method name has two underscores before and after. This indicates that this method
is internally defined and we cannot call this method explicitly.
Observe the parameter „self‟ written after the method name in the parentheses. „self‟ is
a variable that refers to current class instance.
When we create an instance for the Student class, a separate memory block is allocated
on the heap and that memory location is default stored in „self‟.
The instance contains the variables „name‟ and „branch‟ which are called instance
variables. To refer to instance variables, we can use the dot operator notation along
with self as „‟ and „self.branch‟.
The method display ( ) also takes the „self‟ variable as parameter. This method displays
the values of variables by referring them using „self‟.
The methods that act on instances (or objects) of a class are called instance methods.
Instance methods use „self‟ as the first parameter that refers to the location of the
instance in the memory.
Writing a class like this is not sufficient. It should be used. To use a class, we should
create an instance to the class. Instance creation represents allotting memory necessary
to store the actual data of the variables, i.e., „hari‟, „CSE‟.
To create an instance, the following syntax is used:
instancename = Classname( )
So, to create an instance to the Student class, we can write as:
s1 = Student ( )
Here „s1‟ represents the instance name. When we create an instance like this, the
following steps will take place internally:
1. First of all, a block of memory is allocated on heap. How much memory is to be
allocated is decided from the attributes and methods available in the Student class.
2. After allocating the memory block, the special method by the name „__init__(self)‟
is called internally. This method stores the initial data into the variables. Since this
method is useful to construct the instance, it is called „constructor‟.
3. Finally, the allocated memory location address of the instance is returned into „s1‟
variable. To see this memory location in decimal number format, we can use id( )
function as id(s1).
Self variable:
„self‟ is a default variable that contains the memory address of the instance of the
current class. When an instance to the class is created, the instance name cotains the memory
locatin of the instance. This memory location is internally passed to „self‟.
For example, we create an instance to student class as:
s1 = Student( )
Here, „s1‟ contains the memory address of the instance. This memory address is
internally and by default passed to „self‟ variable. Since „self‟ knows the memory address of
the instance, it can refer to all the members of the instance.
We use „self‟ in two eays:
The self variable is used as first parameter in the constructor as:
def __init__(self):
In this case, „self‟ can be used to refer to the instance variables inside the
„self‟ can be used as first parameter in the instance methods as:
def display(self):
Here, display( ) is instance method as it acts on the instance variables. If this
method wants to act on the instance variables, it should know the memory location
of the instance variables. That memory location is by default available to the
display( ) method through „self‟.
A constructor is a special method that is used to initialize the instance variables of a
class. In the constructor, we create the instance variables and initialize them with some
starting values. The first parameter of the constructor will be „self‟ variable that contains the
memory address of the instance.
def __init__( self ): = "hari"
self.branch = "CSE"
Here, the constructor has only one parameter, i.e. „self‟ using „‟ and
„self.branch‟, we can access the instance variables of the class. A constructor is called at the
time of creating an instance. So, the above constructor will be called when we create an
instance as:
s1 = Student()
Let‟s take another example, we can write a constructor with some parameters in
addition to „self‟ as:
def __init__( self , n = „ ‟ , b = „ ‟ ): = n
self.branch = b
Here, the formal arguments are „n‟ and „b‟ whose default values are given as „‟
(None) and „‟ (None). Hence, if we do not pass any values to constructor at the time of
creating an instance, the default values of those formal arguments are stored into name and
branch variables. For example,
s1 = Student( )
Since we are not passing any values to the instance, None and None are stored into
name and branch. Suppose, we can create an instance as:
s1 = Student( “mothi”, “CSE”)
In this case, we are passing two actual arguments: “mothi” and “CSE” to the Student
class Student:
def __init__(self,n='',b=''):
def display(self):
print "Hi",
print "Branch", self.branch
print “------------------------------”
print “------------------------------”
Hi mothi
Branch CSE
Types of Variables:
The variables which are written inside a class are of 2 types:
a) Instance Variables
b) Class Variables or Static Variables
a) Instance Variables
Instance variables are the variables whose separate copy is created in every instance.
