Adverse Childhood Experiences and Coping Strategies: Identifying Pathways To Resiliency in Adulthood
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Coping Strategies: Identifying Pathways To Resiliency in Adulthood
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Coping Strategies: Identifying Pathways To Resiliency in Adulthood
An International Journal
To cite this article: Julia L. Sheffler, Jennifer R. Piazza, Jamie M. Quinn, Natalie J.
Sachs-Ericsson & Ian H. Stanley (2019): Adverse childhood experiences and coping
strategies: identifying pathways to resiliency in adulthood, Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, DOI:
Article views: 15
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have emerged over the past two decades as an important
developmental factor that negatively alters life course trajectories for a broad range of psychiatric
and physical health outcomes (Evans & Kim, 2013; Felitti et al., 1998; Miller, Chen, & Parker, 2011;
Taylor & Stanton, 2007). Beginning early in life, ACEs negatively affect the development of biological
regulatory systems (e.g., HPA and inflammation; Danese & McEwen, 2012; Miller et al., 2011) and may
increase a person’s physiological and affective reactivity to stressors (Nusslock & Miller, 2016; Taylor,
Karlamangla, Friedman, & Seeman, 2011). ACEs may also influence how people cope with stressful
situations, and coping strategies could, in turn, heighten, prolong, or ameliorate the stress response.
For example, engaging in strategies aimed at resolving a stressor could result in elimination of the
stressor and thus a termination of the stress response. In contrast, focusing on affective response
modulation, with little attempt at stressor resolution, could leave the stressor unresolved and thus
perpetuate the stress response (Wadsworth, 2015). Research indicates that children living in stressful
family environments are more likely to employ avoidant emotion-focused strategies and are less
likely to engage in problem-focused coping strategies (Evans & Kim, 2013). Thus, these individuals
not only experience more stressors than those not exposed to ACEs, but may also develop less
effective strategies to cope with stressors in adulthood. Combined, these factors may work in
tandem to explain some of the physical and mental health disparities experienced by individuals
with a history of ACEs. To this aim, the current investigation uses longitudinal data to examine
whether coping strategies are one pathway through which ACEs are associated with mental and
physical health outcomes across adulthood.
Defining ACEs
ACEs, which refer to stressful or traumatic experiences occurring during early life, have historically
focused on the negative effects of childhood abuse (e.g., sexual, physical, emotional/verbal abuse
and neglect; Helitzer, Graeber, LaNoue, & Newbill, 2015), but have grown to include additional
measures of family dysfunction, such as parental psychopathology, parental divorce, substance
misuse, parental loss, and low socioeconomic status (SES, Green et al., 2010). One reason for this
more comprehensive assessment is that childhood sexual, physical, and verbal abuse tends not to
occur in isolation, but often co-occurs with other ACEs (Dong et al., 2004). Thus, a summed ACE
score may better represent the severity of an individual’s overall exposure to early adversity.
Indeed, substantial research has demonstrated a positive linear relationship between the number
of ACEs and negative outcomes across multiple domains of health functioning (Gilbert et al., 2015;
Widom, Czaja, Bentley, & Johnson, 2012). For the current study, a cumulative indicator of ACEs was
derived based on previous literature, including studies that utilized the same data set (i.e., MIDUS
data; see Friedman, Karlamangla, Gruenewald, Koretz, & Seeman, 2015).
Gibb, 2012; Maniglio, 2013). For example, in a systematic meta-analysis, Li, D’Arcy, and Meng (2016)
found the pooled odds ratio (OR) across studies for any type of maltreatment was 2.03 (95% confi-
dence interval [CI] 1.37–3.01) for depression and 2.70 (95% CI 2.10–3.47) for anxiety. The authors con-
cluded that a 10–25% reduction in maltreatment could potentially prevent 31.4–80.3 million
depression and anxiety cases worldwide. Given the prevalence of these disorders and the debilitating
effects they can have, the current study focuses on internalizing disorders, including major depressive
disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and panic disorder.