For example, if „x‟ is an instance variable and if we create 3 instances, there will be 3
copies of „x‟ in these 3 instances. When we modify the copy of „x‟ in any instance, it will
not modify the other two copies.
Example: A Python Program to understand instance variables.
class Sample:
def __init__(self):
self.x = 10
def modify(self):
self.x = self.x + 1
A namespace represents a memory block where names are mapped to objects.
Suppose we write: n = 10
Here, „n‟ is the name given to the integer object 10. Please recollect that numbers,
strings, lists etc. Are all considered as objects in python. The name „n‟ is linked to 10 in the
a) Class Namespace:
A class maintains its own namespace, called „class namespace‟. In the class
namespace, the names are mapped to class variables. In the following code, „n‟ is a class
variable in the student class. So, in the class namespace, the name „n‟ is mapped or linked to
10 as shown in figure. We can access it in the class namespace, using classname.variable, as:
Student.n which gives 10.
class Student:
n = 10
print Student.n # displays 10
Student.n += 1
print Student.n # displays 11
s1 = Student( )
print s1.n # displays 11
s2 = Student( )
print s2.n # displays 11
Before modifying the class variable „n‟ After modifying the class variable „n‟
We know that a single copy of class variable is shared by all the instances. So, if the class
variable is modified in the class namespace, since same copy of the variable is modified, the
modified copy is available to all the instances.
b) Instance namespace:
Every instance will have its own name space, called „instance namespace‟. In the
instance namespace, the names are mapped to instance variables. Every instance will have its
own namespace, if the class variable is modified in one instance namespace, it will not affect
the variables in the other instance namespaces. To access the class variable at the instance
level, we have to create instance first and then refer to the variable as instancename.variable.
class Student:
n = 10
s1 = Student( )
print s1.n # displays 10
s1.n += 1
print s1.n # displays 11
s2 = Student( )
print s2.n # displays 11
Before modifying the class variable „n‟ After modifying the class variable „n‟
Types of methods:
We can classify the methods in the following 3 types:
a) Instance methods
Accessor methods
Mutator methods
b) Class methods
c) Static methods
a) Instance Methods:
Instance methods are the methods which act upon the instance variables of the
class.instance methods are bound to instances and hence called as:
instancename.method(). Since instance variables are available in the instance, instance
methods need to know the memory address of instance. This is provided through „self‟
variable by default as first parameter for the instance method. While calling the instance
methods, we need not pass any value to the „self‟ variable.
class Student:
def __init__(self,n='',b=''):
def display(self):
print "Hi",
print "Branch", self.branch
print “------------------------------”
print “------------------------------”
Instance methods are of two types: accessor methods and mutator methods.
Accessor methods simply access of read data of the variables. They do not modify
the data in the variables. Accessor methods are generally written in the form of
getXXXX( ) and hence they are also called getter methods.
Mutator methods are the methods which not only read the data but also modify
them. They are written in the form of setXXXX( ) and hence they are also called
setter methods.
class Student:
def setName(self,n): = n
def setBranch(self,b):
self.branch = b
def getName(self):
def getBranch(self):
return self.branch
name=input("Enter Name: ")
branch=input("Enter Branch: ")
print s.getName()
print s.getBranch()
b) Class methods:
These methods act on class level. Class methods are the methods which act on
the class variables or static variables. These methods are written using @classmethod
decorator above them. By default, the first parameter for class methods is „cls‟ which
refers to the class itself.
For example, „cls.var‟ is the format to the class variable. These methods are
generally called using classname.method( ). The processing which is commonly
needed by all the instances of class is handled by the class methods.
class Bird:
wings = 2
def fly(cls,name):
print name,"flies with",cls.wings,"wings"
c) Static methods:
We need static methods when the processing is at the class level but we need
not involve the class or instances. Static methods are used when some processing is
related to the class but does not need the class or its instances to perform any work.
For example, setting environmental variables, counting the number of
instances of the class or changing an attribute in another class, etc. are the tasks
related to a class.
Such tasks are handled by static methods. Static methods are written with
decorator @staticmethod above them. Static methods are called in the form of
classname.method ( ).