2007). Moreover, the presence of maladaptive coping strategies appears to be more harmful than the
absence of adaptive coping strategies (Aldao, Nolen-Hoeksema, & Schweizer, 2010).
In sum, ACEs may directly influence emotion regulation and the types of coping strategies people
utilize, thereby leading to even greater physiological and emotional stress vulnerability. Although a
small number of studies have examined coping as a mediator between ACEs and health outcomes,
most are cross-sectional (Hager & Runtz, 2012) or focus on one age group (e.g., adolescents; Nurius,
Fleming, & Brindle, 2019). The goal of the current study is to expand upon this literature by using
longitudinal data to determine the extent to which PF and AEF coping mediate the relationship
between a cumulative assessment of ACEs and later life mental and physical health outcomes. For
psychiatric disorders and symptoms, we focused on internalizing disorders, including major depress-
ive disorder (MDD), generalized anxiety disorders (GAD), and panic disorder (PD). For physical health
outcomes, we focused on chronic health conditions (e.g., cardiovascular disorders, lung disorders,
bone/joint disorders, etc.). We hypothesize that ACEs reported at baseline (Wave I) will be associated
with mental and physical health outcomes 20 years later (Wave III), even after statistically adjusting
for baseline mental and physical health. We also predict that coping strategies (assessed at Wave II)
will mediate the relationship between Wave I ACEs and Wave III health outcomes. Specifically, we
hypothesize that AEF coping will be related to increased psychiatric and physical problems,
whereas PF coping will be associated with decreased psychiatric and physical problems.
Data were drawn from Waves I through III of the Midlife Development in the United States (MIDUS)
surveys. These data sets are publicly accessible through the Inter-university Consortium for Political
and Social Research. Data collection for Wave I of MIDUS occurred between 1995 and 1996, with the
goal of determining how social, psychological, and behavioral factors influence physical and mental
health across adulthood. The first Wave included a sample of 7,108 individuals residing in the con-
tiguous 48 states, aged 25–74 years of age. Participants were recruited through random digit
dialing and completed a comprehensive telephone interview and mail survey.
Approximately 10 years later, between 2005 and 2006, 4,963 participants from the original sample
completed Wave II of MIDUS. Wave III MIDUS data was collected between 2013 and 2014 from 3,294
of the original participants. The response rate at MIDUS III was 77% (adjusting for mortality). Both at
Waves II and III, participants completed the same battery of questionnaires assessed at MIDUS I. The
study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at all participating centers, and written
informed consent was obtained from all participants.
At MIDUS I, the sample was 51.7% female, with an average age of 46.4 years (SD = 13.00). The racial
composition of the sample was largely Caucasian (90.7%), with only 5.2% Black and/or African Amer-
ican, .6% Native American, .9%, Asian or Pacific Islander, 1.9% “other,” and .7% multi-racial. Partici-
pants reported an average household total income of 71,701 dollars (SD = 61,282), and, on
average, had completed some college education.
Attrition. Contrasting the demographics of the participants at Wave I to Wave III, participants who
remained in the study reported higher incomes, higher education levels, and were more likely to be
Caucasian (p’s < .05). Health status was especially important for the retention of older participants –
healthier individuals were significantly more likely to remain in the study. Notably, ACEs and sex were
not significantly associated with attrition in the current sample (p > .05).
Demographics. Covariates assessed at Wave I included sex (Male = 1, Female = 2), age, household
income, race (White = 1, Other = 2), self-reported history of smoking, and alcohol or drug problems,
as these variables are associated with adult health and psychiatric outcomes.
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). An ACE count was created using 7 dichotomous items
derived from Wave I of MIDUS that assessed retrospective accounts of childhood adversity in
different domains. Items included measures of (1) childhood financial status (i.e., family on welfare
and/or family worse off than others); (2) parental education (i.e., less than 12 years); (3) parental
divorce; (4) parental death; and (5) childhood emotional, (6) physical, and (7) sexual abuse. Responses
to these items were dichotomized and coded such that each ACE was coded as either 0 (No) or 1
(Yes). Scores were then summed to capture the ACE score, with a possible range from 0 to 7. This
approach to scoring ACEs is consistent with previous research (e.g., Friedman et al., 2015; Schafer,
Ferraro, & Mustillo, 2011; Slopen et al., 2010).
Coping. To assess coping, participants were asked at Wave II to indicate “what you usually do when
you experience a stressful event.” Each coping subscale from the COPE inventory, included four items
rated on a 4-point scale (i.e., 1 = A lot, 4 = Not at all), modeled after previous research (Carver, Scheier,
& Weintraub, 1989; Kling, Seltzer, & Ryff, 1997). The current study examined PF coping and AEF
coping. PF coping was comprised of the sum of three subscales, “positive reinterpretation and
growth,” “active coping,” and “planning.” For example, an item from “active coping” was, “I take
additional action to try to get rid of the problem,” while an item from “planning” was, “I think hard
about what steps to take,” and an item from “positive reinterpretation and growth” was “I try to
grow as a person as a result of the experience.” Items were reverse coded so that higher scores rep-
resent higher levels of PF coping (α = 0.90).
AEF coping comprised four items from the following three subscales: “focus on venting of
emotion,” “denial,” and “behavioral disengagement” (Carver et al., 1989). For example, an item
from “behavioral disengagement” was, “I give up trying to reach my goal,” an item from “venting
of emotion” was “I feel a lot of emotional distress and find myself expressing those feelings a lot,”
and an item from denial was “I pretend that it hasn’t really happened.” Again, items were coded
so that higher scores represent higher levels of AEF coping (α = 0.83).
Health conditions. There were 29 different chronic health conditions assessed at MIDUS I
(Marmot, Ryff, Bumpass, Shipley, & Marks, 1997) and 39 conditions assessed at MIDUS III. Only
those conditions assessed at both time points were included in analyses. At both Waves, partici-
pants were asked, “In the past twelve months, have you experienced or been treated for any of
the following?” Following this question, a list of conditions was presented to the participants (at
MIDUS III), which included: (1) autoimmune disorders, (2) bone-related conditions (arthritis, rheu-
matism or other bone/joint diseases; sciatica, lumbago or recurring backache), (3) cancer, (4)
chronic sleeping problems, (5) diabetes/high blood sugar, (6) digestive conditions (recurring
stomach trouble, indigestion, or diarrhea; constipated all/most of time; ulcer; piles/hemorrhoids),
(7) foot problems, (8) gallbladder problems, (9) hay fever, (10) heart trouble (suspected or
confirmed by doctor), (11) high blood pressure/hypertension, (12) lung conditions (asthma, bron-
chitis, emphysema; other lung problems; tuberculosis), (13) migraine headaches, (14) neurological
conditions, (15) skin trouble, (16) stroke, (17) thyroid disease, (18) trouble with gums, mouth, or
teeth, (19) urinary/bladder problems, (20) mood disorders, and (21) substance use disorders. To
prevent similar conditions from being counted multiple times, physical conditions were reduced
to 21 categories (see Piazza, Charles, Sliwinski, Mogle, & Almeida, 2013). Mood disorders and sub-
stance use disorders were removed from these categories, as we separately examined variables
representing psychiatric health. Thus, the 21 categories developed by Piazza et al. (2013) were
reduced to 19 categories.
“Yes” responses for each chronic condition category were summed for each Wave of data collec-
tion. The summed score of conditions from Wave I was used as a covariate, while the Wave III sum
score served as our dependent variable. Due to outliers in the summed variables, the dependent vari-
able and baseline health covariates were winsorized so that individuals reporting eight or more con-
ditions were grouped together.