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
MyClass.n = Myclass.n + 1
def noObjects():
print "No. of instances created: ", MyClass.n
Software development is a team effort. Several programmers will work as a team to
develop software.
When a programmer develops a class, he will use its features by creating an instance to
it. When another programmer wants to create another class which is similar to the class
already created, then he need not create the class from the scratch. He can simply use the
features of the existing class in creating his own class.
Deriving new class from the super class is called inheritance.
The child class inherits the attributes of its parent class, and you can use those attributes
as if they were defined in the child class.
A child class can also override data members and methods from the parent.
class Subclass(BaseClass):
<class body>
When an object is to SubClass is created, it contains a copy of BaseClass within it. This
means there is a relation between the BaseClass and SubClass objects.
We do not create BaseClass object,but still a copy of it is available to SubClass object.
By using inheritance, a programmer can develop classes very easilt. Hence
programmer‟s productivity is increased. Productivity is a term that refers to the code
developed by the programmer in a given span of time.
If the programmer used inheritance, he will be able to develop more code in less time.
In inheritance, we always create only the sub class object. Generally, we do not create
super class object. The reason is clear. Since all the members of the super class are
available to sub class, when we crate an object, we can access the members of both the
super and sub classes.
The super( ) method:
super( ) is a built-in method which is useful to call the super class constructor or methods
from the sub class.
Any constructor written in the super class is not available to the sub class if the sub class
has a constructor.
Then how can we initialize the super class instance variables and use them in the sub
class? This is done by calling super class constructor using super( ) method from inside
the sub class constructor.
super( ) is a built-in method which contains the history of super class methods.
Hence, we can use super( ) to refer to super class constructor and methods from a aub
class. So, super( ) can be used as:
super().init() # call super class constructor
super().init(arguments) # call super class constructor and pass arguments
super().method() # call super class method
Example: Write a python program to call the super class constructor in the sub class using
super( ).
class Father:
def __init__(self, p = 0): = p
def display(self):
print "Father Property",
class Son(Father):
def __init__(self,p1 = 0, p = 0):
self.property1 = p
def display(self):
print "Son Property",
Son Property 700000
Example: Write a python program to access base class constructor and method in the sub
class using super( ).
class Square:
def __init__(self, x = 0):
self.x = x
def area(self):
print "Area of square", self.x * self.x
class Rectangle(Square):
def __init__(self, x = 0, y = 0):
self.y = y
def area(self):
print "Area of Rectangle", self.x * self.y
r = Rectangle(5,16)
Area of square 25
Area of Rectangle 80
Types of Inheritance:
There are mainly 2 types of inheritance.
a) Single inheritance
b) Multiple inheritance
a) Single inheritance
Deriving one or more sub classes from a single base class is called „single
inheritance‟. In single inheritance, we always have only one base class, but there can
be n number of sub classes derived from it. For example, „Bank‟ is a single base clas
from where we derive „AndhraBank‟ and „StateBank‟ as sub classes. This is called
single inheritance.
class Bank:
cash = 100
def balance(cls):
class AndhraBank(Bank):
cash = 500
def balance(cls):
print "AndhraBank", +
class StateBank(Bank):
cash = 300
def balance(cls):
print "StateBank", +
a.balance() # displays AndhraBank 600
s.balance() #displays StateBank 400
b) Multiple inheritance
Deriving sub classes from multiple (or more than one) base classes is called
„multiple inheritance‟. All the members of super classes are by default available to
sub classes and the sub classes in turn can have their own members.