Psychiatric diagnoses and psychiatric symptoms. Two outcome variables related to psychiatric out-
comes were derived. First, we determined the presence or absence of any psychiatric disorder (e.g.,
MDD, GAD or PD). Second, we derived a variable representing the sum of psychiatric symptoms
Information on participants’ symptoms of major depressive disorder (MDD), generalized anxiety
disorder (GAD), and panic disorder (PD) were collected at Waves I and III using the Composite Inter-
national Diagnostic Interview Short Form (CIDI-SF; Kessler, Andrews, Mroczek, Ustun, & Wittchen,
1998). This is a self-report measure based on symptoms from the revised third edition of the Diagnos-
tic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III-R; American Psychiatric Association, 1987).
Symptoms were labeled “Yes” if the participant reported experiencing symptoms for a minimum
of two weeks. We examined both the continuous severity of symptoms based on the DSM criteria,
as well as the presence of a potentially diagnosable disorder (i.e., MMD, GAD, or PD). The psychiatric
symptom variable was included to ensure that our assessment of psychiatric functioning at follow-up
was sensitive to smaller changes in functioning that may not be accounted for by a dichotomous
diagnosis. Note that these psychiatric measures were obtained at baseline for use as covariates
and reassessed at follow-up for use as the dependent variables. Specifically, a summed score of
total symptoms was created for MIDUS I and MIDUS III, with a range of 0–23 symptoms reported
at baseline and 0–22 symptoms at MIDUS III. Psychiatric symptom variables at both time points
were winsorized at eight to reduce outliers.
We were also interested in whether participants met the criteria for any one of the three disorders
(i.e., MDD, GAD, PD) within the past 12 months (1, Yes) or (0, No). These dichotomous variables were
summed for MIDUS I (i.e., covariate) and MIDUS III (i.e., outcome) to create a variable ranging from
zero to three. At baseline, 15.7% of the sample qualified for a disorder, while 11.7% of the sample
qualified at MIDUS III.
Statistical analyses
Path analyses were estimated using Mplus 8.0 with bootstrapping to correct for standard errors and full-
information maximum likelihood (FIML) estimation to handle missing data where possible (Muthén &
Muthén, 1998–2017). FIML uses all available data for a person i to compute the likelihood of an observed
data point. The values with the largest likelihoods are used in computing the regression models in Mplus
under FIML (Enders & Bandalos, 2001). Mplus drops participants from analyses when they were missing
data on covariates or missing on all variables except covariates, resulting in different sample sizes
depending on participant deletion (see Table 1 for sample sizes in each analysis). We included age,
sex, total household income, smoking, alcohol and drug problems, and race as covariates, which
were regressed on to the dependent and mediator variables. Having established temporal precedence
of our variables of interest, we tested three separate mediation models: (1) The direct and indirect
associations between ACEs and health conditions (coded 0–8) through the mediators of PF and AEF
coping, (2) the direct and indirect effects of ACES on psychiatric symptoms (coded 0–8) through the
mediators of PF and AEF coping, and (3) the direct and indirect effects of ACES on the presence of a
psychiatric disorder (coded 0–3) at MIDUS III through the mediators of PF and AEF coping.
ACEs and physical health
Consistent with our predictions, ACEs were significantly associated with more health problems at
follow-up (standardized β = .054, p = .002). ACEs were also significantly associated with higher
levels of AEF (β = .048, p = .007) and lower levels of PF coping (β = −.051, p = .003). Age, sex, self-
reported smoking, and baseline health conditions were also each significantly associated with
number of physical health conditions at MIDUS III; race, self-reported alcohol and drug problems,
and income were not independently predictive of health outcomes. The full model accounted for
32.4% of the variance in later health outcomes. See Table 1 for path estimates.
AEF coping partially mediated the relation between ACEs and health (β = .003, p = .036, 95% CI
= .001–.010). ACEs were associated with greater use of AEF coping (β = .048, p = .002), and greater
use of AEF coping was associated with more chronic health conditions (β = .068, p = .001). Although
increased ACEs were associated with less use of PF coping (β = −.051, p = .003), and less PF coping
was associated with more chronic health conditions (β = −.037, p = .047), the specific indirect path
from ACEs to health conditions through PF coping was not significant (β = .002, p = .105, 95% CI
= .000–.005) Table 2.
Notably, these effects remained even when accounting for the shared variance between these two
forms of coping in the same model, suggesting that each exerts independent indirect effects on later
health. See Table 1 for full multiple mediation regression results.
Figure 1. Mediation models. Note. *** = p < .001; ** = p < .01; * = p < .05. Covariates were modeled but not included for figure
AEF coping (β = .049, p = .005), which in turn was associated with increased psychiatric symptoms at
MIDUS III (β = .078, p = .002). In contrast, PF coping did not significantly mediate the relationship
between ACEs and later psychiatric symptoms (p = .990); therefore, the total indirect effect of ACEs
was not significant (p = .076).
Lastly, we examined this same multiple mediation model to predict the presence of a psychiatric
disorder diagnosis (i.e., MDD, GAD, or PD) at follow-up on a zero to three scale, after statistically
adjusting for baseline psychiatric disorder diagnosis. Whereas AEF coping was associated with a psy-
chiatric disorder at MIDUS III (β = .110, p < .001), PF did not predict psychiatric disorders (β = .008, p
= .792). Moreover, AEF coping partially mediated the relationship between ACEs and the presence of
a MIDUS III psychiatric disorder (β = .006, p = .030, 95% CI = .001–.008). PF coping did not mediate the
relation between ACEs and the presence of a MIDUS III psychiatric disorder (p = .805), resulting in a
non-significant total indirect effect (p = .081). Again, these effects remained even when accounting
for the shared variance between these two forms of coping in the same model. See Figure 1 for a
depiction of all mediation models.
There is strong evidence that ACEs are associated with greater risk for the development of health con-
ditions (Felitti et al., 1998; Miller et al., 2011), as well as psychiatric problems in adulthood (Edwards
et al., 2003; Green et al., 2010). The current study reveals that coping styles may be one important and
modifiable pathway between early adverse experiences and the development of later life health and
psychiatric problems.
Consistent with our first hypothesis, a cumulative measure of ACEs (i.e., childhood financial status,
parental education, parental divorce, parental death, and childhood abuse experiences) was associ-
ated with more chronic health conditions at the 20-year follow-up. Results also revealed that AEF
coping contributed to the deleterious pathway between ACEs and physical health problems in adult-
hood. Specifically, ACEs were associated with greater AEF coping and, in turn, AEF coping was associ-
ated with more health problems. Further, as predicted, more ACEs were associated with less PF
coping, and less PF coping was associated with more health problems. PF coping, however, did
not act as a significant pathway between ACEs and later health. Thus, our findings revealed that,
although PF coping is associated with better health, an AEF coping style may be an especially impor-
tant pathway from ACEs to physical health problems across adulthood. These findings are consistent
with previous research demonstrating that AEF types of coping are associated with poorer health and
higher mortality (Aldwin & Park, 2004). Further, a cross-sectional study found that AEF coping partially
mediates the relationship between childhood maltreatment and physical health concerns, while PF
coping does not (Hager & Runtz, 2012).
We also found a direct association between ACEs and increased psychiatric symptoms and dis-
orders at the 20-year follow-up (MIDUS III). As predicted, in the mediation model, ACEs were associ-
ated with increased psychiatric symptoms indirectly through AEF coping strategies. Specifically, ACEs
were associated with greater use of AEF coping strategies, and these strategies were in turn associ-
ated with greater risk for a psychiatric diagnosis at follow-up. Notably, however, PF coping did not
mediate the relationship between ACEs and later psychiatric health. These findings are consistent
with Taylor and Stanton’s (2007) review suggesting that the damaging effects of AEF coping may out-
weigh the benefits of PF coping.