The best example for multiple inheritance is that parents are producing the
children and the children inheriting the qualities of the parents.
class Father:
def height(self):
print "Height is 5.8 incehs"
class Mother:
def color(self):
print "Color is brown"
class Child(Father, Mother):
c.height() # displays Height is 5.8 incehs
c.color() # displays Color is brown
class A(object):
def __init__(self):
print "Class A" Output:
class B(object): Class A
def __init__(self): Class C
print "Class B"
class C(A,B,object):
def __init__(self):
print "Class C"
c1= C()
class A(object):
def __init__(self):
print "Class A" Output:
class B(object): Class B
def __init__(self): Class A
super().__init__() Class C
print "Class B"
class C(A,B,object):
def __init__(self):
print "Class C"
c1= C()
Method Overriding:
When there is a method in the super class, writing the same method in the sub class so
that it replaces the super class method is called „method overriding‟. The programmer
overrides the super class methods when he does not want to use them in sub class.
import math
class square:
def area(slef, r):
print "Square area=",r * r
class Circle(Square):
def area(self, r):
print "Circle area=", math.pi * r * r
c.area(15) # displays Circle area= 706.85834
Data hiding:
An object's attributes may or may not be visible outside the class definition. You need
to name attributes with a double underscore prefix, and those attributes then are not be
directly visible to outsiders.
class JustCounter:
__secretCount = 0
def count(self):
self.__secretCount += 1
print self.__secretCount
counter = JustCounter()
print counter.__secretCount
b) Runtime errors
When PVM cannot execute the byte code, it flags runtime error. For example,
insufficient memory to store something or inability of PVM to execute some
statement come under runtime errors. Runtime errors are not detected by the python
compiler. They are detected by the PVM, Only at runtime.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
print "hai"+25
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
c) Logical errors
These errors depict flaws in the logic of the program. The programmer might
be using a wrong formula of the design of the program itself is wrong. Logical errors
are not detected either by Python compiler of PVM. The programme is solely
responsible for them. In the following program, the programmer wants to calculate
incremented salary of an employee, but he gets wrong output, since he uses wrong
Example: A Python program to increment the salary of an employee by 15%.
def increment(sal):
sal = sal * 15/100
return sal
sal = increment(5000)
print “Salary after Increment is”, sal
Salary after Increment is 750
From the above program the formula for salary is wrong, because only the
increment but it is not adding it to the original salary. So, the correct formula would
sal = sal + sal * 15/100
Compile time errors and runtime errors can be eliminated by the programmer by
modifying the program source code.
In case of runtime errors, when the programmer knows which type of error occurs, he
has to handle them using exception handling mechanism.
An exception is a runtime error which can be handled by the programmer.
That means if the programmer can guess an error in the program and he can do
something to eliminate the harm caused by that error, then it is called an „exception‟.
If the programmer cannot do anything in case of an error, then it is called an „error‟
and not an exception.
All exceptions are represented as classes in python. The exceptions which are already
available in python are called „built-in‟ exceptions. The base class for all built-in
exceptions is „BaseException‟ class.
From BaseException class, the sub class „Exception‟ is derived. From Exception
class, the sub classes „StandardError‟ and „Warning‟ are derived.
All errors (or exceptions) are defined as sub classes of StandardError. An error should
be compulsory handled otherwise the program will not execute.
Similarly, all warnings are derived as sub classes from „Warning‟ class. A warning
represents a caution and even though it is not handled, the program will execute. So,
warnings can be neglected but errors cannot neglect.
Just like the exceptions which are already available in python language, a programmer
can also create his own exceptions, called „user-defined‟ exceptions.
When the programmer wants to create his own exception class, he should derive his
class from Exception class and not from „BaseException‟ class.
Exception Handling:
The purpose of handling errors is to make the program robust. The word „robust‟ means
„strong‟. A robust program does not terminate in the middle.
Also, when there is an error in the program, it will display an appropriate message to the
user and continue execution.
Designing such programs is needed in any software development.
For that purpose, the programmer should handle the errors. When the errors can be
handled, they are called exceptions.
To handle exceptions, the programmer should perform the following four steps:
Step 1: The programmer should observe the statements in his program where there may be a
possibility of exceptions. Such statements should be written inside a „try‟ block. A try block
looks like as follows:
The greatness of try block is that even if some exception arises inside it, the program
will not be terminated. When PVM understands that there is an exception, it jumps into an
„except‟ block.
Step 2: The programmer should write the „except‟ block where he should display the
exception details to the user. This helps the user to understand that there is some error in the
program. The programmer should also display a message regarding what can be done to
avoid this error. Except block looks like as follows:
except exceptionname:
The statements written inside an except block are called „handlers‟ since they handle the
situation when the exception occurs.