Coping and health outcomes: The mechanisms. Theoretical models proposed by Nusslock and Miller
(2016) as well as Danese and McEwen (2012) incorporate the biological and psychosocial changes
that result from ACEs into predictors of numerous negative outcomes in adulthood (e.g., health con-
ditions, substance abuse, psychological conditions). These biopsychosocial models suggest that AEF
coping strategies, in particular, work in parallel and interactively with other biological (e.g., impaired
immune functioning) and psychosocial (e.g., problematic health behaviors) pathways to influence
disease in adulthood. One explanation for this is that ACEs may sensitize brain areas involved in
the stress response, inhibitory control, and reward responses (Nusslock & Miller, 2016). These neuro-
biological and psychological changes, in turn, can influence cognitive appraisals of threat as well as
coping response enacted in response to the perceived threat. Thus, individuals exposed to ACEs are
not only more likely to experience a situation as stressful compared to others, but also may be more
likely to develop and enact less effective coping styles. Combined, these complex biopsychosocial
processes lead the individual to experience more stressors, react more intensely to stressors, and
cope less effectively with such stressors.
Notably, AEF coping mechanisms acted only as partial mediators in the relationship between ACEs
and later physical health conditions, and the effect was small. This finding indicates that, while coping
may be an important mechanism linking ACEs with health, it appears to be only one piece of a
complex puzzle.
Effectiveness of coping methods may also depend on the nature of a stressor (Coyne &
Racioppo, 2000). For example, it is likely not feasible to use only PF coping to manage the
difficult emotions surrounding the loss of a loved one. Yet, in this same regard, some coping strat-
egies for grief are more effective than others. In one study, for example, individuals using AEF
coping were more likely to develop PTSD and complicated grief following a traumatic loss (Schni-
der, Elhai, & Gray, 2007). This same study, however, noted that there were high inter-correlations
across coping types, indicating that most participants employed multiple forms of coping. Thus,
even individuals who did not develop PTSD or complicated grief likely appear to have used
both PF and AEF strategies. For these scenarios, it may be essential to use PF strategies to
process, reframe, and reinterpret the meaning of a loss during personal time, while occasionally
enacting AEF strategies to remain focused in a work setting. Thus, strategic use of both types
of strategies may be most effective.
In light of our findings and the extensive coping literature, however, it is necessary to consider that
individuals who habitually use more AEF coping are at an elevated risk for health and psychiatric pro-
blems. Further, while PF coping is associated with fewer ACEs and better health outcomes, it does not
appear to act as an independent pathway between ACEs and health or psychiatric outcomes after
accounting for AEF coping. These findings are consistent with research indicating that the reduction
of maladaptive coping is at least as important as focusing on increasing PF coping in intervention
work (Frydenberg & Lewis, 2002). The negative effect of avoidant coping is especially well-documen-
ted in anxiety research, which demonstrates that avoidant and emotion-focused coping are closely
related to anxiety disorders (Mennin, McLaughlin, & Flanagan, 2009; Panayiotou, Karekla, & Leonidou,
2017). Further, cognitive–behavioral interventions designed to reduce avoidance are considered the
most effective interventions for a range of anxiety and mood disorders (Kendall et al., 2005; McNally,
2007). Our findings are consistent with this research and further demonstrate that these effects may
generalize to physical health conditions.
Although the current study has several strengths, it also has some limitations. First, the sample was
largely Caucasian, with higher than average levels of education and income. Second, there was selec-
tive attrition. Similar to previous studies (Mein et al., 2012), the greatest attrition in the current study
was found among minorities, individuals with lower SES, and those with more health problems. The
loss of the highest risk individuals may have impacted our ability to detect subtler effects and may
have reduced the effect sizes and generalizability of our findings.
It is unclear whether more socio-economically disadvantaged people are differently affected by
coping strategies. Disadvantaged individuals may have fewer financial resources that in turn affect
coping resources (see Gallo, Bogart, Vranceanu, & Matthews, 2005; Taylor & Seeman, 1999), and
thus our findings may primarily reflect the outcomes of individuals with greater coping resources.
Since individuals from minority and low SES backgrounds are more likely to experience higher
rates of ACEs (Cronholm et al., 2015; Taylor & Stanton, 2007), the demographics of our sample
may have also reduced our ability to robustly detect the effects of ACEs. Further, there are additional
lifestyle factors associated with our outcomes, such as access to and quality of healthcare, which were
not included in our models. Many of these lifestyle factors may be influenced by ACEs, and may act as
separate pathways of interest.
Another consideration is the retrospective account of early adversity, which may lead to recall
bias. Previous research has demonstrated that retrospective reports of ACEs may result in under-
reporting (Hardt & Rutter, 2004), while false positives are very rare (e.g., reporting abuse that did
not happen). Finally, the use of summed health conditions as a measure of health functioning
may not adequately represent overall health functioning, as severity of conditions can vary sub-
stantially. Future work should assess severity of health conditions to better measure the overall
impact of ACEs on health.
Future directions
Despite the aforementioned limitations, our findings reveal the importance of coping as a link
between ACEs and health and psychiatric problems across a 20-year span. Coping strategies are
learnable skills (Frydenberg, 2004), and the current study indicates that measurement of these strat-
egies in intervention research may provide important information about the active components of
many existing treatments for psychiatric disorders. Further, interventions with a focus on reducing
AEF coping may provide an effective pathway to reduce the risk for adult health problems in
adults exposed to ACEs.
Researchers have begun to focus on coping in health interventions. For example, in their systema-
tic review of the literature examining coping styles and heart failure outcomes, Graven et al. (2013)
found evidence suggesting that PF coping protects against negative heart outcomes, although they
additionally noted that more experimental studies are needed. Similarly, coping skills programs (e.g.,
Best of Coping Program) developed for adolescent populations to increase resilience to stress has
shown that relatively brief (12-week) coping interventions reduce the impact of certain health con-
ditions (Frydenberg, 2004).
Regarding psychiatric interventions with strong empirical support, cognitive behavioral therapy
and dialectical behavior therapy are both widely used interventions designed to promote the
development of healthy coping skills. However, few empirically supported treatments emphasize
the importance of measuring changes in AEF and PF coping strategies in response to treatment.
The findings from the current study suggest that greater gains in treatment might be obtained
by specifically targeting a reduction in AEF strategies as a mechanism of change, especially for
individuals who report significant early adversity. It is possible that the most effective interven-
tions would provide guidance on identifying situations most suitable for use of PF strategies,
while simultaneously providing psychoeducation of the consequences of habitual use of AEF
Future research should consider findings from the current study to examine coping interventions
for health problems in higher risk populations. First, however, it will be necessary to examine whether
these mediation effects are reflected at each stage of the life course, as some research demonstrates
that coping processes may change in older age (Charles, 2010), speaking to the importance of spe-
cializing interventions at different life stages. Second, the biological mechanisms through which
these processes occur should be carefully examined, as these may provide conjunctive pharmaco-
logical treatments. Finally, early intervention and prevention programs for ACEs should be further
assessed using translational, implementation research. While early intervention programs are inher-
ently difficult to implement (Saxe, Ellis, Fogler, Hansen, & Sorkin, 2005), some programs show promise
(Bethell, Gombojav, Solloway, & Wissow, 2016).
Research consistently demonstrates that ACEs have long-term deleterious effects on health and
psychological functioning. Results from the current study augment the literature by identifying
that a reduction of AEF coping is a potential point of intervention to thwart the trajectory from
ACEs to adult health conditions and psychiatric disorders. The finding that AEF coping partially
mediated the pathway between ACEs and health conditions is encouraging from public health pre-
vention and clinical intervention perspective, as coping skills are amenable to change. By decreasing
AEF coping it may be possible to reduce the recurrence and new onset of physical health conditions
and psychiatric disorders over time.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
This work was supported by the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health under [grant number R03 AG047955].
Secondary data analysis of the Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) waves I through III for the current project was
approved by the Florida State University Human Subjects Committee (HSC No. 2015.16352). The MIDUS data series is
publicly accessible through the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. Although the study is
based on secondary data analysis of the MIDUS, no other published article has examined the specific research question
presented in the current manuscript. See the following link for additional information and existing publications based on
the MIDUS data series:
Ian H. Stanley
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