Step 3: If no exception is raised, the statements inside the „else‟ block is executed. Else block
looks like as follows:
Step 4: Lastly, the programmer should perform clean up actions like closing the files and
terminating any other processes which are running. The programmer should write this code in
the finally block. Finally block looks like as follows:
The speciality of finally block is that the statements inside the finally block are
executed irrespective of whether there is an exception or not. This ensures that all the opened
files are properly closed and all the running processes are properly terminated. So, the data in
the files will not be corrupted and the user is at the safe-side.
Here, the complete exception handling syntax will be in the following format:
except Exception1:
except Exception2:
The following points are followed in exception handling:
A single try block can be followed by several except blocks.
Multiple except blocks can be used to handle multiple exceptions.
We cannot write except blocks without a try block.
We can write a try block without any except blocks.
Else block and finally blocks are not compulsory.
When there is no exception, else block is executed after try block.
Finally block is always executed.
In the if the file is not found, then IOError is raised. Then „except‟ block will display
a message: „I/O error‟. if the file is found, then all the lines of the file are read using
readline() method.
Raising an Exception
You can raise exceptions in several ways by using the raise statement. The general
syntax for the raise statement is as follows.
raise [Exception [, args [, traceback]]]
Here, Exception is the type of exception (For example, NameError) and argument is a
value for the exception argument. The argument is optional; if not supplied, the exception
argument is None.
For Example, If you need to determine whether an exception was raised but don‟t
intend to handle it, a simpler form of the raise statement allows you to re-raise the exception:
raise NameError('HiThere')
except NameError:
print 'An exception flew by!'
User-Defined Exceptions:
Like the built-in exceptions of python, the programmer can also create his own
exceptions which are called „User-defined exceptions‟ or „Custom exceptions‟. We know
Python offers many exceptions which will raise in different contexts.
But, there may be some situations where none of the exceptions in Python are useful for
the programmer. In that case, the programme has to create his/her own exception and
raise it.
For example, let‟s take a bank where customers have accounts. Each account is
characterized should by customer name and balance amount.
The rule of the bank is that every customer should keep minimum Rs. 2000.00 as balance
amount in his account.
The programmer now is given a task to check the accounts to know every customer is
maintaining minimum balance of Rs. 2000.00 or not.
If the balance amount is below Rs. 2000.00, then the programmer wants to raise an
exception saying „Balance amount is less in the account of so and so person.‟ This will
be helpful to the bank authorities to find out the customer.
So, the programmer wants an exception that is raised when the balance amount in an
account is less than Rs. 2000.00. Since there is no such exception available in python, the
programme has to create his/her own exception.
For this purpose, he/she has to follow these steps:
1. Since all exceptions are classes, the programme is supposed to create his own
exception as a class. Also, he should make his class as a sub class to the in-built
„Exception‟ class.
class MyException(Exception):
def __init__(self, arg):
self.msg = arg
Here, MyException class is the sub class for „Exception‟ class. This class has a
constructor where a variable „msg‟ is defined. This „msg‟ receives a message passed
from outside through „arg‟.
2. The programmer can write his code; maybe it represents a group of statements or a
function. When the programmer suspects the possibility of exception, he should raise
his own exception using „raise‟ statement as:
raise MyException(‘message’)
Here, raise statement is raising MyException class object that contains the given
3. The programmer can insert the code inside a „try‟ block and catch the exception using
„except‟ block as:
except MyException as me:
print me
Here, the object „me‟ contains the message given in the raise statement. All these
steps are shown in below program.
class MyException(Exception):
def __init__(self, arg):
self.msg = arg
def check(dict):
for k,v in dict.items():
print "Name=",k,"Balance=",v
if v<2000.00:
raise MyException("Balance amount is less in the account of "+k)
except MyException as me:
print me.msg
Name= ramu Balance= 8500.0
Name= ravi Balance= 5000.0
Name= raju Balance= 1990.0
Balance amount is less in the account of raju